Sc hwyh art-Madsen Wedding' lkld Friday M a tti The First Methodist Church ol Formerly the Southern Oreqou Ashlund wiu the setting Decern- (l» f C IPI R Miner her 31, for the marriage of Mis* P ublish I er )l A T I 0 I $3.00 per year Betty Ane Madsen, daughter of Mr. und Mr*. Walter Mudsen nt Ashlund, und Isaac W. Schwy- hurt, non of Mr. und Mrs. R. W Schwyhurt of Cedur Creek, Mo tj.o o PER YEAH A S K IA N I), JACKSON C O U N TY . I l IURSDAY, J A N U A R Y 6, , 949 The Kev. Hubert Mcllvennu of­ VOLUM E i j, NUMBER 44 ficiated at the double ring cere­ mony In a candlelight service ut 8 o'clock, Preceding the ceremony Miss Dorothy Pulmer sung "Because" and "The Ixird's Prayer," accom­ panied by Mrs. Murgene Autry. The bride, whose father gave \\ illiams Requests her in murriuge, wore u white Ritfht to Appoint bi ngaline gown fashioned off the shoulder, with u net yoke und In First Speech bertha. The gown hud a full Mayor Tom Williams in hisj train. Her finger tip veil was Among the changes in city ad- Suspension of city attorney Wil­ •date of the city speech to the held in place hy satin ribbon und j minlstrutive und operative pro­ liam Briggs and of Chief of Po­ J. Q. Adams Sets Up white flowers. She curried a cedure suggested by Mayor Tom I Oyer S Herd (sCtH members of the common council lice Clarence Williams by Mayor white Bible und an orchid. The Williams Wednesday night at the Nilt’l RCCOiffllt iotl at the Wednesday night meeting Accounting Office bride also curried u lac«- trimmed meeting in the Armory were that i in Ashland » li j * » » j * i J corder J. Q has Adams, former city re Tom Williams at the crowded C olum bus, O. Dec, 27 — The Armory stated that set up an accounting council meeting Tuesday night handkerchief thut hud been her the office of city superintendent be abolished. Until action is tak- herd of registered Jerse y ca ttle he requested no special privileges and commercial bookkeeping of- left the city with assistant Chief muternul grandmother's. Mrs. Marjorie Crowe of M«-d- n on this he recommended that owned by E B . • Poyer & Sons, but that it had been an age old fice in the Tayler building in the oj Police Herb Haves holding Elmer Biegel, presently city sup- Ashland, Oregon, which has com-¡Custom in the country to permit offices formerly occupied by Nel- y * ford was matron of honor In down the chief’s spot. At pres- wine silk faille dress fashioner erintendent, continue in his pres- pkted another year on official « new executive officer to assert le Dickey Herd Improvement Registry te st! his prerogrative and to request Adams, who was a public ac- ent there is no city attorney. like th<- bride's. Miss Jeraldyne ent capacity. Until action is taken on the with an average production of | the legislative branch of the gov-: countant prior to entering upon The council and the mayor will Jerome, ulso of Medford, was bridesmaid und wore u gown of recommendation Mayor Williams 520 pounds of butterfat on ei nrnent to permit him to person- his duties as city recorder plans meet Frjd ni ht at the city hall stud ensions and to chai (reuse net over taffeta Lit­ stated that he would hold In a- nine cows in the herd, has been «Hy select those department to do Income tax work and oth- tle Sharon Crowe, flower girl beyance his appointments of city announced by The American Jer- j heads who would serve during er types of bookkeeping and ac- determine whether or not to ac. counting. looked very charming in a floor engineer and superintendent of sey Cattle Club from its head-1 his administration. cept them. the light department. quarters in Columbus, O., as Williams, who spoke to the six length dress of pink moire taf­ The suspension of the two city In making the recommendation w>nnig its Gold Star Herd award, members of the council and to a feta. All carried colonial bou officials came after the city coun­ This award is given for merit- crowd of 800 people who packed quels of pink and white carna to abolish the city superintend- cil had refused to confirm Wil­ tions. ent, Mayor Williams pointed out orious production over a four the Armory, pointed out that liams appointments of Vern John Madsen, the bride's that the job of city superintend your period, and in achieving changes in appointive officials Smith as police chief and either brother, was best man und Kay ent places too much responslhil- Ibis honor the Poyer herd corn- had happened with each change Harry Skerry or Ben Lombard as Matthews of Long Beach, Calif, ity upon one man and so much piled a four year production av- of administration. When Mayor Recall proceedings city attorney. ushered. Misses Marjorie and so that the particular specialty erage on 16 cows of 8,121 pounds Loomis took office in 1923 W. J. three councilmen, John Daugher- Passage of Rule 16A amending luiuise Flineau were candlelight- for which the present city super- °f milk und 469 pounds of but- Moore succeeded Wm. Briggs as ty, John Nosier and Herb Fisch- ordjnJnce 617 by the council, ov- ers. intendent is qualified is neglect- terfat. .city attorney, Jordan succeeded born would be the worst thing ths veto, set up the » All tests on the Poyer herd Hatcher as chief of police, Dill that could happen. Mayor Tom suspension rule by which For her daughter's wedding, ed' , Mrs Madsen wore a dress of clar­ I have carefully gone into were authorized by Oregon State succeeded Cowdy as city judge, Williams, stated today. - pended officials have “Im not in favor of a recall, to state , heir case et wool with black accessories this matte, with a number of college and The American Jersey and Merrill succeeded Fraley as Williams said, and I want no PP hegr complaints voic- and a corsage of white carna­ representative citizens.” Williams Cattle club during this period of »treet commissioner. tions. sald and it is the consensus of record production in which the When former mayor Thornton Part of it. It would hurt the town, t lhem and the reasons for the T u s S o n A reception followed ut the opinion that the office of super- members of the herd averaged S. Wiley took over from the home of the bride's parents, 303 this "wav* th^U*h b back fight in Portland this week force, as a patrolman. Radio Programs, which have Marshal. — j - .ither m u — » ,._ . i ! . by a ....... Williams and William Briggs The Installing '/ » « " ‘o ffic e ^ o f1 Alpha £’hk’£ We .should not overtook." £a rd ° “ C?,_and ® Ben Lorn- TKO .......................... in the third frame of . helped greatly in familiarizing Clary. are presently neither one acting or Harry Skerry as city at- a scheduled six round fight, the public with the work the torney. j who were installed by ________________ as chief of police nor city attor­ Auxiliary Is doing. Plans are go Chapter team were Dolly Stevens, as ney. In the meanwhile neither ing forward for a Cooked Food the Worthy Matron; Pat Dunn, Woi- tons and Bows." Vern Smith nor Ben Lombard Sale which will be held In the thy Patron; Elizabeth Spencer, Committee on refreshments Mr. have taken over the duties of near future. Associate Matron; Walter Red­ was composed of Mabie Rose, Liberty street, is presently work- B I - J A D u 11 AU Mr either vacant office, both prefer­ ford, Associate Patron; Hazel B. Dunn, Virgie Hahn, Minnie) ing in Germany. She is employed U Y Ifia y O l ring to sit back until the situa­ * Redford, Secretary; Obera Dunn, Gearhart and Norma Waltermire, by the War Department. Mr and tion irons itself out. Appointments made by Mayor Treasurer; Winifred Caton, Con­ with Frances Hardy, Olive Bur- Mrs. Benoit are expecting her home this spring. Tom Williams at the Wednesday ductress; Muriel Kramer, Asso­ die and Sara Peters pouring. Marvin Madden made a busi­ --------------—------------------------------------------- ----------- night meeting of the Council, and ness trip to Grants Pass Tuesday. ciate Conductress; Katherine Van accepted by the council includ- Fleet Chaplain; Marchial Stans­ SO D A R E V IV E D : Lota of children’s records IT'S A BOY —— — — ed the following: bury,. Marshall; Foss Kramer, Or­ for that Christmas radio- Mrs. William E. Bracker, who Fire Chief, Clint Baughman; ganist; Dorothy Murphy, Adah; Juanita Harris, Ruth; Llllyan assistant chief. Harry McNair; is confined to Harper hospital, phonograph. Gragg, Esther; Joan Heard, Mar­ ! Fireman No. 1, Neal Heard; No. Detroit, Michigan, gave birth to tha; Susie Maust, Electa; Nina 2, John Kiel; No. 3 Walter Wool a son- January 6. The child For Instance . . , weighed eight pounds and eleven Hamby, Warden; and Louise ford; No. 4, Chas. Wilson. Nosier, Sentinel; Courtesy Girls Superintendent water depart­ ounces. Dr. Bracker, a practicing Spike Jones Nonsense Montana Trites, Cloma Songer, ment, Earl Hosier; superinten- dentist in Ashland plans to leave Music sometime in February for Detroit Helen Witham, Bronaugh Pinson, Second meeting of the newly organized Southern Oregon Devel- dent street department. Howard and will return with Mrs. Brack­ Oelta Blevins Maurece Lininger, Sparky's Magic Plano Gladys Wright, Hilda Kinney, opment association will be held January 18 at Chalkers accordine Oden- and superintendent of cem- er and the baby, and their older T Pee^W Um eth son, Spike. Sparky and The Talking Margaret E. Miller and Louise to Ed Singmaster, president of the Re-act, vita ted organization. Oden. The organization which had its foundaton two years ago in Ash- Members of the police deoart- Train Members or the police depart Honored guests present were land, was dusted off December 30 and put back into operation in co-ordinate inter-community activity among Southern ment >nclude H. J. Hays, Carl Fairy Tales as Told by Lorena McNair, Past Grand Ma­ order to cities. B. Jennings, Thomas A. Ghea, tron; J. H. Hardy, Past Grand Oregon According to S i n g m a s t e r , ---- ---------------- -------- I Glenn Cathey, Philip L. Burns. the Great Gildersleeve Patron; Edna Daugherty, Past Grants Pass, Rogue River, Gold elation. Ed D. Berninghausen, and Nor- Grand Organist; Adelaide Clary, Hill, Central Point, Medford, Tubby the Tuba According to Singmaster the val Stockstill. Grand Representative of Mis­ Jacksonville, Cave City, Kirby, association plans to co-ordinate Sherman Hadley, Medford, this Standing committees: Finance: Pan the Piper souri; Beulah Faber, Qrand Rep­ week opened up the Ashland Col­ Phoenix, Talent, and Ashland are tbe following inter-community Daugherty, Homes. Fischborn. resentative of Manitoba; Grant Goldilocks or Center in what was formerly Todd, Member of Budget Com­ all striving for the same objec- objectives: Business. industry. Water, Fischborn, Merrill, Nos­ the R. J. Runtz Paint Store. tives. Southern Oregon Develop- agriculture, highways, and rec- ler; fire. Homes, Stansbury, and Buggs Bunny mittee of Grand Chapter; Mar­ Hadley, who has been a part electric, Merrill, garet Wagner, Honored Queen of ment association is being set up r«ation. They intend to work with Daugherty; owner with Runtz in the paint Bozo the Clown Bethel No. 22; Charles Cooley, as­ to get the people of those com- aH groups which are presently Fischborn, Homes; street. Homes, store, bought out Runtz’ interest munitles together so that they seeking to attain those ends Merrill, Nosier; realty, Merrill, and many many more at sociate Grand Guardian of Job’s last week. Gene Davis, who has Daughters; Martha Elhart, Vice can work toward the same ends. Community isolation. Singmaster i Stansbury, Daugherty; ordinance. been managing the store here Other Ashland residents who pointed out, does not help the Nosier, Fischborn, Homes: ceme- plans to return to Medford and Grand Guardian, and Andy Stev­ tery, Stansbury, Merrill, Nosier; will go on the road for the Runtz ens, Grand Outer Guard of Job’s are helping to organize the asso- growth of this area. ciatlon are Nelson Damon and With proper highways and bet- indigent, Daugherty, Stansbury, stores. Daughters. The program included Roberta O. W. Green, Grants Pass men ter transportation facilities this Fischborn; budget. E. J. LaMarre, Hadley ,who is married and Andrews of Nevita Chapter sing­ who are assisting include Fred area can support more industry, Wm. A. Snider, Wm, O. Yates, has two children, one eight and ing, “Dedication” and “My Hero" Pierson, Ralph Bell and John and in turn, larger payrolls will Owen C. Gragg, John E. Reed, the other three, stated that he Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson; board of plans to move his family to Ash­ accompanied by Elizabeth Dress­ Stieber. Men from Medford who appear. The group also plans to work health. Dr. H. A. Woods. Dr. E. land after school is out this ier also of Nevita Chapter; a pia­ are working with the organiza- 270 East Main Phone 8011 no solo by Clo Stevens, who tion include Moore Hamilton, on the recreational facilities of G. Everett and Dr. W. J. Cran- spring. played “Ariso" also an accordian Ralph Ellis, and Don Cruikshank. this area, stating that this is one dall; band committee. Homes, The new proprietor of the East solo by Mildred Jean Zittercob, James Osborne is acting as of North America’s best vacation Stansbury, Fischborn, Clifford Main paint store has been in the who played "Always" and "But- manager - organizer of the asso- spots. j Williams as director. paint business for 15 years. N E W S R E V IE W FRIDAY HEARING FOR SUSPENDED OFFICERS Briggs Offers to Resign Effective Ju ly F irst If Others A re Retained M ayor Recommends Abolishment of C ity Superintendent’s Job M ayor Opposes Any Recall Move Legion A u xiliary Plans For Year rMisandRMÍs%noi¿ t Ä o ' Appointm ents Are Southern Oregon Development Association Gets Going Again S. Hadley Opens Color Center M A I3 T