U. oí 0. Library. •~ 7 V a —. 3W®$ y : > .-»*>< <'z' £¿¡Á. 1W DOING THE TOWN The News Review Sottintesi". Ôteoast Formerly the Southern Oreqoa Miner $3.00 per year O rí c MQN l k s O pe R P ü B l I s Hli R s' 4ta|$foe)| A T I 0 I NEWS REVIEW has sadly A S H L A N D , JAC K SO N C O U N T Y , T H U R S D A Y , DEC I M E E K jo , 194X missed the galloping of Dr. Geo. $5.00 I’l R YEAR V O LU M E I j, NUM BER 4 i G a llu p ’s able assistant. Ed Me Lain, who conducted a series of MARIE'S COFFEE SHOP polls p rio r to election concern­ OPENED BY RANDAHLS ing pu b lic matters. M r and Mrs. K enneth R a n -! j dahl, Yank G ulch, have taken I The p oll w hich should be ta k ­ over the operation of w hat was 1 en concerns thv a ttitu d e o f the people tow ard the suggested M eeting Wednesday evening in a - the H ill B illy cafe. They w ill op- • In 3 prepared statem ent, released to the press this week. M ayor-elect changes in appointed c ity o f f i­ pe d a l m eeting the m embers of erate It under the name, “ M a rie ’s GETS FACE LIFTED I om W illia m s explained his position concerning the appointm ents cials w hich M ayor-E lect Tom the c ity council passed tw o o r - ' Coffee Shop.’’ They bought the W. D. and V ir g il Jackson, ow n- W illia m s states he is bound by dinances. one to amend O rd in - er, and operatorg of the Palace restaurant from B ill H ill this w hich he has stated he w ill make. W illia m s, who w ill be installed as m ayor, January 4, has indicated week. pre-election promises to the peo­ ance 017 and the other an o r­ cafe, are having the cafe in te r- ple to make. that he plans to appoint a new police chief, a new c ity a tto rn e y , and dinance to authorize certain ad- io r remodeled and redecorated The Randahls fo rm e rly live d in C ity councilm en feel the oppo­ justm ents and transfers of funds th lli w ,.eg c . E. T a y lo r Is re p a in t- Lok A n k eles They arrive d here a new c ity superintendent. Members o f the co u n cil have indicated th a t site w ay about the m a tte r as to balance and c la rify the 1947 ing and re fin is h in g the w alls and in June and have tw o boys, age they w ill probably n ot c o n firm the new m ayor's appointm ents on the does Tom W illiam s. »*• hey feel 48 budget w hich te chnically was basis the present men h oldin g those jobs, Clarence 'X 'd lts’- J, W illia m tv n itu re and C arleton A b b o tt is fiv e and eight. us though th« r election o verdraw n $173,333.19. J ing a new tile floor. g satisfactory v . * ne o f the promises concern 1 Ing the The teeth of the ordinance to '.'he cafe w ill be open fo r bus- N O T H A N K S official statemc co ning their status quo, not cham It. amend ordinance No. 017 lie in less again ne xt week. probably decision on January 4. One c ity co ncil .stated the a ddition of Rule 10-A w hich W illia m s ’ i ph statem ent that there was lo t pressure has to do w ith the suspension c is as fo llo w s: brought to bear >n f ind oth c ity o fficials. The new ru le reurt« I read w ith ible in te r ­ er councilm en to re tain the pres­ that in the event o f the suspen­ est the T id ii in i o f an ent appointees. sion of any o ffic e r by the m ayor in fo rm a l mee..,, , w ith the Tom W illia m s has stated that the suspended o ffic e r shall be .. , . ,, .. -, i council, a t m v home, on Tues- Fred Homes, w ho has been re ­ there is a lo t o f pressure being furnished w ith a w ritte n state­ Members o f the c ity council day n ig h t lis t A p pointm e nt of J. H. Creager, quested by Secretary o f State brought to bear on him to re ­ m ent of the reasons fo r said sus­ of Ashland, in an open le tte r to Jr. as manager fo r The P acific E arl N ew bry to take a position Inasm uch as these ta lks were place the present appointees. pension and that w ith in fiv e days M ayor-elect Tom W illia m s, sta t­ e x p lo ra to ry in nature, i t m ay be a m eeting o f’ the ^¿ u n cif shan"bc-* Telephonc and T eit‘«raPb C orn' on the Rent C o ntrol board fo r This brings us back to the poll. ed this week th a t th e y w ould prem ature to state w ith such W hat do the people re a lly held at w hich tim e the o ffic e r | PanY a* Ashland, suceeding R. B. this area, stated today th a t he support the m ayor in the best in ­ emphasis th a t the council “ blocks w ould not be able to accept. th in k? w ill be given a chance to present Ham m ond w ho retires January terests of the city. proposal to replace key o ffic ia ls .’’ Homes said th a t he fe lt as The com plete le tte r follow s From those people we have his side of the case. The coun­ 1 has been announced by R. B. though he w ould not have tim e The fu rth e r statem ent th a t I talked to, w ith o u t ru n n in g a spe- c il w ill then decide w h ether or Bacon, d is tric t manager fo r the to devote to the proper handling M ayor Thomas S. W illiam s. proposed these changes to f u lf ill Ashland, Oregon, t lal cross-section w e’d be w i l l ­ not to suport the suspension or Com pany in Southern Oregon. campaign pledges and obligations of rent control problems. He is Creager, w ho transferred here Dear Tom : ing to say th a t the opinion of the to reinstate the officer. contracted before the election is presently a m em ber of the c ity I t appears th a t perhaps the re­ p robably intended to convey the voters was very close to 50/50. Passing of this ordinance was fro m G rants Pass, where he ser council of Ashland, and holds H a lf of the people w ith whom brought about by M ayor Tom ved as manager fro m J u ly , 1946, offices in the B e llv ie w Telephone lationship between the m ayor and thought th a t m y proposal fo r we have discussed the problem W illia m s ’ expected appointm ents u n til October, last year, began com pany and the Keene Creek councilm en fo r the ensuing term changes is p u re ly p o litic a l in na­ is som ewhat distorted, and a s it­ tu re and not based on a b e lie f feel that Tom W illia m s Is rig h t. at the January 4th council m eet­ his telephone career at Eugene in cattle association. uation is being created w hich is th a t b e tte r c iv il servants are a- The other h a lf of the people feel ing. Members of the council are 1928. He firs t was em ployed In not to the best iiite ie s ts of the vailable. as though the council members not expected to co n firm W illia m s ’ the C om pany’s p la n t departm ent, c ity at large. Y o u r attitu d e , and have taken the proper stand. appointm ents o f c ity attorney, w here he held various c ra ft jobs I did m ake this cam paign the position of the councilm en, pledge and I repeat it. I said i t C ouncil m eeting January 4th police chief, and w ater s u p e rin ­ In Eugene, A lb a n y and P ortland. we are afraid, is not being fu lly then and I say i t now. should be an interesting meeting. tendent. T hat In 1932 he transferred to the understood by A shland citizens. I l w ill be in A rm o ry w hich w ill where changes in a d m in is tra tiv e U nder the previous rules o f , conuncr clal departm ent as a We w a n t you to know th a t we methods and personnel w ere i n - . be fu ll We understand that John suspension the M ayor could sus­ salesman In the P ortland office The annual M arch of Dimes are going to support y o u r a d m in ­ dicated in the interest o f economy von K uhlm an, com m ander o f the pend any c ity o ffic ia l w ith o u t C om ing to the M edford office sw ings in to action in Ashland istra tio n as m ayor in every plan and e fficiency, they w ould be A m erican Legion has requested consulting the council, although in 1936, Creager advanced to the and the rest o f Oregon and the or p olicy w hich you care to p re ­ made. the members o f the Legion to a t­ he could m ake no appointm ent position o f assistant manager in nation, as w ell, January 14, and sent fo r the betterm ent of the tend this p a rtic u la r m eeting in w ith o u t the co n firm a tio n o f the N o th in g has transpired since 1942, the post he occupied u n til continues through January 31 city. We believe that as we get the election to a lte r m y view s in the Interests of good govern­ council. his G rants Pass assignm ent in w ith an unprecedented overall better acquainted w ith you we this connection. It was m y o p in ­ ment. 1946. Clarify Overdraft goal o f $30,000,000. are going to lik e you, .and we ion before election, it is m y o p in ­ We also understand that most The second ordinance passed j The dates were announced to­ believe th a t when you get to ion s till th a t the c ity govern­ o f the rem aining citizens o f A sh­ was according to Dr. Wa lte r | R edford continued by saying D -------- land, in c lu d in g the lame, the halt Kedford, who acted as ch a irm a n ! th a t there had been so m uch fuss day by V e rn S m ith, 1949 M arch know us better as councilm en m ent should be p u t back in to of Dim es chairm an fo r Jackson and in d iv id u a ls you w ill come to the c ity h a ll w here it belongs. and the b lin d w ill be there. of the council, to straighten o u t, about the o v e rd ra ft d u rin g elec- I acknowledge o n ly one boss, One enterprising citizen has the c ity budget fo r 1948. R edford | tion th a t it was o n ly fa ir to the county, w ho urged th a t “ e ve ry­ the conclusion that we are rea­ one give at least 50 per cent more the people — and u n til such a sonable, earnest and frie n d ly . gone so fa r as to a ttem pt to get pointed out that tech n ica lly the incom ing a d m in is tra tio n t o this tim e .” You ,in common w ith the coun­ tim e as the people— and w hen I the seating concession fo r this budget appeared to be o v e rd ra w n ; straighten out the books. Oregon volunteers in the fo rth ­ cilm en, w a n t to do w h a t is rig h t say the people I do not mean firs t m eeting of the 1949 council. ut that the c ity had had th e | Flood conditions and the ship- com ing M arch of Dimes w ill and just, and w hat is best fo r the th a t little w ilf u ll group o f re ­ Says that it w ill be the firs t fu ll money available in separate I m ent o f w ater m eters to the c ity house seen around here fo r m any funds and that the ordinance was, in 1948. both of w hich w ere u n ­ gather at radio stations th ro u g h ­ developm ent and b e tterm ent of actionaries w ho in sist the W ile y out the state at 1:45 January 6, the city, and the most e co n o m i-1 a d m in istra tio n s till lives. I mean a moon. passed in order to transfer this expected events, w ere given as to receive 15 m inutes of in stru c­ cal and e ffic ie n t a d m in is tra tio n j tbe 8rass roots folks, the solid W e’l l see you there. money to the funds w hich w ere tw o reasons w h y the budget ap- tions d u rin g a closed - c irc u it of its governm ent and services. : yeom anry w ho have the last _________ _________ Peared to be overdraw n. broadcast by President Basil O ’­ We have noted yo u r d eterm in- w ord and I assure you it w ill not A p p le ju ic e from Ashland w ill Conor of the N ational Founda­ ation, y o u r energy, and yo u r a- tbe D a ily T idings be among the products w hich w ill I f ce rta in m embers o f the tion fo r In fa n tile Paralysis. Sta­ b ility to speak out p la in ly . These be displayed in the Maona Hotel, tions p a rtic ip a tin g w ill be K W IL qualities, when placed to the use council believe they owe a great­ H onolulu, H aw aii, d u rin g the A lb a n y ; K B N D , Bend; KOOS, and b enefit o f the city, w ill w o rk er allegiance to some of the pres­ tim e th a t the Oregon State co l­ e n t incum bants in p u b lic office Coos Bay: KORE, Eugene; K U IN , results. lege Beaver fo o tb a ll squad is than they do to the voters w ho G rants Pass; K F J I, K lam ath present in the Island to play in We have fe lt, and s till feel, elected them ; i f certain members F alls; K A S T , A storia; KRNR, the Pineapple B ow l, January 1. Shasta D is trib u to rs , owned and operated by Ralph W . Reed and n™ «!,,,.». v c im 01 j th a t tbe ap p o in tive o fficers of the o f the council dare to say to the ' ’ n,i « * * h’ ' " a ’ »b « • » R obert H u tc h is o n , has been open in its new location on H ig h w a y 99 they have carried out the w ill of 1 andP im n lim e n t ^ n ° rP y o u r .'z*ews fo r the past tw o weeks. S m ith revealed th a t he had re the council, w hich term , o f ow n; *.! ceV T he sales and service o rg a n iza tio n m oved in to the new 60x40 p u m ­ ceived a n ig h t le tte r fro m O’Con- course, includes the m ayor. We t3in- m embers ° f the council s till ice block b u ild in g December 18 and have been fo llo w in g up th eir h L / t Foundation have feR th it is bad fo r e f f i. p re fe r to anesthize themselves governm ent to place in to the b e lie f that the m ayor is m oving w ith a m erchandising survey plan w h ich makes an in v e n to ry head asser ed. M ake no m is ta k e , clent c it Lots of c h ild re n ’s records o f every custom er’s e lectrical, heating, and p lu m b in g needs. i 18 an em®rgen7 , these officers at the w h im of po- n o t the general m anager o f the ..vucuw*.. in c « « ire e w »vein h iu , . . . m u n icip a l corporation and the situation. The w ent u on to fo r that C hristm as radio- They o ffe r a free consultation state th a t i ‘f we are to continue ' i**1,03} changes’ u n l®ss they have general d ire ctio n of the c ity and la y o u t service fo r people w ho F u rth e r- not vested jn him and > “ phonograph. Ted Bohencamp is in charge of to help po lio victim s, and be pre­ failed in th e ir w ork. are pla n n in g to b u ild and rem od­ more in the past few years the general m anager he does not £ p the p lu m b in g departm ent. pared fo r epidemics n e xt year, el. The organization has men w ho For Instance . . . and continue our educational and c ity has come under the state re- the rig h t to h ire and fire in the hold master plum bers and m aster research program s, the next t.rem ent plan, and to discharge interests o f e fficie n cy and econ- electricians licenses and w ill con­ S pike Jones Nonsense M arch o f Dimes m ust be the an o ffice r w hereby he loses his om y, they w ill have to learn the tra c t fo r any job In th e ir line. M usic greatest ever and net at least retirem ent benefits is a serious hard way. Reed bought the W illia m so n The people said it w ith ballots M r. and Mrs. Charles Jessel an­ $30,000,000. W ith o u t this we can- proposition and one w h ich we hardw are in T alent in 1946. S p a rk y ’s Magic Plano believe should not be done w i t h - ; on N ovem ber the second. The nounce the engagement of th e ir n° t f u l f i l l our pledges to patients H utchinson joined the fir m in H <111 f?H t P I* A l l - n n frv F n r i o n and th n ** out good reason. people voted 2.373 to 556 fo r a S parky and The T a lk in g August 1947, and Shasta D is tr i­ daughter, A lm a, to Ensign James and the p ublic. We state now , and pledge to change. Some w anted a “ RE- E. Jefferson of the U nited States O 'C onnor’s com m unication re butors, w hich was o rig in a lly o r­ T ra in Navy. vealed th a t in 1948 alone i t had you, that if at any tim e any c ity F R E S H IN G C H A N G E ” others ganized to sell Shasta pumps, Miss Jessel, who attended local cost $17,000,000 to care fo r polio o ffic e r fails to perform his du- w anted ju s t a change but a ll F a iry Tales as Told by was organized. Since th a t tim e schools ,is now a ju n io r at San patients, th a t the Foundation’s ties, that we w ill back you to the w anted new blood in the c ity the fir m has branched out and lim it in e lim in a tin g h im fro m a d m in istra tio n . the G reat G ildersleeve now handles model kitchens, Jose State College, m a jo rin g in epidem ic aid fu n d had been ex­ office- I The people to ld me before elec- dietetics. She is spending the hausted and th a t m any chapter Gheen irrig a tio n equipm ent; gas, T ubby the Tuba We w ant to w o rk harm onious- tion. they have to ld me since oil, and electric heating eqquip- C hristm as vacation at the home treasuries had been depleted. The ly w ith you, and we w ill. A n y th a t changes m ust be made in Pan the Piper o f her parents and expects to Jackson county chairm an pointed m ent, refrigerators, ele ctric out th a t p o lio in Oregon in 1948 group of men have honest d if- the police departm ent, office ranges, washers and ironers, re tu rn to San Jose F riday. G oldilocks M r. Jefferson is a graduate of was up 200 per cent over last ferences of opinion. We w ish fo r the c ity attorney, and the c ity freezers, and a ll types of p lu m b ­ you, and the councilm en, and fo r superintendent's departm ent, Buggs B unny the U n iv e rs ity of Minnesota. He year’s figures. ing and electrical supplies. the city, a successful and p r o - 1 Therefore, u n til such a tim e as Reed, w ho is president o f the is the son of M r. and Mrs. Ed­ Bozo the C low n gressive a d m in istra tio n , and to the voter and the ta xpayer def- w ard Jefferson o f San Jose, C a l­ corporation, came here a fte r that end we dedicate ourselves, in ite ly states he is agreeable to and m any m any more at serving as an electrical engineer ifo rn ia . W ith frie n d sh ip and sin cerity, leaving on the p u b lic p a y ro ll cer- No date has been set fo r the w ith the N avy. He w orked p rio r ~ ~ " “ " ~ — ta in persons in w hom he, the vo- to the w ar as a designer and an wedding. and 25 cents fo r parcels w e ig h -, te r and taxpayer, has lost confi- engineer on pow er plants and ing up to tw o pounds, parcels dence and tru st, I have no a lte r- M rs. C. A. Heath, Terrace St., various construction jobs. E ffe ctive January 1, 1949, the over tw o pounds to 10 pounds n a tive but to use every resource H utchison, w ho is the m ech­ is spending some tim e in Los A n ­ post o ffice announces new rates 35 cents and over 10 pounds 45 a t m y com m and to see th a t th< anical engineer, w e n t to school geles, C alif. She can be reached on a ir m ail, parcel post, insur- , . . , 1 ' , people’s wishes are carried out at Oregon state college. He has at 1329 West F o u rth street, Los ance fees, re g istry and money o r - 1 Money order fees w ill be 10 ------------------------- ------- ---------- been specializing in irrig a tio n Angeles. Before leaving fo r Los der fees. A ir m a il w ill be six | 10 cents fo r orders, .01 to $5, 15 and best wishes fo r a H appy N ew system in sta lla tio n . Angeles Mrs. Heath had as a v is ­ cents per ounce o r fra ctio n to a ll cents fo r $5.01 to $10.00, 25 cents Year. 270 East M ain Phone 8011 Mrs. Reed acts as office man­ ito r at her home Mrs. Bertha points in the U nited States and; $10.01 to $2.00, 35 cents fo r $50.01 H arold M e rrill, John P. Daugh- ager and bookkeeper for the Nolen, Ensenada, C a lifo rn ia . possessions. Special d e liv e ry fees to $100.00. Postal notes fees w ill e rty , John A. Nosier, H erb Flsch- firm. Ralph Mobley is in charge J. J. W illia m s , 417 G u th rie St., w lll be 15 cents fo r letters or be cents per note instead of 5 born, Fred C. Homes, P, H. City Council Clips Mayor’s Wings And Explains 1948 Overdraft Mayor-Elect Tom Williams Explains His Position in Statement This Week îreager to Take Homes Declines Council Answers Hammond’s Place Rent Control Job Williams’ Letter March of Dimes Begins January! Shasta Distributors Now Operating In New Location on Highway 99 Miss Alma Jessel Engaged to Ensign Postal Rates To Be Upped Jan. 1 7-fe M ÀKT of the service department and is recuperating from a cold. first class mall up to two pounds,, cents. Stansbury.