Southern Oregon News Review, Ashland, Oregon, Thursday, November 4, 1948 Friends of Mrs. Emma Hoke home Pussadcnu, Californio and formerly of 39 Union street will that she Is now able to w«lk be interested to hear that she about their home, following her Among the new books recent and Mr. Hoke reside in their old serious illness of last winter. ly put In the shelves of the Pub­ vicinity for about a month. lic Library are a number of best Mi's. Bessie Satchel is quite 111 sellers. In the Medford Hospital. Mailer, Norman. The Naked Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Faske The regular Monday assembly and daughter, Jackie, 63 Nutle.v saw action as Bob DeLlsle gave and the Dead. A novel of World War II. street were dinner guests of het- Hobart, Mrs. Alice T. The cleft father and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. a very peppy speech to wake the Sam Klinger for Sunday dinner. students up. Bob stated that there rock. Points up the problem of the use of natural resources— Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rear was a lack of interest in the novel of conflict between In­ To Our New Mayor games that was uncommon In were dinner guests of Mrs. Mary tegrity and security. Ashland high. He asserted that Westmoreland and Claud Long, Kinsey, Alfred A Others. Sex­ if the players were as interested ual Behavior In the Human Male. last Sunday. anil showed the lack of interest •\ realistic report of an exten­ TOM WILLIAMS that students do, Ashland would sive survey, made under the aus­ be unheard of In the Southern pices of the National Research Oregon conference. Council. Its purpose is to help A (iift From Venita Roberson told the stu­ blaze the way to healthier and dents about the traditional bon­ sounder sex education. fire to be held before the Med­ Huxley, Aldous. Ape and Es­ The store where Ms spends Ps's money ford game this November 5 on sence. The year 2108 is depicted I the home turf. A noise parade, and the necessity of rediscover- On Wslker Avenue and Hiway 66 at the Corner ¡starting at the Junior High, nt ng America because of its ut­ of Joels Auto Court *6:30 will have floats from sev­ ter destruction. eral clubs. Sponsoring floats are Sinclair, Upton, One Clear the Tri-Hl-Y, Hi-Y, Popsters, G. Call. The latest of his Lanny is a Gift that’s A. A., Junior Red Cross and the Budd series. Letterman’s club. A prize will be Camus, Albert. The Plague. Special! awarded to the club sponsoring Different men’s attitudes ioward the best float. the disaster of a plague epidemic, I An Art club is being organized life is shown in their reaction to Whether I t’s a . . . by Joan Heller. Joan plans for Lyons. Eugene. Our Unknown the club to make all the adver­ President The story of Herbert tisement posters needed in the Hoover. W ATCH high school. The group will en­ Nesbitt. Mrs. Victoria H. White I desire to convey my sincere appre­ Story of her 13 ter the contest being sponsored House Diary. RING ¡by the National Society for Crip­ years as housekeeper at the ciation to the many friends who support White House. pled Children. SILVER Woodbury, George. John Cof­ George Henrikson, the new ed me at the polls. fee’s Mill. Trials of a couple tak­ band instructor, is from Lewis & Clark college in Portland. When ing over an old mill and making COMPACT asked if he was a “long hair’’ it home and business. musician. Henrikson said he Two biographies are: Crabb. ★ ★ ★ CIGARETTE could out-jazz and out be-bop Alfred. Home to the Hermitage. any student in school, playing a The love story of Andrew and Rachel Jackson. Pease, Herbert, CASPORLITER saxaphone. It shall be my purpose to warrant your The Student Body was enter­ Singing Rails. The upward climb from night operator to central tained by Mysterious Brown, a or confidence by giving in exchange clear magician sponsored by the Na­ pass agent, in eight years. The latest works of several COSTUME tional Assemblies Programs, on and efficient municipal government. Tuesday, November 2. The pro. popular authors are: JEWELRY gram featured a Ventriloquist Gather, Wllla. The Old Beau­ named Harley. This was the first ty. Three stories make up this ★ ★ ★ time the student body has seen final book of the author. Choose nou while stocks are Lutz, Mrs. Grace Livingston a program of this type. Shirley Damon, appointed by H. Mary Arden. Last novel of a complete and the Tri-Hi-Y is in charge of get­ prolific writer. TOM WILLIAMS ting Mums which that organza- Smith, Betty. Tomorrow wi’ LAY-AWAY for Christmas! tion will sell a tthe Medford be better. Not so gay as "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" but the Mayor Fleet game. Students are looking forward to same setting. the end of the week with parti­ MacDonald. Betty. The Plague Watch Repair cular interest, possibly because and I. Her experiences as a tu­ Jewelry Repair Engraving ¡Teachers’ Institute will be held berculosis patient. Vance, Ethel. The Secret ¡at SOC on those days, and that Ashland Phone 7131 Thread. Novel about self-made means a vacation. Next to the Mart man who finds life tyrannized by four strangers. Ramblin With Ransev Mrs. Sidney S. Bartlett, form­ erly Mildred Glacze, arrived by plane Thursday from Angangino, MJchoacan, Mexico, to be with her mother, Mrs. Cora Lee Glaze, who is seriously ill at her home on Fairview street. Mr. Bartlett Is a Mining Engineer. Mrs. Jerry Thoreson and her small daughters, Dixie and Nor­ ma, and her brother, Bud Teide- man and Miss Irma Carroll mot­ ored to Crescent City last week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Teideman. They returned to Ashland Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Teideman. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fitzhughes, who have been visiting in Mer­ rill, Oregon are in Ashland on business and expect to be in this 'Addi FI Last Times Saturday ‘D R U M S ’ Technicolor Thriller with Sabu - Raymond Massey Plus BULLET- STUDDED THRILLS! Sunday & Monday BROADWAY'S Biggest... Gayest Musical Ashland Library Receives New Books NEWS from Ashland Hi C o n e r a t u 1 a t i o n Mack’s Market Sheldon Jewelry WASHINGTON SCHOOL I CENTRAL T O TH E PEOPLE OF ASHLAND: I wish to express my appreciation to those people who voted for me as a candidate for the City Coun­ cil. itarnn g Deanna DURBIN Dick HAYMES Vincent PRICE I also wish to thank those of you who voted against me for your keen interest in community affairs and in taking time to register your opinions. Whichever way the vote goes is of no great conse­ quence. The importance lies in the exemplification of real Democracy at work. PHILIP W EN D T and THEY’LL FLOOR YOU! NOW! Endi Saturday J Regular Prices W O R L D P R E M IE R E Filmed Against the Breath-Taking Beauty of Our Own Rogue River Valley JUPY CANOVA A Republic Picure ■ » p Tues. - Wed. Ladies Dinnerware Nights w* TKHNICOIOR vh & mm WHO'S KISSING- WCRMOW" .w ith MASTRA STEWART TN TECH N ICO LO R! Mary Jane Kunscom was the lucky person who won the silver coffee maker at the school carni­ val. Room 11 Bats defeated Room 12 Spooks In a football game 8 to 0, last Thursday. Miss Inlo’.v has been reading the book “Smoky’ by Will James. Room 11 had a Hallowe'en par­ ty on Friday. Kathleen Reagan won the first prize for the best cosutme and Jackie Herburger 1 doy Dutchess, won the prize for the funniest costume. ---------- o------:---- Mr. and Mrs. Chet Reed, 72 Garfield, spent the past week visiting their daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ebson, Tule Lake, California. Mrs. Heath Wins First Prize Mrs. Catherine Heath, ’Ashland, won a first prize for crocheted chair sets at the Oregon State Fair, and is eligible to compete in the national finals of the na­ tion-wide crochet contest. Accordng to Leo Spitzbart, manager of the fair, the compe­ tition was extremely keen, mak­ ing it difficult for the judges to select the top winners. This was the first year that a trophy had been offered for the best crochet­ ed piece, and this incentive, to­ gether with the desire to compete for the title of “Grand National Crochet Champion’’ in the nation­ wide Crochet Contest, produced some of the finest crochet work ever exhibited at the Fair. P w.i.-’ also announced that the Oregon State Fair is making plans to participate in the national con­ test produced some of the 111 i crochet work ever exhibited at ithe Fair. It was also announ"ed that the Oregon State Fair is making plans to participate in the national contest again next year. The national finals of ithe Na­ tion-Wide Crochet Contest will take place n New York city dur­ ing the week of November 20th where frst prize winners from over 500 local, county and state fairs will compete. Following the judging, there will be an exhibi­ tion of all entries in the Winter Garden at the Hotel McAlpln from November 29th to Decem­ ber 3rd, which will be open to ,the public. Do This Before Thanksgiving! Set your Thanksgiving Table nicely with WM. ROGERS A N D SON Finest Silverware. When you select that Silverware for "th e ” woman in your life, you want it to be something special, something exquisitely perfect, a gift she’ll cherish always. Service for 8— $ jj.y o EN'S tllJElRy u FRIDAY AND SATURDAY S P E C IA L S at the PLAZA GROCERY Kitchen Queen Flour. 25 lbs. $1.77 Peter Pan Peanut Butter, jar 31c Tide Washing Powder 33c FRANCO-AMERICAN Spaghetti, 2 cans Krispy Crackers, 2 lbs. 19 lbs. Cane Sugar ASK FOR YOUR S & H GREEN STAMPS 27c 45c 88c