Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 04, 1948, Image 7

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    Southern Oregon News Review, Thursday, November 4, 1948
White Bath Fixtures
Are Easily Replaced
8 8 5** ”‘Z '
>/d ' / A
Itelrssed by W NU Feature»
Customer—Can thia fur coat be
worn out in the rain?
Salesman — M a d a m , did you
ever see a rabbit n rrying an um ­
YOU suffer from a frus­
trated desire to go tiger
I E hunting
in India, you can at
least sec how it’s done nowa­
days. Columbia’s “Song of In­
dia,” starring Sabu, Gall Russell
and Turhan Bey, features a hunt
with all tha modern trimmings. This
modernized “Shikar” carries its
own electricity plant, uses walkie-
talkies, has a portable generator.
T ax Quiz
“ Give me an exam ple of an in­
direct t a x . ”
“ The dog ta x .”
“ Why do you say th a t’s an in­
direct tax ? ”
“ Well, the dog doesn’t pay it. ’
F ro m Y o u r C ou gh
D u e Io a C o ld
Q Cough
n 0" * » * Tar
l U f il L C
I ’ O
’ J Kings Are
Natural Now!”
White Fruit Cake
cop butter
cup »11 ted flour
teaspoon soda
tablespoons lemon juice
egg whites, beaten stiff
cups powdered sugar
cup candied cherries
<up candled pineapple
cup blanched pistachio nuts
or almonds
54 cup sultana raisins
Cream butter thoroughly, then
add flour mixed with soda.
sugar into beaten whites, combine
with the flrst mixture and add lem­
on Juice, fruit and nuts, cut fine
and sprinkled with flour. Stir thor­
oughly and bake In a loaf pan lined
with buttered waxed paper. This
baking will take about one hour
in a slow (325 degree) oven.
Because the dark fruit cuke is
so rich, it's a good idea to steam
It flrst to cook
thoroughly, then
to bake it, for
drying out. The
w ill be
more moist when
prepared in this
way, and you
will be able to slice It thinner.
Dark Fruit Cake
1 pound brown sugar
1 pound butter
1 pound flour
12 eggs, beaten separately
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
*4 pound each, candied orange
peel, lemon peel, citron, all
cut fine
cup molasses
cup fruit juice
teaspoons cinnamon
teaspoon ground cloves
pound almonds, blanched
pound pecans, unbroken
pounds seeded raisins
pound sultana raisins
pound dates
pound figs
1 pound candled pineapple
1 pound laudied cherries
Cut pineapple into small pieces.
Remove stem end from figs and cut.
Stone und cut dates. M ix all these
with one cup flour.
Mix the re­
maining flour with soda and spices.
Cream the butter until fluffy, add
the sugar, then the well beaten yolks
and stir well. Add the flour mixture
alternately with molasses and fruit
Gently fold in the beaten
whites, then the dates and raisins
and other fruit, and nuts. Line four
bread pans with waxed paper and
butter. Pour batter into pans, two-
thirds full. Set pans in oven, 300
Garnish Foods Properly
To Stimulate Appetite
Garnishes make food more attrac­
tive and thus stimulate digestive
juices to aid the way in which we
use foods.
Keep garnishes simple, ffesh, ap­
propriate and easy to make. Edible
garnishes are far superior to mere­
ly decorative ones.
Lattice potatoes are effective for
a platter of flsh or chops or steaks.
Add parsley for color; if desired.
electric traps, and Infra-red ray
equipment and Aim for photograph­
ing the trapped tigers In the dark.
The old-fashioned way sounded
more exciting!
degrees, in a pan Ailed with one
inch of hot water.
Bake one-half
hour. Cover with waxed paper and
bake for two hours. Then remove
pans from water and bake one-half
hour longer. Remove from pans;
remove paper and wrap in fresh
paper. Store in tightly covered tin.
• • •
Jody Gilbert couldn't get standout
acting roles because of her south­
ern accent, and couldn't get rid of
I that Texas Influence. So she learned
gome 30 other dialects to go with it
! and become a character specialist,
I Now in CBS’ "Life with Luigi," she
has appeared in 89 pictures. It is
1 only in the last three years that
' ghe has had non-dialect roles,
M • CM 0/ joti, tüm
Pop Coro, li ia i«nd«i end
bul l ew e h« mott dtlKtAMt pop
tcîs DM |i«*fk
back of
CM for beat of ¿JJ ranpaa lot
pop core kalia and tardai
tom Eaiy to ir.ekel
I f P eter . P ain pummels you with
, 1
I t is best to use white enam eled
iron or vitreous china bathroom
fixtures because white is sure to
stand the test of tim e . Also, it is
often difficult to replace a broken
colored fixture. B athroom color
can be provided in w a ll tile, floor
and w alls.
H o w to îtlo k fc
He .More Specific
"Get my broker, Min Jones.”
"Yet, sir—slock or pawn?"
Get Well
Early Christmas Pion
It 'S NOT TOO early to think of
Christinas now, especially If you
w a n t to h av e
fruit cake and
p lu m
on hand. These
foods are best
and ripened for
several weeks be­
fore being eaten.
Then, too. It’s a good Idea to get
some of the work out of the way
before the holidays are literally on
top of us. There’s a lot of work to
preparing the ingredients for both
fruit cuke and pudding because they
both require chopped fruit and long
baking and steaming time.
• • •
W H ITE OR L IG H T fruit cakes
find many admirers each year. This
fruit cake Is not as heavy os the
dork kind, und you may find it nice
to vary with the latter variety.
"F or over 15 years constipation had
me down. Now, ever since I sta rte d
eating KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN daily,
things are natural— and w h at relief
that is.” —Miss H azel R ufsnyder,
P ottstow n, Pa.
If y o u r d i e t
lacks hulk for nor­
mal elim ination,
th is d e lic io u s
cereal will supply
it. E at an ounce
e v e r y d a y in
m ilk—and drink
plenty of w ater.
If not satisfied
after 10 days, send em p ty carto n to
Kellogg Co., B a ttle Creek, Mich.,
• Rub in gently-warm­
ing, soothing Ben-Gay
. . . It acts fast! Ben-Gay
contains up to 2 Vi times
more methyl salicylate
and menthol — pain-re­
lieving agents known to
every doctor—than five
other w id e ly o ffe re d
rub-ins. G et ¿enuine
Ben-Gay, the original
Baume Analgésique, for
speedy relief!
Also fo r Pain due to
and COEDS.
Ask fo r Mild Ben Cay
fo r Children.
Agnes Moorehead does just fine
IF YO U'RE LOOKING for a sim­ in Hollywood—her latest picture is
pler fruit cake, particularly for a "Johnny Belinda”—and on the
small family, here's one that is very ! radio, where "Sorry, Wrong Num-
I ber" gave her her best-known role,
I but she is happiest on her Ohio
Simple Fruit Cake
farm, between Zanesville and Cam­
54 cup shortening
cup brown sugar
eggs, beaten
cup sifted flour
teaspoon nutmeg
teaspoon cloves
teaspoon baking powder
teaspoon baking soda
teaspoon salt
cups seedless raisins
cup candied citron
cup candied orange peel
cup candied plnrapple
cup candled cherries
cup pecans, chopped
Patricia Neal, the pretty
blonde playing opposite Gary
Cooper in "The Fountainhead,”
once worked In a New York
restaurant, cutting up pies. Her
salary was only $12 a week—
but she got all her lunches for
Young of Africa" at RKO, Robert
Armstrong said he's decided to
I make acting in motion pictures his
Cream shortening and sugar, beat life work. So far he has had 20 years
in eggs. Add raisins and all fruits, i ot it! Aged 51. looking years young-
diced fine, and the nuts. Fold in •?. he said. "Take' life easy, sleep
flour which has been sifted with “ lot- keep your ambitions within
spices, baking powder, baking soda your talents, and you can last at
and salt Bake in greased, waxed-, least 50 years as a movie actor.”
----- * -----
paper lined pan in a slow (275 de-j
gree) oven for one and one-half to!
If you have noticed a familiar
two hours.
, voice on the “Sam Spade" show it
If you bake rather thun bake-j probably belongs to June Havoc, co­
steam the fruit cake, have a sm all1 sI ar with Alan Ladd in "One Worn-
dish of water in
| an” at Paramount. Her husband
produces the radio show and she
the oven so that
goes on incognito, for fun.
cake will
also have more
m o is tn e s s and
i Joseph Cotton thought he was a
will be glossy in
i.hero when a dropped cigarette start­
ed confetti to flickering wanly dur­
Trimmings put
ing a New Year's eve party se­
quence for RKO’s "Weep No
on the
should be placed on after they have I More." He stamped on it, then
baked for two hours. Almond halves, learned it had been flre-proofed!
candied pineapple and cherries are
-X -
most frequently used.
Eddie Bracken, whose hobby is
picking pockets for fun, went to the
Plum Pudding
monthly Traffic Safety Club lunch­
1 cup flour
eon of the Los Angeles Junior
1 pound seeded raisins
Chamber ot Commerce and humili­
54 pound citron, lemon and or­
ated several important police of­
ange peel, cut fine
ficers by relieving them of various
54 pound seedless raisins
valuables. He returned the loot
54 pound chopped almonds
after lunch, but they swore they’d
54 pound bread crumbs
never see another Bracken picture,
54 cup sugar
even on passes.
1 teaspoon baking powder
-----* -----
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
If you think that Golden Cloud,
54 teaspoon ground cloves
the Palomino stallion ridden by
54 teaspoon ground allspice
Errol Flynn In "Montana,” looks
1 teaspoon salt
especially beautiful, remember
1 cup suet, chopped fine
that he was sponged with milk
1 cup molasses
every morning before working
3 eggs, beaten
in the picture. It seems that
1 eup pickled peach syrup
otherwise his shiny coat would
toss too much light Into the
Sift flour over fruits and nuts and
camera. Dried milk permitted
mix well. M ix remaining dry ingred­
gloss, but prevented reflection.
ients, add suet and work In evenly;
blend In eggs, molasses and fruit
"Girls like me, with prune faces
juice. Pour into buttered molds two-
thirds full and cover with waxed and skinny legs, relieve the monot­
paper. Place in a steamer or top of ony. And that's why it's easier for
double boiler and steam slowly and us to get jobs." M ary Wickes said
steadily from four to eight hours, it, after explaining that in Holly­
according to the size of the mold. wood pretty girls are as thick as
ants at a picnic. " I figure I ’m set
Store as for fruit cake.
a sour-puss actress for the next
One-half hour before ready to
serve, start heating the pudding. 50 years, if I want to act that
long," added Miss Wickes.
Released by WNU Features.
-----* -----
Roast duck takes well to a garnish
ODDS AN D ENDS— Richard Base-
of endive with orange slices or rice hart got the leading role in Samuel
G oldwyn’s "Roseanna McCoy.” . . .
cups filled with current Jelly.
Sausage,meat balls and chops are Gary Merrill, who has taken over the
title role in radio’t "Young Dr. Ma­
attractive when they are placed on lone,” also plays the romantic lead in
a mound of rice, mashed potato, 'The Right to Happiness." . . . Red­
macaroni or a green vegetable such caps at Chicago's rail terminals have
had to learn enough about radio to
as spinach.
With a roast of beef, lamb or mut­ tell thousands of travelers from which
ton, use browned potatoes or hotel "Welcome Travelers" is broad­
cast. . . . Gene Autry should be known
mashed potato cups filled with green as 'The Flying Cowboy." In the past
peas or diced vegetables; boiled year he has logged 864 flying hours,
onions with sprays of paisley; slices an average of 72 a month, almost as
of carrots or turnips fried in dee; much as commercial air line pilots are
30-Day Test of hundreds
of Camel Smokers revealed
In a recent test, hundreds of
men and women all across the
country smoked Camels — and
only Camels-an average of one
to two packages a day —for 30
consecutive days. Each week
their throats w ere examined by
noted throat specialists—a total
of 2470 exam inations — and
these doctors found not one
single case of throat irritation
due to smoking Camels.
ïfà te
Nothing else gives your floors the same
exquisite b rillia n c e of Self-Polishing
Simoniz which grows still lovelier with
everyday weorl And there's no rubbing
or buffing . . . just spread on with cloth or
mop applicator— it shines as it dries to the
same lasting beauty that makes Simonix
so famous for carsl Then, just a damp cloth
wipes up dirt or spilled things . . . floors
stay glamorous. Try Self-Polishing Simonix'
— todayl
s e lf polislunq
T . H . « S O . O, S. PAT. OPP.
Sold by grocery,
- - hardware, j variety, drug, paint,
’ $ cents to $1, auto accessory and department
. stores — end
llnelsum duelers everywhere.