Southern Oregon News Review, Thursday, November 4, 1948 White Bath Fixtures Are Easily Replaced 8 8 5** ”‘Z ' >/d ' / A i Rainproof STAGESCREENRADIO Itelrssed by W NU Feature» By IN E Z GERHARD Customer—Can thia fur coat be worn out in the rain? Salesman — M a d a m , did you ever see a rabbit n rrying an um ­ brella? YOU suffer from a frus­ trated desire to go tiger I E hunting in India, you can at least sec how it’s done nowa­ days. Columbia’s “Song of In­ dia,” starring Sabu, Gall Russell and Turhan Bey, features a hunt with all tha modern trimmings. This modernized “Shikar” carries its own electricity plant, uses walkie- talkies, has a portable generator. T ax Quiz “ Give me an exam ple of an in­ direct t a x . ” “ The dog ta x .” “ Why do you say th a t’s an in­ direct tax ? ” “ Well, the dog doesn’t pay it. ’ F ro m Y o u r C ou gh D u e Io a C o ld C Q Cough n 0" * » * Tar l U f il L C L V I ’ O Compound ’ J Kings Are Natural Now!” ’» 154 2 6 154 ’4 '4 54 White Fruit Cake cop butter cup »11 ted flour teaspoon soda tablespoons lemon juice egg whites, beaten stiff cups powdered sugar cup candied cherries