Southern Oregon New, Review, AthUnd, Oregon, Thursday, November 4 i«,4# THE PHOENIX NEWS Don Vaughn To Teach at Phoenix C A R N IV A L P L A N N E D FOR NO VEM B ER 19 Phoenix, Nov. 4 — Donald Vaughn, Ashland, has recently been hired by the Phoenix Hchooh to instruct In the seventh und eighth guides beginning on Monday, Novem ber 4. Vaughn Is a graduati- of S outh­ ern Oregon College, having at tam ed his degree there q year ago. Since that tune in- lias been In partnership in the operation of the Top Hat Drive-In in Ash­ land. He will serve as an additional instructor in the seventh und eighth grades due to the Increas. «•d enrollm ent in those grudes. J’hoenix, Nov. 4 —Plans are currently undei way for a carni­ val which will be presented on November 1» In the high school gym nasium. A rthur Dubs is stu ­ dent chairm an of the event and d ia r ie s Wilson, faculty sponsor. Mrs. Elinor Byrd and her new daughter, Bonnie May, born Oct. 14, returned home last Sunday from the Ashland Community hospital. Phoenix Presbyterian Church E. . Clark, Minister 10 A. M. Bible School J. O. N Poling, Superintendent. A class for everyone. 11 Morning Worship. Spe­ cial music by the choir. Sermon by the m inister. W ORK ON SENIOR Tues. 7 P. M. Boy Scouts. P L A Y HAS BEGUN Wed. 7 30 P. M Christian Pel Phoenix, Nov. 4 — “Boy A. lowship. bout Bobette,’ a three act pluy, R IX IA IA B E M 1 C H U SC H is now being worked on by the r P X h O oo E nlx C h u rl h o f the N axaren« P a s to r Ite v . C. H e n r y la ic \ Masquers Club in preparation We extend cordial in v ita tio n I for its presentation as the Senior a ll our friend« a and nelalihorN Io 'h< fo llo w in g aervlcea. play. Munday School 9 48 The work is being directed by M orning W orship 11:00 E v e n in g S e rv ic e 7:30. G lenn Aplin. Date for presenta­ M id w eek P r a y e r and P ra la e S e r ­ tion has not us yet been set. v ice, W ed n ead ay 7 30. G L ID D E N Good Paint’s Other Name ASK FOR COLOR BOOK F. J. RUNTZ PAINT STORE Distributors for Famous GLIDDEN PAINTS WART" THE SPEED COP—By Sieve's Union Service Hi y, w / m d , z 00-5J Lvow rtiev t u o w Ä \ o* faréóMíMO - - Phoenix, Nov. 4 — Americun Education Week, November 7-12 will be observed by Phoenix High School anti Principal Don­ ald E. Hembre has extended an Invitation to all parents to visit classes sometime during the week. The week is being highlighted by a special open house on Wed­ nesday evening between 7 and 8:30 p.m. Student's work w ill/tie on display for visitors to view and everyone has been extended an invitation by Mr. Hembre. The Phoenix Parent-Teachers Association is cooperating with the school on this evening and will serve refreshm ents to visit­ ors in the school cafeteria. Men’s All Wool Gabardine Slacks .... $9.95 ------- B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y MOTOR INN M C I A M I C A L . EL HOT B I CAI, BOOT Clogged Radiators Boiled Out and Repaired New Cores installed. 135 Morse Ph. 4851 Phoenix, Nov. 4 — The com ­ pletion of a new building at the) school Is providing more room for classes at present being used for combination third and fourth grades and seventh and eighth grades. On completion of the new school building this new stru c ­ ture will be used as a bus ga­ rage. $1.95 MACHINE SHOP Acetylene Welding - Work - Metal Fabri- General Auto a n d Truck Repair. #70 Oak St. DESCHUTES POTATOES No. 2 s in 50 lb. sacks No. l ’s in 15 and 25 lb. sacks Better Clothes for Less Money 308 N. Main Phone 4371 Ashland Rosemary’s Flower Shop Cut F low ers, C orsages, P otted P la n ts. Funeral D ealgna, Com­ p lete W edding E quipm ent 60 E. Main Phoenix Feed & Seed NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Jackson, Probate De Highway 99, Phoenix I p the M atter of the Estate of CHARLES F. THOMPSON, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given th a t the Final Account of K enneth O. Thompson, as A dm inistrator of the Estate of Charles F. T hom p­ son, Deceased, has been filed In the Circuit Court of Jackson County, State of Oregon, and that the 29th day of Novem ber, 1948, a t the hour of 10:00 a.m. has been duty set for the hearing of objections to such final ac­ count and settlem ent thereof, at which tim e any person in tc e s t ed In such estate m ay appear an file objections thereto in w rit ing and contest the same. Dated and first published this 28th day of October, 1948. KENNETH O. THOMPSON A dm inistrator of the above es- state. Van Dyke & Lom bard, a t­ torneys for the Estate. 1028-48 Johnny’s Garage Brighten Your Home with Flowers C om plete M otor R eb u ild in g M otor T une-up - .Reboring E m ergen cy H igh w ay ß - Service T elephone 7743 99 P hoenix, Ore. Flowers add charm and color «te Next Time Try to your home, when they’re fresh and bright, they con­ Walt’s vey an infectious cheer that BARBER SHOP ipakes your home inviting. Hiway 99 Phoenix, Ore. Treat your family, home and friends to the sight and fra­ grance of flowers. Buy flowers at least once a week. So order those RED ROSES now! Bunton’s VARIETY STORE is featuring this month Real Sheer 51 guage, 15 Der­ nier NYLONS Our Hours and Service Are You An INTERSECTION PEST? 8:30 to 5:30 I Saturdays 8:30 to 7:30 And it’s tim e to check on your Christm as presents w ith our lay-aw ay plan for gifts that please. BUNTON'S VARIETY STORE N ext to Phoenix Postoffice Delivery Service City Wide Phoenix Dry Cleaner Interior TUe Contractor P rom pt S ervice P ick Up And D eliver We A lso B uy & S ell U sed F u rn itu re Phone 7863 P h oen ix. Oregon ALFRED’S FLORIST 10 years experience Skilled W orkm anship Free Estim ates Phone 6942 Corner Iowa and Siskiyou Boulevard Phone 2132 Mac’s Shoe Shop I ■hoe B e -B n lld ln g . B n bber S e e ls A- 8 t- G roceries . L u n ch in eats - Milk B everage« Open u n til 9 p.m. ev ery ev en in g C. E. Taylor Fit. 1 Box 619A, Fordyce Street P a in tin g - P aper H a n g in g C on tract or by th e hour SiiggeM tlons and E «tim ates free T ex tu rin g T elep h on e 22916 - 8 to 6 p.m. I ts easy to be annoying at - intersection. Just jog your r hack and forth while waiting i- the light to change. Foot tffic will be confused and have wait till you’re gone. 1 ourteous drivers, however, iow that it pays to think out the other fellow. We are ways interested in talking auto- obile insurance with courteous ¡vers because they are the reful drivers. S.C. Jones & Sons Ashland. Oregon Radio Repairs 35 Y eare E xp erien ce ONE DAY SE R V IC E The B est Coats L ess at THE MART 270 E ‘ Maln Revival , From where I s it... Jo e M arsh A shland Pritchard s Grocery T elep h on e 22281 M ill Wood Fuel Oil A d u lti» ? n t nt W. C. K cK IN N IS . Prop. Phone 4686 Tolm an Creek Road and H wy. 99 T elep h on e 3731 Chiropractic.. Health Clinic DELICIOUS APPLES -2.49 Attention Builders Oak Street Garage AND Arc and Muchlne caUon - the frien d ly church. B ible School, 10 a.m. M orning W orship Service, 11 a.m B IB L E Clan« (6-12 yr«> 5:30 p.rn E ven in g Service, 7:30 p.m. P ow er H our, Wed.. 7:30 p.m. Slipover Sweaters NEW BUS G A R A G E NOW HOUSES CLASSES ■ to r a g a t D a y , W eak or M on th K ■• l a t B i. P h o n e 8-1176 Hooper’s Radiator Service PHOENIX CHRISTIAN CHURCH E. H. McGee, Minister Boy’s All Wool W^„l. P eaturaa oom plate A n to m a tlv e ■ ap alr D apartm ants High will meet Kerby at Phoe­ nix on Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. In this second game of the year against Kerby, Phoenix will attem p t to even up the score after a defeat at the hands of Kerby 13-12 in the first game. Four seniors will play their Jast football game for Phoenix Friday. These players are: B ur­ ton Skinner, Reynold Wright, Gordon G erm er and John C aul, kins. partaient. Mirrors - W allpapers. Window Glass Pictures une eveoYBoov Phoenix Schools To and family recently sold Their 8? n’ Rona^ from Talent, h av e| place and moved to their new Purt'hascd the place. They moved Pirates Play home on Mountain avenue. Mr in Oct°ber lftth. Ronald is a stu- Hold Open House and Mrs. Lee McSpadden and<^ent at Washington school. Kerby Friday Wednesday Night Phoenix, Nov. 4 — In the fin­ al game of the season, Phoenix A shland RILLINGS AGENCY 232 West 5th Phone 7568 Medford .Oregon Main & Oak Ph. 8781 DEPENDABLE INSURANCE COUNSELORS n Husbands, Wives, and Marriage" Maybe you read that survey pub­ lished recently in a national maga­ zine, entitled “Husbands, Wives, and Marriage.” It showed that among happily married couples, those who criti­ cized them selve» outnum bered those who criticized the dther per­ son. Among unhappily married couples, it was just the opposite — each one tended to criticize the other. That’s the way it is in our town, as I guess it is in yours. Criticism, whether it’s of a wife’s taste for hats, or a husband’s taste for pipe ASSEM BLY O F G O D 485 Siskiyou Boulevard tobacco and an evening glass of beer or ale, is a sure start towards unhappiness. As for what made happy mar­ riages, companionship within the home was listed most important of all. And from where I sit, a husband and wife who can spend an evening by the fire—with nothing more exciting than a mellow glass of beer, and a friendly conversation_ are a truly well-matched couple! Gunter Fuel Co. 233 4th St. Phone 3731 si To Buy Your Home See I. E. Schuler Copyright, 1948, United States Brewers Foundation . . . . Realtor Represented by HARVEY J. PETERSON Vi Mi. N orth Phoenix Ph. 6485 Revival Services every night a t 7:30 (except Saturday). Special musical numbers nightly. Evangelist Bobby Clark.