Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, November 04, 1948, Image 4

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    Southûjn Oregon News Review, Ashland, Oregon, Thursday, November 4, 1948
I Announcements
Published every Thursday by
Ashland, Oregon
38 East Main Street
Carryl H. Wines and Wendell D. Lawrence, Publishers
Mr .and Mrs. Tony Coy and
daughter, Dee Ann, Bend, O re­
gon returned to their home lust
Monday after spending the past
two weeks at the home of her
parent!, Mr. und Mrs. Ross H ar­
den, 558 B. street and visiting
other relatives and friend«.
Mr. and Mr«. Charlea Rhode«,
490 Holly street, returned S u n ­
day from M arysville, California
after attending the funeral of hi«
L iv e C h u rch W ith A L iv e
M eeHuse"
O. W . K lIiiK e h e ln i M in is te r •
T e l. UCSS
S u n d a y m o r n in g s e r v i c e a t 11 <•'-
S p e c ia l s e r v ic e « n i g h t l y a t 7:10
( e x c e p t S a t u r d a y ) w ith H obby C la rk
E n t h u a l a a t l c E v a n g e li s t.
S u b je c t F r i d a y n i g h t " T h e F in a l
D i c ta t o r ."
• There has been very little personal mudslinging in the 1948 Pres*
B ib le S c h o o l 8:45 a m .
dential campaign, and practically none of the undercover runtor move­ W S r o u n b g j e T c t " l a la E v e n I t lg h t to Do
ments which are designed to persuade electorate that this candidate or
M o r n in g W o r s h i p 11:00 n tn. M u
by ,b
t h e iy ‘ c h lir^God
o ir.
that, is morally, mentally or physically unfit for office. Most of
| a sl' le \ s*J,em
, A s s e m b ly o f Go«l H o u s e K W IN
critical digs have been of a general naturi
C A V e s p e r S e r v ic e a t t? 10 p 111
m an’s description of the 80th Congress as one of the worst in history,
O r c h e s t r a M u s ic a t « 20 p m
in g E v a n _
g e li s ti c S .............
e r v ic e 7 11
and Mr. Dewey’s allegations that the present administration is incap-, E v e n ........
z 1 •
• i_ *T'i_
1 1
»• • a
11 in , o b je c t
h i v e G o o d T liin ir s In
able of doing an efficient job. Thus, judged by political precedents. H e ll E v a n g e li s t R o b b y C la r k
1 M u sic . O r c h e s t r a S p e c ia l i n s t i l l
I m e n ta l a n d V ona I
Entered as second-class mail matter in the post office at Ash­
land, Oregon, February 15, 1935, under the act of Congress of
March 3, 1879.
Looking- Back on the National Election
r s ia a o i
cm ubcs
l 'a s t o r , I r w in 1*. A lg e r
!» (5 S u n d a y «chi ol n s u s u a l.
10:00 a m . B ib le S c h o o l
11 00 m n . W o r s h ip s e r v ic e .
7.00 p m . C h r l a t l a n E n d e a v o r
8:00 p m . B r a is e a n d W o rs h ip .
W e d n e s d a y 8 00 p.m . P r a y e r m e e t.
Gel Your Car Ready For
Cold Weather
CH UM CX o r C B B IB T ,
P io n e e r A vetiu«. S o u th
S u b je c t:
\ d a i i is a n d
F a lle n
•lo rk .
M an.
G o ld e n T e x t G e n e s is 2 8-7. T h e r e
.vent u p a m is t f r o m th e e a r t h , a n d
w a te r e d t h e w h o le
f a .......... f ih c
g r o u n d , and b r e a t h e d i n to h is n o s ­
t r i l s th e b r e a th o f lif e ; a n d m a n
b e c a m e a liv in g so u l.
S u n d a y S c h o o l 0 30 a .in.
W e d n e s d a y e v e n in g n iu e lliig . w h ic h
In c lu d e s t e s ti m o n ie s
C h r l s t lu n
S c ie n c e h e a lin g . Is h e ld a t S o 'c lo c k .
B e a d in g ro o m o p e n d u lly f r o m 2
to 6 p i n . e x c e p t S u n d a y s a n d h u ll-
attempted to make either of the principal candidates appear to be a
crook of the first water.
I ™
comobeoaiiom al c s u s c h
A good many voters, perhaps jyill look back with nostalgic regret on
E v a r t 7p.8 B o rd e n . ^ U n i a t e r
11:00 M o rn in g w o r s h ip . M e ss a g e
campaigns in w hich invective gave color and life to the proceedings, I S u n d a y S c h o o l, 9:45 a m. M u r jo r lu
7:45 E v e n in g S e rv ic e . P r e s e n t e d by
reprehensible as these w eapons may be in principle. And to find thc| P r i m a r y 8S u p t
W rs ' l l e n r y
th e Y o u n g P e o p le u n d e r th e l e a d e r ­
S u n d a y S c h o o l, 9:45 a .m . M u r jo r ie s h ip o f Ito m o n a C o ld w e ll a n d W a l­
campaigns which were most enlivened in this fashion, we must look F lin
la c e M c N a ir.
ie u , s u p e r i n te n d e n t .
back quite a distance. In the October issue of the American Mercury,
M o r n in g
w o r s h ip .
S e rm o n
T IB S T C H U B C H O r C H B I8 T
Robert Bendiner presents an amusing and instructive brief account of I’ R,,J?aril8 iP ,,the
E a r l r. D o w n in g , M in is te r
, xt • 1 c i
. 1 . i-
j i l
1 ’I j c l n t F e l lo w s h i p 8 :S0 p .m . L e a d -
Mudshnging In National Elections which indicates how’ tremendously I e r M rs B o rd e n . P r o g r a m a n d r. a ll a g le e s . S c h o o l, 9:45 a m . G la s s e s f o r
the times have changed in the m atter of political manners and weapons. f''png"Tm Sstudy WC lu b ' °m e« t» a t th e
M o rn in g S e rv ic e 1 1 »10 a m. S e r ­
m on.
P e t e r 's
B e e s ’."
Even Washington was not spared from the vitriol. On the First Pres-1 ¡il’ur',h W e d n e s d a y 2 p m .
u n i o r C h u r c h , 11:00 u .m . f o r th e
. ,
< 1
I f o r s t u d y Is t h e C o u n tr y 1 o f T u r e \
h lld r e u u n d e r j u n i o r h ig h uge.
ident s retirement, a newspaper observed that It ever a nation has I
____________ ___
C h r i s t ia n E n d e a v o r , 7:00 p m
been debauched bv a man, the American nation has been debauched by I
THE »M eth o d ist chubch
E v e n in g S e rv ic e .
R o b e r t M e llv e n n a , M i n i s t e r
m oil,
Washington. And while he was in office, an opposition cartoon was I T h e c h u r c h o f t h e W a y s id e l ’u l p lt (•'arm a P m a i r a b K l e i s t c h o e f n " H o p e F r o m th e
published which showed the Father of His Country being led to tbe I Z((' p “ ^ r g chorU !* r e h e a r s a l , le d bj
M id w e e k S e r v ic e . W ed . 8 :00 p in
T h e C h r i s t i a n ’« H o u r , 9 00 a m
9:45 S u n d a y S c h o o l, A. O. M cG ee S u n d a y K W IN .
Jefferson, sainted as he is in these days, also came in for his sh a re 'supt
11:00 M o r n in g W o r s h ip . T e x t " A n d i n e r t i n g W SC S.
W e d n e s d a y 7:30. C h o ir r e h e a r s a l,
of attack. The then president of Vale warned the country solemnly I" *.ien He / 11 m e to H i m s e lf ." ’
. i rz
i o
° P ” > I n t e t i r m e d i a t e M T F A lle n e D e lla W e b e r, d ir e c ti n g .
that the Jeffersonian doctrine was designed to make our wives and I n lo w . a d v is o r .
T h u r s d a y , 7:30. B ib le c l a s s led by
8:45 p .m . S e n io r Y o u th G r o u p
H o m e r B illin g s .
daughters the victims of legal prostitution.” He was also accused,
W e d n e s d a y 10 u .m .
S u b -d is tric t
through a published tract, of being a man of very loose morals.
The opposition really turned on the blowtorches when Andrew Jack-
son ran. Due to a legal mix-up, the General had married his second wife
before she was fully divorced from her first husband, and a second
ceremony had been necessary. An example of the use his political ene­
Novem ber 2, 1948 This arrangem ent is made at
mies made of this incident is found in this sentence: ’’’O ught a con­
RFD Box 461 some cost to the district, d isrup­
Talent, Oregon tion to instruction personnel and
victed adulteress and her paramour husband to be placed in the high- i
D ear Mr. Lawrence,
a falling behind on instruction
est offices of this free and Christian land?”
In modern times, Grover Cleveland, when running against Blaine, i There are two precincts In this schedules.
Inasmuch as your paper stands
was given the most savage treatment. Evidence was dug up to the effect ai<!a ’
^iPnt a ? d West Tal-
that he was possibly the father of an illegitimate child This was play-¡rated w ithin a ^ V r * distance of for economy and efficient gov-
‘inm ent, would you kindly in ­
ed to the hilt by the Republicans, in the hope that the voters would ¡each other.
E ither location is sert this in your columns.
become convinced that he was an utter libertine. As the New York ¡readily accessible to the voters
Sun put it, 'We do not believe the American people will knowingly of either district.
elect to the presidency a coarse debauchee who will bring his harlots' The total num ber of voters ac-
w'ith him to Washington and hire lodgings for them convenient to com m odated a t both polling
the W h ite’House.” However, Cleveland’s great record of probity and P^aces could readily be accom-
public service— coupled with the fact that Blaine had a very dubious modated at one.
It seems a waste of public
Congressional background— was sufficient to offset this. Yet
very close— a switch of a few hundred votes in New York would have I f " e f f e c t * 3 n^edless dupbcatlon
Letters to the Editor
You can depend on u» to do the complete job when you bring
your car to ux for winterizing service. Ju»t tay,
Get my car
ready for winter,” and you may lx- jure we'll check everything.
O ur "bumper-to-bum per” changeover service protect» every
vital part from attack by cold weather.
S/>c< itihze
In .
ClydeN. Caton
(Siskiyou Boulevard and Indiana Street)
all because we installed
LEAKS with
beaten htm. In this connection, ,t is an interesting fact that another ing places w here one would
piece of invective may have been the determining factor. One Republi- as well or better,
can slogan held that the Democrats were the party of "Rum , Roman-j Today it has been necessary j
Z ittì'PfaitiJc
ism and Rebellion.” This is supposed to have alienated the large Cath- to dism iss one class from thè
olic vote in New York, and thus given Cleveland the state.
Talent elem entary
school to
Mintut Huèbt» Cottici
Al Smith came in for heavy abuse too. A clergyman asked rhetor­ m ake way for the election board.
ically: ’’Shall dry America elect a cocktail President?” A pamphlet
described the Governor as "the friend of prostitution.” The Catholic NEWS FROM WMCA
P e rm a n e n t
issue was played up to the hilt. Herbert Hoover and the responsible
Republicans had no part in this and considered such tactics contemp-
T °ta l attendance in the bulla
M in e ra l
tibie. But they couldn’t stop the vilification. And Mr. Hoover didn’t
^or tbe past ^our we<?ks has i
R ubber
get off scot free by any means. He was accused of fraud during h is:be<;n ^°25'. S° me oi lhe groups
engineering career and other rrim «
R o o fin g
" j
r u
building during th a t tim e art-
To come down to the very recent past, Franklin Roosevelt was a Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp
consistent target of the rumor mongers. A lunatic fringe put out Fire Girls, Gra-Y Club, Senior
pamphlets to the effect that he was really Jewish, was a sufferer from Tri Hi Y Club, Senior Hi Y club
unmentionable diseases, and so on. Scurrilous attacks were made o n 'J u n io r Tri Hi Y club, Junior Hi
Mrs. Roosevelt. Matters went so far that the late President once said |Y Club, Boxing club, Catholic
that his enemies "have not beep content with attacks on me, or on W omen’s Group, Ju n io r Civic
my wife, or on my sons— no, not content with that, they now in- le a g u e , A m erican Association of
elude my dog Fala.” Oddly enough, that was literally true, Fala being
W° ™ n 3nd the Ash
accused of viciousness and other canine sins.
8 land Rotary Club
W e're not in the
», • „
x • „
- i-
. ,
An ad u lt group in Shellcraft
It is a point of interest that vitno he attack has been employed most will hold its first m eeting in the
dates— Jetterson, Cleveland, Roosevelt, etc. This caused Mr. Bendiner YMCA. Tuesday evening, No-
Phone Book
freely and consistently against the more dynamic and colorful candi- Jvember 2nd, a t 7'30. This group
to say in his Mercury article, ’’Given the comparatively colorless pair is under the direction of Mrs. R.
of nominees we have, it was improbable from the start that the 1948 ¡N. Fletcher and is open to all
our num ber is
affair would ever dip to the low but gaudy level of past classics . . . ” women in the comm unity.
Thus, the emphasis has pretty much ' been on issues and principles rath ­ The first instruction period of
er than on personalities. But i t ’s a safe bet that during some future the season for the Kiwanis-YMC
election the mudslingers will dredge up the old ammunition again.
in the senior high school gym
B etty’s Beauty Shop
a t 7:30 o’clock on Tuesday even­
Phoenix, Oregon
ing, Novem ber 2nd. John Cher- Hi-w ay 99
Although the national election might have been fairly free from (ny will be in charge” of *the"in
mudslinging, the local election at various times got a bit smeary, istruction and training periods for
The race for recorder had both sides swinging and slinging, and the club again this season. The
boxing club is open to all boys
quoting the same man as an authority.
Leland J. Knox, public accountant, who audited the city’s books in the city 9 to 18 years of age
Oregon Certified Marshall
Two games w ere played in the
found that his statements were being quoted by both sides as am­
S traw berry Plants
munition. Knox finally stated that he felt like the character who inter- YMCA-Church Six Man Touch
Football league over the week
fered in a family quarrel, only to find both participants swinging at him. end. The Ashland Presbyterian
Grown in Eastern Oregon
ih e race tor councilman was the quietest part of the entire cam- team lost to the Talent Metho
W rite for Price List
paign. we c a n t recall any councilman out to vilify any other candi- dist team in a gam e played in
date. N o one councilman’s ability, character, or reputation came in T alent on Friday afternoon. Oc-
A gricultural
for any comment. All was sweetness and light among the 10 who tober 29th. The T alent Friends
Research Nurseries
sought the job.
(Church team won easily from
N ot so with the mayorality race. Though at no time did this really tbe A shland YMCA G ra.Y club toute 2, Box 72, Puyette, Ida.
get out of bounds it showed at several times a possibility of really be- boys in a game Played on the
coming _ a forthright old fashioned
_______ w
»w*a%raa with
Wlkll fliUTlC" junior high school play field the
calling, mud slinging, and muck raking.. But it nevertheless didn’t stray
F l T h n l ^ ^ r l o 85 * he
too far from the grounds of common decency, and all the candidate^ Church Footba11 ,eaguc
two games left to play are:
had a whale of a good time.
W L Pc.
To the mayor, we say, good luck, and may the next four years be 'T alent Friends
successful ones for your administration. And to the council members T alent M ethodist
who will serve during the next four years, may you do as well, gov- 'A shland Presbyt.
erning, as you did campaigning. To the recorder and the city treas-' Ashland G ray-Y
urer, may your books always balance, and to the members of the park 1 Next F riday afternoon the Ash-
board, let’s hope that you, too, continue to do your bit toward making''land Presbyterlan team a" d the
Gra-Y club will play on the ju ­
this community a better one.
high play field.
All the men and women elected to office have jobs to do, we’re sure
that they will do them to the best of their ability.
The Neil Creek Club m et at
Marble, Granite, Bronse
the home of Mrs. Mary Gyger, 84
How much money was spent in the local political campaign is not Dewey, last T hursday at two
Extra Lettering Available
known, but the sum would surely keep a family of five in food" clothes, I ^ W a V ^ D e L e r 8 o ^ L U h ra 1 Mot-
Bosshard Lumber Co.
Looking Back on the Local Election
Positive and Guaranteed
You bet, with HOMEguard Insulation you get not only a warmer
home In the winter, but a cooler home in summer. Let your
savings in fuel pay for the entire cost of an insulation job.
70 East Main
Next to Bank
Phone «621
How Much?
and gasoline for all of a year. Amazing how much money a fellow w ill'ors was a business caller In Port-
spend for a job that pays $100.00 a year.
¡land this week.
It’s Change-Over Time! Beat Old
Man Weather to the Punch
Don’t let these beautiful
‘‘Indian Sum m er” days
fool you. Cold w eather Is
just ahead, ready
strike without warning.
Play safe! Beat old m an
winter to the punch by
getting your car ready
for cold w inter driving.
Drive in now for fall oil
change, w inter gear lub­
rication, w inter chassis
arc Specializing in MOBIL ROCK-AWAY IU B R IC A -
(REE pickup and delivery service. We also have White Gas.
"On tha Plaaa"
Rapier’s Mobil Service
388 East Main
Phone 6186