Scuthern Oregon News Review, Thursday, November 4, 1948 S tu rd y Express W a g o n Fo r Ju n io r to H a v e llu<-k*to-Furm Movement Over It looks uh though the* buck-to- fa rrn crow d are a ll buck on the fa rm or else people have lost In­ terest in c lim b in g out of bed at 5 a m . to t ill the sod fo r a liv in g . The departm en t of a g ric u ltu re bus estim ated th a t 27,440,000 peo­ ple w ere liv in g on fa rm s in Janu­ a ry this yeur. This com pares w ith 27,550,000 u y e a r e a rlie r. The decreuse in fu rm population oc­ cu rre d despite the fact th a t births to fu rm residents exceeded deaths bv M a r ly .r>o,ooo N early a m illio n persons moved to fa rm s fro m the c ity Inst year. But m ore than 1 5 m illio n moved aw ay fro m furm s. A cheerful C hristm as note Is the news thut your C hristm as budget cun be made to perform wonders w ith little tim e and ef­ fo rt. Just w rite down the names of friends who sm oke; then v is it a neighborhood dealer. H e 'll be w ell slocked w ith gay cartons of m ild , ftavorful Camel cigarettes and pound tins of nuld, m ellow P rince A lb e rt Smoking Tobucco— the N utional Joy Smoke. Both gifts come ready-dressed in color­ fu l C hristm as containers. You can even dispense w ith the usual fussing w ith cards, due to the novel space provided fo r per­ sonalized season's greetings on the wrappings of both item s. Your budget w ill like these modest gifts. And your friends are cer­ ta in to welcome holiday - sent Camels and Prince A lb e rti (A d v.) Works Where 3 Out ef 4 Colds Sturt! Q u lc k l W hen your bead Is stuffed-up with • cold, put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol In each nostril and feel relief »tart im tantlyl Va-tro-nol works right where trouble Is to relieve ntufll- ncss and open up your cold-clogged nose. Actually helps prevent many colds from developing If used at tha# first warning sniffle or sneeze! Try IL Vicks Va-tro-uul Nose Dropsl (z /o i ü ti I F YOU w ant to m ake some little * boy happy and at the same tim e develop his interest in w oodw ork­ ing, build one o f these sturdy ex­ press wagons fro m the fu ll size p a tte rn offered below. I t Is easy to build. ffioti/dfite <4 ounces of Pinex from any druggist. This is a special com­ pound of proven ingredients. In con­ centrated form, well-known for lta quick action on throat and bronchial Irritations. Put the Pinex In a pint bottle, and fill up with your syrup. This makes a full pint of splendid medicine and you get about four times as much for your money. Never spoils. Tastes fine. And for quick, blessed relief. It is surprising. You can feel It take hold In a way that means business. It loosens the phlegm, soothes the irri­ tated membranes, and eases the sore­ ness. Thus it makes breathing easy, and lets you sleep. Money refunded If not pleased in every way. P in e x I s S w if t A c tin g ! r T H IS B U N N Y A N D ^ . / HER TO Y P A T T U IN S X g F O R J U S T $ 1 . OO Make gill« and profits from colorful Pelt. Ton individual , pallor«». Full aito. Easy to follow. Sand $ 1 .0 0 for ton Patterns and Felt supplycatalog. TNI H IT CBAFTU* • FIAISTOW «1. N. N. N A TU R E'S REM EDY (N R ) T A B ­ LETS—A purely vegetable laxative lo relieve constipation without the usual griping, sickening, perturbing sensa­ tions, and does not cause a rash. Try N R —you w ill see ihe difference. U n­ coiled or candy coaled—iheir action is dependable, thorough, yet gentle nr millions of NR's have proved. Get • 24c box and use as directed. FUSSY STOMACH? KUEFFWAOO •(DIGESTION, FOR THE TUMMY! (AS AND HEARTBURN elps keep fee say many old folks about good tastint SCOTTS EMULSION Thousands of happy folk« know this 1 Good­ tasting Scott's Emulsion helps you ward o ff eolds—helps you get well faster—and helps you keep going s tro n r when your d ie t needs more natural A&D Vitamins I Scott's la a H IG H ENERG Y FOOD T O N IC - rich in natural A4D Vitamins and energy-building natural olL Try It I See how well yon feel. Easy to take and digest. Economical. Buy today at you» drug store I PION MB ‘QUINTS’ nSm w