Southern Oregon News Review, Thursday, November 4, 1948 CLASSIFIED FICTION C ot Het HOSE HABBITb & SKINS to keep water from flowing down­ hill. Everything went along flue un­ til Mr. Westour came over to com­ plain that Jack had dug up his gar­ den to bury a bone. All our efforts to explain didn't appease Dad very much, and he was disgusted. Then Jack chased Roush's cat. and the cat got caught in the porch railing and couldn’t get out until old man Roush sawed the railing loose. Naturally, he wasn't too pleased about that. Dad was adamant by that time, and insisted Jack would have to go. He had found some farm er who would take the dog. But Jack had a knack for taking things into his own hands, or I guess we ought to say, his own paws! He had a habit of following us to school, but we d usually chase him home after a block or two. But one morning, when the snow was com- until about a month later. One of the neighbors said: "You know. I think I saw your dog this morning over at the Whit­ tier school. He was outside watch­ ing the children as they came out. I stopped the car and turned around, but by the time I went back to look for him, he was gone.” Mother replied that Jack was probably making the rounds of the schools looking for us. We kept searching and hoping, renewed by the news that Jack was still alive. But we didn't have much time to hunt for him, as I was practicing every night for a school play. The night of the play’s performance we almost found Jack again. During the second act. there was a lot of commotion near the back of the auditorium, and several ushers ran up and down the aisles. It was pretty hard for us to enact the scene with all that commotion going on in the auditorium. On the way home. I asked Mom what the noise was. and she W ANT L IV E RA BU1TB « lbs. up, rnb hit uh I im,», w ool, m ohair, eaa- cura. 111 •• pou ltry. R u h r A Oonip.iny. 938 8. W. r r o n t, P ortlan d , Orayua BUSINESS « INVEST. O PPO lt IN 1 L arga freeier, luokera In d n u n in l (In uruc<*g»lnx nr » tu n lunch and r id ili fror b u iu tlru l .q u lp tn ru t ; rvuuonabl» ren i, eli S a c r ifie« for liiie n tu i niant coal ltru«uii; D aula tit h S u ., T a tu ili! "OPENINGS In all allow ram ona M C nni|ilato lina o f ■ k ilt» , bloiiaca, al F u lly K u iin iiiian l w r llo » . O. B oa O raron." TOR S A L S OB L I A S ! > S tu lliq i, g u la g c . Iinily «m | I «hop. B o« O liarw ood (la r iia , Sh erw ood , O rtgun. P hone 4383. MISCELLANEOUS W. D. W aukaraw aiul «Inal« trailer. H aul 8 M lum bar. S ell or tim t« for car or $1000 ck «I i , lla rg a ln . Jo« D ia ­ n o ,nJ, R t. 1, M onro«, O regon. ro o m « 5 n ia lr r liil DOGS. CATS, PETS. ETC large fr o n ta g e. »941 Bid U nion A ve Portland, Ore. Open Bun. FLOORING W b oleeale and Car L ots ASPHALT TILE HAROLD H. NEVIN CO, 43411 B B. B elm on t P O R T L A N D 16, O R IO O R W A N T E D at once, u sed cam era«, caah or trada on new E astm an . Hell A H ow ell, R evere. Argil«, llolex. etc. T a ll’«, In c. 1409 F if t h A ve., B eattie, W aeh ln gton . Y O UR B U D S TOR PZ.OOR COY- » R IK O T U L L Y B U P P L IB D H ER U A ll m odern colora and p attern « In lin oleu m . A sp h a lt tile. Rubber tile and l*ln«tla lin oleum . Freo Infor­ m ation and litera tu re. Acme Linoleum Co. 491 S. W. T a y lo r, P o rtla n d 4, Ora, AUTO M L illA N I t ’. bod.vinan Joiirnryn I l 76 lir. piu« lu i eut. r o lli Ine <|. alar Ohahalla, W ash. NKW M G D EItN LN TIf m o til »r ptirk. «hou ! 2 arri*«. ’I farm or c ity h on it. I ml. J u n ction C ity, Or., lllw ay o lilo T ra il Court. , M IN E I HIIOI* 6 III lu g rr. Iva«v tttoofc, to o l« , HARDWOOD HELP WANTEN PO R BA LB (lood bualuee», work »• acen In <>p «-rA tio n Celutnbii» a O kanogan N a rsery Ce. 85 w lh large lo ft, 140 ton brick a dog. and he wouldn’t have one If now . P h on e W ecka L a m b ir Co., W enatchee. W ashington alio, garu or, ahop, m ach in e « b id . F atab liah ed IlMHi X a la m a , W a a h ln r to a 633. he had to keep it tied. o w n er » . Ill h ealth com pelln MB MBB ■ HI g a in la . »Go.< - "W hat'll we cal! him, Mom?" I i 8& H V IC E S T A T IO N nnd guruge on A C RES. 3 A. F IL B E R T S , no e a sy term « , Ing d isco u n t for caah tw o lilw’ayH a llo w in g ununual return. asked eagerly. in««. 23000. A l«o 1 a., 8-rni, P A C IF IC N O R T M W B B T L A N D CO W ould h ave to he seen to be ap p re­ lo t« o f fr u it. Clog», In. 2650(1, "Why don’t you and Freddy fig­ cia ted . P rice and detailw o f earn in g P on rth -P Ik e B ldg. S e a ttle . MA 1102. N . P ortlan d b y w a y nr. Wa« c a p a c ity on req u e st W aldp ort Reni« ure that out for yourself, son,” she | hom e. W ill tr a d e fu r S-bdrm . O( F A N V IE W A lm o«! l a , r e a t r lc w C o., W ald p ort, O regon. nr. R ock aw ay or G aribaldi. said as she went toward the kitchen ed to reklririire; l ì m i. m irili D a v ie. R t. 8. B o x 62. N lllg b o t F lo ren ce; 7 m i « , balli, Ubi gai to get dinner under way. FO R ZM M ROIATB SA X B — lfII«Z«KR’fl un»! «bop. W rlte Oh»«. H. B allili k TR A D IM O POST All my life I had wanted people P lorane«, O regon. SatB D liahed bueitu-Mk. necoud • hnnd to call me Jack, because I liked it m d se., arm y su r p lu s. Good place for But keeping Jack out of trouble TO RENT OR LEASE lined car lot. M ore biiNlix na than like trying to keep water for a nickname; but all I ever heard from flowing downhill. tw o can h an d le year-roun d. Largo was just plain John, so I said: hom e, 2 Iota, 1 0 0 .ft. fr o n ta g e, c o r ­ FOR R E N T — T o a n eap erlen ccd , re- n e r lot. 25 m l. P ortlan d on No. 50 ap on alb le d a iry farm er a grade A "L e t’s call him Jack, Freddy.” kept coming right along. Nothing w AUTOS, TRUCKS & ACCES. Iliw ity to Mt. Hood, In Sandy. Ore d a iry w ith m odern 6-room houee. 2!».00b. S e ll w ith or wlthout^Hto» k’ "\e a h —Jack’s a good name a 'l we could do would persuade him to Io A ll b u ild in g» In e x c e lle n t con d itio n . O. I. TRUCK P A R T S . N E W * * - I BED T hoinag J . M iller, B o x 391, Bandy, R.-nter mu»t fu rn l«h ow n »lock. 64 right. Here, Jack, come over here, go back. We knew we’d be late if di Ore. P h on e «8. 7’ ton» o f good hay and m aciiIn n v old boy!” he called to the dog. And we didn’t hurry, so we went on to lo and tr a c to r fo r »ala If d esired H er. TACOM A, W N . Ph. G A R L A N D 4222. e re n e rs required. I'arm located | i - AUTO CO URT Jack wagged his tail, put his big school. As we entered the building, Inlli-M N E o f W ash ou gal, W ash. co u rt« am i on e u n fin ish e d hi front paws up on the couch, and Freddy shouted to the dog: 1948 D D H C L E T R A f T R A C T O R 26400, W rite or ph en e for apnt. A. O. R a t . oin liou«e w ith rough 1 947 K R ll In ter n a l tonal lo g truck. licked Freddy on the nose. "You wait here till we come out. w ic k , B t. 1. B og 498, W axb on gal. and w ir in g Inatulled 150 V -200 T im k en and 703 B row n ie: W aah. P h on e 9691. a c lflo lllw a y . Hear Van- "Gosh, look, John,” said Freddy, Jack!” 1947 T L -55 F r u e h a u f tr a iler , 27500. re«»-nt Incom « 2160 m o n ih - R . T . W e y en , B a m la h , Idaho. P h on e "he knows his name already.” I asked my teacher if I could Ov rooin fo r a d d itio n a l cab - MACHINERY & SUPPLIES prloe 218,500, nr w ill se ll We had a wonderful tim e with bring Jack in, and she gave con- in H. L leb , R e a lto r, 911 B. CONSULT US ON A U , O f YO’JN n.-'A L E K k w an ted to aell Jack until Dad came home. Y an con ver, W aah. A i.tor, exclu , terri. ,$593 your old friend Let the A ds Guide V ou When Shopping BEN'S Truck PARTS "What’s going on here?” he called when he saw the dog stretched out on the living room floor. "Where did that mongrel come from ?" "He came to help me get well. Dad," piped Freddy from his haven on the day bed. Freddy always could work Dad for most anything, and when he fin­ ished telling Dad how the dog just practically came up and knocked on the door to help Freddy get well Dad just grinned and said grudg­ ingly: "Well, I guess we can keep him for a while . . . until you get well anyhow.” But after Freddy got well. Jack stayed. Dad kicked about it a little, but he finally agreed to let us have Jack if we kept him in the basement at night, and the dog didn’t get into any trouble. We both promised! But keeping Jack out of trouble was like trvine Logging end Construction Equipment Requirements K lrln aeh m iill, H ate! Fry» FARMS AND RANCHES I 89 acre«, 55 clea red ; rn h om e, black top road; round creek. S a c r ific e C. W. P ed eraon . U lt- or c a ll MA 3283, B e a ttie . A C R E S L A N D , good in g orch ard , «traivl tr e e s, pond: R-roont i k itc h e n , w ired for e lir e p la c e ; p h one; m ile ner. S ch o o l bu« «toj J c h n J o h m o n , R t. 1, n tr , W a sh in g to n . Pho; But our pleasure in our dog didn't last long. About a month later, 1C0-ACRB W IL L A M D T T B Y A L L B Y Jack was lying on the front porch. PARK x ou re an wet irom the snow." Teddy Long, a tot about two who M oat a ll «ui., to »ult. an d Irrig Flnt-at of anil. ralae a n y th in g No one had much to say at the lived across the street from us. was c h e s W illa m e tte riv. 2b c. rlvei supper table that night. Even Dad playing on the sidewalk in front of » b t o o u tto m ; barn f u ll o f h av. P riced be lo w v a lu e a t 225,»JOO. 4 dow n. 5»^ was pretty quiet, and he went to the his house. He toddled toward the te r m s to ault. Q uick «aie. C all 01 window several times to look out curb, and was clim bing down into wri t B ro w n R e a lty , 1EO8 MB AL before we went to bed. b erta , P o rtla n d , Ore. T R 15B0. TB the street when Jack leaped to the 0504 B v e s. Two dejected little boys prayed Center of the street, barking fu ri­ fervently for the safe-keeping of a ously at the youngster. Just then a C A N A D IA N FARM S— W rit» ua for FBKK IK- lost dog that night. We rolled and car came around the corner, and F O R M A T IO N oo fana leUItmant i Low Work Tables ing to lose him so soon. Things were Is teaching a child to pray. 6» 3 It takes four and one-half times so glum around the house that Mother decided we ought to have a the energy required to work at a table too low as at one of correct Two tall white candles burn beside her chair, L party to cheer things up. But it height. was no use . . . nothing could take Piercing the dusk; they center in the eyes Bb the place of our lost dog. Even O f the kneeling child like twin Stars shining there; Popularity of ‘Notions’ when spring came and Dad took us Sewmg notions, from skit facings They glimmer through the twilight of the room, on a fishing trip, something was t»j buttons, are enjoying the biggest And make a halo of the mother’s hair. E | missing. volume in the history of the va­ We were sitting on the porch one riety business. afternoon waiting for Dad to come Brighter than the candles or the sunset light home for supper. Freddy sighed W ill be the fruit born o f this precious hour Paint Protects Baby Trout and said: The planted seed o f faith will bear a white «-J m Hatching troughs for trout usual- "Poor old Jack.” iy are painted blue-green to pro­ Incredible flower, Mother asked, "Boys, you’re sure­ tect the baby rainbow trout, which ly not moaning about that dog yet, And truSt implanted in 2 child's heart may are very delicate, from sunburn. are you?" Bear wonder-fruit some future day. I"- v j Just then Dad swung the car Into Oh, teach her well to pray! S3S the driveway. From along side the !*»• a La Mode house, w6 heard him honk the horn. Custom "What kind of pie |a Freddy ran to see what he wanted. this. Apple?” Suddenly, he burst around the cor­ Waitress: "How docs It taste?” ner of the house, carrying a squirm­ "Like glue.” ing puppy in his arms and shouting: * Then i t ’s peach. The apple tastes "Hey, Mom, look what Daddy li '• • nuH M brought home. He’s our new dog. Mom . . . and you know what his V.'ell Pressed, M&n name is, Mom? His name is Jack!” " I ’ll have to have a raise, sir,” Mom looked at Dad and smiled, said the bookkeeper, "There are and I thought I saw just the least three companies after me.” sign of a tear in the corner of Dad’ s “ V/liat three?” asked the boss. eye, as the new puppy kissed Fred "Light, telephone and water,” waa dy on the nose. T I II ’ HI H| P 1 □o m ilea Iroin H onolulu. N ev er o ie r RS ^ « f c e a or under «0, O ne of H aw aii » fl- 10 unit» O PA M to M d ay plu» n',atdr • ? m al* o w n er » houae. On main sn’ m ei!? ’, » iln