V, 5Í O. Library, t'CA 4 O r eg ] o ® N lw s / äper NEWS REVIEW P II B 11 s h I e r s 4 - s | s ( o di A T I 0 I Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner $3.00 per year The New* Review feels very A shland, Jack ao n C ounty, Oregon, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1948 fortunate In having been assist­ $3.00 p er Y ear VO LUM E 15, NUMBER jj ed by E,,rtland> Oregon; Cecil Posey, Ashland, Saturday. November «.¡this year pay more than 10% of ed of Education to all instructors instruotors a ” bum ility the serious responsi­ Fred Homes in third place. (executive-secretary, Oregon Edu. will be Glen Nelson, form er Ash- the total county tax and advanced students in the bility that is now mine. I propose In the race for Recorder Me- ’a n ' stat*' ®up«rlntendent; 11. W. As a freshm an m em ber of of Southw estern Oregon includ­ the best of my ability and with slight edge over J. Q, Adatns, 1 ' t,'rs" n* W estern Regional sales Coach Paul Stagg’s squad, Nel- ing Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jose­ your help I predict a successful the Incum bent, and this wiis man.iger, Pan Am erican Air- has .shown promise since; phine, Klamath and Jackson and harmonious future for A sh­ Lines; Dr. Joseph Butts, profes­ borne out by the vote. Ihe very start of the season o f , T A P rO C O n io rl counties to attend a Volleyball land.’ sor of chem istry, Oregon State McLain hit the park board becoming one of Pacific's most I V DC I IC v C IIlC II Clinic on the Southern Oregon college; Dr. Victor Morris, profes- Polling behind W illiams were forecast on the nose when hr valuable men. One of the few i College campus November 13th. Dr. W alter W eller w ith 651 nami'd Heard, Snider and B arnt- 1,01 and dean of School of Busi- freshm en used in varsity play, he | TUES. DRAMA INCLUDES votes, incum bent Thornton S. house as winners. ness A dm inistration, University has worked as a quarterback on AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Wiley with 523, Col. Preston B. Now for the really big news, of Oregon; Dr. W alter H. Brown, defense. In the Badger’s tussle W aterbury, 395, and Col. H ar­ McLain predicted some few acting director of state public- with both W hitman and Linield. “The Night of Jan u ary 16" old Jordan, 42. m onths ago that the first child health departm ent, California; Nelson came up to nail ball car­ which will be presented to an Ed Singmaster, president of brought into his household would Frank Bennett, city school super­ eers who had broken aw ay and Ashland audience Tuesday, Nov­ Three city council seats were he a girl and to beur the accu­ intendent of Salem, Oregon; Dr. .w ere touchdow n’ bound. ember 12 is something new in the Ashland Chamber of Com­ filled w ith distinct victories for racy of his prediction, Mrs. Mc­ O. R. Cham bers, professor and , I ... p.ay .IV uavu «> In offensive play he > is B used as mystery plays. It is being pro- merce, attended a m eeting of Phil Stansbury, Harold M errill fiom Medford, and Fred C. Homes. Lain presented him with a love­ head of departm ent of Psycho­ ,a ball carrying and pass ree e iv -1 duced by the dram a departm ent representatives ly seven pound girl, named S u­ logy, Oregon S tate college; Dr. ng right halfback. A fast, sh ifty tof the Ashland high school, but G rants Pass, Roseburg, Stansbury received the largest „ ~ and W T Sal­ san Maxine, Saturday evening. F. R. Zeran, dean of School of runner, Nelson showed his s p e e d .12 members of the audience will em enL in Portland Thurs., Nov. 4. vote with 1138 cast. Harold M er­ Education, Oregon State college; In a seventy yard punt return to be selected as a ju ry to deter-1 e 8rouP Plana discuss rill with 1125 and Fred Homes Dr. Eldon Johnson, dean of L ib­ a touchdown against Linfield; !m lne tbe guilt of the principal IW1 MRS. BURNS HAS ENGLISH t e state highway commis- w ith 794 followed. The balance eral Arts College, University of again when he took a pass down character. JUSTICE OF PEACE GUEST ¡sion the im m ediate Improvement gave Redford 797, Gragg, 439. Mrs. Nelle Burns had as a Oregon; and Dr. Frank Munk, to the two yard line in the Col The story is that Karen A ndre ° f Canyonville stretch of the Bracker 499, Stew art, 435, W endt guest a,t her office last week, professor of political science, lege of Idaho game. Nelson is is on trial for the m urder ofT*?**® h,ghw ay- The part of the 348, Gerdes 202, and Eillings 040 Mrs. Muriel Sorensen, Justice of Reed College, Portland. Bjorn Faulkner. scene aw is W set -- • The - W - fc |h *ghw,ay under discusslon w111 be Phil Stansbury in his state­ A convention banquet will be described by Coach Stagg as be­ - th at from Azela to Canyonville. m ent to the people said, “I sin ­ the Peace from London, England. ing one of the best pass recelv- ln a court room. The jury is sel- Delegations from farther north, cerely thank the people of this She with her husband J. P. Sor­ held in the Elks Dining hall ers in the backfiela. ected from the audience. They it is expected, will urge comple­ com m unity for expressing their ensen, a m em ber of parliam ent Thursday evening to whi c h H e Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. listen to the testim ony of the In England arrived in New York everyone attending the institute W. F. Nelson, 364 Hargadine S t, witnesses, observe the action on tion of the Drain section, as the confidence by electing me to the Septem ber 21, and In Ashland Is Invited. the stage, and at the end of the death rate from traffic accidcn.s im portant position of city coun­ The four principal talks are Ashland. last Saturday. He is lecturing In play, the ju ry (from the au d ­ in that area Is large cilm an and I will do my utm ost entitled, “Air Age," Atomic Age," the States under the auspices of "Economic O utlook’’ and "Longer to fulfill the duties of the office ience) determ ines w hether or not the Am erican Friends Service Life.’' and serve the people io the best K aren Andre is guihy. The de­ Committee. He addressed the of my ability.” cision is entirely up to the jury. C ham ber of Commerce luncheon A A A C s iik n v L suv In a statem ent regarding the Students included ln the cast An honor roll of students at group on Monday and In Med- V V V E 111 D2 m i l l t election and his future respon­ of characters include Richie B ar­ Ashland high school fa m in g a ford on Tuesday evening. They ® sibilities Fred Homes said this, grade of two or better in every nett, Peggy Taylor, Alex Austin, came here from San Francisco Bonds for the three building “I appreciate very much the vbte subject for the first six weeks Ruth Mitchell, K enneth W ilkin­ and later going to PortlarW. ending October 22, has been re ­ son, Audry Schust e r, F r e d projects of School District No. 5. of frends who carried me thru. Haight, Don McWhirter, Marion will be sold November 23 accord­ I will give the office my best a t­ Southern Oregon College Is leased this week. SENATOR WAYNE MORSE D’Anne Ne e 1 e y, ing to Superintendent of Schools, tention and will co-operate w ith em barking on an educational e x ­ Following are the students Thornberry, TO BE GUEST SPEAKER other councilmen in carrying out Bruce Sm ith, Lloyd Bunnell, Leland Linn. perim ent. Last October the teach listed: „ S,'(n at,l ^ nynP. ’i T V i i bC ers, students, parents and in ter-. i Sophomore: “This will allow ample time m easures to the benefit of the Patricia Bailey, Doris Litw iller, Wally Barnett, M i's spea ei a e . ou ern d citizens of both Coos and ¡Bill Barger, M aryanne Crews, ---------- n a ooioen, B arbara „*voov».Kvi, Messenger, a Rita Golden, for adverlising" Linn said, “pre- city of Ashland and its citizenry..’ Oregon College student body as- gathered > Edith - Councilman M errill, re-elected Hile, Mary Hillberry, Ju a n ­ Lavonne Olson, Fawn Phelps^ eiualifyin6 statem ents from con- sembly on W ednesday, Nov. 3rd. Institut/ and co. Operat- ita Howell, Donald M acW hirter, Nancy Beers, and — 1 John t _ i — Lance. t ’ tractors are to be required and said, “I wish to express my ap­ preciation for the support I have Mrs. E. R. Zboralski, 195 G a r - i n , ,ist ng l,hc w' eak ®re“ *n Berniece Mayben, A rthur Os­ O ther w orkers include: Make it is expected that specifications received and you can be confi­ on all buildings may be ready up Crew: Lavonne Olson, Ruth field street, was called to Salem the educational set-up In those trander. Juniors: Nancy Arney, Lois Al- Seitz, D’Nnne Neeley, Pat Imel, for the consideration of the con­ dent th at my efforts will reflect Monday to the bedside of her counties. For help in bolstering the will of the people of A sh­ father. George Dennis who is Lh°’ e area». Southern Oregon berding, Kay Beck, Ellen Brower, and Fawn Phelp; Business staff: tractors in December or January. land.’ Blue prints for the three school Craig Canfield, Joanne Down­ Dori^ Litw iller, Betty Myers, quite 111 in a Salem hospital. Mr. fCo‘,eg? was turned, to’ a re ' The contest for city recorder Dennis form erly owned t h e suit of a series of conferences ing, Anne Fullerton, Donna F a­ John Lance, and JoAnne Down­ buildings w ere inspecte d b y culm inated w ith a narrow vic­ mem bers of the school board at a Fourth Wheel Cafe until about a th« C? llege * offering a special der, Nina G raber, Frances How­ ing; Publicity staff: JoAnn Bris­ ard, Gloria Kelleher, Doris Lit- coe, Venita Roberson, and Esther meeting Tuesday night. Marion tory for J. H. H ardy over in­ year ago in Medford, and since ®x‘®nalonu course which is for willer, George Miller, Lavonne Fowler; * Property crew: Janie Stokes, a m em ber of the firm cum bent J. Q. Adams. The vote then owned and operated the teachers and non-teachers. Olson, Cash Perrine, Nadyne Simpson, and Rosemary Knott, Stokes and Allyn, architects, will w ent 1158 for Hardy and 1086 Greyhound Bus Depot at Cres- course .s entitled an cduca- Pounds, B arbara Riley, Bob and S tudent director: Barbara be in Ashland during the week for Adams. cent Citv jtional workshop, and Is speclfl- In accepting election to the post Simpson, Richard Wilcox, Nor­ Messenger. of November 16 to .go over the _______ ¿2,______________________ fcally designed to rem edy those H ardy said, “I desire to thank Price of admission for adults is specifications in detail with the the citizens of Ashland Tor their weaknesses pointed out at the m an Wyers. m em bers of the board. Seniors: Alex Austin, John 75c. C urtain time is 8:00 p.m. Teacher’s Institute. Seven m ajor loyal support in my campaign problem s are dealt w ith by men Beare, B arbara Berg, Dorothy for the office of city recorder, who are experts in each area as Brabham , Shirley Damon, Betty and I promise to work in coop­ Hall, Mary Jane Jessel, Betty follows: eration and harm ony w ith the 1 Appraising and Evaluating Lou Kerby, Donald T. Kerr, Phil mayor, council and public in p er­ Knott, Student Progress, Professor Clif­ Kllngsheim, Rosemary form ing my duties in a m anner INTRODUCING— Carol Meeks, B arbara Messenger, ford Williams. that will be for the best interest Delores Momany, Melvin Mor­ of all.” The Union Pacific railroad has ’ C haracter and Religious E du­ The new Columbia Long Alum nae will return to South­ gan, Carroll Powell, Emma Red­ cation, Professor Loren M essen­ The election of three park Ploying Microgroove Record. ern Oregon College this weekend established a traffic general a- bird, Venita Roberson, Winifred gency in Eugene, effective No­ ger. commissioners was not clearly Now, you can hear your Schuster, Carla Sears, Janie to be lauded and entertained by vem ber 1, w ith territory south decided this m orning w ith results favorite concerto or sym ­ I Reading, A rithm etic and W rit­ Simpson, M argaret Wagner, the school w ith festivities begin­ of Eugene to the Oregon-Califor­ from precinct 7 holding the de­ phony, w ithout Interruption, ing Skills, Professor Edith Bork. Grace Williams, Sally Yates. ning Friday evening at 6:15 with on high-fidelity Vinyl! t e nia line and west to the coast. cision. Leading were Noel W I Economic Efficiency (Vocation­ a banquet at Susan Homes Hall discs. One record, of stand­ Alan B. Taylor, form erly chief Heard wth 1648 votes. F rank h ' al Education) Professor John ard 12” size, gives you up and ending Saturday night w ith- f the rallro ad s service bureau Bartnhouse w ith 1618, and Will­ Schulz. a football game a t G r a n t s Pass L t Omaha, hgs been in,ed iam E. Snider w ith 1463. to 45 m inutes playing time, A dult and Leisure Time Edu­ w ithout distortion or surface between the Southern Oregon general a t R w McIX sh of Jackson County Results cation, Professor A rth u r Kreis- noise. One single record, of Miss Vera Segswoilth, daught­ Red Raiders and Pacific Univer Eugene is traveling freight end In Jackson county, William unbreakable, non - abrasive man. er of Mr. and Mrs. A. Segsworth, sity. passenger agent and C. T. Geary McAllister was elected to the plastic, contains the same School - Com m unity Relation­ m arried Jack Galland, Monday, Plans have been made to en­ of Portland is chief clerk. The State Senate. music that would take up a M cAllister was ship, Dean M arshall Woodell. October 25, in Medford. Mr. and tertain approxim ately 100 grad- growing im portance and indus­ nom inated to the senate follow­ six-record album on conven­ Schools ln A m erican Demo­ Mrs. Galland left Thursday m orniuates. tional shellac records. No trial developm ent of the south- ing the death of the late W ill­ cracy, President Elmo Steven­ ing for Southern Callfor n i a breakage or replacem e n t D arryl Davis of the M edford ;ern Oregon area necessitated this iam H. Fluhrer. son. w here they will m ake their Junior High School will be the increase in service to sh‘ppers problem , and the prices will Two Republican candidates, The course is being run from home. surprise you. principal speaker at the banqur 'according to Cail W. Evrs noith- Ben Day and Frank Van Dyke October 22nd to Dec. 18th on Mrs. Galland is a graduate of Friday evening. Bud Silver will west traffic m anager of the Un- were elected to the House of Rep­ Friday evenings and Saturday B rahm ’s 2nd Concerto, for Ashland High School and South­ be toastm aster and Dr. Elmo ion Pacific. The business address resentatives. Day polled the lar­ mornings, and is being rotated instance, costs $8.50 on shel­ ern Oregon College . She has Stevenson will speak to the gra- of the new general agency was to ger vote. Trailing were Demo­ through the cities of Brookings, lac, $13.00 on Vinylite. The cratic candidates Mrs Marie been teaching school in Kerby, duates. The four year athletic be announced later. Gold Beach, Bandon, Coos Bay same concerto, by the same Bosworth and J. P. Graham. Oregon, Mr. Galland is a con­ blankets will be presented to artists on the new LP re ­ and Coquille. In the contest for .county com­ struction engineer and architect qualifying athletes. Miss Dell Waltz, 31 Union cord, only $4.85. It shouldn't The second event of the pro­ street and Mrs. C. O. Pouter, 143 missioner, Republican “Shy” graduate of University of Calif­ take much arithm etic to NEW UNIFORMS FOR gram will be the bon fire rally 8th street w ere dinner guests of M orthland received a substan­ figure the difference. All re ­ ornia. He at one time was a gov­ BASKETBALL PLAYERS cords, and players, now which will be held at Fuller Mr. and Mrs. George Lowd, 494 tially larger vote than his Demo­ Basketball players are to be ernm ent employee in Honolulu. available a t ................. Field at 8:30 p.m. Friday. Holly street Thursday, October cratic opponent, C. L. Hockcr- decked out in brand-new uni­ smlth of Phoenix. M orthland had At 9:00 p.m. Friday evening a 21st. EDITORS AND ADVISOR forms, It was reported by S uper­ 6434 votes and Hockersm ith dance Is scheduled and will be TO ATTEND CONCLAVE intendent, R. B. Parr. fooltball team, will reign at the 5110. held at Memorial Court. Music Co-editors, John York and V ir­ The new uniforms will be I The county sheriffs office re ­ black satin. The trunks w ill! ginia Peters, together w ith Mrs. will be provided by Jam es Mc­ Homecoming Dance and at the SOC - Pacific U football game. ported today that results on the Guire and an 11 piece orchestra Alberding, will attend a Press have orange and w hite inserts 270 East Main Phone 8011 She will be crowned by the cap­ two county m easures would not from G rants Pass. Conference a t the U niversity of down the side, and the jerseys The Queen of Homecoming, tain of the ball team a t the F ri­ be definitely know n until pub- j will have orange num bers on Oregon, Eugene, Novem ber 5 and | lished by the county clerk. ie who is yet to be chosen by the day night dance . 6. m L white background. 1200 Teachers Expected At SOC Institute Tom Williams Elected Mayor of Ashland Raiders To Meet Pacific U. Friday ¡Tax Increases Reported by Copco Stansbury, M errill and Homes Win Seats on Council: Hardy is in High School Play Group Will Study Highway Plans . . — j .53 Make Ashland High Honor Roll School Bonds To Sell November 23 An Experiment SOC Alumni To Celebrate 1 Miss Segsworth Weds Jack Galland 7-fe Ai A C T Union Pacific tc Serve This Area