DOING THE TOWN With the local political put hulling over, your News Review pollster has been tuklng the tem­ perature of the steum. The re­ sults are hot indeed. Au uuuul, fifty registered vot­ ers were asked the questions. The most meaningful of the lot was: "Which man do you favor lor mayor?” Doc. Walt Weller hus almost from the start been leading the puck At the present time he Is still ahead. With 12 votes out of fifty or twenty-four per cent he hus a two per cent lead over the incumbent mayor, Thornton S. Wiley. Mr. Wiley has begun un extensive advertising campaign and as a result he polled eleven votes or twenty-two per cent as compared to five votes ut the lust mayorallty poll. Still gaining, in spite of the unties of one of his backers in a city council meeting, is Tom Williams. Tom has another guln of two per cent, bringing him up to twenty per cent. Col. Waterbury has definitely had success in his mail-order house technique. The last poll gave him eight per cent but the use of a typewriter and a three cent stamp he has risen to four­ teen per cent, a zenith of his standing in this poll. Now we come to Col. Harold Jordan. Again the erstwhile poll­ ed one vote or two per cent, but I dare say that If as much had been spent for Col. Jordan‘s pub­ licity as has for others, he’d have a higher percentage, too. The ranks of those who are un­ decided are getting lower yet. From thirty per cent of those polled last time to eighteen per cent Is quite a drop. But we should plenty » anu still sec nil n/ »u of j action j 1 ° t .u » 'H? I .* ' , ° a een Southern öoeya* M u t u im i ÖREGtoOlLtf SI PER P M i L i s J e rs' 4 sisó Il IT 101 $3.00 per Year New Band Shell To Contain Organ Upon completion of the new bund shell a Wurlitzer organ will be installed according to Bert Freeman, president of the Ash­ land City band. The organ is being made pos­ sible through the funds set aside from the Gwin Butler estate for a Butler memorial. According to Freeman the or­ gan will be stored In a special cabinet, which will be kept at a constant temperature by a ther­ mostatically controlled heat unit. Elmer Blegel, city engineer, is construction supervisor of the all concrete band shell, Chester Cor- rey, city park superintendent, will supervise placement of the structure. Auslund and Dodson have the contract for building the shell. The old band shell has been torn down und the contractors are get ting work on the new shell un­ derway. Alden Dow, Midlands, Michi­ gan, Is the architect who drew the original plans. The plans have been altered somewhat to fit the site where the structure will stand. NEWS REVIEW Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, MRS. A R TH U R K R E IS M A N H A S C O M M IT T E E M E E T IN G Mrs. Arthur Kreisman, Ameri­ can Legion Auxiliary, Unit No. 14 Membership Chairman, called a meeting of her Membership committee Monday ev e ni n g. There was discussion of the anti­ cipated needs of veterun families, especially ones expected when Camp White is activlated. A hope was voiced, that the Auxiliary might come in closer contact with the families of Vet’s Village and that the young people would look upon the Legion and Auxi­ liary as friends who can help them with their pr o b 1 e m s. Women who are eligible to join the Auxiliary are the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of veterans. Following the meeting, where­ in plans were made to contact all members and as many, other in­ terested women as possible, Mrs. Kreisman served refreshments to the following guests: Mrs. Emil Kroeger, Mrs. Wm. Wood, and Mrs. Oscar Silver. Newcomers to the vicinity, and anyone interested are asked to call Mrs. Kreisman, phone 21806. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 rly tha •rn Oraqou Minar $3.00 per year VOLUME i j , NUMBER 34 Record Vote Expected for Tuesday Because of Interest in City Election Central Catholic To Play Ashland T O A STM I8TR ESS MEM BERS CO M PLETE B A N Q U ET PLA N S A record vote is expected in the city of Ashland at the Nov­ ember 2 election because of the city race. Five candidates are running for mayor, ten for coun­ cilman, two for recorder, and one for treasurer. Mayorality candidates include Thornton S. Wiley, Dr. Walter W. Weller, Tom Williams, Col. Harold Jordan, and Col. Preston B. Waterbury. Candidates for council include Dr. William Bracker, Phil Stans­ bury, Harold Merrill, O w e n Gragg, Phil Wendt, Henry Ger­ des Fred Homes, Ralph Billings, Will Stewart, and Dr. Walter Redford. The recorder’s race is warm­ ing up with J. Q. Adams, incum­ bent candidate, beginning a drive for the vote. J. H. Hardy is op- P°sin8 Adams, Mrs. Gertrude Easterling, can­ didate for treasurer Is unoppos­ ed. Zo Peters, President of Lithia Toastmistress Club, called her Central Catholic high school Club members, for a meeting Rams will play the Ashland held at the home of Betty Adams Grizzlies Friday evening, Octo­ Tuesday evening. Committee s ber 29 Play will begin at 8:00 were appointed to complete plans for the Charter Banquet of the p.m. on Walter Phillips field. group, which will be given at the Ashland’s Grizzlies, who have Elk's Dining Room, the evening been on the red side of the ledger of November 15th. The affair most of the year, won from Cen will be semi-formal, and repre- tral Catholic last year by a score ;*entatives, their w ives, a n d of 38 to 0 I friends are expected from the This year's Central Catholic ^ P J « jvell team Is coached by Harry Scharf, as from Medford, and Klamath a veteran of Oregon coaching cir­ Falls. Representatives of Toast- mistress and their husbands and cles. So far they have won three friends are also expected from out of five games. Roseburg, Medford and Klamath Ashland's ball club has one win , Falls. and five losses s0 far this sea I The next scheduled meeting son. They lost to Coquille, 32-0; of the Toastmistress Club will be won frorn the Southern Oregon held at the Plaza November 9th. college Frosh, 26-20; lost to In the meantime Mrs. Peters re­ Klamath Falls, 50-6; lost to Al­ quests that all members make a -------------n ............ bany, 34-0; lost to Grants Pass, special effort to be present at 24-0; and lost to Marshfield 20-6. another called meeting, Wednes­ "Shy” Morthland, candidate Including the Central Catholic day, November 3rd, to hear the for county commissioner, was in game this week end here, the reports of the committees ap­ Colestin Saturday. Grizzlies have three more games pointed Tuesday and to receive Mr. and Mrs. Lyndel Newbry to play. Medford’s Black Tornado further instructions and com­ (The Siskiyou) visited Secretary of State and will play in Ashland November plete plans for the dinner. A stirring Evangelistic Cru­ The cast for the all school pro­ Mrs. Earl i . Newbry in Salem sade is being conducted at the duction, The Miser, has been se- 5, and Ashland’s eleven will jour­ this weekend. ney to Roseburg for an Armistice Assembly of God church located lected as follows: 485 Siskiyou boulevard. J Harpagon, John Moore, Won- day game, November 11. THORNTON S. WILEY The evangelist, Bobby Clark, der; Cleante, Mark Hattan, Klam- CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR an excellent and capable minis- ath Falls; Valere, Bob Mead, of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bower and Thornton S. Wiley, who is the ter well versed In the Bible, has Brookings; Master Simon Hank her mother, Mrs. Florence Doug-1 incumbent mayor, announced his ilas, of Medford visited with a a stirring s n r r in g message m e ssa g e of 01 s salvation, a iv a n o n , Hadden, n a n a e n , Stockton, a io c s io n , Calif.: v a i n ., c Elise, u ise , 111», ui m ecu o ra v is u e a w im j Plans for the big school social candidacy again after having baptism of Holy Ghost and heal- Jo Ann Larsen Eugene; Marianne friends in Ashland, M onday ®vent of the fall season, the P.T. been mayor for 16 years. jnR for body. .Margo Lungreen, Klamath Falls; ievening. Mr. Bower is distributor carnival, are rapidly being Wiley was elected first in 1932. ' A large and enthusiastic aud- Frosine, Rose Marie Heltkamp, of Fyr-Fyter in Jackson and .completed. Joe Fader, principal He was at that time an orchard- As far as I can see, the politi-,jence were jn attendance at the Medford; Master Jacques, Rudy'Josephine counties. of the Ashland Jr. High school, ist and still operates a portion of cal pot boils down to this. Don't opening service on Sunday even Vest, Lincoln; La Fleche, Bill* George A. Miller, of Portland, is general chairman of the af­ his orchard holdings. • bet a plugged nickel on any man ing. Jones, Klamath Falls; Mistress and his mother, Mrs. Dolla Hath- fair. It will be held Saturday He has been opposed for the to win. Notable these days Is the The splendid orchestra, accor- Claude, Barbara Williams, Med- away of Ridgefield, Washing- night at the Jr. High school gym­ lack of open mud slinging In­ dlon sextette, Inspirational and Magistrate, DeWayne ton returned to their homes, nasium, beginning at 6:00 p.m. office twice during his tenure, and this year faces more oppo­ stead we seem to be getting a ing, and stirring testimonies were Mitchel Coquille Sunday. They were accompanied H. G. Enders, G. E. Dunn, Bob more subtle, door to door type. indicative of a successful evan­ Some minor roles are still open by George W. Armstron of June- Lytle, and Ralph Billings all en- sition than the combined oppo­ sition of other years. Strong Bus Line gelistic crusade. and anyone wishing to try out tion City, Oregon. I dorse Ben Day for Representa- backers in his campaign are Ah yes, there’s good news to­ Tuesday night there will be should contact Angus Bowmer. Mrs. Jess Millet, Mrs. Joe Mer- tive .from Jackson County George Green, Wm. Briggs, and night. For Dr. Elmo N Steven­ speial prayer for the aick and on kle and Mrs. Angelo Quilicl Fied Taylor. J son, that is. Not long ago, Doc. Friday night a great youth rally Select your Christmas cards spent Monday shopping in Med­ Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor Wiley is a ptfler in the Naz. Steve advocated to the city coun­ to which the young people of early from our large stock. News ford. Jess and Joe are duck hunt­ of Medford visited friends in arene church, both locally and cil a city sponsored but line, Ashland are especially invited. I Review, 38 East Main. ing near Tulelake, Calif. Ashland Monday evening. nationally. This week your roving reported covered that issue and discover­ ed these results. Ninety per cent of the crossectlon covered were emphatically in favor of a city HAROLD JORDAN WALTER REDFORD PHIL STANSBURY owned bus line. Four per cent HOMES DR. WALTER W. WELLER CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR 'CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL [COUNCIL CANDIDATE were against It and six per cent CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL Candidate for Mayor Fred Homes, a success f u 1 Harold Jordan entered the were undecided. o Re,d/ 0rd’ A°rmer Phil Stansbury, a former resi- Dr. Walter W. Weller, who is Asked if they were willing to rancher and business man, is the Army as a private and retired as president of Southern Oregon dent of Louisiana> arrived in the only professional man run­ pay more taxes, if necessary to son of a pioneer Southern Ore­ a Lt. Colonel. He has been a re­ college, is an incumbent council­ Ashland in 1927 and has been a ning for mayor, has been active support a busline, eighty per gon family. He served a portion sident of Ashland since 1939, ex­ man, and as such seeks reelec prominent member of the com­ in community affairs since his * cent said yes, sixteen per cent of a term in the state legislature cept for a tour of duty during tion. He is presently engaged in munity since that time. arrival in Ashland in 1942. He is the real estate business, having said no and four per cent had a past president of the Ashland Stansbury has indicated his been at that business since leav no opinion. You take it from and has been appointed to state World War II. He is now em­ ing the college. sense of civic responsibility by Lions club and a past president committees. This is the first time ployed by the Oak Street Gar­ here. the Ashland Chamber of Com­ His home Is at 427 Palm street. having served as Commander of of he has sought the post of coun­ age as a bookkeeper. merce. the American Legion and as a He was president of the college Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mosely of cilman. He has indicated his sense of for a period of 14 years, leaving member of the board of directors Weller is presently a member of Klamath, California are In Ash­ Homes is a member of the community responsibil i t y by of the Pear Bowl committee and in 1947. He is a graduate of Wash of the Chamber of Commerce. land this week, having arrived having served as commander of is president of the Oregon state During the last war he served ington state college where he Christian Science church and has Monday. Mosely plans to get In the American Legion and as a veterinarians association. He has with the 75th and 90th Infantry had work in business administra­ some duck hunting near Klam­ been for several years a mem­ delegate to Legion conventions. tion, education, and geography. also been active in the revival divisions. He is presently on the ath Falls. He is the proprie­ ber of the publication committee He and Mrs. Jordan live on Holly Redford heads the city’s realty staff of the Adjutant General, of the Shakespearean association. tor the the Klamath Klub and of that church. street. He is a member of the Elks and committee. He carries member­ Oregon National Guard. Steelhead Kafe In Klamath. John von Kuhlman is cam­ ship cards of the Masons, Elks, Prior to the war Stansbury Ashland Riding Association. TOM WILLIAMS paign manager for Jordan. and American Le g i o n. H is was a member of the Oregon Weller is owner and operator CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR State Police. He presently oper­ of the Ashland Veterinary hos­ as a Signal Corps offi­ church is the Methodist. Tom Williams, Southern Paci- cer Jordan, ates the Ashland Cabinet works. pital. He is a graduate of Colo­ was in charge of large signal WILL STEWART lie conduce,, was the first of ^ ’. 7 His wife is the former March- rado state college where he stud­ CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL ied veterinary medicine. -setu . Atlanta, Georgia, a n d ial Talent. for mayor, to file. Williams has New Cumberland, Tennessee. He Will Stewart, who is an ardent His campaign is being handled been active in union legislative was accountable during the past horse lover, can be found nearly PRESTON B. WATERBURY INTRODUCING— by Wendell Lawrence and Ben T. committees and is presently leg­ war for over $8,000,000 worth of any Sunday out for a ride on CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR ' Lombard. the- lanes which surround Ash­ islative representative for the un­ property. ---------- o Preston B. Waterbury, who is The new Columbia Lon, land. He has been a resident of known ions. OWEN GRAGG, to his associates as Ben, Playing Microgroove Recor He is being assisted in the cam­ His platform is based on a gov­ Ashland since 1929 and has been announced his candidacy for COUNCIL CANDIDATE Now, you can hear your paign for the mayor’s seat by L. ernment of the people, and by engaged in various types of busi­ mayor because of a sense of duty Proprietor of Twin Plunges is favorite concerto or sym­ ness since coming here. At pre­ P. Wllmeth, and also has the the people. phony, without Interruption, sent he is employed at Simpson he felt toward the community. Owen Gragg's profession. His on high-fidelity Vlnyll t e support of the Light, Water and Waterbury’s campaign man a- hobby is youth, which fits in HOMER BILLINGS hardware. discs. One record, of stand­ Taxpayer’s League and S. S. CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL ger, unofficial, has been Winston nicely with his work. Gragg ard 12” size, gives you up Will went to school in Omaha,, Davies. Marks. worked during the late war with to 45 minutes playing time, Williams has stated that he Homer Billings, former opera­ Nebraska, and before coming to Waterbury, who retired as a Lockheed aircraft where he was without distortion or surface tor of Billings agency, is a life- the coast he was in the hardware believes the time is ripe for a noise. One single record, of full colonel from the army in in charge of experimental tool change and has based his cam­ time Ashland resident and a business there. He has lived in 1945, has been active in Boy and dies. unbreakable, non - abrasive member of an old Ashland fam California and Montana, having paign on that premise. plastic, contains the same been with the state department Scouts, and community recrea­ He received his schooling in music that would take up a His home Is at 496 Beach street. ily. tion programs. His Army Physi­ six-record album on conven­ He plans to retire from the South He attended college in Corval­ of highways in the latter state. cal Training Program was recog­ West Virginia and Detroit. Pre­ vious work experience includes He is running for council on a lis, where he attended Oregon tional shellac records. No ern Pacific during the next two nized by the brass hats as being jobs with Fisher body and Ford common sense platform. state, and presently lives at 142 breakage or replacem e n t years and claims that he will be outstanding and Waterbury re­ Motor companies. problem, and the prices will able to devote his entire time to Church street. PHILIP WENDT ceived the Legion of Merit for He has been active in teen age surprise you. the business of the city of Ash­ Billings commutes daily to COUNCIL CANDIDATE developing the program. activities and has assisted with Medford where he is associated By profession a mechanical en­ land. His service has carried him to Red Cross swimming activities Brahm’s 2nd Concerto, for with the Jackson County Title gineer Philip Wendt has for sev­ all parts of the nation, to Europe Instance, costs $8.50 on shel­ and Abstract company. HAROLD MERRILL, eral years indicated his Interest and the Orient. He served with Two important planks of his lac, $13.00 on Vlnylite. The COUNCIL CANDIDATE same concerto, by the same in the policies of the City of Ash­ troops, civilian components of the platform have been the sponsor­ ing of a teen age city council and Harold Merrill, who Is running HENRY GERDES artists on the new LP re­ land by conducting independent Army, and Army schools. the alleviation of industri a 1 cord, only $4.85. It shouldn’t for councilman, is an incumbent, CANDIDATE FOR COUNCIL ---------- o----- ----- investigations. The water situa­ Henry Gerdes, the gentleman take much arithmetic to smog. having served on the Ashland from Texas, Is running for coun­ tion has been thoroughly studied DR. WILLIAM BRACKER figure the difference. All re­ City council for a period of one by Wendt. COUNCIL CANDIDATE cilman on a platform of fairness, cords, and players, now term. available a t ............... honesty, truthfulness, and impar­ A former resident of Idaho, A young dentist who has prac­ munity a better place in which Merrill, who has headed the tiality Wendt has lived in Ashland for ticed in Ashland for the past to live. to all. Fire committee is a member of Gerdes, whose home is at 272 years. His home is on Sherman two years Dr. William Bracker Dr. Bracker is a graduate cf the Elks, and the Masons, the Maple street, has been conduct­ street. indicates the rising Interest ir the University of Oregon Dental Lions club and the American ing the major portion of his cam­ If elected Wendt plans to tak^ communitv affairs which is evi­ college. He also at‘ended Michi­ Legion. paign through the medium of the time to investigate completely dent in the younger citizens of gan state college and served in He graduated from Ashland the Army during World War II. newspaper letter box. He is a any projects concerning the ex-J Ashland. 270 East Main Phone 8011 high school and is presently pro- staunch advocate of a truck penditure of city funds, and to] He plans to make his home He is a member of the Kiwanis prietor of Merrill’s confection- route and the retention of North continue his studies of the local , here and states that he feels that club and has been active in spon­ utilities and their rate structure, he should help make the com- soring Y.M.C.A. activities. «ry. Main street, m is. Bowmer Chooses Miser Cast P.T.A. Carnival To Be Sat. Night Take Your Pick, Here's the Story on Candidates for Mayor, Councilmen M ART