Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, October 21, 1948, Image 1

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    abr«u y
V. Of
Southam ôaoyou.
N ow th a t election day Is d ra w ­
ing near, this w ill be y o u r in ­
q u irin g reporter'« last poll fo r
C ity C ouncil. F ifty people were
polled. Each person was asked
to name three of the ten candi­
dates for C ity C ouncilm an and
his choice fo r the three vacan­
cies. Here are the results.
I l I :r ;
P h il Stansbury
10 2/3%
H om er H illin g s
H arold M e rrill
8 2/3%
W a lte r Redford
8 1/3%
Fred Homes
2 2/3%
H enry Gerdes
2 2/3%
P h ilip W endt
W illia m H racker
1 1/3%
O wen Gragg
W illia m S tew art
No Choice fo r three candidates
1 1/3%
No Choice fo r tw o
1 1/3%
No Choice fo r one
, s ©I PER
B L ¡ S h J[ »X
IA T I 01
$3.00 per Year
Readers Digest
Carries Story
Formerly the
Southern Oregon
$3.00 per year
Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, THURSDAY, (X/TOBER n , 1948
Fraternal («roup
Formed In Ashland
Degree of H onor P rotective as­
sociation, a national fra te rn a l life
“ By rom ancing th e ir a g ric u l­ Insurance society, in s titu te d a
tu ra l exploits, H a rry and D avid new lodge in A shland, October
Holmes of M edford, boomed a 18th w ith the fo llo w in g officers
V O LU M E I t , N U M B E R jj
Local Candidates Get Questionairre
From The Ministerial Association
Candidates fo r p u b lic office in
the c ity of A shland this week re-
struggling p< .u « « h a rd Into 4 installed:
iceived a series of questions fro m
$4,000,000 business and brought
. . .
the A shland m in is te ria l associa­
unexam pled prosperity to th e 1 1 ,eH,d‘ ‘n t- Mrs. Marge Faske;
unexam pled prosperity to the
F rom The S iskiyou
¡¿ r A ccording
- to the
. . . Rev.
once-busted Rogue R iver V a lle y." vice president,
Southern Oregon Red Raiders Shuman, the candidates answer:
So w rites F rank J. T a ylo r in the Peterson; vice
president, Mrs.
tra ve l to M onm outh this com ing to the questions w ill be mad.
N ovem ber Reader's Digest, h a il­ Yvonne C am pbell; second
Southern Oregon College set F rid a y n ig h t to play the Eastern pu£ i ‘ c this com ing week.
ing the Holmes “ F ru it of the president,
Mrs. Georgia
Ram; its homecoming Gate as N ovem ­
Oregon College of Education.
* '/ ¡ ¡ " i i
M o n th ” enterprise.
Condensed fin a n cia l secretary, Mrs. E llen
ber 5th and 6th and a com m ittee
Johnson, quarterback, w ill be
, B
from A d v e rtis in g and Selling, the P arker; treasurer, Mrs. Nadine
consisting of A lu m n i President, sparkplugging the “ Wolves. " In
^ " X e d
^ e a S T io "
a rtic le says th a t last year’s busi­ C offm an; usher, Mrs. Ju d y S to ll;
Bud S ilver of Ashland, A lu m n i
ness totaled 947,009 packages of assistant usher, Mrs. Emerence
1 9 4 /he played fo r the U n iv e rs ity
,e do
Secretary Eisal Beck of Phoenix,
fr u it—-enough to f ill 32 re frig e ra ­ N o rris; color bearer, Mrs. Cora
to r express trains of 15 cars each K lin g e r; Inner w atch, C arl P eter­ Bob Beach, SOC S tudent Body id h!
h lS ?
V,r ° £ (0r building) of a swimming poo
H ow d ry Is our valley? As a
G raduating from C ornell's ag son; outer w atch H ow ard P eter­
ed his a b ility last year, w ill be to be m u n ic ip a lly owned?
m a tte r of p u b lic Interest, y o u r
college, H adry and D avid took son; pianist, Mrs. Francis M lchel- y e ll king, M argaret Bolton, SOC pla yin g le ft-h a lf The “ W o lv e s "; 2. C rim e Comic«. W ould yoi
in q u irin g reporter also in v e s ti­
over th e ir fa th e r’s Bear Creek o r­
boast a fast backfield, b u t th e ir f avor ordinance e lim in a tin g th-
gated the p u b lic opinion on the chard ju s t before the depression. son.
Loren Messenger, D r. A r th u r
O fficers and members
fro m T aylor, Professor Jeanette S m ith, line is q u ite a little lig h te r than sale o f “ C rim e Com ics” to A s h ­
sale of liq u o r by the glass here The lean years brought disaster
land children?
M edford
and Coach Ted Schopf and Professor Southern Oregon’s.
In Ashland. There has been some to Oregon’s pear growers, and in K la m a th Falls,
The “ Raiders” w ill p robably be
3. L iq u o r C ontrol. Do you favoi
controversey on this subject and desperation the brothers h it on G rants Pass assisted in the in ­ E llio tt
MacCracken are
at fu ll strength. Eastern Oregon or are you opposed to the “ liq u o r -
y d u r reporter asked, “ H ow w ill the idea of g ift boxes of ju m b o sta lla tio n ceremonies.
w o rkin g out the details fo r the
has defeated Oregon V ocational by-the-giass” measure on the N o v ­
you vote fo r the State b ill legal­ pears as C hristm as presents.
Svhool and College of the Pa em ber ballot, p a rtic u la rly f o i
iz in g liq u o r by the glass." The
In N ew Y o rk, an advertising
cific , but lost a conference game I Ashland?
outcom e was, to say the least, man sampled one o f H a rry's
banquet at Susanne Homes hall.
to Chico State.
4. Sunday Observance. Woulc
T w e n ty -e ig h t pears and suggested sending a
A hundred and f if t y a lu m n i and
you, i f elected, encourage o r dis
per cent, the p o ll indicates, are box of them “ w ith a chatty note"
guests are expected to attend the
courage the scheduling o f event!
in fa v o r of legalizing liq u o r by to the "ten biggest m en" in the
diversified a ctivities ending w ith
to take place at church hours
the glass. The large m a jo rity , c ity . Result: in 24 hours H a rry
F our boxing shows are planned
and w ould you encourage o r d is ­
flfty - s lx per cent to be exact, are had orders fo r 467 g ift packages fo r the K iw a n is - Y M C A boxing between SOC’s Red Raiders and
courage the use o f c ity facilities
against liq u o r by the glass. The —fro m W alter C hrysler, Owen D. club d u rin g the year. In s tru c tio n P acific U n ive rsity on N ovem ber
i fo r such events at hours n o rm a llj
rest, sixteen per cent, sim p ly Young, A lfre d P. Sloan and o th ­ periods w ill begin Tuesday N o v­ 6th.
F rid a y n ig h t, O ctober 22, the set aside fo r p u b lic w orship?
don't care. I have no doubt how ers.
T entative plans fo r the week
em ber 2 at the Senior H igh school
P arent’s N ig h t and Open House
5. R eligious L ib e rty ,
this va lle y w ill vote, but, let. us
other gym nasium . John C herny is in ­ end are as follow s: A banquet fo r
A . W ill you do a ll in youi
rem em ber, It w ill be the upper fru its , added since, have become structor. O lder boys w ill receive a lu m n i and guests and in v ita ­ program of the A shland Y M C A
end of the state w hich tells the the basis of the F ru it of the tw o In stru ctio n periods each week tional to students at Susanne w ill be held at the Y b u ild in g , pow er to preserve the A m e rica r
T im e of the a ffa ir is set fo r 7:30 Ideal o f religious lib e rty fo r a l
m onth club.
and younger boys one.
Homes hall, F riday, N ovem ber
people of w hatever shade o f re-
N ow , here I come w ith m y
Mrs. R. W. McNeal has given a 5; a bonfire in F u lle r F ield im ­
Feature of the evenings pro- Ugious b e lief and protect them lr
w eekly gripe. O ut of fifty people
ro w in g m achine to the club. M em ­ m ediately fo llo w in g the banquet; gram w ill be the show ing of col- th e ir rig h t to assemble and
polled, some three, a ll women,
bers of the K iw a n is - Y.M .C.A. and a dance a fte r the bonfire,
ored pictures o f the scenic beauty teach?
answered they d id n 't know how
B oxing C om m ittee Include: P h il open to a ll students and alum ni, of the West by C arl M o lin e of
B. W ill you see to i t th a t m
to vote, th e ir husbands hadn't
Dr. Edw ard L. C la rk, president B rya n t, Col. P. B. W a te rb u ry, and
featuring a
w e ll-k n o w n
told them yet. The re sponsibility of M ultnom ah college in P ortland, L a rry B u tle r, Joe Fader, R. N. dance band. The fo o tb a ll game Oregon C ity . The general p u b lic special privileges are granted t<
of our dem ocracy rests w ith such w ill address the Ashland R otary Fletcher and Jack Rouhier, P resi­ Saturday, N ovem ber 6, at G rants is c o rd ia lly in v ite d to attend the any church w hich cannot b<
Open House program . C om m ittee granted equally to a ll churches ii
people as this. Three other peo­ club members Thursday, October dent o f the B oxing C lub is the
Pass w ill conclude the week end. in charge of the Parents N ig h t Ashland?
ple were registered voters but 28. He w ill speak on the subject Rev. E arl F. D ow ning.
In vita tio n s w ill be sent to a l­ program consists o f Rev. E. P.
6. P rotection of W orship. T ru c k
s im p ly -c o u ld n 't be bothered" to "S e rvice Above S e lf."
um ni, and dance tickets w ill be Borden, Mrs. Hugh M cK eever and going through A shland are si
vote In the com ing election.
Dr. C la rk has been president of
placed on sale fo r students in the iles S. Green.
noisy th a t at times w orship can
A n o th e r man, an Oregon resident M ultnom ah college, fo rm e rly O re­
near future.
not be carried on in churches loca
fo r tw o years said, “ I don't know , gon In s titu te of Technology since
A lu m n i president, and form er
ted on the highw ay. W ill yoi
I'm a C a lifo rn ia n ." These answ­ 1926. The college is a p riva te com ­
In d u c tio n ceremonies fo r the SOC student body president, Bud
w o rk fo r the establishm ent o f 1
ers were received both on the m u n ity J u n io r college conducting A shland J u n io r H i Y club w ill be
perm anent tru c k route, to di
liq u o r questions and the c ity tw o 'y e a r courses In A u to Mechan­ held e a rly In N ovem ber. Seven­ S ilver, w ill organize plans fo r
the banquet.
away w ith this p u b lic nuisance
By Lottie Rantdell
election. A gain I repeat, the res­ ics, A v ia tio n , Radio, R efrigeration,
teen m embers have applied. They
U n til such a route is created, w il
p o n s ib ility
o f our
democracy and business.
Scenic D rive, was hostess M on­ you vote to extend to the churche
rests w ith such people as this.
J im Robison. Ronald W alker,
day evening to the members of d u rin g w orship hours the sam
K enneth Rogers, W ayne South,
the A m erican Legion A u x ilia ry , courtesy as was extended to th.
J e rry W ard, Dave Shaffer, R ich ­
U n it No. 14. Mrs. Joy Badden, Shakespearean Festival, nameb
ard V arney, G len Ingle, R ichard
President of D is tric t 4 and Mrs. speecial officers to direect tra ffi,
Reynen, D ick M cN erney, R ichard
Phoenix, Oct. 21—D w ig h t E p­ M arlon M arks, D epartm ent P ub­ to side streets aw ay fro m th<
Leland J. K nox, c e rtifie d P ub­
T a y lo r Paul Yates, P h ilip Selby,
honored churches h o ld in g w orship?
17, w ho was k ille d Sun­ lic ity C hairm an, were
lic Accountant, M edford, released
Jason W ilson, Bob W illo u g h b v,
7. Personal H abits. A t Pear
The fin a l e n ro llm e n t fig u re fo r
his a u d it on finances of the c ity
Roy W iltse, and Dale K ing.
Mrs. Badden, o f K e rb y, Oregon H arbor it was found th a t the per
o f A shland this week. M r. K n o x ’s the fa ll term at Southern Oregon
The clu b w ill meet b i-w e e kly i
w o rk irig
in K la m a th sonal habits of responsible o ffic
statem ent is being published In • college has broken a ll previous a t the Y.M .C.A. on the second and section on the Apolegate w ill be is now
Falls where her b lin d husband ers had m uch to do w ith our u n ­
Mrs. Mabel W inston,
this Issue of the News Review.
fo u rth T hursday o f the m onth.
C e rtain changes In the account­ R egistrar, revealed the fin a l fig ­ The program of a c tivitie s fo r the vices w ill be held at the Conger is enrolled at the K la m a th Falls readiness to repel the attack. W t
ing system w h ich the c ity uses ures this week. S ix hundred f i f ­ firs t semester o f the school year M o rris chapel in M edford w ith V ocational School. She gave an believe th a t such habits are s til
w ere reommended by M r. K nox ty -tw o students registered to e x­ w ill be up fo r discussion at the in te rm e n t at S iskiyou M em orial account of the school and the a m a tte r of p u b lic concern. Pleast
indicate, i f you w ill, y o u r o w r
benefits available there.
but in the m ain he stated that ceed last year's high of 601 by ne xt m eeting o f the group.
estim ate as regards yo u r use ol
the c ity was In a sound fin a n c ia l 8 per cent.
Epperson, Ray Ayers, M edford;
breakdow n
o f statistics
and Stanley Ferns, Phoe n i x, chairm en and members in th e ir alcoholic beverages:
A b sta in e r ....... Occasional usei
shows the fo llo w in g facts: Teach­
were h u n tin g together when E p­ w o rk and stressed th e ir respon­
acquain ting young ....... M oderate user ___ Heavy
er Education c u rric u lu m Is on
person was stru ck in the forehead s ib ility
Members o f Sigma A lpha S ig­ the upgrade w ith 268 students
th e ir —........
fa m ilie s —
and new- user ____
w ith a b u lle t. Elzie E rv in Stan- veterans,
------------ • ------
ma have in v ite d the candidates enrolled, a 43 per cent Increase
berry, G rants Pass, w ho was h u n t comers
the co m m u n ity w ith
8. W ill you protect the rig h t ol
fo r M ayor of the C ity of Ashland over last year. N ew students rep­
lng in the area w ith o u t a license, the m any benefits offered them any lo y a l A m erican citize n to set­
to speak Wednesday at the college resented a 2 per cent increase In
F rom The S iskiyou
was arraigned Tuesday on an in ­ by the A m erican Legion and its tle in A shland, regardless o f race
at an open forum .
o lu n ta ry
m anslaughter charge. A u x ilia ry .
o r n a tio n a l origin?
Mrs. M arks reported on her
There are 432 men, 219 w om ­ tw o conference w ins in a row hearing was set fo r October 29.
9. W ould you take greater pride
Ed B a rn e tt has been h u n tin g
as i t ram bled over San Fran-
T his was the 21st h u n tin g death tw o day v is it to the veterans at in ha vin g the “ low est ta x ra te ” in
fo r deer d u rin g the e arly m orning en, increases o f 3.5 per cent and
T w o cisco State 26 to 7 S aturday n ig h t reported in Oregon this year
this area, o r in having the finest
hours d u rin g the firs t of the week. 19 per cent respectively.
pallbearers fo r the fu n e ra l cials urged the local group to schools, hospital, p u b lic buildings,
hundred th irty -n in e of the s tu ­ on the A shland high school field.
C huck Jandreau started the w ill be members of the L e tte r­
dents are veterans. O f the new
soring various projects and in ­ and recreational opportun ities for
students, 74 are out of state en­ Raiders ro llin g by scoring on a m an’s club o f Phoenix high school.
v itin g other groups to jo in them young people?
rollees. This year, fo r the firs t lin e plunge e a rly in the second Epperson was a tackle on the
10. W ould you be w illin g to ap­
in this w o rk, w h ich becomes
G io n va n e tti picked up P hoenix fo o tb a ll team.
tim e, SOC has grow n to be the q u arter.
pear on a p u b lic fo ru m w ith other
greater each year.
largest o f the States colleges of another touchdow n when he re­
Mrs. K athleen S ilve r, local candidates w ith an im p a rtia l m od­
education. Its veteran en ro llm e n t covered a San Francisco fum ble G aylord, Oregon and had live d in president, presided over a short erator, to answer these and other
is also greater than that o f the in the end zone. L fm p y Jones
business m eeting. E ve lyn K re is- questions fro m the flo o r, such fo r ­
kicked both e xtra points. In the is su rvive d by his parents M r.
other schools.
m an was appointed m em bership um to take place d u rin g the week
The record b reaking re g istra ­ second h a lf a pass fro m Jandreau and Mrs. M ilto n A. Epperson; tw o chairm an.
before election?
The new C olum bia Lon
tio n has crow ded fa c ilitie s to the to Edw ards was good fo r another sisters, Mrs. M a ry M ontgom ery
P la y in g M icrogroove Recor
V entjeer and M rs. M ay Keene; a brother, Mrs. Berninghausen w ere K a th ­
utm ost. Classes are o ve rflo w in g , SOC touchdow n and
Now , you can hear y o u r
fa v o rite concerto or sym ­
w alls are bulging, and in s tru c ­ added the last one on an end run. Charles; a grandm other, M r s . leen S ilve r, R uby Holmes, Stella
M ary D u ffie ld , and several uncles
phony, w ith o u t In te rru p tio n ,
tors are hard pressed fo r e q u ip ­ Jones fa ile d to add the extra
C orchell, M argaret W olf, E thel
and aunts, a ll o f Phoenix.
on h ig h -fid e lity V ln y ll t e
L in k ,
P auline
F in n e ll,
R uth
T w e n ty fiv e O fficers and A d u
discs. One record, of stand­
Cushing, Jessie S ilve r, H e nrietta Advisors fro m the fiv e H i Y an
ard 12" size, gives you up
S ilve r, R uth Jordon, L o ttie Rans- T r i H i Y Clubs of the c ity w i
to 45 m inutes p la y in g tim e,
dell, Neva Wood, B e tty Adams, leave e a rly
Sunday m o rn in i
w ith o u t d is to rtio n or surface
noise. One single record, of
E ve lyn K reism an and Celia Egr- October 24th, fo r K la m a th F a l
unbreakable, non - abrasive
M edford, Oct. 20— A new of
to attend the Southern Orego
plastic, contains the same
fice has been opened by the Jack
H i Y and T r i H i Y O fficers T ra ir
music th a t w ould take up a
son C ounty P u b lic H ealth asso
E a rl Johnson and Bob Jones ing Conference.
six-record album on conven­
elation, at 305 Leverette b u ild in g
have joined the A shland Lions
A tte n d in g the Conference w i
tional shellac records. No
in M edford. The group fo rm e rly
club. Lee M u rp h y D is tric t gover­ be representatives fro m the H i ’
breakage o r replacem e n t
had space in the B rophy b u ild
nor of the Lions, whose home is and T r i H i Y Clubs fro m fou
problem , and the prices w ill
Miss June Bosw orth ha:
in P ortland, visite d the group Southern Oregon cities in c lu d in
surprise you.
been em ployed as o ffice secre
Tuesday evening.
G rants Pass, M edford, A shlan
ta ry and w ill be in the office
Lleane B row nlee, Lovette S w ift, and K la m a th Falls.
B ra h m ’s 2nd Concerto, fo r
M onday through F rid a y fro m
R uth M itc h e ll LaVonne Olson,
A shland Clubs to be represenl
Instance, costs $8.50 on shel­
to 12, and fro m 1 to 5.
Faw n Phelps, E llen B row er, A n n ed at this Conference are: Senio
lac, $13.00 on V in y lite . The
In fo rm a tio n
same concerto, by the same
F u lle rto n , and Dolores C hilders H i Y C lub, J u n io r H i Y C lu t
artists on the new L P re ­
w o rk being done by the associa
have joined the T r i Y club.
Senior T r i H i Y C lub, the Ne\
cord, o n ly $4.85. I t shouldn't
tlo n m ay be secured here, it was
E m m ett W ith a m got his buck
T r i H i Y C lub ju s t organized i
take much a rith m e tic to
stated. Also, m a te ria l on social
Ed Singm aster and Tom W ill­ the Senior H igh school, the Jun
fig u re the difference. A ll re ­
hygiene education w ill be d is ­
iams were deer h u n tin g this io r T r i H i Y C lub. A d u lt advisor
cords, and players, now
attendin g the conference w ill b
available a t .................
other pam phlets and articles on
M r. and Mrs. W ill Dodge spent M rs. Wood, Mrs. G lenn C risp, M r
p u blic health. D etails of the chest
National recognition came to the brothers o f B.P.O.E. 944, Ash­ the weekend at Lake O’ The A . M. M ille r, M. D. Y oder and Mi
X -ra y survey, w h ich w ill be held
and M rs. R. N. Fletcher.
in Jackson county N ovem ber 15 land Elks this jnonth when the October issue of the Elks magazine dis­
Dr. G. W. Bruce, fo rm e r M etho­
to 23, w ill be handled fro m this played a picture of Don M cW hirter and I vn Newbry presenting a set d ist m in iste r in Ashland, was
R ichard Joy, o f B e llv ie w ar
office, and it w ill also be head­ of flags to the Senior Scout troop of Ashland.
fir s t place w in n e r In a garden son, A ld e n have gone on a coup
270 East M ain Phone 8011
M cW hirter and Newbry are troop organizer and leader respectively. contest held re ce n tly in Grasham , o f h u n tin g trip s re ce n tly, to tl
quarters fo r the C hristm as Seal
Sale, conducted a n n u a lly by the Shown receiving the flags are Jerry Langer, Dean Boyer, and Frank Hile Oregon, w here D r. and Mrs. Dead In d ia n co u n try, but, so fa
SOC Homecoming
November 5th
Plan Boxing Bout
Raiders vs. Wolves
Friday Night
YMCA Open House
Fri. October 22
Multnomah College
Prexy To Speak Here
Hi Y Club to Induct
17 New Members
L. J. Knox Releases
City Audit Report
Legion Ladies Hear
Two State Speakers
Epperson To Be
Buried Saturday
SOC Enrollment
At All Time High
Raiders Down San
Francisco State
YMCA Officers To
Attend Conference
Health Association
Has New Offices
Elks Place Local Picture in Magazine
public health association.
I member*, of the troop.
Bruce now live.
have had no luck.