V. OÍ 0 . L ib ra ry , DOING T H E TOW N By Ed McLain Southesut öt&jan 0 RI cl PlBLISMCR fi» I A TI 0 1 $3.00 per Year Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner $3.00 per year NEWS REVIEW Ashland, Jackwon County, Oregon, Thursday, October i4, i94» Volume i t , Number jz Thia week, us wan promised your galloping p o llster question McGEE SHOWS MEMBERS ed the man on the street on his OF GRANGE HIS TRICKS opinion oi the man most fitte d William McGee, secretary of fo r m ayor. Each o f the respond President of the A shland G ra- • the Ashland Cham ber of Com­ ents questioned was a registered Y club fo r the com ing school year I merce, presented a magical show voter. As usual, Doe W alt W eller led C. K. Pernell und M. M Per is H arvey Sorenson. He w as, to the members of the Bellview Ken Peabody, A shland je w e le r, w ho disappeared m ysteriously the group, hut w ith another tw o nell, fa th e r und son announced elected at a m eeting held at the Grange at the Tuesday meeting, three weeks ago, Is today resting in an A rlin g to n , W ashington, hos Y b u ild in g , M onday, October 11. Octobei 12. per cent loss. This week, instead p ita l, according to C hief o f Police Clarence W illia m s. this week that they hud bought McGee, who has been a m agi­ of th irty -tw o per cent or sixteen O ther officers are: vice p resi­ Peabody, w ho has been the subject of an in tensive search, tu r n ­ votes, he received fifte e n votes the A shland Horne and A uto dent, D avid A thanas; recorder, cian for some tim e is helping to ed up S aturday at the home o f M r. and Mrs. Gus Fish, d ista n t sponsor a M agician club in A sh­ out o f f if t y or th ir ty per cent. S upply Firestone R etail o u tle t Paul Lipscom be and treasurer, relatives of his. They stated that he was tra v e l w orn and weary. Closing up the gup Is fig h tin g store fro m M r. and Mrs. Dab G ary S u lliva n . New members in ­ land. His brother, Ed Peabody, w ho ha, been d lre tin g the search fro m Tom W illiam s. A t the lust m ayor M ayfield. The sole was cornplet clude Jim Ellison, H a rry M ackay, ------------ o------------- Ashland le ft here im m ediately and was w ith Ken Peabody u n til a lity poll, Tom had doubled his Ray T anberry, Charles W h itm ire , ed October 1st and they took pos­ Tuesday when he returned to Ashland. fo rm e r percentage to u whopping G ary S u lliva n , Paul Lipscom b, Mrs. Peabody stated today that sixteen per cent. T his week he session of the store on that date. and Robert Ayers. ^.-'e.she did not know when her hus­ M. M. Pernell Is a form er F ire ­ lias gained another tw o per cent Seventeen boys attended the band w ould be able to re tu rn to g iv in g him nine votes or eighteen stone T ire und Rubber company firs t m eeting of the club. The Who is the mayor of Bell­ Ashland. She plans to continue per cent. It a ll goes to prove that, P ortland te rrito ry manager. He group w d Imeet at the “ Y " b u ild ­ view? Can Ray Ramsey prove to operate K e n ’s J e w e lry store. “ It pays to advertise." his claim to the title? Read Members of Ashland A m erican ing every Monday afternoon at Ralph Picard Is m anaging the Perhaps the present m ayor, w orked in the P ortland te rrito ry 4:00 p.m. all about it on page 8 Legion Post No. 14 w ill hold store. T h o rn to n S. W iley, should take fo r several years and le ft F ire ­ th e ir next meeting at C entral Peabody was in K la m a th Falls note, So fur, his cam paign seems stone In October 1947 to enter W. R. R itchie, Jr., le ft W ed­ Point, Thursday, October 28, ac­ F rid a y, C h ie f o f Police W illia m s to have been publicized by w ord the lu m b e r business in G rants nesday by Southwest A irlin e s fo r cording, to John Von K uhlm an, reported, as he sent a le tte r fro m o f m outh and In a c ertain local Pass. His home Is presently In Sacramento, C a lifo rn ia . He plans commander. O ther Posts to be there to Ashland. The le tte r a r­ sheet, grutls, e u rlie r in thte yeur. G rants Pass but he pluns to move to v is it C am arillo, C a lifo rn ia , be­ represented at this m eeting in ­ rive d here M onday, a fte r he had To bear out m y contentions, may to Ashland as soon as he disposes fore re tu rn in g to A shland, S un­ clude Posts 13, 15, and the Cen­ been found in A rlin g to n . W here I present the facts. For the firs t f his p roperty in G rants Puss. tra l Point post. day. else he had been d u rin g his w an­ few polls, M uyor W ile y received H a rry Pinkerton, the area com ­ C. K. P ernell has peen a lu m ­ E arl W arren, vice presidential derings has not been disclosed. tw e lve per cent of the vote. Then berm an fo r several years having mander, w ill report on the N a t­ candidate, w ho Is ru n n in g w ith __________________ suddenly he boomed up to tw e n ­ been a m em ber of the firm Per­ ional convention at that meeting Tom Dewey on the Republican »-,• r >• , ty per cent. The ne xt p o ll or tw o n ell and G eitson, w hich operat­ A t tiie last meeting of Ashland tic k e t w ill be in A shland fo r 30 he dropped back to tw elve Post, held Tuesday, O ctober 12, ed on the Greensprings. He has m inutes S aturday m orning. W a r­ cent but this week he dropped retired from the lum ber business v is itin g members from H ilt Post re n ’s special tra in w ill stop here to his low est p oint so far. O ut of and plans to devote his tim e to No. 327 and Rogue R iver Womens Lois Pierce and E lm er L a ndin g Roland Parks, exalted ru le r of fo r servicing and the candidate were wed S aturd n ig h t in a f if t y voters, M ayor W ile y only the local Firestone store Post No. 13 were present. His A shland lodge No. 944, Benevo­ held at the Congrega- polled fiv e votes or ten per cent. home is in M edford. B e rt Freeman spoke to the w ill speak to an assembled crow d cere fro m the rear p la fo r m o f the tio n a l c; u rc h . The R ev. V a r t Col. Preston W a te rb u ry has his A ccording to M. M. P ernell the lent and P rotective O rder of Elks, group on the proposed band shell tra in . highest p oint in his cureer us u Borden perform ed the rites. store w hich is located at 25 East announced thus week th a t an In the park and P h il S tansbury p o tentia l mayor, according to our M ain w ill carry a com plete lin e essay contest on the subject gave a ta lk on the organization Ralph Koozer, local Republican Mrs. Vera C ollins sang “ O P ro­ poll. D oubling his highest p re ­ ; leader, stated that he hoped a mise Me” and “ Because.” She o f Firestone products. Mrs. Dale "W h y I L ik e Dem ocracy Best” o f the N ational Guard. vious score, he polled, this week, large crow d w ould be on hand to was accompanied by Miss M a r­ M a yfie ld is presently co n tin u in g w ould soon be sponsored by the Ralph M cG innis is teaching Ï welcome W arren. fo u r votes or eight per cent. A ll local lodge. garet Ramsay who also played her w o rk In the store as clerk. o f w hich goes to show that I t ’s T his Is a national contest, this year at Oakland, Oregon. T his w ill be the second appear- { the w edding m arch fro m L o h e n ­ M r. and Mrs. M a yfie ld have any mans race yet. ance in A shland of a m ajor p o li- , g rin fo r the processional. Parks said, w ith m any thousands T his Is his second year there. Even Col. "steady as she goes" made no announcem ent as to f u t ­ o f dollars being aw arded fo r Colonel and Mrs. James C. Ex- tlc a l fig u re this year. G o v e rn o r, Bridesm aids w ere B e ve rly H a ll ure plans other than to state that Jordan Increased his follo w in g , prizes. In a d d itio n to the n a tio n ­ line, (the form er L ilia n Kavan-1 Dewey spoke in L ith ia P ark d u r- Rena Russell, Barbara M cC leary, they hope to rem ain In AshLn instead o f the usual tw o per Candles fo r the rem ainder of the school al prizes the local lodge plans to augh) are vis itin g relatives in Los | ing his p rim a ry cam paign in adn Beatrice Wines. cent he now has fo u r per cent. . Oregon. o ffe r m any prizes fo r local w in ­ Angeles. w ere l i t by S h irle y W eitzel and year. T h e ir son, Don, is a m em ­ As N ovem ber 2 grow s nearer, ners. M a rily n M ille r. the citizens of A shland are ap­ ber of the student body at Ash.- Parks, w ho recently attended M rs. E ve lyn Wade was the land high school. p a re n tly settling dow n to the the N ational Elks convention In bride's M atron o f honor. task o f p ic k in g th e ir man. The P hiladelphia, stated th a t the es­ The bride, w ho was dressed in No Choice colum n is now down BUSCH WILL 8PEAK TO say contest was p a rt of the OTHER FORD DEALERS w h ite satin gow n w ith a fin g e r to th ir ty per cent o f the vote. Jim Busch, Ashland Ford deal­ lodge's w o rk among the youth of tip veil, carried a bouquet of p in k W alter W eller 15 votes or 30% er, w ill discuss the operation o f the nation and was a m ethod of roses and w h ite gardenias. She H enry Enders, C hairm an o f the Tom W illia m s 9 votes or 18% was given in m arriage by her T hornton W iley 5 votes or 10% a Ford dealership at a regional teaching appreciation of the dem ­ C om m unity Chest d riv e in A sh­ father, B. V . Pierce. land, announced this week that Preston W ate rb u ry 4 or 8% m eeting o f Ford Dealers October ocrat! w ay of liv in g . O ther phases of the lodges the drive w ill begin early in N o v­ D elbert Landin g, b ro th e r o f the H arold Jordun 2 votes or 4% 22. The m eeting w ill be held In w o rk among the nations youth ember. Plans are to com plete i t groom was best man. No Choice 15 votes or 30% San Francisco. Phoenix, Oet. 13— M rs. Ray Busch is one of ten dealers out include assisting 4-H clubs and before Christm as A f f t r the cerem ony a reception Odd cam paign slogans and rea­ o f 180 w ho have been selected to Jackson w ill be hostess to the was h e ld i n th e .jo c ia l room s of c o n trib u tin g to local C o m m unity Matt. Freed, M edford theatre sonings are beginning to appear l Chests. manager, is Jackson c o u n ty members o f the Phoenix Home the church. In the campaign. D ow n by the make this presentation. chairm an o f the C om m uni t y Extension U n it, F rid a y, October ra ilro a d tracks some of the back­ H ugh M cKeever, claim s he saw Chest. Freed pointed out that 15. Mrs. Jackson's home is on the ers of Tom W illia m s are p ro ­ a coon w h ile h u n tin g up on the througho ut the nation most Com ­ cla im in g lo u d ly and lo n g ly that Greensprings. Others w ith M c­ m u n ity Chest drives are now on P acific h ighw ay south of Phoe­ folks in th a t area sh o u ld n 't vote K eever w ho aren’t sure about n ix. but th a t the Jackson county fo r anyone who lives above the v e rify in g the sto ry include Ray d riv e Is being delayed in order boulevard. The iro n y o f It a ll is Leaders of the p roject w hich Ramsey and B ud C arlyle. to u tiliz e the services of a p ro­ is “ G arm ent F ix in g " are Mrs. th a t Tom, him self, lives on Beach Ashland high school's Grizzlies will meet a rough and tough, and fessional campaigner. street, along w ith C olonel W ater E d ith Poe and Mrs. A n d re w Ste­ CU R VE B A L L IN V E N T O R bury, both above the Boulevard. unbeaten Grants Pass eleven this Friday evening at Grants Pass. The The d riv e in Ashland w ill be vens. Those w ho attend are re ­ D IES IN LO S A N G E LE S To m y m any readers w ho stop Grizzlies, who lost last week to Albany } 4 to o, are entering the conducted in much the same quested to b rin g a zipper and George F. M cC onnell, 92, w ho fashion as it was last year. S oli­ m aterials fo r m aking bound b u t­ made baseball h is to ry back in to th in k before they vote, the game as the underdogs. ve ry location of a m an’s house Scores so far this year for the Ashland club fV»d them in the win citations w ill be made o f larger ton holes. 1884 in a game between Yreka w ill have nothing to do w ith his column only once, and in the loss column three times. The Grizzlies businesses p rio r to the door to Those w ho attend are request­ and A shland w hen he th re w the a b ility to ru n the c ity of Ashland. beat the Southern Oregon college Frosh, 16 to ia; but lost to Klamath door canvass. Agencies w hich re ­ ed to b rin g a covered dish and firs t curve in baseball, died S un­ T h e y 'll vote as they see fit, not Falls, 6o to 6; lost to Coquille, 26 to o. and lost last week at Albany ceive help fro m the C om m unity th e ir ow n service fo r the p o tlu ck day, October 10, in the Veteran's because a man lives above or be­ Chest include the Boy Scouts, dinner. hospital in S aw telle, C a lif. }4 to o. lo w S iskiyou Boulevard. G irl Scouts, Y M C A and C am pfire The G rants Pass club on the girls. Mrs. Ernest Madden and daugh­ o ther hand is so fa r undefeated. HILT LEGION TO DANCE ter, Sarah, are expected to re ­ Hilt, Oct. 13— H ilt A m erican T hey are listed w ith w ins over B ill R itchie and Ben Day have tu rn M onday fro m a three Legion Post Is conducting a dance W ashington high school of P o rt­ been rid in g range on the C ra te r, m onths ___ tr „ . ip r to „ __ The fir s t session of the G reat England where S aturday evening, O ctober 30. land, M y rtle Point, C oequllle, and Lake h ighw ay d u rin g the past, she visite d her father, E. A. O. Books G roup m et at the p u b lic M arshfield. Mrs. A lice Applegate Peil, 52 Colonel H arold Jordan, Ashland, wet‘ k-_____ j Barnes, Carshalton, Surrey. lib ra ry on M onday evening. The Last year G rants Pass knocked G ra n ite street, last week deeded has tickets available fo r this fir s t book o f this second year dance, price is $1.20 fo r men and the props out fro m under a w in ­ to the c ity a s trip o f property course was H o m e r’s Odessey. A ning Ashland club by ta k in g th e ir w h ich can be used as a w a lkw a y 50 cents fo r ladles. G reek epic poem of the 9th cen­ measure on the G rizzlies home by the com m unity. Mrs. P eil stat­ tu ry B. C. the book was the basis fie ld , 38-6. ed th a t she w ould appreciate the o f an in te re stin g discussion of O fficers fo r Room 1 are: Pre-1 man, chairm an Dennie B row ne Tickets are being sold at noons p u b lic using the path w hich she S7_dent’ J “ dZt l] . Wasson’ v ic t Pre" I Donald Loper, J im m y W right,’ contrasts between the th in k in g of by N orm an W yers, y e ll leader, to th a t day and this. has given the p u b lic inasmuch as J e rry M itc h e ll, secretary, Donna students w ho w ant to go on the T e rry C am pbell and R uth W yant. i t has been In use fo r some tim e The Great Books G roup w ill Hyde. bus. The social studies u n it on In ­ meet re g u la rly on every other J u d ith Wasson, president of The Pepsters, fo rm e rly the fo r th a t purpose. ■------------ o------------- room 1 attended the student coun dians is especially interesting. M onday through the school year, G riz z ly Grenades, w ill go along R obert Luse brought his collec­ except d u rin g the holiday sea­ cil m eeting on Tuesday. to support the team. The g irls tio n o f arrowheads, beads, and son. October 25 in the ne xt m eet­ R ichard La Pointe has moved w ill w ear th e ir special sweaters COLOR A N D R E-COLOR rings. B e ryl Bosshard brought a ing date. away. M elba S till from T alent is and skirts, w hich w ill be several tom -tom . L a n i K nox brought an Members w ho at present belong These amazing plastic- a new g ir l in Room 1. inches longer. coated color books are the T om m y H in th o rn e and M ic h ­ In d ia n doll, hatchet and head- to the group in clude: M rs. R ob­ A ll students are urged to go ael Parsons have beeen absent band. A p ictu re o f a squaw was e rt Pentzer, M rs. Eugene Seitz, answer to the problem of and back the team. fo r several days on account of i l l ­ dra w n by Nancy Lou K lum pp. Mrs. John C otton, Mrs. H. A. George M. S h iffe r, dire cto r of any conventional color Lee Seitz Is m aking a sweathouse Thomas, Mrs. Rodney K eating, ness. the hospital and fa c ilitie s sectioh w hat-to-do. Use the c ra y ­ fo r the In d ia n V illage. M r. and Mrs. A. M. H a m ilto n , E laine W illia m s had a b irth d a y o f the Oregon State Board of ons on the pictures, as in Mrs. Robert M cllvena, Mrs. L u c y Insects have been brought to H ealth, w ill confer w ith the A sh­ on Septem ber 24. She is 6 years book. B u t when the p ic­ T albot, Mrs. G. S. Green, M iss school fo r observation in science old. land H ospital board, October 21. tures have a ll been colored, These people have had a b ir th ­ class. A chrysalis turned to a Cora Mason, S. R. Buyers, R ic h ­ Discussion w ill concern the avail a few swipes w ith a soft The ch ild re n w rote ard W ilcox and W illia m Young. day since school began: La Rue b u tte rfly . a b ility of Federal money fo r a F rom The S iskiyou cloth leaves the book lik e about b u tte rflie s from Bean, D a rre ll M cC ullock, Roy stories new hospital in Ashland. Home Com ing Weekend w ill construction papers. Bailey, new, ready to be colored C. M. L ltw ille r , Roland Parks, begin F rid a y, N ovem ber 5, w ith a Lois A n n Moore is s till out of Class officers fo r grade 3, again. Y o u 'll fin d you enjoy banquet at Susanne Homes hall. Mrs. M ild re n K lu m , H a rry A. school. Lois A nn h u rt her hand room 5 are: B e tty Jane Reedeer, little J o h n n y ’s a rtis tic e f­ A hundred and f if t y a lu m n i and S k e rry Jr., Ike Frideeger, and in an autom obile accident. President; Ben Lom bard, vice- forts m uch more when you guests are expected to attend the M a rk H am aker m et Wednesday Room officers fo r Grade 1, president; and A la n B ailey, sec­ start h im out on the new d iv e rs ifie d a ctivitie s ending w ith noon to plan the m eeting w ith Room 13 were elected. Price retary. Talent, Oct. 13— M em bership S h iffe r. They w ill show h im the a fo o tb a ll game at G rants Pass books, than i f he d id his Thomas is president, Brad G ett- The ch ild re n in Grade 3, room d rive fo r the T a le n t P arent T ea­ between SOC’s Red Raiders and hospital, and w ill have him in ­ lin g vice-president, and Deanna sketching on the w a ll paper. 6 are w o rk in g hard fo r the P.T.A. cher's association w ill begin M on spect b u ild in g sites w h ich have Pacific University. new C ullop secretary-treasurer. Ethel m em bership d rive . The cla s s day and w ill last one week, it A nd fo r the little girls, T entative plans fo r the week been considered fo r the R edbird was elected sta ff m em ­ having the most P.T.A. members was decided at P.T.A. m eeting b u ild in g . there is the H O L ID A Y end are as follow s: A banquet ber fo r the paper to take the w ill be given a party. C arol G il­ last week. A prize w ill be given fo r a lu m n i and guests and in v ita ­ TW IN S, cutouts o f the same , Ray Ramsey, m ayor of B e ll­ news at the correct tim e to Mrs. bert is sure Room 6 w ill w in if the room having the most parents tional to students a t Susanne plustic-coated m a terial, col- 1 the grandm a’s and grandpa’s jo in the organization. v ie w alm ost shot tw o bear and Chapman. Homes H all, F rid a y, N ovem ber orable, easily cleaned, long- , Ramona H o w ry has entered w ould jo in w ith a ll the aunts and O ther business at the m eoting 5; a bonfire In F u le r F ield im ­ saw several bucks w h ile deer Room 3, Grade 2 fro m the B e ll­ uncles. lasting. i included approval of the budget h u n tin g last week. m ediately fo llo w in g the banquet; vie w school. James F ra n k lin Conlay is ill as presented by Mrs. Peggy P er­ and a dance a fte r the bonfire, John Sorenson was elected Pre w ith scarlet fever! kins, treasurer. open to a ll students and a lum ni, placed on sale fo r students, in sident o f room 3, grade 2. Buzz Heard took a tr ip to Pears fo r canning fo r the and fe a tu rin g a w e ll know n dance the near fu tu re . J e rry Leach, Dennie Bowne, P ortland last weekend w ith his school lunchefe were presented band. The fo otball game S a tu r­ the group by M r. M a rsh a ll o f A lu m n i president, and form er Dean Freem an and K athleen fa m ily and sister, Marlene. day, Novem ber 6, at G rants Pass Ileinzm an have celebrated b ir th ­ Sandra H utchinson has entered Buckeye orchards. 270 East Main Phone 8011 SOC student body president, Bud w ill conclude the week end. days recently. the class o f Room 6, Grade 3, Mrs. Helen W isner was elected Invitations will be sent to a- S ilv e r w ill organize plans fo r the The clean-up com m ittee chosen m a king 37 the to ta l e n ro llm e n t new secretary to replace Elsie lumni, and dance tickets w ill be banquet. for this week was: Dean Free- for room 6. Blackburn. Firestone Store Sold To Pernells Harvey Sorenson H eads Gra-Y Club Ken Peabody Recuperates From Travels in Washington Rest Home Legion To Meet At Central Point ★ ------- ★ ------- ★ Warren Speaks Here Saturday Elks To Sponsor Essay Contest Elmer Landing and Lois Pierce Wed Enders Heads Community Chest Drive Which Begins November 1st Mrs. Jackson Will Entertain Unit Weary Grizzlies Face An Unbeaten Grants Pass Eleven This Friday Hight Great Books Group Studying “Odessy” Mrs. Peil Donates Pathway to City News of W ashington School LIKE MAGIC! Hospital Expert Here October 21 Plans Include Banquet, Dance Membership Drive To Begin Monday Tfc M ART