U. of 0. Librar/, DOING TH E Stmikesm (bieatm TOWN By Ed McLain This week, tn v e rin v a v ir tu a lly unexplored field, the New« Re'- vie » poll delved deeper Into u)< o p lrlo 'ix of ir t man o r the rtre e ’ On the Issue of th - tom lo', <-|eetion foi C * v Recorder there are two main points of view. One, “Mr. Adams has had it ,on< e- nough, let’s have a change.’ The • tuer, "Mi Hardy has hi» pile, why does he want to take the job horn a m an who need» It?’ Ju»t how predom inant each view in can he seen from the result» of this weeks poll. Out of fifty vote» J. Q. Adam», the Incumbent, polled tw enty-four per cent or twelve vote». J. H. Hardy ran up a tidy sum of tw enty-five vote», or fifty per cent. Tim rem aining twenty-nix per cent were unde­ cided a» to which of the political aspirant» to choose. NEWS REVIEW $3.00 per Year Senior Tri-Hi-Y Club Organized Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner $3.00 per year A shland, .Jackson C ounty, Oregon, Several Attend 99 Highway Dedication IHIRSUAV, College students wh o a r e son o f Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Eim- of the meeting. close, takes some forty thousand and Miles Is a m em ber of the by every available sti»d, of 207 Vista ave., Ashland, McKays arrival here Thursday m easure m em bers of the Church of C hrist, opinions on each of its questions. Junior Hl-Y club. - — n». . , v Oregon i e g o n is e r v in g anoara is s serving aboard me the de- ’ followed closely on the heels of means. ---- Out of the one hundred forty mil Purpose of the city wide coun­ Jh«.t h h i v i z.vCnh »rCh^ and ‘^ ' « t r o y e r USS Turner, which is the appearance of United States Several new’ m em beers w ere in­ Hon people of the United States, cil Is to correlate the activities enee h i thi h 3 pi efcr’ participating in the amphibious i i L n , 8" ,nvU ed, training exercises in Southem Senator Guy Cordon, who spoke troduced; Rev. O. W. Klingsheim, this gives them a percentage of o f the Trl-Hi-Y and Hi Y clubs S X t to the Kiwanis club and the of the Assembly of God and Rev. .0003%. Since we cover fifty peo­ in the city and to plan for special tion Ft l i t ii"» 6 co*?gl wga' ; Calfom ia under the command of m em bers of the Cham ber of J. C. G reen o f the Free M etho­ s s R”ar b_ j ple out of Ashland's approxim ate events during the year. Commerce at a m eeting held on dist church. eight thousand, we have a much One of the first events planned caslon is the first Fellow ship sup­ Tuesday. better percentage, .03%. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE by the newly organized council Others w ant to know what kind is a city-w ide Induction cere­ per of the fall program of the MEETS WITH MRS. THOMAS of a cross section Is taken. We mony for new m em bers in which church. The gathering will be M embership Com m ittee of the held in Fellow ship hall of the question a few people from the all of the Ashland Clubs Y.M.C.A met at the home of the new building at 7:00 p.m. new Bellview addition, and a rep ­ participate and the parents win of Wendell Lawrence, associated Com m ittee Chairm an, Mrs. H ar­ Following the dinner C a r l resentative num ber from all sec­ club m em bers and the general with C. H. Wines in the publish­ old A. Thomas, Monday evening, Moline of Oregon City will show tions except the business district. public invited to attend. ing of the Southern Oregon News October 4th to revise the m em ­ his scenic slides of w estern The business district Is excluded Review, has beeen' elected pres- bership policy of the Ashland As­ Plans were also made at the scenery, “Unto the Hills.” These for several reasons. It is a fairly meeting for the Officers of A sh­ idnt of the Siskiyou Chapter. sociation. M embers on the com- small section of the population land Clubs to attend the South­ pictures were shown at the Con­ M aster Printers of Oregon, P rin t­ m itttee include: Mrs. Harold A and because the business men or ern Oregon Hi Y Officers T ra in ­ gregational church Sunday night Thomas, Elliott McCracken, A l­ e r’s International Association. their wives are questioned In ing Conference which Is to be and elicited much favorable com­ Election of officers and official lan O. McGee, Ralph Billings and their homes. Since the closing of held In Klam ath Falls this fall. ment. The only difference In p re­ form ation of the organizaton Bert Freem an. sentation will be that the pictures registration, only registered vot­ took place Friday night at a m eet­ A report on club pledges to !he will be explained instead of pre­ ers are polled. ing held in Medford. O ther of­ Y.M.C.A. World Youth F u n d In closing, may I add again showed that the Ashland Clubs sented as illustrations, without ficers include Jam es Grigsby, of comment, of the first verse of that anyone and everyone Is w el­ were at the top of the list in the Klocker Printers, Medford, vice Psalm 121. come to accompany us on any of Pacific Northw est Area In over- president; and Ed Goetzl, Grants Members of Ashland Post No. The pictures will be shown in the polls. Pass Bulletin, secretary-treasur- 14 of the A m erican Legion, and sbuscribing their goal of $300 00 the main sanctuary of the church er. Remember, next week the m a­ by $75.00. A uxiliary m em bers will be hosts at 8:00 o'clock. Any who may yor again. and hostesses to tw enty-five The association includes p rin t­ not care to come to the supper ing plant operators in Southern m em bers of the Hilt, California The Cam era Club met with Dr. and those who are not members Oregon and N orthern California post and their wives, and the e n ­ and Mrs. Borden Tuesday night. of the church may come at that Represented at the m eeting were tire m em bership of Post 13 of Beautiful kodachrom e slides were tim e for the pictures. officials from the Mt. Shasta Medford at a m eeting Tuesday, shown by Carl Moline, Homer Billings and Carryl Wines. Eigh­ A Christian European news Herald, the Southern Oregon October 12. Edna H artw ell of Beach St. A rt K ellart, District Com m and­ teen members and friends were returned from a hunting trip correspondent and world traveler News Review, the G rants Pass Bulletin, Bowdoin P rinting Com­ er of Cave City, will be the p rin ­ present. Rev. Dewey Blomgren will be in w ith a deer. cipal speaker. pany, Commercial P rinters of Ashland for a return engagem ent Songs of O ur Times— Yreka Commercial on Friday night at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Medford. The series of Decca Al­ Blomgren spent four years d u r­ Printers, H arry Morse, the P rin t­ er, Klocker P rinters and Ferro­ ing the w ar in service among our carril bums w ith hit songs of past Press. boys in the arm y camps and has years on hand now: much first hand inform ation to relate. 1924 Southern Oregon college’s Red From the Siskiyou He is a m em ber of the N ation­ Raiders will m ake their first 1927 From his position on the law n al Committee for C hristian Lead­ Annual Rally Day of the First ership Inc., and is serving the Church of Christ Bible SchTGl at SOC, George A. Smith, C us­ 1929 home appearance of the season committee in the capacity of ex­ will be held Sunday. A short im­ todian of Grounds, could see the 1932 when they meet the California opposing force, 600 strong, ch a rg ­ ecutive secretary. The G reat Books" discussion pressive special num ber by P ri­ Aggies from Davis, California, Mr. Blomgren Is also a proph­ m ary departm ent will be the fea­ ing up Siskiyou Boulevard. W ith S’ WONDERFUL S aturday night. The gam e will be group sponsored by the Ashland etic speaker linking present day no tim e for gaining help. Sm ith played». at 8:00 p.m. on W alter Public L ibrary will hold Its first events in the light of the proph­ ture of the opening service of quickly decided upon a plan to A new album by Dinah the school. Phillips field. meet the m arauders single-hand­ session of the fall, October 11. etic word. Mr. R. G. LeTourneau, Shore and Buddy Clark The purpose of the day is to The Raiders have been under president of a large corporation rally all the old pupils who may edly, the body of the plan being All who plan to join are asked fire three times this season and that of m aking a sincere plea m anufacturing farm ing and road Benny Goodman and Peg­ have won from Oregon Vocation­ to register at the L ibrary and building equipm ent with im have taken a vacation during the for cooperation. al school, and lost to Eastern leave an order for the books that mense factories in the U. S. and sum m er m onths and to enlist gy Lee. A re-issue of ori­ The gardeners job is a one- W ashington College of Education are to be studied in this year's elsewhere, has this to say about new pupils who are not enrolled man deal providing students do ginal favorites by a top or­ 23-0 and to Hum boldt S tate Col­ course. This is requested in order Mr. Blomgren who returned for in Sunday school. The school a few simple things to help: chestra and singer. opens at 9 45 a.m., and is located lege, 6-0. 1. Use the trash cans placed at the seventh time to lecture in Given a dry field the fast, that everyone may have an op­ one of his great factories when at Second and B Streets. Erl all entrances for papers and cig­ KING COLE TRIO scrappy SOC club is expected to portunity to read the books be­ about 1000 men gathered to hear F. Downing Is m inister of the arette butts. m ake a better showing. 2. Walk on the walks, and use Two volumes of Nats fore each session. There will be him. Quote: “We believe his m a­ church; Mrs. L. U. Gresham Is superintendent of the «chool. the door mats. 18 books in the course; they may terial to be of the greatest im ­ wonderful piano, trio and High School to Albany 3. Pick bouquets and greenery portance to all our people in all voice. Ashland high school Grizzlies be had In the rpecial 60c edition, only w ith permission. who have yet to see the black m aking a total cost of $7.50 for the land to such an extent that W ith lim ited funds for the we gave our employes an extra side of the ledger, travel to Al­ the course. Gr, several may p u r­ campus, Sm ith is forced to ask half hour each noon to * avail Phil Stansbury, captain of in ­ for donations of flow ering p e re n ­ bany Friday to meet the Albany chase a set jointly if desired. themselves of the valuable Infor­ fantry, who is assigned to the nials and shrubs for use in the high school club. Those taking p art last year are m ation Mr. Blomgren brings.” A djutant G eneral's departm ent. folwer beds. Any sim ilar gifts The Grizzlies, fielding a light eager to continue and new m em ­ He will be speaking at one ser Oregon National Guard, has re ­ will be gratefully accepted. Inexperienced team, should have bers are cleome. M embership vice only „ on „ l Friday lllllv ,,, , at 7:45 turned from a week in St. Louis, night better chance against the A l­ up to 30 Is perm itted; lively dis- j p.m. "at" the ‘ Assembly To the women at Susanne 270 East Main Phone 8011 of God Missouri, w here he met with oth­ Homes hall. George (Srnitty) says bany club than they had against cussions result from wide v a ria -' church, located at 485 Siskiyou « er .sauonai vzuarci oincers to to dls- dis- “All the Hwn nn National G uard officers “All the lawn on the west side the K lam ath invaders last week. Ed S iiig n i.i Nations Papers Observe “Week” Six Man Schedule Given For Schools McKay and Cordon Appear Locally City-Wide Hi-Y Council Organized Fellowship Dinner To Be Held Friday l Coming to Ashland For Special Service W. Lawrence Elected Printer’s Presdent legion to Play Host To Hilt & Medford SOC RED RAIDERS PLAY CAL AGGIES HERE SATURDAY NIGHT -------o ■■■■ - Church To Hold Rally Day Sunday Local Man Stands Alone Against 600 “Great Books” Group To Meet October 11 Stansbury Back From Trip East 76 H IL T (la m a th club won, 56-0. will be green in a week or tw o.’