ü> U. OÍ O. Labi ary. DOING THE TOWN O ríc |«0N u ís i p U ■ 11 $ m ) E K S1 4 isti PER I A 11 0 1 Formerly the Southern Oreqoa Miner $3.00 per year NEWS REVIEW $3.00 per Y ear A shland, '.Jackson C o unty, Oregon, ih c k s im y , si p i i mbi r ,»». ,.,4x By Ed McLain Volume 15, Number jo The npiition <>i the inun mi the tieel ih apparently beginning to SHIRLTY WEITZEL SOC jell. The results ol this week's FRESHMAN SECRETARY poll of fifty people* show (hut | •Shu Icy Weitzel, Asnland, was only 30'/» of the people polled e b cted .secretary ol the Freshm an were undecided as to which ol da.-» at Souhern Oregon college, the M ayoralily candidates Io vote I H tf.iio i* c o n c e rn in g the p o s s ib ility o f lo ca l o p tio n being on the b a l­ were S andoe m ».<<«<»<„• f le c tio n s w ere held la s t week. 1 J tm t lor, us coinpiired to 36'/> two lo t llu s N o v e m b e r w ith the re s u lta n t p o s s ib ility th a t A s h la n d w o u ld ' ' ¡Other officers President, ^ d Peabody, brother of Ken English at tin ' p.versity of C o l- |WllHafn j onfca include, weeks ugo. K b m a th ^ ¡ P e a b o d y , missing Ashland jewel become a d ry to w n were la id to rest th is week. I here w ill be no I i k . i I orado, ha. aw a (led th e A sh la n d vice president, Charles B ertram . 'r* has Ih . Walt Weller, continued to ip tio n v o le on the b a llo t N c s c n ib c r 4. bas been bt’cn in in Ashland Ashland during during le.id the puck with 3295 of the Public lib rary < se t ol 21 of th e G rants Pass; and treasurer Bar- the Past week to asslst *n direct' I he ru m o r s ta rte d last sum m er ss lien a p e titio n to keep m isle a d in g votes. Two weeks ago Doc was a latest publi lied m ystery books. bara Bottjer, Medford. ,n « the starch for the jeweler lull length ahead with 34%., with liq u o r a d v e rtis in g o u t o f O re g o n newspapers and p e rio d ica ls was being ----------------------------------- who was last seen Thursday Mr. Sandoe, who is a mystery Ids n eoie.t competitor, the pre­ c irc u la te d th ro u g h o u t the state. I he p e titio n requested th a t the name, book reviewer wrote. “I spent morning in front of the Lithla sent Incum bent, polling 20%, a p rice , and m a ke r o f the liq u o r o n ly , be p e rm itte d in any liq u o r a d v e r­ five extieniely plea,ant weeks in eastern part of the state, it is ex­ theatre. loud of 14%. This week, even tis in g . Ashland working with the sum ­ pected that more than the usual Circulars describing Peabody with u loss of 2%* he is still lead­ mer Fexival and teaching at the num ber will hunt blacktail deer as a missing person and offering Tills petition was circulated In« this season. This will be due, in ing this tim e by 16%, since hi* Ashland and among othei Oregon College In token of a regard tha $100.00 rew ard for inform ation closest rival, the licket-punchln' cities. The Rev. Robert Mcllven- is very warm I am sending to part, to the opening of the m ajor­ leading to his w hereabouts have ity of the Tillamook burn area railroader, Tom Williams, polled na, m inister of the First M etho­ you a parcel of book* for the been seent out by Ed Peabody it.'; Public Library of Ashland. I to hunting this year. The deer in The circulars describe Ken P ea­ dist church stated that to fils this region fere reported to be in hope they will be acceptable as For Tom this is u trem endous knowledge there were approx! body as being five feet eight excellent condition. gifts.” Increase, compared with our poll mutely 300 signatures obtained In inches tall, light brown hair re­ Mr. C. A. Lockwood, Oregon ceding slightly at top and sides. of two weeks ago, when he polled Ashland on the petition. Miss Cora Mason, librarian, PLANT TO BE KNOWN "This petition," Mcllve n n a only 6%. Apparently Tom Is us­ said not only will they be “ac- State Game Supervisor, once He has hazel eyes, small even AS DOMICILIARY CENTER ing some of his political uccumen stated, 'was sponsored by the An­ ceeptable" but greatly appreciat­ again calls attention to the fact teeth, a small brown mustache, that this year all deer hunters are weight 150 lbs, wears size 38 in drum m ing up votes from the ti-Liquor League of Portland. It Camp White Hospital on Mon­ ed by those who read them faster large group of undecided voters. never got on the ballot because day ul this week was officially than the Library can buy them! icquired to obtain a deer tag be- suit and size 8 '2 shoe. He is also foie hunting. This tag is in addi­ left handed. The strength of the Incumbent there were not enough signatures taken over by the V eteran’s a d ­ tion to the regular hunti n g mayor, Thornton S. Wiley, seems throughout the state and it fizzl­ m inistration and will be restored W hen last seen at 8:30 a.m. license and can be obtained at Thursday m orning in front of the to fluctuate. Two weeks ago he ed out som ewhere along the and put into shape as soon as any license agency. boomed up to 20%, but now that line.” Lithia theatre in Ashland by possible. February 1, 1949 has Among the nhnrods who have William Yates, Ashland electri- As rum ors do, ■ this one got , it's been set 1 as the m onthly water bill is almost as the target date for r m e la i goi u a ie io made plans to be in there tickl­ cian, Peabody was w e a r i n g due, he hus dropped buck to the start In the advertising petition ,,p,.nin(, of the domiclliary center ing the ¿ triggers on their 30-30s hrow n lace oxfords, d ark blue pin and during the past three months original 12%. _ . »i.uT "7 Official title of the plant will Friday, October 1. thousands of this weekend are: Harry McNair, tc.,.jr,„ .. Col. Preston W aterbury has there has been much talk in the be the Veteran's A dm inistration Oregon nlmrodg including local bistros côneerni n g t h e “ , ^ nB . “ .“ t K H l' s h in » » blue w ith white more than doubled his percentage domiciliary center, M e df o r d, from Ashland will take to the Marion Mann, Don Brace, Dr. in the past two weeks. The last secret petition which was being Oregon. The domiciliary center stripes. forests as the general deer season W alter Weller, Andy Anderson, poll indicated that 2% of the circulated by the churches. Said will require $325,000 to be spent Jew elry which he was wear- opefis Although general rains John Nosier, Clyde Caton. Jack people polled were in Ids favor, petition to be on the local option In restoration J. T. Holmer, Med­ ng might have 'included two throughout the state should hunting conditio ns, make t h e 'S eripter, ¿ T c L a ^ ^ an while this w eek’s poll shows that situation. ford, is the engineering officer. ideal There is no local option p eti­ 8% are of the W aterbury school. Much of the $325.000 will be S td e game departm ent w arned!m an, Don Rubb, Carl Peterson. 3 S,ta?n!eS’ tion being circulated. The only Undecided 30% spent on replacing the w ater sys­ th inter« should chnniri be h» ovfx-omotx/ r nwirin Grubb. r.n .k h m u Grubb. John s^ee round case, this watch thin hunters extrem ely Larkin Milo ^ atch\ had thing In circulation has been a Weller 32% -•a?*ful with fires as the deep Grubb. Russel. Miller, Jean Eber- ™ tem which has deteriorated since ca rumor. Williams 16% the Camp White deactivation. o*s cover is still dry In many hart. Dr. Harvey Woods, Dr. inscription on the back, “F. K. fonr-sts Wiley 12% The annual payroll of the cen­ payts art of the state. ¡Clarence Woods, Arch Work, Peabody, Elgin Watch college." W aterbury 8% ter will am ount to more than although many hunters will as Ralph McCullough, and Dom The other watch is a seven jewel Jordan 2% $500,000 and some $400.000 will usual Elgin, plain face, yellow gold and sat hunt for rnule deer in the Provost. is rectangular shaped. F. K. P ea­ he spent each year for equipm ent. One cheerful bit of inform ation I body is engraved on the back. The center will have a staff of to be garnered from this poll, no He wore a key chain of yellow 204 persons who will be assisted m atter for whom you personally The Board of Directors of the by 50 member (patient) em ploy­ gold with an attached jew el plate muy be, is the fuct that 80% of w ith five jew’els. He also was those polled were registered Re­ Ashland Y.M.C.A. met in the soc- ees. It will have a capacity of 1671528376 W’earing a wide band wedding member, Suturday Is the lust day ial Room of the ” Y” Building 500 beds, j Monday evening, Septem ber 27th Veterans who will be patients ring and a ruby stone. to register! — 0 -■ to plan for a more comprehensive at the te n te r will not be hospital- Peabody is a constant pipe A program unique in its appll- the pictures as they are present- |program of activities for the en- >Zl‘d In the strict sense of the cation to religion will be present­ ed. sm oker and is rather quiet by suing year. The report of the sec-¡term . According to V eteran's Ad- Mrs. Erma Berg will sing the nature. OF THE retary showed that the "Y” Build m inistration authorities the cen- ed Sunday evening at 7:45 a.m. Lord's Prayer as part of the pro­ His wife, Evelyn M inster P ea­ ing had been used by a large 'te r will be a place for disabled a t the Congregational church In gram. Musical background has body, and infant daughter reside ,..... and handicapped veterans w*ho, Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mol­ been selected from the works of at 1250 Iowa street, Ashland. num ber of both boys and girls Philip Wendt during the sum m er m onths A t. because of their handicap, have ine will present a program of Schubert, Beethoven, Dvor a k, His parent's address is F rank W. Philip Wend, who is a candi­ tendance at Craft work periods no other place to live. kpditebrome colored pictu r e s . Rubinstein, Brahms, Massenet, Peabody, 164 South L i b e r t y date foi cypncibnan, u running waa w ell o v er the 740 madt w hile - .V e s t FU-einau, Boise. street, Elgin, Illinois. laann» taken throughout the Weal, in a*List, and Franck. on a platform which hus us its nfiippr living _________ ’ ~ has been appointed supply officer M embers of the Lions club and the total attendance of boys and sermon busic plank the revision of water Scenes to be shown include Ralph Leach were notified of girls using the gume facilities in of the installation and has a rriv ­ Dr. Evart P. Borden will nar­ rates to provide equitable charges some taken at the Grand Canyon Peabody’s disappearance at 11:00 ed in Jackson county to begin lor domestic, Industrial, und ag ­ the building was 1560 for the past work. The personnel officer, Sam rate the scriptures as the scenes of Arizona, The Oregon Coast, Thursday m orning and they in ­ three months. Y.M.C.A. Clubs unfold, Miss M argaret Ramsay, The Cascades, Glacier National ricultural use. Butturff, also arrived this week stituted a local search at that Wendt, who is a steam engin­ earned over from last year in­ and hiring of personnel Is expect­ organist, will play selectio n s Park. White Sands Monument, time. clude: the Senior Hi Y Club und­ which will follow the mood of eer by profession, states that he Ranier National Park, Glacier ed to begin immediately. Peabody’s disappearance was the pictures. Other music, spec­ National Park, Bryce Canyon, research on the w ater situation er the leadership of Mr. M. D. Manager of the center, Paul A. reported to the Ashland police at Yoder. 20 boys In this group met ially selected by Mr. and Mrs. In Ashland indicates that Indus­ Carlsbad Caverns, Mt. Hood, and 4:15 p.m. Thursday approxim ate­ Hatton, will arrive next week. trial w ater consumers are being last night In the "Y” Building He has been m anuger of the V. Moline, will be synchronized with other portions of the west. ly seven hours ofter the disap­ charged an Inequitable fee, p a r­ for the first m eeting of the year. A. hospital at Fort Harrison pearance. Nothing has m aterial­ ticularly when compared with The Senior Tri Hl Y Club which Montana, hospital. ized since then. 1 for many years has been under the rules charged orchards. Prior to the decision of the According to Chief of Police the direction of Mrs. Edith Good Concerning the city electric United States Congress to have Clarence Williams there is no has already started the work of! rules he stated that he felt that {the V eteran’s adm inistration ae- (evidence of foul play. the year under th? direction °f I a complete investigation should , Ralph Picard, assistant at the be made. Citizens of Ashland Mrs. Glenn Crisp. The Ju n io r >q u ,re CaniP White there was Tri Hi Y Club has already m a d e 'much speculation In the Southern Jew elry store, is operating the Officers of the Ashland Tri Hi should be assured un electric plans for Its first m eeting of the Pa rt of the 8late concerning the Y and Hi Y Clubs met at the •business w ith the assistance of charge In line w*lth the rates In possibility of the State of Oregon Y.M.C.A. Thursday evening, Sept Mrs. Peabody. year under the leeadership of other areas. taking over the hospital. em ber 30th to plan for special Wendt, who was born in Green- Mrs. M. A. Miller who served as CACTI REFERENCES State Senator Lew Wallace, events in the Hi Y program this adult advisor for the group last lake county, Wisconsin, favors GIVEN TO LIBRARY Democratic candidate for gover­ year. the adoption by the city adm inis­ year. Helping Mrs. Miller in the nor, O. H. Bengston, Earl New Mrs. Charles J. Reisdorf, Ash­ - . .. ----- Activities up for discussion at tration of a policy which will work with this group this year bry, Frank Van - Dyke, land resident, recently presented and many the meeting included: a City- keep all citzens fully Informed will be Mrs, M argaret McClean. a valuable collection of books to others assisted in the state pro-.w ide Induction Ceremony for of the operation of the com m un­ 1 The Junior Hi Y Club which gram to acquire the institution. the Public library according to an new members at which time all for the past two years has been ity- announcem ent m ade today by under the leadership of Mr. G ay­ For a period of time a petition of the Tri Hi Y and Hi Y Clubs Miss Cora Mason, city librarian. was being circulated asking that of the city would induct new lord Vestal will have new leader­ H er father had been a special­ s h ip this year. Plans for the o r­ the m easure to acquire the instir members at a public ceremony; ist in cacti cultivation in C alifor­ tut ion be placed on the ballot. the Hi Y Officers Training Con­ ganization of new Hi-Y and Tri nia and his garden had specimens ference to be held in Klamath Hi Y Clubs were made at the of m any rare cacti which he had PLEDGE THETA CHI Falls early this fall: Registration Board meeting last night. U niversity of Oregon, Eugene, gathered from all over the world. | Special events on the calendar Septem ber 28—H arry Kennasto, of local clubs with the National As a student in the field, he col­ I for this fall include the Annual Je rry Leslie, and Harold Sim- Hl-Y movement and plans for the lected books and periodicals, I Registration of ul I Y M C. A monds, all of Ashland, pledged organization of new Tri-Hi-Y and some of them in Germ an, which Building members which will Theta Chi fraternity on Friday. Hi-Y clubs In local and nearby w ill, be a delight to the cactus schools. Present at the meeting start early In the month of Octo­ Septem ber 10, at the conclusion hobbyists. It is this fine collect- Eon of rush week on the University will be the officers from the Sen­ ber. Rev. Elmer B. Sachs, who is *on that Mrs. Reisdorf gave to the ior Hl-Y club, the Senior Tri-Hi- Also planned for this fall is an of Oregon campus. E ig h te e n lib ra ry . Y club, Junior Tri-Hi-Y club and the Founder and Chief Director Open House for parents of the house pledged 213 boys, of the National Organization of e The, SU?;>eCt ° f *'Cactaceae and the Junior Hi-Y club. Building members at which time Pika r a ... , Succelents” is now one of the ■o----------- Sky Pilots of Am eiica is sche- most om plete specialized subjects Dr. W alter Weller, w John cllll wjll -- vriia* Nos- a €1 special program will IJt* be pre- sented for the parents of the boy J c r* Clyde Caton, Don Brace and duled to arrive in Ashland in his in the Library. The classification and girl m em bers of the Ashland And-V Anderson, left Monday for "Sky Pilot" plane sometl m e wiu rk by B rittton and Rose, as Y.M.C.A. Committee in charge o f |a hunting trip into the back coun- W r.‘ - P H O N E 2 4 1 4 ■ W Monday, Oct. 4th. He will begin Wel1 as a beautiful supplem ent- this event Is composed of Mrs, l*1^ ou^ °f Burns, Oregon. a series of Gospel meetings Mon- r k ar ha and Hugh McKeever, Giles S. Green I a , pock, which brings the form er day evening at < 30 P M. at the work up to date, will be kept in and Rev, E, P, Borden, ;tlon in other lands. local First Baptist Church. T hese-the reference departm ent for a- Gala Broadway Plans were also completed at < Elected to the Y.M.C.A, Boarc meetings will continue nightly v aRabillty to everyone, Miss Mas- the meeting to raise the balance of Directors was Mrs. J. P of the $200,00 World Service Clark fill the vacancy left by the throughout the week and in clu d -| son sa’d- Pledge of the Ashland Y.M.C.A. resignation of Mrs. C. M. Fraziet Only showing between Port­ mg Sunday morning Oct. 1 0 th J soc m IF t T S i ^ L D T land and San Francisco to this im portant work of the who recently moved from the . achs spent four years as a i Southern Oregon college foot- Young Men’s Christian Assocla- city, j detective on the Evanstone Illi- ball team will travel South this ¡nois Police D epartm ent in the weekend to meet Hum boldt State ¡days of the A1 Capone episode.’college in a Far W estern tilt. The I He has had much experience Red Raiders are expected to .with juvenile problem s, a n d .m a k e a better showing this week Orifinal B’«My C«t t Production I • comes approved as a successful .than last. Eastern W ashington A r h S M A M fA Y f^ /C /i! I Youth W orker and Pastor. He college of Education laced the Mrs, John C, Cotton has again (Department, with Rochelle Hudson will bring interesting jnforrfia-, Raiders, 23 to 0 last week in a been named chairm an of the I This fourth annual chest X- tion and film production of Jun- non-conference game. Mail orders now accepted chest X-ray survey comm ittee for ray survey, which is a method --------------------------- Send self-addressed envelope 'ior and Senior Sky Pilot work ini the Ashland area, It was an- of finding cases of tuberculosis action. A work among Youth I Mrs. Robert Vrom an un.lei • To Craterian Theatre nounced today at a prelim inary in the early stages, Is to be held Medford. Oregon which has a decided Gospel and w ent m ajor surgery at the Sacred meeting of representatives of th e 'in Jackson county from Novem- Missionary emphasis. - H eart hospital in Medford. Mon- Evening Show Jaekson County Public H e a lth ; ber 15th to the 24th. The dates The public is cordially invited day. $3.60 • $3.00 - $2.40 association, the Oregon State and hours when the mobile X 270 East Main Phone 8011 to attend these meetings and j Mr. and Mrs. Leyton Schell and Bargain Matinee— Board of Health, the Oregon T u -'ra y unit will be in Ashland will watch for the Sky Pilot plane two daughters visited Mr. and $2.40 • $1.80 - $1.20 berculosls and Health association be announced later, it was stat- over Ashland and surrounding I Mrs. E. S. Madden, Phoenix and the Jackson County Healthed* community. Sunday. LOCAL OPTION WILL NOT BE ON Library Is Given BALLOT AT NOVEMBER ELECTIONS 21 Mystery Books No Trace Found of Ken Peabody Camp White Taken Over by the V. A. Hunters Take To Hills This Friday « News Report From the YMCA UNIQUE PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN AT Thumbnail Sketches Candidates YMCA Officers Plan Fall Events Rev. Elmer Sachs to Arrive October 4th NEW! ntain Pen & Mechanical Pencil CRAÏERIAN Repair Saturday, Oct. 9 Service STAGE SHOW Eactory Prices (luaranteed 5 Day Service At M ART MRS. J. COTTON WILL AGAIN HEAD ASHLAND CHEST X-RAY SURVEY © ? BURLESQUE ,' M ® 11