I V. of 0. Library. DOING THE TOWN 7k* Souiltetot öfaa*. O lic lo O b W S G p í R P V I LI S M E i s ' 'M sfoül ATIOI $3.00 p e r Y e a r WITH ED McLAIN Things are warm ing up In the me«* for council and this week there are no surprising changes in the poll The nine men who are running for the three avail­ able places ure still practically holding their own. There have been no changes in the position ol the first two candidates. H ar­ old Merrill, who led the poll three weeks ago still leads, and Homer Hillings who was in sec­ ond spot has kept his place. Dr. W alter Redford hus moved up to third place from fourth and Phil Stansbury has dropped into four­ th place from third. Dr. William B l acker is still In a tie for fourth place and Fred Homes has come up to make the fourth place spot u three way tie. Phil Wendt picked up u bit of strength to move Into fifth spot and Owen Gragg rem ained in the sixth position. Will Stew art and Henry Gerdes tied for the last spot on the board, m aking no change In their respective posit­ ions since the last poll. Tw enty per cent of the people are still undecided about which three* candidates they will vote for. These* are the percentages: MERRILL 20% HILLINGS 11.3% NEWS REVIEW A w hland, J a c k s o n C o u n ty , O re g o n , i HURSDAV, SEPTEMBER r j, , 94 h Winners Announced In Harvest Show And Festival Contest Models To Appear At Elks Lounge STANSBURY TO ST. LOUIS j Phil Stansbury, candidate for city councilman and owner of the! Ashland Cabinet Works, left on Thursday for St. Louis, Missouri, j on National G uard orders. H e. will return in a week. Stansbury | is with the A djutant G eneral's i D epartm ent of the Oregon N a­ tional Guard. Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner $3.00 per year Volume i j , N um ber 29 New Stretch of 99 To Be Opened Mrs. Phoebe Green will Intro­ W inners in the Fall Harvest Show and Festival which was held WILLIAM McGEE TO ASSIST in Ashland lust week wer«* announced today by Bert Miller, who was duce the models that will appear IN OPENING DEDICATION general chairm an of the sh<»w. in tfae Fall Fashion Show to be Th«* show was very much of a sikci -. s , Miller stated, and he p e r­ presented by mem bers of the Dedication of Highway 99 s sonally thanked all who assisted with the festival and the final Soroptlm lst Club, at the Elks new est stetch of road will take night piogram . Lounge, Septem ber 29, a t 8 p.m. Winm rs included: ' place Friday, October L at his­ Coffee and cookies will be serv­ Commercial toric Wolf creek tavern, accord­ Dyer Huston, 930 Ashland St., ed throughout the show, with ing to William McGee, secretary Floral—Mrs. L. I. Taylor, RFD attended the regular m eeting ol 2, Iirstd A lfred's 2nd; Packed the O fficer’s Reserve corp, of Cay Hufrnan In charge of special of the Ashland Cham ber of F ruit—N ew bry Orchards, 1st. which he is a member, In Med­ music. Mrs. Betty Weller is gen­ Commerce. McGee is a m em ber Honey — Nichol's Apiaries, 1st. ford Tuesday night. Harris Ells­ eral chairman of the show. Andy Anderson, proprietor of of the comm ittee in charge of the Mrs. Frances W orth, Mrs. Irene N eedlecraft — Needlecraft Shop, worth, congressman from this Motor Inn, opened his new show dedication. Cullen, and Mrs. Cora Woodward 1st G range — Bellview, Talent, district spoke to the group. Reason for the dedication is will model clothes foi Fortm ll- room and m echanical departm ent th at since 1940 the highway de­ Phoenix; B II. Christlieb. A. E on the lower floor of the form ­ ler’s Departm ent store. P entzer’s Stevens, Talent, Johnson's Truck Mrs. Mary W orthylake. p ri­ Dress Shop will be respresented er Lithia Garage, Monday of this partm ent has been working to Farm, Dead Indian m ary teacher at Bellview school by Mrs. Una LaMarre. Mrs. Mary week. On display was a new bring about a m ajor im prove­ m ent in U. S. highway 99 thru Canned Fruit Is ill with Influenza. Rath and Mrs. Adallne Weber. Kaiser deluxe black onyx sedan. Oregon. The section of the high­ Plums — 1st, Mrs. S. D Buck The showroom which is direct­ Pears — 1st, Mrs. S. D Buck, 2d B arbara McCleary is ill in the Models for Weitzel s D epartm ent ly opposite the Ashland R ecrea­ way just completeed has been Mrs. J M. Townsend. Cherries, hospital. She Is recuperating from Store will be Mrs. Mildred Klum, tion Center, has been finished in brought up to m odern standards. Mrs. Norma Erwin and Jerry Form erly It had been in bad rep­ 1st, Mrs. S. D. Buck; 2nd, Mrs an appendectomy. Yates. Beatrice Wines, Mrs. Cla­ mist green w ith a traffic red ute with travelers and travel a- J. M. Townsend. Peaches, 1st, floor. The ceiling is oyster white Mi and Mrs. Jim P«-t**rson. left rice Latim er and Mrs. Wendell Mrs. S D Buck; 2nd, Mrs. H. H and the lighting is fluorescent. gencies throughout the United Elhart. Straw berries. Mrs H. H.i W ednesday for Sm ith river and • Lawrence will model for Excel An office for the bookkeeper and States. __ D rets Shoppe. som e fishing. The Johns-M ackin gluch sec­ Elhart one for Anderson are also in the tor now being opened to traffic is Canned Vegetables showrooms. Pickles — 1st, Mrs. J. M. Electric w iring was done by the last part of a three-part im ­ Townsend; 2nd, Mrs. Lyman Yates Electric, windows and cab­ provem ent program started in Barger. Beans, 1st Mrs. W. A inet work done by the Ashland 1940 by the state highway com­ Stratton. Tomatoes, 1st Mrs. Cabinet Works. Bosshard L um ­ mission. The first part was op­ Steve Lunnk. ber company aided in designing ened in the fall of 1943, the sec­ ond in the fall of 1946 and the Fruit REDFORD 8% Late date to register is October 1, according to on announcem ent the showroom and supplied the third p art will be officially op­ Apples: W inter Banana — John mad«* today by Mrs. Nelle Burns, registrar, 15 North Main. Mrs. materials. STANSBURY 8% Kelts; Crabapple, John Kelts, De­ Burns also pointed out that S. S. Davies, Mirror Barber Shop, 243 HOMES 6% Anderson stated that in addi­ ened with the dedication cere­ Fourth Street, was also registering votes licious, T S. Wiley. tion to the new showrooms, parts monies at Wolf creek, October 1. BRACKER 6% There are 398 curve's on the Mrs. Burns requested that all people who were registering should room and mechanical departm ent Pears: D’Anjou, Bose, Comice WENDT 5.3% and Bartlett, 1st Dee H endrick­ know thei addresses. This applies particularly to people who live that he planned to retain the old road and th ere are now only GRAGG 4% out of town They should have the section num ber, township, and son of Medford. floor space on the second floor 39. A saving of 4.7 miles has been STEWART 2% range num ber when they regis­ Peaches: Elberta, 1st T S. Wiley. ter of the building. This will give made in a form er distance of 23.8 GERDES 2% Vegetables him a total of 16.000 square feet. miles. Two per cent of the people had Many people from out of the The m axim um degree of sh a rp ­ Tomatoes J. F. Je te r:; P um p­ city have already registered Mrs. The upper portion will be used a good Idea about two of the can­ for storage, the used car d e p a rt­ ness on the curves is now 10 de­ didates for whom they would kin, Mrs W O. M artin; Squash, Burns said and they have indi­ ment, and the auto body and grees where it was form erly 76 vote, but they didn't know about 1st Mrs. George Milhatn, Med­ cated that they will retu rn with degrees. ford, A. C. M artin, B. H. C hrist­ this Information. So far. she said the* third. paint departm ent. The p art ju st being opened Five and three tenth per cent lieb, Ashland; 2nd, Mrs. L. I the following people have not After a sad showing against Anderson began operation in contains many outstanding en­ of the people polled had decided Taylor, John Kelts, Ashland. Cocquille last week the Ashland the South First location March, completed registration and will Onion, Mrs. W. A. Stratton. upon one of the candidates but not be able to vote: G ertrude E. High School Grizzlies will take 1947, and added the K aiser-F ra­ gineering features, including one cut supposed to be the deepest Carrots, J. M. Townsend still hadn't selected the other Easley, F. C. Raseler, William on the Southern Oregon college zer line in February, 1948. two. Potatoes, Lee Bowl. Cragle, Edwin H. Barron, Lola E. Frosh in a home game here Fri- Included among the personnel on the Pacific coast. Floral And, us m entioned previously, Ceremonies will begin at 1100 Townsend, Milo V. Hall, Katie dey night, Septem ber 24. are Jack Nichols. Dick Skow, Phlox, Mrs. Floyd Presley. ome 20% are still completely The Grizzlies who showed up Rav Castile, Tom Limpo and a m. w ith a parade including a Fern Hall, Mary W estm oreland, undecided. And If that 20% Dahlia. 1st Mrs. George Reed­ Austin Becker, Hollys G. Rich­ quite weakly in the game with Cliff Sterrett. stage coach, vintage autom obiles, should go to any particular group er, 2nd Mrs. Floyd Presley. the Red Devils losing 32 to 0, in­ ardson and Robert J. Weaver. Anderson is expecting to dis­ pioneer and m odern tran sp o rta­ Single Dahlia, 1st Mrs Charles mg of only two candidates the Two barbecue The last two m entioned, Rich­ dicated their lack of experience. play the new Fraser soon and tion equipm ent. i lection would be swung. llockersm lth, Medford, 2nd Edith ardson and W eaver, have not Coach Frank O'Neil has been lunches will be served, one for will also have the Kaiser con­ It's definitely anybody's race, Poi- working hard to correct this dur- vertible on the floor in the near the public and one for the hon­ signed their cards. further polls will Indicate thia. - Merigold, hrt Mrs A. R Kin !*•« Mrs Bums emphasized that lrfj? the past week. future. He said that the line at ored guests. Amonj> the guests Keep checking with us . . . and caid, 2nd, Baldwin Rose. Steve Laninovlch, sophomore present included the K aiser spe­ expected are G overnor Jo h n Hall unless the cards are completed Frenen Marigold, Mrs. Floyd the individuals concerned will quarterback, showed a potential lietter get registered. October 1 cial, the K aiser Deluxe, two con­ and G overnor Earl W arren of is the last duy. Presley. throw ing ability, and given a vertible models, the Fraser and California. not be perm itted to vote. You know If you're not regis­ Lilies, Mrs. H. H. E lhart In order to vote in the general stronger line and more protect­ the Fraser M anhattan. tered you haven't any kick com ­ Snapdragons, Mrs. Floyd P res­ election an individual m ust have ion should be able to complete ing about who does get elected, ley. been a resident of Oregon for six more than six passes out of 23 Simpson will feild. course the guy who doesn’t vote Roses. 1st and 2nd, Mrs. A. R m onths prior to Novem ber 2. In tries. The names of the SOC players Kincaid. always hollers the loudest. Je rry Langer, younger brother and their home towns are: Louis other words, those people who Rosebuds, Mrs. A. R. Kincaid will have lived ,n Oregon for a of A shland's well known Louis Mower, Kerby; Neil M urphy, St. F. L. Ballard, Corvallis, asso­ Tuberous Begonia, 1st, G er­ period of five m onths by October Langer, indicated a lot of prom ­ M ary's; Burton Johnson, Co­ Guy Applewhite, chairm an of ciate director of the Oregon State trude Easterling. 2nd, Mrs. H. H 2 will be eligible to register. ise, both offensively and defen­ quille; Jim Anders, Central Point the Jackson County Selective college extension service, and C Elhart. People who are registered in sively. Don Mayfield and Joe George Johnson, Coquille, John Service board, announce.! this W Norton, Portand, m anager, C arnation. Baldwin Rose. m other state and who are now Kidwell Indicated that they could West, K lam ath Falls, Gene Rush, week that 3100 young m en had Northwest Poultry and Dnlry Glads, 1st Mrs. Floyd Presley, living In Oregon can arrange to be counted on for much of this Parkrose. Steve Reid, Elm ira; registered since the beginning of Products company, have been 2nd, Mrs. George Reeder. year's offensive sfrength. vote by absentee ballot. Norman Ekdahl. Mesa, Arizona; the draft. Asters. Baldwin Rose. announced us featured speakers The light high school team will Bud Kelly, Portland: G eorge Questionairres, Apple w h i t e on the program for the ninth a n ­ Petunias, Mrs. Floyd Presley. it from the celebration in the not be playing their older broth­ Neible, M yrtle Point; Bill Roush, said had been sent out to all m en nual m eeting of the Oregon T u r­ Pansy, Mrs. Floyd Presley. ers this Friday when they meet M yitie Point, Don Dick. Rogue who have already registered neighborhood of $7,000, key Im provem ent association to Sweet Peas, Mrs. Floyd P res­ Lake county 4-H Club m em ­ •.the SOC freshmen. There Is not River; Jack Odegard, Rogue Riv Classification of men will begin he held in Salem, W ednesday, ley. bers had 46 exhibits at the O re­ an Ashland High school graduate er; Tom Colley. C entral Point; as soon as questionaires have Septem ber 22. Zinnia. 1st Baldwin Rose, 2nd been returned. gon State Fair at Salem this year, in the ranks of the club which A1 and Bert Cleveland, Glendale. Mrs. J. M. Townsend. the largest num ber of Lake Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher re ­ Ashland, Talent, and Phoenix Zinnia pom pom, Edith Poe. County 4-H exhibits ever shown youth who reach the age of 18 turned this week from a two Dahlia pom poms, 1st Mrs. Geo. at the State Fair. Three carloads after Septem ber 22 will be re ­ week vacation which took them Reeder, 2nd, Mrs. A. R. Kincaid. of leaders, club m em bers and to Spokane and other points in quired to register at th e draft Single Dahlia pom pom, A n­ parents made the trip to the W ashington and Oregon where nie McDonald. headquarters at the Federal build S tate Fair in order that 4-H boys they visited their children. ing on Riverside avenue accord­ Cosmos, 1st Annie McDonald, and girls could participate. Lowell Fowler, Ashland buck- Ed Edwards and Jack Snyder, ing to Applewhite. 2nd, Baldwin Rose. The office in the city hall in Clark M cEntlre, 1947 Pendle- eroo, rode off w ith top honors in third in the team roping contest; Mixed Arrangem ent, Mrs. Noel Ashland which has been in oper­ j ton champion, em erged the w in­ the fall horse show and races Leon Sm ith and Earl Kincaid, Heard. ation for the past three weeks ner In the steer roping event in held Sunday by the Ashland Rid­ calf roping. Grain was closed W ednesday. which a half dozen of this year's ing asscoiation. Fow ler placed Corn, Mrs. A rthur Dankworth. William Briggs, general c h a ir­ top contenders for the Jackson third in the q uarter horse race, Jelly man of the show, stated that ZELLERBACHS OPEN NEW 1st, Mrs. S. D. Buck, 2nd, Mrs. trophy competed as the 1948 won the trailer loading and un­ m any im provem ents would be WAREHOUSE IN MEDFORD Round-Up opened Wednesday. loading event, and won the hot made in the shows next year, G. W. Byrd. New offices and warehouses of A four-day special deer season blood race. Jem and thanked all the m em bers of Zellerbach Paper com pany have Jam , 1st and 2nd, Mrs. G. E for 200 hunters w ith special per­ O ther winners were: Stan the association' w ho helped--with mits will open in the Crooked Morgan, Medford, boot race; Ho­ the show, and also the contest­ been opened at their new loca­ Dunn. tion on Holly street in M edford Creek area north of Lakeview mer Burch, Preserves, Mrs. G. E. Dunn. Medford, bubble ants who entered the events. for the past week. Lynn R obert­ M arachino Cherries, Ms. G. E. Saturday,Septem ber 18 and last bursting contest: John Daugherty In the councilm an's race, H en­ son, m anager, reports th at the This Week through Tuesday, Septem ber 12. Ashland, three horse relay race: Dunn. ry Gerdes proxy, Monte B ar­ open house held a week ago was The regular deer season will be C. B. Harrison. Fern Valley, five Baked Goods nett, came in first and Dr. W al­ a success with a large crowd in October 1 through October 20. stake race; Robert Lytle Jr., ter Redford, incum bent council- attendance. Cake, 1st, Mrs. Ed Grimm, 2nd, Yankee Storekeeper State game antj forest service children's saddle horse race; man, riding his own race, led the Mrs. G. E. Dunn. by R. E. Gould The new office has a show- Pie, 1st Mrs. Bertha Wallis, 2nd officials issued a special warning Laurence Edmonds, Medford, the actual councilm en who were en- room in conjunction with the about the present fire hazard, walking horse race; Jim W arren, tered. Delia Inlow. warehouse. Eire! asking close cooperation with business m en's race. W hitey Ech­ Bread, Luella Applegate. by George R. Stew art fire regulations. The Forest Ser­ ert, cow cutting contest. Bob Woodcraft lst.WIMiam Lebow, Neel Heard vice said that in case of fire, all Fowler and Leon Smith, cow cut­ Arch of Trium ph F ranklin Townsend, Frank Hoeh- hunters in the area will be asked ting exhibition contest, Bob Fow­ by Erich Rem arque ler, calf roping, and Mrs. Iris ner, Carl From an, Jess Tow n­ to help in fighting It. send, C. A. Pitts. United States Senator Wayne Dodge, jum ping. Second prizes to C. A. Pitts, Morse will speak in Ontario on Second and third place winners G entlem en’s A greem ent Jess Townsend and Andrew included Dale O'Leary and Low­ Septem ber 23 according to a let­ by Laura Z. Hobson Hnwver. ter sent to Frank Calise, cham ber ell Fowler, q u a rte r horse race: of commerce secretary, this Flash Fidler and C. B. Harrison, Tu Toosh trailer loading and unloading: week. OTHER NEWS by Mnrtha Hardy Large Variety of Colors Repesentatlve Harris Ellsworth Stan Morgan and Mack LeMonn, from boot race: Mrs. C. L. Dodge and will be the featured speaker at a —And u selection of 24 dinner m eeting of the G rants Lowell Fowler, bubble bursting OTHER PLACES titles of the famous Oz Sweet Home and its neighbors Pass Business and Professional contest Bob Lytle, second In CARPET AND LINOLEUM LAYING Books for children. Arch took off their sunbonnets and Women to be held Oct. 26, It was jum ps; Bob Lytle and shaved off whiskers with a com ­ announced this week by Bonnie Barksdale, five stake race; Ruth legislative comm ittee Ann Moore and Phillip Selby, m unity smile of satisfaction In Borle, the knowledge that last week end chairm an, in charge of the pro­ children's saddle race, Mrs. Lyle JOHNSON’S FLOORCOVERING Fidler, w alking horse contest; they had staged a Frontier Days gram. The eight high schools of the Mrs. May Burch and Dale O '­ «■elehration which was successful WICK FURNITURE hot blood race: Mr. In every respect and that they Slskivou Joint Union High School Leary, Phone 8761 Pilone 6923 District will be dismissed Thurs- Sweeney, and John Taylor, busi- had practically assured the sw im ­ 270 En t Main Phone 8011 Ashland Medford ming oool project’s completion. A day to let students participate ness m en’s race; John Morris, rough estim ate on W ednesday jin the opening of the deer s e a -, cow cutting contest; Vern Fow 1er and Bob Fowler, second and set the swimming pool fund prof-1 nun- Anderson Opens Kaiser Show Room REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE OCT. 1 ACCORDING TO MRS. NELLE BURNS Grizzlies Will Play SOC Frosh Draft Board Has Registered 3100 LOWELL FOWLER DECLARED CHAMPION COWBOY OF ASHLAND Whal They're Heading Asphalt Tile M 7* ill