Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, September 16, 1948, Image 1

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O k g I o O I lws O
F U 1 11 $ HH » $’ 4
$3.00 per Year
Dr. Wulter Wi lier continued to
leuci the poll in the race for May
h i according to the reiulU of the
McLean poll which were taken
thi* week The* Ashland veterin­
arian neither gained nor lout dur­
ing the past two weeks, holding
Ids own with 34% of the support
The majority of people polic’d
*iave not as yet made up then
minds. Thnty-slx per cent of the
people are undecided us to just
which candidate will get theli
support when election duy fin­
ally rolls uround. Tins, too, Is the
same percentage which was un­
decided two weeks ugo.
Mayor Thornton S. Wiley, tin
present Incumbent showed a gum
in strength. Wiley, who two
weeks ugo run only 12%, this
week showed up on the Lully
sheet with 20%, u gain of 80% In
Tom Williams, the railroading
candidate who had 10% of the
vote two weeks ugo lost ground
and showed up with 6% this
Colonel Preston B. Waterbury
and Colonel Harold Jordan tied
lor last place in this week's poll,
each with 2%.
Total tabulation was as follows
Some comment was mude con­
cerning the poll taken two weeks
ago on the basis thut It was taken
on Allda street, where the Wel­
ler fumily former!» resided and
thus was not a fair poll. The en­
tire poll was not taken on Allda
street ut that time according to
Ed McLain, who Is doing the
polling. McLain stated emphati­
cally that in order to get a re­
presentative picture he polls a
cross section of the city, taking
a few houses here and a few
houses there.
This weeks poll was taken on
Beach street, Col. Preston B
Waterbury and Tom Williams
home street; Holly street, where
Colonel Harold Jordan lives;
Walnut street, where M ay o r
Thornton S. Wilry lives; and five
people were polled In Bellview*,
present residence of Dr. Walter
Weller. People were also polled
on Garfield, Maple. Iowa, Scenic
Drive, Laura), and Oak.
McLain stated that he would
welcome any of the candidates or
any representative of theirs, or
any Interested Individual who
would like to go along on the
poll with him. This, he said,
would give them an insight Into
how the poll is being conducted.
“Business houses,” McLa 1 n
pointed out "are rarely polled be­
cause the residential area offers
a better representative cross sec­
tion of opinions."
A possible reason for the large
number of undecided people Mc­
Lain said is that many of the
people polled are women, and
they say that they are as yet un­
decided about their choice of
candidates because their husband
4 lasn’t told them how to vote.
S&utk&ut ôaayati
r in
4$ipc)| A T I 0 I
Formerly the
Southern Oragoa
$3.00 per year
Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon,
McGee Will Make Blind Drive Saturday
'Grizzlies Kick
Off Friday Night
Football season at Ashland
high school begins Friday night
at 8:00 when the Ashland
high school Grizzlies meet the
Voi. if. No. 28
Thursday, September i6, 1948
Harvest Festival Set
To Begin This Morn
Coquille Red Devils.
1 Program Will Last
Through Saturday
Starting lineup for the Griz­ Council Candidates
zlies Is a*, follows: LeHey Ades, Eager to Ride Burros
guard: Roger Hall, halfback;; Jer-1 Philip Wendt was one of the i Details of the Harvest Festival
ry Farmer, halfback; Joe Kid- 1 first candidates for councilman program have been completed
and the show is all set to begin
well, tackle; Jerry Langer, tac­
notify the committee on the Friday morning. D. M. Lowe has
kle; Sti-ve Laninovich, quarter- to
Horse Show and Races, that he been in charge of the festival ex­
hack Melvin Moran, center; Don wishes
to ride the burro which hibits and the arrangements. The
Mayfield, end; Bob Nelson, full­
back; Ned Starnes, end; and will be saddled and ready for major share of the entries are in
him this Sunday at the Valley­ and a few late ones are expected
Richard Smith, guard.
view rodeo grounds
to completely fill the space at the
Wm| ‘McGee, secretary of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce,
Other candidates have quickly Armory before noon Friday.
who has volunteered to drive an automobile, while he is blindfolded, head coach Frank O'Neil and as­
Mrs. Fred Whited and Miss
from the police station to the library and back down Main street sistant coaches Ken Schilling and followed and it Is certain that
to Oak street and thence to the Armory. The stunt w ill take place Marlen Yoder are expected to try Walter Redford, William Stew­ Constance Powell have been
Saturday afternoon as one of the features of the Fall Harvest Fes­ practically every man on the art, Phil Stansbury, Dr. Wm. busy for the past two days re­
tival McGee is Ishown here doing a rope trick. He has been asso­ club before the evening Is over. Bracker, and Owen Gragg will cording all entries, the owners
ciated with magic much of his l i f e . _______
Football players who have been be ut the starting line in person. of the entries, and allotting num­
given numbers Include the start­ Others who will ride by proxy bers for the entries.
A complete representation of
ing lineup and Bill Allen, end; are G. H. Billings, Henry Gerdes,
all farm products from the areas
Richard Brush, tackle; Wesley and Fred Homes.
of Klamath Junction, Bellview,
Clark, fullback; Carl Carothers,
Mr. and Mrs. Claytdn Cullen Dead Indian, Valley View, Tal­
halfback; Don Ellsworth, end; ^egan
work on a new home this ent, and Phoenix has been enter­
Jack Farmer, halfback; Dave
Seond in a series of fall horse shows and races will be held at the |Giel, end; Stanley Hanscom, half­ Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lombard, ed.
The Phoenix, Talent, and Bell­
Valleyview Rodeo grounds at 130 p.m. Sunday. The show Is being back; Marvin Jones, guard; Hen­ ind
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Briggs had view Granges, will each have
sponsored by the Ashland Riding Association. William Briggs Is ry Metz, halfback; Ray Martin, iinner
in Medford Wednesday at “One Agricultural Unit Display
guard; Ted Mcllvenna, guard; he Hugh
general chairman of this show.
Collins home.
[The home show an ‘ I’wes Sunday will make a three day affair Jerry Pitts, fullback; Howard
First prize money in this group
out of the Fall Harvest Festival which Is being held in Ashland Roberts, tackle; Monte Robert­ Doris Renzema and brother, will be $35.00, seecond $25.00, 3rd
this Friday and Saturday.
son, quarter; Allen Speece, giurd; Orville left Sunday evening for $15.00. There will probably be
A chartered bus service will be, have the fololwing participants: Quinly Lemmons, end: Don Eugene. They will make their other
Agricultural Unit Displays,
operated by the Evergreen bus) Ashland Riding Association, Stucky, end; Ricky Vest, half­ home with their brother Ray­ besides those entered by the
line from Ashland to the track Jackson County Sheriff's Posse, back; Wayne Wiley, end; Les mond and famll'. Doris will at­ Granges
Medford Trail Riders, Josephine Watson, guard; Bill Wines, end tend college and Orville will go D. M. Lowe and Sons wiii ent­
and return.
Guests of honor will Include ■ County Sheriff's Posse, Timber end Lestei Zlmmerlee, fullback. to high school.
er a non-competitive “One Farm
W. W. Baldaree, State Senator Riders of Grant« Pas«, Rough &
Display,” which will undoubtedly
be a feature of the Festival Jub­
from Josephine County, Win. M. Ready Riders of Cave Junction,
ilee. Lowe can be reached by
MCAIlister Candidate for State and Brush Rider« of Williams,
phone and will be glad to answer
Senator and former Representa­ drills by Jackson County Sher­
any inquiries on details as to ex-
tive; Mrs. Marie Wilcox, State iff's Posse and Timber Riders of
, ,
.. . ,
, hibiting of various commodities.
Rcprescnttative from Josephine Grants Pasa.
potential site« for a new hospital were investigated Thure*- Carter Produce & Orchards
County and Candidate fur State
Other events will Include a day Ten
morning by the members of the A^hjand Hospital board Among
have an exWbit of Fruits &
Senator; Senator G eorge W. registered horse show including the te»n sites wsm one which is being oiiered to tne uoara iree.
.. ,
of the Other sites varied from $2000 to $10,000. Henry En- vegetables.
Mayf ekl Cardens
Dunn; Frank J. Van Dyke, State quarter horses, palominos, Ten­ S
Representative; J. B Coleman, nessee walkers, American sad­ ders chahman of the hospital board, stated that the individual will have an attractive exhibit? of
County Judge; Geo. R. Carter, dle bred, Morgans, and Arabians; who’was offering the free site had requested no publicity and wlsh- garden products. Andy Stevens
County Clerk;; Ralph E. Sween­ a trailer loading and unloading -------------------- ---- ---------------- <^ed to keep his name out of the of Phoenix noted for his melons
as well as other garden products
ey, County Treasurer; C. R. Bow­ race with the contestants load­ Fellowship Group
public press.
1 ci
■ The free site overlooks the will have a display. B. H. Christ-
man, county school Superinten­ ing a horse in a trailer, moving „ . A •
vaiiey and is 338 by 150 feet, lieb Gardens are planning a dis­
dent; Howard Gault, Sheriff; C. the trailer ten feet, unloading Entertained Sunday
Members of the Method! s t making a total of 50,000 square play. C- Holdridge of Talent will
A. Myers, County Assessor; A. E the horse, and a boot race with
PoweM County Commissioner; all contestants racing to a pile Yriuth Fellowship group were e n -1 feet available for the building have a display as well as others,
in the individual exhibits. There
Robert R. Lytle, County CommU- of boots, ids Included, putting on tertained Sunday evening at the and grounds.
sionei; T. S. Wiley, Mayor of his boots and racing back to home of Walter and JoAnne Hel- j Hospital committee members will be ribbons and prize money
ler at White Cabin auto courts, who investigated potential sites for both commercial and non­
Ashland; Harold Merrill, John A. the starting line.
group held a weiner roast Thursday included Enders, C. M. commercial entries.
Nosier, Walter Redford, Jake
A bubble bur-ting contest will
Newbry Orchards will have a
Weitzel, Herb Flschborn and be held with the last man to re­ following the regular Sunday; Litwlller, Harry Skerry, Ike Fri-
deger, Mark Hamaker, and Mrs. fruit exhibit Homer Moores fam-
John P. Daugherty, Councllmen. tain an unburst balloon attached evening meeting.
Members present played lawn Mildred Klum.
| ous peaches will be on hand.
Committee in charge of receiv­ to his hack declared the winner;
Including ping pong and
Mayor T. S. Wiley is plann ng an
ing and seating honored guests, a children’s jumping contest: a
¡exhibit from his orchards. Needle
Vetris Enders and
Dorothy walking horse contest, a cow swinging. Those present Included Program For Finale
Craft, Woodcraft, Baked foods
cutting exhibition contest a team Mr, and Mrs. Walter Heller Sr., Nig-ht Announced
and Canned fruit will be much
Price of admission will he $1.00 roping contest, and a calf roping
The Harvest Festival Jubilee in
for adults and 25c for children. contest.
which is being held at thee Arm­ Following
are chairmen of fes­
Foot! and drinks will be avail­ Races will include a quarter ings, Jeanne Rollins, Jerry Mill­ ory in Ashland this Friday and tival
H. L. Moore, hay
able on the grounds, Briggs said. horse race, a three-horse relay er, Lela Faye Linn. Charley Elia- Saturday
... will —, close
. KT. Saturday
, .
and grains: Fred Whited, Needle-
Special events will include the bareback race; u five-stake race a Finale Nighty pro-,craftKand Vegetables; j F Jetei,
time . „ a children’s
saddle son, Dorothy and Lucille Brab­ gram according to Bert Miller, Raw Fruit; H. C. Galey, Canned
Mayor's Mule Race wherein the against ........
five candidates for mayor of Ash- horse race; a ladies pleasure-
who is coordinating the arrange­ Fruit and Baked Foods; Jack
land will race a mule around horse race; a hot blood race and ham, and the host and hostess.
ments for the show.
Reed. Floral and College Art:
the track. The five candidates in- a business man's race
William McGee, secretar' of Wm. Lebow, Woodcraft; Ray­
The prizes for the show have Federated Store. East Side Phar­ the Ashland Chamber of Com­ mond Foster, Canned Vegetables:
elude Dr. Walter Weller, Col. 11
R. Jordan, Col. Preston B. Wat­ been donated by the following: macy, Ashland Flower Shop. Jor­ merce, will act as Master of cere­ V. D. Miller, Public School Art;
erbury, T. S. Wiley and Tom Wil­ Selby Chevrolet Co., Ashland dan’s Electric, First National monies. The program will include Walter Redford and Jack Davis.
Western Auto Supply company, Bank of Portland, Eberhart's magic and several 10 minute General Public Art; C. A. Pitts.
The ten candidates for council­ Scrlpter & McKeever of the Sporting Goods Store, Ingle’s skits by civic clubs and granges. Miscellaneous; S. C. Jones, Pub­
The show will begin at 7:45
man, Harold Merrill, Walter Red­ Marshall-Wells store, Simpson's Drug Store, Fortmiller's, C. R.
Jack Reed, New* Cars Dis­
—- , Hardware, the Rogue Shop, Knox Ramsey, Ken's Jewelry Store, F. p.m. with music by Eve Prent- licity;
ford, G. ...
11. _ Billings,
D. Miller, Finale Night
Stewart, Henry Gerdes, Phil Shoe Store, Ashland Home & J Runtz Paint company, X-L El- ice’s aeeordian band
General Committee H.
Following the concert the Ash- L. Moore Chairman,
Stansbury, Dr. William Blacker, | Auto Supply, Plaza Cafe, Harrl- ectric, Wick’s Furniture Store,
Walter Red­
Fred Homes, Owen Gragg, and, son Auto Parts, Caton’s Garage, Provost Brothers, J. P. Dodge & land Lions will present “Outrag- ford Vice chairman. V. D. Miller
Phillip Wendt will ride a bur- j Weitzel’s Department Store, the Sons, The Mart, Busch Motor eous Symphonic Variations.” Dr. Sec.-Treas.
ro about the track. Winner take, What-Not 5 and 10 cents store, Company, Bosshard Lumber Co., George Hull Is the director.
V. D. “Bert” Miller, who has
The program will then follow
j McNair's Drug Store, Ashland North Main Hardware, Hardy's
been coordinator for the affair
The show will begin with a | General Hardware, Llthia and
stated today that the basic rea­
with McGee. “By the Help of the son
grand parade entry which will-Varsity Theatre, Metz Store, Perrines.
for the show was to have a
big friendly get together.
“We'd like to get all the new*-
comers and the old timers togeth­
er," Miller said, “then they can
get acquainted and the new folks
can learn what good people we
have in this area and also what
With the opening of school 15 Margo Hammond, Lois Anne Hol­ first grade at Washington school Martin, Michael McDonald, Ev­ we raise in the way of products.”
six year old youngsters, bright lister, Gerald “Gerry" Hugo, Jim­ include: Jeanne Basey, Charlotte elyn Mihael, Audrey Milsap, Lilia
The show is being climaxed b>'
and shiny as newly minted doll­ my Hutchinson, Edward Klumpp, Buckles, Patricia Childress, Jud­ Jean Misenhimer, Duane Nelson, the finale night program and hos­
ars enrolled In the first grade Marvin Langston, Donnie Martin, ith Ann Cochell, Diane Cochoran, Carol Padgett, Gerald Peetz, pitality hour which will take
place in the Armory at 8 00 p.m.
at Bellview school. At Washing­ Darrell McCullough, Shirley Me- j Douglas Conger, Joey Delsman,
ton school 92 first graders ap­ Pherson, Alice Miller, Lois Anne Wayne Farmer, Anitta Marie Fel- Dona Lee Petitt, Wayne Pickett, Sept. 18. Civic clubs and Granges
peared Monday all ready to take Moore, Judith Pruitt, Ethel Red­ ter, Sherry Ann Funk, Terry Duwayne Robertson, Lonnie Rog­ have been asked to arrange their
the path that leads to fame und bird, Nancy Rlby, Roberta Ritch­ Godden, Billy Hedrick, Tommy ers, Daniel Rouhier, James Skib- own host badges for the finale
fortune. At Lincoln school teach­ ie, Mary Louise Schell, Merrill Hinthorne, Marianne Keating, by Donna Rae Wallace, Roger program Saturday night.
Following the conclusion of the
ers, both professional and pract­ Stanley, Mary Ann Sears, Price Teddy Kinney, Keith Kramer, Wilda, and Ronald Winker.
Harvest Festival program Satur­
ice were met by a group of anx­ Thomas, Alfred White, and Wal­ Paul Levison, George Mackay,
Those in Miss Nicholson's room day, the Ashland Riding associa­
Patricia McNabb, Shirley Millett,
ious six year olds totalling in ter Wycoff.
Lincoln school include: Lynda tion will come into the picture
number .................
Mrs, Mary Worthylake is the at Washington school are: Loret­ Nielson, Oren O. Ogle, Michael Abbott, Bennie Ball, Beverly Sunday with a Horse and show
teacher at Bellview and her 15 ta Ayres, Kenny Baker, Carolyn i Parsons, Sally Sabin, Clarkie Berry, Harold Bibeau, Kenneth and Rodeo at the Valley View
charges include: Susan Bundock, Bias, Keith Brown, Carol Jean Smith, Rosalind Stewart, James Bohn, Joan Byrd, Flora May track at 2:00 p.m.
Floyd Davis, Jimmie Grinds, Bushnell, Billy Campbell, Marsh­ Stubblefield, Elaine Williams, Campbell, Roger Com m e r s e, Moon,” a skit will be presented
Beverly Hamilton, Gary Hassell, all Coke, Billy Dodge, Helen Glen Myron Williams, and Bren­ Glenn Davis, Jackie Davis, Mario by the Bellview Grange.
Dorothy Kinkle, Donna Lawson, Duncan, Marilyn Egbert, Frances da Woods.
Edwards, Patsy Fleener, Melissa
The Phoenix grange will pre­
Beverly Maxwell, Sandra Neill, Freeman, Betty Ann Gibson, Ste­ Seventy-four first graders ent­ Hill,
a minstrel skit, "Dark Face
Kenneth Stewart, Caroline Smith, ven Gray, Lois Hamilton, Will­ ered school at Lincoln. Those in obsma, Bonny Jensen, Jimmy comedy.”
Linda Smith, Juanita S u th e r­ iam Highland, Delores Hill, Don­
Allen Joy, Mike Mat­ This will be followed bv more
land, Darlene Taylor, and Victor na Lee Hyde, Richard La Pointe, Bounds, Michael Brady, Michael Johnstone,
Miller, Donna Mills, mysteries presented by McGee
David "Tommy" Llnday, Ronald
York, Jr.
Wayne McEwen, and the Talent Grange will then
Mrs. Erma Bohn’s charges at
Laurel Ross, present “Ten Minutes of Fun.”
Washington school Include: Nich­ Clarence Monroe, Dorothy New­
Self, Bob­ The Soroptimists will give a
olas "Tony" Baalman, Roy Bailey
“Shakespearean Hash."
Abner Bean, Bruce Bray, Mich­ Gordon Self, Mary Self, Way- Hannon, Robert Hardy, Carmen Lynn «Sohler, Morris Sterrett, play,
this the Kiwanis
ael Carmenn, Deanna Cullop, Eu- man Tryon, Judith Ann Wasson,
richs, Mary Beth Housel, David Neva Thompson, Joan Way, Tony will give a Dixie Land comedy,
la Dlsrude, Bonnie Fox, Donald and Meredith Williams.
“Pack Up Your Troubles.’’
Mrs. Wlllit’s students in the Jackson, Robert Jacoby, Gail Williams, and Vernie Williams.
“Brad" Gettllng, Jack Granstrom,
Rodeo and Horse Races Slated
For This Sunday at Valleyview
CLASSICS ON First Graders Show Up Monday Ready, Willing and
Anxious To Get All The Knowledge In The Books
The Swan Lake
Nutcracker Suite
William Tell Overture
Peter and the Wolf
Mephiato Waltz
Show Boat Excerpts
270 East Main
Phone 8011