Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, September 09, 1948, Image 1

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    V. of 0. Library. I l o
*7Àe S b a iltG /u t
ü R l g I ö ^T j N LW S Étf P t K
F i l i l i SHU RS 4 4s(pC>l AT I 0 I
Formerly the
Southern Oregon
$3.00 per year
A ahland, JaekHon C ounty, Oregon,
This week the McLain poll $3.00 per Y ear
fh u n d a y , September y, 1948
Voi. 1$, No. 27
Hounded public opinion on the
iiuitlci ul the city recorder.
Two men m e in thin .ice. One,
J. Q. ADAMS, ik the incum bent,
mid llie other, J. II. HAltDY, 1»
tacking the job lot the flint lime.
V. D. Bert Miller, who is handling publicity for the Fall H arvest
C lasses at S o u th e rn O reg y n ,
Fifty people were polled mid college
Icvtival anninmced today that as an added attractio n a spectacular
will begin S ep tem b er 23.! Mlss B|<.„n K atu.rrnan< jn , tr u c . ,
loi the H im ! lime nlnce the Mi-
Blind D rive” would be made Saturday afternoon by Vf ilium McGee,
Lain polls begun u m ajority of according to an announcem ent tor in science and physical educa
ber of Commerce sec retary, and magician.
people knew their own imndn.
tmn, comes from southern Calif 1
products, exhibits and plans for the program of events on the
T he follow ing table gives the
She has had extensive
Activities at tin- school will be ornia
I 17th and 18th are shaping up according to members of the Realty
gin Saturday, Septem ber Hi. with training and experience In play
| Board who are sponsoring the festival.
J 11. HARDY — 50%
i general assem bly for all fresh-
. ...
School will begin for Ashland
Undecided — 32%
u ...
z . l .
. ii ground woik and with the camp-
In addition to the other events
men at 8:30 in the C hurchill
J Q ADAMS — 18%
planned for Septem ber 17 arid 18
Auditorium . Tin- entire day will
She is replacing Dr. W. high school students, Monday, f i r e DEPARTMENT DOUSES
Of the fifty people queried, 3» b e given over to the testing of W Wells who is taking a sabbatl- Septem ber 13, according to an! FLAMES ON ASHLAND ST.
a horse show and rodeo has been
were registered voters. This is u
announcem ent by Roland Parks, j The Fire departm ent was call
by the Ashland Rid­
rise in the num ber of voters re ­
high school.
jed to the block between Lib« tv ing association for Sunday the
gistered und indicates the strong English, M athem atics and L ibr­ th reasons for the 1948-49 sc chool P rirK‘P«l °f
Senior high school s tu d e n ts 1 and Morton street Tuesday noon 19th. This will round out three
Interest which this election Is ary tests being scheduled from year. Miss R atterm an will have »pent
Wednesday, Thursday and i
n ‘
. . . , ,
9 a.m. to 4 p.m, A student body some activity classes in physical
of this week at the School , When ilre » ^ rte d In tall gras days of continuous en te rta in ­
rally assembly at 4 p.m. will p re ­ education beside Instructing in
ment. William Briggs is in charge
cede the first football game of biology. She has her m asters d e­ paying fees, studying registration dnd wet‘ds in the vacant lots. of the Horse Show.
14. Ward McNair is taking
| Prom pt action on the part of
the season which will be played gree from Stanford University. Schedules and registering.
McGee will be blindfolded by
tieutm enls at Buckhorn Springs.
1 neighbors and the fire laddies
at G rants Pass with the Oregon
of Police C. C. Williams
Miss M argaret Bolton has as­
Vocational School of Klamath sumed her tasks as Directories of during the evening, this was confined the flames to a small and will drive an autom obile up
area and no damage was done.
F alls
Dormitories, Cafeteria, and S tu d ­ done Parks explained so that stu ­ Fire is believed to have started Main street to Gresham where he
New students will meet the v ent
will make a U -turn and will then
v u v jiic b . m
u »
o Bolton
v i i v i i Is a
Jtx- Sinko became the new acuity at .1 Sunday afternoon r e - 1 Medford girl, and got her college be able to register w ithout ta k ­ in a nearby trash pile and fanned proceed down Main street to Oak,
by a south wind spread into the turning there to go to the A rm ­
ow ner of the Silvercrest Duiry ««•pt.on in Susanne Homes Hall, rducation llt s.O.C.E. and at the ing time off from their work.
Students who haven't register­ tinder dry grass and weeds.
this week, buying the property Septem ber 19, beginning at 2 3» Unlversltv of Oregon. She has
ory. As far as is known this is
from P. R. Williamson. Sinko a n ­ und a late evening fireside under taught in the M edford' c i t y ed yet will have Friday from 2:00
the first blind drive that has ta k ­
and baK a8SjKted in the to 5 00 p.m. and from 7:00 to
en place in Ashland.
nounced that there would be no student sponsorship is planned
p aiticu lar change in the opera­ for the same day Monday Sept- Dean ,,f W„m en-S office at the 9:00 p.m. to register.
Among the skits which have
Advise and counseling for the
tion of the plant and thut he 1 in a t 2 1 at 8 30 the general as- U niversity of Oregon She has
been promised patrons at the fin ­
Roland Parks, principal of the ale night program of the Fall
planned to continue to give the sem bly will p relu d e assignm ent had speciaj trainlng ln house Individual student has been a-
High school
nt and e a feler.a opera-
same high quullty of service and to a d v ise rs and a on.- o’clock as lli;,
. .. announced
, to H arvest Festival is the one which
sembly will he given over to the tion Miss Boltf^n has the rank of gested courses for graduation day that registration of students is being prepared bv the Bel].
milk to customers.
No announcem ent was made os College D epartm ents and S er­ instructor, and will be Hall Moth and completion of desired credit indicated a record enrollm ent view Grange. "With the Help of
to future plans of Mr. and Mrs. vices. Individual c o n fe re n c e s er for the girls In Susanne Homes hours were pointed out by facul­ Parks stated th at registration of the Moon." Mrs. Francis W orth is
ty advisors to the students who seniors W ednesday totaled 96 directing the play.
with advisers on Monday and Hall
signed up this week.
w ith at least 10 more expected to
Tuesdty will be used to pre-reg­
The Finale night program will
Miss Margery Newton received
Fees were due during registra­ join the class.
ister students and those who are her B. S. degree from S.O.C.E.
be Saturday evening, Septem ber
This will give the school a 18.
transferring from other colleges this year and has been retained tion week. The total fees, dues,
may pre-register on Tuesday. A as an instructor in education. b«x»k rental, student tickets, lock­ graduating class of 106 students,
Exhibits will be on display in
social event is planned for Mon­ She will serve as a supervising er fees, school annual, laboratory 20 more than were graduated the Armory beginning Friday
fees and miscellaneous charges last • year
m orning, »ztjjicinuri
Septem ber ii.
17. kJ.
D. in
■------- —
| day night when the A ll-Fresh- teacher
ira tn c i in
iv-win T jia
jim ig
ln the
will amount to a total of approxi­ ¿.Unic ! L .'.tg Stered T hursday ; L°we, is in ch rge of the exhibits
The big im provem ent at t h e !
u v m iia ’ im
"' t in
j School in the fourth grade. Miss
senior high school Is the sound ’ S(.
«1 ',T i m 7
| Newton proved to be one of the mately $15.00. This am ount will and Sophomores will register j Granges are preparing unit ex-
pay for all hooks used, will admit
i ■_
¡hibits in addition to individual
p ro o fin , and
p i .h e
w l„
the students to all games, plays,
displays which various m em bers
senior high school gym. Last year on Traditions and the Dean of I
parties and entertainm ents spon­ ember 13.
¡w ill present
the old stage curtain which hud Men and the Dean of Women will
sored by the student body and
fmully worn out, having ” been « address
will largely elim inate making
. V . U , «-.-»»
i freshm
i < - s i i n i i an
numerous smal 1 p a y m e n t s
1,,,r 191 ’• WdS " P 1-“ ' 1' ‘>>’ |T h e fre s h m a n class will be In-
m odern draperies The room has ductrd int(, |he Mtud„n, bndy ynd
throughout the year. This a-
been notoriously dark and drab tem porary officers will be nom-
mount compares favorably with
but is now in excellent condition ¡nated. All registration for new
the total amount charged by
The nation will celebrate S ept­ most Oregon High schools.
with its new ceiling, lights and and returning students will be
The progress of the building program for the Ashland schools de­
paint job. Students studying in (com pleted W«*dnesday
Septem - em ber 1» as National G uard D | / .
the new study hull directly above her 22 Classes begin Septem ber Established by Presidential P ro ­
pends upon bow rapidly the m ortland architects. Stokes and Alfvn. can
clam ation, that date is the eighth
will appreciate the fact th at the 23
get out specifications. They state th at it will be several weeks before
anniversary of the G uards’s e n ­
noise has been largely elim inated
they can turn in final p la n t W ith a big increase in school population
try Into Federal service before
by the sound pnxiflng m aterials
the northw est, architects are swamped and Stokes and Al-
The school year at S.O.C, will World Wai 11
oil the gym ceiling.
at it is practically impossible to hire draftsm en.
This year. National G uard Day and steam table In order to serve
The gutters at the stadium und begin with five new instructors.
junior high have been replaced
complete lunches were announc­
which has been impossible up to In geography and physical science second year of the G uard’s re­ ed this week by Mrs. Harry Rub­ the entire building program can be let at the same tim e as the co n tra c­
the present due to the shortage Is from Canada and comes to S organization since the end of the ens, who with her husband, re­ tor will be able to shift men from one building project to another.
of m aterials. The rain w ater will O C. with excellent business, war. With an ultim ate strength cently bought Candyland from This arrangem ent hould result in a much lower bid bv the firm th at
be carried uway from these school and arm y experience. He of 684.»»» men in 27 divisions, Ralph Quinnett.
is awarded the contract.
buildings and this improvement Is m arried and has a small son 12 wings, 21 regim ental combat
Q ulnnett hus moved to South­
The architects are working on
will be appreciated during the Dr McAulay Is taking the place teams, the new Nutlonal Guard ern California. He was form erly
to replace the W ashington
will be a real M-Day Force, train from Monrovia, California where
w inter months.
building with the tw elve-teacher
The junior high school gym has on sabbatical leave studying for ed and equipped for Immediate he was ln the confectionery busi­
been comletely painted and the the doctorate at the U niversity action In the event of national ness. He set up Candyland a vear
George A. Briscoe school, the ex-
emergency. In two years, the ago.
lighting greatly Improved due to of Mexico.
. pansion of the Lincoln school in ­
Miss Gladys Owen, Instructor Guard has grown to 317,000 men
the reflection of the light paint
A course in driver education!to a tw elve-teacher building and
Mr. and Mrs. Rubens have liv­
job. The dressing rooms at the In education and supervisin g a strength greater than it ever ed in Ashland since January. is being offered this year at the
the construction of several class­
junior high have also been given teacher of grade 5 a t the Lincoln had before Pearl Harbor,
They have one daughter. Mr. high school by Glenn Crisp, who
The National G uard of the Rubens was employed by the took special training in this field rooms on the W alker street site.
a coat of paint which will make Training School, Is a native O re­
them much easier to keep in u gonian. She received her B. A. United States is conducting a re­ Southern Pacific prior to buying at Corvallis this sum m er.
Mr. The school on W alker will be
degree from Eastern Oregon Col­ cruiting drive during September, the confectionery store.
sanitary condition.
Crisp will handle the classroom planned on a tw elve-teacher
At the W ashington school the lege of Education, and her m ast­ October und November. Through­
instruction and the city council school although only part of the
music room has been converted ers from Greeley State Teachers out most of the country, that under the same plan as before, has agreed to furnish a driving classrooms are to be constructed
Into a classroom as there will be College, Colorado Miss Owens drive Is aimed to bring units up with the additional services. Miss instructor. Application has been . now. As the district owns ten
twelve teachers In that building has taught In the elem entary to ceiling strength. In those areas Shirley Edwards will continue to m ade for a dual controlled car I acres at that site there will be
schools of Oregon at St. Helens w here calling strength for this
this year.
assist In the work.
through the Am erican Autom o­ room for considerable expansion
and Milwaukie. She also served year has already been reached,
bile Association. The car will be as the com m unity grows.
as librarian at E.O.C.E., and did the em phasis will be on keeping
Mr. and .......
Mrs. J. Worth op/1.111
spent . •‘«••J
ZV U|7ViaiCU
fully ««».’V
and U
operated Ul
ac-1 each location there will he a
some supervising work In the the units at ceiling strength.
the Labor Day in K lam ath Conn- cording to the rules of the asso large room to be used as a com ­
training school at Greeley,
bi na tion gym -a ud itoriu m -cafeter-
• W-
The present
W ashington
school has been thoroughly in ­
spected so that the school offi­
cials feel that it can safely be
used now until the new building
¡can replace it. The new class­
rooms are to be large and m od­
Routing of tourist t r a f f i c moving traffic to continue at cent grades has become increas- "The spandrel fill was placed ern in every respect so that they
through Oregon via way of High-1 norm al speeds over what h a d |lngly hazardous, especially dm - and railroad traffic initiated over will conform to the latest ideas
way 99 can be expected to pick form erly been one of the worst .
.u„ -----
..---- ----- during
j .._ i __.i,„ the in education. The buildings will
i the
new structure
up in the near future os more canyon and m ountain roads ln ing the w inter season.
m onth of June. The shoofly he constructed of concrete, tile,
‘At Bailey Hill the highway trestle which was used tem por- and sim ilar fireproof m aterials.
new construction Is added to the the Oregon highway system
route north through Ashland,
No name
The project cost $1,686,000, and passes under the tracks of the arily for railroad work has been IE1"
narne has
’ ,s been
een seleted
seleted fo
Roseburg and Eugene.
connects at Wolf creek with the Southern Pacific Railroad. At romnvod
rem oved and the site is being
A survey made this week in four lane highway south over the this location the highway is fol­ cleaned up. The contractor build­ but the school replacing the
Mt. Shasta, Weed, and Dunsm uir m ountains which has been in use lowed down a deep ravine which ing the adjacent highway Is pro ­ W ashington building will be
the railroad crosses on a high gressing rapidly with his work known as the George A. Briscoe
indicated that the basic reason for the past year.
traffic was being sent n o rth ­
South of Ashland the major fill on a three per cent grade. The and it is anticipated the grading School in honor of Mr. Briscoe,
ward through Klam ah Fails was construction has been just over existing underpass constructed in work will be completed this fall who was superintendent of the
that service station owners, rest­ the line on the Bailey hill pro­ 1916 by the Southern Pacific Co. As a portion of this same bridge schools in Ashland from 1911 to
aurant and hotel owners were a d ­ ject. W riting in the Ju ly August provides a clear width of only contract, a three-span co ntinuous! 1939.
' 93 Briscoe is living at 542 Sis-
vising travelers to take highway Issue of “California Highways 20 feet w ith an im paired clear­ concrete girder bridge is being k \ou and takes active interest
97 because of construction which and Public Works, Fred C. M ar­ ance over much of the roadway. constructed across Cottonwood in the education of the children
has been underw ay on portions shall, associate bridge engineer, This bottleneck in the highway Creek about 3 hi miles south of of the community.
of Highway 99.
gave the following report on the has been the scene of many acci­ the underpass. This structure also
A stretch of road betw een G az­ construction which Is going on dents, Inasmuch as the opening will be a link in the new high-
will not accommodate a large wa,. area.
elle and G renada ln northern there.
California Is beng widened and
‘ At Bailey Hil, on U. S. Route truck and passenger vehicle at
"W ith the completion of the
oiled, the Bailey underpass and 99, about three miles south of the the same time.
structures and the adjacent g rad ­
stretch of road from the C alif­ Oregon line, ln Siskiyou County,
"The new underpass will pro­ ing work this fall, another su b ­
ornia line to the K lam ath river a railroad separation structure is vide 32 feet of roadway width standard section of state highway
Ashland High school’s jo u rn a ­
is almost complete and last S un­ nearing completion, which will with full legal clearance, which will be elim inated."
lism class met with Bob Edw ards
day the new 14 mile stretch of be a m ajor link ln the realign­ will be a w idth equal to that be­
When all these portions of poor of the Daily Tidings and W endell
road north of Wolf creek was m ent of approxim ately eight ing provided by the new high­ road have been fixed, and when Lawrence of the News Review
opened for driving.
miles of the highway in this area way being built under an ad ja­ the sign Is placed below Weed, Thursday evening to discus s
The Wolf creek road was open­ from the K lam ath River to Bail­ cent contract. The adjacent high­ directing traffic to Highway 99. a plans for the operation of the
ed two m onths earlier than had ey Hill.
way which is now being con­ large share of the travellers who Rogue News during the coming
been expected. It is a four lane
"Heavily traveled all y e a r structed
provides two
12-foot go north through Klam ath Falls year and to plan a perm anent
road wth slow truck traffic be­ •ound w ith a large proportion of traffic lanes, with 8-foot should- are expected to be diverted nor­ publicity program for the school.
27» East Muin Phone 801
ing diverted to the right hand heavy trucks, the ? exisning
exisitlng road
roan j ers,
vis, long radius
raoius curves, and
ana a thw
m w ard
ara through
m rougn Ashland,
Mrs. Gladys Banks is publica­
lanes. This will enable faster with its curves and seven per ¡maximum grade of 6 per cent.
¡ford, and Grants Pass
tions advisor for the school.
College to Open Doors September 18
Blind Automobile Drive Announced
W ith Freshman Day Scheduled As Spectacular Festival Event
School To Begin
September 13th
Silver Crest Dairy
Sold to Joe Sinko
Record Enrollment
Expected This Year
School Gets
New Repairs
Sept. 16 To Be
Nat’l Guard Day
M r. & Mrs. Rubens
Buy Candyland
Driver Education
Taught at School
Siirn Will Help
All Children
M ore Traffic Expected on Hiway 99 as Construction Ceases
Wizard of Oz
Books Are Back
in Stock
There are some
twenty-two titles
from which
to choose
Journalism Class
Meets The Press