'• 0 / O J DOING The TOWN M r. G u llu p w usn't in tow n M onday so Mr. New« Review gal* loped about the villa g e taking a poll of the possible results of a fo rth c o m in g in a y o ra lity ra c e , F ifty -s ix people were a s k e d w hich of fiv e men they w ould vote fo r i f these men ran for m ayor. They were given an op- p o itu ru ty to aay, "no o p in io n ," In cane they wished, or to suggest some other in d iv id u a l. People from a ll w alks of life were quizzed. The fiv e men whose names w ere subm itted to the people polic'd were: M A Y O R THORNTON S WII.EY. I'llII, STANSBURY, T<>M WILLIAMS. OW EN G R AG G , und COL. H A R ­ O L D JO R D A N TO M W IL L IA M S , the ra ilro a d - r ig candidate, led the fie ld w ith HI votes. In close second place w m PHIL STANSBURY, who hus not com m itted him self, w ith 14 votes. In a tie fo r th ird place was OW EN G R AG G and C O LO N E L HAROLD JORDAN. both of these men drew eight supporters. Six people quizzed expressed no opinion M A Y O R T H O R N TO N S. W IL E Y , present Incum bent, was in fo u rth place w ith fo u r votes. B y next week the issue as to just who w ill a ctu a lly lx* running fo r M ayor w ill be pra c tlc a ly set­ tled. Also by ne xt week the m a n ­ lie r of votes in the News Re­ v ie w ’s p oll fo r any p a rtic u la r candidate w ill possibly ha v e changed. Cheek w ith us next week, and keep an ear peeled fo r y o u r te le ­ phone; o ur gallopin g representa­ tiv e who takes these polls Is about run dow n und next week • w ill no doubt do his questioning by telephone. MRS M IL D R E D AG ER at M em ory Lane studio hus o b ta in ­ ed a series o f pictures fro m v a r­ ious sources in c lu d in g some from MRS ROSA DODGE G A L E Y ’S photos w hich show the E liza b e th ­ an theatre in the days w hen it wus Southern Oregon’s center of c u ltu re , the C hautauqua b u ild ­ ing “ T a k in g Care o f A ll," a corr.po- tlo n w ritte n by MRS R IC H A R D JO Y received in te rn a tio n a l re­ cognition a few weeks ago when it was sung as a solo In a church in Toronto. Canada MRS JO Y a l­ so heard the song sung last Sun­ day in her church here In A sh­ land. Copies are on sale in music stores in Southern Oregon. Here's an Idea of m erit. C O L­ O N E L PRESTON B. W ATER B U R Y popped up w ith this one the o ther day. As long as A sh­ land has a g o lf course the C ol­ onel suggests that those resi­ dents w ho have the g o lfin g bug get together and fix up one o r tw o of the greens and m ow the huy along those fa irw a ys and use those holes. N ext year. then, tw o o r more holes can be added to the course. The firs t th in g you know , he says, is that the g o lf course w ill be com pletely In use. Has m erit, we th in k . Mrs. Ida C hurch. B e llv ie w was a M edford c a lle r last M onday. Mdsterpieces on Records This Wfek our Get y o u r copy NO W — S P IK E JO N ES’ Latest recording— W illia m T e ll ove rtu re and Man on The F ly in g T ra p ­ eze at 7* M ART 270 East M ain SÈRPER P U I L I S WE R S 4 » s iü l A11 0 I NEWS REVIEW Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, Thuraday, August 12, 1948 $3.00 per Year Langer and Mitchell Honored at Dance Hospital Board Ordinance Passed Members To Plan For New Hospital A ppointm ent of u seven man board to guide tin destiny of u hospital In Ashland wus made by M ayor T hornton S W iley at a special m eeting ni tlx c ity coun- ell Monday. F ive of it.. seven appointed an- Henry Ende rs, P. H H ardy, H arry S kerry, Mrs. M ildred K lu m and c M. L itw il ler. Provision fo r the appointm ent was njade through the passing of an ordinance at the M onday spe cial session. F irs t d u ty o f the new board w ill be to prepare plans fo r a new m u nicipal hospital Tins w ill include the selection of a site and the ascertaining o f the cost of an adequutc hospital fo r this com m unity. The board w ill also study ways and means of o b ta in ­ ing funds such as are obtalnah'e through federal aid, and w ill co operate w ith the Oregon State Hoard o f H ealth and a ffilia te d agencies. The seven man hoard w ill be empowered to establish all hos­ p ita l policies and w ill provide fo r the handling o f all funds e ith e r contributed , earned, or e x ­ pended by the hospital. A t present federal funds are available fo r the construction of hospitals and the seven man board hospital ordinance was passed In order that the com m un­ ity can get help In b u ild in g the hospital. The board o f doctors, who at present opera te the hospital, made the recom m endation sever­ al months ago that the council create a lay board to operate the hospital For several years the c ity hos­ p ita l has been a problem to both the doctors and the c ity council. The establishm ent nt a bohrd tn study means of getting a new hospital and to adm inister the hospital should a lleviate the e x ­ isting situation. J. H. Hardy Enters Teen-Ager» honored Louifc Langer and Je rry M itc h e ll, form - ei Ashland high school fo otball stars, w ith a dance Wednesday eve at the Elks Temple. The eve was to honor the hoys who leave S aturday for tw o weeks tr a in ­ ing p rio r to the Oregon Shrine A ll Star game w hich w ill he held in P ortland S aturday, A ugust 28 Com m ltteea in charge of the dance included S h irle y W eitzel, Vi-m ta Roberson. Ted W eitzel M argaret Wagner, Jane Simpson, Rued! Vest, Ruth Seitz. Advisors w ho assisted w ith the dance In ­ ducted Lea G rant, Mr. and Mrs. L. L Langer, and Mrs. H enry Metz, — -- -w •• Festival O ff To Good Start for Eighth T ¡me Political Arena T ilings livened up on the AsV- j and p o litica l fro n t today w ith th< announcement by J H Har- dy , hat |anned to to , lk . for c ity recorder. H ardy, w ho is fo r ­ mer ow ner of the Ashland G ro ­ ceteria, has been a resident of A shland since 1912, com ing here In that year to operate a busi­ ness college. He made i t clear that he had been a long tim e frie n d of J. Adams, the present recorder, and th a t nothing personal was in ­ volved In his deciding to run fo r the job of recorder. P rio r to buying the present A shland Groceteria in 1923, M r. H ardy hed been In charge o f the grocery departm ent and super­ vised bookeeping fo r H. G. En ders and Sons from 1916 to 1919. F rom 1919 to 1923 he was firs t assistant cashier of the F irs t N a­ tio n a l Bank. W ith tim e fo r filin g ra p id ly draw ing to a close this com ing week w ill bring out several more candidates fo r c ity offices. A t pre sent Henry Gerdes, B ill S tew art, Fred Homes, and Hom er B illin g s have file d fo r council. Tom W illia m s has file d fo r mayor. The present incum bent m ayor, T hornton S. W iley, stated thia m orning that he fe lt as though he had carried the resp o n sib ili­ ties of the ad m in istra tio n fo r a long tim e and that there w ere a lo t of good men available in the c ity who could continue w ith a progressive adm inistration . He said that he w ould ra th e r not ru n if good candidates file d . He stated that It takes lots of tim e to be m ayor and th a t he w ould prefer spending some tim e w ith his own a ffa irs in the fu ­ ture, and that he was re luctant Volume 15, Number 23 Curtain Time Is 8:40 p.m. For Plays Fifteen Perform ances Remain In Series W ith the firs t n ig h t of the A n ­ C u rta in tim e this year fo r the nual Shakespearean F estival al- A nnual Shakespearean Festival je a d y h istory, actors, actresses Association is 8:40 according to | m embers of the association, and of l i , t director, Angus L. B ow m ei, M an hall WoodelJ, treasurer the association w ho is handling are se ttlin g dow n fo r the re m a in ­ ing 15 performances. admissions. The cu rta in tim e is la te r this Four plays of W illia m Shake­ year than last because of D a y­ speare’s are to be presented a l­ lig h t Saving Tim e. E xactly at te rn a te ly d u rin g the n e x t three 8:^(1 the Elizabethan orchestra, weeks so that d u rin g any week pla yin g instrum ents of Shakes­ of the F estival a playgoer ta n see peare’s tim e, w ill p la y the o ve r­ a ll of the productions. ture and im m e d ia te ly fo llo w in g Thursday n ig h t at 8:40 p.m. the this the plays w ill begin. H arlalee production o f "L o v e ’s Labour's W ilson, A shland v io lin is t, is d i­ L o st" w ill be presented w ith a State H ighw ay com m ission au­ rector of the orchestra. ste lla r cast in c lu d in g Miss T ru - th o ritie s have inform ed M ayor Singh* admissions can be p u r- bee W etterau who plays the part T hornton S. W iley that they w ill ci.aseu each evening at the door, o f the Princess of France and a nd representatives o f the com ­ W oodell stated. One seat is $1.80 Miss Suzanne LaM arre, who mission to Ashland in N ovem ber tax included. T his year, because plays the p a rt of Roseline. This to study proposals fo r w idening of the excellent acoustics of the play, w hich was one of the hits of H ighw ay 9!) in the c ity lim its theatre, no reserved seats are be­ of last year Is being repeated this of Ashland, ing sold. year. The play, w hich Is not p ro ­ A ccording to the com m ission A fte r the success o f opening duced ve ry often, is one of the all controversy over the plan n ig h t, Wednesday, members o f comedies w hich is representative must be ironed out before that the board of directors are hoping of Shakespeares e a rlie r works. tim e. that the house continues to be “ L ove’s Labour’s Lost” w ill be A t a m eeting held in P ortland, a sellout fo r each production. presented again Tuesday, August Tuesday Ralph Koozer, M ayor T. W oodell in speaking of the a- 17; Saturday, August 21; and the S. W iley, and W illia m Briggs coustics fu rth e r m entioned th a t fin a l show ing w ill be Thursday, presented a plan to w iden the the police departm ent o f the c ity A ugust 26. e xisting highw ay. o f A shland and C h ie f of Police This com ing F rid a y evening C. C. W illia m s are cooperating the F estival association w ill p re­ C ontroversy has arisen con­ 100 per cent w ith the F estival as­ sent “ K in g John". T his play, cerning this plan inasm uch as sociation and th a t fo r the period w h ich today is scarcely ever p re ­ some p ro p e rty owners have s ta t­ fro m 8:40 to 10:00 trucks were sented w ill a ffo rd student* o f ed that they do not w ish the being routed away from M ain E lizabethan dram a a chance to trees nor the landscaping of the street dow n T h ird street to A see one o f the poet-dram atists parkw ays ruined. street and then to Van Ness ave­ prem ier h istorical plays. The highw ay com m ission d is ­ nue. T his w ill do aw ay w ith one “ K in g John” w ill also be pre- cussed ii plan to bypass A shland of the m ajor nuisance noises sented fo u r tim es w ith the other com pletely w ith H ighw ay 99 and w hich m ig h t in te rfe re w ith the dates fo r the production being: members of the A shland delega­ hearing o f the lines. Wednesday, A ugust 18, M onday, tion opposed this plan e m p h a ti­ to run. The inference made by M ayor August 23; and F rid a y, Augu/e cally. Briggs, c ity attorney, stated W iley was that he was not com ­ from the S aturday night, “ The M e r­ th a t m eetings concerning the p letely w ith d ra w in g race but th a t he w ould prefer chant of Venice,” w ith B ow m er, w idening of the hig h w a y w ould him self, playing the p a rt o f Shy- be held p rio r to N ovem ber in o r­ not to run. L ia t date fur iu in g is Auguni •<-**-•* ««iiu u cinatiui;u ca der to gei ine public's reaction. pound o f flesh in paym ent o f a In the m eantim e, W endell M a jo r event o f the fa ll season Lawrence, e d ito r o f the News fo r horse fanciers of this area debt, w ill be presented. “ The M erchant’ w ill be lik e an Review, proposed that the h ig h ­ w ill be the Horse Show and Race w ay com m ission consider m a k­ M eet w hich w ill be presented on e n tire ly new perform ance this “ N ot ing present h ig h w a y 99 a one­ Sunday afternoon, August 22, at season, B ow m er explains. Y oung people from the In te r ­ the V a lle y V iew Rodeo Grounds. o n ly are we tre a tin g the w o rk in w ay route fo r n orth bound tr a f­ fic and the old h ig h w a y a one m ediate D epartm ent o f the F irs t The show is being sponsored by * d lfie re n t vein-’ he said, "b u t A ll veterans of the Spanish w ay route fo r south bound tr a f­ C hurch of C hrist attending F ir- the A shland R iding association. ' the aPPJarancf o f new actors in Camp In ad d itio n to this show, w hich ™ “ y key ro es. does much to Am erican w ar are In vite d to a t­ fic. He pointed out th a t by the p oint C h ristian Service Brenner, w ill begin the fa ll season a ser-1 Ar,5 tend the annual picnic of Col b u ild in g of a p p ro xim a te ly four this week are B etty t P a?.' , Par? o , ies of race meets, horse s h o w s ,'* “ ®“ F le l" hedr ’ ^ en ’ Eargent Camp. U nited Spanish m iles of road the old highw ay Lois D ow ning, James Crosslin, and Johnnie Johnson. and m otorcycle races have been ; J ™ 5 ^ ’ i ? ? a W ar Veterans, w hich Is being could be made to connect w ith Rachel Carothers is assisting scheduled fo r the m onth of °f u \ a held Sunday, August 15, at L ith la H o lly street in M edford and that t y ’ WlU ta k e th e le a d in g both one w ay routes w ould serve in the camp as a J u n io r Assist- S eD tem b er S eD te m b er 12 a m n- Park. September. Septem ber 12 a m o - ^ o{ Bassiono A n tonio, tnc Covered dish d in n e r w ill be not only M edford and Ashjand, ant, A rden H a ll is w o rk in g in torcycle race w ill take place at m erchant of Venice, w ill be play- served at 12:30 p.m. The camp but w ould connect w ith Talent, the kitch e n and Earl F. D ow n- the arena. Septem ber 19, a w ill fu rn ish coffee, cream, and and Phoenix as w ell. He fu rth e r j ng’ m ln lste r o f the local church, horse show and race meet w ill be ed by J. F ra n k lin Reed, S h e ri­ dan, W yom ing, a 1948 graduate suggested th a t this plan be fol-1 s m anager o f the camp, ice cream. held. The last event in Septem ­ c f the Pasadena Playhouse. lowed through In the city, south ber w ill be a m otorcycle race B eginning this S aturday the play bound tru c k tra ffic only, w ould w h ich w ill be held Septem ber 26. w ill be staged fo u r tim es w ith be p e rm itte d on N o rth Main, A ll these events are scheduled appearances scheduled fo r T h u rs­ Last M ain and S iskiyou; and fo r 2:00 p.m. showings. day, August 19; Tuesday, August north bound tru c k tra ffic could Judges fo r the e x h ib itio n 24; and Saturday August 28. be put on a one-w ay street, a classes at the A ugust 22 horse “ O tn e llc ” the story of the Jean Eberhart, general c h a ir­ p o rtio n of w hich w ould have to D a vid Ross Schell, three year show w ill be Stan Morgan, M ed­ B lack Moor, w hich was the lead man o f the A nnual Elks Picnic be b u ilt .along the present South­ old son of M r. and Mrs. L eyton ford, Fauncy Leonard and H ugh e ft play Wednesday, the opening stated today that the picnic ern Pacific tracks. E. Schell, 128 Laurel street, was B arron, Ashland. Race s ta rte r “ T his p la n ," he said, “ w ould buried Wednesday in M ountain w ill be Verne Thomas; race night, w ill he presented again on w ould be held this year at Jack- son H ot Springs, August 18. It be much cheaper than building V iew cem etery w ith the Rev. A. judges w ill be B ill R itchie, Hugh M onday, A ugust 16; F rid a y, A u g ­ w ill begin a t 5:00 p.m. and d in ­ fo u r lane highw ays, and it w guld H. M acD onnell o f the Episcopal Barron, and Stan M organ: arena ust 20; :and fo r the last tim e on ner w ill be served at 6:00 p.m. do aw ay w ith the need to b y ­ church. as o ffic ia tin g m inister.. bosses w ill ba C. B. H arrison, Wednesday, A ugust 25. "O th e llo ," w h ich is one of H ow ard Oden is in charge of pass Ashland, or any o f the o th ­ Services were conducted a t the L o v e ll Ferns, and H e n ry E n­ Shakespeare’s m ost famous tra g ­ the dinner. Ted Schopf Is in er va lle y towns by a freew ay, In- L itw ille r-N u g e n t fu n e ra l home. ders; re g istra tio n w ill be under charge of the entertainm ent, as m uch as It w o u ld give this The ch ild was in s ta n tly k ille d d ire ctio n of C lyde Caton, R. L. edies has John Hume, Sacra­ P hil Stansbury is in charge of the area a fo u r lane highw ay at a M onday m orning when the toy Crosby and A rch Barksdale. A n ­ m ento C a lifo rn ia , w ho is a grad­ program . m in im u n cost.’’ wagon on w hich he was rid in g nouncer w ill be O. L. “ W ic k ie ” uate s'udent at Stanford, in the Free sw im m ing, races and coasted under the wheels o f a W ickle in . Sound w ill be supplied title role. Miss M argo Lungren, K lam ath Falls, plays Desdemona. games, and aw arding of prizes THREE FIVE YEAR OLDS c ity gravel tru c k w hich was d r iv ­ by Jefferson Sound System. J. F ra n k lin Reed, Sheridan, W yo ­ to members and th e ir fam ilies CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS en by Wes Peters. Peters stopped m ing ,is outstanding as Iago, and w ill take place d u rin g the even­ Three fiv e -y e a r olds celebrated the tru c k im m e d ia te ly on hear­ Miss Suzie W arner, M edford, ing. th e ir b irth d a ys together last F r i­ ing the screams o f other children, spent Sunday and M onday v is it­ Richard Graham , a professional day In L lth ia Park. B illie M ickle, but the ch ild had already been ing her grandm other, Mrs. Ethel actor from Los Angeles, turns in a flawless perform ance as Cassio. 66 M ountain avenue; E ric S w an­ m o rta lly In jured. M ille r, A street. Opening Wednesday son, 805 B street; and Arlene The accident occured on H igh Mrs. E verett Sample, G lenn A t the opening n ig h t o f the T ra in ; M ountain avenue: were street when the boy and his sis­ Avenue, accompanied by Dr. Wednesday, M ayor M r. and Mrs. Roy W oodword the »honored guests. ter, M a ry Louise, 6, coasted u n ­ B ertha Saw yer, 125 Oak street, Festival, T hornton S. W ile y welcomed the N eil Creek have sold th e ir ranch A picnic lunch o f salads sand­ der the tru c k w hich was backing visite d M r. Sample, a patient at firs t m ghters D r. Elm o Steven­ to Mr. and Mrs. Sed P rather and wiches, b irth d a y cake, and Ice in to H igh street in order to re ­ Jacksonville H ospital on W ed­ son, president o f Southern O re­ daughter, C arol, of Salinas, C a l­ cream was served by Mrs. Ralph tu rn dow n Bush street. C ity em ­ nesday of last week. gon College, extended greetings ifo rn ia , last week. M ickle, Mrs. R. B. Swanson, Mrs. ployees had been w o rk in g on fro m the college. Secretary of The W oodwards plan to rem ain W a lte r W. T ra in , Mrs. John T. Bush street. M ary Louise jum ped Mrs. L y d ie Lennox, Redlands, State E arl T. N e w b ry represent­ on the place u n til September or Rasmussen, M rs. Ed V G rim , fro m the wagon w hen she saw C a lifo rn ia , and fo rm e rly of K la ­ ed G overnor John H all at the October, when they plan to go and Mrs. Charles Hodgins. the im pending accident. C laud­ m ath Falls, Oregon, a rrive d last ceremony. Doyle Seely arranged to C alifo rn ia , and also v is it her Guests Included Rodney and ette Schell, another sister scream­ Tuesday to be the house guest of the opening ceremonies. H erbert father, W. L. A rm stro n g in O k la ­ K ris tin e ed as she saw her brother run Swanson, J e rrle and her frie n d . D octor Bertha Saw! Larson, dram a e d ito r of the O re­ homa and his m other, Mrs. F lo r­ Ronald M ickle, Robert Train, in to the tru c k and It was her ence W oodw ard In Sw eetw ater, Beatrice Joy Rasmussen an d screams w hich brought P eter’s yer, 125 Oak street. Mrs. Lennox gonian and H arold H unt, dram a Is a fo rm e r A shland resident. e d itor o f the Journal, were In tro ­ Texas, and other relatives re­ K athleen G rim m . tru c k to a stop. duced as was R obert Dodge, pres­ The S m all Farm s C ouncil m et tu n in g here la te r to locate In D a vid was born at Yuba C ity, ident of the F estival association. Tuesday n ig h t at the home o f L. H. G a lla tin le ft today for C a lifo rn ia , M ay 24, 1945. S u rv i­ Southern Oregon. Yuba C ity , C a lifo rn ia , where he vors include the parents, M r. and M r. and Mrs. A lv in W heeler on L. R. D unnavin, M y rtle Creek • HARDWARE FLOORED w ill attend the fu n e ra l o f his eld­ Mrs. L. E. Schell and th e ir tw o Beeson Lane. Mrs. Jean Hess and daughters, a rrive d last Sunday to spent sev­ Don M a cW hlrter and C. A. est brother w h ich w ill be held daughters, M a ry Louise and Frapces and K athlene, of H el- eral days v is itin g friends and re ­ Petrehn p u t In a new flo o r at Saturday. Claudette. mans Baths, spent last Tuesday latives in c lu d in g M r. and Mrs. H ardy's H ardw are this week ac­ Guests at the F orrest Steiger at C ra te r Lake, F ort K lam ath Ross H arden and fa m ily , and her CARD OF THANKS cording to B ill Snider, proprietor. home on V a lle y V ie w Road fo r father. M a c W h irte r has been doing the past tw o weeks have been/ We w ish to thank the m any and K la m a th Falls. -------------o ------------- Bob Sharyon is spending this contracting In Ashland fo r the M r. and Mrs. H arold L. S m ith ' friends fo r th e ir k in d deeds and week in D e tro it w here he is ac M r. and Mrs. C. M Frazier and son, Robert, and Mrs. F lo r- b e a u tifu l flow ers all of w hich past tw o years w h ile Petrehn Is new to this area, having recent­ ence Sm ith, Richm ond, C a llfo r - ' helps to ease the heartaches ceptlng delivery of a new auto-1 left this week for Carlsbad, Cal- ly moved here from O lym pia, j n la ; also M r. and Mrs. Jam es! caused by the loss of our son, mobile. He visited relatives in,Oornia where they will operate the East last week, while enroute, an auto court which they recent- W ashington. He and his fa m ily H ill and daughter, C aroline of David. State Commission. To Study Highway Spanish American War Vets To Picnic Q. Aug. . 22 Date of Next Horse Show Four Attend Camp At Firpoint, Oregon David R. Schell Buried Wednesday Elks Picnic To Be Held Aug. 18 Woodwards Sell Neil Creek Ranch It's New ! It's So H ot T hat I t ’s E vaporating from sto ck! Formerly the Southern Oreqoa Miner 33.00 per year M tn th l Phone R011 live at 45 Almond gtreet. 1 Tacoma, Washington. » Mr. and Mrs. Leyton Schell to the auto city. ly bought