U. of O. Libraiy. *Ht* SouUtVlH, ô i f O * . •t (JREC P uilish I er >P E R )l A T I 0 I $3.00 per Year NEWS REVIEW Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, July 29, 1948 Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner $3.00 per yeer Voi. 15, No. 21 Small fry dominate the green Paint Store Has Mr. and Mrs. (¿rove sward at the.regular Thursday A Photo Display night band concerts. . . last week Operate Eugene Store Now on display at the F. J. EDWIN H 8INQMA8TER JK Mr. an i Mrs. Chuck Grove Runtz paint store are a series of aged a questionable two year who were formerly associated color photographs of Southern discovered to his pleasant sur with the Western Stores in Ash­ prise that turning circles on tin Oregon and Northern California sloping park grounds was much scenes The pictures were taken land are now operating a hard­ more fun than doing the sunn by Southern Oregon Photo Arts ware store in Eugene, Oregon, New Coach Coma» Hara Chairm en Selected thing on his level lawn at home Several Newspaper» company which is operated by From Forest Grova To Take according to Mrs. Eloise Mackie, For Varlou* Division» ... JBRRY m il l e r , ton o A nd Magazine» G ive Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Baker. Over Bob Sheridan'» Job owner of the store. Of F all Show hammering and sawing KEN Favorable P u b licity Photos which will be on dis Associated with the Groves In MILLEK, takes after his fathi The school board of District 5 play for several days Include one Chairman of the various divi­ the operation of the Eugene store Interest in the Eighth Annual in the sawing end of It at least announced this week that Kep- of Rabbit Ears, Mt. Pitt, Crater JERKY sawn the air and flails leth Schilling has accepted the Lake, Castle Crags, Upper Siski­ sions of the Harvest Festival is C. O. Prentice, also a former Shakespearean festival which is his arms in a manner quite be position of coach - biology teach­ you, Diamond Lake, and Table which will be held in Ashland In employee of the Western Stores being presented in Ashland Aug. 11-28 rose throughout the nation coming to a potential maestro er. Schilling won the appoint­ Rock. September have been selected in Ashland. this week with the release of You can see JERRY at most any ment on the basis of his record In from among the members of the stories on the festival to eastern concert, assisting CLIFF O R D competition with a dozen appli­ MRS LAMARRE RETURNS Realty Board according to V. D. .’’ittenger Resigns newspapers by a group of travel WILLIAMS direct the band Mrs. E, J. LaMarre recently re­ Bert Miller, member of the Fes­ cants. He comes to Ashland from As City Constable editors who visited the Shakes­ The teen age group did a fine Forest Grove where he has the turned to her home after spend­ tival committee. John Riley Pittenger, who has pearean theatre Saturday. job of advertising their last enthusiastic recommendation of ing five weeks in the New Engl­ W. P. Wright is in charge of been The editors included George city constable for the past dunce and amuteur night show the school administration. His and states with her relatives and the floral displays. Miller has with a bombardment of Ashlund superintendent states that Schill­ also her son, Lt. A. W. LaMarre charge of the public school art. 12 years, announced this week Keaney, New York World Tele­ by plane, the bombs, handbills . ing "takes ordinary material and who is now located at Newport Jack Reed Is chairman of the that he was resigning his posi­ gram; Arthur Juntunen, Detroit Free Press; Harry Smith, Cleve­ . . . part of the credit for th< molds winning teams and at the Rhode Island at the Naval Air committee on college art. H. C tion, the first of August. idea going to SHIRLEY WEIT lame time develops boys that are base at that place. Mrs. LaMarre Galey is chairman of the canned Pittenger became constable at land Plain Dealer; John Troan, ZEL................ Army bound this sportsmanlike." Local fans are reports that flying was good and fruit division. The raw fruit di­ the time M. T. Burns became Jus­ Pittsburg Press; Josie Stout Thurston, Des Moines Register week are a lot of teen agers, familiar with his record during that she enjoyed the trip. visions is under the direction of tice of the Peace. and Tribune; Charles Collins, who’ll make the transition iron the Reason for his resignation was James F, Jeter. Grains will bt two years that he was at But Milwaukie Sentinel; Naomi Do­ teen-ager to ' I in the next six te Falls given by Pittenger as ill health. handled by H. L. Moore. Earl both years that he was bell, Cedar Rapids Gazette, and weeks. Two who have things there his as teams Williams Is in charge of vege­ won the South­ Leonard Barnes, Detroit Motor coining their way are CURT tables. Walter Redford will take News. VAIL and HUD KINCAID who ern Oregon Invitational Tourna­ care of art displays presented by They saw a portion of the re­ are going down to Fort Mason, ment and went Into the State the general public. Fred Whited hearsal of “Loves Labour’s Lost" located at the Presidio in San Tournament at Salem. He is a Is in charge of needlecraft and Mr .and Mrs. Robert Wilson and interviewed Angus Bowmer, Francisco where they will play graduate of both the Ashland announced this week that they 'William LeBow In charge of director of the plays, who told in the band, every rookies dream High School and Southern Oreg­ had sold their cafe on the Siski­ woodcraft. The Southern Oregon Truckers them the history and the back­ on College and played both foot of a home In the Army. you, Ruby's Kitchen, to Mrs. Vio­ Ribbons and cash awards will League is having a picnic at Tou- Travel editors who visited ball and basketball in ea c h let Peterson, t'asaaena, Califor­ be given to the winners in the velle State Park near Bybee ground of the festival association. school He holds a masters degree In addition to the stories which Ashland last Saturday morning nia. The transaction was effec­ Various events. The winner of the Bridge on the Rogue River Sun­ were released on the festival by wen, on to Grants Pan where from the University of Oregon tive Monday, July 26. best one farm display will re­ day, August 1st, according to the travel editors, Harold Hunt, they bored everyone in that fair where he was a member of the Mrs. Peterson, who has had ceive $25.00; second place, $15.00 Lewis L. Simpson, secretary- drama critic of the Oregon Jour­ city by talking about nothing ex­ hi Delta Kappa - educational several years experience in res­ and third $5.00 manager. nal stated last week in his col­ cept Ashland's Shakespearea n honorary. taurant and delicatessen work in Winner of the best agricultur­ All members of the League umn that Ashland’s Shakespear­ For five years Schilling was in California will be the cook at the al unit display will receive $35.- and their families and all other Festival. HARRY SMITH of the Cleveland Plain Dealer was quite the Army and served in Iceland, establishment, and Alan Hazel- 00; second place will receive $25: interested log and lumber truck­ ean festival had made quite an impression on eastern visitors impressed by TRUBEE WET England, France, Belgium and rigg, Pasadena, will be the man­ and third place will receive $15 ers are invited to attend. who were tired of what he called TER AU. and JOSIE STOUT Jermany. While at Fort Stevens ager. Herelrlgg is a graduate of Items necessary for a one-farm Each family is to bring their THURSTON of the Des Molno he was coach and manager of Medford high school and attend­ display or an agricultural unit own picnic lunch and the League “the usual Western corn.” Other publicity on the festival Register and Tribune was im- Fort Stevens basketball team. He ed Oregon State college. display Include three, four-inch will furnish free ice cream. is due to appear in the New presed enough by the entire re­ was co-captain of the post foot Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, who have bundles of wheat, barley, oats York Times with a story in the hearsal to write back to Ashland, ball team in 1941. At Forest operated the Kitchen for the past and alfalfa; and four varieties of Sunday Magazine section of the requesting further Information on Grove Schilling Is in charge of four years, left this week for tame or wild grasses in four- Rev. Klingshei Will Times by Mr. and Mrs. Richard the Festival for a story which the community recreation pro­ Modesto, California, to be near inch bundles; ;three varieties of Replace Rev. Lindsay she plans to do for her paper. So gram which will keep him busy Mr. Wilson’s brother, Luther 1 threshed grain, three varieties or The Rev. and Mrs. O. W. Neuberger concerning the Shake­ far, however, TRUBEE hasn't until the last of August when he Wilson, who recently had a ser-!Tn°r® of fruit, and a neat display Klingshei and children, Naomi. spearean Festival. With the large amount of fav­ heard from HARRY. will move to Ashland with his lous surgical operation. j of cabbage, potatoes, melons Phillip, and Vaughn are expected orable advance publicity being COLONEL HAROLD JORDAN family. He will assist Coach O’­ corn, and corn on stock, and oth­ to arrive in Ashland Saturday given the Festival this year mem­ ex-Legion commander, is tossing Neil with football and act as er farm products. The Rev. Klingshei, who is from bers of the board of directors, lus hat In the ring for the post head basketball coach as well us Radio Hams Talk Any farm or individual may Camas, Washington, has been of vice convnander of American teach biology clause.., In the Sen­ About Demonstration enter separate listings of the ex­ called to fill the vacancy left in Bowmer, and members of the are hoping that the house is Legion District No. 4 . . . and ior High school. Members of the Ashland Radio hibits, whether or not they have the Assembly of God church by a cast sellout. speaking of politics, outside of entered a one-farm or agricul­ the transfer of the Rev. Gordon club discussed having a club de­ D eA u trem o n t In elig ib le No reserved seats are being the national show which congress Prizes and Lindsay. monstration on emergency value tural unit display. sold this year according to Mar­ and HARRY TRUMAN are pre­ Local fans were much Interest­ of ribbons will be awarded first. Mrs. Lindsay and children, Ca- Short Wave radio at the Tues­ shall Woodell, treasurer of the senting, things seem to be rath­ ed in the candidacy of Chuck D’- night meeting of the club at second, and third place In each (rol, Gilbert, and Dennis are at association. Tickets for the plays er dead. Outside of the filing for Autremont for the position of day division. ' present in Portland, Oregon. The are being sold in advance, and councilman by HENRY GERDES basketball coach at the Senior George Knox's, East Main street, A plan to send prize winning Rev. Lindsay, who is editor of a Ashland. nothing of importance on the lo­ High. D'Autremont has been out­ exhibits to the state fair has been paper, “Wings of Healing" is at season memberships which in­ Bob Relnholdt is president of cal scene Is happening . . . The standing as an athlete and Is do­ advanced. present arranging revival meet­ clude eight tickets to any plays rumors are even taking siestas ing un outstanding job as mana­ the organization. The demonstra­ All automobile dealers in town ings in the northwest for the Rev. are also being sold at the present time. these days . . . Whether PHIL ger of the Ashland city baseball tion will take place on Main have been contacted to place William Freeman. street where people can see it. team. The position which was Othello will be presented Aug­ STANSBURY, COLONEL PRES­ their new model cars on display ust 11, 16, 20, and 25. Love’s La­ TON B. WATERBURY, HAROLD vacant at the high school re­ George Knox won a call book in the center of the Armory. Two bour's Lost will be presented on MERRILL, LLOYD SELBY, GER­ quires that the man teach bio- in an intra-club drawing. cars may be entered by each Grange Members To Attending the meeting were agency. August 12, 17, 21 and 26. King ALD WENNER or the present In­ ogy as well as coach and the Help __ With Festival _, John is scheduled for presenta- cumbent, THORNTON WILEY, certificate for which D’Autre- Reinholdt, Knox, Sid Knox , Max Plans for a Grand Finale night e In,ow- master of th^ .tio n August 13, 18, 23 and 27. will run is problematical, their mont is eligible, according to the Croson, George Croson. John at which time skits by partici­ R»u Bellview Grange, has announced And the Merchant of Venice wlll Dave Sample, Jr. George Sikes, names have all been mentioned rules of the State Department of pating organizations will be pre­ the names of members of the v,. «shown Aimnd 14 io oj at various times In smoke filled Education, would not let him Putman, Bill McMonlgal, Bill sented are being made. At pres­ Grange who will aid in making g Sh°Wn August 14’ 19’ 24 and rooms by various would be king­ teach the biology on the high Johnson and John Semple. ent participating organizations the Harvest Festival in Ashland -------- ---------------- makers. STANSBURY has made school level. Finunces require the ODD FELLOWS HALL Include the Soroptlmists, Kiwan- a success. The Festival Is slated V x ijl P v titiL f ' l . i k no comment . . . WATERBURY consolidation of these two fields IS BEING PAINTED V illi) ls, Rotarians, Lions, the Talent for September in the Ashland ■L^ CI1 has indicated no particular de­ and It was Impossible to keep his Grange, and Bellview Grange. Armory. To Meet In August In line with the present policy sire to trade a regiment for a name among those finally consi­ Felix Johnson is in charge of The Neil Creek club will meet of brightening up the town the Phoenix Grange has also been city. . . . MERRILL Indicates no dered. the booth. Louis Pankey is chair­ at 1:30 o’clock Thursday, August Odd Fellows building is being asked to participate. desire to trade u councilman's man of the Raw Fruits and Vege­ 19, in the home of Mrs. Annie painted. The contract for the job seat for the mayor's chair . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bilderback has been let to C. E. Taylor. Jackie Frazee, daughter of Mrs. tables division for the grange. Wilson, Neil creek road. Mrs. SELBY said, when he left the of the Lincoln camp were busl- Carmen Frazee. Reno. Nevada, Fred Engle is in charge of Field Neil Henry is co-hostess. nesscallers In Ashland, last Tues­ Dr. Ernest Everett and family Is visiting Miss Gail Taylor, Crops. Woodcraft and Art from day. They also visited her moth­ are out of town until August 2. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. the Grange will be handled by The Rev. and Mrs. Earl Down­ er, Mrs. Nora Grow, The Wardrobe Cleaners are Taylor, Fordyce street, ’’’he Fre- Ileane Jarvis. Mary Stenrud has ing and family have returned to Mrs. Florence Pugsley, High­ closed until next Monday, to en­ zees are former residents of Ash­ charge of Needlecraft. Nelle Ashland from a trip to Santa way 99, sold her place this week able the staff to take vacations. land, having lived on Mead St. ¡Dunne is responsible for the ex Rosa, California, where they vis­ to Warren E. Mapes of Ashland Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hill, Si*., Mrs. C. A. VanDewalker Is now hiblt of Canned Fruit ad Vege ited her sister and family, Mr. and plans to move back to Long were Ashland callers lust Wed­ assisting Dr. Edward Brown as ¡tables. Luella Applegate Is in and Mrs. G. H. Stansburg, and Beach about August 10th. nesday. office nurse. charge of flowers. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George McGuire. Kenneth Schilling Accepts Position Of H S Hoopmentor Harvest Festival Plans Are Nearly Completed Now Ruby’s Kitchen Sold This Week Shakespearean Festival Receives National Notice Truckers League To Have Picnic Whdt They re Reading This Week These Are Strange Tules by Anthony Abbot Yankee Storekeeper by R. E. Gould The Arabian Bird by Constantine Fitz Gib­ bon. Aurora Dawn by Herman Wouk The Vixens by Frank Yerby M ART 270 East Main Phone 8011 Mother I^ove Is Ashland District Range Land Found To Be In Fine Slightly Misguided A stray black cocker spanit Condition by Party of Experts aud Local Stockmen came to Suncrast orchard a fe« Harold Thomas, Ashland district Harold White, Talent Experiment The second day was spent in the weeks ago and a short time aftc arrival there she gave birt forest ranger. They discovered Station agronomist: and M. L.'Dead Indian and Butte Falls her to eight puppies. Tedrow, assistant supervisor of that for this season of the year area. The third day was spent One day while the moth« the Rogue River National Forest, the range was in exceptionally who in the Prospect and Union Creek cocker was away a yellow bar conducted the tour. From good condition, and plans are be­ the stockmen’s association, Ben area. Studies were made of the tam hen discovered the puppie ing made to further improve Day, president, and R. G. Fowler, natural return of vegetation from eating under the house. Cluckin range conditions. chairman of the range seeding controlled grazing or absolute in a motherly fashion she tried t cover them with her wings, fail Thirty five permittees are pre­ committee, were present for the sently using the Ashland dis­ entire trip. Other stockmen pre­ non-use and of the success of ing in this she talked to ther trict’s available range with 3000 sent at various times on the tour various seedings. It was the con­ and pleaded and coaxed in he cattle being grazed in the district. ¡were Clarence Buck, H e n ry sensus of opinion that consider­ banty fashion until she got ther It is planned to do intensive Owens and Herb Carlton, direct­ able improvement could be made to trail her back to their bed. There the banty tried agaii experimental work in three sel­ ors; Jack O’Brien from Apple- by proper seeding of these range to cover the puppies with he ected areas: Anderson Ridge in gate; Everett Beeson of Talent; areas, and trials will be started wing», and the pups, thinking i the Applegate, Silver Fork Basin Ed Whltton, Mrs. Kate Neill, and Willow Flats in the Butte Miss Joan Neill, all of Ashland; this fall by cooperation of the was a marvelous game, raise« Falls area. H. A. Schoth, forage Buck Grieves of the Prospect Jackson County Stockmen’s As­ her up off the ground and pitch her this way and that, and al crops specialist of the Bureau of area; and John Day and Earl Day sociation and the Forest Service, ed the while the banty clucke< of Central Point. Rangers present Plant Industries; H. A. Lindgren, to determine how this improve­ proudly as she rode herd on he: Extension animal husbandman; were Robert Appleby, Union ment can best be made. Plans eight adopted children. council, two years ago that he W. C. Weir, Professor of animal Creek; Bob Beeman, Butte Falls; are for continuing long-range ex­ When the mother spaniel cami planned to retire from public husbandry; and Rex Warren, Ex­ Harold Thomas, Ashland; and perimental work to eventually! the puppies deserted the banti life, but he didn’t say how long tension specialist in farm crops, Loren Cooper of Applegate. cover all of the range problems. for the lunchwagon, and try ai . WENNER has made no com­ were the men from Corvallis who The tour included an entire A meeting of the Jackson Coun­ hard a» she might, the banty het ment . . . and MAYOR WILEY came In to help W. B. Tucker, day spent in the Applegate area ty Stockmen’s Association was couldn't compete with food. Is saving his breath . . that county agent and secretary-treas- -- — ... aa^.aaa v California uiliwttliu O » V« V« f held Thursday M j a-va.»««»»^ IV Her adopted brood left hei and In «.vaw Northern study evening Ill in U the leaves the field open to the lone uerer of the Jackson County lng conditions and re-seeding at- County Agents’ office where the, standing there, sadly clucking t< E arle candidate, TOM WILLIAMS of ‘ ¡Stockmen’s i t — .... — ■ • Association; — ■ - j tempts being made by the Kla- first plans were outlined and ap^ herself, while they gorged them the Espee fJossy, assistant county agent; I math National Forest district, proved. ! selves. Important Improvement in the Rogue River National Forest range area is expected to be the results of the three day range tour made by forage and range management experts from Ore­ gon State College, County Agents office, Talent Experiment Station and the U. S. Forest Service, ac­ cording to Ben Day, president of the Jackson County Stockmen’s Association. Careful study of the condition of the ranges and methods of re-seeding and Im­ provement by better manage­ ment were made on the three day trip. The group spent a day on the Ashland district of the Rogue River forest, accompanied by