'lite O rec I o O u G si P ubiish I í r s 4-slsú ÿ+ e yQ tt For marly the Southern Oregon PER NEWS REVIEW I A T I 01 $3.00 per Y ear Two Cars Stolen, Hardware Store Entered Saturday U. o f O. Lj{,r¡a ry M inor $3.00 per year A shland, Jack so n C ounty, Oregon, T h u rsday, J u ly f t , 194« YMCA TO HOLD CRAFT CLASSES FOR CHILDREN Weekly C. of C. Meeting Hears School Problems UNESCO Meeting Held At SOC Mon. Voi. 15, No, 19 LOCAL DELEGATES TO PORTLAND CONVENTION »«•ginning Thursday, J u ly I, the YM C A w ill hold c ra ft classes Oscar O stlund, Rt 1, M edford, ^ . 5 e ^ " * ^ i S s s » 5 2 fo r ail boys and g irls who are en lo lle d In the c ity ri-creatlon p ro ­ ,n j p.m., Southern Oregon gram , according to Ray Fletcher, College held a " L ittle UNESCO” , ppointed delegates representing secretary o f the Y M C A the Jackson C ounty ‘ ‘C om m ittee patterened a fte r the recent >Pac- fo r H enry W allace" and w ill a t­ C ru ft periods w ill last one hour ONE CAR FOUND, BUT c lflc Regional conference held at each fo r both boys and girls. Chamber Secretary Reports tend a convention in P ortland 1 NO OTHER CLUES IN San h rancisco. This m eeting was These periods w ill be held in the That The Fourth of July S aturday and Sunday, J u ly 17th I Annual Aihland Event Will BOLD ROBBERIES given by Southern Oregon C o l­ and 18th. Y b u ild in g In s tru ctio n w ill be Celebration Ha* Paid Off Be Held in Early September lege In an attem pt to a llo w the in Leuthe rcra ft, M etal Ashland police ure Midi looking given Mr Young stated Tuesday Under Present Plans A t the w eekly m eeting of the people o f Southern Oregon to th a t the d rive to secure signed fo r ii group of thugs w ho Satur- M odeling, Model Plane b uilding , participate in a m ovem ent to ­ Wood B urning. W h ittlin g , Shell Ashland Cham ber of Commerce 2.00, 2nd, $1.50; sweet potato broken in to the hurdw are store, Ashland. She had spent the past : S e ctio n so that s u ffic ie n t money a cabinet shop at his home a t 153 table squash, 1st $2.00, 2nd $1.50 as one of the knives was found year in Ashlund. a fte r having re- ! Cuuld be raised to b rin g some Concerts fo r the 1948-49 season C hurch street, «ut of f the index (best three); h a lf dozen best c u ­ sided in G rants Pass fo r some 25 mucb needed schools to A shland to be presented by the Jackson in the W illia m s car. $1.50: fin g e r o f his rig h t hand Satur- cumbers. 1st $2.00, 2nd, years —________ C ounty C ivic M usic Association day m o rn in g in a shaping mach- 1W° w aterm elons, 1st $2.00 Miss Yvonne M iles le ft recent­ S u rvivo rs include a son, Geo L i a h l e - O u ì n i l R i f p « fo r its members have been a rra n ­ ine He was taken to the hospital J?0, best tw o cantaloupes ly fo r M t Shasta, C a lifo rn ia rge Moser of Ashland; tw o grand - - - « -IIC 8 ged by contracts w ith the fo llo w b u t la te r released, but was not i St ^ 0 0 , 2nd, $1.50; best tw o where she w ill v is it a few days sons and a step-son, Dr. E. J. Ing artiste: expected to be able to re tu rn to honeydews, 1st $2.00, 2nd, $1.50; w ith friends and relatives. Moser o f G rants Pass. -Marriage vowes were pronoun­ best tw o muskm elons, 1st $2 00 C laudio A rra u , pianist, one of w o rk fo r several days. M r. and Mia. E rick Law rence Funeral services w ere held at ced S aturday evening at 7 30 at the forem ost concert artists in 2nd, $1.50. o f Boise. Idaho, u rriv e d S aturday the H u ll and H u ll Funeral Home the home o f M r. and Mrs. James this country. BODY OF SAMS VALLEY Canned F r u it to spend a weeks vacation w ith in G rants Pass. Busch on Idaho street fo r W ill- VET B E IN G R ETU R N ED any v a rie ty , C laudia Pinza, daughter of 1st Mi and Mrs. W endell Lawrence, A . , , ■ lam A. L ia b le o f A shland and Sams V alley, J u ly 14— The re­ cents. A boy w eight e ight pounds, 4 M rs Roma Q uinn o f Glenns Ezio Pinza, but a concert soprano 450 G u th rie street They are the mains of S/S gt. B e ryl J. B row n in her ow n rig h t. Jellies M ' und M rs l F e rry. Idaho. Vows were heard parents of W endell, e d ito r at the W.’lb?« * v ’ whose next o f k in is listed as or je lly gass, 1st, 'ydli.nii Vavruska on J u ly 2, at b y Judge N olle Burns Andres Segovia, noted concert Joseph S. B row n, Sams V alley, News Review. the Ashland C o m m u n ity H ospi­ i cents. Witnesses to the event were guitarist. . is among the bodies o f 4,383 M r. und M rs Charles Ulusor tal. Mr. and M rs V avruska are M r. und Mrs. Busch and tw o sis-1 Jerorne Hines, basso of the A m erican servicem en k ille d in Jams returned to K lu m a th Falls Sun liv in g at Commlngs. C a lifo rn ia . t«*rs o f the groom, Miss E llen M e tro p o lita n Opera Company. any v a rie ty , 1st the European theater d u rin g «lay evening a fte r spending the Opera Company. Mrs V avruska w ill be rem em ­ I.lu b le and Mrs. M argaret M cG ill, A rn o ld W orld W ar I I and being re tu rn w eekend at the home o f Mrs Eldus, v io lin is t who bered as the fo rm e r A lic e O str ran- both of Glenns Ferry. Best D isp la y of Canned F r u it a fte r wide service In radio t u r n - l ed to the U nited States aboard Hlusor's parents, M r. and Mrs der. Not less than six quarts, 3 v a r­ M r. L ltib le Is associated w ith ed to serious concerts, m ostly in C harles van D ew alker, 143 H ar- a r n -v tra n sp o rt O glethorpe ieties, 1st $2.00, 2nd, $1.50. M r and Mrs H ow ard Davis. I Busch he Europe. ¡V ic to ry . gadine street. 544 B street, le ft the firs t of this | is em ployed as n a r f L * he Floral (non-commercial) Bob F rankenfleld . Vista, C a l­ iployed as parte man. The exact dates fo r these c o n -1 _ Best d isplay o f s ix varieties, A fte r a short honeym oon and certs w ill be announced as soon I P a # ifo rn ia , le ft Monday fo r his home week fo r th e ir vacation. 4 a A chrysantem um s, lilie s, zinnas, pe­ visit in Ashland, the bride and a fte r v is itin g the R ollins fa m ­ as th e ir Itineraries are available. * tunias, roses, snaps, pansies, fox the tw o visito rs w ill re tu rn to ily , 497A H o lly street on his re­ gloves, m arigolds, 1st $4.00, 2nd Glenns F e rry fo r a couple of TWO LOCAL MEN JOIN tu rn fro m Des Moines, Iowa. $3.00. Miscellaneous awards w ill months, when M is. L ia b le w ill NATIONAL GUARD BATTERY he given fo r other varieties. Best re tu rn to A shland to m ake her (display one va rie ty, 1st $3.00 2nd home. this week that tw o Ashtond ($2.00. men had joined the Ashland Mrs. W illia m H. Ford and N ational Raw F r u it N in e prizes in the parade Sat- G uard B a tte ry th is ! As p a rt o f the class w o rk for I ^ 5 ° £hl dren I'e,urned to Duns- week. They are W illia m Pope oFday were »w arded by judges 3 plates, 5 to plate B arletts, Cornice, D 'A n jous. sum m er school students ln t h e L ' Sunday a fte r spending ten and W alter Green, and b rin g to l ay Ramsay> M rs. B ill McGee, Oregon h isto ry class at Southern I fa>? at h° me of Mrs F ord’s 30 the num ber in the local com- and M r ' Bil1 McGee- F irs t prize Bose. Elbertas, J. H. Hale, K r ü m ­ Oregon College, was the annual I Ne le Burns- pany- was won by Bobby W rig h t who mel, Delicious, G ravensteins, and tre k to Ja cksonville Tuesday L M1Sj »-a r ’ a[ a M cC leary accom- D rills being held by the u n it p o rtrayed an old prospector, “ The other apple varieties, 1st $2.00, one n hundr ,M l^ _ Ann, , P irtle ----- and — Mrs. are classed as technical, being in Desei? Rat’ and his d°8 carried 2nd, $1.50. Best com m ercial pack­ e v e n in ig. g , n A u b n o u u i t uiw u n a r e e a d 1 | — ............................................. _ class members and th e ir fam ilies u , to K.e no ast week fo r a radio, surveying, etc. Special new 3 pack sack and fry in g pan; sec- ed box pears or apples, 1st $5.00, made the jo u rn e y, w hich n v e rl n<>rt vacat »on. (equipm ent is expected soon. ?nd pnze w e n t 10 R ichard B arks- 2nd, $3.50. Raspberries (best tw o the past years, has come to be n n l ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Wh,° rode his p in to horse; cups, 1st $2.00. 2nd, $1.50. S tra w ­ annual a ffa ir. D a K m L a L^ ILh lrd prize was w on by Linda berries (best tw o cups) 1st, $2 00 S m ith w ho was dressed as an old 2nd, $1.50. Tuesday afternoon the mem- fashioned lady and pushed a go- Miscellaneous E x h ib its bers gathered ln the pioneer city, c a rt w ith a dog dressed as a Best dozen eggs, best onc-lb. und as p a rt o f th e ir class w ork, baby; fo u rth prize was captured comb honey, best half-poun d a l­ firs t w ent through the museum by M etha Hansen, w ho was monds, 1st $1.50, 2nd, $1.00. in Jacksonville, v ie ex- I A shland Rebekahs and hihHo « I J w in " g - the — — Odd izations w ill give a jo in t lnstal-¡dressed in a black and gold tap blbite o f pioneer days. The mus-1 Fellow s In sta lla tio n team are C om m ercial costume, and paraded w ith her b u !? d l« ht a ’¿ ‘ ¿ " „ 'v m , 0" 1 b" n k l ,<,urlng m a jo r share o f Jack- la tio n at Gold H ill. A w ards w ill be the same to There are five lodges ln the D a lm a tia n dog; fifth prize was . i son county this year as they have county and each takes Its tu rn , I w on by Eddie Osgood and M ar- com m ercial growers as non-com ­ m ercial. Separate aw ards w ill be museu^T ^ h inf,ppct,nn of »he been selected to In sta ll officers once every fiv e years, in fu rn is h - v in G ardner, w ho entered a H ir­ made to com m ercial g ro w e r e x ­ r i the e n tire p a rty went in the lodges o f this d is tric t b» the B r itt home, where Peter This honor Is shared each year ing an in s ta lla tio n team d u rin g »e rid in g on a decorated skate hibits. This applies to F lo ra l only B ilt t pioneer photographer m ain by the lodge w ho has as a mem- the tim e a m em ber of that lodge flo a t; s ix th prize w e n t to F ra n k- and on any other e xh ib its, com- holds the o ffice o f D is tric t Depu- lm Townsend, w ho had a cos-1 mercal o r n o n c o m m e r c ia l t.iined a studio. A son o f the her the d is tric t deputy grand ty G rand Master. [turned k itte n in a decorated m ar- be treated alike. P a r ,y d a y p ,?oto«ra p her s till lives master. This year. Ashland Odd D u rin g the In sta lla tio n cere- ket basket;; seventh prize went n the old home, and keeps in- F ellow 's member, George W monies the lades of the Rebekah p ° V iv ia n Stevenson, w ho had the D r. and Mrs. E. P. Borden, re­ l. y jt the studio w ith Its m any N ichols, Jr., is the D is tric t Dep- order w ear w h ite dresses and novel e n try o f a magpie in a turned to th e ir home at 167 H ar enmeras. backdrops, etc., and u ty G rand Master. M rs Nichols cage m ounted on a wagon; eighth rison street last Thursday, a fte r w ith one o f the largest collect- is sharing the honors this year m atching corsages. Am ong the members of th e |P rize was taken by W y lin Reigel, spending tw o weeks in P o rtla n d ,n;s. ° ' tln typcs, daguerretypes, w ith her husband as she Is Dis- of the pioneers of Southern Ore- tr lc t D eputy Rebekah president team are: G rand M arshalls, Da- w ho had tw o w h ite rabbits in a and Oregon C ity o f th e ir annual vid Lindsay and M y rtle M avber- c lo v e r-fille d cart; and n in th prize vacation. D r. Borden is m in is te r g A a b ' k o u t ♦ e 6.30 /™ te a ?,C ,hp schedule ll e o f those m a k in g !te a P m a rt Is of going through w hich can the be ry ; Escorts E m il Kroeger, C arl was w on by Bea and John Ras- o f the C ongregational church. th e to u r n e y .14 ,e e n hv th e sc h e d u le fo r th e n-oc Berninghousen, Lu ra A p p le w h ite mussen w ith three puppies in a M r. and Mrs. Jpc3e V a il and Poqson and V iv ia n Dal-1 decorated wagon. fn m iiv io M edford last j the r n™ e ' n ..JacksonvlI1i5- now em tw o weeks. Last Wednesday « . « - -c,aa*cd thv-u ¡y-’ Cck w heie they w ill m ake th e ir the Grange hall, w here a b o u n te -ln lg h t the u n it was at C entral and Hazel N e ff; G rand Wardens sound tru c k fo r m usic and a n - 1 home, I ous1 picnic d in n e r was held, com-1 P oint; F rid a y n ig h t at Jackson- F ra n k Mannes and Celia A. Ber- nouncemente to lead the parade. M r. and Mrs. N eil F. S w a rth - plete w ith sandwiches, salads,I v llle ,and Tuesday n ig h t the Odd nlnghousen; G rand Treasurers, and pictures o f the parade were out, w ho have been house guest coffee, Ice cream and cake. As a 1 F ellow s team Its e lf was in Med- Claude C la rk and Lona Dam er- donated by M em ory Lane S tu ­ o f M r. and Mrs. Iv o r E rw in d u r ­ special surprise to D r. A r th u r !fo r d . on; G rand Chaplains, H a rry dio. Free Ice cream bars were ing the recent holidays, le ft this 1 c i ^ " ' ’ profcssor o f h isto ry at Thursday, J u ly 15, the mem- 270 East M ain Phone 8011 Moore and A lic e G ow land; G rand given each one in the parade week fo r Dallas, Texas, to v is it ' .4 . u ig Cake’ su lta b ,y in scrlb- bers o f the team w ill participate Guardians, C arl D alkenberg and w ith the com plim ents o f aton s e«l w ith his name was u n v e ile d .. in a jo in t instalatlon n Ashland, H a ttie Moore, and M usician, Lois Garade, O’Bleness Pontiac deal­ relatives. Mrs. S w a rth o u t w ill be rem em bered as Miss M arlalee The party broke up about 7:30. | and Tuesday, Ju ly 20, the organ- Windsor, Talent War Hero Remains Returned For Burial Here School Board Views Requests For Coaching Job Hazel J. Moser Dies In Ashland Friday Civic Music Ass’n Lists Fall Concerts Held Saturday Eve I " Olwllv LflSI S. 0. C. History Classes Journey To Jacksonville Week Adjudged lAnother Success J1.1J V II v neDeK