V. ot o Lib Tory Other News brum Other Places M M m J h 0 4 EC P U 1 11 S HIE It s' -t A >P E R )i a r I o I NEWS REVIEW Y ieku ■ 'sklents m t' prep arin g lor u big tl.n e J u n e 24 to 27 w hen (he unnuul Gold R ush duys get u n d erw ay ; to add to the e x c ite ­ ASHLAND, JACKSON CO U N TY , OREGON m ent, A it C runer, m anager of J.00 PER YEAH the celeb ration, this w eek te n ­ d ered hl* resignation, saying In p a rt th a t c e rtain Y ieku Interest* h it th at his presence was d e tri­ m ental Io th eir Interests. N eedless to suy the show will go on . . . Deer m the rugged m ountain last nesses of the S lsklyous are b e­ ing h. d salt in O peration S alt I,irk. The Division of Fish und G am e is d ro p ping a q u a rte r ton Phoenix, June 23 — Phoenix of suit along H ighw ay 99 and the C om m ittee m em bers who are p rep arin g fo t the Ju ly 3, 4, and Thursday club members met to­ S o u th ern Pacific railroad lor the 5th celeb ratio n in A shland have been spending several hours a day day at the home of Mrs. Jess Wil­ b enefit of the deer. T he salt d u rin g tiie past week m aking prep aratio n s for the th ree -d ay c e le b ra ­ son. Hostess for the meeting was bom bs are d ro p p ed by plane in tion w hich is expected will a ttra c t visitors from all tow ns in S o u th ­ Mrs. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. aiea s aw uy from the ta ils and ern O regon and N orthern C alifornia. William Kyker. A covered dish H enry Enders is general ch airm an of the th ree day a ffair w hich luncheon was served. rouds in o rd er to lure the del*!' from th e steel rails und the hig h ­ will get off to a p re-festival s ta rt F riday n ig h t w hen the L u m b er way, w h ere they often g ath er to Mills Incorporated softball team lick salt d rip p in g s from re frig ­ m eets the H arlem G hosts, fam ed e rated tru ck s and freight cars. clow ns of the softball diam ond. N inety w ere killed last yeur b e ­ S uturduy will be M erchant*' cause they used the thorofare* b arg ain duy in A shland and to Mrs. Ned Barraclough, Medford lor suit licks . . . At C oquille the gave a dinner on Fathers Day, top off the day th ere will ire u Phoenix, June 23 — Plans for e n tire rem ain ing c ra n b e rry crop in honor of her husband and also the Phoenix Home Extension un­ W ater C arnival at Tw in P lunge of last y ear has been sold and for her sister, Mrs. Tony Coy of shipped. It am ounted to m ore at 7:30 und a dance and beauty Bend, Oregon, whose birthday its picnic In Litha park, Ashland, contest at the A rm ory beginning Sunday are practically completed th an four cars, und the m unuger fell on the same date. members who plan to attend are ol the C ran b e rry association, Ed at 8:30. C ay H ufm un of the A sh­ land S oroptim ists Is in charge of Guests Included Mr. and Mrs. being asked to bring a picnic Hughes, announces th at the cun n ery will soon begin processing th e dance and Mrs. W illiam Barraclough and infant son, Ter­ lunch and table service for thei. b lu eb erries and o th er types of H am pton is in ch arg e of the ry Ross, Mrs. Tony Coy and her own families. The picnic will begin at 12:00 O regon b erries . . . T he giant beau ty contest and coronation of daughter, Dee Ann, and the host­ ess' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross noon. Any members who need redw oods along the K lam ath l i v ­ th e queen. S u n d ay the F ourth will see Barden and daughters, Miss Jean transportation are requested to be e r w ere used for film ing som e of at the Phoenix postoffice at 11:30. th e scene* In ‘‘G reen D olphin several fum lly groups ph-nickng and Sharon of 556 B. street. T hey rep resen ted th c,» n . th