U, A * Jr. High School To Graduate 124 Friday Morning 4 *ZZte g o u U t& U t ô i f O s t U R f C,O0N ufi S I P U I LI S Hie is ' 4 4SÚ PER IATIOI N miiich of tlw gi.idua tlrg d a : j of A.shlund Ju n io r high w ere re leased totluy by Joseph I,. Fader, P rin cip al oi the .Iona» U g h J.00 PER YEAR school. Common« cm ent will be held 10:00 F riday m orning in t i e Jtin lor High gym w here 124 ninth g u id e .Indent:, will r< ceivi t i l t h diplom as, the l.o.;est gi aduutlhg class In J u n io r High history. 'I'be l{ev e'(iii| It. A. B uskins will give tin Invocation and Ben ediction. A rt'.in (is 'i,u id e r Is Sal ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON Thursday, May 27, 194K Nine Girls Sign For Miss Ashland Beauty Contest u ta to rla .i lo r the vlas Hill is Vali ill< tin ¡an and Anne NEWS REVIEW Williams Files T he fo llo w in g s tu d e n t, a ie p r i- O» ÀAà^Àfcùj. r ^ \ V«..— •- F o rm e rly the Southorn Oroqoa M inor S3.00 per year Volume I j , Num ber 12 Lithians To Sunday Play |C ' t y T ° P a u S e M o n d a y Roseburg 8 ’ To Honor War Dead TRI-CITY TROUNCED BY LITHIANS LAST SUNDAY The Ashland Lthians, nov/ h c’ d- lng second position in tire S outh­ ern Oregon league, w it' play Roseburg this Sunday afic-rnoon at 2 p.m. at F uller Field, W ight- man stieet The opponents iro n . Roseburg now hold tw o victories and three loses, one o f w hich was to the T ri-C ity club w hlcn suffered a 9-1 defeat at the hands o f the L ith ia n s in last Sundays game. W it.i p itch e r Tex G a tlin In good form last Sunday, the T ri- C ity C lub got only three hits in the game and managed to score once in the s ixth Inning. H o w ­ ever, G a tlin was backed w ith some excellent in fie ld playing and it the end the L it i len: had only tw o errors. SHORT SCORE F. R H Ashland 2 14 T ri-C ity 1 19 3 COMMITTEE SEEKING ADDITIONAL TALENT U à Warehouse Is Under Construction at M-W KROEGER IS GENERAL CHAIRMAN OF PROGRAM Misses G lo n a n H ow ard, B a r­ M onday w ill be the day when tlc lp a tin g in the g rtoiuatinn e x ­ bara M cC lary, B etty Jean H art- ercises: A shland pauses to honor its w ar C onstruction of a warehouse, P a tric ia B a ile y , P a til 1,1 D ian sock, P o lly H o ffard, A nn P irtle , dead according to E m il B. K r o t- 42x24 fe?t, is presently in p io - Bellah, Lenore Brow n, Hear no L u c ille llu la n d e r, Eugenia Moore, ger, general chairm an of the A m ­ A u try , and M argery gress at the rear of the M arsnall Brownlee, Janet Cam pbell, Bob­ B everly N ew ton have signed contracts to W ells store. Fred T a ylo r, ov’n t r erican Legion com m ittee w hich Is bie C allaw ay, Delores r 'h lld c s, of the b u il lin g , 1.« having the handlin g M em orial Day cerem on­ Dorothea Coe, T e rry Cof I 1 e, appear In the ‘‘Miss A sh la n d ” beauty pageunt, w hich w ill be w ork done by Pennegar and W at­ ies. M ary Anne Crews, Janet C01 » staged J u ly 2, in the Ashland kins. Carol Ebnother, W ilm a A nn De Legionnaires have been asked A rm o ry. A n y other g irls w ishing The b u ild in g w ill be used as a to assemble at 8:45 a.m. at the Laney, warehouse, according to Hugh Legion H all, K roeger said. M ili­ Ethel Green, Rita Golden, Dai to appear in this contest ca r s lg ' M cKeever, p a rtn e r of E ld o n ta ry u n ifo rm w ill be the order of lerie H ickm an, E dith B ile, Ann« a contract at the C ham ber of S cripter's in the M arshall Wells the day. B ill, M ary H illb e rry , Jean House­ Commerce office at any tim e, ac­ store. holder, Rachel Carothers, lane cording to Mrs. B etty H am pton, The com m em oratio n c e r e- Howard, Juanita H ow ell, P atricia chairm an, of the contest. Tom W illia m *. Southern P aci­ m ony w ill begin w ith Legion A ll g irls who have sig n ifie d Im el, Colleen K rin o c k , Ilia Le fic conductor, who re ce n tly an­ m em orial services w hich w ill be th e ir in te n tio n of entering the B run, held at 9:00 a.m. at the M em or­ nounced h i* in te n tio n to ru n for Bernelce Mayhen, B illie J?an contest and a ll g ills w ho are in ­ ial Rock in L ith ia Park. M eM orris, A lin e Medlock, Pearl terested In entering are asked to M ayor of tha c ity of Ashland, f i l ­ A t 9:45 a.m. the P a trio tic units me M edlock, B illy Barger, Flora come to a m eeting Tuesday even­ ed fo r the position Wednesday. of the Parade w ill gather in the ing at 8:00 at the C ham ber of M erw in, V iola M erw in, Poebe W illia m * is the firs t candidate to Plaza at the c ity h a ll, and the M ille r, Ruth M itchell, D 'Anne Commerce o ffice according to m ake h i* position o ffic ia l. Parade w ill fo rm a t 10:00 a.m. Mrs. Ham pton. Neeley. fo r the m arch to the A shland “ Miss A s h la n d " and her court Recognition night fo r «J l me n cem etery on East M ain street. Roanna Peters, Fawn Phelps. w ill reign d u rin g the three-day j bers of the K iw a n is - Y.M .C.A Fei n Phelps, Wenona P rettym an, Cars w ill be available at the B oxing ?1 .0 was held in the So­ C ity h a ll fo r the aged o r in fir m Bonita Ramp, Rose M ary Ross, F ourth of J u ly contest. She w ill also represent Ashland In the cial rooms at the Y.M .C.A. B u ild ­ Ruby Sherman, Janet Schneldler, veterans w ho are unable to m ake By C. V. Richardson, M gr. ¡th e annual ro d e o o n t h e i r W ilm a A udrey Schuster, P atricia "M iss O regon” contest at Seaside. It w ould appear that the Cham-1 grounds north of Ashland. C ll ing Wednesday evening, M ay 26. the march. Cham ber of Commerce m em ­ The program included the p re ­ Sollee, B etty Speece. L in e o f M arch w ill be as fo l­ ber o f Commerce w ill go on re -¡m a x in g the festive occasion w ill sentation of G old Gloves to the low s: 1, C olor and color guards; Rosemary Stevenson, ( ja il T a y ­ bers are being asked to sponsor cord fa vo rin g the over a ll plan of be the aerial display of fire w o rk s club members w in n in g the i r lor, Bernelce Therres, Dia n e the young ladles In the contest. the Bureau of R eclam ation fo r w hich Is like w h ip cream topping bouts in the recent B oxing Show: 2, A shland M u n icip a l band; 3, T ucker, M ild re d Z ittercnb, M a u r­ These sponsors w ill be announc­ Spanish A m erican W ar Veterans; developing the Rogue R ive r Has- an apple pie. the show ing of several reels of 4, A m erican Legion Post No. 14; een Richardson, Norm a Kulpnca,, ed next week. in. L ik e ly members w ould s till be ★ ★ ★ sports movies and lig h t re fre sh ­ 5. Veterans o f Foreign W ars; 6, M a rjo rie M orrison, Juanita Buck, siding w ith various factions ex­ In the ve ry near fu tu re the ments. Nina Tanner, S tanley Adams, Ed­ O ther veterans; 7, A m erican Leg­ cept fo r reports made in b rie f by chamber ______ __________...^ w ill have the ______ e ntire H,.,- pro- A delegation of fo u r or fiv e die A llen, Kenneth Ashcraft, the fo llo w in g men who pressed gram printed and available fo r boys from the C entral P oint B o x ­ ion a u x ilia ry ;; 8, Veterans of Robert A shcraft, E ler y N e i l Foreign W ars a u x ilia ry ; 9, Boy S lxtyone theatre?! were m erg- home so w e ll the p oint th a t thè circulation. I f you have friends ing club were present to receive Baird, Jr., R ichard Barnett, Kent Scouts o f A m erica; 10, Cub inadequacy of w ater is costing or relatives who w ould enjoy a cd In a deal consumated last the club boxing tro p h y w on by scouts 11, Cam p F ire G irls ; and Bayne, Sain Bell. tham and a ll concerned in the holiday w hy not suggest a v is it to week when George M ann and C entral P oint in the recent South 12, other p a trio tic organizations. Richard Brush, Frank C arter. va lle y a considerable am ount of our fin e co m m u n ity d u rin g the ern Oregon B oxing C ham pion­ John C lark, G ary C row, Bob C ul- Robert L. L ip p e rt, announced A t the cem etery F ra n k Van money annually. R obert Kent, fo u rth weekend. These schedules ships. lop, Ben Dawson, Dale Dleckm an that th e ir tw o circu its had com ­ D yke, state representative, w ill Secretary-m anager of the T alent w ill be available fo r m a ilin g and Honored guests of the evening m ake a p a trio tic address. The J e rry E llio tt, Ernest Engstrom, bined Irrig a tio n D is tric t, Hom er Moore, you m ay act as a com m ittee of L ip p e rt is ow ner o f the V a rsity w ere several members of the A shland M u n icip a l band w ill Robert Frazier, Herm an Ghea. President o f the board o f that one to push A shland’s annual A shland K iw a n is C lub; John play, the Rev. E arl F. D ow ning Norm an Gould. Jim Grossman. and L ith ia theatre's in Ashland, w hich are operated by Jameson organization, Stephen Nye, p ro­ celebration. D ick H all Cherney, in s tru c to r fo r the A sh ­ w ill give an Invocation and the m in e n t orchardist and packer; land C lub; M o rris Le Rue of the Rev. Robert M c llve n n a w ill give Wade H am den, James House, Selleck. He also owns theatres in A. R. M ottner, fo rm e r th e a tr^ Jim W arren, d a irym a n ; D. M. C entral P oint C lub, and re p re ­ the benediction. F lo ra l trib u te s J e rry Langer, Wayne L e m lly . Iv M edford, Yreka, Weed, Sacramen m anager In Ashland, is in tow n Lowe, farm er; a id Chase G a rd ­ sentatives fro m the Board of D ir ­ w ill be given by the members of an Levison, Donald M aeW hlrter to. Mann's houses Include ones in this week, to dispose o f his home ener, orchardlst; gave facts K '.he ectors of the A shland Y.M .C.A. the D aughters of- th e A m erican Robert Madden, Frances May- K la m a th Falls, Eureka, M a rys­ cham ber audience that were con­ here. H e came dow n from Sand­ v ille , A rcata, Fort Bragg, and R eceiving Gold Gloves were the R evolution, D aughters of U nion fie ld , W alter McCloud, H enry clusive that more w ater is need­ point, Idaho where he is at pre­ Healdsburg. Metz, J e rry Michael. fo llo w in g members o f the A s h ­ Veterans, the W omen's R elief sent, b u ild in g a m odern tourist ed. land B oxing C lu b : H ughie S m ith, Corps, the A m erican re g io n a u x- Richard M ichael W inston M 't- Legion aux- park and motel. He plans to re ­ H ig h lig h tin g these facts was Mrs. H erm an Sommers h a s chell, Leroy M<>ore, L a rry M o r­ A le x A ustin, Wayne South, J o h n |ilia r y , and other p a trio tic groups tu rn to Sandpoint in a few days, been v is itin g her daughter, M arie the com parison made by Stephen C herny Jr., James C herny, C h a r-'a n d th e ir a u x ilia ry s . gan, H u rry Nichelson. Douglas Nye o f the va lley's fr u it yie ld per and w ill move his fa m ily there A bbott, G rid le y, C alifornia. Oakley. les Rensfield, H arvey Sorenson, Lin co ln 's 'G e ttysb u rg Address, on his return. -------------o------------- acre to that of the Hood R iver John Sm ith, G ary Monson and w ill also be g iven d u rin g the p ro ­ Robert O der. W infred O liver, Eldon S c rip te r and Ra 1 p h d is tric t. One grow er had attained Robert Cherney. A r th u r O strander, Peter Polk, gram. "H o o v e r" Beach, were fishing In 1350 packed boxes per acre in MRS. PITTS ENTERTAINS Lee Rice, R ichard Roach, H o w ­ Members of the C entral P oint M embers o f the D AR , D U V , the Piospect area Sunday. the la tte r area to the average of MISSIONARY CIRCLE ard Roberts, club receiving G old Gloves w ill and WRC w ill meet at the Ash- about 350 packed boxes per acre The Judson M issionary C ircle include the fo llo w in g boys: D ick land cem etery, East M a in street Gene Ross, Cm I Simpson, R ic h ­ H a rry Reuben is b u ild in g a here in the Rogue V alley. This m et at the home of Mrs. C. A. A tkin s, B yron C arter, Dale Od- entrance d u rin g the parade. ard S m ith, Boh Sm ith, I atrh* Sol new home in the 600 block on vast ----- - difference . . . „ . „ . . „ s is „»»»«umeu a ttrib u te d iu to um and John Bruce lee, Richard Vqtd, l'ed W eitzel. In case of in cle m e n t w eather, A shland street. Kroeger and L a h r an abundance of Irrig a tio n w ater P itts last week fo r its regular —o W a /n e W iley, Keenetn W 'lk ir.- K roeger said, the cerem ony w ill social m eeting and a covered are the c o n tra c to rs . A ccording in the n o rth e rn d is tric t, M r. and Mrs. W. B. N o rtrid g e be held at the Jr. H ig h school son, Ted W illo u g h b y, M o n ty to E m il Kroeger the style o il it i t it dish luncheon, w ith 24 present. have returned fro m a trip to San gym nasium . W ray, Lester Z im m e r he, Churle.« heating w ill be d iffe re n t in R eu-I F rid a y nite, J u ly 2, in the Ash- W o rk was started on used Francisco. R elim en, Thad Co' man St« seen ben's house Inasmuch as a s e lf! land A rm o ry the in itia l event of Ed Singm aster, president o f clo th in g and layettes fo r Europe, Lanin.ivich. the A shland C ham ber of Com ­ contained w a ll type gas furnace the fo u r day jam boree w ill be under the direction of W hite Miss K athleen S m y th , Miss Is being installed. the Miss A shland Pageant. A t Cross C hairm an, Mrs. D ella B ra y ­ Nana C a h ill, and Less G rant ac­ merce, stated th a t the board of Mrs. Edw ard Heath w ho has directors o f the C ham ber had re ­ this arly are already? mer. — e ------ u i c date u u c a there u j com panied the n in th grade of quested th a t a ll m erchants in the been v is itin g w ith her son, Dale M r. and Mrs. C. B. Jones, San fig h t lo ve ly contestants w ho w in the Ashland J u n io r high school Devotions were led by Mrs. in K la m a th Falls returned to her c ity rem ain closed fo r the holid a y Francisco C a lifo rn ia , spent the lik e ly be augmented by another H enry S. M cNair. to Jackson Hot Springs last Tues home on Beach street this week. M onday. day fo r a sw im and picnic. weekend w ith M r. Jones' sister, seven g irls w ho w ill present a Mrs. A. M. Peters sang tw o Mrs. Edna L o rin g of Beach Members of the Ashland F ifth and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. fin e evening of entertainm ent. solos. street, expects to leave M onday and S ix th grades had sw im m in g and sm all son, E arl Rav. Ashland, ill G ' lelm by J ......... ....... . They •••'■ J were — . . . J joined U .l.lU M M w M ★ ★ it fo r Southern C a lifo rn ia to v is it W s. R. C. Webster, social parties at H elm an’s baths this on a tr ip to C ra te r Lake last Mrs. G lelm and her son and fam - S aturday n ig h t a Queen's B all is chairm an Was in charge of the week. Sunday. w ith her m other. lly , M r. and Mrs. Ray B levins scheduled If suitable fa cilitie s program and gave a “ T a lk on our D r. P. E. Thomas spent the may be found in w hich to hold it. M ission w o rk in In d ia ," and con­ weekend w ith his w ife and fa m ­ Sunday the Ashland L ith ia n s w ill ducted a B ib le quiz. ily at Yoncalla, Oregon. meet the Sheney Studs of C entral The next regular business m eet­ Mrs. Ralph Foster o f A shland P oint on the local field. Monday ing is tp be at the home o f Mrs. attended the G eneral Federation m o rn in g w ill be the tim e fo r the D e lb e rt Loree, 174 B. St., w ith o f W omen’s Clubs in P o rtla n d big parade w ith the Ashland Rid-1 Mrs. Jean Carder co-hostess, June this week. She also visite d her ing Association presenting its s ix - 1 3, 1948 at 1:30. K la m a th Junction, M ay 25— daughter and husband, M r. and V a lle yvie w , May 26— Sunday, Sunday evening the K la m a th Mrs. Robt. H orning. M ay 23, the V a lle yvie w residence 1 Junction cafe was broken in to M r. and Mrs. Don M a rtin , M ed­ o f Roy W illia m s burnt, uncheck­ and $56.00 and a Germ an re v o l­ ford were Sunday guests of his ed to the ground. Since the p ro ­ This ver were stolen. State police are brother, M r. and Mrs. Geo. M a r­ p e rty owners in the d istricts such checking the case. tin , Beach street. : TH E DESERT SONG— as V a lle y v ie w , w hich lie outside The in tru d e r or in tru d e rs g a in ­ Rom berg’s famous m usi­ the ju ris d ic tio n of the F ire De­ ed e n try into the cafe by rem ov­ cal w ith members of New partm ents of th e ir nearest In co r­ ing a w indow screen and b reak­ Y o rk cast: C arlisle - E v ­ porated cities, do not have ru ra l ing out the w in d o w glass a t the a n -K n ig h t, etc. F ire d istricts, they do not have fro n t of the cafe. M r. and Mrs. The Teen Age C lub of Ashland, s u ffic ie n t fire fig h tin g equipm ent C arl Moore own and operate the sponsored by the C ity Recreation S U IT E ’N ’S W IN G — w ith w hich to e ffe ctive ly combat establishm ent. ! Com m ittee, w ill have its form al G re lg ’s Peer G y n t Suite fire . t " I » , , opening in the Ju n io r H igh gym - styled In a S w ing version A ccording to A ssistant F ire by H enri Rene and his I nasium on M ay 29. chief, H a rry D. M cN air, the fire concert Orchestra. j The evening w ill be h ig h lig h t­ was caused by a fused fire cra cke r ed by several local and state dig- w hich had been th ro w n to the N U T C R A C K E R S U IT E — V e n ita n ita r les. A teen age band, consist- From A shland H igh, roof of the W illia m s home. Tschalkovsky's music a- Roberson, pro m in e n t s tu d e n t. o* Ashland and M edford In regard to the danger of fir e ­ dapted to dance tempo by leader, has been selected to go to P a ye rs w ill play and special Freddy M artin. 1 crackers, C hief o f Police C. C. the G ir l’s State M eeting at W il- j events w ill end the evening, W illia m s pointed out the lesson lam ette U n ive rsity, June 14 to 21. I The officers o f the new ly org- to be learned in the fire w h ich CONCERTOS FOR D A N C ­ V arious schools th ro u g h o u t the ' an?ed club are as follow s: presi- burned the W illia m s property. IN G — Such favorites as state w ill send up representatives dent, M ilto n M orrison; vice pre- T h a t this could also happen In G relg piano Concerto; who must show q u a lifica tio n s of sident, M a ry W a terbury; secre­ A shland Is poydble, however, Tschaikovsky's Concerto leadership. The purpose of the ' l a ry Venita Roberson; treasurer, No. 1; R achm aninoff’s No. W illia m s pointed out that the use m eeting is to prom ote dem ocratic N ina Graber. This is the exeeu- 2; Warsaw Concerto, all of fire w o rks o f any kin d w ith in prlnciples and a p ractical w o rk - fiv e council to hold office u n til s lic k ly styled by Freddy the c ity lim its Is p ro h ibited by a ing model of governm ent w here the club is organized and at M a rtin . C ity ordinance and that a ll v io la ­ the fundam entals of good citizen- w h ich tim e an election of per- tors w ould be prosecuted and ship w ill be taught. m anent officers w ill be held. fined according to the courts de­ The above photo indidate* ju s t w hat is in store fo r the customers The program w hich was o u tlin - C hairm an of the senior executive cision. 1 v? , a lte n d (he 40 et 8 production of "S crew balls on the Loose.” ed by D o ro th y M cC olloch Lee, council Is Mrs. Jesse V a il, 1. 'E ve ry year,’ W illia m s c o n tin ­ w h ic h w ill play at the C raterian theatre in »«»edtord, June 2, 3, and 4, o it s t a n d i n e o m m - n m « ,,. outstanding C redit fo r the long-sought club " g ,1g governm ? . u ent tA w o rke r, r. ued, "T he careless use o f fir e ­ according to Col. H arold Jordan com m ander of Ashland A m e rica n £ Legion Post No. 14. The musical comedy is being produced by "Boso” , sponsored by the A m erican goes c h ie fly to Its fir s t president 27(1 East M ain Phone 8011 w o rks has cost m any persons the S ingler. Tickets are on Isale at Thompson's G rocery. Crosby Krause Region A u x ilia r y w ho feel th a t Milton Morrison. It has been H loss o f eyes, hands, and even g I Service station, and by E m il Kroeger. Jake Lahr. H a rry M cN air. the strength of the government liv«?s, and of course, thousands of, K e n M ille r, and O rv il M a ifie ld . Reserved tickets can be obtained depends upon the institutions and through his unceasing efforts Kiwanis-Y.M.C.A. Fighters Given Awards at Dinner Your Chamber of Commerce] Theatre Circuits Merged by Lippert c i assies on Klamath Junction Cafe Is Robbed Williams Residence Burns on Sunday Records SCREWBALLS ON THE LOOSE Weel/ Teen Ag-e Club Plans Completed Venita Roberson to Attend Girl’s State m u r dollars worth of property," ( I from CoL Jordan by calling at t^a Oak »treat garage. ideals of youth. ; that it has finally become an act- I uality.