U. of o. Library. DOING The TOW N V/te £&utlt&ut ô+eçott, » H c fO U s O H , P II B 11 S «(f IS »SÌ ÿi « 11 0 1 NEWS REVIEW J.00 PEH YEAH ASHLAND, JACKS! >N COUN I Y, O REGO N Formerly the Southern Oreqon Miner $3.00 per year I hurtday, April az, 194K Vol. I j, No. 7. An excerpt from Harris Ell»- I Worth's weekly news letter I k C L E A N U P D A Y worthy of inclusion In this week's doing the town. Ellsw orth points out. Among the Shriners who will Peter Rabbit came to life in “The Sub-com m ittee on Hospi­ attend the Spring Cerem onial of Medford last Saturday when talization of the Veteran* Affairs Kerak Temple of Keno at W inne­ m em bers of the Second G rade Com m ittee of the House reported On Saturday morning, April 24 G R IZ Z L IE S PLACE F IR S T mucca this weekend are four my Cam p White Hospital hill IN "B" D IV IS IO N Brownie troop, directed by Mis. Ashland members of Hlllah Tem ­ the F J. Runtz Paint Co. of M ed­ TR A C K M EET 4 SPR IN G favorably to the full comm ittee ple. They include Phil Stansbury, W E. Hulshof and Mrs. Joe Glod- ford will open a branch store in C L E A N U P ARE C O M B IN E D The Ashland Grizzlies romped The hill I k H It 21)71 and is Iden­ Henry Enders, Sam Jordan, and oski presented a skit at the Ashland located in the Dodge to victory Saturday in the B Div­ tical with a hill introduced in Students at Ashland h i g h Herman Mayberry.» Brownie Revel. building at 137 E. Main St. the Senate by Senator Morse. It school put In big days W ednesday The city of W innemucca has ision of the 11th Annual Hay­ Troops from all over Jackson The new store will be under directs the Veteran* Adminlatra*- and Thursday when the annual made preparations to welcome ward Relays in Eugene coming county attended the revel and the m anagement of E. J. Davis, tion to take over the Cutnp White Cam pus day event was held In some 800 Nobles of the O rder of Hospital and use it as a facility conjunction with the second a n ­ the Mystic Shrine. The Shriners away with 68 points over the each troop gave a skit. Eighteen form erly a paint salesman in this for th f dom iciliary care of v et­ nual Lion's club Track and Field are planning to hold a pageant nearest competitor and w inner of Ashland Brownies were present. territory for the Dutch Boy com­ Mothers who attended included: pany. erans. carnival, featuring George Full and parade In the northern Nev­ the '47 relays, Cottage Grove Mrs. R. S. Mays, Mrs. Homer Bis­ F. J. Runtz, principal owner "The House Veterans Affairs erton. form er Ashland high ada city which will rival the be­ with 57 4 points. sell, Mrs. W. E. Polenz, Mrs. Jean of the company, has been in the Committee Is divided into sever­ school athlete. tween the halves perform ance at The broad jum p (individual? Reagan, Mrs. Larry Basey, and paint contracting business in al sub-com m ittees Euch su b ­ the East-W est Shrine football was won by Ken Harker, Cottage Mrs. Robert Dodge. The sophomore boys under the Medford for some years and 3 comm ittee specializes In one p a r­ direction of Marten Yoder p a in t­ game, played every Jan u ary 1 at Grove with a distance of 20 feet years ago opened his Medford ticular division of veterans' leg­ ed the Big A. Royal G ardner a n d ' ^ ‘‘n Fianclaco. 2 4 Inches with Glen Nelson of paint store. islation The Hospital Sub-com ­ the shop boys and G rizzly . Nobles of the Mystic Shrine Ashland second with 19 feet 114 SR. CLASS P L A Y IS JUDGED A SUCCESS Sherm an Hadley, forme r 1 y m ittee, headed by K representa- Knights rebuilt the back tennis will attend from Salt Lake city, inches. Audiences filled the Junior with the General Paint Company, tive Bernard W Kearney of New court fence. Frank O'Neil led the j Boise, Idaho, San Francisco, O ak­ The pole vault (individual) was York, held hearings on the Camp Senior boys in a project to fix land, Sacram ento, Las Vegas, won by Nelson, Ashland vaulting High school gymnasium on Mon­ and now m anager of the Medford day and Tuesday evenings when store is credited with a great deal Whit«1 hill and made a cureful the truck and clean up the foot­ Boulder, and Ashland. 10 feet 3 inches. the Senior class of Ashland High of the foresight and initiative In study of the entire problem. It ball field. The Junior boys under The distance medley was won presented the annual Senior play, opening the branch in Ashland. is the general practice for th<- full the direction of Bob Sheridan by Ashland with Roy G raber, this year entitled “Seven Keys to A prize of four tum blers will com m ittee to accept without cleaned up the area about the Bob LaBlanc. Bill Allen and Don Bald pate”. be given to each adult who visits much question the reports of the Wolff running the distance in tennis courts. Playing to the receptive aud­ the new store after 9 a.m. S a tu r­ sub-committee*. I am hopeful, 14 25. The S°Pbomore boys and the ience were Bud Kincaid, M arilyn day morning and also during the therefore, that the bill will sh o rt­ The javelin throw was won by Bears, M arilyn Miller, Eileen m orning the company will dem ­ ly la- reported to the Floor of Tri Hl club with Giles Green as Jerry Mitchell, Ashland with a Michael, Bob Phillips, Jerry onstrate a rem arkable new line supervisor cleaned up the assem ­ Miss Carm en Bean, daughter of the House. throw of 153 feet 6 inches. bly. Mrs. Blegle took the Span­ Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bean, Ashland I Richardson, Virginia Lutz, Char- of w ater-thinned enamel. "It seems to me that the facts The 440 (4 at 110) was won by lés Eliason, Bill Bissell, Ruedi The Ashland branch will carry ish 1 class and housecleaned was chosen queen of the Gold and the argum ents in favor of Cottage Grove with Ashland Vest, Milton Morrison and Shir- the same lines as the Medford the passage of the Camp White rooms 28, 29, and 22. Miss Louise and Green ball given at D ream ­ placing second. store including paints, varnishes, ley Weitzel. Hospital hill are so compelling Brown and the Rogue News staff land hall in Medford Friday Shotput (three men) was won The play was directed by Jerry enamels, wallpaper, wind o w- thut It should be approved by cleaned room 23 and the P ubli­ night by the M utual Im prove­ by Harold Simmons, Louie L an­ m ent association of the L atter McDougal. Elmer Biegel was shades and window glass. the House without much opposi­ city room. ger and Je rry Randall. Day Saints' church. O ther candi­ electrician and Curtis Vail and as prom pter and make up was Mrs. Hugh Collins and the d e­ tion, but It is well to rem em ber In the spring medley Ashland thut u piece of legislation does bate squad cleaned the trophy dates for the queen honor were placed second wtih Cot t a g e Barbara Gertson were in charge handled by Keith Hopkins, Mick­ of the set. Lela Fay Linn acted ey McKeever and Jean Nichols. not become law until It Is passed case and rooms 23 and 21. The Miss Louise Tenny and Miss Grove taking first. by both house* and signed by the Honor Society with Miss Mary Louise W hiting, Ashland. Ashland placed first in the The queen was selected in a President. The Camp White Hos­ M cLarnen cleaned o ff the top shuttle (at 325, 5 low )),w ith Glen pital bill has a long road yet to lockers and also rooms 31, 32, 33. ceremony which had flower girls Nelson, Charles Adams, and H ar­ presenting each of the candidates Senior girls with Mrs. Sm ith travel." old Simmons entered. And then there's the guy who washed window and swept the with bouquets of daffodils. The Final team standings were: candidate who found a gold star tennis courts. Mrs. Sheridan and started u skunk farm so the gov­ Ashland 68, Cottage Grove 5 7 4 , ernm ent would keeps its nose out the Ju n io r girls prepared lunch in her bouquet was crow ned Marshfield 25, Molalla 17, Red­ queen. for the school. of his business. Among the flower girls were mond 15, Coiumbla Prep 134, Miss Dorothy U nderkolfer and Priscilla Nielson, Ruth Bean, and, Seaside 13. Hood River 114, Uni- the Sophom ore girls cleaned the I versity High (Eugene) 104, New- Dennis Barnes, Ashland. girls dressing room, the gym nas­ I port 10. Forest Grove 4. Junction ium stage, and the gym walls. ! City, Sweet Home and Scappose OK CAFE S C H ED U LE IS Mrs. Edith Good and the Trl- Hi-Y cleaned rooms 1 and 2 and C H A N G E D T H IS W EEK The OK Cafe, which has been The public library has, w ithin the chem istry lab. dosing on Tuesdays, has adopted TALENT LIONS CLUB The Hi-Y boys under the d ir ­ the last few months, received a new schedule. A fter May sec« , ^TRAVELS TO GOLD HILL ection of laiuls Langer pie pa red m em orial book gifts In honor of ond, the cafe will be open every* The regular meeting of the Mrs. Homer Billings, Mr. John the pits and equipm ent for weln- day except Sunday. j Lions, scheduled for Thursday, W Mills, Sr., Mrs. E. V C arter, er roasting. Ed Beare and the Jr. ------------------------------------------------ ' April 22, was postponed and all L etterm en worked on the road­ and Mr. Jackson Gyger. 1 m em bers who could journeyed to way behind the school. Curtis neatly. Gold Hill to attend the Presenta- Memorials, in the form of Vail and the boys from the cast Though it rained somewhat books placed In the public lib r­ of "Seven Keys to B aldpate” took 1 during the day no spirits were tion of C harter ceremonies of the Gold Hill Club. The C harter i ary, are recognized as suitable down the play set and stored i t . dampened. night of the Talent Club will be and lasting rem em brances. This held on the evening of May 15. m ethod of cherishing the memory of friends or loved ones benefits m any people besides giving com ­ main floor Is largely taken up by fort to the im m ediate family. the sanctuary, and the balcony Books of this designation are contains a class room. m arked with a suitable pictor­ Heating throughout is electri­ ial book plate, which Is inscrib­ Ceremonies m arking the 50th anniversary of the First Church of cal and was furnished by Valley ed with the name of the p e r­ C hrist will be held this coming Sunday at the new stru ctu re at 249 Refrigeration. M aterials for the son in whose memory the book Is B street, according to M rs.'Jess Hili, who is in charge of the program. construction were obtained from >n,Sh/ ^ b€^an the Hourine treatment to pre- Special events on the program will include the Prelude by Miss given, and the names of the per­ Bosshard lumber, Ashland lum-«▼•nt tooth decay which has been ^om m endX 7 Pr* ' sons or organization m aking the Phyllis Rae Downing, two v i o l i n ------------------------------------------------ ber. Bellview lumber, Copeland , Dental Association. In the picture above Dr William F American solos by Harlalee Wilson, a song house, and the C hautaqua build­ yards, Porter lumber, Pine Mt. 'a p p ly in g a flourine solution to the teeth of 'M iss M ary’ W a te rb J r^ gift. Selection of the bonks Is made by either mem bers of the by the Grils sextet, the A nniver­ ing. In 1900 the first church build lum ber company and Taylor lum- j ancl ls be ,n 9 assisted by M|ss Jackie Lowe. _______ ___ _____ family, the donor, or the lib ra r­ sary prayer by the Rev. Earl ing was built on the site where ber mill. Planing of the unfinish- J Downing, the main address by the present one now stands A ians. ed lum ber was done by Mistletoe Dentists in Ashland may be by proper treating and filling Prof. Wm. Siefke, a solo by Ray­ wing was added to this building Planing mill, Fountain mill, and cutting their own throats but this: prior to the fluorination treat- mond Renzema, the history of Jean E berhart is aiding the In 1926, and it was these two Fir Milling and Planing. Pumice last month they took a chance ment. Local dentists pointed out Cam pfire girls by giving safety the church by Mrs. Jess Hill, and structures which burned. block was obtained from Build­ anyhow and started treating a song by the mail quartet. lessons. The new church, w here the an­ e r’s Supply company. Plum bing children's teeth w ith a fluorine th a t the fluorine will not stop de­ The anniversary services are niversary services will be held, cay that is laready present, it will was by Speece and sons. solution to prevent future tooth only aid in preventing future de­ being held in the newly erected has been under construction for The block work was done by decay. cay. the p a st two years. It is a pumice E. L. Gordon. Charles Martin. I For several years experim ents A complete oral prophylaxis or block building, 45x90, with a and Harold Martin. Heavy con­ have been carried out by the basem ent, m ain floor and a bal­ struction was supervised by J e r ­ State Dental association and the cleaning of the teeth is done cony. ry Sleppy. Am erican Dental association to just prior to the treatm ent in o r­ The basem ent will be, used for Excavating was done by the develop a means by which fluor­ der that the fluorine will pene­ social gatherings and classes. The Tru Mix Concrete company, and ine could be incorporated into the trate to all coiners of the teeth. cem ent was from Lininger and body so that it would unite with A rubber dam is then applied to sons. Acme Roofing did the roof the tooth structure and reduce wall of the rest of the mouth from the teeth and the fluorine is work and the finish work in the decay. RADIO BROADCAST either applied with a cotton swab building was supervised by J A. First indication that fluorine Putman. SCHEDULE prevented tooth decay was when or sprayed on the teeth with an H ardw are supplies and paint dentists noticed that people from atomizer. Each tooth m ust be fluorinated for the new building were fu rn ­ areas of the country w here there Friday, A pril 23 four times at intervals of from ished by Simpson Hardware, was a high fluorine content in the 9:05 a.m.-9:30 a.m. four days to one week in order M arshall Wells store, H ardy’s i w ater had little or no tooth de­ 1:30 p. m-3:30 p.m. hardw are. Ashland General hard- I cay. Certain areas in Texas, Col- to complete the treatm ent. 8:00 p.m,-9:15 p.m. ware, and Imel's Paint store. I orado, and Oregon had a particu­ Treatm ents can start when a c h u rc h 'w h ic h was built on th e ' larly high fluorine content in the child is three years old and con­ Saturday. A pril 24 site of the old church which bur- w ater being used and residents tinue until all baby and adult ned in Septem ber, 1946. 10:40 a.m.-12:00 of those regions had a m inimum teeth are fluorinated. The Church of C hrist originat- , of tooth decay. 1:15 p. m.-2.15 p.m. Ashland dentists warned again­ ed in Ashland, April 3, 1898 From a study of the w ater in st taking fluorine in pills or as 8:00 p.m. to conclusion when Evangelist J. B. Lister be­ J those areas and from the results troches as they have been found gan a series of m eetings in the of several years experim entation to be useless and may be danger­ Through the co-operation of C hautauqua building for people it was discovered th at a 2% sol­ ous. KWIN, the Mart is sponsoring interested in founding a new ution of sodium fluoride when Fluorination of the w ater sup­ these broadcasts to devote ev ­ Testam ent church. On Tuesday properly applied directly to the ply which has been suggested is evening, April 19 the Christian ery available radio hour these teeth reduced decay 40 to 50%. still in the experim ental stages church of Ashland was organized two days to the Music Festival Jackson county dentists atten d ­ though some day some authori­ w ith 32 members. ed a schooling session on how to ties believe that entire cities will at Southern Oregon College. This coming Sunday, 50 years apply sodium fluoride solution in be free from tooth decay because Ashland Is proud of its High later the present m em bers of the Medford the first of April. The of the addition of proper amounts church are planning to celebrate School band and so arc wc nt process is com paratively simple, of fluorine to the drinking water. the passage of the first 50 years. however, preparation of the teeth The dentists have pointed out The first m inister was J. Tout. before the fluorination m ust be th at although fluorination of I Tw o mem bers of the group who exact and carefully carried out teeth is very effective it does not I signed the charter are known to so that m aximum benefits are ac­ insure that teeth are imm une to be living, they are: A rthur Ble­ complished. decay. Proper diet and oral hy vins and Beulah Caldwell. The first step in the process ac­ giene are continually necessary. During the first two years the Y*ars ago this m onth the Church of C hrist was founded in cording to dentists who attended The treatm ent can be given to 270 East Main Phone 8011 chuich was in existence the con- Ashland and two years later, in 1900 the first portion of the old the school ------------ is to X -_rf -ray — all _____ teeth ... to adults but so far the m ajority of giegation m et at various places church was built. The photo shows how it looked at that tihe. The determ ine the extent of any pre- treatm ents have been done on including the City hall, the Opera naw church, which ha* just ^ean computed, is shown above, le f t sent decay, this is then corrected children’s teeth. High School Gets Spring Cleaning Four Local Shriners I Off To Winnemucca Track Team Wins Hayward Relays Ashland Brownies Present Rabbit Skit F, J. Runtz Opens Ashland Branch Carmen Bean Is G & G Ball Queen Dentists Begin Using Fluorine To Help Prevent Decay In Teeth Library Receives Books As Gifts Church of Christ Congregation Plan 50th Anniversary Ceremony M usic Fest IVd MA I T