t u. of 0. Library. Recent Airview of Southern Oregon College, Ashland, Oregon O penM ike by Doyla S E E L Y « i The other duy, 1 heard a couple lit .it* IIK'II ctlholllg dllU UlftCUM lug the uapccta ot Duylight S av ­ ing lim e Uh practiced south ot toe biaklyoux. It aeeina that with Culiform. lim ning un hour aheud ot rvery- one else It takes u buttery ol six Philudelphlu Lawyers to figure out connecting truin und bus schedules ot trips south. But be­ lieve me, the ruilroaU buyiftnen'k the only ones with Duylight S av­ ing Time hcuduchcs. Drop around KWIN most uny m orning when the netw ork show is (inning in from California. . . . ‘“I lie Haven ol Best," and "The Bible Institute" on alternate duz.e. Yon see, they normally are heaid at 8 o'cliwk each morning, lint with California jum ping Its clocks ahead, this means that In addition to the facilities Science in Elem entary Education. torial requesting student support As indicated in this a irv ie w . lib ra ry . M em orial gymndsium is | these two piogrutns arrive in Southern Oreqon college has in the low er right center of the shown in the picture the campus Before 1941 only educational and com m unity support on the Ashland at 7 o'clock instead of It Experim ent has shown that we come a long way since it was picture. In the upper le ft of the includes a potential Pear Bowl courses were offered at the campaign to increase the size and can’t mix Chuck Fe-M's "Wake founded in 1926 as Southern O re ­ picture is seen the recently com ­ site, and the train in g school school but since then the stale scope of SOC, which has shown greater grow th than any of the Up Itogue Valley" with First gon N orm al. T h e campus, not all pleted women's dorm itory. Along which was b u ilt jo in tly by the board of education has added two state's other higher educational Mute Bob's Haven of Best. Of visible, consists of 24 acres, a l­ the line of trees to the left are course, we could run Haven of lowing adequate room for e xp an ­ houses of the veteran's village city of Ashland and the state. year courses in secretarial sci­ plants. C ru x of the Siskiyou p ro ­ The training school is know n as ence, merchandising, medical and gram was that the school needed Best ut 7 o'clock und Wake Up sion. The adm inistration build which contains 28 apartm ents, Lincoln school, and provides denial assistant, and radio-elec Ing .seen in the center of the and the men's dorm itory. a liberal arts program which e x ­ at 8, hut then again the consequ­ The college also has a student training facilities for more than trie service and managem ent. tended into the third and fourth ences might be som ething out ol photograph, is designed in It a l­ This week the Siskiyou, the b i­ year, and to this end the editor this world. Those who are used ian renaissance. It houses the a d ­ union and a bookstore and plans 300 pupils and 28 student teach­ ers m onthly publication published by urged students to support legis­ to heuring Haven of Best ut 8 m in is trativ e offices, provides an are in the m aterialising stage for The college presently offers the students of Southern Oregon lative candidates who were in f a ­ auditorium seating 600 people, a new lib ra ry and other build would find them selves geunng only one degree. Bachelor of college, came out w ith an e d i­ vor of expanding the school. their days to the new schedule— and contains 18 classrooms and a ings. Duylight Savings Tim e' ! ' On the other hand, those who sta rt their day with W.ike Up would lie losing un hour eueh F o rm erly the day. Now, just imagine expon­ Southern Oreqee (J rec ents of these two program s sto p ­ M in er $3.00 per year ping at McGonnigle’s Bar and P u B LI s h | e Ì? Grill to pass the time o f day. What, I ask you, are they going to decide upon as the proper tim e of day to pass? Just for the sake of pointing 3.00 PER Y E A R ASHLAND, JACKSON CO UN TY, OREGON Thursday, March 25, 1948 Volume if, No. 3 out additional confusion that could very naturally arise, su p ­ F A T H E R W A IT S TA B LES $100 R O B B E R Y T A K E S pose that u third character who PLACE AT LO CAL M O TEL doesn't even own a radio sta g ­ R. F. Brown, who has been gers in. He’d be operating under managing the Motel at 1145 Sis­ Another local author recently an even different time, so how I added to the am ount of favor­ kiyou boulevard, reported this would he fit Into the conversa­ able publicity concerning this week th at $100.00 had been stol­ W alter A. Phillips Post V. F. tion. . . . ? area when Mrs. Bertha M. Bor­ en from the m anager’s desk S un­ W. , 3423 and Ladies A uxiliary Before you lose any sleep pon­ Dads of the Junior-Senior P urent Teachers association went into den, wife of Dr. Evart Borden, day afternoon. The police d e p a rt­ dering this question, let me h ast­ the kitchen last Thursday and turned in a creditable perform ance, pastor of the Congregational m ent was notified and have since will have installation of Post of­ en to explain that such a situ a ­ according to their wives, in the second Dad’s night held during this church, placed a story in this been working on the case. ficers, April 26 a t 8:00 p.m. in the tion will not develop. Instead our school year. Brown had only been out of Civic Club House. w eek’s issue of Pacific Parade, chief engineer, Ralph Cl I c k, H arry Imel was chairm an of the affair which featured a covered the office long enough to show a The installing officer will be makes It a point of being on hand dish dinner. K P’s included Imel, Stan Leonard, Gaylord Vestal, the Sunday Jo u rn al’s magazine cabin to a customer. The money section. Ira Canfield of Post 1833, Med­ every morning at 7 oclock to A. E. Karnes, Jesse Vail, W. P. Wright, Joe Fader, Roland Parks, Mrs Borden's story was titled, was in bills and included a $10.00 ford. Post Dept. Com m ander V. transcribe the full h a lf - h o u r Hugh McKeever and Henry Metz. Lloyd Selby and Robert Van Vleet "Hi-U-Skookum Medici n e i n traveler’s check. show from the netw ork This were on the receiving line. Clarence Lane m ade the coffee The owner of the motel, Bill F W., Dept. of Oregon and the E ntertainm ent included Tall Tales, told by four of the dads. Rol­ Bear Valley.’’ and told the story ladies installing otticer will be transcription In turn Is pluyed and Parks story was a d ju d g e d ................................... ... 1 of the m ineral springs in the O’Donnell, is in Doyney, Califor­ Julia Canfield Post Dist. Presid­ buck for the benefit of not only the best. Tl^e ladies afco aided In 1 « u f nia and Brown has been m anag­ 11 z* nr* Ashland area. She told of how ent, of A uxiliary 1833. the KWIN listeners, but for the the entertainm ent and Mrs. C. A .' E . H . ( x U l l c l t l l l W i n s ing the hostelry. the Indians of the Klam ath tribe Officers to be installed at that listeners of all the stations In the Heath won the prize for her A C o n v e n t i o n T r i p learned of the medicinal proper­ tim e are: Commander Wm. Sim ­ Pacific northw est that c a r r y ; story. pson, Sr. Vice Commander, Ray these two shows. Lewis H. G allatin. 148 C entral ty of the m ineral w ater and car­ O ther entertainm ent Included F. Elliott; Jr. Vice Com m ander, Simple, Isn’t It. . . . ? the barber shop quartet, Mike | a.Y^?ue» representative bon dioxide gas em anating from springs along what is now Emi­ Carvel Post; Q uarterm aster, Bob of F arm er’s Insurance Group, has The Easter services of the First Post; Chaplain, Barney Riggs; Mr and Mrs. Vernon Snyder, Sullivan, Jim oung, G. A Sulll- just been notified by that organ­ grant creek, and how through van, and R. R. Lytle, who sang Church of Christ, Second and B Alham bra, 'C a lifo rn ia , a r r iv e d ization th at he is the w inner of trial and error the Indians learn ­ Streets will be held in the sanc­ A djutant, F. C. Crosslin; Officer Tuesday to visit Mrs. Cad Ellis, tow num bers directed by Gus ed that the gas was dangerois. of the Day, Bob Stubblefield; W urdinger. Norman Byers played an expense paid trip as a dele­ tuary of the new building. The Color Guard, John Simpson, Jim f»22 Siskiyou, and the three left the accordian for additional en ­ gate to a five day convention In and the w ater healthful. T hursday for Eugene where they tertainm ent. Today the gas is used for m ak­ congregation has been w orship­ Q uackenbush: Historian, Carl W. Los Angeles, April 5 through 9. will spend Easter with Mr. and ing dry ice and the Buckhorn ping in the basem ent since Dec­ Hall; Patriotic Instructer; F. E. The business m eeting c o n- The Insurance organization is em ber 14.While the sanctuary Is Mrs Austin B McReynolds. ducted by Mrs. Jack Zlttercob, bringing Its highest producing Springs lodge rem ains as a spa not completed work has progres­ Thompson; Guard, Don Evans; Service officer, F. C. Crosslin; Mrs. Jesse Vail reported on acti­ sales representatives to the home 1 for those who would partake of M embers of the Wo m e n’s vities of the P.T.A. recreational office in Los Angeles for a J u b i­ ! the health giving m ineral waters sed to the point w here it can be and Trustees, 18 months, F. E. occupied. Tem porary seating and Thompson; 12 months, Tom Laf- C hristian Tem perance Union met committee. lee celebration, honoring the 20 and gases. heating have been provided for fity and 6 months, Carnelies at the M ethodist church at 2:00 The nom inating comm ittee was anniversary of the founding of p.m., Thursday, March 25. Mrs selected for the group. It Includes the company. Rost. 1 Professor Loren Messeng e r, the time being. Ellen Thrasher, G rants Pass. P a s t' Mrs. Elmo Stevenson, chairm an, Evangelist Floyd A. Ross will head of the Psychology D epart­ Ladies A uxiliary officers are Mr. G allatin, in qualifying as a president gave an address. Those/ Miss Ethel Reed, and Mrs. Rob­ m ent at Southern Oregon Col- open a series of evangelistic ser­ President, Bernice G arren; Sr. delegate from this com m unity present partook of a silver tea. . ert Van V leet They will m ake lege, has left on a sabbatical vices w ith the Easter morning Vice President, Ruby Riggs; Jr. will join a thousand other in su r­ leave of absence to work on his services. Mr Ross is an evange­ Vice President Lavella Hall; their report a t the tim e of the Mrs. Fannie Purdy, 21 4th St. | ance representatives from all next meeting, April 15. doctorate at the U niversity of list of national reputation. He is Chaplain Dorothy P etri; Conduc­ states west of the Mississippi. returned last week from visiting Oregon during the spring term. an instructive and inspiri n g tress, B etty Hall; Treasurer, Ida in Portland and Corvallis, O re­ Before beginning his research, he speaker. He is also a talented Crosslin; Secretary, Ida Crandall. Accompanying Mrs. Llll 1 a n gon. Mitchell, K lam ath Junction, and is reporting for a two-week tour violinist and chalk artist. Each her m other, Mrs. A. J. Larson, of duty as a lieutenant com m an­ night he illustrates some sacred Miss Francis Brown, 562 A 137 Oak street to San Diego, der with the U. S. Navy in S eat­ song on the easel as the song is sung. The picture is then given street, and Melvin Con/ey, 662 A California, w ere Mrs. M itchell’s tle. to someone present in the ser­ street, were wed in Reno, Neva­ oldest son, Bill Leslie, and her Members of the Phoenix Lions Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bilder- vice. These pictures are greatly da, In an evening ceremony nephew, Louie Boatman. They which took place March 17. The plan to visit Mrs. Ruth Sherd, back, 263 N. Pioneer, were tran s­ prized as they are suitable for club met Monday evening at the Old Oregon D inner for dinner cerembny was conducted by the sister of Mrs. Mitchell. acting business and calling on framing. The Bible School is working and their regular sem i-m onthly Rev. Charles Dohm of the First friends at Lincoln on Green hard to achieve an attendance meeting. C hristian church Mr. and Mrs. Tom Metcalf. Springs last Saturday. Following the dinner a busi­ goal of 351. As a special Easter The bride wore a Glenn plaid | form erly of Ashland, who now ness m eeting was held and plans feature colored film-slides of the suit with black accessories. She live at Hay Springs, Nebraska Jim m ie Gollihur, grandson of This Week is employed by the Palace cafe, have inform ed friends that they the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Mcll- last week of C hrist’s life will be were mdde regarding future club Mr. Conley is a brakem an for the like It very much on their ranch ' venna, who has been ill w ith shown during the opening of the activities and a proposed trip to visit the Roseburg Lions where Southern Pacific. They will be at Hay Springs is in the vicinity of rheum atic fever is now up and school. they hope to “take the Lion away Mine Own Executioner about. home at 76 Union street. Hastings, Nebraska. Nigel Balchin from them ”. The Lion is a sta t­ uette which is aw arded to any M U S IC F O R S U N D A Y :: club that brings more than 50% Anything Can Happen of its mem bers to visit. George and Helen Pap- ashvlly *Jlte Sauihesist ÔïeaûH. NEWS REVIEW Dads Turn Into Creditable KPs At Second Jr.-Sr. PTA Dads’ Night Region Gets More Favorable Publicity V. F.W. Officers To Be Installed Easter Services To Be in Sanctuary Reno Is Scene of Conley-Brown Rites Lions To Go To Roseburg Soon W hat They A re Reading United Choirs W ill Present Their Eighth Easter Concert In.iide U. S. A John G unther By A nnabelle Davis Painlree Country Ross Lockridge -----/\nd the Best----- Seller in Ashland------ The Joy of Cooking "The Compleat Angler of the Kitchen Mechanic or the Chef” 74r M ART 270 East Main Phone 8011 The message of the Easter sea­ son will be presented by the United Choirs of Ashland in their eighth annual appearance Sunday evening at the M ethodist Church. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the sacred concert, be­ ginning at 7:45 with the playing of organ num bers by Mrs. J. W. McCoy, Presbyterian Church o r­ ganist. The program will con­ tinue with groups of choral m us­ ic, several of which will be sung a capella. Openin g w i t h Gounod’s “Unto 1 d Ye Portals,” th e Easter them c 1 s developed from the mood of m e d 11 a- tion on the love of God and Sacrifice of his son in "God So Loved the World," and of supplication expressed in "Lam b of God" and "Open Our Eyes,” to that of awe and rev er­ ence In “All in the April Even­ ing" and the negro spiritual “Were You T here.” The final chorus "Break Forth into Joy" trium phantly proc 1 a 1 m s t h e w orld’s joy in C hrist’s victory over death. As featured soloist, Clifford Williams, tenor, will be heard in "The Holy C ity” by Adams. The fifty voice choir has been under the leadership of Oscar Bjorlle, supervisor of vocal music in the Ashland High and Junior High schools, whose work with those groups is recognized as outstanding. His study of voice and directing under Dr. F. Mel­ ius Christiansen, founder of St. O lafs Choir in Minnesota, make him especially well fitted to d ir­ ect a group such as United Choirs. Accompanist is Mrs. W il­ ma Sheridan, one of the younger musicians of the city, who is a graduate of the school of music of W illam ette University. Members of the choir include: Lyda Davis, Lucy D. Talbert, Velma Cress, Lucille Mackay. M argaret Lytle, Madge Mitchell, Rita Golden, Cora E. Mason. M arita Mason, Gail Barnum. Eu­ nice H. Neill. Millie Sm ith, Edna Smith, H attie Litw iller, Dona Powell, Velma Beck. Eve Bissell. Twila Block, Lorena M cllvenna. Georgia Taylor, Elsie Davis, Mil­ dred Carothers, Zola Peters, An­ nabelle Davis, M arjorie Barker, Doris Corry, Marilyn Strcltx, Lot­ tie McGee, Grace Lytle, Juanita Huck, Florence Allen, Alta Poley, Evangeline Frost, Key Beck, Marie Bjorlle, Della Weber, Anne Fullerton, Carrol Powell, W ilbur C. Bushnell, Law rence Powell, J. W. McCoy, G. M. Frost, R. R. Lytle, Allen O. McGee, Bill Bis­ ell, H arry Kannasto, Paul P. B y­ ers, Milton Renzema, Andrew Hall, Giles Green, G. M atthews, George M. Shum an and Clifford Williams. Marion Felter, 321 Alta street, has been moved from the Sacred Heart hospital, Medford, to the Southern Pacific’s company hos­ pital in San Francisco. Mrs. F elt­ er accompanied him to the Bay city where company doctors will exam ine him for a dislocated neck. Eleven Speakers Are Listed for School Graduation Program The Oregon State System of Higher Education has released the list of High School Com m en­ cement speakers who will be a- vailable from Southern Oregon College. On the list were: L au r­ ence Butler, Instructor in Science A rthur Kreisman, Assistant P ro ­ fessor of English and Languages; Roy McNeal, Professor of Geo­ graphy; Leon Mulling, Instructor in English; John Schulz, Instruc­ tor in Psychology: Elmo S teven­ son, President; A rthur Taylor of Scocial Science; Otto Wilda, As- Williams, Director of Training sociate Professor of A rt; Clifford School; Mabel Winston, Dean of Women and R egistrar; and Mar­ shall Woodell, Dean of Men.