u. n)<. an(, MbR Snrah nr.sw ick. have already been accepted, and help them overcome the Income however the council decided to more are expected before F e b ru ­ l.ix doldrum s. zone for business the south side ary 23, the closing date for a p ­ Chief of Police CLARENCE “B ” of Highway 1)9 from Catons corn­ plications, Simpson stated. WILLIAMS desires to see some ’ high school teams from all ovei er to Peachey road, the north sid type lice. C. H. WINKS, publisher of Highway 66 from the same the state, predom inately S outh­ •if the News Review, has prom is­ ern Oregon, are ready to battle ed the chief that next time one point to Normal avenue, and the through the four-day grind and entire area betw een Normal av e­ shows up in the back shop in the the tourney might possibly be nue, and Highway 99 and 66. News Review he’ll send it over. Purchase of a road roller was divided into two divisions, ac­ cording to the directors. authorized by the council. The gallop for the glittering Ausland and Dodson, Ashland contractors bid $6,887.00 on con- hardw are will sta rt W ednesday, ■traction of a bridge over Ash- afternoon and wind up S aturday land creek on W inburn way and night, when the trophies are pass- Pinninger and W atkins, K lam ath ed out. The tournam ent, always Members of the Y.M.C.A. Falls, bid $6735.25 on the struc- ■ crow d-draw er and a great fav- Board of Directors and the 1 r ture. Deeds to the right of way orite with Southern Oregon fans, wives met at a Fellowship dinner have to be secured before the job will follow Its usual torrid pace, held in the Socjal room of the Y. is let. with contests being played M C. A. Building, Tuesday even­ through the afternoon and ev en ­ ing, February 24. ing during the four-day stretch. Honored guests at the dinner wen- the Board m em bers whose | A s h l a n d C a n y o n I f a 7 « T lg a in Dinner Held For Officers of “ Y” Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner $3.00 per year NEWS REVIEW ,.00 PLH YEAH Koozer Builds His Own Rifling Machine Ward Koozer. Ashland gun smith, began reboring a Japanese 6.5 rifle barrel io a 7 mm barrel on his new rifling and reboring machine which he has built d u r­ ing the past month. Koozer began the boring job Monday at O. R. Edward's Repair ■hop, 343 East Main, where he has his gun shop. Vern Decker, local gun collector, and Larkin Grubb, gun enthusiast, were on hand Monday to watch the mach­ ine work. Koozer has attached an electric motor to the machine to use for barrel reaming, he also uses a hand wheel for fine work. "Japanese barrels are often hard to work with." Koozer said, stating that often they are com­ posed of 60% scrap steel and 40% new steel. He further pointed out that the heat treatment which the Japanese had given most of their guns was very good and had hardened the steel exceptionally well. Mrs. George Lowd, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Barron, Mrs. C. B Abbott, and Mrs. Sam Klinger were Ashland callers last Mon­ day. ,94 h Volume 14 Number ENGINEERS WILL BEGIN DRAWING PLANS FOR ADEQUATE PLANT VOTERS D E C ID E A T PO LLS T U E S D A Y TO PASS $400.000 B OND ISSUE; 750 YES. 367 NO. A. L H arvej ey and Associates, engineers of Medford will begin draw ing up pi slans this week for the construction of the covered w ater reservoirs, the filtration plant and pipe lines as specified in A rticle XXX, an am endm ent to the charter of the City of Ashland as approved by the people of Ashland in the city election Tuesday which brought out 750 votes in favor and 367 against the proposed plan. Councilman W alter F. Redford stated that it was reported to the • c it y council that it would be NEWBRY HOLDS OFFICE about June before the plans are Lyndel W. Newbry, presently completed, m anager af the Newbry O rchard Upon completion plans and was elected second vice president specifications will be sent to of the F ru it Growers league of prospective bidders. The lowest Jackson county at a m eeting held bidder will be selected as the last Friday. The group m eets contractor for the job. A. L. Har- monthly. Election of officers and veY and Associates will also act a discussion of the economic pro- as supervisors and inspectors to blems lacing the pear industry in see th at work is accomplished 1948 were discussed at the m eet- according to specifications, ing j 1117 voters turned out Tuesday to vote on the bond proposal, In­ dicating an all time high In in- | terest in local elctions. The pre­ vious w ater election drew only 709 votes. BERT M IL L E R IS TO IN V E S T IG A T E W A Y S TO R A ISE M O N E Y Van Dyke Resigns School Post v , Frank J. Van Dyke announced his resignation, effective March Speaking to representatives of 15, as a director of School District civic clubs at a luncheon in the No. 5. Van Dyke and his fam ily Lithia Hotel on W ednesday, Don have moved to Medford, where he W right, proponent of a civic ath- has bis law office. letic center for Ashland, gave de- Van Dyke made his announce- tails of a plan for construction m ent at this tim e in order that and discussed th e proposal w ith the school board would have time the group. to choose a successor. The law W right said that he felt the Provides that the Board shall idea was very good and th at name a new rnember who will m any townspeople had shown ®erve unth the third Monday in favorable reaction. During the , e w hen an individual wil1 be luncheon he exhibited a sm all eLlected bF the People to fill out scale model of a club building !bp unexpired term , which is which would house recreational v ' r» i , b e . r,ut in and wwl,d bf‘ bpld facilities for boxing, wrestling, mYnan ? yJ e ser.ved « chair u n t' 1 PomplC ” P,ans had table tenni.s tum bling, skating I??0 ° i ? he sch° o1 board durln« made for protecting young g row ­ archery fencing, weight lifting; eight year term - th, proper cutting of older tim ber and other sports. and actual layout of logging Harold Mathes of the College roads. Wright estim ated that the ath- Inn A uto Court is able to be about (C o u rte s y o f S is k iy o u ) Logging will not be done on A com m ittee comprised of AlJ letic center would cost in the after suffering a leg injury. Coach A l Simpson. in a long- the actual w atershed area owned Simpson, John Cotton, Howard neighborhood of $400,000. Bert by the city and no logging will be im e’n e * u riv m ritT learned ^ h i s W iley’ Ralph McCullough- Jean M iller was appointed as chairm an ,Dr . E,T Stev^ on-1 a JCOmmittee ^ in v e s tig a te the done next to the stream , he said morning Z t s L t h . r n Oregon Thomas pointed out that l \ e and Ted Schopf met at the Plaza building costs. Present at the logging of the old grow th would Collega is unchallenged as the Cafe W ednesday noon to devise m eeting were Dr. John Schultz. Small collage champion of Dis­ enable the new er grow th to methods of raising enough money Don Lewis, Fred Haynes, W ins­ spring up stronger and th at new trict 2 (Oregon and Western Id a ­ to send the victorious SOC bas­ ton Marks, Mrs. Dolores Copeland ho) and w ill represent the dis­ growth affords better w atershed trict at the N A IB Tournament in ketball team to the National Am- Dr. W alter W eller, Ray Fletcher, protection K ansas city, which starts March ! ateur Atbletlc Association tourn W alt Bosshard, Miller, Kelsey H arri s E 11 s- m ent in Kansas City on March 8 Smith, Glen Prescott, John C her­ s. worth, R epresen­ R ICES A N N O U N C E M O VE to 12. ny, and Wright. Owen Gragg, A possible playoff for deter­ Dr. Blanche Rummel Rice. tative in Con­ Following the luncheon m em ­ proprietor of Twin Plunges m en­ gress from the Doctor of Optom etry, and C arl­ mination of just which team bers set out to contact service tioned that location of the facil­ Fourth Congress ton L. Rice, dispensing optician would represent this area in the club leaders and other individ­ ity at Twin Plunges would pro­ announced this week that they tourney was called off today a f­ uals not associated with clubs in vide for a two-fold program. ional D istrict of had moved th eir offices to 430 ter teams from Idaho Northern an effort to stim ulate interest in Oregon, today fil College of Education at Lewiston, ed his form al de­ Siskiyou boulevard. the fund raising campaign. Mrs. June Poitras, K lam ath claration of can­ The Rices have rem odeled a Idaho, and the Eastern Oregon Dr. Stevenson reports that it Agency, spent a day this week didacy for nom ­ form er home at that address and College of Education at LaGrande would cost $1000.00 to go by bus, wth her mother, Mrs. W alter K er­ ination and re- have a fully equipped optical d e­ decided they were not eligible. $1800 to travel by train and $2400 rigan of Beach street. No means of travel for the ten- election w ith the partm ent. via air. The team, he said, must man Raider squad has been de­ Seer e t a r y of leave Ashland on Thursday, Mar. In the game T hursday night at H a r r is K iis n o r ih State. The filing termined as yet. but Simpson and 4 in order to arrive in Kansas Memorial Court against the U ni­ hoop coach Ted Schopf hope to notice contain s City on time. versity of Hawaii four mem bers the following slogan to be p rin t­ arrange at least two games on the The Southern Oregon Red of the Raiders basketball team eastern jaunt. Drawings to choose ed on the prim ary election ball­ Raiders, w inners of 25 out of 26 will be m aking their last a p p e a r - ___ __ ________ _______ opponents in the tourney w ill be ots: capable and games this season, has been sel­ ance locally M embers graduating sound “Experienced, representation in Congress held at Kansas City. Thirty-tw o Dr. Jam es M cGinlay w e l l ected as the outstanding teachers this year will be Chuck DeA utre- for Oregon’s Fourth District, known Scotch Evangelist and teams w ill be entered. college team in this district thus mont, Bobby Hoefs, D arrel Cope- Congressman Ellsw orth is serv W inner of the N A IB tourna­ Bible Teacher is now holding spe gaining the invitation to the tour­ land, and Wes P eters. All will ing his third term in Congress. cial m eetings in the First Baptist ment w ill qualify as one of the nam ent. leave S.O.C. to teach and coach eight teams to play in the nation­ Church this week and next. Coach Ted Schoph states that excepting D eA utrem ont who will He was first elected in 1942 fol­ al, all inclusive tournament at lowing the creation of the new Dr. McGinlay was born in Loch Madison Square G arden to deter a" y° ne interested in helping out , . professional --------- --------- ----------- football this - Fourth Congressional distri c t Lomond, Scotland. He sp e n t m ine the U nited States entry i n ! tbe team may leave their pledge play year but anticipates coaching lat- which includes Linn, Lane, Doug­ -- Olympic meet in London. 1 at the Cham ber of Commerce. 1 er. — the las, Coos, Curry, Josephine and Jackson Counties. During his p er­ iod of service in Congress, Ells­ w orth has served on the Public Lands, the Mines and Mining “It would be a terrible thing ( m inistration did not utilize the governor stated th at he felt that Committees, and during the w ar this was an outmoded clause and on the Naval Affairs Committee. if the hospital buildings at Camp property W hite w ere razed,” Governor Concerning the portion of the th at the constitution should be His present comm ittee assign­ were m ent is on the powerful In te r­ constitution which places all state John Hall said here Tuesday in institutions in Marion county the am ended to perm it utilization of state and Foreign Commerce Com other portions of the state for m ittee. As a m em ber of this group an exclusive interview . Hall point he travelled in Europe during the state institutions. ed out th a t thte investm ent in recent Congressional recess. Governor Hall, who spoke Mon­ buildings, in property, and in land Bills introduced by Congress­ day at the C ham ber of Commerce m an Ellsw orth and passed by should be used either by a Fed­ luncheon and at Southern Oregon Congress include the authoriza­ eral governm ent agency such as college revisited Ashland Tuesday tion for the Forest Survey and the V eteran’s adm inistration or in company w ith Lyndel Newbry, expansion of the Clark-M cNary by the state. and Earl Newbry. During his visit Forest protection authorization. Loss of the facilities, the gover­ Tuesday m orning H arry McNair, He now has pending a bill to d ir­ nor said, would be a terrible of the Ashland Am erican Legion ect the Veterans A dm inistration economic disaster. He pointed out, K ilty band had the governor sign to convert the Camp W hite arm y however, th at because of a clause the band’s brass drym . From hospital into a dom iciliary home DR. JAMES McGINLAY in the Oregon state constitution Ashland, the p arty proceeded to for veterans and another bill m any years as Pastor of a church which provides th a t all state in­ K lam ath Falls. which will open the Oregon and in London, Ontario which under stitutions be located in Marion Newbry and Hall are m aking a C alifornia revested land grant his m inistry grew to a m em ber­ county the state board of con­ tour of the state, and they have lands for mining entry and exp­ ship of eleven hundred. He has trol's hand’s are tied as far as spent a m onth so far on the road loration. traveled extensively throughout the state is concerned. Congressm an Ellsw orth states Hall made no com m ittm ent Hall suggested th a t the people the United States and Canada as J concerning his plans for the fut- th at he will be unable to leave an Evangelist and Bible Confer- decide to utilize the hospital i ure. He stated th a t he would an- W ashington while Congress is in ence Speaker; and is to leave and place an initiative referen- ' nounce w ithin the next 10 days session to m ake a prim ary cam ­ soon for points in A ustralia and dum on the ballot this fall to per- w hether or not he would be a paign, but seeks the nom ination New Zealand for evangelistic ap- m it the state to take over Camp GOVERNOR HALL | candidate to succeed himself. on his record of good service. pointmenU. 1 W hite In case the V eteran’s ad- Much Timber In Secretary of the Y M C A Med ford spoke to the group on the r topic "W ork with Individuals in the Y.M.C.A." Com m ittee In charge of the affair included: Eric W eren, chair man, Leland P Linn, Mrs C M Frazier and Thornton Shively. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klmsey and daughter of Avery street left for a business and pleasure trip to Portland Sunday. Talent Bulldogs To Enter Tourney Talent, Feb. 25— Although elim ­ inated from the county play-off tournam ent at Eagle Point last week by suffering a defeat by Rogue River in the second game 43-33, T alent High Bulldogs will e n te r the Southern Oregon Col­ lege Invitational B T ournam ent M arch 3, 4, 5, and 6 at Ashland. The Bulldogs who won 11 and lost 3 in league play this season defeated B utte Falls in the first game of the tournam ent 32-20. W hat They A re Reading This Week JOHN STEINBECK’S latest novel, “The P earl”. “The Vixens" by FRANK YERBY. A w onderful se­ quel to his “Foxes of H ar­ row". One of the top nov­ els of the day. “Three Sm iths I n T h e W ind” by H. Allen Sm ith Three of Sm ith's most hilarious books in one volume. Includes “Low Man on a Totem Pole”, “Life In a P u tty Knife Factory”, and "Lost in The Horse Latitudes.” "So Well Rem embered" by JAM ES HILTON "Lo, The Form er E gyptian” by H. ALLEN SMITH. A screw ball trip to t h e scenes of the A uthor’s childhood. HALT 270 East Main Phone 8011 -m y , ji W A TER BOND E L E C T IO N Wright Proposes $400,000 Athletic and others who have made pre­ vious appearances in the A sh­ Center Building land casaba etravaganza. Simpson, SOC football coach, is In his first year of full direct­ orship of the tourney, having as­ sisted Hal Bishop with the 1947 edition. Aiding Simpson with the complex organization and de­ tails of this years tourney are student body president Bud Sil­ ver, Gene Farthing, SOC L etter­ m an’s Club prexy, and Je rry Ed­ yeaT andeXthe new m cT bers to ‘the There ,s *n , tbe Ashland canyon . Jacksonville, Butte Falls, C orbett wards. frwAnr/j .1 meet a area . some hoard „innm elected j at the annual . , . 170 million feet of ’ m erchantable tim ber according to S Ja l Willamette Declines Play, Represents District 2 Win Over Wolves Clinches Journey East For Raiders Committee Planning To Raise Funds For Trip To Kansas City Ellsworth Files For Re-Election As Congressman Dr. McGinlay Now Lecturing Here Hall Says Hospital Need Is Economic