U. of o. Library. M in in ÜRÍC P ublisher PER IATIOI J OO PER YEAH ADD EYETLMS: The Raiders will meet the Wolves from Mon mouth In a non-conference game here Monday and Tuesday. And SOC students are planning to underwrite the University of Hawaii game which will take place in Memorial gym next weeek by paying an additional fee to see the g.ime rathei than NEWS REVIEW Formerly the Southorn Oroqon Minor $3.00 per yoar ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY VOL. 14, NO. jo School Boards Discuss Need Of Consolidation PRESENT FACILITIES INADEQUATE FOR ALL FIVE DISTRICTS Governor Hall Speaks Monday at Lithia Governor John Hall will arrive in Ashland on Monday morning and will address townspeople a a luncheon Monday noon at the Lithia Hotel Coffee Shop and over radio station KWIN at 2 p.m. Also on the agenda for his trip is a visit in the morning to Camp White, a speech at Southern Ore gon College at 2:30 p.m. and luncheon in the evening in Med­ ford. The reception committee greet ing the governor will include Ralph Koozer as chairman. Geo rge Green and Dave Whittle. The luncheon committee con­ sists of Winston Marks, chairman, Kalcy Smith. Walt Bosshard and James Jeter. Secretary of State Earl T. New- bry will also address the group at the luncheon. California’s Dry Spell Is Still Affecting Power Water Proposition to Be Balloted Tuesday ELECTRIC CURRENT by using their student activity Opposition Divided 'Interest Running IS STILL LESS THAN curds . . . Winner of the VFW NORMAL STRENGTH Safety campaign slogan w a s One Says Too Little Members of the school boards High As Election MARSHA HUNT, who is in the of the districts surrounding Ash­ In a statement Issued today, A. Other Too Much Fifth grude at Lincoln school Time Nears S. Cummins, president of the Cal­ her slogan "Safety Is In Style land District No. 5 met In Ash­ Mayor Thornton Wiley stated Voters of Ashland will go to ifornia Oregon Power company, today that outspoken opposition the polls Tuesday February 24 to today. Let’s (Jet Together and land Wednesday evening to dis­ Make It Pay.” She’ll get a certi­ cuss the mutual problem of hous­ announced that while power sup­ to the Water Bond issue has come vote on a proposed amendment ficate from the National Safety ing the continually Increasing ply conditions were slightly better from but a few quarters. to the Charter of the City of Council during a program to be number of students who are at­ than a week ago lack of rain in Among these are S. S Davies Ash,a” d authorizing the city heard over KWIN next Friday tending school in Ashlund. California still constitutes a ser- S ecretarv nf i h . i ¡« k * w . council