U. ut U. Library. DOING The TO W N DILI. REAGAN a n d B O D SNIDER claim ing th at by moving the counters and fixtures ubout they could give tlx* Plaza grocery the n e w l o o k . . . . And N A. WAHD out to give the saws in the com m unity the new look as lie opens his saw filing shop on Friday the 13. . . . takes nerve It does. . . . M eanwhile the m em ­ bers of the Am erican Veteran's comm ittee are hurrying about getting ready for the A VC ca rn i­ val which will take pluce S a tu r­ day evening at the Junior high school gymnuslum. And MRS HENRY METZ who Is churim an of the PTA founders day Is as busy as a bee getting everything all set for the gala occasion which will take place next Thursday a t the Junior high school cafeteria. MRS CLIFFORD WILLIAMS Is in charge of the program. The m em bers of th<- three I’TA.s In the village will have a potluck dinner. MRS HOMER BISSEL is In charge of the serving, and all in all the ladles plan to have u good time as they honor the local founders who 25 years ago decided to get together and discuss the school situation. Unit Planning A Pie Social Feb. 14 Bellview, Feb. 11— A Commun­ ity pie social and Valentines par ty will he held at the Bellview Grange hall Saturday, February 14, 8 00 p.m. Funds obtained from the affair wll lbe used for a 4-H Scholarship. The Bellview E xten­ sion unit is sponsoring the party. E ntertainm ent will In c lu d e moving pictures, raffling of a cake to the prettiest girl and a jar of dill pickles to the ugliest m an: the pies will be auctioned as part of the program . A 'G rand ole O pry" en tertain er will lx* p re­ sented in musicul num bers and Mrs Ucldon Block's music stu d ­ ents will present several num ­ bers. All ladies who attend are urged to bring pies. POWER COMPANY REPORTS The California Oregon Power Company reports 1947 net Income of $1,553,910.44, equal, after p re­ ferred dividend requirem ents bas­ ed on shares outstanding as of December 31st of that year, to! 92.3 per share on 450,000 shares of common stock. A. S. Cummins, president of the company, stated th at the regular annual report covering 1947 operations will be teleased early in March. ÜREC P u b l is h e r per I a T i o I A re Reading This Week CAME A CAVALIER by Frances Parkinson Keyes. CAPTAIN FROM CASTILE by Samuel Shellabarger ROOSTER CROWS FOR DAY by Ben Lucien Burman THE VIXENS by Frank Yerby WE SHOOK THE FAMILY TREE by Hildegarde Dolson CASS TIMBERLANE by Sinclair Lewis H A LT 270 East Main Phone 8011 ASHLAND. JAtKSON COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY, PEBRUARY ir, , I New Queen to Reign State Plans New $400,000 Library V A L L E Y LE A G U E A A U RACE T IG H T E N IN G UP AS SEASON SHORTENS Interest and tension are height­ ening this week in the Valley league of A.A.U. basketball when two top teams m eet tonight to decide w hether one retains the lead or w hether both tie for first position. Selby Chevrolet, the lead team with 10 wins, will m eet Motor Inn, second team with 8 wins and 1 loss, at the college gym nasium at 7:30 p.m. Players for Selby’s will Include Bud Sliver, Tiny Jones, Jim Cave and Charley W arren. Players tot Motor Inn will be John Gray, Dick Skow, Gene Earthing, Snuf- fey Sm ith, Bob Rogers, Tex Gat lin, Rusty M artindale and Jim McClelland. The Valley league, which con slsts of eight teams: Jacksonville, The Sham rocks, Talent, Motor Inn, Selby's, Eagle Point, Pros pect and Central Point, has a schedule of two halves and the w inner of the first half will play the w inner of the second for the opportunity to play the Medford City League for the valley A.A. U. championship. W inner of the first half of the Valley league schedule was S el­ by's and they continue to lead In the second half. W inner of the valley A.A.U. cham pionship will be privileged to go to Portland w here play-offs will be for the northw est and the honor of going to the National A.A.U. tournam ent in D enver In March. W ednesday night Motor Inn beat Talent, 58 to 34. Judge Burns Weds California C ouple...... Harvey David Evans bf Med­ ford took Miss Olive Clara I-a M arr of Ft. Jones, California for his bride last Sunday, February 2 at 2 o’clock. The cerem ony was perform ed by Mrs. Nelle Burns in her home 211 Van Ness Ave. M E A T M A R K E T SOLD Con DeVore, Medford, bought the East Side Meat m arket from Bob Van Vleet and W alter Remey this week Ronald DeVore will assist his father In operating the CITY OFFERED AIRPORT business. Elmer V. Ayres and W. W. Van Vleet and Remey made no Brahs, have offered the Ashland announcem ent as to their future airport to the city of Ashland for plans. the 911.000 rem aining on their contract w ith W. B and W. P. MINISTERS MEET HERE Hamby. Sixteen Assembly of God min- Clty councllmen Inspected the |sters and their wipes attended field Tuesday, and a report as to the D istrict Fellowship m eeting their decision will be filed in the of the Assemblie s o f G o d near future. ( churches which was held in A sh­ land Monday, February 9. The Rev. Leon Hall, G rants Pass, presided over the meeting. What They NEWS REVIEW 1.00 PER YEAR Selby Chevrolet And Motor Inn Play Title Game M ary Lou Hahn, who was in ­ stalled Tuesday night as Honor­ ed Queen of Job's Daughters, Bethel No. 22. Miss Hahn w ill reign for the coming year. D a r­ lene Hale is the retiring queen. Shirley Weitsel is the Senior Princess. Margaret Wagner is the Junior Princess, Venita Roberson is the Guide, and Shirley Damon is the Marshall Plymouth Guild Planning Bazaar Two members of the State Board of Higher Education, Dr. R E. Klelnsorge, Chairm an ol Buildings and Grounds, and Charles Diyne, Executive Secre tary. will be on the campus Maich 5th to pass final approval on Suzanne Homes ball and to check location tor the future li­ brary. The exact site of the new li­ brary building is still undeter­ mined. The building may appear as a wing of Churchill Hall, ex- tehding Into w hat is now the parking lot west of the present library and will serve as an a n ­ nex. The present plan is a new building south of Churchill hall, opposite Memorial Court. Tickets Go On Sale For Hall’s Luncheon C. V. Richardson, secretary manager of the Ashland Chamber of Commerce, an­ nounced at the Chamber's regular weekly luncheon that tickets for the Governors Luncheon w ill be on sale at the Chamber office com­ mencing February 12. The luncheon, scheduled for February 23, is open to the public under Chamber of Commerce sponsorship. Richardson announced that due to the lim ited seating capacity that reservations for the luncheon must be made by February 20. Harvey Speaks To C. of C. Members m em bers of the Ashland C ham ­ ber of Commerce at their regular Tuesday luncheon. Harvey, who heads a Medic engineering firm, spoke briefly Plym outh Guild ladles of the on the causes of the deficiencies Congregational church announc­ of the w ater system before o u t­ ed this week that they were p lan ­ lining his recom m endations to­ ning to hold an Antique Bazaar w ard improvement. and Cooked Food sale at the Harvey highlighted his talk church, Siskiyou boulevard, F ri­ w ith interesting statistics for day, February 20. July, 1946, concerning the w ater Articles which will be sold will consumption of various coastal consist of salvaged furnitu r e, points, including G rants Pass, dishes, and various usable a rti­ Medford, Pocatello, Idaho, F res­ cles which the church m em bers no, California and Ashland. A sh­ had found in their attics and land’s w ater consumption has basem ents. trebled th at of G rants Pass, ac­ A Sliver tea will also be served cording to Harvey. at the all day m eeting In the T hirty-three m em bers and Church that same day. The gen­ guests attended the luncheon, in ­ eral public is Invited to attend. cluding Mayor Wiley, who was They also held their regular Dwight O. Welch, of Portland, introduced by the chairm an, C. V. meeting last week, Jan u ary 28. at 2 00 p.m. in the church. Mrs. Associate Secretary of the Pacific Richardson. J. M. M urphy pi «sided. Mrs. - N orthwest Area Council of the W inifred Rasmussen, Mrs. Jessie YMCA, m et with m em bers of the Hodglns, Mrs. Jam es Jeter, Mrs. Board of Directors of the Ash­ George Miller and Mrs. E. P. land YMCA culbs, and represen­ tatives from Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y Borden were hostesses. G reen and yellow tapers adorn­ Clubs in the YMCA building Tuesday evening, February 10. ed the tables. John E. Reed ow ner of the Mr. Welch spoke on the “Youth Reed M attress and Upholstery Mrs. Wm. K. H arnden. Bellview and Governm ent Program ” now shop at 4th and A streets, is clos­ Is slowly recuperating from a being promoted by the YMCA ing the establishm ent and will Two movie films: "The Invisible long siege of the flu. devote his entire tim e and a t­ Mr. and Mrs. Woody Johnson, Bridge” and “Men of Tom orrow” tention of the Reed Estate busi­ were shown at the meeting. Medford called on her grand­ ness. Reed is associated with W. m other, Mrs. G race Sikes, Bell­ Try the News Review Classi­ P. W right at 519*2 Siskiyou view, Monday afternoon. Boulevard in a firm known as fied« for results. Reed and Wright. He also stated that they have adopted the slogan “Figure with Reed and W right and you never will go wrong.” Construction cost of the pro­ posed building will be 9400,000 Should the emergency bill pro­ viding for use of excess income tax funds for educational facil­ ities be passed, construction will begin next year. If this measure it not approved, construction will not begin until after the fall elec­ tion, when the public will vote on the m easure now before the state legislature. ... An extra 9200,000 has been ap ­ proved for the construction of a men's dorm itory and a dem on­ stration school on the campus, but further details are not avail­ able at this tim e.............................. Dwight 0. Welch Is Speaker at YMCA Reed Announces Factory Closing March Of Dimes Jackson County Leads State In Campaign To Aid Polio Victims Dr. Hedlund Thanks Vern Smith And All Drive W orkers C O N G R E G A T IO N A L IS T S A N D PR ESB YTER IA N S LEA D Hi-Y Members To Govern For a Day sentatives will take place later, 947 Half ol the lower floor of the proposed building w ill be library, the other part w ill be for art rooms. The upper floor w ill be uled for classrooms, having a Opacity that w ill double present facilities. The intereior of the building w ill be ultra-modern; the library w ill have movable A. D. Harvey, consulting en ­ partitions, made possible by the book shelves, for the convenience gineer, who has been retained by of those wishing a smaller read the city council to survey Ash­ land’s w ater needs, addressed ¡ng room. The Congregational and the Presbyterians lead “A" division The outstanding job in the and "B” division teams respect- state of Oregon in the March o f , ively In the YMCA church league Both teams Dimes cam paign was done in basketball series. Jackson county. T h at’s the con­ have 1000 per cent. The Congre­ gratulatory message telephoned gational team has won three The m em bers of Ashland Lodge to Vern Sm ith, county chairman, games and lost none and the No. 944, B. P. O. E. have arranged by Dr. E. T. Hedlund, state chair­ Presbyterian team has won four a varied program of e n te rta in ­ man. and lost none. m ent to be presented before p at­ The Church of C hrist is in the Dr. H edlund comm ended Jack- ients of the Roseburg veterans son county for the various pro cellar in the “A" division with hospital In April. jects Initiated in the 1948 r riv e ,1 three losses arid the Methodist Each month, a different Elks which were educational as w e ll1 church holds down the bottom Lodge in Southern Oregon pro­ as effective fund raising vehicles. spot in the “B" division. vides a program for the veterans. Mr. Sm ith in tu rn announced High point men last Saturday Plans for the Ashland program his desire to thank every indivi­ w ere Ted Tenney of the YMCA already include the high school dual, who participated In any “B” division team with 15 points, band and orchestra and the high way in the drive. All organiza- Richard Brush of the Congrega­ school quartet. More e n te rta in ­ tions, such as lodges, clubs and tional “A” team with 12, and m ent is expected to be added be­ G ranges did an outstanding job, H arvey Woods of the Presbyter- fore the perform ance date, April too, he stated, as did newspapers, lan ‘‘B” team with 11 points. 24. radio stations, schools, theaters REH EA R SA LS BEGAN and all com m ittee and com m un­ Rehearsals for the Easter con­ ity chairm en, He mentioned p a r­ ticularly the lette r w riting con- cert to be presented by the Unit- test and the am ateur show, which j ed Choirs of Ashlartd, began last F rank Van Dyke, form er A sh­ w ere offered the public for the | T hursday and will continue each land attorney, is a m em ber of first tim e in the 1948 drive. T hursday evening at 8:15 at the the com m ittee which will guide “It would be Impossible to M ethodist church. O. C. Bjorlle the Youth and G overnm ent pro­ thank every person, Individually, is directing the group again this gram of the Pacific Northw est who helped m ake this drive a year. council of the Young Men’s C hris­ success. The cooperation has been ----------- o------- -— tian Association. w onderful throughout Jackson Mrs. M argaret Rouhier, 248 5th M embers of the Ashland H-Y county and I w ant all participants street a form er employee of the will participate in the program to know th eir efforts were truly Spotlight Cafe, and her three which will consist of a practical appreciated by the Jackson c o u n -, sons, Dannie, Tommie, and Jim - legislative convention In Salem ty com m ittee and by the state mle have all had the flu. this April. Hl-Y m em bers will a c t' com m ittee.’” Mr. Sm ith conclud Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond "/ik o n as legislators for one day and ed. will operate a legislative assem- j Don M acW hirter and Dyer H u s-, Richmond, California visited his bly. Selection of Ashland repre- ( ton w ere co-chairm en for the brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Show Planned For Roseburg Hospital Formerly fl»a’ Southern Oregon Minor 93.00 per year Ashland campaign. i A- B. Wllaon of Strawberry Uane, Birthday Party For Nancy Lou Graber VOL. 14 NO. 49 Friday Date For Kiwanis - Y.M.C.A. Boxing Exhibition T H IR T Y THREE BOYS TO T A K E PA R T IN BOUTS AT SOC G Y M The first Boxing Exhibition of the Kiwanis - Y.M.C.A. Boxing Club will be held in the S outh­ ern Oregon College Gym. Friday night, February 13. The Boxing Club with 36 members ranging in age from nine to eighteen years has been in operation for a p er­ iod of the past four months Instruction periods under the direction of John Cherny and Don E. W right have been held weekly in the Senior High School Gym. The Boxing Exhibition Friday night will be the first of a series of such public Boxing shows plan ned by the group. Officials for the Exhibition F ri­ day night will be from the m em ­ bership of the Ashland Kiwanis Club and will include: A nnoun­ cer - Walt Hamby; Time Keeper - Ernie Fulgham ; Judges: Phil B ryant and B ert Miller; A ssist­ ant seconds: Ed Stevens and O. E. Stevens and O. E. Sabin; Dress­ ing Room A ttendants: Fred Mor- thy Keating, Roy Wiltse, M arvin Bracker, and Harvey Imel; U sh­ ers: George Andrews, Gle n n Mathews, Eldon Scripter, and Jack Pruitt. M embers of the Boxing Club taking part in the Exhibition are Charles Rensfield, Jo h n Mac- W hirter, John Van Dyke, Timo- Ian, M artin Medack, Dr. William Maxwell, Donald Gilliam, Don­ ald Johnson, Robert W right, M ar­ tin Kasser, Bernard Kasser, Rob­ ert Cherney, John Cherney, H ar­ vey Sorenson, Raymond Gilliam, Jim m ie Rouhier, Jack Rouhier, K enneth Dye, Marvin G ardner, Eldon Lane, Larry W ray, Bobby Snider, Richard B arnett, LaVerne Haptonstall, John Johnson, Jerry Miller, K enneth Wells, Charles Merwin, Jack Briggs Henry L or­ enz, Edw ard Osgood. John Smith, and Bill Simpson. STEVEN SO N SPEAKS TO UPPER V A L L E Y CLUB The U pper Valley Community Club held its regular meeting at the Bellview Grange Hall last W ednesday with a 1:30 p.m. lun­ cheon. Hostesses were Mrs. Clara Kincaid, Mrs. Pearl Koble, Mrs. Ray Lesle. Mrs. Ida Woodward, and Mrs. B arbara Moore. Forty ladles were present including six new members. Dr. Elmo Stevenson of South­ ern Oregon College gave an ad­ dress and exhibit on “Bird Life.” The m em bers of the club will draw names at the next m eeting for their “secret pals”. Restrictions Put On Canadian Mail E. E. Vail, Ashland postm aster, announced today that inform ation has been received from the pos­ tal adm inistration of Canada that the im portation of m any types of m erchandise into that country is either entirely prohibited or ad­ m itted only if a perm it has been granted the prospective im porter by the Canadian M inister of F i­ nance. Therefore, effective at once, postm asters are directed not to accept m erchandise for m ailing to Canada, unless the sender has assurance that the addressee will be perm itted to receive the con­ tents. As an exception, occasion­ al parcels, addressed to individ­ uals and not exceeding $5.00 in value, containing bona fide u n ­ solicited gifts, but no advertis­ BELLVIEW ing m atter or tobacco, will be ad­ NEWS m itted into Canada. The endorse­ m ent to be placed on these p ar­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jacobs, cels bv the sender is “Unsolicited Dixon, California, and Ignatz G ift.” Krenowicz, Oshkosh, Nebraska, have been visiting the J. F. E n­ Mrs. W. N. Wycoff, 131 Mead gels street is reported as improving Mr. and Mrs. P. A. U ergen are during the past week, since her rem odeling their home at Clover retu rn from Sacred H eart Hospi­ Lane on Highway 66. tal. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Commarn The I.O.O.F. Lodge of Ashland and children, Elene and Donald is holding a Free Public card are building a new home on Crow party next Saturday. son road near his sister and fam ­ Mrs. Am anda C herry and C. D. ily’s, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Tow n­ Colbough of Medford were among send. the large crowd of out of town Geo. Legary and son, Elmer, guests attending the Fellowship M anitoba, Canada arrived last supper and m eeting a t the Assem­ T hursday at the home of Mr. and bly of God Church in Ashland Mrs. Ralph Mickle, Neri Creek last Monday night, February 9. enroute home from a tour of the Ed King, Dewey street who was M idw estern states. They plan to formerly with Reed’s mattress leave the last of this week for company, is now employed in an Vancouver. upholstery shop in Medford. A birthday party was given in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Taylor, 125 Nutley street, in hon­ or of their daughter. Nancy G ra­ ber’s fourteenth birthday. The party was held during the evening of Friday, F ebruary 6. A decorated cake, ice cream and hot chocolate was served the guests. Many games and prizes w ere enjoyed by the group. Among those present were: Ann Vail, Patricia Dean. P a tri­ cia Austin, Betty Clary, Sandra Clary, Pauline Davis, Bonnie P e t­ ers, Delores Miller, Patsy Me- W hirter, Carol Culp, Barbara Rensfield, and Nancy Lou Dunke- son.