u . of O. Library, ( DOING The TOWN 4 / mm Ptl| P ü B 11 $ Hj[ R S 4 SKfoÜI A T I 0 I Jobs Daughters To Hold Installation Miss Mary Lou Hahn will be installed as Honored Queen of Jobs Daughters, Bethel No. 22, Tuesday evening, February 10 in installation iVhlch will (ollow the tegular meeting of the Bethel. The Installation is being held by special dispensation. Darlene Hale is the retiring queen. Mrs. Jack Zittercob Is guardian of the group, Mrs. M ar­ vin Miller, secretary guardian, and Mrs. E. H. Hahn, treasurer- guardian. O ther elective oiilcers who will be installed w ith Miss Hahn d u r ­ ing the ceremonies Include: Sen­ ior Princess, Shirley Weitzel; J u ­ nior Princess, M arguret W agner; Guide, Venita Roberson; and Marshull, Shirley Damon. The other officers of tire B eth­ el who will serve during 1948 are being appointed by Miss Hahn, and Include: First Messenger, Lucille B rab­ ham; Second Messenger, Jackie Wolcott; Third Messenger, S hir­ ley Edw ards; Fourth Messenger, Dorothy Brabham ; Fifth M essen­ ger, Paula O strander; Chaplain, Virginia Lutz; Musician, Jeanette Kinney; L ibrarian, Janie Sim p­ son; Recorder, Sally Yates; T reas­ urer, Joan Van Dew alker; S en­ ior Custodian, Ruth Seitz; Junior Custodian, Lela Fay Linn; Inner Guard, Mildred Zittercob; Outer Guard, Mary W aterbury; Soloist Mickey McKeever; Lady of Lights, Chloe Stevens; and His­ torian, Patricia Bally. The Rev. George Shum an of the Presbyterian church, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hoke, 39 Union st. last W ednesday to in­ quire about Mrs. Hoke's health. Classics on «I Records This Week Tgchaikovtky: 1812 O ver­ ture and Capriccio Itallen. Boston Pops Orchest r a, A rthur Fiedler, Conduct­ or. • VERDI: Highlights from "Aida”. Rosa Ponselle, soprano; Enrico Caruso Tenor; Elizabeth Reth- berg, soprano. Bos t o n Pops Orchestra. STRAUSS. RICHARD: Till Eulensple g e l’s M e r r y Pranks. Bost o n S y m- phony Orchestra, Ser Kousevltzky, c o n d u c to r. (Red Seal Deluxe Re­ cords, unbreakable.) g e 7 6 M ART 270 East Main Phone 8011 : *ZZte ô le y o n . For marly the Southern Oreqon Minar $3.00 per year NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY j, 1948 J.00 PER YEAR JOHN VON KUHLMAN cum p a n n in g (or better wuter, und willing to puy (or the cumpuign und the wuter t o o ................und JAM ES QUINCY ADAMS muk- Ing good In the nutlonu pres« once uguin with u reierence In Juine» Hix 'Strung e A m I t Seems," thut the Suprem e court m un uuto court In Ashland, O re­ gon. Did you know: BING CROSBY cluuns thut he uttered his (Irst "Bubububoo,” out by Klumuth Junction when he wus touring the nation In his pre-Paul White inun duys.............Could be some civic group could erect u sign out there, sort o( u historic m urker, "On this spot Der Bingle (lrst bubood,” . . . . m eanw hile out ut W ushington school MISS INLOW just recently completed reading to the cluss, "The Story of Bing Crosby.” Oh, to be u child uguin. And the news rele ase ’ from Southern Oregon College states thut urtlcle which appeared In the Junuury Issue of the Oregon Educution Journal concerning the position und problem s o( mule teuchers In elem entary schools wus w ritten wittily und wisely. The author: CLIFFORD W IL­ LIAMS, principal o( Lincoln school. 4 | Poyer Family Has Reunion in Ashland Democrats Plan Meeting To Back Up Committemen TO DISCUSS CAMPAIGN POLICY FEBRUARY 16 IN MEDFORD , f Expect ’48 Polio Fund Campaign To Gross $2000 Mi and Mrs. Marvin Poyer and daughter, La Cretu, also Mrs. Poyer’s niece, M argaret W alker, all of Sacram ento recently visit ed his twin brother, Melvin and son Dale of Sunny Side, Wash., at the home of their parets, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Poyer of 186 W eightman street. They also vi: Bed Mrs. Poyer's sister, Mi Robert W endt of G rants Pass. All are form er Ashland resi­ dents. They arrived here from th in respective homes last F ri­ day January 30 and the M arvin Poyer« and family returned to Sacram ento last Monday, F e b ru ­ ary 2. While Melvin and son Dale left the middle of this week for th eir home in Sunny Side, Wash. COMPLETE TABULATION TO BE MADE WHEN ALL CONTRIBUTIONS ARE IN "We hope that the March of George Codding, secretary oi Dimes total contributions will he Jackson county D em ocratic reach $2000.00,” Don MacW hlrter, Centiul committee, announced to ­ co-chairm an with Dyer Huston of day that the com m ittee will hold this year’s Polio Fund campaign stated today. a meeting Monday, February 16, Complete results haven’s been 8:00 p.m. in the basem ent of the tabulated, MacW hlrter continued, Hotel Medford. he pointed out that several cash There are presently muny vac­ and check donation hadn’t been ancies in precincts which will be received as yet, though com m itt­ filled by com m itteem en and coni- ments had been made as to these m ltteewom en who will be ap­ Mrs. Grace Sikes and son, pointed at the meeting. The B ar­ George recently visited In E u ­ contributions. Gross am ount realized from the ron precinct area which Included gene, Oregon, with friends.. P resident’s ball Saturday night Klam ath Junction and the G reen- was $228.00. Dance refreshm ents pnng.s has no com m itteem an nor grossed $86.10. The funds which has the Colestin area. T alent East were raised by the theaters Is vucant as is Ashland south, j am ounted to $101.10. The com­ precinct 9. bined contribution by the schools Harold R. Jordan, Rt. 2, Box tot led $112.85. March of Dimes 502 is com m itteem an for pre­ cups which were placed on count­ cinct 1, Ashland b o u le v a r d ; ers about the city gleaned $229.13. Frank E. Thompson and Mrs. The state jars which were at Thompson, Van Ness, are com ­ GAME TO BEGIN AT the bank attained a total of $189- m itteem an and com m itteew om an 8:00 p.m. MONDAY NIGHT 02 Oregon was first with $54.90, for Ashland West C entral, pi In FEBRUARY 9 California second with $19.55, and cinct 3; Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Bert Miller, Liberty street, are com ­ Ashland basketball fans will Missouri third with $8.32. An additional $2.00 was added m itteem an and com m itteew om an see razzle-dazzle in Action Mon­ to the Ohio jar after the contest for Ashland South, Preclflct 9; day night at the Junior high j had closed by a former resident Ashland West, Precinct 10, re ­ school gym nasium, according to j of the Buckeye state. presented by Howard Holmes, Rt. Bob Sheridan who Is collecting a 2 Box 56, and Nellie M. South, P. O. Box 214. team of local all stars to play the Lois A. Moore, Rt. 1, Ashland Harlem Tops, a Negro profession­ Is Democratic representative in, al ball club, coached by Les W ilk­ Robert Lugar, former m anager Bellview. inson. of thé Community hospital, this Ralph Jennings, Talent, is P re­ Game tim e Is 8:00. The Harlem cinct Com m itteem an for West 64. Tops are being brought to A sh­ week petitioned the City Council Phoenix East, precinct 56 has a land by the Senior class of A sh­ asking for a five year lease on comm itteewoman, May Carver, land High school who are spon­ the hospital. Lugar stated in his petition that and Berthold Barnum is com m it­ soring the game to raise money teem an for precin. t 57, Phoenix for a gift which they plan to p re ­ he would be willing to pay the city $100.00 a month for the lease west. sent to the student body this and that he would then take care Some of the com m itteem en and spring. of the operation and m aintenance women listed have since moved Sheridan stated today th at the of the institution. away or will not take a n active Harlem Tops were really “tops,” Dr W alter Redford, who heads part In the 1948 elections und the among travelling baske t b a 1 1 the realty comm ittee of the coun­ Democratic central com m itte e teams and that In addition to play is presently investigating the plans to study these m atters ing a fine game of basketball they - Everyone interested In Demo­ could put on a complete comedy proposition. Recently the A m eri­ cratic policy Is invited to attend game and would do so at any time can Medical association failed to list the Ashland comm unity hos the meeting, Codding stated. 'The during the evening. pital on their approved list of two main aims of the party in Sheridan has tentatively select­ hospitals. Jackson county are to get people ed for his team M arlen Yoder, registered so they can vote and assistant coach at Ashland high George Icenhower and the Rev. the second is to provide an o u t­ school; Tiny Jones, Charles W ar­ and Mrs. Gordon Lindsay atten d ­ standing slate of candidates on ren. Cliff McLean. Jack Lutz, ed the District convention of the the democratic ticket. and Johnny Grey, all of whom, Assembly of God churches at Form ation of a Democratic club are form er Southern Oregon col­ Springfield, Oregon, last week. will also take place at the m e e t­ lege athletes or City league stars. They returned Thursday. ing, and people new to Southern Oregon are particularly urged to attend. Mrs. Manwood Honey m a n . M ultnomah county legislator, and her daughter, Mrs. Nancy R obin­ son, national dem ocratic com m it­ “O u r reliance i* in the love teewoman, are expected to attend as Is Monroe Sw eetland, N ew ­ of liberty which hat port, and Byron G. Carney, ch air­ —. planted In ue.O urdefense m an of the Dem ocratic state com ­ Is in the spirit which prized mittee. 2T. liberty as the heritage of all m en in all lands =_ everyw h ere.” Harlem Tops To Play Local Stars At Jr. High Gym is j - ---- o----- Lutfar Requests A Lease On Hospital cil Lincoln’s Birthday, February 12 Church of Christ Sponsors Youth’s \ Christian Endeavor With m alice toward none; with charity for a ll; with 7=. firm ness in the right,as — (3od gives us to see the right, ~ ~ let us strive on to finish z the work we are In.-to do all - which may achieve a Just and 7 lasting peace among ourselves, // and w ith all n a tio n s.” — Form ation of a C hristian En­ deavor society at the Fi r s t Church of C hrist took place S u n ­ day evening when 10 young peo­ ple formed an organization and elected Lowell Hall president. The group will be In the form of a town and campus club ac­ cording to the Rev. Earl Down­ ing, m inister of the church, and will appeal particularly to older students. O ther officers Include Jam es Chism, vice president, and Maury Gresham , secretary treasur e r. Mrs, Jess Hill Is the advisor. —o— Mrs. Marie Eastburn, 77 Alida street has been ill during the past week as has her baby and her mother, Mrs. Lucy Delmar. Consolidation Of Schools Is Lost Talent, Feb. 4—School patrons in the Talent school district voted Tuesday in favor of consolidation of the Talent district with t “"e W agner creek district, but the consolidation was defeated In W agner creek w here 22 people voted against the m easure and only 13 supported it. Talent patrons were 24 In favor and one in opposition to the m ea­ sure. The proposed consolidatl o n would have joined the two school districts, City Fathers Decide to Hold Water Election BUCKHORN LODGE OPENS Dr. Herman W exler, operator of Buckhorn Lodge on Em igrant creek, stated today that he plan­ ned to re-open the sanitarium this week. The sanitarium has been closed for the past few months while the Doctor was In the East on an an­ nual vacation and attending to m atters of business. PIE SOCIAL COMING The Bellview Extension Unit will hold a Pie Social at the B ell­ view Grange hall Saturday, Feb­ ruary 14 at 8:00 p.m. in order to sponsor a 4 H Scholarship. ‘Be Prepared’ Meeting Saturday By Winston Mark* All boys who wish to qualify for the Boy Scout overnight hike planned for this month will meet Saturday morning at the home of Tommy Laird at the end of Indiana Street, at 9:00 a.m. For many fellows this will be the first outing where they will carry their own outfits, build their own campfires and cook their own food. The purpose of the Saturday morning meeting will be to see th at each boy knows w hat equipm ent and food will be necessary for the hike, and to determ ine how much tra in ­ ing will be needed. A boy need not be a registered Scout to m ake the hike, but he m ust tu rn in an application for m em bership and attend this S at­ urday meeting. This is in the spirit of the Scout Motto: “BE PREPARED.” Several Students Make Honor Roll Students who made the honor roll for the half year at the B ell­ view school included for the 8th grade: Lawrence Lebore and W ayne Johnson. Seventh grade: Ben Heitz, Ro­ salie O’Brien, and Lloyd Blair. Fifth grade: Richard Schulz. Fourth grade: Rex Bounds, and Nancy BeBoer. Third grade: Jackie S uther­ land and D arry Ramsey. Second grade: Tommy Conner, Carolyn Byrd, Jeannette Therres and Franklyn Maher. First grade: Phyllis DeBoer, Susan Heitz, Carole Robison, Jack Spence and Robert Harkey. John Billings To Handle Mutual Life John Billings returned this week from Portland w here he had spent the post two weeeks in a school conducted by the M utual Life Insurance company of New York. Billings stated that he would represent M utual life in this area in the future. Tom Fuson and Lloyd Evans, both of Medford, have in the past handled the Ashland business for M utual life. U nderw riting M utual Life is not new to the Billings fam ily as at one tim e Billings agency took care of insurance business for the company in Ashland. Ashland High and Medford To Meet ■ — th a t th is nation,under (3od, «hall have a new birth of freedom , and that governm ent I o f the people, by th e people, for the people 1 s h a ll not perish from the e a r th .” j E xpressing , simply and with oignity , the thoughts and peelings op the people , these words op A braham L incoln will live forever in the hearts OP ALL AMERICANS — STANDING BEFORE ALL THE WORLD AS A S T A T E M E N T OP THE PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES OP OUR DEMOCRACY. Lincoln's birthday, February 12, is a day set aside to honor the great president who led this nation through one of the greatest crisis in its history. Washington school, Lincoln school, the Junior and Senior high schools will all have short assembles or programs on Thursday n honor of the memory of the Civil Wartime presided Volume 14, Number 48 The Ashland High School G riz­ zlies are being drilled this week by Coach Bob Sheridan to Im­ prove their foul shooting and op­ position to the zone defense with which they expect to encounter on Friday and Saturday nights when they play the Medford high school team in their third and fourth encounters. Although Ashland high school has won from Medford twice con­ secutively in the last series, Sheridan states that Medford has improved a lot and he expects very tough opposition this week. The Junior Varsities of both Medford and A s h l a n d high schools will play in prelim inary games both Friday and S a tu r­ day nights. PEOPLE TO VOTE FEB. 24 ON $400.000 PLAN TO IMPROVE WATER “. . . It is deemed necessary for the peace, health, safety, and gen­ eral welfare of the citizens of the City of Ashland that an em er­ gency be and the same is hereby declared to exist. . This excerpt from the legal "Notice of Special Election” issu­ ed from City A ttorney William M. Brigg's office this week Indi­ cates the attitude of the Ashland City Council when the body vot­ ed unanim ously Tuesday night under a suspension of the rules of the regular m eeting to adopt a resolution to hold a special elec­ tion in the city of Ashland on February 24 to vote on a "W ater Bond Am endm ent.” Upon passage, the am endm ent would perm it the City Council to issue General Obligation Bonds not in excess of $400,000.00 for the purpose of constructing a w ater filtration plant, three cov­ ered reservoirs and the partial re­ new al of distribution mains as a m eans of improving the w ater distribution and supply to the city. According to the notice the bonds will be of a serial type and wil be islsued in denom inations of $1,000.00 and callable in fiv«e years and will be retired by the city w ithin a period of tw enty years. The am endm ent perm its the Council to set the interest rate and interest paym ents will be sem i-annually. Paym ent for the proposed issue will come from city w ater rates and from an annual tax levy to be decided upon by the city council when the annual budget is made. Officials for the first w ard •which will vote a t the City Hall are W. C. Mitchell, judge, and • George W. Rose and Louise G. McNair, clerks. For the second w ard which will vote at the P ub­ lic Library, Rosa Dodge Galey was appointed as judge and Irene D etrick and Nellie M. Foster w ere appointed clerks. Polls will be held open on Feb­ ru ary 24 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Titles Go On Block In Church League Titles in the Y.M.C.A. Church basketball league will go on the block next S aturday afternoon at the Ju n io r high school gym na­ sium when the undefeated Con­ gregational Church team plays the equally undefeated P resby­ terian church team in the “A” league. Games to be played in the B league find the N azarene club m eeting the Talent Friends, the Presbyterians playing a pickup YMCA team and the Church of Christ playing the Methodist church. The third round of games in the Y.M.C.A. - Church Basketball league was played in the Junior High school gym Saturday a fte r­ noon, Jan u ary 31. In the “A ” Division the Con­ gregational team defeated the Church of C hrist 23 to 4 and the Presbyterian team won from the Talent Friends by a score of 26 to 14. In the ‘ B” Division the N azar­ ene team won from the Y.M.C.A. 26 to 6. Church of C hrist defeated the Talent Friends by a score of 17 to 14 and the Presbyterians won from the M ethodists 19 to 12. MRS PIERCE RETURNS Mrs. B. V. Pierce, 1041 East Main street, returned Monday from Los Angeles and reported that the families of both of her sons, whom she visited in Los Angeles, had increased by the ad­ dition of a child. Marie Francis was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pierce an d . Ron­ ald George was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Pierce. K athleen Hess has returned to school after her operation for re ­ moval of adenoids at Sacred H eart Hospital in M edford last week. Mrs. Jack Prewitt, 10 Quincy street, Medford, was a dinner guest at the Elmer Ayer’s home on South Pioneer street last Sat­ urday.