V. ol O.-UWWT, IJfaJ Political Pot Begins Bubbling and Boiling in Jackson County This Week M M M . w . • . •• « m -j Secretary of State Earl N ew bry, Ashland, has filed lor the H ep u u ii.an n>n. t.-tilo n as secretary of state. This loaves a clear field for several potential state senators in Jackson county. If nom inated and elected. N ew bry pledqds to "con­ duct the public business as I have my own. M y door w ill always be open to any ind ivid u al or group reeking tervice oi n.y office. M y position, or answer, on any question w ill not need in terpreting. I l w ill be fran k ond forth rig h t." As a slogan on the official ballot. N ew b ry aska that 'he fo low ing tie placed after his name: "Assure y o u r­ self of a friend in public office. Frankness w ith cour­ tesy." — i . g ..,. M M r cA A l l llister, i.t* » /n « m . ­ resenletive. M edford attorney, u was a m m A em ber ul the h d r-o , ior to the w ur, and nerved as speak­ er of th a t body durinq h i* last session. Ben D a y , Sam's V alley rancher, who has been off and on the fence has not stated d e fin ite ly whether he w ill seek the post or not. E verett Faber. C en tral Point, ha* announced his candidacy for the senate. F ra n k V an D yke, curren tly a m em ber of the house of representative», has announced that he w ill enter the h it * hoping for re-election. Van D yke ha* h i* sights set on the sp« -iker's seat. E. H . M ann. M edford m anufacturer, ha* been urged to reek the Republican nom ination for representative, but ha* not d efin itely com m itted himself. To date the Democratic party ha* made no announce­ m ent a* to Candidate* seeking state seats. Charles H o tkersm ith , Phoenix, is the only Democrat who has throw n hi* hat into the ring in the county so far. H eckersm ith is planning to run for county com mis­ sioner. R obert L y tle . V a lle yv ie w , who is presently a county commissioner, ha* made no com m itm ent concerning hi* plan*. A rth u r Powell, C entral Point, announced hi* r candidacy a n d i d a r v t the h a f first ir s t o h is of f t this w a a I c . M vnr C a k a r. week. M a ayor C. . A . M M a eeker, M edford, has been requested by friend * to run for commissioner but has qiven the m atter no consideration as yet. Chester W endt, Jacksonville, has also been m entioned among possible candidates for one of the commissioner's posts. In the city of Ashland it is ais yet a bit e arly to de- term ne w hat p articular people w ill make a bid lor the city council and the M ayor's post. M ayor Thornton W iley, who ha* held the post since 1932 stated that it was a bit early to decide w hether or not he would run again this yaar. and that as the s it­ uation developed he would make up hi* mind. T h u * no m ayo rality candidate* nor candidate* for the city council seat* have appeared. T h ree vacancies w ill show up on the council: Jake W eitzel, W alter Redford and H arold M e rrill w ill have served their terms. None of the three have slated at this tim e whether they w ill ru n for re-election or not. Seem ingly the situation at the close of the yoar w ill determ ine their stand*. The next few weeks w ill bring out a rdsh of candi­ dates lo r County and state office*, the m a jo rity of whom w ill be seeking Republican favor in the p rim a r­ ies. which in this region, is p ractically tantam ount to election. KW1N gagstcr* DOYLE SEE LY and ED BARNETT pointed out till» week that the Newt* Ito N ew bry. who had served tw o terms in the house, view Is now doing business In a was serving h|s second term as a m ember of the senate new stand, third knothole troni when appo'nted secretary of state by Governor John the light, at the Drigg s building H. H a ll. . . . JOE LANGTRY and W. V* The Republican C en tral Com m itee, left w ith a senate ROBINSON aie operating troni vatarviy on its hands, w ill give it* blessinq to either the first knothole to tly left W illia m M cA llister or H ild in g Bengston. N either has While WALTER REDFORD han made any com m itm ent to date as to his decision con­ dies the Keulty business troni his cerning the m atter. Bengston is presently a state rep- post, second knothole from the light. GEORGE ANDREWS gave up and went to California to re ­ cuperate from his sidew alk sup­ F o rm erly the ervisor duties . . . Anyhow V. J. Southern Oregon BYRD, who Is putting In the M in er new front says It won’t be long $3.00 per year now, und the Briggs building wiii present one ut the most modern exteriors In town. WILLIAM HEALY, former idea m an for the Ashland Cham ber ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON JANUARY 29, 1948 of Commerce, Is In town this 3.00 PER Y E A R week, says EARL NEWBRY’S cam paign for secretary of state is oft to a good start . . . DOUG­ LAS McKAY, candidate for gov­ ernor stopped in W ednesday, did n ’t waste any time, said he was looking for votes, support, and anything else we had to offer, and wus on his way. We appre­ ciated his tim e-saving attitude . m a r c h of D IM E S TO BEN DAY, Jackson county can BE C L IM A X E D W IT H didate for the house of represen­ DANCE SATURDAY tatives was also In, and invited us to join the Young Republicans Saturday night, January 31, the We thanked him kindly and In 1948 March of Dimes campaign formed him that in our opinion will come to a close w ith the a n ­ the county and the state needed nual President’s Ball which will a lot more Young Democrats he held this year In the Elk s rather than Young Republicans. Temple. Admission will be $1.50 Ju st to make it more Interesting, per couple according to Don Mac- donchano. W hirter and Dyer Huston, co- And JOHN DAUGHERTY says, chairm en of this year’s March of ju st for the purpose of record, Dimes campaign. that come tim e for his re-elec­ The dance will be informal and tion, there w on’t be any need for Is open to the public. Tickets are re-election, because he doesn't presently on sale or can be p u r­ plan to run. chased at the doer. Special con­ cessions will be available at the hall, and the Elk’s dance band will furnish the music. R eturns from the drive are in ­ complete as yet but M acW hlrter stated today that the present re ­ Henry Cleppcr, managing edi­ sults Indicated a possibility that tor of the Journal of Forestry will this year's drive would exceed speak to the Shasta Cascade su b ­ in am ount collected in the 1947 RAIDERS, SouthernOregon Collage -front ro w , left to right: Veentjer, Barger, Martindale, Lin- section of the Society of A m eri­ drive. man. Warren, Weaver, Newton: Back row: Hoefs. Copeland. Peters, Bonney, Jandreau. DeAutre- can Foresters at a dinner which The March of Dimes show was mont. O'Neal. Neideigh. will be held In the I.lthia hotel presented at the junior high coffee shop Monday night, F eb ru ­ school auditorium W ednesday Chico S tate’s W ildcats will in­ home court. The Gators from San Francisco state will play here ary 2, according to Harold T ho­ night, played to a slim audience. vade Memorial gym nasium on ped only two games, one to SOC Monday and Tuesday, February mas, Ashland representative of Comments on the show indicated the cam pus at Southern Oregon and the other to Humboldt. 2 and 3. the Society, who Is arranging the th at it was a fine variety revue. College this Friday and S atur­ Last week the Raiders, sparked If Ted Schopf's club wins both meeting. Robert Reinholdt acted as Mas­ day to attem pt to topple the Red Chico games the Far W estern by Bobby Hoefs, took two games Clepper Is national secretary of ter of Ceremonies and Dr. Elmo Raiders of Southern Oregon Col­ title is practically assured the from Humboldt in a series played The lege who lead the Far W estern A shland club, however, dropping in Ashland. The first game end­ the Society of American Forest­ Stevenson spoke briefly. ers. Seventy m em bers of the o r­ Ashland high school q uartet and conference basketball race with either of the games can m ake it ed 59 to 51, and the second clos­ ganization are expected to attend the high school band were the seven wins and one loss. a wide open race for the confer­ ed with the score 51-36. W inning from points in N orthern C alifor­ two local groups which appeared those two games gave the Raid- The Chico State club is only ence title. nia and Southern Oregon. All the The rem aining 16 acts were se- one game behind the Raiders ii The Raiders will begin Febru- ers a record of six consecutive m em bers are graduate foresters. 1 lected from the best am ateur tai conference standing having drop- ary w ith two more games on the wins. This Is the first time the socie­ ent in Jackson ouncty. ty has held a m eeting in Ashland. *7<6e Ô le y o tt NEWS REVIEW President’s Ball To Climax Polio Foundation Drive Raiders Win Seven, Lose One to Lead Far Western Conference Foresters Plan Dinner Meeting Ben Day Files For State Legislature Mrs.Edna Sehoeder will e n te r­ tain the Talent Garden Club at her home W ednesday, February Ben Day, Sam ’s Valley rancher, 4. There will be a speaker from was in Ashland Wednes d a y . G rants Pass, Oregon. w here he form ally made a n ­ John Reed of the Reed-Wright nouncem ent of his candidacy for Reality Co. was transacting busi­ the Oregon house of representa­ ness in the K lam ath Junction tives. A t present Day and Frank Van com m unity last Saturday. Dyke are the only two candidates for the two openings in the lower house. Both are Republicans. ----------- o------------ John Riley Pittenger, 940 B Street, district constable, was up town W ednesday for the first tim e In over a week, due to a round with the flu. Il W hat They A re Reading This Week Erskine Caldwell's latest novel - “The Sure Hand of God.” Jam es Hilton's - “So Well Rem em bered” And don’t overlook - “DIR­ TY EDDIE” by Ludwig Bemelman* “Home C ountry” by Ernie Pyle, made to order for those who have read - “Here Is Your W ar” and “Brave Men” - Pyle at his best. 270 East M ain Phone 8011 Spanish Swindle Swindlers Offer Money And A Trip With Pretty Daughter For Release Dr. Bracker Aids In Exposing The Spanish Swindle Postal Inspector Warns Southern Oregon Residents ] Honor Roll Lists 37 Jr. High Students Thirty seven students made the Honor Roll during the last six weeks period in Ashland Junior High school. Principal Joseph Fader announced today. With 17 honor students the se v e n t h grade took top honors by edging the ninth grade which had 16. Students who have been on the honor roll all sem ester are: N inth Grade; Patricia Bailey, Dale Dieckman, Edith Hile, Anne Hill Mary H illberry, Bob Mad­ den, and Ken Wilkenson. Eighth grade: B arbara Hild, Seventh G rade: Carol Culp, Glen Ingle, Bob Myrick, David Stemple, and Mike Grant. The following students were honor students the last six weeks: Ninth Grade: Patricia Bailey, Dale Dieckman, Edith Hile, Anne Hill, Mary Hillberry, Jean House­ holder, Coleen Krinock, Jerry Langer, Bob Madden, Richard Michael, Bernice Mayben, A rthur Ostrander, Janet Schniedler, Ken W ilkenson, Ted Willoughby, and Bob Frazier. Eighth Grade: Gall Barnum, B arbara Hill, Ruth Taylor, and Glenna Williams. Seventh Grade: P attie Abbott, Charles Added, Judy Briggs, San­ dra Clary, Carol Culp, Joan Day Anderson, Glen Ingle, Richard Mitchell, Bob Myrick, Colette Perrine, Donna Redmond, Helen Robertson, Betty Sm ith, David Stemple, Catherine Turner, Mike ----------- o----------- K athleen Hess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hess, of Rosem ary’s Flower Shop under­ w ent an operation at Sacred H eart Hospital In Medford the first of this week for the rem ov­ al of her adenoids. HELP THE MARCH OF DIMES Volume 14, Number 47 V. Richardson Is Selected For C. of C. Secretary W IL L B E G IN D U T IE S F E B R U A R Y 2 AS M R S . H E A L Y R E S IG N S Victor Richardson, Phoenix, has been selected by the board of directors of the Ashland Cham ­ ber of Commerce to replace W ill­ iam Healy as secretary of the Chamber. Dr. W alter W eller an­ nounced today that Richardson had been selected after the board had studied several applicant’s records and th at they felt th a t he would be able to best operate the business of the chamber. Richardson, who has been em ­ ployed as assistant personnel dir­ ector at Bear Creek orchards for the past two years stated that his first project would be to become acquainted w ith every m em ber of the Cham ber of Commerce and to study their individual business problems. During the w ar Richardson was w ith the United States m aritim e service. He held the rank of Lieu­ tenant, junior grade. He sailed m ostly in the Pacific and was w ith the m aritim e convoy that entered Leyte gulf on D plus four. Before going to work with Bear creek orchards he sailed w ith Grace lines as purser. He attended high school in Lewiston, Idaho and Yakim a Val­ ley academ y and attended col­ lege at W alla Walla, Washington. Richardson will assume his duties Monday, F ebruary 2. Mrs. W illiam Healy who has been operating the Cham ber since her husband became assist­ ant secretary of state, Decem ber 1, stated th a t she plans to move to Salem, F ebruary 10. Mrs. Healy’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. W ard Finley will go to Salem with her as will Mary Pat Healy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Healy. The Healy home on Clover Lane has been purchased by Fred Whited. Parks Announces Third Honor Roll “Would you like to get in on a “The first thing I did was no­ tify the FB I” said Dr. W. E. deal to get one-third of $375,000? B racker Ashland dentist who re­ Everyone would like to have the ceived a Spanish Swindle series money, so the m ain question is Roland Parks, principal of the of letters from Joseph Martin, would you fall for the ‘Old Span­ Ashland high school, announced reputedly a Vensuelan financier ish Sw indle’?” today the names of the honor Post Office Inspector J. A. of French origin, who claimed he students for the third six weeks was languishing in jail in Mexico Eidswick reported th at recently period. Parks explained th at these city. “The FBI in tu rn referred several letters from Mexica n students had received a grade me to the Postal inspectors who sw indlers have been received by of two or better in their school business and professional men in have been handling the case.” work during th at period of study. Southern Oregon. There were 14 sophomores, 22 I B racker received the first let­ The letters, m ailed in Mexico, juniors, and 18 seniors on the t e r from a Mr. M., Novem ber 27. begin by asking the addressee if honor roll. It was in the form of a come-on Winds made an active week he would be interested in doing Sophomores Included: Nancy for the local fire departm ent and no money was requested. The a big favor and helping out the Arney: Kay Beck, Craig Canfield, second letter, which arrived in m an’s daughter. Next, the letter when they were called out seven Joanne Downing, Nina G raber, tim es beginning w ith a flue fire Ashland, December 18, stated w riter cites a hard luck story of Frances Howard, Doris Litw iller, at the A. L. Gillm an residence that Mr. M. was in reality Jos­ being in debtors prison. Cash Perrine, Bob Simpson, Zel- eph M artin, and that If Dr. “I have $375,000 in American when a descending stove pipe ma Stone, Richard Wilcox, N or­ congested w ith oil and gasses set­ B racker would proceed w ith $8,- currency locked up in a trunk man Myers, Rodney Twedell and 750.00 to Mexico City certain sult- which is in a customhouse in the ting the flue on fire. June Lee Smyth. The second call on Monday at ases containing custom claim United States,” the swindl e r Juniors Included: LeRoy Ades, checks could be released, the writes. That is w here the person 8:30 a.m. was at the Bert T urner Alex Austin, John Beare, Dorothy residence at 250 6th street when claim checks thus obtained could who gets the letter comes in. B rahham t, W ayne Crow, Shirley The “senor” needs money to sparks from a flue set the roof be used to reclaim certain trunks Damon, Joyce DeVore, Betty which w ere being held in a cus­ (Continued on b a d page) on fire causing an estim ated $250 Hall, Betty Henry, Carol Karnes, damage. The house was insured. tom’s warehouse in the United Donald K err, Rosemary Knott, States. In these trunks In the 000 and would see th at the Dr. Also on Monday firem en a n ­ Carol Meeks, Delores Momany, sw ered calls at 60 Alida street, United States, Mr. M artin stated, got his half of the $375,000. Shirlee Newbry, Jean Nichols, Dr. B racker turned the entire was $375,000. Half of this would w hen an electric stove caught Paula Ostrander, Carla Sears, m atter over to the postal a u th ­ be given to the Doctor if he came fire and at 860 Ashland street R uth Seitz, Jane Simpson, Mona orities who are attem pting to when the flue of the George S ny­ through with the $8750.00. Taylor and Mary W hite. break up the Spanish Swindle on Mr. M artin’s second letter con­ der residence caught fire. There Seniors included: Ma r 11 y n tained explicit instructlors as to the grounds that it is use of the was no damage at either place. Beare, Elm er Biegal, Bill Bissell, mails to defraud. On Tuesday firem en w ent to the tim e Dr. B racker should a r­ Phylliss Downing, F rank Gordon, A uthorities point out th at the C. A. Irw in property at 505 rive In Mexico City, told him at Glorlan Howard, Ileane Jarvis Siskiyou Boulevard for a flue w hat hotel he should register, Am ericans who have gone to Lela Linn, Mickey McKeever, Mexico City with the $8750.00 and how he should get in touch fire but there was no loss. Eileen Michael, Sue Pearson, Burning rubbish caused a with an interm ediary. M artin also to rescue the financier and save Louise Perren, M axine Riley, the beautiful m aiden, have In fire in a vacant lot at 1151 Moun­ stated th a t his beautiful 18-yeai Miss Mamie Orr, sister in la w ' Donnabelle Stauffer, Joan Van tain Avenue W ednesday m orn­ old daughter would accompany the past, returned w ith a lu m p ' on the noggin and a bad taste in ' of J. R. Pittenger, Is now con- Dewalker, Shirley Weitzel, Helen ing on the property of J. A. A d­ Dr. B racker to Texas w here she fined to her bed with the flu, Whiting and Jerry Mitchell. ams. There was no property loss. would get one-half of the $375,- their mouth. Fire Department Busy During Week