U. OÍ O- Library. * 1 DOING The TOWN The Ashluud Police departm ent has made tio overall chungcM in policy Mince the retirem ent of Chief C. 1’. T alent and none are presently being form ulated ac­ cording to newly appointed Chief of Police C. C. Williams. “There is no reason to change a system that is operating satisfact­ orily” Williams po in ted o u t . ‘‘Chief Talent was operating a police departm ent which, for u com m unity this size, was recog­ nized to be one of the best in the state. Williams, who was appointed chief the first part of this month has been with the Ashland Police departm ent since 1940, Prior to entering police work Williams wus foreman at the L. Z. Bragg orchards in Medford. During his term of service with the police departm ent Williams, who has been assistant chief, attended var lous police schools and courses of study including schools of traffic, disaster, gas, jui juitsu, police ad ­ m inistration, and traffic control. There will be a few changes In the office routine and methods used, Williams pointed out. Form er child of police, C. P. Talent, Is now Police judge, hav­ ing been appointed to that post by Mayor Thornton S. Wiley, to fill the place vacated by Judge Presnall, who retired after 12 years service. Talent, had been Chief of Police for 15 years and previous to entering his duties In Ashland was with the Oregon state Traffic departm ent. Fornrcorl/ Iho Southern Oregon M in er $3.00 per yoer J.00 PER Y E A R March of Dimes Campaign In Full Swing This Week 16 A C T A M A T U E R S H O W A N D P R E S ID E N T 'S B A L L H IG H L IG H T A G E N D A March of Dimes activities will reach a peak next week as the campaign draw s to a close with the presentation of a Benefit Show on W ednesday night, J a n ­ uary 28, at the Junior high gym and the P resident’s ball S a tu r­ day night at the Elk’s Temple. Tlie 18 act am ateur show, ori­ ginated by H arry Chipm an, and containing an adept and enter tainlng cast will be supplem ent­ ed in Ashland with one local a t­ traction. Admission charges are 55c for adults and 30c for chil­ dren. Climaxing the drive citizens will gather at the President's ball on Saturday night, Jan u ary 31, at 8 p.in. at the Elks Temple Music for the dance will be pro­ vided by the Elks band and th< dance will be informal. Adm is­ sion charges are $1.50 per couple Chairm an for the local March of Dimes activities appointed by Jackson county chairm an Vern Sm ith include Herb Fischborn, chairm an and Dwyer Huston and Don M acW hirter co-chairm en for Ashland and Frdd Engel, Bell­ view. Co-chairman Don M acW hirter stated today that the m others should i»e publicly thanked for their interest and help In the “Kiddies P arade” which got the March of Dimes drive off to its excellent start. Saturday, fie also thanked the American Legion, the Boy Scouts, the Junior High School and High School bands, the M ajorettes and others who made the parade possible. HELP THE MARCH OF DIMES NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND, JACKSON CO UNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1948 Raiders Still Lead Far Western Clubs S till top team in the F ar W estern c o n f e r e n c e , the Southern Oregon colleqe Red Raiders return to their home court this F rid a y and S a tu r­ day to play a stout H u m ­ boldt club. The R a i d e r s took two games the forepart of this week from the C alifo rn ia A g ­ gies at Davis. The game on M onday ended 57-36 and the Tuesday night game whistle blew w ith the score at 49-35. Chuck D eA utrem ont. Cal Bonney. Wes Peters, and Chuck Jandreau led the scor­ ing in C alifornia. Dog Show to Be Held January 25 Gen. Holdridge To Speak At College On Militarism 1 C O R D Y S P E A K S T O E X T E N S IO N U N IT I Volume 14, Number 46 CQftA AAA U / a I a * { $UUU,UUU Vval"! Bellview Home Extension U nitj m et at the Bellview G range H ill W ednesday, Jan u ary 21 C. B. Cordy spoke on pest control A short discussion on Flow er A r­ rangem ent was given by Mrs. M. I'. True, folowed by the regular C O N S U L T IN G E N G IN E E R business meeting. During the bus­ TO M A K E S U R VE Y A N D iness m eeting the Finance Com- E S T IM A T E O F C O ST m ltttee reported that a pie social would be held at the G range hall Plans to bring the city w ater in February. problem to a head w ith a bond Seventeen regular mem be r s were present w ith two new mem issue which would perm it con­ bers, Mrs. Ray Sharp and Mrs. struction of a new covered res­ George Baughman. One visitor, ervoir at the head of Lithia park, Mrs. W. D. Jackson of Ashland construction of a filtration plant, was present. Hostesses tor Feb the covering of Crowson reser­ ruary 18, the next m eeting of the voir, replacem ent of 3000 feet of group will be Mrs. W alter Hash the present w ater m ain w ith 24 and Mrs. Robert Rosenbaum. The inch pipe, construction of two lecture will be given by Mrs. standpipes and addition of a Marian Christensen, Home Dem­ chlorinator, w ere m ade a t city onstration Agent on Pressure council m eeting Tuesday evening. A. D. Harvey and associates, Sauce Pans, assisted by Mrs. B. engineers, E. B lo'k. Mrs. Stanley Church Medford, consulting was appointed U> attend the T ail­ will m ake a survey and estim ate oring S 'hool to be held in Med­ of the costs during the next 60 days according to Mayor T horn­ ford In March. ton S. Wiley, and the recom m en­ dations m ade by Harvey will be placed before the public. ■ H erb Fischborn, chairm an of the w ater com m ittee, had p re­ viously recom mended th a t such Funeral services w ere held a plan be folowed through in Tuesday, Jan u ary 20, 1:30 p.m. ord er to assure the city of good for John Fred Em mett, 72, Rt. 2, and adequate water. Estim ated cost will be in the Ashland who died Ja n u ary 19 at the Ashland Com m unity Hospital neighborhood of $300,000 accord­ after an illness of seven days. ing to Wiley, and the m atter will Born in 1875 at Bethel, Oregon be put before the people a t a he was a resident of Oregon his special election as soon as H ar­ entire life. In 1900 he was m ar­ vey subm its his recom mendations. ried to Ethel Putm an at Amity, Oregon and in 1939 moved to Ashland w here he was occupied as a fire insurance broker. W. P. W right and John Reed Funeral services were held at announced this week the form a­ the Litw iller Chapel with the Rev Leland W ilkinson presiding and tion of a new realty firm at 519*^ interm ent was in the M ountain Siskiyou which would be called Reed and W right. Both are licen­ View Cemetery. Em m ett is survived by his wife, sed brokers. Reed, who was form erly asso­ Ethyl; three d au g h ters, M rs . Ralph W. Reed, Ashland, Mrs. R. ciated w ith E. E. Silvast in the J Hutchison, Ashland, and Mrs. same location, is also proprietor Jack B. Pearce, Albany, Oregon; of Reed’s m attress. W right, is a a brother, E. W. Em mett, Salem, form er A shland resident. Recent­ Oregon, and four grandchildren. ly he has been associated w ith Pallbearers were Ralph Bill­ Caine steel company and during ings, Ross Eliason, Henry Newton, his form er A shland residence he Allen McGee, E. O. Sm ith and was w ith Oak Street Tank and Steel. Robert Lytle. Supply Program Being Considered S P EE C H T O BE G IV E N IN A U D IT O R IU M A T 2:30 P. M. Brigadier General H erbert C. Holdridge, United States Army, retired, will speak to the student body oi Southern Oregon college Fnday, January 23, at 2:30, on the subject ‘American Militarism and Power Politics.” The public is invited to atttend, according to the Rev. George Shuman, who is aiding in bringing the general to Ashland. The General represents the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Hoidridge will speak at a pub­ lic forum on Universal M ilitary Training Friday evening at 8:00 at the Medford high school audi­ torium. His opponent there will be Major Otto A. Ewaldson, coipc of engineers reserve, who Is sup­ erintendent of the Zion Lutheran church Sunday school. Ewaldson, who is an expert on U.M.T. will speak in favor of compulsory m il­ itary training According to advance inform a­ tion Holdridge regards compul­ sory m ilitary training as unreal­ istic, unsound, and dangerous. He envisions the next war as being short and violent, lasting only a few hours or a few days, and he is urging that Congress appoint a national security council of re ­ presentative civilians responsible to congress. Ben Lombard, president of the Ashland Kennel club, announces that the Southern Oregon Kennel club will have their first sanc­ tion match in the Medford A rm ­ ory, January 25, beginning at 9 30 a.m. It is necessary th at the new ­ ly formed club hold two sane tion m atches before they are a l­ lowed to have their point m atch for cham pionship dogs. Ray Ramsey, m em ber of the club, stated that the entry fee for the Ja n u ary 25th show will be 50c for the first showing and 25c for each additional showing. The first class will be judged for the Miss Jeanne Hutchins and Tho­ best dog of the entire group; sec­ mas Childers were united In ond class will be best of breed; m arriage Saturday, January 17, next in tu rn will be the best of 1948 at 2 o’clock In the afternoon opposite sex; and the last class at the home of the brides parents, will be the best dog of the show. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hutchins, There will also be a special show 715 North Main street, by the Rev for dogs belonging to children Robert McIIvenna of the M eth­ under tw elve years of age. Brigadier General Raymon d odist church. The double ring Any registered dog is eligible Olson announced today the ap- ceremony was used. for the show. It isn’t necessary to The groom Is the son of Mr. belong to the kennel club to en t­ pointm ent of Captain Phil Stans bury, Ashland, as Inspector G en­ and Mrs. M. D. Childers, 322 er your dog in the show. W imer street. Ray Ramsey, D arry Ramsey, eral for all national guard units Mary Meeteer, Francis Clink, in Southern Oregon The appoint­ The bride wore a w hite organ­ G erald Newton and Le n o r a m ent was m ade by General Tom dy gown and carried a bouquet of »>. o , n- . . , . ... ,, Ballet Intime, starring Texas Brown are among the Ashland Rilea, Thursday. w a, the , T ° M °r b<>r" ballerina Nana G« » " " ^ d Stansbury, who operates the was the sister of the bride. Mrs | P au| p nted persons that will enter their dogs j Ashland cabinet works is assign­ in the show. Daniel F errter who wore a pastel | Mond n, ht th M ed to Oregon National Guard blue organdy formal. 1 . „ j j u.. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Blevins, H eadquarters, Salem. He will be The groom was attended by H,8h school .. D auditorium ~ . , accord- . , Klam ath Falls, Oregon and Mr. one of two Inspector Generals in Daniel Ferrter. Jesse W heeler "« ” ^ e n t S D, ° ? f * sang “O Promise Me” and “Be- !?"d / X v f and Mrs. Ralph Blevins, Boise,) the state. His duties will be to in ¡son county civic music associa- Idaho, spent last week end with] spect a unit each week and to cause' tlon. Ralph Koozer, Bagley canning U nit No. 2 of the M ethodist their m other and her husband, i audit the books of all Southern The couple will be at home C urtain time is 8:15, and the Mr. and Mrs. C. Will Glelm, 2271 Oregon National G uard units at church will meet Monday even­ com pany executive, who h a s tem porarily at 190 High street. group will present N utcracker ing at the church for a pot luck headed the Oregon U. S. 99 asso­ the close of each year. Mr. Childers is employed by the suite, and Swan Lake by Tschai- G ranite street. supper. Ashland residents who ciation for the past 10 years, ste p ­ city of Ashland at present. kowsky, and a group of individ­ live in the area betw een L aurel ped down as president Monday The wedding was followed by a ual and group dances. Thaddeus and Pioneer s tre e ts 'a re included as Carl Hogg, Salem was elected reception in the home of the Sadlowski Is pianist for the bal­ in U nit No. 2 to the presidential chair, a t a brides parents. A three tier w ed­ let. The people who reside East of m eeting of the association held in ding cake was cut by the couple Beach street, which is classed as Salem. and served by Mrs. Don Chapm an C. B. Jones, San Francisco a r­ Unit 4, will m eet at Bob M ackay’s The association’s purpose is to Mrs. Ray Phelan presided over rived Tuesday to visit his sister 743 Siskiyou, Tuesday, at 7 p.m. m ake Highway 99 a m ajor north the coffee cups. and husband ,Mr. and Mrs. C The annual M arch of Dimes home refrigerator ,Thor washing for a pot luck dinner, the Rev. and south route. Will Glelm. Mrs. Glelm is the cam paign got underw ay this week m achines and ironers, Motorola Robert McIIvenna announced to­ Twlla Mackie, North Oak St., form er G race Blevins, m anager highlighted by a letter writing and M antola radios. day. entered Sacred H eart hospital of W estern Union. contest sponsored by the Jack- McIIvenna also called attention A year's supply of milk, three Thursday m orning for a tonsilec- son county chapter of the Na quarts daily, is offered by the to the M ethodist youth rally tomy. tional Foundation for Infantile D airy Co-op., a custom -m ade set which will be held in Medford Paralysis. Vern Sm ith, Jackson of seat covers from Selby’s Top from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. S u n ­ county chairm an, stated that the and Glass shop; Zenith tires with day. Speaking to m em bers of the subject was “Why we should sup­ guarantee from the L. C. Taylor school board of District No. 5, Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barraclough port the March of Dimes.” , Co.; a three-piece silver plated of Medford, w ere dinner guests C. L. H uffaker, school building Funeral services were he 1 d and finance expert for the U niv­ The contest is open to persons coffee set by Larry Schade; one Tuesday m orning at the Litw iller o a ages and w ith no restric- pound of b u tter per week for the of her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. Ross ersity of Oregon, recom mended Chapel for Nellie Glenn Simpson, tions on place of residence with- year by Jorgensons Dairy; five H arden of 556 B street, Tuesday. three sw eeping changes, t h e 74, 42 Glenn avenue, Ashland in the county. The rules state that loads of wood for next w inter abandoning of W ashington school, Cal. Cooley, 308 H arrison street the building of 20 elem entary who died Friday, Jan u ary 16, at all letters m ust be into “March froni the McGinty Fuel company; the Ashland Com m unity Hospital of imes Fund, P. O. Box 900, a M anning-Bowman electric table and Mrs. Alta Alvis, U pper Wal classrooms, and the replacem ent ker Street, were callers at the following an illness of tw enty Medford, Oregon, before or by broiler by B rophy’s jew elers; and B art R itter home on W alker A ve­ of the Ju n io r high school w ithin days. Jan u ary 29. M att Freed is let­ from “Your Beauty Shop” free five years. nue Sunday. Mrs. Simpson was born in 1873 ter contest chairm an. H uffaker pointed out th at the shampoos and hair styling for This Week in North Vernon, Indiana and The letter itself m ust not ex­ three m onths and free haircutting percentage of increase during the was m arried to Thos. H. Simpson ceed 25 words in length and a past four years could be used as Berlioi: Romeo and Ju liet for children under 10 years for in Ashland in 1894. She was a contribution to the M arch of six months. an indication of the fu tu re p er­ Opus No. 17. A rturo Tos­ resident of Ashland for 55 years Dimes m ust accompany each let­ centage, and th a t as the increase canini and the NBC Sym ­ L atest additions to the prize and was a m em ber of Eastern ter. An unlim ited num ber of le t­ in school children continued the phony - (Red Seal Deluxe list include two sugar cured hams Star Lodge. ters may be subm itted by each present grade schools, which are Records - unbreakable) from the C rater Meat company; She is survived by her husband contestant providing the rules are already overcrowded, and the 200 gallons Olympic Ethyl gas Thos. H. Simpson; two sons, followed. junior high school, would be u n ­ Chopin: Music To Rem em ­ Stim ulating interest in the let- £ nO™n tbe P e tr° ± m, Glenn, Ashland and Harold V., City superintendent, El m e r able to absorb the num ber of ber (From the Life of ,• contest i„ „ of , | Equipm ent company; a $50 U. S. Portland; two grandchild r e n, ter is the collection Biegel, announced that the re a ­ children. There are presently 239 Chopin) by Jose Iturbi. Jane and Robert, Ashland, and prizes donated by Medford m er­ savings bond from Merle Guches son for the clear w ater th a t A sh­ more children attending grade an aunt, Ida May Neil, Ashland. chants for the successful prom o­ of O tto’s club; a General Electric land residents are again getting school in Ashland than original­ Gershwin: Rhapso d y I n autom atic blanket from Flynn Pall bearers were C. J. Baugh tion of the campaign. Biegel m entioned that two diver­ ly planned for when the present Blue. Alec Tem pleton and man, Harry McNair, Fred Taylor, The list includes $100 from the Electric; a W orld Bicycle for girl sion dams are being used instead building in use was constructed. Andre Kostelanetz O rch­ or boy from Sims Bros, and a set R. E. Detrick, Ralph Billings and Medford Cab company; set of of the Reedy dam. Each of the H uffaker estim ated that the 20 estra. W alter Redford. tires from the Medford Garage; of tires from H um phrey Motors. diversion dams will hold a m il­ additional classrooms needed to Highlights of the contest will lion and a half gallons of w ater, take care of the children would Interm ent was in the Ashland $10 suit from B arker’s; Bulova Rossini: William Tell O ver­ Cem etery. The Reverend A. H. gold w rist watch, Chapm an’s be revealed each S aturday night and they will be used until June, cost $450,000. He recom mended ture. London Phllh a r- MncDonnell officiating. Jew elers; kitchenm aster broiler in special broadcasts from radio which will give the Reedy dam consolidation of the six districts monic with Sir Thomas -o - — and P ettit Point electric iron, station KMED betw een 6:00 and am ple tim e to settle. in the Ashland area in order th at Beecham, conducting. Z IT T E R C O B S C L U B IS Building Specialty and Appliance 6:15 p.m. The city has employed fourteen the com m unity be able to finance E N T E R IN G T O U R N A M E N T Judges appointed to select the m en to open up these dams, and an adequate building program. company; $50 suit or dress from Members of Zittercob’s Repair A drienne’s; y ear’s supply of Pep- 10 “G rand W inners” in the con- they have had to w alk to them V olunteers P aren t Teacher as­ shop bowling team, who are plan­ si-Cola, S nider’s Dairy and ____ Pro- _ test include Mrs. D arrel Huson, as the roads w ere impassable. sociation w orkers are compiling a ning to go to Salem this week duce; $55 suit, Jacque Lenox; J M edford; Mrs. Clarence Meeker, Biegal also stated th at the city census of the pre-school children end to enter the Oregon bowling from Rogue Service and Supply | Medford; Law rence Brink, Tai has had a dozen men w orking on in the Ashland area. This infor­ tournam ent include Jack Zitter- Co., a $300 Amana 5 cubic foot ent; Mrs. Bert Lowry, Mrs. Vic the roads that lead to these dams m ation will be used to predict 270 East Main Phone 8011 cob, Jack Colley, Ernie Clift model 50 Coldwell Quick Freeze: I tor Sether, Seth Bullis and Mrs. and they should be open soon. more accurately future building W ayne Card and Bill Tabs. Wives Flying ’’A” gas, Goodrich tires, O. H. Bengston, Medford; Mrs. I The Crowson Reservoir is also needs. Mrs. H. A. Thomas and will accompany all the m en ex­ Associated Oil Products, Amana H. P. Jew ett, C entral Point and being cleaned in case of an emer- Mrs. W. P. W right are in charge cept Talia. Qulck Freezers, Servel kerosene i Mrs, Jim Busch, Ashland, ! gency for water. of the workers. Thomas Childers ...... Jeanne Hutchins Wed Stansbury To Be Guard Inspector Ballet Intime For Music Association Held In Medford John Fred Emmett Buried Tuesday Reed and Wright Form Realty Firm Church Units Have Pot Luck Suppers Koozer Steps Down From Highway Post Polio Letter Contest Offers Big Prizes for 10 Best Letters Masterpieces School Building Program Needed Nellie Simpson Buried Tuesday Classics on Records Diversion Dams Are Being Used For City Water HART 1