u . of o . Library, * Wheeler Is Only . Residing Member of 1912 Class Alvin W heeler, m em ber of the 1912 graduating class of the A sh­ land high school, which present cd the school with a stage cur tain, is the only one of tw enty- four graduates who Is at present residing In or near Ashlund. Wlkfeler has his M aster's degree from the University In Corvallis, and with his wife is living on a 35-ucre ranch on W agner creek Mr. and Mrs. W heeler specialize In raising registered Jersey c a t­ tle. They huve one daughter, Mrs. A. N. Day, who has been in A las­ ka for the past two years' with her husband. O ther m em bers of the 1912 graduating class included Verne Blue, Frances Briggs, Bessie Car» penter, Eugene C arpenter, Helen Chappel, Josephine Crawford, M argaret Dillon, Milllurd G rubb, Hiram Fordney, Nlnu Morris, Ja n Mowat, Grace Milun, Zenas Mordy, Clyde Parton Enid Rich­ ards, Irene Skien, I’eter Spencer Amy Stann, W alker Thorn, Rob- • e rt Tweed, I’eryl Wamsley, Don­ ald W elker, H arry White. Members of the Ashland school board authorized the purchase of a new curtain for the senior high school, at their regular m eeting Monday. It is hoped that the new curtain will be Installed in time for It to be used for the- A nniver- sary Play, whch is scheduled for Friday, Jan u ary 23. Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner $3.00 per year 3.00 PER YEAR YMCA Directors Elected Sunday Mrs. Haiohl Thomua, Mrs. Hugh McKeever, W ilbur Bushnell, H en­ ry Metz, Itev. Robert M cllvtnna, Giles S. Green, Niles Sm ith, Ri-v. E. I*. Borden, Bob Edward», El liott McCracken, and Tony Shive­ ly were elected to the board nt directors of the Ashland YMC'A, ; t the annual m eeting held Sun M. Litw iller, Rev. G. M. Shum an, YMCA building Roland Parks, Joseph Fader, C. M. Litw iller, Rev. G. M ,Shum an Ix'slie G rant, Dr. G. B. Hull, C. It. Oliason, Mrs. Edith Good,, I’. H. Stansbury, He nry Van i’rooyen and Dr. G. W. Bruce left the Y MCA board Sunday, President John Billings paid tribute to the service these- m em bers had given to the board. Eric W«-ren gave the- annual re­ port of the treasurer, and showed that the YMCA closed the year with all bills paid and had a bal­ ance ein hand nt $35.34, M em bership report showed a total of 220 building members. 192 club members, 68 boys In the 'h u rc h basketball league and 107 voting or corporate m em bers at the end of the year. Mrs. Clifford McClean, Mrs. M D. Yoder, Mrs. Edith Good, G ay­ lord Vestal, M. D. Yoder, John Cherney, and Don E. W right were also honored at the m eeting for the work they had done as a d ­ visers fur the club. Joan VanDcwalker, Shlrlee Newbry, Ruth Mitchell, Helen Bean, Anne Fullerton, K enneth Montgomery, Billy Ffnnell, Nance Arnejf, Louis Langer, H arry Kan- nasto, Ted Weitzel, Donald John son, and Jack Rouhier were in­ troduced as presidents and vice presidents of the YMCA clubs. HELP THE MARCH OF DIMES NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 194« Extension Unit to Meet February 10 Ashland Home Extension U nit will m eet at the home nt Mrs. M attel, 55 Pine street, February 10. Mrs. Cordy will In- the p rin ­ cipal speaker, and will tell about “insect control.” Mrs. C. M. Bailey was hostess for the club Tuesday, January 13. Mix. M arian Chrlsteson, Home Dem onstration Agent, explained the "use of pressure sauce pans,’ to club members. Lunch was • rved at 12:30 with the foods served th at had been cooked in the dem onstration. Mrs. M. P. O’Harra, vice c h a ir­ man, presided over the business m eeting with reports given by Mrs. II C. Dooms, Mrs. Mae R us­ sell. Mrs. E. S. Corthell was in charge of the "hom em akers e n te r­ tainm ent.’ She displayed a cen­ terpiece for a dining table. Don Sweems Sell To H. J. Peterson Talent January 15 — Mr. and Mrs. Don Swi-em, form er owners of the Sweem Cash Grocery in Talent, announced this week that their establishm ent had been sold to H. J. Petei on, Medford In a transaction which took place on Friday. Peterson, the new pi■< prietor, has been an electrical engineer with {he U. S. government foi the past nine years. Preyious to that tim e he managed a Montgomery Ward store in Wabash, Indiana. ----------- o— Volume 14, Number 4$ 1948 March of Dimes Campaign Underway BOB CLOSES LUNCH FOR WEEK'S REDECORATING Bob Brown, proprietor of Bob’s Lunch, announced today th at the cafe which he operates at 58 East Main street would be closed from Wednesday, Jan u ary 14, to Wed- n tsuay, Ja n u ary 21, in order to perm it redecorating of the es­ tablishm ent. Jones Funeral Held .. Betty Blair Becomes Saturday Morning Services were held Saturday, Bride of Tucker Don MacWhirter Dyer Huston To Head Committee ASHLAND S HOT PACK MACHINE TO BE PUT ON DISPLAY IN CITY HALL Final preparations are under­ way for the launching of the Ash­ land cam paign for the 1948 sea­ son M arch of Dimes which opens today, Jan u ary 15th, according to co-chairm en, Don M acW hirter and Dyer Huston. T heatre collection program s, m ailing brochures, campaign stunts, m erchant and school p a r­ ticipation has been planned by the entire staff of the Ashland Orm al Wesley Tucker and B etty Ruth Blair were joined in m arriage Jan u ary 2, a t 9 p.m. at 93 Lush street. The Reverend George M. Shum an of the First Presbyterian church perform ed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. H arry A. Brown Ashland business men, like other business m en throughout were best m an and m atron of the state of Oregon, will pay nonor. Several friends and n e i g h - _ r i t t more this month for telephone oors also attended the ceremony. ’ For a rousing sendoff, there YMCA CHURCH LEAGUE service. The public utilities com­ Mr, and Mrs. Tucker will m ake will be a parade Saturday a fte r­ STARTS BALL PRACTICE m issioner of the state of Oregon iheir home at 93 Bush street in noon at 2:90 p.m., starting a t the Practice games started S a tu r­ has ordered th at the Pacific- Ashland. Ju n io r high school, which will day In the Church YMCA basket Telephone and Telegraph com­ feature bands and m ajorettes ball league, in the Junior high pany be pertnitted to raise the from the schools. All children are school gymnasium, rates on business telephones. invited to dress up and join the Presbyterian B Team won from The raise am ounts to $1,00 for parade,, which has for its them e, t h e Nazarene B team by a score individual phones O ther changes M embers and officers of the the activity of norm al children as of 22 to 4. Talent B team d efeat­ are as follows: Am erican Legion and A uxiliaries com pared w ith the restriction of ed the Church of C hrist B team Old new of Ashland, C entral Point, G rants the deadly polio victims. There to 4. Catholic A team won Business Tw o-party 3.50 4 25 Pass, Kerby, Cave Junction, will be no prizes for this dem on­ from Talent A team by a score Residence Individual 3.25 3.25 K lam ath Falls, Lakeview, Malin, stration of support of the March of 26 to 24, und the Church of Residence Tw o-party 2.75 2 75 Medford, M erill and Wolf Creek of Dimes, save the belief in the Christ A team won from the Residence Four party 2.50 2,50 will attend the annual district furthering of the campaign. Methodist A team by a score of Suburban business 3.50 3.25 conference to be held at K lam ath A shland women have donated 19 to 18. Suburban residence Falls, Jan u ary 14, and in G rants their tim e, according to the chair­ Claud Frazier Is back In his Farm er line business 2.75 2.75 * Officials for the games were .42 1.50 Pass Jan u ary 15. men, and it is hoped by them Jerry Longer. Ted M cllvenna and real estate office as of Monday Farm er line residence .42 1.50 of this week a fter his attack of A fternoon and evening sessions th at more will still give of tim e John Austin. Churches are still Extensions-Business 1.00 1.25 the flu. Darlene Hickman, Ann Hill, are planned w ith the A uxiliary and energy tow ard the ultim ate enrolling players on the church Ex tensions-Residence .75 1.00 C. E. Huffman, 80 G ranite Barbara Mitchell, Pat Bean, Mary and Legion holding separate ses­ end of the contest. Mrs. M ildred teams. League games will be Hillberry, Nancy G raber. Beverly sions in the afternoon and a joint Snider and Mrs. Hazel MacW hir­ played again next S aturday af­ street, is able to be out and a- MRS. LAWRENCE SPEAKS round now since his confinem ent TO AAUW IN MEDFORD ter have together canvassed the ternoon, Jan u ary 17th. Robertson, Norma Balfour, Donna m eeting in the evening. to his home due Mrs. Craig Coyer, departm entj-business district for distribution Brownlee, M aureen Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. R A Johnson - Barbara Lacey, Brownlee, president, of Bend; Mrs. M itchell of collection jars and scrolls of so n T o ftim h » 904 i unesday evening to the Med- *"“ * - - Ileane — — ------ s tre e t v is ite d w W elghtman (ord Branch, Am erican Associa Gladys Cullup, Ruth Mitchell, Jo- Thorn, departm ent vice president, donation and have printed the street, visited Mr. Johnson s tion of U niversity Women on th und on the Southern Oregon College became the first food store in this past years. was in the Riverside Cem etery and a ll o ilie r penujiiH o r p u rtie s i_ _ r - b will be on display in the city Springfield, Missouri in 1901 and area to experim ent, w ith the Albany at 1:30, Jan u ary 15. know n, ciulntiuK a n y r ig h t, title , si*ige *n the near future, lien, c la im , e s t a te o r in te r e s t in a n d ' According to past reviews was preceded in death by her Wholesale Club plan w hen J. F. hall throughout the drive w ith a person on hand to explain the to th e re a l p ro p e r ty d ex crlb ed l h , **N i0hf M u s t IV I1 <’ ,,,u : u th e C o m p la in t h e re in , .. K _ , „ . 1’__..v v h ,c h w a s husband, G ilbert, a veteran of Pritchard, proprietor, formed the function of it. A ctual dates and Pritchard G rocery club this week. D e fe n d a n t« w ritten by Em lyn W illiams, will World W ar I, in 1939. tim es of day of this dem onstra TO: E ach, e v ery a n d a ll o f th e ab o v e put the chill of ice into the veins She is survived by her m other Explaining the plan, Pritchard n am ed D efe n d a n t« : tion w ill be m ade public as soon IN T H E NAM E D E T H E S T A T E of even the most stouthearted Mrs. Jenny Cone, Keno, Oregon; stated that m em berships would D E O R E G O N you m id each o f you audience. This p articular dram a two daughters, Mrs. Lois Funder- be sold for $5,00 a m onth, and as arrangem ents have been made. u ru h ereb y re q u ire d to a p p e a r und O btaining collection cans has a n s w e r th e C o m p la in t filed a g a in s t has been staged successfully in burg, C entral Paint and Lucille that each m em ber of the club been solved by the Bagley Can­ you In th e ab o v e e n title d n u ll on o r both New Rork and London. It Rowton, Ashland; three sons, G il­ could then buy groceries at b efo re th e la s t d a y o f f o u r w eeks nery, which has donated sealed, wholesale during th at month. bert and Robert, Ashland and was also made Into a movie s ta r­ H o m th e d a te o f th e f i r s t p u b lic a ­ tion o f th is S u m m o n s, und if y o u ring R obert M ontgomery. Pritchard, who has been in bus­ em pty, slotted No. 2 cans to the Homer, C entral Point, Oregon; a lu ll so to a p p e a r a n d a n s w e r sa id iness in Bellview for the past cam paign, besides m eeting thei brother, Charles Cone, P i n e Mulling expressed the opinion C o m p lain t, fo r w a n t th e re o f, th e P la in tif f s w ill a p p ly to th e C o u rt that a good m ystery should be Grove, California; two sisters, two and one-half years, form erly quota, of donations. This Week fo r th e re lie f d e m a n d e d In th e ir Novel approach to the voluntry resided in K lam ath Falls. C o m p lain t, s u c c in c tly s ta le d a s f o l­ refreshing after the light come­ Mrs. M argaret Germillion, Keno. donations goal has been offered low s, to -w it: T h a t u D e eres be en- dies recently staged here. Oregon and H enrietta Hinshaw JIM AIKEN TO SPEAK Ivi’i'il a <1JII d leu 1111K a n y an il a ll rlKlit, by G erald W enner of the bank. A YANKEE HOBO IN THE All-school tryouts ,,, will be held also of Keno; and two grand­ title , e « ta te , lieu o r c la im w h ich y o u , , . . ... TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 table w ith forty-eight milk bot­ ORIENT" by John P atrie_ o r a n y o f you h av e o r claim to h a v e '* h ,s week and M ulling urges all children. Mrs. Mary Healy of the A sh­ tles, one labeled to represent each i.','.’. " I . U|.,O,,L * ? . al >,r,,i,c riy K it- j orating, scenery or lighting to I Services were held at the Lit- Autographed by the author. land Cham ber of Commerce, a n ­ state, will be set up in the bank, .....- ■ u la "■ 8OI1‘ " ,n p a r tic r ly u* (leacribtiil a« follow «, to- people interested in acting, d ec-,w ilier Chapel with the Reverend nounces that Jim Aiken, football and persons originating from w lt; contact him in room 205A. i W ilkinson in charge. Interm ent L o t 3, S ectio n " J " In R o g u e coach of the U niversity of O re­ these states will place their do­ The SOC play production class ¡was in the M ountain View Ceme- ltlv e r V alley U rc h a rd C o m p an y What the reviewers say.,., gon, will be unable to appear at nations in the proper bottle. A T ra c t« In T o w n s h ip 38 S o u th , wlll assist In presenting the tery. the Cham ber of Commerce lunch­ sum m ation of collection will be R a n g e J E um I o f th o W illa m e t­ dram a. I Pallbearers were Amos DeVore, “A very hum an and vivid te M erid ian , In Ja c k « o n C o u n ty In addition to these special Ray Hinshaw, C. A. H artw ell, eon Friday of this week. Aiken m ade public, as the contest goes O regon, a c c o rd in g to th e o f f i­ journal of adventure. Patrie cial p la t th e re o f. is one of the few travelers fields, the business outlook can I Jim Roork, W alter Monroe and will be guest speaker at next on. A nd d e c la rin g a n y a n d a ll «ucli Tuesday’s luncheon, Ja n u ary 20, who can w rite lucidly, Inti­ claim » to be n u ll u n d void, a n d d e c lu r be broadened through the courses C. E. Converse. at the Lithia hotel. ing th a t th e «aid P l a i n t i f f s a re th e of accounting, economics, busi m ately and absorbingly.” o w n er« In feu « Im ide o f «uid p re- i j i i San Francisco Chronicle. miHCH, a n d th e w hole thereof tre e ,ness law ’ advertising, salesman- and clo u r o f u n y a n d a ll rig h t,’ title , ’sliip, m erchandising, psychology, Bellview Home Extension unit r.^VdaViis " r 7 . n y l'o f etshenh a m i' t h a t ' rnoney and banking, m arketing "An aggressive indivldu- will m eet W ednesday, January 21 each an d a il o f th e D e fe n d a n ts retailing, and business English, , allst, in a blythe and en­ Funeral services wei^e held h erein , a n d each a n d a ll p e rs o n « ' O n e n f th p m ost n r o flta h lo a t the Bellview G range hall. The c la im in g , o r to c la im by, th r o u g h o r , W 1