V. of o. Library. Christmas Seals I DOING The TOW N HUGH MCKEEVEll unit EL­ DON SCIUPTEK, boakmg wet, und wishing aloud, like eveiyoiii- else In town, that there wun some­ thing constructive which they could do to uld Mit. und MRS. JA K E WEITZEL recover theli losses, ROB BURDIC heading the staff of uniateur und prulcsslnnul pho togruphers who ure recording for postci ity the dam uge caused by Ashland creek. , . .BILL REA­ GAN wearing hoots, just In case. . . . JEANNE HESS dlrely proph­ esying famine,, hus already hud fire und flood. Formerly the Southern Ureqon Miner $3.00 per year N E W S R E V IE W 3.00 PER YEAR Nellie Dickey Ashland Lawyer Dies Wednesday Death took Nellie Estelle Dick­ ey, one of A shland's most pro­ m inent citizens und dean of the Ashland Bur Association, a t her residence, 614 Siskiyou Boulevard t 5 u.rti. W ednesday morning. Born m Wiscon In, Miss Dickey came to Oregon at the age of two. She was graduated from high school in G rants P a s s and then attended the Oregon Normal School in Ashland. Fol­ lowing her graduation at the Nor­ mal she attended the University of California for two years. R eturning to Ashland Miss Diekey worked and studied with Judge Culkins until Calkins was appointed Circuit Judge u n d moved to Medford. Miss Dickey took over his practice and has re ­ m ained in that location since. She was adm itted to the Oregon Bar Association in 1913. Miss Dickey Is survived by her brother, Floyd, Ashland and two aunts: Mrs. Fannie McMillan, Vancouver, B. C. and Clara Payne Albuny, Oregon. Funeral services will be held Friday at 1:30 p in. at the Litwll ler Chapel with the Rev. A. H. MacDonnell conducting the ser­ vices. The casket will not be opened at the services on Friday but the rem ains will lie In state between the hours of 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the Litw iller Chapel In order that friends may call to pay their respects. Interm ent will be in the A sh­ land cemetery. ----------- o------------ C. E. Huffman. 80 G ranite street has returned home from a Portland hospital and is reported to be Improving. ASHLAND, JACKSON CO U N TY , OREGON IHURSD AY, JANUARY 8, 1948 . . . Your Prottction Against Tubar sulosi« VOL. 14, NO. 44 SWOLLEN CREEKS CAUSE DAMAGE SOC Raiders Win One & lx>.se One Southern Oregon College Red Raiders split with Chico State in the first two conference games of the season for the Raid­ T iie ers. AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM DEDICATION SU 4DAY Ashland Creek Washes Through Floor At Weitzel’s; Fire Truck Dunked Sunday evening at 7:30 a spe­ cial service will be held at the Presbyterian church to dedicate the W inter Memorial am plifica­ tion system. In addition to the form al dedication service a pro­ gram of sacred music selected by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G rant will Oscar Bjorlie will be presented. The amplification system was be Skippers of the Presbyterian recently given the church by Mr. M ariner’s club for 1948 it was and Mrs. Howard L. Brown, G len­ announced this week by the Rev. dale, California, in honor of Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shum an. Mr. and Mrs. Otto W inter, who were long time i Dave Lindsay will be first mates residents of Ashland. Mr. W inter and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Langer having been president of the Ash will be Log-Keeper and Purser, land Board of Trade, and Mrs. respectively. W inter a daughter of the Russell Retiring officers are Mr. and family, who were charter m em ­ Mrs. M arvin Miller, Mr. and Mrs. bers of the Ashland Presbyterian G rant and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne church. Sikes. Ci rants To Steer Mariners In 1948 EMIGRANT CREEK AND BEAR CREEK OVERFLOW INTO FARMLANDS Flooding Ashland creek caused extensive damage to W eitzel’s de­ partm ent store and the loss of a Lithia Bubbles fire engine to the city W ednesday Among the hackwush und d e ­ morning when the upper reser­ bus which Ashland creek cough­ voir of the city’s w ater system ed up this week was this bit ol became full during the night and poesy, brought to our new office the entire drainage of the Ash­ by our two most eloquent con­ land w ater shed raced unchecked tributors, Pearl B utton und Vlo- down the stream . wt W ray. It’s titled City Councilmen John D augh­ STOP THE PRESS erty, W alter Redford and city A truck bucked up to ttie News employee Howard Oden confirm ­ Review, ed reports th a t the reservior had And curried the joint away. reached capacity but stated that At first we thought tiie cops it's filling was not entirely res­ Mrs. Lee Conner was an Ash­ Next m eeetlng of the Junior should know, ponsible for the flood condition. .. But it seems they planned It Senior P arent Teachers Associa­ land shopper last Tuesday. I Firem en and volunteers work- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prew itt. 137 tion will be held at the Ju n io r th at wuy. ed during the night to save stock - »< . in the store room and basem ent of High school cafeteria Thursday N. Pioneer, returned recently after spending the holidays in J a n ’. D a v i d People gathered from miles a- Jan u ary 15. Weldon Block, W eitzel’s departm ent store and The program will be arranged Portland with friends and r e la t- , £ « * . at about 2:30 a.m. it was believed round Super Service, this that everything was under con­ by Mrs. William Healy, program Ives, and friends in Salem and Bellview Upon thut fateful day week entered the Community Junctlon City. trol. To witness the u tter confusion chairm an. Hospital in Ashland. And Wines' muscle display At approxim ately 6 a.m. W ed­ Mrs. Block, who has recently nesday m orning the concrete been on vacation in California If Wines hud studied physics w ith her husband, was sent to the floor of the store room section The job would have been a hospital upon the recom m enda­ gave way to the pressure of w at­ er which rushed in w ith such cinch, tion of the family physician. But us it was, he had to resort Mr. and Mrs. Block operate the force th a t Mr. and Mrs. M arvin To the common, lowly winch. Miller, who w ere working there, O. K. cafe in Talent. scarcely got out in time. The Incendiary editorials To the Common Council «and the Power Company from whom we Mr. and Mrs. Milo O’H arra, Mr. The city fire departm ent res­ W hich used to frighten us all Citizens oi Ashland: purchase a large porUon of our and Mrs. Robert O’H arra, Mr. ponding to a call for assistance Law rence will sound In a m anner It is a pleasure to present this electric supply. We shall endeav­ and Mrs. Sam Jordan, and Mr. w ent to the scene w ith the city’s efficient annual report for the year 1947, or to maintain our policy of and Mrs. H arry Travis are among new Ford fire truck for the pu r­ Down next to the fire hall as required by the City Charter. keeping our rates on a parity the Ashland residents who re ­ pose of dropping a suction hose There have been many prob­ with the rates in other cities. I cently returned after seeing v a r­ into the basem ent to pum p it out. We wish you well in your moving lems to face, but it has been a believe the Council should study ious bowl games on the coast. Driven onto the wooden bridge We think it very nice year of development and ad­ and perhaps institute a project beneath two feet of w ater the for the Installation of our elec­ You’ll now have room for your vancement. bridge collapsed leaving the en­ General Financial Condition: tric lines in underground con­ press gine suspended on the concrete The City of Ashland enjoys next duits. as I feel this would be a And space for your little type sidew alk by the back end of the to the lowest tax rate for m un­ progressive and economical im­ lice. chassis. Firem an W alter Wolford, icipal purposes of any city of provement. who was driving the truck, escap­ comparable ri'/e within the State Water Department: The Coun­ ed narrow ly but m anaged to sal­ of Oregon. Our City levy is only cil has adopted two recommend­ vage about $600 w orth of equip­ 14.7 mills for the 1947-48 taxes. ations of our consulting engineer m ent from the truck before it set­ When we remember th at our relative to the water supply, the tled beneath the water. City levy was 27.2 mills In 1936, first being the installation of BILLINGS TO ADDRESS Following the collapse of the meters, and the secongjthe cov­ MEMBERSHIP AND OTHER we can readily realize the ad­ F ru it and nut varieties from MacWHIRTER & HUSTON basem ent floor a t Weitzel's, w at­ ering of Crowson Hill Reservoir. ministration has kept the tax INTERESTED PEOPLE every section of the nation and SELECTED BY SMITH er filled to the level of the m ain levy as low as Is practicable It Meters are being installed as re­ from Canada, England, China FOR 1948 CAMPAIGN ceived, and the covering of the The annual m eeting of the Ash- ^ 00r causing damage to an ex- is my belief th a t due to the Ja p an und Asia will be tested at reservoir will be undertaken as land Young Men's C hristian As- as ye* unestim ated. Some First m eeting of the 1948 March many additions, improvements Hie Oregon State college experi­ soon as steel and materials are sociation will be held in the s u e -. a ‘arm was caused early this morn and new buildings which have m ent stution beginning this yeai of Dimes Com m ittee for this area been constructed during 1947. available therefor. We expect to lai room of the Y.M.C.A. build-i*ng when the basem ent floor gave as part of the statio n ’s expanded was held Tuesday night, January that a careful check of valua­ have the new main to the saw­ ing Sunday afternoon, January ' vay anc* residents were w arned 6, at the Lithia Hotel w ith Verne fru it and nut research project. mills east of Ashland construct­ 1 1 th . at 3:0U o’clock, according to to vacate untH the seriousness tions should be made in order to The purpose of the long-range A. Sm ith, Jackson County head insure equitable payment of ed during the early part of 1948, ... , . . could be determ ined. It was fear­ Metcher. The program for ed that the w aters cutting away project is to im prove Oregon's for the National Polio Founda­ taxes by all taxpayers. I believe and this will insure better fire fru it und nut crop, valued at tion, m eeting wltii Herb Fishborn, we can continue to keep city protection and sustained payroll. lhe meeUlJ£ will include the mes at the foundation would cause a Jo the Corporate M ember- more than $90,000,000 In 1946, by 1947 chairm an for the Ashland taxes down without detracting The water department has laid sagging or possible collapse of ship District, and the co-chairm en for approximately two miles of new’® 1 “ l' by “ " President J * John TL Billings, the rear of the building. Introducing, breeding and testing from our policy of progressive and a recognition program d u r­ prom ising new varieties here this 1948 season, Don M acW hirt- development, and thus attract pipe during 1947: and we need to Bear Creek Floods Too lay several additional miles dur­ ing which tribute will be paid to from other states and countries. er und Dyer Huston. newcomers to our city. Our ing the year 1948. and expect to the fine work of the Y.M.C.A. Flood conditions along Bear Stating the policies of the cam ­ bonded indebtedness, which was Dr. Q uentin B. Zielinski, associ­ Creek were also serious on W ed­ ate horticulturist, is project lead­ paign from both national scope ' over $750,000.00 in 1919, has now get pipe for at least four miles of Committees, Club Leaders, and nesday m orning w hen Em igrant Club Officers. water main. The Council intends and local case histories, Sm ith er. been reduced to $202,500.00 as to adjust meter rates so costs The Business session will con­ Dam reached its capacity at em phasized the nature of the con­ Miss Mary Cisco of the Ashland tributions by term ing them as follows: Auxiliary water bonds, will not be prohibitive or oppres­ sist of the annual reports of the about 4 a.m. and w ater began L aundry has moved from 21 4th. "insurance prem ium s paid on a 5 $36.000.00; water bonds, $162,000.- sive. Talent Irrigation District Treasurer and the G eneral Secre­ pouring over the top down Bear creek. street. policy which no person could af­ 00; Sewage disposal bonds, $4,- water will not be metered, and tary and the election of eleven will continue on a flat rate. We U nderpinning of the bridges a t 500.00. These bonds are not new m em bers of the Board of ford to be without, as polio is the intend eventually to supply more Directors. Jackson Hot Springs gave way to callable, but funds are set aside worlds most expensive disease”. Talent Water through pipe lines Board m em bers whose term s the torrent, both bridges were He concluded th at "the cost for for their retirement as they rather than through open d it­ closed and traffic was detoured mature. The auditor’s report, as adequate treatm ent of this hidden ches. I hope the city will realize expire at this tim e include: Rol­ onto the old highway. of June 30th, 1947, shows in­ danger is alm ost out of the ques­ the need of increasing our water and Parks, Joseph Fader, C. M. O ther bridges damaged by the tion for families of average in vestments In the various funds supply by an additional reservoir Litw iller Rev. G. M. Shuman, w ater included the Nevada St. in Government Bonds of $299,- as recommended by Mr. Harvey, Leslie G rant, Dr. G. B. Hull, C. come.” 974.56. These Include the Ceme­ our consulting engineer. R. Eliason, Mrs. Edith Good, P. bridge, the Hershey St. bridge M acW hirter and Huston were and the M ountain Avenue bridge. then shown the National Founda­ tery Trust Fund. Bond Sinking Street Department: We are H. Stansbury, Dr. G. W. Bruce, Fund, Electric Sinking Funds, tion brochures and pam phlets and proud of the fact that, with our and Henry Van Prooyen. “Although this is the regular had the use of each explained to Fire Station Fund, Sewage Dis­ own employees, we have laid This Week them , w ith Fishborn explaining posal Fund, Project Sinking over six miles of oil-granite pave­ annual m eeting of the Corporate the possible pitfalls which could Fund, and the Library Fund. ment during the past year at a M embership of the Y.M.C.A. the Electric Department; Our mu very low cost to the property general public is invited to a t­ be avoided. KINGSBLOOD ROYAL Concluding the meeting, the nicipal electric system has had owners. We have requests for tend,” Fletcher said. Friday night in the Junior high Sinclair Lewis group expressed their thanks to the same problems which have many other streets to be paved school gymnasium the Ashland Roland Parks, principal of the confronted all electric systems during 1948, and we will try to Grizzlies take on the Medford High School, for his acceptance public and private, and that is care for these requests. We have FORETASTE OF GLORY lack of materials. Our electric Tornado in the first conference of the newest motion picture on Jesse S tu art acquired equipment for any type load has increased over one h un­ game of the season. To properly Jane Simpson was elected pre­ this subject for showing In school. of work, mostly from the War dred per cent in two years. We open the season the annual bas­ sident of the High school society Dates for this year’s campaign TATOOSH realize, of course, th at more Assets Administration, at a great of the Presbyterian W estm inster ketball jam boree will be p resent­ w ere set from January 15th M artha Handy transformers and more tran s­ saving to the taxpayer, and we Fellowship at a m eeting held at ed that evening with the Ashland through Ja n u ary 31st. mission lines are needed: and we still need one or two more pieces the Manse last Sunday evening. and Medford Junior High school are taking care of this difficulty of equipment which we are en­ Helen Rvkken was elected vice teams also tangling. BEYOND THE GARDE N as rapidly as possible. A new sub­ deavoring to procure. With rela­ president, Eileen Michael, secre­ O ther events during the even­ GATE station in the west part of town, tion to the parking problem, the Sophus Keith W inter Michael H a y e s ing will include selections by the at an approximate cost of $15.- City has established three free- tary-treasurer. will lead the group next Sunday AHS band and a m ajorette drill, Royal G ardner, Ashland Senior 000.00, is contemplated in 1948. parking lots which are exten­ a stunt by the Junior High school at 6:30 p.m. NOTHING SO STRANGE High school industrial arts In Our electric department reflects sively patronized, and which students, and a stunt by Ashland Sponsors are the Rev. and Mrs. Jam es Hilton structor, was elected state vice the growth of our city. In 1040 help considerably to relieve the businessmen. George Shuman. chairm an of the Oregon A m eri­ we had 1671 electric connections, traffic congestion. We have also The Grizzlies, coached by Bob can V eterans com m ittee at a con­ in 1944 we had 1895, in 1945 wc installed parking meters, and THIEVES IN THE NIGHT C. E. Mitchell has returned to Sheridan have won four game vention held in Portland last had 1949, in 1946 we had 2025, and even those that were opposed to Longview, Oregon after spending and lost one. A rthur Koestler on January st, 1947 we had 2238 the meters are now ardent sup­ the holidays with his children on weekend. Reports on the convention were and on January 1st, 1948 we had porters of this system which Helman St. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Ridenour, given to local AVC members by 2451 electric connections. This provides rotation of parking Mr. and Mrs. E. L. M arch of Modoc Point, Oregon are expect­ Indicates that our population has Stanley Legett and D uane F rank­ space. We have had some criti­ Jacksonville, Oregon w ere busi­ ed to spend the week end with lin at the regular Tuesday night increased approximately 46% cism of the One dollar fine for ness callers in Ashland W ednes­ Mrs. Ridenour’s parents, Mr. and m eeting of the A shland com m it­ since the 1940 census. The above parking violations, and I rec­ day. Mrs. Lee Conner and son. Donald. figures do not include the new tee. Mrs. E. Pierce, 1041 E. Main annexed Bellview territory. Our ommend that the minimum fine ( ene Hastings has moved into 270 East Main Phone 8011 Jesse Hill, 485 Mountain Ave- overload condition will be parti- for over-time or illegal parking his new home on Walker Avenue, street left Monday for Los Ange­ nue left by bus Monday for his ¡ally relieved by the construction be reduced to fifty cents. We Ray Ramsey returned to work les, California, to visit her three former home at Coldwater, Kan- of a new sub-station, now in pro- have a good street committee again this week after a short ab- sons and their fam ilies and her mother. (Continued on Page 4) ¡sence. sas on a two weeks business trip, i Kress, by the California Oregon Testing Program Seeks New Fruit March of Dimes Committee Given Responsibilities • Sparking the Raiders to vic­ tory in the first game was Charles Jandreau scori n g 22 points. High point man for the second game was Bobby Hoefs with 13 points. Th«‘ Chico State team , which now holds the highest standing In the conference, gained the lead by two victories over the Cal Aggies previous to the game with SOC. _________________ Jr.-Sr. PTA To Meet Thursday, January 15 Mrs. David Block in ters Hospital Mayor Wiley Makes Annual Report on State of the City YMCA To Hold Its Annual Corporate Meeting Jan. 11 What They A rc Reading Jamboree Opens 1948 B B Season Jane Simpson Is Fellowship Prexy R. Gardner Elected To State AVC Office M ART