V. of 0. Library. DOING The TOW N Christmas S«uî» Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner S3.00 per year J.00 PER YEAH Southeast Ô ïo ç o h , NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND, JACKSON c o u n t y , OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY », . . . Your Protection Again«« Tuberculosis Volume 14, N um ber 43 Many thank , to Gemgt* Green and the staff ol the Daily Till• Mrs. Roy M. Parr Is lugs Ini the kind offer of assist Buried Here Friday nnee during the News Review's A nnual m eeting of th e S o u th ­ forthcoming move to 38 East Funeral services were held in ern O regon C onservation and Mail). We'll probably need all tin Ashland Friday for Mrs. Anna I) D. S heldon, co-ow ner of Tri F arm A ssociation will be assistance we can get. May Parr, 62, who had been a Organized in October 1947, the S h eld o n ’s Jew elry , is m oving this ' held J a n u a ry 6, at 7 00 p m . at resident of Ashland for the past T alent P.T.A., with a m em ber- Just a short word of warning week with his wife and son, Joi Chalker'r Cell« i Club according 42 years, Mrs. Parr, who died slap of 139 has had an eventful now that w inter's here. Bettei to Klam ath Falls to organize and to an announcem ent by Lewis L. Dec 23, resided at 785 B street. lull season. Several projects were Consolidation ol D ittic i» 22 be careful of the stuff you put take charge of the D epartm ent Simpson, secretary mani.gt i ol She was born Nov. 14 1835 at undertaken to a successful con­ and 72 and Transportation in your radiator The Oregon of W atchmaking at the Oregon the organization. Rock Point, Mo. and v a s niar- clusion, the first being a canning Due for Decision. State Motoi Association lias scut State Vocational School there, Three new directors will b» riesd to Roy Parr there in 1906. bee loi the school lunch program. out a warning that petroleun dr Sheldon’s long experience us eleited at the m eeting and othei Talent, Dec. 29—A sped a 1 Survivors Include her husband Next the children in the first six base und suit base solutions have an instructoi in watchm aking and business will be transacted. Mer i school meeting is to be held at four children. Alii > ol Roseburg, grades were given a Hallowe'en been declared harm ful by the engraving at the Elgin W atch­ bers of the International order of the Talent school January 5 from Roy J r , of Talent, Russell of P arty and a motion picture was National Bureau of Standards m akers College at Elgin, Illinois, Hoo Hoo will explain the purpose Us»1 simple alcohol, or ethylene especially fits him for this po­ of the Hoo Hoo organization to 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. to vote on the Sacram ento, California, and Mis shown at the end of the m ember- question of consolidation of T al­ Fred Haynes of Ashland: three sm p enrollm ent. glycol. How can you tell what sition and he has accepted it. the group ent School District No. 22 and brothers, Russell Chaney of K la­ A Safety Essay Contest was you're using. Simple, if it's a He is leaving Ashland very re ­ Anderson Creek School District m ath Falls. A1 Chaney of Chey­ conducted in December and the salt base solution It will weigh luctantly, he stated, but will be METHODISTS HAVE NEW No. 72. enne, Wyo., and Harold Chaney results showed several embryonic more than 9 Mi lbs per gallon. If keeping his contacts heie as he YEARS MEETING. LUNCHEON Another special school meeting of Vermillion, Kan., and a sister, w riters who knew their subject lbs a petroleum base solution it retains his partnership and the T here will be a fellowship bas­ probably won't mix with water. general direction of the Sheldon ket luncheon In the M ethodist will be held at the same tim e and M 's. Peach Duffev of Vermillion, well These essays were judged by place to authorize transportation Kan. A rthur Kreism an, A ssistant P ro­ If you can't get a good a n ti­ Jew elry. Church New Years Day at 12:30 tor Talent School District No. 22 le., or of Language and L itera­ freeze you’d better drain your o’clock noon. This is for all His partner and sister, Mrs. G. as provided in section 111-871 COOPER ICENHOW ER ture, Southern Oregon college in radiator. Safer that way. S. G ieen, will continue In the branches of the church as well as Oregon School Laws of 1946 XMAS PARTY HELD Ashland. Mr. Kreism an picked as Had a nice note from CHARLIE store as manager, and he lias em all new corners to this com m un­ which is quoted in part "The dis­ Mrs. Thor Cooper of 11 Beach TALENT this week. The Chief ployed an old friend and com pe­ ity. Mrs. Zo Peters will be in trict school board of any second street vas the hostess to the 13th the w inner, the essay w ritten by said "Merry Christm as and a tent w atchm aker, Mr. Henry C an charge of the program following, or third class district shall, when annua Christm as party always Joyce Perkins in the sixth grade Happy New Year," and went on Jr., of Spokane, W ashington, to to be held at the tables. A church authorized by the legal voters held b the Coc<)er and Icenhow who received a huge candy cane almost as large as herself. There to say "As you perhups know, take over the watch repair d e­ m eeting Is scheduled for 3 o’­ thereof at any legally called er fa m i.e s . I’m severing my connections with partm ent Mr. C arr and his wife clock the same afternoon. Guests present were Mrs. Coo were three honorable m ention School meeting, provide transpor­ students: Marie Mitchell, fifth tile Ashland Police force January and two children will arrive in tation to and from any public per’s two daughters and their grade; Jack Seymour, eighth 1st. and as 1 will rem ain in Ash Ashland shortly and will live for school in such district to pupils families. Mr. and Mrs. George grade; and Delores Boatw right, land, IT S MY HOME, I m ight 1 the present In the Sheldon resl- I living at a distance from such M artin and family; Mr. and Mrs seventh grade, who received ju m ­ be aide to do som ething for you. dence on Beach street. ' school building greater than a R A. Johnson and Tommy; also bo candy sticks. These were p re­ If there Is, all you will have to j minimum distance, and within a Mr. and Mrs. George B. Icen- sented at the Christm as program do is give me a "RING" . . . We Mr. and Mrs. Will Gleim, 227 i distance therefrom to be fixed by hower and Paul. G ar.es followed given by the students of the ele­ appreciate the thought and want G ranite Street, attended a family Yreka, Dec. 30— Members of j a vote at said school meeting, the dinner until five o’clock m entary grades on T uesday/light, to wish the Chief ail the success reunion Christm as days at the the board of supervisors have I w hether said pupils reside in when the group went to the Icen- In the world in his next endeavor. home of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jo- adopted a resolution giving a jia id district or not, said distance hower home for the decorated December 23, when all the child­ ren in the school and comm unity Cam p White hospital seems to anls, Talent Mrs. Joanls is a right of way for the new freeway in either case to be measured tree and the opening of the gifts received a treat from Santa he on the skids. The Veterans of daughter of the Gleims. which is under construction in along the nearest traveled road there on; The rem ainder of the Claus. These treats were also pro­ Foreign Wars are working tooth Visitors at the home of Mr. and the county. C ertain parts of high­ from the residence of such pupils evening was occupied by more vided by the P.T.A. with funds and nail to get som ething done Mrs. Ross Harden lately included way No. 99 and various county to the public school to be attend­ games. raised by giving card parties. hut slate attorney general George Mr. and Mrs. Tony Coy, Bend, roads which approach the present ed by them. Any school district The next card party will be Mr. and Mrs. Avery Adams, of Neuner says the state can't take Oregon. Mrs. Coy is a daughter highw ay near Horn brook are be­ violating the provisions of this Project City, California, who held at the Talent School Cafe­ it over without a vote of the of the Harden's. ing abandoned. section shall not receive any have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. teria on Friday evening January people. The VFW claim they E verett Sam ple is ill at the Work has already begun on funds from any .-ounty high C. H. Wines, Siskiyou Boulevard, 9th. All the card players in and don't care who takes It over so Convalescent the 9.3 miles of new highway, s everyone agreed th at it was ent. Mr. and Mrs W illiam Nelson | Portland Saturday, after spend- are students a t the Glad Tidings passengers in a m atter of a few "better than ever.” H undreds of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robbins, minutes. This method it is assert­ persons sw arm ed through the San Bruno, California, visited in and daughter, Iowa street, drove ing Christm as with her m other, Bible school in Los Angeles. KWIN studios during the open to Portland S aturday for a few "Lucky” G ilbreath Is prohibl- Berna Halt has moved from 142 ed, is archaic and Inefficient com­ Ashland and Medford over the days visit with relatives. I ted to take his own Christm as N orth Main street to 625 B street. pared to the m odern school bus house following the return to the holidays and left Sunday for San air. From then on, the station Biuno. Mr. Robbins is with the coffee cup over to the Talent Paul Icenhower, student at the The Youth Fellowship group of | Cafe. U niversity of W ashington, spent the Methodist church will hold a m aintained a m ighty busy sche post office in San Bruno. Mrs. Elmer Nlsmonger under- the Christm as holidays in Ash Watch P arty New Years eve m dule. Hardly a week went by that Mr. and Mrs. Kenton Robbins and new and better shows w eren't daughter, Nola Sue, left Sunday I went an operation Christm as Eve land the church starting at 9 p m. added to the list. Using popular­ She returned home Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ted Huff, who Miss June Pollard of Jackson ity as a scale, they reached an for Parm a, Idaho, where Robbins I afternoon. is employed by the Parm a W ater are form er Ashland residents vllle visited her parents Mr and Kay Redmon lost his father have decided to retu rn to Ash Mrs. Q. Pollard on High street all-tim e high during this month Lifter Company. Mrs. Robbins with the original Santa Claus and Nola Sue have been visiting | during the Christm as holidays. land after having lived in Rose­ during the holidays. show which was aired for a half- her m other and father. Mr. and Roy P arr lost his m other Dec- burg for some time. Mrs. Elzina Sm ith of 519 Blvd hour every afternoon | em ber 23. Mrs. C. W. Harwood, Medford, Miss Louise Brown, English spent Christm as with her daught This year also saw KWIN be­ for the past several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Roy left the teacher ;it Ashland high school, er and husband, Mr. and Mrs come a charter m em ber of Asso­ J day after Christm as to visit her spent the Christm as holidays in Mr. and Mrs. hi. H Hess, Hel- Wm. Puhi of Medford and was ciated Press radio division, which j folks at North Bend, Oregon. man Baths, have been rem odeling Riddle, Oregon, where she visit­ the recipient of m any gifts. in turn aided the station in pre­ and repairing the living room of This Week Mr. and Mrs. R. E. B arrltt and ed her brother, who is principal Mrs. Sm ith accompanied by senting news stories alm ost as their home which was recently I children spent the holidays in of the Riddle school Mrs. K atherine Tysvev, of 519 they were happening. California. damaged by a fire. Guests during the holidays at Sislkiyou Blvd. also were Med DVORAK: Sym phony No. 5 In some cases, KWIN was able Alice Thoresen received a post- the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. ford shoppers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jordan, of to bring the news to the listeners Gresham Street, are in San F ra n ­ in E. Minor (New World). I Christm as phone call from her O strander, 126 South Pioneer, Mr. and Mrs. Don M artin of while it was happening. Memor­ [ parents in North Dakota. Philadelphia Orchestra, have been Mr. and Mrs. William Medford called on Mr. and Mrs able among these times was the cisco as the guests of Mr.' and Camp Bob Lowe from Williams « - Vavruska. Mrs. H arry Travis at Mr. Travis' Eugene Ormundy, Con­ . ................................ « » • woixa, v u Cummings, u u iu iig i, v a California m o r n ia . George M artin last week. occasion when the station re­ newly purchased Hotel Robbins. Field in Arizona spent the C h rist- 1 Mrs. Vavruska is the daughter ductor. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Self and mained on the air far past its mas holidays with his parents. of Mr. and Mrs. Ostrander. family moved from Central Point usual sign-off time to give the They plan to attend the East-West Haw ver & Potter of Woodcrafts Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zboral- the first of this week, to the listeners an on-the-spot report of football game New Years day. GREIG: Peer G ynt Sufii are putting in a furniture factory. ski, G ranite street, have been Mervin Cabin on Highway 66. Included among the guests at the search for the missing plane the E. H. Pool home, 549 Auburn Shirley Yarnell and Jess Brown visiting Mrs. Zboralskl’s father in London Philharm onic Or Miss Mickey McKeever, d a v .h which had carried Govern o r were m arried in Medford during Crescent City, California. chestra, Beecham, Con­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Me Snell and three others to their street, Christm as day, were Mrs the Christm as holidays. Pool’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mr and Mrs. E. E. Stebbins, Keever, spent the holidays with deaths. ducting. H. Johnson and family, Prospect, Bill Williams is home for the Seattle, W a s h i n g t o n , spent Miss Jean Nichols, B rem erton,/ Those who stayed up with holidays. Christm as w ith their daughter Washington. j KWIN that night will rem em ber and Kenneth Johnson, U. S Jack Toile is home from the and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mrs. A. T. Hoke, 39 Union* that they heard by direct wire Navy, and Mr. Pools mother, Mrs STRAVINSKY: The Rite of Ida Pool, 126 Van Ness. U niversity of Montana for the Hill. Jr. street, is gradually improving from the scene of the searching Spring. San Francisco Christm as holidays. Miss Vida Scripter, Abilene, Miss Jacklin H urlbut of 77Mi and is able to be up for a few Symphony, Pierre Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boatwright Alida street .spent the holiday minutes each day in a wheel operations that the plane had not Kansas, is expected to arrive this eaux, Conductor. are going to take over the Hi- season in Klam ath Falls, with chair and is now receiving callers been reached, even though much week to visit Mr. and Mrs. El­ earlier it had been reported that don Scripter, and Mr. and Mrs. Way grocery and auto court in her father, Elmer B. Hurlbut. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mosier were the bodies had been found. Phoenix. Paul Retter, and other relatives. She returned last Sunday. in Ashland December 26. As to what next year will hold, Guests at the Eldon Scripter Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walden W. A. Delamar, Seattle, W ash­ Mrs. G ertrude M asterson and were Christm as dinner guests at ington, left Saturday m orning for son, Harry, K lam ath Falls, spent is of course, anyone's guess. But home during Christm as included the G ilbert H ilderbrant home in his home after spending the hol­ the holidays with Mrs. M aster­ as far as KWIN is concerned, Mr. and Mrs. Fred West and Hai­ our resolution for 1948 is to serve Medford. idays with his daughter, Mrs. Ted son's mother, Mrs. Ella Stephen­ up the listeners a generous help ry Goodman, San Francisco, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beach, Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Reece Esgar, Huff and husband, of Oregon son. 47 Granite. ing of more of the same. 270 East Main Phone 8011 Creek. , Sweethome, Oregon are to be Hotel apartm ents, and Mrs. F. A. Recent visitors at the home of And, in this last “Open M ike” Paula Mackey visited a niece guests In the home of Mr. and Eastwln of 77 Vi Alida street. Mrs. Nora Grow, 141 Garfield, ol this year, the entire staff of Mrs, C. E. W alden News Years Jim Hendricks has been ill at were Mr. and Mrs. Miles Baugh­ KWIN join In to send you a great nl David Barker's in Lakeview dgy. last week, not a grand daughter, his home on 3rd street, man, Port Chicago, California. big “Happy New Year.” as originally reported. 0. D. Sheldon To Teach in Klamath Conservationists To Meet And Eat Jan 6 Anderson Creek & raient Schools May Consolidate Talent PTA Has Busy Fall Season Construction On Freeway Begins Open Mike TALENT LOCALS Maste rpieces Classics on Records 76 M ACT