V. oí O. Library, P.T. A. Carnival Saturday Nite Junior High Christm as S ea ls I DOING The TOWN Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner >3.00 per year J.00 PER YEAR Rlchuid Burger, new English Instructor at Ashland lllgii school, is presently directing u Gilbert and Sullivan production at Cor valid», Maybe when Burger Dhows up heir we'll have an opportunity to talk him Into doing the Dame lor the local school. Haven't seen amateur Gilbert and Sullivan lor several years, it would he inter esting. , Henry Enders, chairman of the Community Chest states thut the budget will have to be cut for the sponsoring organizations. Kell short about 15(H) bucks Which isn't bad considering that the goa wus over 11,000 smackeroos. How­ ard Wiley and Lorena McNulr de­ serve editorial orchids ior the work they turned in on the chest drive. Dr. C. L. Huffaker, building and financial expert from the univer­ sity of Oregon will soon be in town to tell us what’s wrong with our school situation. It's simple, doctor, no building and no fin­ ances. Food & Clothing Needed To Fill Christinas Ship CONTRIBUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL DECEMBER 30 Fire Chief Clint Baughman, who was appointed by Mayor Thornton S. Wiley, to head the drive for focal and clothing for the "Pacific Northwest Christmas Ship," announced this week that final date for contributions has been set for December 20. Con­ tributions can be left at Jack Young’s Service Station Baughman stated that he hop' d that this community would aid In the project by contributing a car load of foodstuffs and cloth lng. New or used clean clothing Is needed and canned or packaged food. PTA WILL NOT MEET Cash contributions will be ac­ The December meeting of the cepted by Baughman at the Fire Junior Senior Purent 1 cacher s station and the money will be association h > been cancelled be- uled to buy iood or c|othlng. cause of the holiday season rush | The ship wl|j l>(. k,aded at Port- according G» Mrs Jack Zittercob 1 |and December 31, and Ashland's president of the organization. contribution will lx* included a- Mrs Wm. Kozman 138 N. Main mong those of other Northwest street left last week via train to communities. The cost of the uccompany her father E. P. Smith ship is being borne by the United to his home In Scotts Bluff, Neb­ States government nnd the cargo raska. He has been spending the is destined for distribution In Italy, Austria, Greece, or Ger­ past few months with her. many. Cash contributors may fill out the coupon found elsewhere on this page and mall it with their contribution to Baughman. ^Ihe. Siutthesiti ô ïe a a tt NEWS REVIEW . . Y sur P roH ctiefl A g e in tt Tuberculous ASHLAND^ JACKSON CO UNTY, OREGON THURSDAY, DECEMBER n , 1947 VOL. 14, NO. 40 NINE YOUNG PEOPLE ATTEND MEETING SUNDAY Phoenix, Dec. 13—Nine youn^' people, members of the Westmin­ ister Fellowship group of thé Phoenix Presbyterian churcQ were guests of the corresponding young peoples society of the Med­ ford Presbyterian church. Sun1 day , Those who attended were Bar­ bara Barlow, Barbara Cox, Judy and Jackie Hobbs, Chloe Stevens, Kay Dudley, Vickie Cook, Dick Eidswlck, and Allen Kevitt. Ac- companlng the group to Medford were the Rev. and Mrs. E. 3, Clark and Elva Caster. W.S.C.S. Meets In Fellowship Room W S. C. S. of the Methodist Church met Friday, December 6 In the Fellowship room of the Methodist church at 11:00 a.in. A business meeting was fol­ lowed by a covered dish lunch­ eon at noon. Mrs. Eric Wereti was In charge of devotions. Study hour was conducted in the after- nouri, , Mrs. Allen McGee was in charge of the Christmas progralh and tree on which each one pres­ ent placed a gift for Ashland’S shut-ins. Mrs. Guy Pickens 14 president of the group. Youth Conference Scheduled For Ashland Sunday TALENT SCHOOLS TO HOLD XMAS PARTY I Bellview Zoning Christma Songs Talent, Dec. 10 — Students of the Talent schools will be enter­ To Be Presented Christmas tained at the annual school To Be Considered party Tuesday, De­ cember 23, at the school. Christ­ Tuesday Evening : mas holidays will follow later in Monday Evening the week. HIGH SCHOOL CHORUSES TO GIVE CONCERT UNDER DIRECTION O. C. BJORLIE The annual Christmas concert by the Ashland high school chor­ uses will be given Tuesday even­ ing, December 16th at the Junior High school auditorium. There will be no charge. The Senior High Choir of nine ty-flve voices and the Junior High Chorus of eighty-five voices will each present several numbers as well as the combined group joining in song. Trios, sextette and the boys quartet will also perform. The students and O. C Bjorlie, director vocal music, are working hard in anticipation of this tradi­ tional "Evening of Christmas Music.” Both groups pian to sing at the Kiwanls Chrismas party Decern ber 23 in the Plaza. Birthday Party Held .. For 8 Year Old Miss. .. Klamath Junction, Dec. 10— Margaret Rae Ovlat celebrated her eighth birthday Saturday Dec. 6 one day late because of schooh.A group of her friends en­ joyed cake and hot chocolate ser­ ved by her mother, who was as­ sisted by Mrs. C. G. Crosslin. Her guests were Ruth Ann ¿Moore, Sharen and Dale Watson, Donna. Virginia and Barbara Crosslin and Grace, Lois and Jimmy Hamilton, also her three brothers and three sisters MRS. COMBS INITIATED Mrs. Lucy Combs was initiated into the Order of Rebekahs at the regular meeting Tuesday night. In addition to the initiation cere­ mony Memorial services were held for Mrs. Anna Long, a for­ mer member of the lodge. It was announced at the meet­ ing that the annual Christmas party which is a joint Odd Fel- low-Rebekah affair will be held PLANNING COMMISSION SEEKS RECOMMENDATIONS ON PROBLEM Monday evening at the city hall in Ashland a public hearing will be held for the purpose of discus­ sing the matter of zoning Bell­ view addition. Members of the planning commission, the city council, and Bellview residents who are interested in the zoning will attend. Recommendations will be ac­ cepted at the meeting as to what portion of the said territory shall ne designated as: Residential dis- trict, marginal business district, and industrial district Members of the planning com ­ mission, which is headed by Har­ ry Morris, have stated that they are anxious to hear from the home and property owners w ith­ in the Bellview area as to what action should be taken concern ing zoning action. According to Elmer C. Beige 1 secretary of the City Planning commission, Bekvlew addition is zoned as residential area. Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Padgett, 518 Iowa St., called at Klamath Junction recently. The old Casey house, owned by Austie Barron and occupied by Members of the Womens Civic Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry, is being club will meet the first Wednes­ remodeled. day in January which will be Elmer Hopkins is building a ASHLAND. MEDFORD January 7, according to Mrs. C. new garage on his ranch on the ROSEBURG, G. PAS3. AND G. Berninghousen, secretary of GAMES. CORNATION OF Buckhorn road. K. FALLS HI-Y'S MEET the club. Southern Oregon College start- QUEEN. AWARDING The John Simpsons, who re­ The civic club recently wrote ed Ixisketball season on W ednes-1 ( J O î l S e r V a t l O n C h m . PRIZES SCHEDULED Members of Hi-Y and Trl-Hl-V cently sold their ranch, have the city officials requesting that day night in the more or less Jesse Williams, Ashland ranch- Clubs from Klamath F a l l s , moved and are now in Texas and Several houndred dollars worth traffic lights be placed on Main conventional style of SOC ball Grants Pass. Roseburg, Medford, the south searching for a lotation. er, was elected as chairman of clubs by defeating »«<• Bogue Ulv- cf prizes will be awarded, the street in Ashland, particularly in and Ashland wilt meet at the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn are the area from First Street to the ver Chevrolet team 59-42 in a the Ashland district agricultural Southern Oregon Hi-Y and Tri- Carnival queen will be crowned, library. According to city offi­ game which seemed to be any conservation program committee Hi-Y Training Conference which building a new garage-house near body’s until the last quarter at a meeting held December 2 at wjji be held In Ashland, Sunday. Mr. Dunn's father’s place, the Ed. hot dogs, hamburgers, coffee, and cials the request has been for­ Dunn Ranch. Mr. Dunn is cur- pie will be availaDle and several warded to the state highway d e ­ when the Raidei*s forged ahea the Central Point Grange hall Dec. 14 with sessions being held rently employed bv the U. S. special events will take place at partment which will make a sur­ and maintained the lead. Hig Other members of the local in the Junior High school start- ( Forest Service the annual Ashland Pa r e n t vey of the situation to determine scorer for SOC was 6’4" Wes ing with the registration of dele­ Teachers carnival which will take the necessity of such lights. committee include James C. Mil Mrs. G. L. Bullen returned this Peters who racked up 19 points gates at 9:30 a.m. and closing at week from Portland where s h e 'place Saturday evening, Decem- The club recently elected Mrs. Scoring high for the Rogue River ler, Jr. Vice Chairman, John 4 p.m. has been visiting her husband I ^>er 13 ?n t^le Jun'or high school Hazel Tulin, Granite Street, as Chev club was Bob Sheridan with Billings, Elmer Hopkins, and R. Highlighting the meeting will who is confined at the Veteran's gymnasium. chairman of the Civic club sew ­ L Wyant. 14 points. be addresses by Mrs. Clarence Hospital. Bullen, who underwent ing group. Each third Wednesday The carnival will begin at 6:30 According to Frank Howe, who In the preliminary game of the is in charge of the program acti- ^ e! #ker: a«d Dr Walter a leg amputation some time ago, p.m. and patrons are requested to the members will meet to sew. evening the Raiders Junior Var Redford, Ashland and discussion atty won a hard fought victory vities in Jackson county the men! groups led by Dwight O. Welch, may return home by Christmas. come early. Candidates for the queen con­ over the Ashland High school were selected because they are | Portland; Miss Aileen Peterson, Carl Moore of the Klamath Jun­ ction Garage and Service Station test are: Judy Briggs, Norma conservation minded and have boys with a final score 41-26 'Medford; and Ben H. Schmidt, has completed the re conversion Kulpaca, Bernadine Nicholson, shown a willingness to accept the Carlson of the High school scored Medford. Robert Berrie and Nan­ Christmas vacation for Ashland 9 points and O'Neil of the college responsibilities connected with cy Radabaugh, Roseburg will re­ of his wrecker which has been Dolores Momany, Mary Ann Rob­ school children will start Friday, underway the past few weeks. He ertson, and Shirley Weitzel. The soil and water conservation. 14 points. port on the National Youth Con­ reports it is now much improved girl with the greatest number of December 19, and will last until The Raider's next game will be ference held in Grinnell, Iowa with a Holmes wrecker hoist. votes will be crowned queen of December 29. News Years day a return match with the Rogue last June. will also be a holiday, Leland Mrs. Walter (Stub) Wycoff. the carnival. River Chevrolet club at the Med Linn, superintendent of schools, At the Conference luncheon to Mrs. Hugh Barron, Mrs. C. B. ford High School Gymnasium on if The Ladies of the Baptist be served in the Junior High Col Arthur Ellis is building a stated today that this was being Abbott, Mrs. Chas. Reisdorff, Mrs. Dec. 17. Church met last week at the school at 1:00 p.m., Mayor Wiley C. B. Ovlett, Mrs. Carl Moore, new garage at 922 Siskiyou Boul­ done in order to enable the school The high school will meet Cen home of Mrs. Larry Basey, 446 ?LA^ a,n d .* ill_giVe a welcom)n^ Bill Grow, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. evard. Wm. I. Byrd has been as year to end on May 28, thus giv­ tral Point here Friday, December Manzanita St. to honor Mrs. A. address to the group. sisting in the work. ing the students a longer summer Crosslin, Mrs. Carl Henry and 19. vacation. A Panel Discussion on the top­ children, Mary Jean and Harry, E. Peters, Laurel street. A bass­ inette with a Stork in it was fill ic, “Youth in 1950’ will be on the were shopping in Ashland last , •> Mrs. H. V. Nidever left Tues­ Ì ed with lovely gifts and another morning program of the confer» Saturday. day by bus for Texas where she Stork stood on the porch to guide ence. Bill Bissell, Harry Kannasto' The first snow of the season will visit her mother. The Ashland Study Club met the ladles in to the house. Mrs and Joan Van DeWalker, Ash­ made a white blanket for the David Block, Bellview, was sur­ Chas. Davis, and Mrs. Bob Gill land and Bill Hess, Jackie Sch­ Klamath Junction neighborhood Monday afternoon at the home of prised with a party on his 15 Mrs. Leland P. Linn. After a more, Medford, were in charge midt and Shirley Hutchinson. late Saturday night and early short business meeting the book. birthday, December 4. Several of the entertainment and games Medford will participate. Sunday morning. • "Home Country,” by Ernie Pyle, acquaintances attended the party Mrs. Basey was assisted by Mrs One Hundred young people and Mrs. C. B. Oviett called on Mrs. was reviewed by Mrs. G. M. Frost at the Block home at 6:30 p.m. Ellis Dodson In serving refresh leaders are anticipated at the Albert Thomas Monday evening. The book is a collection of the and later the group was taken to ments C h ild re n s C l assies meeting. Mrs. C. G. Crosslin and daugh­ author's writings for newspapers the theatre for the evening by Mrs. Block. Talas from Shakespeare Mrs. A. T. Hoke, 39 Union St. ter, Marie, called on the C. B. made during five years of wan­ derings in the United States and Ovlett family Monday afternoon. by C. &. M. Lamb remains confined to bed since her Austie Barron transacted busi­ neighboring countries. return from the Ashland Com­ Little Men It is American folk-lore accord­ munity hospital on Dec. 1st. Mrs. ness in Ashland Monday. by Alcott ing to Mrs. Frost and it gives an Mrs. Rozella Roush has been Bertha Fritch, West Los Angeles, amazing amount of information on a special duty nursing case in California, her sister, has remain­ Little Women The American Legion, the Leg about America. Ashland since Thursday, Decem­ ed in Ashland to assist Mrs. Hoke. by Alcott ion Auxiliary, and their families Ernie Pyle loved this country Funeral services were held at Mr. and Mrs. Griffeth, Okla­ ber 4. will have their formal Christmas Dr. Bertha Sawyer, reports she deeply, and Its great spectacles of the Litwiller Euneral Chapel at Hans Brinker and the Sliver homa City. Oklahoma, called on dinner with a Christmas tree and is much rested after her vacation natural beauty, but he liked peo 1:30 p.m. Thursday for John A n­ Skates gift exchange Monday evening friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hoke. spent last week, at the home of pie best and it is of them that he drew Higgins, 74 retired farmer ' by Dodge 39 Union St. Saturday. December 15th at 6:30 p.m. at the writes most. who died late Monday night, Dec. ____ ___ her sister in Klamath Falls. Civic Club house. Fairy Tales Mrs. Roger Rath used as her 8 at his home at 804 Beach street. Eldon Scripter left last week- I Mrs. Etta Shilling is home from Each family if not otherwise end for California to be at the ¡California and Is working at the topic two broadcasts made over by Anderson The Reverend E. P. Borden of solicited, is to bring a hot veg bedside of his brother who is ser- 1 Hillcrest Convalescent home 142 the Mutual Network by Henry J the Congregational Church con­ Twenty Thousand Leagues etable dish or salad and pickles lously ill. Taylor, sponsored by General ducted services and the Masons North Main street. Under the Sea or cranberries, according to Mrs. Motors, In the talk,” Belgium, a were in charge of interment. by Verne C. G. Berninghausen, chairman. World Example.” Mr. Taylor con­ Higgins, a resident of Ashland CLINT BAUGHMAN. All are asked to bring their own trasts Belgium's post-war come­ for the past four years was a Toby Tyler CHAIRMAN NORTHWEST CHRISTMAS service and a gift for the e x ­ back with that of England’s. member of Masonic Lodge No. by Otis SHIP CAMPAIGN. change, gift is to be inexpensive. Britain went in for socialism, 64, AF and AM at Hannah, N. D. ASHLAND. OREGON All veterans and families are .Black Beauty Belguim for self-keep and free Higgins was born June 21, 1873 Invited to join In the party, bring­ by Sewell enterprise. Labor in Belgium is at Ontario, Canada. He was mar­ I desire to contribute to the worthy cause of the Pacific ing the covered dish, service and unionized but the government ried to Jessie Aird July 6, 1906. Northwest Christmas Ship campaign for the relief of the gift, Mrs. Berninghausen said. does not take sides in labor dis­ needy of Europe and enclose herewith my contribution of Survivors are Mrs. John A. Anyone wanting to know more putes, and communist techniques Higgins, Ashland; a daughtea, $ ..................................... definite plans can call, President are not used in union meetings. Mrs Earl Hodgins, Ashland; a son, Helen Karnes, 8947 or Food chair­ Mr. Taylor’s second broadcast William Hodgins, Hannas, N. D.; Please purchase food with this and add to the shipment to man Celia A Berninghausen 6586. reported was titled, “Homeward brother, Robert, Eugene; three be made from Ashland. ^Veterans who have no family Bound, and Glad of It", in which sisters, Mrs. John Bassingthwaite. 270 East Main Phone 8011 are urged to come and be one SIGNED: .................................................................... he said if all of us in the United St. Louis, Canada; Mrs. Smith of the group. States could see Europe now, we Duncan, Sarles, N. D.; Mrs. A l­ ADDRESS: ................................................................... Music and community singing would really appreciate our own fred Morris, Kisbe, Saskachewan, will be part of the program. land. Canada; and three grandchildren. Basketball Season Begins With Wins „ PTA Carnival Is Slated For Dec. 13 At Jr. Hi. Gym Civic Club Members To Meet In January 'Jesse Williams Is Christmas Vacation Begins December 19 Mrs. A. E. Peters Is Given Stork Shower Study Club Hears ¡Of America & Europe What They Are Reading Legion Groups To Have Xmas Party H i l l John A. Higgins Buried Thursday