U * ° .r ,. Southwest Airways Presents “News in the A ir“ 9:00 p. m., over K W IN DOING I ,— *74. ¿ttdlwu, Qtryri Formerly the Southern Oregon Miner >3.00 per year J.00 PER YEAR Without Dooley The city's NEWS REVIEW ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON Queen for a Day To Be Festival Guest of Ashland Thursday, July 31, 1947 only home-owned newspaper Voi. 14. No. 21 8EVEN S.O.C. STUDENTS Add eyetenrui: A refreshing COMPLETE DEGREE WORK tight to thus« old eyes wa». young Seven students at SOC com­ JERKY MILLEH, »on ot furiieo pleted their diploma and bachel- bofthull umpire, KEN MILLER, | ors degree work in Education leuding the city band lust Thurs­ i during the first summer session Mrs. George F. MJ I lor, day night. JERKY, who is 3*2 according to Mabel Winston, re­ who with hoe husband awns years old, directed every piece, gistrar. The two completing three and oparatas tha Millar 8arv- never missing a downbeat. JER­ year diploma requirement? are:f RY has his own podium before etea station at 1401 8 ekiyou Amita Peters of Ashland and QUEEN WILL SPEND THREE FOUR PLAYS WILL BE the audu-nce and he usually di­ Dora Mae Shepard of Medford. boulevard, had a custombar DAYS IN ASHLAND A WILL ASHLAND RIDING ASS N PRODUCED THROUGHOUT rects every Thursday evening. Those who earned the B. S. de- drive in one day and ask har. VISIT SCENIC SPOTS MEMBERS SPONSORING Somethin*. he tires, if it's u long MONTH OF AUG. IN SHELL • |r e e ln Education are Betty Lee SOUTHERN OREGON MEET "it Mobil gas would work concert, and doesn't finish the Working against time io com-1 f°y!e ’ “Queen for a Day”, who Is last few numbers. But last Thrus- selected on a Hollywood nation­ in a fluid drive car." Mrs. . , 7 . .u i oi Grants aPss, Wayne A. Smith The 1947 horse racing season day he was in fine fettle and al radio show, will coinè to Ash­ plete preparations for the Shakes- of Coquille, Bertha Haskins of will begin in Southern Oregon Millar couldn't nalp but ba gave u tnugnificenl performance. land Thursday, August 7, to be pearean Festival which runs Aug- Medford, and Della S. Records oi this Sunday when the Ashland ■musad at this itatemenl and JERRY doesn't imitutc city band present for the opening of the ust 8 to August 26 in the Eliza-1 Klamath Falls. Several more will Riding association will open their whan reading tha mon­ director GLENN MATHEWS, he Shakespearean festival. bethan Theater of Lithia Park, I complete these requirements by track on the Rodeo grounds west leads with ids own particular thly MobU Dealer News she t l * i the end of the second summer of Ashland to all entrants. Eight She will be flown from Holly­ formerly the chataqua shell, An- . seisjon summer motions, both hands, and his wood noticed that a >50 prise was scheduled races are presently list­ to Medford by Southwest wrist action Is very correct. Oui Airways, Thursday, August 7, gus L. Bowmer, his staff of tech- _______0___________ ed for the afternoon program ac­ given to the person vending vote is for Jerry. We'd like to Mayor Thornton S. Wiley, Dr. nicians and actors consider the cording to John Daugherty, sec­ in tha silliest question that see him reully direct the bund Walter W. Weller, president ol retary of the Association. Other cast virtually complete wtih on- some evening. He's worked hard the they had bean asked. This races may be added. Ashland Chamber oí Com­ ly minor changes yet to be made. enought at it. the did. merce, William Healy, secretary The hot blood horse race with Many of the cast art from o th -! Presidents of the various par- BERT MILLER of Lie Ashland of the Chamlier of Commerce Mrs. Millar is today tha a $100.00 purse is expected to er Oregon cities, some coming | ent-teacher associations of Jack- draw entrants from several of Realty group, states that the real­ and Angus L, Bowmer, director possessor ot a >50 chock irom Poilland to be in the E esti-, son County met for luncheon the better known Southern Ore tors are not opposed to the of the Shakespearean festival, from tha Mobil gas company val ,and to study this toren oi Wednesday noon, July 23, at the gon stables. Dodge stables in Chamber of Commerce but ure wdi meet the “Queen of the Day" in Los Angelas. Englisn under Bowmer. Frank' home of Mrs. W. R. Glass, in Medford have already entered bound by nutionul realty policy at the Medford airport She will Lambrett-Sinith and Bill Hemon, i Medford to discuss plans for the horses in several events. to oppose any tax on real prop* h e escorted to Ashland, and will however, have journeyed from 1 opening of the school year. « rty MILLER status that he leels have accommodations at Lithia Other races during the after­ Vancouver, B. C. ' to take part in ! New presidents were instructed •nat the city can find the money hotel That same evening she will will include a business this year s presentation, L am -' how to’ organize their work” ap~- noon lor publicity purposes througn I be interviewed by Boh Kcinhold' man’s race, a children’s race, a brett-Smito to lead in and dir-1 point executive committee ’ and three some other source, and that del- over station KWIN team relay race, a three ect “Hamlet”, and ilernon to as plan the year’s projects, b Mrs. team stake race, a ladies rate, a initely it should be obtained In Friday morning, Augusi 8, the -----> -ty f Glass 1 m . — » — J a a . . ~ a j p * ■ » • Following Bellview 4-11 club sist technically and to teach the and Mrs. A. H. Puhi, state ordei to maintain the Chamber Queen will lie taken through th< boys and girls went to the Lake lencing necessary for the action. vice-president for Jackson and musical chairs race, saddle horse of Commerce. , Bear Creek Orchards plant Frl- O' race and the hot blood horse Woods Monday morning, to The cast for “MacBetn ”, which Josephine Counties. duy ulternoon she will lie given u spend race. KWIN RECEIVES LICENSE a week: Mary Lou Will­ runs August 8, 13, 18, and 22, is j trip to tin- top of Mt. Ashland. Twenty of the twenty-seven Clyde Caton is registering en- TO OPERATE FROM F.C.C. oughby, Doris Stevens, Ed n a composed of Wm. H. Davis, Ben­ Friday evening, August 8. Ricks, Sabre Foster, B ilik Jean ny units in Jackson County were re- trants for the races Boh Reinholdt, manager of Loitsgaard, Moreen Kelly, n °ld According to Daugherty sever- KWIN radio station, annviiiued “Queen for a Day” will be pre­ MeMorris, Patricia Sollee. Bernie f rank Buchter, Harry A. Noru- F ^ e,v CH Cy’ Butte Falls al other race meets wilj probably this week that KWIN had receiv­ sented to the first-night audience Engel, Sam Bell, Walter McCoy, wick, Angus L. Bowmer, Robert Cove, Medforel Jackson-, be held at the rodeo grounds duf ed their renewal license to opei - in the open-uir Shakespearean Floyd Gardner, David Block, and Carter, Richard Johnson, Bill Shady ville, Howard and anH Oak nob Grove ^ ' - of - the • summer. ing ” “* the * ---- remainder ale This license is good tor the thenire in Lithia Pnrk. bv Gov­ Jack and Jim Espy. Robert Lytle Hernon, Arden Hall, William districts. Among these is a motorcycle next five years and was issued ernor Earl Snell of Oregon. was the only boy from the Val­ Tobin, Robert Frazier, Ralph Mc- Mrs. Glass assisted by Mrs. race meet scheduled for Septem­ by the Federal Comuuuiicalion.- Mayurs of six Oregon cities, and leyview group to make the trip. Kinnis, Arthur Ostrander, Frank Loyd Smiley, secretary of the ber 5. H. U. Mitchell, Medford, Coinndssion in Washington, D. C. Dr. Elmo N Stevenson, presi­ Rufus Cate, Jackson county Lamlrett-Smith, Ilene Hulk Ed­ This contract will expire Aug­ dent of Southern Oregon college, extension agent, is in charge oi na Lorn i ng, Josephine Davis, county council, served the lunch­ wul sponsor the motorcy c I e will also be In the first-night aud­ this group, and Mrs. Pagent is ixinon King ,Suzanne LaMar re, eon. races. ust I. 1952. ience. the nurse in charge. While at the Roland Piper, Sharon McCracken, Admission this Sunday wiii o. Dean Pnpei director ______ of __ the lake the group will be taught and Paula Ostrander. OVER ISO TEACHERS aOc for adults and 25c for child­ publicity for the Shasta Cascade swimming. leather craft, and r------- ’ swimming, ENROLLED AT S.O.C. Love’s Labour's Lost”, play- ren, tax additional. Daugherty More than ISO teachers have Wonderland Assn., will interview many other crafts. They will mg August 9, 14. 19, and 23, in- stated that there would be fie., the Queen over a six radio sta­ stay at the Salvation Army head- eludes: Frank Hutchins, Hi parking at the grounds and that registered tor the second summer Jerry session at iOC, according to Mrs. tion hookup, Saturduy, August 9. quarters, and the girls will sleep McDougal, William Tobin, Rich­ the city bus line would operate a bus from 1st and Main streets m Mabel Winston, registrar. This She will leave for Los Angeles. in the dormitory, and the bovs ard Woodcock, Angus L. Bowmer, Opening of the new Bohemian .Sunday morning, via Southwest will be in tents. Frank Lambrett-Smith; J a c k club at 347 East Main will take the track. iigu ie is the largest ever regist­ Airways. Samson, Bill Hernon, Benny Lof- pldfce this Saturday, O. L. Fox ered for this session in the in stitutlon's history and represents . ■'^’’{•¡.ngements are being made tsgaard, Roland Piper, Eddy Bar­ MISS IRENE HOLLENBECK a 25.33% increase over last year's by William Healy, to Send a ron Mary Jane Howard, Robert proprietor, announced today. The SUBSTITUTES FO f T' d b ' wft t e is moving from the present; Miss Iren»- H, nfni C Lever, Trubee Wetterau, Suz club enrollment. Students are register­ myrtlewood bowl, Lithia water. location at 137 East Main to the! Irene Hollenbeck is a vis- * glfl box of pours iriart ttof ed from Astoria, Portland, east­ anne LaMarre, Marilyn Streitz, new location this week I “1 ®|ructor at Southern Ore- Elks members, their tamilips Ninon King, Suzanne LaMarre. ern Oregon, Central Oregon and Newbry Orchards, to be present­ T he entire interior of durH?.g second ed to tile "Queen for a Day” Aug- and guests had a smorgasbord California. Leading the cast of “Hamlet”, building at 347 East Main ha> I fU7Uner e i 1OiL Miss Hollenbeck ,when she in­ MRS. ROSEMARY KESLER cluded in the cattle listed for the HONORED WITH SHOWER been suffeiaii.x fiom a sprained were In charge of games. Ladies sale. back. present were Mesdames Winni- Mrs. Mildred Korth, Mrs. Pat Nelson Windsor is visiting* at fred Van Gelder and friend ol Roberson and Mrs Marjorie Mil- the home of his brother. Felix Central Point. Tresa Jones, June Plans for a new municipal band (is a flower box. The roof, w hich! TO NP R E S B r a ^ I A N CGROUpKS ior honored Mrs. Rosemarv Kes- Windsor, for the first time in six Brisbine, Margie McKim; Alta and were being exhibited this Projects out over the floor of the Wendell Lawrence e d it o r ,^ ler with a shower, Saturday aft­ years. Windsor ¡3 a navy man Solmons; Alice MItchelm o r e stand XT _ —- rence, editor of ernoon July 19, .t the Korth stage Is broken up into a series and is stationed in Scuttle, Wash­ -»ladys Hamilton; Bell and Mrs week by Bert Freeman, acting News Review, spoke to the home. The Korth home was de­ ington. president of the Ashland city Of baffle . teps which conceal the Mariners group of the Presbvter- corated with pink and white Paul of Prospect. lighting and also aid in better Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bullís spent church, Mondav evening sweetpeas and gladiolis. Games band. The plans were obtained tonal reproduction. The roof is S tan k28r at the P r e s b y S n last weekend ln San Francisco by city superintendent Elmer a concrete slab, three inches in were played during the after­ » ,E , aP ner groi,P nieet once ments were served. Guests pre­ raska visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F gular meeting Monday night built in 1937, and is considered feet by 12 feet ^ « s o c i a l gathering, sent included Mrs. Bark True The stand would be placed in Engel last week. McLndv was en­ Seven new members including one of the better type modern and It was decided at the Mon­ Mrs. R E. Bell, Mrs. Oscar Mar­ route to San Francisco, where he Joyce Chapman. Barbara Sample acoustical structures, for bunds. the same location as the present day evening meeting that thev tin, Mrs. Marjorie Miller. Mrs bandstand. This provides a nat­ tovitoeteh dn lng All gust- bllt to will start a commission firm. £ u in. D£ vis> Barbara Kantor, Dorothy Owens, Mrs. Bob Beil Cost of the Midland’s struc­ Word has been received that Ebirley Barrett, Marie Williams ture in 1937 was $5000. Accord­ ural ampitheater with perfect invite the Grants Pass club to M.rS’ Roff- Mr?- F’ fhei seating for spectators ind listen be their guests for the Septem- P*f°rd, Mrs, Edna Rosenbaum, Arthur Kriesman, assistant pro­ and Joan Joanis were at the meet ing to Freeman the same struc­ meeting! Les Grant was in and Mrs. Ella Davis fessor of English at SOC, has pas ing. The girls plan on having a ture could be built in Ashland ers No changes will have to be I sed his languages examinations food sale at the Ideal Market in today lor approximately $8000. made in the plans which Free- charge of the business meeting man presently has. ( ------------------- «»«enng. for the doctors degree at Brown the near future. The band stand is in the form Dr. and Mrs. Haines left this University. Krelsman has but .. A. ------ ( y « wiwi a series oi piat- week for San Francisco, Califor­ one more summer sessio nto at­ Mrs Hatie Rosebrough of Eng- forms leading up to the main nia. Miss Cara Lee Haines, their tend the college to complete the lewood, California is visiting heri fl°or. The back wall is flat and the new bandstand. John Daugh- f Mrs. Ora Mevers of Medford da.Y£bt*r- win return to Ashland erty is the city council’s band j visited in the R E. Bell home at residence requirement. 4 sister, Airs. O. Carson. I either side of the back wail representative. • Bellview Sunday. f with them to spend the remain­ der of the summer. Muliil Gas Works In '‘Fluid Drive” Cars Festival Begins August 8 In the Chautauqua Shell Horse Races Will Be Held On Sunday At Rodeo Grounds p A Prnei/Ior. 4a J* * 1 resiaenW Have Luncheon Wed. 4-H Members Spend Week Lake O’ Woods Bohemian Club Is Opening August 2 Elk Families Have Smorgasbord Picnic Mrs. Stephens Dies At Her Home Tues. j WEM*S Gutharts Take Over Hotel Dining Room Marty Pererard Wins Top Scoring Honors Toastmaster’s Club To Entertain Group Body of Mrs. Curtis Sent to California 1 W i i Miss Roberts Plays Solos For Lions g § M I| Cal-Ore Hereford Assoc. Sale Oct. 18 Bandstand Committee Gets Plans for Modem Structure Camp Fire Girls Flan Food Sale P,