Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 26, 1947, Image 1

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    U o t O. Librai
ßy TIi«' P rin te r’« Devil
Plaudit »ectloni Cbiat of Poller
C. P. Talent and hi» staunch man
ol arma. Mayor Thornton Wiley,
and Bart Freem an. local band bn-
praatario. ara thia week receiv­
ing the thanka oi the musically
minded m ultitude who attended
the band concert last waak.
Heaton: traffic was »topped in
the area of the bandstand durinq
last weak» band concert qivinq
thr listeners a chance to haai
the music without traffic horn
obliqato. Ironical note: Chat C or­
ry. superintendent of parks, was
»topped by several listeners who
thanked him for blocking off the
roadway. Corry is torw arainq.
through channels, those thanks
to the riqht parties.
Anion« outers who have Ixen
disappointed by the cancellation
ol the Kitsiluno Boys bund con
cert here wus Juke Weitzel. Plans
called lor the band to practice in
l.ithiu park across from W eitzels
new departm ent store just pnoi
to the style show anu opening
preview Thursday evening.
would have been u pleasant coin­
cidence out thut ol debbtt, “Im ­
m igration Laws,' stopped an)
horn blowin’ round here. At last
report Bill Healy, Cham ber ol
Commerce man of all work was
Mill trying to break down Uncle
.Sam in order to get the boys
bund a concert. Mote irony: they
it slay overnight here ut the
Latina. Ashland wasn t listed on
me ilm ery us u concert cay wnen
mey made It out.
1 ne Hotary club's cattlam an s
dances wlucn ware sal tor July
4th and 5th have bean roped ana
tied by tha fact that tha Armory
is not available io tha Hotary
cowhands and their belies. Fore­
man Phil Stansbury who has
bean ridinq hard on the dance is
a bit put out about tha whole at
fair. Some talk of havinq it on
tna square in the Plain has been
potted around but soma of the
cow waddiet ere afraid their
boat heels will settle in tha a»p-
nait m aking a square dance in
the square, a slow thinq.
Formerly The
Southern Oreqon
S3 per Yeer
2 Years for 35
*74« Stutkem ô+tyo*.
OREGON Thursday, June 26, 1947
Final registration for the first
sum m er session at S<X' reached
2HH students. This figure repre
sents a 30% increase over lajt
year and constitutes an all-time
high in enrollm ent, with seventy-
nine men and 209 women. Only
39 are pursuing lower división
Preview ami Style Show
(¿Iris Will Appear Eve work. Eoity-eight are veteran?
More than one-third of the firs*
Evening To
ot July 4, K:(Hl p. m.
session students plan to continue
oil Shstkesp, arean Stage during the second sum m er session
din« to registrar, Mabel
i according
Thursday evening a style show
Nine gil ls will vie tor the title ' Winston,
and pieview will officially usher
ol “Miss Ashlund" the night ol
in the opening of W eitzel’s de­
July 4 in the o tlioul prelim inar­
partm ent store, at the corner ot
ies for the "Miss Am erica" con­
Lithia Park and W inburn way.
test. The local prelim inaries are
The store will open for actual
being sponsored by the Ashland
Robert Lugar, m anager of the business Friday morning, June
Active club und Mrs. Belle
Com m unity hospital, an­ 27, Jake Weitzel, ow ner announc­
Ham pton is Cham ber of Com­
merce coordinating chairm an foi nounces that persons desiring U- ed today.
“Alice of California" clothe?
enroll in Blue Cross plan for p re ­
the event.
The judging will take place at paid hospital care who did not will be modeled during the style
« 00 p.m., July 4, on the Shakes­ contact representatives of this show by professional San F ran­
pearean stage in Lithia park. plan last week, may m ake direct cisco models and by local girls.
The store which was designed
Girls who will be com peting are: application to the Portland office.
by Howard Perrine, Klamath
Ruth Beers, who is employed at
Lugar also reported that self-
the First National Bank In Ash­ employed persons or those w ork­ Falls architect, is one of the
land; Isabel G reen student at ing with less than five may still most modern on the Pacific coast
Southern Oregon college; Ella enroll provided their request lor The store front is done in car-
Tutlow, Southern Oregon college application reaches the Portland rara glass with a green under­
student, Hogue River; Mickey otuce prior to Ju n e 30. This type tone. Rounded plate glass show'
Stritz, Rogue River and an S.O.C. of m em bership will not again be windows complete the m odernis­
tic touch. Along the south side of
student; Betty Golden, Ashland open until fall.
the building are small show
Doris Sample, Ashland, is w ork­
ports, flush windows which are
ing at th # Medford court house;
used for individual items of dis­
Gladys Mack. Ashland, employed
at M errills; Elouise Morris, Ash
Three entry ways provide ade
land, attending Beauty school in
quate means of entering and
Medford; and Alice Day. born in
leaving the store. The interior of
Ashland, now living at C entral
Frank O’Neil, athletic director the store is finished in plaster
The girls will be judged fifty of the Ashland public schools, with flourescent lighting fixtures,
percent on their poise and per­ will be the camp director of which cast indirect light. Store
sonality; tw enty-five percent on Camp
su m m e r islands und display counters are
their talent, thy will either sing, Camp of the C rater I-ake Area of white birch.
Eighteen departm ents make up
dance, play an instrum ent .or Council Boy Scouts of America,
m ake a short talk to display
- - | this sum m er. This cam p com- the store’s m erchandise selection.
their talent; the other tw enty-
aLoot 60 acres of virgin These are ladies ready-to-w ear,
five percent will be judged on tim ber on the shores of Lake o’ men's wear, fabrics and patterns,
m e Woods.
woods, A
n new w aterfront.
a .e .«.«»..». sweaters and blouses, baby goods,
their beauty in a bathing suit.
W inner in the “Miss Ashland dock set-up. anti additional sleep- lingerie hosiery, cosmetics can­
will appear In the Seaside con­ ing accomodations have b e e n UY,
d y . ’ Sldltunvij,
U ttonery, Jewelry, ce —----- ,
test which will be held July 25, completed at the cam p this year. lieisey and W estm oreland glass
SLIT IN EQUITY TO QUIET 26 and 27, and w inner of this
Local Boy Scout troop 12, head­ dinnerware, radio sales and ser­
contest will go to the A tlantic ed by Richard Trites, will go to vice, household goods, electric ap­
I s CIRCUIT COURT OK T ilE City contest to be judged for the Cafnp M cLoughlin
Ju 1 y 25. pliances, and a model kitchen.
basement ot
of the store will
S 'i n i E Ob OHEOOiM i s AND • "Miss
America" tine.
Miss America
Trites ,,,ported thnt at least fif-
e Dasemem
r u n THE COUNI Y o r J a C k -
Seven judges from Ashland
of froop 12 w o u ld ( be completed in a short time
will be announced just prior to ]
t he trio They w 1 jj spend a , Weitzel stated today, and it will
rnm n p and
nnd win
re. be used to m erchandise variety
W . O. MARTIN and DELTA C. the contest. Thev will . judge i week at the cam
will re-
goods and bargain basem ent sel­
MARTIN, husband and wue, beau ty of
face, Iy ’‘ce'
I turn to Ashland. August 1.
Plaintiffs, wholeeomeness, disposition, spe-
The second story of the build­
, vial Latent health, care of body . . .
■ a .
. ing ha« 11 apartm ents.
E. 11. MANN and LOUISE
C ontractor for the job was E.
MANN, husband and w ile each
G. Borg. Medford. B u s i n e s s
and ull the unknown heirs ol r. ! Robert Rheinholt will be m a s t-’
houses and individuals who aided
it. wiuim and Louise Munn, if d e­ er ot ceremonies for the context.
in the construction of the build-
ceased. and also any anu ad oin tr Don Hufman will ap p e ar as guest
persons or parties unkn o w n artist, and will sing several solos ; Eight sluuenls
students achieved the
.... re- ing
J* (
4 () fo|.
leun at Ashland; Yale’s Electric, Ash­
claiming any n gn i, uue, hen, Hufman will be accom panied a t ,
- -
ciuim, estate or inieitfst in and to the -------
piano bv bis mother. Cay Southern Oregon College.
They land; Lininger and sons Ashland;
me leal property described in the Hufman.
include six men and two women W B. Randall, M edford; Reed
Complaint Herein.
students. From A shland: Elwood and B retthauer, Talent; W alton
Hedberg, Paul Ieenhower, Marg­ and Moore, San Francisco; W I
TO Each, iv i.y .mu an oi the
ery Newton, Edw ard Nininger, Fuller company. Portland; M ar­
shall Wells, Ashland: Provosts.
above named Defendants:
Leslie Segsworth.
IN 1 HE NAAl r. U r T H E
, On the honor roll twenty stu ­ Ashland; Larry Basey, Ashland
S i A i E UE U ltr.oO N you and
dents w ere listed. These include W. G. W erner, M edford; Ashland
i ucn ot you arc Ijcreoy requiied
j all those who earned a grade Lum ber company; Ashland: and
to appear and answ er the Com­
Cay Hufman is head of the point average of 3.5 or above John Nosier, Ashland.
plaint tiled against you in the comm ittee in charge of all a r­ with a credit load of at least
above entitled suit on or before rangem ents for the Lions instal­ twelve hours. They include from
the first day ol tour weeks irom lation banquet to be held, July 1, Ashlund: Beverly Autry, 3.75.
the date ol the first publication ¡7:30 p.m., at the Civic clubhouse and Lois Christenson, 3.83.
of this Summons, and if you tail The party will be semi-formal a f­
AU students who earned a 3.0
so to appear and answ er said fair with Klamath, M» dford. Cen­ to 3.5 w ith a tw elve-hour m ini­
ComplainL for w ant thereof, the tral Point and G rants Pass clubs mum study load are eligible for
Dale Williams was elected pre­
Plaintiffs will apply to the Court as guests.
honorable m ention list. They in- sident of the Active club, T hurs­
for the relief dem anded in then
Ben T. Lombard will lx* instal­ ; elude from Ashland: Betty Claw­
C orf^latnt, succinctly stated as led as president: Dr. George Hull son, R obert Elhart, Nathan Gale day evening, June 19, a t the Lith­
ia Hotel. Phil R itter was named,
follows, to-wit: That a Decree be vice president j W inston Marks, Mary Corthell, Vyvyan Freeman. vice
president; Jack Williams,
entered adjudicating any and all 2nd. vice president; Ralph Reed, Ethelm ae K anclier James Maek, secretary-treasurer;
Clayton Cul­
right, title, estate, lien or claim 3rd vice president; Rober Lugar, Joyce Mattson, Bruce Metzger,
len, activator; Robert Lugar, His­
which you or any of you have.ur secretary, Ted Sommers, treasu r­ Gordon Peterson, William Reedy, torian
and correspondent; Robert
claim to have in, to or upon the er; Don McWhirter. Lion tam er W inifield Roberson, Bud Silver. A rm strong
and Lyndell Newbry.
real property situated ill Jackson and Fred Huynes. tail tw ister. Ardis W arren. Richard Wood­
elected to the board of trustees.
County, Oregon, particularly de­ Elmo Stevenson and Doyle Seely cock.
Earl Schilling is the retiring
scribed as follows, to-wit:
will lx* Installed as directors.
Robert Arm stro n g,
All that portion of the East
and Dale W ill­
Half oi me Southeast Q u art­
iams, secretary-treasurer. Plans
er of the N orthw est Q uarter
for installation of the n e w
(EMiSE'/iNW1,'«) ol
has been postponed until
Tw enty-three (23), Tow n­
According to Ken Miller, m ana­ tary of the Elks club, the follow­ after the 4th of Ju ly celebration.
ship T lurty-nine (39, South,
ger of the American Legion ju n ­ ing men are eligible for initia-
Range One (1) East of the
W.M., Jackson County, O re­
play G rants Pass on Fuller Field in the Elks Temple: Elmer E.
gon, Which lies South of the
a t 1:30 p.m. 4th of July. This siifest, Thom as e . Hatfield. Jes
Talent Irrigation ditch.
game will precede the game be­ se E Fow ler Fred M. ^> lford, | Vern Smith> j ackson county
And declaring any and all tween
the Harlem G lobetrotters Loyal W. Bates
Sheldon H. March oi Dimes chairm an, was
such claims to he null and void; and House of David men.
n ? 'ar,ZkvJi°e( , ? o nv ldSl
in Roseburg Sunday, June 22 at-
and declaring th at the said P lain­
Legion hoys were defeated Rlggs W infield Roberson. Woody tending a meeting of the State
tiffs are the owners in tee simple 40 The
nothing, Sunday, June 22, Johnston W inston Marks John d i *
planning c o m m itte e .
of said premises, and of the by to
the Medford Legion team, on
whole thereof, free and clear of the Medford field. Members of Burdell, B axter Kavanaugh, Dav- w nich \ vas recently formed t<
M arion,
Law ery Vernon Rush,
Rush MaT
ri° " | coordinate the work‘
work conducted in
any and all right, title, estate, the Ashland team include: S tan ­ id Lawery,
lien or interest of said Defend­ ley Hanscom, Gerald Dav i s,
ants, or any of them, and that Freddy Edwards, Marvin Nichol­ Hanel, Charles Besondy, Lester paralysis.
This m eeting was the first ot a
each and all of the Defendants son, Ray Graber, W ayne Jo h n ­ Hamilton, Richard Hunger, Lom e
herein, and each anti all persons son, Emil Lahr, John C. Rouhier, M artin, W ilbur McGilbrey, Ted series that will be held through­
out the year, to perfect plans for
claiming, o rto claim by, through Vernon Carlson, Floyd G ardner, Kinney and W. C. Teegarden
the work to be done in all O re­
or under them, or any of them, Vernon Tenney Tedd Tenney,
gon counties......
he forever enjoined, restrained Bill Bissell, Wesley Clark, John
and barred from asserting, a t­ Lance and Dale Landing.
tem pting to establish, or claiming
T alent, June 25—G. F. C old-, TOP SCORING HONORS
any light, title, estate, lien or in­
well and Ross Twedell operators
Max Turzenbach again walked
terest in or to said property, or
of the Chevron station in Talent. away w ith top honors a t the Ash­
any portion thereof, and that
j have opened a new electrical ap- land gun club shoot Monday-
Plaintiffs title to said premises
A ttending the State Conven- pUanee store. The store will be evening, June 23, Turzenbach
be forever quieted and set at
scoted 379; Roy Banta, 374; M ar­
_ , tion of Oregon Churches of in the new building adjoining the ty Perard, 364; John Nosier, 358;
The date of the O rder for P ub­ Christ at Turner, Oregon this Chevron station. According to
Al G ehhard, 356.
lication of this Summons is the week from the local church are CMdwell the shop will have their and
The gun club will meet June
23rd day of June, 1947, and the the M inister, Earl F. Downing, I official opening w ithin the next
130, nt the Ashland Armory.
time prescribed for publication Mrs. Downing Phyllis, Joanne week or ten days.
of this Summons is once each and Lois Downing, Mrs. Fannie
Calvin Anderson from Frisco, I Don Basey just returned from
week for four successive weeks. Leggett, Mrs. Charles Blake. Mr.
Dated and first published this und ¿Mrs. D. E, Baxter, Mrs. Earl California Is vlsi’ing Walter J a trip to South America.
i Mrs. Chas. WeHcv of Beach
26th day of June, 1947,
Rogers, Enrline and Roy Rogers. K errigan, 651 Beach Street.
Fred Taylor left for Diamond S treet and children have gone to
Van Dyke & Lombard
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheldon end Lake last week on a fishing trip. Albany, Oregon.
Mrs. Larry B aiey and children ! W alter J. K errigan and Mr*.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs son, left Saturday to spend a vo­
cation in Idaho. They #111 visit f O ranit« S( cm motored to K errigan of Beach Street motor-
Postoffice Address
in Lomond Idaho, and will visit Brldge on the Coast and expect i ed to K lam ath County with Arth-
Box 513
tn he in n » until Auaust.
ur Luke recently.
Ashland. Oregon 6.264t. J. B. Sheldon in floiie, Idaho.
Weitzel’s Dept.
Store Opening
Friday, June 27th
Nine Girls Will
¡Vie for “ Miss
Ashland” Contest
Lugar Announces
Blue Cross Plan
F. O’Neil To Be
Gamp Director
"nri '"'.Ashland Students
On Honor Roll
Gay Hufman Heads
lions Committee
Dale Williams Is
Active President
Legion Team Plays
Grants Pass July 4
Ashland Elks Have
Initiation June 25
Vern Smith Attends
Committee Meeting
Electric Shop to
Open in Talent Soon
Delegates Attend
Church Convention
Good Job* a Month
U. S. Army
Voi. 14, No. 16
Jacksonville, June 25—Dr and (
Mrs. Kenneth C. Farley, w ith ;
their daughter, Miss Jean, return- j
ed to their home from Stockton,
California this week. Dr. and
Mrs. Farley had gone to Stock-
ton, California to attend the gra­
duation of their daughter, Jean, i Firestone Outlet Will
Be Operated by Bill
from Stockton Junior college.
Miss Farley is m ajoring in
Daly and Dale Mayfield
music, and had one of the leads
in the college production of the
G rand opening of three days
Strauss opera, “Gypse Baron." will be held this Thrusday, F ri­
She also appeared in a recital in day and Saturday at the Ashland
May. Miss Farley will attend col­ Home and Auto Supply, 25 East
ic ge of the Pacific this fall.
¿Main, according to Bill Daly and
Dale Mayfield, owners oi the
Firestone outlet which is located
in the new Claycomb addition be­
tween Busch Ford service and
Colored photos of the nine the Knox building.
Store hours for each day of
Ashland girls that are entered hi
the “Miss A shland” contest ap ­ the opening will be 9:00 a m. to
pear in the window of Memory^ 9:00 p.m. Daly stated.
Lane Studios. The photographs^ Personnel
D—-—“ ~l of the store will in­
ot these girls were taken at th e ' clude both Mr. and Mrs. May-
Memory Lane studio. They are field, who form erly operated a
Ruth Beers, Isabel Green, Ella Firestone retail outlet in Camas,
Tatlow, Mickey Stritz, Betty Gol­ Washington, and their son Don,
den, Doris Sample, Gladys Mack, who will assist in the auto se r­
vice departm ent.
Elouise Morris and Alice Day.
Daly, who was form erly w ith
Silklin paper corporation, Los
Angeles, will work as the o u t­
side representative of the store
which will have both retail and
wholesale outlets.
Total floor space of the store
Colonel H. R. Jprdan, newly is 38000 square feet. Store fu r­
elected com m ander of the A m er­ nishings are in the Firestone
ican Legion post, Phil Stansbury, colors, taupe and seal brown.
and Dr. A rthur Taylor, left Wed­ Lighting is flourescent. D epait
nesday morning to attend the m ents of the store include: au to ­
State Legion convention in P o rt­ motive stop, tire repair, service,
recapping Firestone tires, brake
At Tuesday evening’s Legion lining and brake shoe exchange,
meeting, Colonel Jordan appoint­ also auto accessories, and a com ­
ed the following comm ittees for plete line of truck supplies:
household wares; sporting goods
the 1947-48 year.
Executive comm ittee: Dr C ran­ hardw are; paints; toys; radios:
dall, William Briggs, Guy Apple- electrical appliances rang i n g
white, Dr. A. S. Taylor, Jake from toasters to refrigerators.
Lahr. M embership: Ken Miller, and a complete line of Firestone
Leo Zupan, Clyde G arrett, Carl products.
Jennings, E. J. Farlow and Dick
Free gifts and prizes are be
Finnell. House committee: Jeff ing offered to custom ers during
C arter Basil Craig, Otto P eter­ the opening three days.
Although the Plaza area is still
son, and Charles W hite. Legal:
William Briggs and Ben T. L orn-! under construction the co-owners,
bard. Finance: Jeff C arter. Pub- j Daly and Mayfield, stated th at in-
lic Relations: Bert F reem an ,1 gsmuch as the sidewalks In front
Wendell Lawren c e , G e o r g e 'of the store were in and as long
Green, William Healy. Service as they had goods available they
felt th a t the com m unity would
committee: G uy Apoiewtute,
C. M. Frazier. Visiting: Ed Bern- appreciate their willingness to
ing hausen and R obert Lugar. open a t this time.
Mr. and Mrs. M ayfield and son
Americanism; Dr. A. S. Taylor
and Anthony Karnes. Athletics: have been living in A shland for
Ken Miller, Charles White, and the past three months. Mr. and
Basil Craig. Sons of Legion: Mrs. Daly, and two children,
Mike, 6 and Ja n e t 3, are living
Charles White and C. M. F r a z i e r ._____
Child W elfare: C. M. Frazier, Ken 1 on Peachy road in the Bellview
Miller and Charles W hite. Disast­
er: Jake Lahr and Carl Jennings.
Defense: William Briggs, Colonel
Preston W aterbury and Carl J e n ­
----------- o------------
Don Sheldon was elected pre
Southern Oregon College was sident of the newly form ed Cam
listed in a special issue of News era club, Tuesday, June 17, ai
Exchange entitled “Directory of : the home of W ilbur Bushnell
Sum m er Workshops in Health j O ther m em bers present for the
and N utrition.” This leaflet is first m eeting of the club include
i Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Borden, Mi
distributed nationally.
and Mrs. Latim ore, and Mrs
M arjorie Barker.
Club m em bers plan to m eet a-
gain in the near future, according
to Sheldon, newly elected presi
dent. Anyone interested in join
ing the cam era club may contact
Howard S. Wiley, president of Bushnell, or Sheldon.
the Ashland softball association,
announces the following te n ta ­
tive softball schedule for this
season: June 24, N oslccats__vs.
College; T alent vs. Tankers. Ju n e
H arry K annasto will play Fred
26, Tankers vs. Steve’s; Noslecats W hited, Jr. for city tennis cham ­
vs. Talent. June 27, Oldtim ers vs pionship in the m en’s junior div-
W eyerhaueser; Open vs Open sion of the tennis tournam ent
July 1: Steve’s vs W eyerhaueser; sponsored by the Young Men’i
College vs Talent. July 3 Open. club of the Y.M.C.A., Ju ly 4.
Ju ly 4, Open, July 8: College vs
In the Women’s junior division
Tankers ; Noslecats vs Steve’s the se m ifin a l m atch between
July 10 College vs W eyerhaueser, Shirley Balfour and R uth M
Tankers vs Noslecats.
Seitz will be played this week
July 11 Oldtim ers vs Talent; and W inner of this m atch will play
Open. Ju ly 15: College vs Steve’s: Venita Roberson for city cham p­
Talent vs W eyerhaueser. July 17 ion, July 4.
vs Tankers; Steve’s vs Talent.
In the wom en’s senior division
Ju ly 18: Oldtim ers vs Open and w inner of the m atch betw een
Open. Ju ly 22. Noslecats vs. W ey­ Dorothy Morris and Mary M et­
erhaueser; T alent vs Tankers. calf will play Virginia Cotton, the
Ju ly 24: Noslecats vs College; same day.
Tankers vs Steve's. July 25: Old-
In the Men’s senior division
tim ers vs Talent; Open. July 29: Irvin Lesser defeated George
College vs Tankers; Noslecats vs i Shum an: Tod Ti ibbutt won from
Talent. Ju ly 31: Steve’s vs W ey­ Gordon M iller and Richard Joy
erhaueser; College vs Talent. defeated Dr. Elmo Stevenson.
August 1: Oldtim ers vs Open; Semi-finals in this division will
open. August 5: College vs W ey­ also be played this week.
erhaueser; Noslecats vs Steve’s.
Trophies for all four divisions
August 7 M ake-up games. August will b e j)rese n |e d to the city ten ­
8: Playoff for finals.
nis champions in connection with
T hursday evening, June )
the fourth of July celebration.
7:30 p.m. Oak St. Tanker will
m eet Steves service team . This is
the first tim e these two teams
have m et this season. At 8:30 p.m.
the Noslecats will play the Tal­
Dr. Elmo N. Stevenson, presi­
ent M erchants. Eddie Joannis,
m anager of the T alent M erchants, dent of S.O.C. has ju st been noti­
has a hard hitting team, and ac­ fied of his appointm ent to the
cording to some of the local fans staff of editors and collaborat­
may set the Noselcajs down a ors for Biological A bstrac t s
| These abstracts consist of synth­
Friday evening, June 27, the esises of cu rren t literatu re relat­
oklvn Dodgers of Ashland, the ing to research or teaching in the
Old Timers, will play the cellar biological sciences and are pub­
W eyerhauser team, in the first lished under the auspices of the
game. At 8:30 p.m. the Noselcats union of Am erican Biological
i Societies.
will play a M edford team.
Ashland Home &
Auto Supply Plan
Thursday Opening
Memory Lane Display
Colored Photographs
Jordan Appoints
Committees Tues.
9, Sheldon Named
Prexy of New Club
Wiley Announces
Ball Schedule
Tennis Trophies To
Be Awarded July 4
Stevenson Appointed
On Editor’s Staff