§ of o. Library. NEWS REVIEW S3 per Year 2 Year« lor Sb By Tb«' Printer's Devil 40,000 Good Jobs a Month Miner FROM THE HELL BOX ô ïe y o s i *Zi4d Formerly I b e Southern Oregon U. S. Army Success »lory; JAK E WEI I ZEL, whose new depai tmciii I ■tor« open* im xt Thursday with al i . \ oi beauties from Sun Fran* j A S III.W II. JACKSON CO! M i n i t i . U i X T h u rsd ay . J u r - 19. 1947 Volume 14, No. 15 iisiti mi hund !<>r a special stylelJ-OO PER YEAR k I hiw , arrived In Southern O regon' in Muy 1040. Before coining to • COOLEY NAMED MEMBER i ho Hogue River country lie had OF HOTEL COMMITTEE been munugei of Sprouae Heli/ Charles R. Cooley, owner of the coinpuuy in Sebustupol Cali* i- Lithia hotel in Ashland, has been niu. The WEITZELS opened for named a m em ber of the com m it­ bum lithe in JuoLsonvilic with u tee Io prepare a plan ano pro­ J.V W store The initials stand gram for all hotels and resorts ol mg for JAKr- and VEl.i\A Wr.t l this area. ZKL. Some seven months Intel The com m ittee when it has JAKE expanded Ins set-up. ano prepared a plan and program will Plans For Celebration Election Will lie Held npeiK'd a store in Ashland in the call together all operators of hot-J I a ' h II f Grunt Is Head July 4 Are Discussed at pi , sent location of the JVW store »•Is and resorts of this area for Friday; Bellview Split Swim m ing Instructor on the Plaza. Now, seven years I the adoption or revision of tin 'lues. Evening Meeting i In Two ( ’amps later, JAK E I m opening the Weit- j program. In Keil Crons Classes •zel depaitem ent »tore which will John Murphy, general chair-1 Voting on the annexation of probably lie Southern Oregon's Salesgirls at Metz variety Mrs. Harvey Woods, chairm an rum of the Fourth of July cele­ Beoview to the city of Asnlanu outstanding store on the corner of the women's volunteer Red store are com peting to win bration in Ashland, called a m eet­ will take place Friday, Ju n e 20„ >f the Pluza and W inburn way. ing Tuesday evening, June 17, of a w eekly prize which is a- wun poling places open from Cross group ,hus organized a Eace lifting of PERRINE'S dt Among the 891 Uninversity of all comm ittee heads, and other eignt o ' c I ock in the m orning to war^ed to the girl who sells group of tw enty-one women who purtm ent stole has occasioned as Oregon seniors receiving degrees persons th at will take p art in eight o clock in the evening. the most memberships to the much comm ent up and down are assisting in the Red Cross al the Seventieth annual Com­ the celebration, in the Cnambei i wo groups of yoters within North Mum and Last Main as swimming classes being held this m encem ent exercises Sunil a y, of Commerce office, Southern Oregon D evelop ­ the deliview district, .one headed the entire Plaza project. The ex ­ week a t Tw in Plunges. Committee chairm en present ment association during the June 15, were several Ashland oy W. W. McMinn, and the outer terior of the stole is being p ain t­ lor the meeting included; John ] oy A lbert C. Joy, have crossed week. Among the women assisting in students. ed white by W. G. Woolvcn and Daugherty chairm an of the pa- Bachelor ol Arts degrees wen .1 words on the annexation. Aic- Henry Metz, proprietor of" Leo Osborn. Herb Lewis is the the registration anti organization conferred upon N i n o n Odile nde; C. P. Talent and Jack r.iinn heads the com m ittee for of these classes are Mrs. Gordon the store, stated that the con­ landlord C J. PERRINE began King, daughter of Mrs. Huth Young, in charge of the program me opposition and Joy the com­ operating the store in its orcsent Piekeil, Mrs. Rodney Keating, King, 384 Haigadine, psychology; ih Lithia Park; Roger Rath ,wim test was organized to create m ittee for the annexation. locution m 1018 Previous to Mrs. Arch Work, Mrs. Lloyd Sel­ and Dorothy Ann Davis «laugh, will lurnish a speaker; Di. Geo more incentive among the 'lh is week Joy stated th a t fo* that the Milts building, in which by Mrs. Bob Ingle, Mrs. Henry er of Mrs. Ivan Farris, 828 C alif­ Hull, who heads the beauty con­ group felt that, oy now the peo girls in the sale of Soda tick ­ Metz, Mrs. R. E. Van Vleet, Mrs. the stole is located had been a test committee; Jean E otrhart. ornia avenue, political science. pie concerned understood that ets. local landmurk. . The en tii" Tom Carter, Mrs. A. E. Karnes, and Clint Baughm an, who are in Bachelor of Science deftr«es Ashland's w ater su p p ./ would oe main street will look hk< new Mrs. C'lilf Culiner, Mrs. Eoss w ere conferred upon Liseldite charge of field sports and fire­ This weeks prize will be a out little allecteu. a t present when everyone completes then Kram er. Mrs. Paul Kinnell, Mrs. Burger, daughter of Mrs. Frida works; Henry Metz, chairm an of $3.00 wall mirror. ‘ there aie betw een 35 and 40 R. B. Campbell, Mrs. Frank Van remodeling. building, and paint Burger, 160 Nob HUH physical the SODA m em bership cam ­ I nomes, auto courts, and places of Dyke Mrs. Ben Lombard, Mrs. Al education; and Charles D avid paign; Ed Singmaster, chairm an Ing ousiness w itnin the area to be Simpson, Mrs. C. J. Worth, Mrs. Eortm iller, 200 Sherm an, business of the membership sales com­ ...... .......... O—— ■"11 — ■ - annexed, ano Joy pointed out C. L. Wray and Mrs. C. E. C or­ adm im sti ation m ittee lor the SODA campaign; ' th at to the best ol his knowledge coran. John S. Eaton, Ivor Erwin, Hans ali but five of these places are lx-s G rant is head of the instru­ Lassen. Robert Lugar and Kelcy . now using city w ater lor dom es­ ctors staff and is being assisted Mrs. W innifred Dye, Ashland Smith, sales captains: Robert tic purposes. .Soroptimists of Ashland ur* by Al Simpson, M arilyn Christ Hardy, H. S. Ingle, Don O'Blen- is the retiring senior regent of the "W itnin tne last two or three planning a birthday banquet lieb, Mrs. Paul Lowery. Di-un Medford chapter, of Women of years,” •ss, Hugh McKeever E J. La- Joy continued, "around 20 which will be held W ednesday, Jones, George Bray C harles De- Moose. Mre. Regina Adams of M arre and Richard Trites., dis­ Jiiiw 25, at the Lithia coflee shop A utrem ont, Larry Tribbet, Gen* Phoenix was nam ed to succeed homes have been b u ilt in trict sales leaders; O. E. Sabin The banquet is in celebration of Earthing, Johnny Gray, and Tad her at a meeting T hursday even- ‘“ Strict. Charles («rove, Arch Barksdale. Harold Bishop, physical educa­ the completion of the Soiopti­ Gandee. mg, June 12, in the I.O.O.F. hatf « ¿ h,s measu ------- o------ - tion director at S oothe.n Oregon Baxter Kavanaugh. Paul Finnell, in Medford Modfnrrt ’ ter W WoodWOltll, G eoige lUCKS, mists Hist year as an organiza­ oodworth, Geoige lucks. C. O. Sears, H. C. Galey, Bob tion in Ashland. Mrs. Velna W rit Following the business session O‘ck Joy, and ilaynw ad Koster college, has accepted a contract Van Vleet, and Jim Busch, block zel, who has lieen president lor to head the physical education leaders; Clyde Caton «and Harry the e men and women he'd a social P an to carry on ihe deve'opm ent l already unuerw ay the past year will preside. program at Humboldt State col­ Morris, industrial sales; Scott gathering. Joy urged that A shland voters At die meeting held last Wed­ Rowland lege, Arcata, California, next Reed, sales in auto courts and visit the poils anti vote yes toi nesday. Angus Bowmer, director. Mr. and Mrs, Richard baby Imv year. the Bellview annexation, ne fu r­ of the Oregon Shakespearean ‘ a re the parents of a *„ulnrij Chairm an M urphy reports that! ther pointed out that the added Festival association, spoke to th e born June 14. j** t.h<‘T ,JXi’1 ‘ b‘ Al Simpson, head coach at plans lor the celebration are not revenue from the sale of public group and introduced Trubee I Community hospital. The baby Southern Oregon coliepe, is at __ ____ -............... .... I quite completed but that it was utilities together with the added W etterau .who will represent I weighed 0 pounds « ounce teacning Bishop’s classes, ¿«elded Tuesday evening that the! wealth and productivity wnich Queen Elizabeth during the Aug-j A boy weighing seven pounds present but as yet no one has officially Rodeo wouid be from 2 to 4 o'- and * lot fourteen ounces was born to the district will bring to Ashland • ■ vot­ — ust dram a session. The club lieen nam ed to fill the vacancy. d(K.k on the f„u rth of July and should benefit both tne city pro­ ed to buy a $25.00 m em bership in Mi. and Mrs. Lawrenc«- Rude, l*-ft by Bishop according to Dr. J he baH e b,.(Ween the G lobe June 16, at the Com m unity hos­ per and the district which is up the association. Elmo Stevenson, president of the Trotlers and lh t House of David tor annexation. pital. _ | club would begin at 4:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Antle, of Keno, college. McMinn Heads Opposition Local Organizations Oregon, are the parents of a son ax» ■ H l 1 I W. W. McMinn who heads the • I It was also decided that the weighing 6 pounds and 14 ounces. la llV M flflP I fill M S Sponsor Scholarships group in the Beilview area which Plym outh sedan car that is being , gi; en away by the SODA a«s»- The baby was born June 16, at V I I J f l l U C IV IIIH 9 opposes the annexation has point­ For Summer Session the Community hospital. ed o u t th at ferm ers and livestock * ■■ ■ ;ciation will be on display In vvl , i a .Following Bellview .and Val- owners in the area are afraid that , ■ » A ANNOUNCEMENT MADE TO AsIitShd. SaUudu.v , J u n A. teyview 4-H club boys and girte then Tfteaas pi iivehhopii would T I h IllllO l i r c a U J IM BY RYNNING Ixirraint Converse. ~ n J June 17, . to be disturbed by tlw -aiinex’,ation Play started last week in th r P irtle uorram« u .n v m iy y G ‘' lo 7 r-■ ’ leh J Tuesday morning, llH P C IM ld | ' LOGGERS Paul r B. Rynning. coun county en ­ city-w ide tennis tournam ent, tan Howard, Barbara Keea. attend the club sum m er school He also states that his group felt gineer and surveyor, announced which is sponsored by tne Young ilyn M iller, Rena Russell and to he held on the Oregon State th a t previous dry years, such as N oslecats & W eycrhaus- this week, that there should not M en’s club of the Asnlanu ». M. B arbara Messenger, fourth of college campus, in Corvallis, on 1946, would work a hardship on be any log hauling on Saturday w ater users in both areas. er Team« Meet in First afternoons, Sunday, holidays, and C. A. McMinn furth er stated th a t,th e played during hours of darkness, on all annexation would mean increas­ Game Thursday Eve Shum an county roads. ed cost to the city of A shianu in­ f od V.v. —... , — - - ........... , W * , , ,,, , |_ .J - . IT .UIOJ110, I Cl.C I I It TV , W* Thursday, uui.e 19, Noslecats ----------- as the city - would some l .*-* Elmo Stevenson wdn from Phil­ Soropfim ist cluo v ill als»i 1« » is npy B e llv ie w - M ildred. G a s s a - asmuch will play tne W eyerhauser soil- lip Burns; and Richardson de­ played Saturday at the F e d e ra t-; P J ; Bellview’; Bob JWfiffloughby, “ ay hav.e t0 mstaU sew ers, lights, ball tiam , at 7:30 on w aiter P hil­ .IB ciiview ; M arlin «¿rfdvig, Bell- and surface roads in the area, m feated Scripter, in the senior d i­ ed store. lips Held, becoiid game of »toe Five sticks of bubble gum a h d j vjew; Ted W illoughby, Bellview; i addition to policing and giving vision of the tournam ent. evening will be Al Simpson's In the m en’s junior division a dish will be given to tach pur- Wade Harnden, Bellview; Don fu e protection to Bellview resi- Southern Oregon collegians ver­ H arry K annasto won from Bob chaser of a SODA ticket by the Kefr Bellvicw and Rodney T w e -, dents. sus T alent Mei cants al 8:30 p. Mayor Thornton Wiley, who according to dejj Bellview. sixty- - Phillips; and Fred W hited, Jr. Federated store Friday June 27. the sixty in. This will be tne collegian s Sponsoring the scholarships for heads the city countil, w hich i. John Murphy, m anager of the defeated John Lance. piece Kitsilano Boy s band, di­ lu st appearance in the soitball this school include B ellview ! unanim ously behind the plan As yet no m atches have been store rected by A rthur W. Delamont, league. Grange, J. C. Penney company of has stated th at the city is g - played in the women's division, will appear in the Lithia Park Friday, June 20, the Old Tim ­ Ashland, local Rotary club, Ash- ‘ng and th at controlled grow th oi according to R. N. Fletcher, sec­ grandstand. ers will play the T alent M er­ land Elks, Bellview Extension fbe fringe areas such as th e B Delamont founded this band in retary of the Y, M. C. A. chants at 7 30 p.m. Steve’s Ser­ -- -- unit and 4-H club; Valleyview 4- view district is m uch cheaper m 1028 in Kitsilano, B. C„ which is vice m en will play the Rogue . the long run than perm itting such M arshall Woodell received 61 ¡ H Club, and other valley organi- This Valley carpenters at 8:30 for the a suburb of Vancouvei areas to grow up in any direction votes against 51 votes cast for zations. band has toured the Briti. h Islt second game. or fashion. twelve George M, Shuman. Monday. There will be four forty-m in- standings of the league at pres-1 three times and made June 16, in the school election, j ute classes offered in subjects re- ..m « are ip as is i lollows C anadian trips. They w ere a- ••nt o iio w s . ......... , for director of school d istric t1 lating to agriculture and home warded the title of w orld’s cham- Team w num ber 5. Woodell wil serve for economics at this session, foOO pionship band in 1933 at the Clu Talent cago Vlforld’s Fair. As an indica I Plans for u sum m er program ol a period of five years as direc- j 1000 Oak St. Tankers activities for boys and girls of tor. 000 tion of the popularity oi Helm an Baths will re-open W eyerhauser F rank J, Van Dyke, G. W. 000 band 12,000 persons saw them 1 Ashland was one of the items of Friday, June 20, according to M. Noslecats play in Scotland at Andrew Car- business a t the regular monthly W enner, Pau) Finnell and Mrs. 000 H. and Jean n e Hess proprietors Zarku’s Service 000 negie s birthplace. While in Eng- m eeting of the Board of Directors M ern Provost, are the other Helman Baths are located at SOC Collegians land they made a picture for of the Ashland Y.M.C.A, held re- m em bers of the board. A m eet­ Laurel and Otis streets, and will ing of this board will be held Pathe and also cut seven records, contly, R. F. BROWN GRADUATES Senator Earl Newbry told be open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m Delamont’s band is leaving I Reports from the Build.ng soon at which time the organiza- everyday except Tuesday. FROM AVIATION SCHOOL Cham ber of Commerce m em bers this sum m er for Britain, I Com m ittee indicated that the lon of the board will be com plet­ These baths have tw o mdooi Royal E. Brown, seam an, sec­ Canada of the trend of business through­ which will be the first trip for work on the Old Pioneer Hall ed for the next school year. ond class, U. S. Navy, son of Mr. the out the east and n orthw en Tues­ pools, w ith hot sulphur baths a present group of boys. The would soon be completed and the and Mrs. E. E. Brown of 77 Sixth day noon, at the regular cham ber vailable. Light housekeep i n g will arrive in Ashland in Y.M.C.A. will be in a position to street, Ashland Oregon, graduat­ band m teting.'N ew bry has just retu rn ­ rooms are also available for any­ two buses, and from here will go prom ote a com plete program of ed from the Aviation Fundam en­ to ed from a business trio to these one who wishes to spend some Hollywood, California, to play varied activities during tne cum­ tals School, Naval Air Technical in the bowl, June 22. points, and reports leveling off time there. Mr. and Mrs. Hess re­ ing m onths of the sum m er v»ca- Training Center Jacksonville, of business, particularly luxury modeled before opening the pools ____________— , tion period. Florida recently. items, such as jewels, furs, and this year. They put a new bottom in the big pool, added'new dress­ Brown entered Naval service According to Miss Cora Mason, upper class luxury item.-- How­ ing rooms, and have painted Ihe November 20, 1946, at the Naval ever, he reported bearing a Chi­ io n H o n o r« 9 >'eai's uf agc citv librarian, the Vacationing Recruiting Station, Portland. O re­ complete setup. It r F o o r r T to o p nuiHH B al1 and b°ys over and ctin #irls make ? application application Rending Club at the Public Libr- cago radio station advertising a ------------o------------ gon, and received recruit training Roy B anta and Max Turzen­ for m em bership in the "Y" and ary |„ flourishing, along with 1947 C hevrolet for 52200, and a at the Naval Training CenW*r, bach tied for top honors In the secure the privilege of the use ol ofber sum m er activities for the 1947 Pontiac for $2400. San Diego, California. Newbry made the trip East in Monday evening gun club shoot the building, game equipment, boys and gjrbi of Ashland. Mem- interest of his truit indusliy and a t the Ashland Armory, with a and the right to attend all p ro -' bers are “racing” horses this year, Miss M argaret Ramsay is in large race track .which was told Cham ner m enibers th at fruit Park-A -M eters, an autom atic Ashland Community hospital this score of 367. Marty Pererard was gram activities promoted by the second with 358; John Nosier, Y.M.C.A. There is no fee charged. made without charge by the Ash- was som ew hat k>v«■ • jn the unc­ type parking meter, will be in­ week recuperating from an oper­ tions, b u t since tbe storm s in the ation which was performed Tues­ 357; Al G ehhard, 357; Art H as­ Casual activities including Table bind Cabinet Works, is planned Northwest and M m d'ew est the stalled on Ashland streets for a kins, 343; and O. R. Edwards 334 Tennis and sm all games, and so t hat small horses run in six months period. M enibers ol day, June 10. Tw enty mem bers were present special interest groups which will groOves, th eir progress depend- demand for fn u t f:om this valley the city council instructed Elmer for the Monday evening shtxit include C raft work. E ^ o n g Arch- ing upon t he regularity of the lot -is g o o 1. city superintendent to W hile in Canada N ew bry -made Eiegel, w ith m any visitors also present. ery and special events. The pro- m em bers’ reading. 106 boys and m ake arrangem ents w ith the observations of the wages paid N ext m eeting will be June 23. gram will include Treasure Hunt.« g|r ]s have joined the Club; In the company for installation at the Trips und Outings. tw0 and a half weeks since the there, and discovered them to be Tuesday night meeting. The building will be open from c|4MSe. of school 40 have read at ai least 40% less than in the company will m ake a tra f­ Woolen goods are also low­ fic 1 he x 11:30 in the mornings. jpasf two books, which puts their states. survey and will place m e ^ rs er prices, fruits are high, but I from 1:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, horse in the running. Some have w here they are most needed. Re­ Mrs. Fern Bowerman of Ash­ foodstuffs aie m uch lower. ceipts from the m eters will be Nell Creek Neighborhood c lu b i7 :4° tQ ? ;00 in the evenings. already completed the minimum other land was elected district oracle at W illiam < Healy secretary of ill meet Thursday, June 19. 2 I1} order to fill a recent vacan- ICqUirem ent for a Club certificate the Cham ber of Commerce read a used to pay for them. the district convention of the will Royal Neighbors of America, held p.m. at. the home of Mrs. - Brad­ qy in the m em bership of the Y and are on their secqpd lap a- a report on im provem ents made in K lam ath Falls, Jujie 13. Mrs. bury on Neil emek road. The af­ M. C. A. Board of Directors Hen- I roUnd thp track. at the Ashland Com m unity hospi­ ry Van Propyen was elected (o Alice Turner, another Ashland ternoon will he spent m aking pa­ serve tal, which was prepared by Rob­ as a Board m em ber fur a 1 AMERICAN LEGION BALL delegate, was named recorder per hats for the Junior and Sen­ e rt Lugar, m anager and was TEAM LOBES FIRST GAME period of two years. ior Red Cross These hats will be and receiver." Jacksonville, June 19— Mr. and subm itted to the City Council | Ashland American Legion ju ­ The delegation from Ashland given to patients In different hos­ Mrs. Pete Schaffer have opened Tuesday evening nior basebaTT team played their W. E. BRACKERS HAVE extended un invitation to the pitals on special oeeassions. Mrs. vote was taken on a m en’s , and chidren clothing first game of the season at G m ' . A sam ple r BABY BQY SATURDAY group to meet in Ashland for the ' club, C. O. wil, Crosslin, b e president y ^ o f of the the C «. » u"o - S fy S t S - e s ^ S S T c S next annual district convention.1-’ v —1,1 *— — “* •*" Ri b i r < S lubWn; k eets every tbirH ' K k ^ ^ a t , ^ t h e kY rest,., was 22 for the annexa- year. This invitation was accepted. Program for the day included Thursday of each month • The Schaffer’s also have the Mrs a t the Ashland Com m unity Hos- team. u t - an£ '« o against Ihe le'dub; ballot march by the celebrati o n tain W estern Union agency and pick-up main- v'iT Ashland did Jackson-! the r e - ’ Charies Howard and daughter W illiam. J e r & h i M h la J d team huV'wis- p J n s ^ i l l be discussed at next a Domestic Laundry John Murphy, 4th July Chairman Calls Meeting Mrs. Harvey Woods Heads Volunteer Red Cross Group Bellview Annexation Fight Is Apparent Salesgirls Compete For Special Prize Ashland Students Received Degrees Soroptimists Plan A Formal Banquet Mrs. Winifred Dye Is Retiring Regent Bishop Accepts A Hew Contract New Babies Bom Community Hospital 4-H Club Members Attend Summer School This Week Simpson’s Team to Make Debut Tourney Underway f the F■ iera-ted 1 c in Famous Band to Play June 27th M. Woodell Named District 5 Director ' Summer Y.M.C.A. Program Planned E. Newbry Tells of Business Trip Banta & Turzenbach M. H. & Jeanne Hess Open Helman Baths Reading Club Is Holding a Race ¡X p S T Parking Meters Get Go Signal Mrs. F. Bowerman Is Elected Oracle Mrs. Bradbury Will lie Hostess to • HID Pete Schaffers Open New Clothing Store ¡ a a i i 1 a m s n . r z - r c x d,^ ; v£ , os , a a bv a nds X ' . . . . .« .« o a