Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, June 12, 1947, Image 1

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IZ of o
Formerly The
Southern Oregon
by 'Flip Printer'* Devil
»3 per Year
2 Year* for $5
"Oscur, the Mechanical Man,”
who appeared- in Ashlund, Wed­
nesday, through the courtesy of
the Mart, is in reality H. J.
STEVENSON Berkeley. C alifor­
nia. Stevensn, who put on his
act in the display windows of
m e Mart, lias been acting the part
of the dum m y for several yeurs.
No dummy, he fooled neveral spe­
ctators for sevcrul m inutes, and
kept a crowd on the street in
front of the store ull during the
day and well m l,, lli, night Hr,
act has changed a bit since Hen­
ry Metz, saw him lust in C alifor­
nia. According to Metz, S teven­
son has udded a lot of adddlonul
motions to his original act, which
was at one tim e purely m echani­
cal mimicry
They were both right Tuesday
Klumath Junction, und PHIL
DOZIER, passed judgm ent on the
\slll AND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON T h u rsd ay , Ju n e 12, 1947
Annexation Vote
Will Take Place
Friday, June 20
New If. 8. Principal
Next Friday, June 20, Ashland
und Bellview voters will go to
the polls to vote on the proposed
annexation of Bellview to the
city of Ashland.
Poling pluees will
he open
from eight o'clock in the m orn­
ing to eight o'clock in the even
trig Residents <>f the fiist ward
of the city of Ashland will vote
ut the City hull. Residents of the
breed of sn ak e which ROBERT second wurd will vote at th.
BYRD und BILLY CROSSLiN Ashland Public library. The pen
pie of the Bellview district will
lound behind the burn.
Grandm a Crosslin said it was vote at the Ashland Real Estate
a coral snake und Phil suid it office which is located on Pacific
Highway No 99 between Normal
was a king snukc.
BUCK BEAR, Siskiyou, said In- avenue and Clay street.
W C. Mitchell is judge, Geo
had several in ,11s yard each su m ­
rge Rose, and Mrs. Louise G.
MRS. WM. BYRD .mother ol McNair clerks for the first ward.
Robert, called a board ol experts Mrs. Rosa Dodge Galey is judge,
including DR. RALPH POSTON and Mrs. Irene Detrick, and Mrs.
and CHARLES HAYNES and the Fred Engle arc- clerks for the
staff of the Ashland Library Fin­ second ward.
Judge in the Bellview district
ally the snake wfe* las- n to DR
WAYNE WELLS. Southern O re­ is M aurice A nd. Clerks are J. P.
gon college who settled the dis­ Clark and Stella Fostc r.
The territory which is up for
It was a king coral snake nat annexation
. . . lies
, , due East
, . of .. the
ive to this region, Dr. Wells, s a i d ,,l
" Ash !,? d
/ S?CI1 ” d
thus settling all urgum ent anti ' ’’iighly runs from Caton's gar
proving everyone right
The age to the Old Normal school
snake by then didn't care, he'd grounds on highway 99 und from
liad Ins head bushed in early in Caton's garage to the cem etery on
highway 66
the discussion.
I According to Elbert C. Joy,
Ashland's r Fourth
o m . i l «.,• « July
•« •j y
» I , « ‘ "view . who spoke to the .... m-
Roland Parks Is
Named Principal
of High School
Joseph Fader to Take
Parks Place Principal
of Junior High School
Good Jobs a Month
U. S. Army
Voi 14 No. 14
June 18 Is Selected
For First Ouidepost
__________________ ♦
Marshall Woodell Heads
Second Annual Tourist
Guide Post Conference
Prlain Hikes From
Montana for Drama
Roland L. Parks was elected!
Marshall Woodell, chairm an of
principal of the Ashland Senior
the 1947 Tourist guidepost con­
High at a meeting of the School
Peter Prlain. student of the
Board, Monday evening, June 9
ference, announced this week
drama, hitchh.xed into town
His place as principal of the J u n ­
th at the three week session would
ior High School will be taken by
last week to see Angus Bow-
begin W ednesday June 18, at
Joseph Fader, who i« being pro­
mer, director of the Oregon
Oregon college. The
moted from the Washing t < n
Shakespearian Festival asso­
meetings will be held on W ed­
school, which he has head« d for
ciation .about a part in this
thr last four years Chester C.
nesday evenings, June 18, 25, and
Squire has been elect« d to .he
summer's production of four
July 2.
principalship of Washington. 'J if-
of Shakespeare's plays.
The Tourist Guidepost confer­
fqtd Williams is to oe principal
ence which began last year un­
Prlain, who had hitched
Roland Parks, former principal
der the joint sponsorship of the
rides all the way from M on­
The Board of Higher ’ duration
of tha Ashland Jr. High school,
Ashland Cham ber of Commerce
tana, where he is a college
who was appointed Tuesday by recently promoted Miss Edith
and Southern Oregon college was
members of the school board of Bork from Assistant Professor of
student made his appoint­
directed by Dr. A rthur S. Taylor.
District 5 a* principal of the high
It was designed to acquaint local
ment with Bowmer and re­
m at .ng
school. Pfcrks succeed* Earl Rog­ which r -suite 4 in hei
with recreational areas,
turned to Montana via the
ers, who resigned to enter the from the principals dp at Lincoln
scenic regions, geology ,and flora
thumb route.
He plans to
to that of Director of Teacher
Hardware business in Medford.
and fauna common to this area.
take his final examinations
Training at Southern ("begun Col­
Woodell pointed out th a t the con­
ference last year had the largest
tana and to hitch hike back
Clifford V/illiaois ame to Ash­
enrollm ent of any conference in
to Ashland in time for re­
land a year ago as a teacher
the state. More than 50 people
trainer. Chester C. Squire, is at
attended each of the three m eet­
present «'tending Colorado State
College of Education in Greeley
Woodell, Otto Wilda, Dr. Elmo
Colorado, where he is working on
Stevenson, Dr. Russell Taylor,
his Masters degree in education.
William Healy, and W endell
He has his uegree Irom the South
Lawrence are m em bers of the
e in Oregon College, and has done
, Guidepost Conference com m ittee
Fourth of July Queen
work at Oregon State College and
Angus Bowmer, diam atics in- for this year. They m et W ednes-
h ra lio n w h ic h h a s b een q u ie tly ,
‘ the Ashland Chamber of
the University of Oregon. Squires structor at Southern Oregon col- day and arranged a program for
hovering in the offing this week j Gonjme ree, Tuesday, the vote ioi
•pent four years In the army. lege, told Lions club m em bers this year.
be “yes.”
Drawing Opening N ight Prii
began to get up steam with the 1 the
, e 'annexation
anr , ,
. should
tio r to th • war he taught lor Tuesday evening of plans for the
There is no enrollm ent fee for
introduction of Queen candidates, Juy P“ 'nted out that inasmuch as
I seven years in Luke County, end Shakespearean festival to be held the conference and service stat-
Members of the softball teams s ’ after getting out of
BARBARA MESSENGER, ANN the city of Ashlund is already
irf the Service !n August m Ashland. Miss Tru- ion attendants, motel and hotel
p ir t l e . M a r il y n
m il l e r , supplying the residents of the and the Ashland high school band finished out the year as superin- bee W etterau, who was chosen to keepers, and other individuals
LORRAINE CONVERSE, BAR­ Bellview district wjth domestic m arched from the Plaza district tendent at Paisley Oregon. This reign during the August Shakes- who meet the travelling public
BARA REED. RENA RUSSELL w ater that the increased' popula- to the high school ball field Tues- last year he has beet, at the pearean festival, also appeared I are urged to attend. Woodell in-
______ to m ark the opening' Fairview .school in Klamath Falls.
day evening
and GLORIAN HOWARD. to jtio n would not affect the c i t y 's ___
ruesday evening.
vited anyone interested in South-
Chamlx-i of Commerce and S o r o - , al< r “uPP|y Fwr the past 18 j of the baseball season for this
Mr. Nelson, head of the enroll- . ern Oregon’s natural resources
piim ist members. Voting for the I i®“|r a.c,ty wa,el bas b“ ’n ustd m I year. Mayor Thornton W iley, P l a y B e g i n s T h l S
ment departm ent of Blue Cross, and beauties to also attend.
queen begun to be in earnest a s H, llvleu
i t throw
threw the first k
« ii ...
to C lint, !
of Portland, told Lions of the
The first conference, W ednes­
"Irrigation w ater," Jo. y said Baughm an, fire chief, to m ake i YV e e k 111 T O U m a m e n t
Blue Cross plan, that has recent­ day, June 18, will have Dr. Elmo
the girls settled down to win the
led the | I the openi/ig
opening official. Chief of, Play m the d t y . wide Unnis ly been installed in the Ashland Stevenson and Dr. Wayne Wells
co n test . DR GEORGE HULL “is already being supplied
and WILLIAM HEALY .who residents of Bellview by the T a i-'P o lic e Charles Talent acted
of SOC as speakers. Stevenson
tournam ent started Monday, J u n t Community hospital.
have been squiring the girls ent Irrigation Ditch."
will discuss the geologic m akeup
Joy also pointed out to the , Barbara Messenger, Ann Pirtle,
about the city have been the
of Southern Oregon and Wells
envy of ail tne would be beau m em bers of the Cham ber that Marilyn Miller, Lorraine Con- Matulies to be played during the
w ill d e s c r i b e t h e f l o r a a n d f a u n a
the city would benefit by receipt verse, Barbura Reed. Rena Rus-
brumm els in town.
which are native to Southern
of additional tax money and that sell, and G lorlan Howard, Fourth »'•<t ten days include
Oregon. Visual aids in the form-
"Ye Green Front," will soon the sale of electric current by ,'of July queen candidates, drew Rev. Shum an vs, Tony Shiveley.
of colored slides and replicas of
have a new front hut business is the city would increase and thus names of the ball team s out of a Irvin Lesser vs, Tom Medcatf;
the m aterial discussed will be
, hat to determ ine ju st which
going on as usual ut the corner the city would realize a profit
used to heighten interest.
He also stated that the pity is i teams would m eet Tuesday i ven-
of G ranite und North Main.
The second program will be
E. Brown vs. Gordon
"K err's M arket" and "A utry’s gi owing and that controlled ex- ing. Talent M erchants played the Dr, Elmo Stevenson vs. Philip
under the supervision of Healy
G rocery” art» also reaping the pansion would be better for thr ‘ W e>erhaueser Lum ber company Burns; Mr, Mlttag vs. Richard
who is secretary of the Ashland
Bellview Members Win Cham
! team, and Talent M erchants won Joy.
benefits of new store fronts. . . com m unity as a whole.
ber of Commerce. He will
Along in the center ol town ! "There is some opposition in by un eight to four count.
Prizes at 4-H County
discuss tourist travel in this area
Women's Junior Classification:
“Chipm an's”, "The A. &. B. Sport Bellview to the plan," Joy said,! O“ k Street Tank and Steel Venita Roberson vs. Betty Wahl:
and will tell about the most in­
Fat Lamb Show Tuesday teresting
Shop” “The W estern Union of­ "it comes from people who have Tankers shut the Noslecats out Shirley Balfour vs. Mary Lou
spots in th e region,
fice,", “Standard Cleaners". "Cul adequate wells and who feel as j by a five to nothing score,
their accessibility and • historic« I
Steve’s men defeated the Old
m er's Cub" and The New., lie though they have adequate polic
Men's Juniot
Classification: ____________
o__ of Bellview, won j background. Maps and folders
Fred Engel
view," are receiving a new mar and fire protection and who d o 1 Timer by a eleven to nothing Bob Phillips vs. Harry Kannasto; Mrs.
the George N°chols trophy at the will be used to illustrate his di; -
quee which should help keep not wish to pay for city police score.
Fred W hited vs. John Lanco.
¡annual spring lam b show, June
and fire protection. During pre-
Ken M iller and Guy Randles
the sum m er su n out the door
I 10, held at the Jackson countv , rj ^ f“ d ctTho" ias’ Ashland d r -
JAK E WEITZEL is getting ready vious years the city of Ashland were um pires for the evening
fairgrounds. Engel won this tro- S i n
r r/n t? p '
K ennet t
Thursday evening, June 12
to move into his new store and hus oficred Bellview residents
phy for being the most outstand-
<?’ ' i r 0», ‘S i
the Ashland Home and Auto sup­ fire protection, and I, for one. feel Talent M erchants will plav the
ing m em ber of the Jackson coun-
„ f th . OreS°n
an i
ply company are moving stock that I should be willing to pay W eyerhauser team at 715 p m
tv 4 -H C lu b l o r h a v i n e t h e most Game commission are tentative!
into their location in the Knox lor the com m unity services which ,,n the hlgh 3chool fiekJ g
outstanding fat lamb, and his f iV ^ h e v
3nd l3St ’7 ^
building preparatory to an open­ we are presently getting.
j s tre e t Tankers will also play the
champion showm anship.
d’seuss recreation
ing sometime in the next two
Eighteen members were out
O ther Bellview winners in t h e |al
in Southern Or. -
Favored By Council
I N ^ c a t s the same evening
weeks. . . . Seems like the rec
, Friday evening, June 12, Steve ' Monday night for the Ashland lam b show include: Southdown gon, touching on the fishin
ess ion has receded.
Mayor Thomas S, Wih.y ano Zarkas team will again play the Gun club meet at the Ashland class: „ Bob
„ „ . Willoughby
. . uuuki . m » w,,n
wi^n m tu s s i t ‘ I hunting, and cam ping w ithin th
the m em bers ol the Ashland city Old Timers; and the Oak sUeet Armory. Max Turzenbach again Ted W illoushbv second Hern .i.ii area.
council have stated that they are Tankers will play Klam ath Falls tops the scoring with 376: M a rty ; Engel, third; W alte^M cCoy fo u ,-'
definitely in favor of tlu propos­ all stars.
1371: s?0° y
/? 6u : i th f a n d Sam ^ 0 7 ^ 7 ' " ’
ed annexation and have given
J hn Nosier, 358, and A1 Geh- > Bob Willoughby was given the
Miss Fiances Clink, Jackson hard, 353,
the following reasons:
blue ribbon for having tne cham ­
Four members from Medford pion
First: it is easier to direct the county health nurse, is taking an
fat lam b of the entire show.
grow th of the city il fringe areas
Gresham won third in
on the edges are taken w ithin sity of Oregon. She will be there ing, The next shoot will be Mon- ‘ the Coreadle class. Wade H ardin
day, Ju n e 10, at the Armory.
the city before roads, alleys, and for the next ten days.
Ashland residents will go t .
placed fourth in the show m an­
sub divisions beionk- so confus­
the polls Monday, June 16, to
ship class.
ed as to prevent proper develop­
George Nichols of Bellview is vote on the election of a school
Glen M adliew», College ment.
i leader of the 4-H iam b division. board m em ber to fill the vacan­
Second: Planning of the city's
Fred Engel of Bellview is general cy recently created w hen Lloyd
Instructor Will Direct
Selby resigned.
grow th and public improvements
Summer Band This Year is essential but is only possible
M arshall Woodell, a Southern
Oregon college instructor, ha
when the city has control of the
Bert Freem an, acting president areas which are affected by the
been nom inated to run for the
of the city band organization, an ­ city.
office, but it is fhe voters choice
nounced this week that the city
to vote for anyone they choose,
Third: A healthy and properous
Cherry and berry farm ers In should bring unusually high
band, under the direction of Glen region about the city is just as
to Leland Linn, su p er­
Matthews, would make their first im portant to the city as it is that the Ashland area will take at prices, as the storm which injur-
intendent of Ashland <phools.
appearance, Thursday, June 19 the city be healthy and prosper­
Voting will be in the Cify Hall
Thieves who jim mied a w in­ from 2 to 7 p.m.
11 p.m. in the bandstand in Lithia ous. To gain . this end proper crops necause of the 1.50 inches more damage in Northern Ore-
dow stole $102.00 Iron, the cash
^ a rk -. Freem aP is acting president drinking w ater should be siippli- of rain which fell during the gon,
Linn also reported th at a p er­
first week in June, O ther crops.
In the Hood River area damage draw er in the A shland Lum ber
nf this organization in the place ed people in the Bellview district, however
son does not have to be a proper­
of Dr. Harvey Woods who has re- This will make but little drain on
m oisture and the fire hazard in at nearly $1.000,000. Cherry loss day night, according to local pol­ ty owner in order to vote Mon­
signed his position.
(he present w ater resources as the
forests has been reduced.
In Lane county was estim ated at ice. All of this was cash except­ day. the only qualifications are
Fteem an also reported that most of Bellview is already re­
that a person has to have been a
ing a $2.00 check.
Orchardm en who have cherries $750,000,
plans were being made with the ceiving city water,
resident of Ashland for thirty
Only 10,000 tons of the estim at­
This money was left in the days.
police departm ent to elim inate
Fourth: Proper sewage and have report J 'h at the rain cans-
Oregon 1947 crop of 20 000 cash draw er Tuesday evening by
IC ?»n V ‘,nburn ?yay above sanitary conditions in the rapidly ed fully 50% of the fruit to split.
Nutley street during the summ er growing Bellview district are im ­ thus m aking it impossible to fan- tons wil1 be salvaged, fruit grow John Collins, ow ner of the lum ­
ber company. Collins usually
estim ate.
band concerts. He stated that* portant to Ashland n-sidents be­ cy pack and ship the entire crop.
Bings and Royal Annes were , C2, B,'. Co,ra y- Jackson county puts cash in the safe, but as he
Mayor Wiley had already approv­ cause of the general health of
damaged more than the Lamberts 71S ‘C£ lt” ' ' V ^ n,J ias est,m ated planned to arrive late W ednesday
ed the Idea,
the entile region,
which were not so fiw along.1
2' 7 to u° pe‘ cent of morning he wanted his em ploy­
----------- o------------
William Daley, Dale Mayfield
Fifth: City revenues will be Clarence
Rykken. . m
anager m
of ldam
l,he RogVe
aged vall®
w4h y cberry
the l e croP
a s t was ees to nave cash to operate t h e ’ and Mr. Hearn were guests of
helped because the assessed value
business. Phil Roberts, employee mem bers of the Toastm asters
of property in the Bellview terri-1 Malcolm Jacobs and Burt fruit
of the company, opened the cash club, Monday evening at the
tory will be added to property i ‘’‘»’W n m e n t house reported.
draw er early W ednesday morning Lithia hotel. According to Roger
Onii» „k~„„i
, . ' ' n tbe A shland area,
Dr. Elmo Stevenson, president
and discovered the money was Rath, president of the organiza­
of Southern Oregon college, gave create n broader base on which m,nildmg and a ie not m arketable i w »*tve figures from the weather gone. He im m ediately notified tion, there was no special pro­
the principal address for Flag to levy city taxes,
fTices this year for cherries are I bureau indicate that the heavy the local police departm ent. Ac­
outlined for Monday even­
Sjxtn: Sale of city public u tili­ going to be high. P resent price in rainfall during the first week of cording to Chief of Police C. P gram
Day services at the Elks, Temple,
ty service in Bellview will add to Hortland for bulk Bings is 18c a June has happened at least five Talent, Assistant Chief Clarence
Wednesday, June 11.
Dave W hittle will be toastm ast­
lb and for Royal Annes is 19c. i times during the past 27 years. Williams is investigating the case, er for next Monday evening's
Ashland high school band also city revenue.
Sflnta Clara county Bings In bulk j In 1920 1.24 inches of rain fell
played several selections. Exalted
m eeting; while Howard Wiley
Ruler, Ralph McCulloch and of­ pient of Bellview will aid Ash­ are selling in Ran Francisco for during the same period. In 1929 CATHOLIC LADIES WILL
will assign topics to Ed Singmas-
ficers, gave Introductory ex er­ land to become a bigger and bet­ 7c a lb. and bulk Tnrtarians f o r 1 the valley was practically flood- SPONSOR DANCE SATURDAY ter, Harold Thomas and John
cises. Frank Van Dvke gave the
10c r»Qiic„,.„-
,ed , with
33 inches. In 1941
, . ,
— 2 -----------------------
9 ,e
Ashland Catholic ladles are • Collins. Clarence W illiams will be
the resident*
history of the flag. McCulloch » Eighth:
a ui j It . is up
v to .v.
LBiiiornia cherries, which were high was reached with more than sponsoring a spring dance Satur- the critic.
Ashland to show the people in early this year, should be off the three inches of rain falling to day evening, June 14. at the civ-
gave the closing rem arks
7, •
• ' i J ‘ i ai eii.t-
arej ‘” t^ a< AshI n?arkpt hy ,he time Oregon cher- total 3.49, and in 1943 1.39 inches ic club house. Mrs. Charles Sm ith i Clara Hall ow ner of Clara's
Superintendent Leland Linn is ( land Is behind any development rtes reach the southern cities, of precipitation was recorded.
is general chairm an ol the d a n c e.1 Beautv shop ’ is confined to her
in Salem and Portland this week th at helps this p art of Southern The few boxes of Oregon cherries. The first week of June usually
Admission Is 75c per person, home thus week because of ill-
attending to school affairs-
1 Oregon.
which will be shipped this y e a r , averages some .21 inches yf rain, and door prizes will be given.
Mayor Thornton
Wiley Opens Soft
Ball Season Tues.
Angus Bowmer Tells
of Festival Plans
Bernard Engel
Wins the Nichols
Trophy 4-H Show
Turzcnbach Again
Tops With 376
City Band Makes
Debut June 19 in
City Lithia Park
Board Member to
Be Named Monday
Recent Rains Ruin 50%
of This Year’s Cherry Crop
Lumber Co. Is
Robbed Tuesday
Dave Whittle To Be
Toastmaster Monday
E. Stevenson Gives
Principal Address