U. oí FROM THE HELL BOX By The P rin ter's Devil According to Bear Creek John extension of the business urea along Siskiyou anil Main street would be creating a straight shoot down the road into Med­ ford. He says it would merely m ake a long tunnel of the Mum street. Seems to John that il the city is to grow and expand it should expand it's width .not IL- length. "Hight now," he said "the mam drag ol this town is getting so elongated and narrow now that a tourist Hunks he is in four towns. T here’s New Jacksonville out by the college Bellview be- yond that, and then th ere’s East Main street and North Main. Each of these lour parts of A sh­ land should have its own mayor.' He recom mends Ockie Sabin for North Main, W alter H erbert for East Mam. W D Jackson lor New Jacksonville, and Joe Pritchard for Bellview. Seems as though we're over­ looking the possibility of catch­ ing tourists in a sort of a net, John went on to say. by ex pand­ ing our business section from North to South. The policy which is presently being recommended is to extend the business along the main highway. If the city continues to grow and we follow the one street plan which Is being recom m end­ ed by another ih-wspapei in this town w e’ll soon huve business houses strung from California to Medford. —i ... i n . Mr and Mrs. Lawson Hendrix Kiley, Honolulu. Hawuii, spent part of last week in Ashlunil with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Simpson, No. 2 Glen Avenue. Mr. Riley is a graduate of Ashland high school; he is presently executive vice president of M. M clnerny Ltd. Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Years for $3 3.00 PER YEAR Play Tryouts To Be June 11 and 12 in Auditorium 100 People Needed for Pour PlnyH That Will He Produced in August *Z4« Stoditvui ô+oaoti ASHLAND, JA< KS<>\ < OUNTY, OREGON Thursday, June 5, 1047 City Employees I American Legion's junior lea | gue buseball team was unable to Get Ten Per Cent play then scheduled game Sun day with Medford, because of rain. Sunday, June 8, th e / will Salary Increase play C entral Point in Ashand. O ther games scheduled for the season are as follows: June 15—-Ashland ut Grants Pass. June 22 -Medford ut Ashland, J une 29 -Ashland at Central Point. July 4 -G rants Pass at /\sh- land. July 6-- Open date July 13—All stur gume to be played ut home. July 27—District pluyoft. August I, 2, 3—stu ie playoffs at Salem Two Firemen Added To City Department By Council Angus Bowmer To (set Doctors Degree According to Dr. Elmo Stev­ enson, president ol Southern Ore gun college, Angus Bowmer, in stiucloi ul English and Drama lies at the college, will work on tils Doctor's degree at Stanloru college in California, during the next year. He will return to Ash land at the end of the school year. Miss Carol Westahy will fill the vacancy lett by Bowmet during the 1947-48 school term. Miss Westahy has b< en atten d ­ ing State ’teachers college in Denver, und according to Dr Stevenson, comes to the col leg« well prepared to instruct Eng lish und personnel work. She was ju st recently dischargeu from the service. Tryouts and easting for the A ten per cent increase in the! lour Shakespearean plays which salaries ol city employees will will be presented here this Aug- become effective July 1st, m em ­ ust will he held at Southern ffcre bers of the city council decided gon College auditorium , June 11 Tuesday evening. This raise does and 12. Angus Bowmer, director of the plays, stated that anyone not apply lo the employees in at all interested and with any the electric und w ater d e p a rt­ uhilily whatsoever, would be ments us these departm ents do welcome Tryouts will take place not come under the budget. at 2 on p io and 7:30 p.m Mernbeis of the council stated Several inquiries have bet n received Ironi out «>1 state actoi \ \W O ASHLAND GIRLS TO In making the increase* that in­ who are interested in the S hake­ GRADUATE FROM O.S.C. creased costs of living justified M unlee Erwin Sw urthout and spearian festival. The casting will Phil Ritter ol the Modern E- coincide with college registration Ida Willard, both Ashland girls, the expenditure of more than quipm ent Co. plans to withdraw will be among 824 seniors and $4300 a year, which will he th< so that those actors who are in­ from the retail war surplus bus­ terested in getting college credit graduate students to receive d e ­ eost of the new progrum. The iness sometime this month. Rit- lor the work which they do here grees at the seventy-eighth a n ­ raise will be effective July 1. tei plans to go into the whole­ nual com m encem ent of Oregon The city budget com m ittee will sale surplus business, and will can do so. State college, June 8. This is the meet Tuesday, June 10, to review One hundred people will be operate from a warehouse in the needed for the four plays, "Mac- largest graduating cluxs in the the budget which wilt be studied Pioneer building. by the council on the prececding Beth,” "Love's Labour Lost, history of the college. The Modern Equipm ent Co. Mrs. Sw urthout is the daughter night. Members of the council in began opeiutions as tne Modern "H am let.” unit “The M erchant ol dicated at this week's meeting of Mr. und Mrs. Ivor Erwin, and Eouipm ent and Salvage com- Venice." at the budget should be kept atty w ith R itter and Logan Bowmer pointed out that dui Miss W illard is the daughter of th within the six per cent lim ita­ dninger as owners iri Septem ­ mg previous seasons many A sh­ Mr. und Mrs. Ben H. Willard. Mr. tion. ber of last year. Sine«- January land and Medford people had and Mrs. Erwin w ill go to C orval­ council upproved the rec­ R itter has been operating the been in the casts with some ol lis for the graduating exercises. om The mendation of the fire d e p a rt­ business alone at the Kaiser F ra ­ ■O' ■ — — - the most outstanding portrayals m ent committee for more em ­ sier building on North Main. being turned in by those people. ployees. Originally the request Among them be mentioned Mrs hud been for three more men in Robert Ingle, orul George F ran­ order that the departm ent could cis Sm ith of Ashland, and Dor­ operate on a full platoon basis, othy P ruitt, Medford. however, the council trimm ed Construction of the stage in the recom mendation from three the old C hautauqua shell is going ; to twu more firemen. This will ahead under the direction of ' perm it the operation of a system Ausland and Dodson, Ashland wlie re by the firem en are on 24 contractors. The stage is expect­ off 24. ed to be completed the latter Game» To Be Played on hotns and O ppo ** Mortuary part nJ the month. Rchearsuls Herb Huston Itt TuesdayN A Thundays; George w . Dunr. and H, L will be held on the stage as soon uppeared before the ftetiriug President Frl. Night Open Dates Claycoinh us is possible. council With a petition signed by Ticket sale is presently under property owners on G ranite Of Local Lion’s Club Softball season in the Ashland O fficers of Tri-Hi-Y way in Ashland and is expected street which requested that the to get underw ay in Medford on city leagu - will begin Tuesday ' council not grant a perm it for a Club Present Pins to Ben Lombard was elected as evening, June 20, at 7.JO p.'»«. June 16. Nineteen New Members undet the lights on W alter Phil­ m ortuary at 55 Granite street. president ut tne Ashland Lions lips field, according to un an­ The m atter was referred to the ctuu, Tuesday evening, June 3, Tuesday evening, June 3, nine nouncement made this week by planning commission. C. M. l-.it- at tne Latina hotel, George n u n teen new m em bers were taken Howard Wiley, president of the w ilk r, local funeral parlor direc­ was named tiis l vice presiuem , tor, owns the property at 55 w ins ion .vutiKs, 2nd vice .presi­ into Hie Junior Tri Hi Y d u o , softball league. G ranite street, he has, as yet, dent; nalpii need, aid vice pres­ in the Junior high school cafe­ Five teums are entered in the teria. Jan Dodson, Ann Fullerton, league. The Nosleeats Weyer- m ade no application to establish ident, n o u etl Lugar, seereiafy; Ashland Community hospital hauser Camp No. 4, the Dak a m ortuary at that site or at the le u Summers, treasurer; dun Nance Arney, and Junelee Sm yth officers o f the club, presenteu has signed a contract to partici­ S treet Tank and Steel, Steve's residence next to it. both of Au:Winner, lion lamer; and hreu irsyttes, tad twister. camo S«ev- pins lo the new members. Miss pate in the Blue Cross plan lor Service, and Talent. The Newbry ; which he owns W hether or not a m ortuary e ita o ii a n o Doyle Seely were Jeanette Sm ith served as advisor prepaid hospital care, according Orchards teum has w ithdrawn. during the ceremony, in the ab­ to liobert U. Lugar, adm inistra­ Two games will be played each could be established at th at site luooed to take th e place of Hugh sence of Mrs. W. C. Bushnell, tor, and hereafter will oiler tun night. City league play will be depends upon an official Inter­ M cKeever abd Carry! Wine.-, as be net its to all Oregon Blue Cross held on Tuesday und Thursday pretation as to what professions on ec tors. adult advisor of the club. New m em bers taken into thi members. Ashland Community evenings. Friday nights are be­ and occupations can be normally | ite ro truslon is the retiring . pKStileiii, Hen Lombard, G eoitov club include: Jackie Frazee, Mary hospital will be the second Blue ing held open for exhibitions. j carried on in one’s household. n u tl, and Bin Allen are retiring Cross hospital ill Jackson county. Lou Pearson, Joanne Downing, The lirst of the exhibition games vice presidents; Boh isnider wao Oregon Blue Cross will conduct will find the Old Timers m atched Ann Fullerton, Jan Dodson, i tad iw ister; Doyle Seely, secie- Nance Arney, Nina G raber, June a Jackson county m em bership with one of the other teams on tary; Patil Finnell, treasurer; ano lee Sm yth, Frances Howard, B ar­ drive beginning June »-13 In­ Friday, June 13. I n e r t Rnnsey, Lion Tamer, according to Lugar. bara Reilly, Norma Gwinn, Nor­ clusive, Umpires this year will be Ken i New officers will be installed ma Yonton, Doris Litw iller, Bon­ H eadquarters for tne drive will Miller and Guy Randles. John | a t the July 1st meting. Wives ol nie Seaver, Marion Thornberry, be at the new J. C. Penney store Daugherty is expected to aid in Trubee W etterau, who was cho­ M arilyn W alker, Koanna Peters, in Medford. Any person or group calling them after the Fourth of sen to reign during the August me m em bers will be guests, with club m em bers from the G rants Ellen Brower and Carrol Ebnoth- may enroll there at the above July. Shakespearean Festival, and Miss fuss, and ivtedlord clubs also to dates. er. ' M arilyn Streitz of Southern O re­ be present. "To qualify for participation in gon college, will represent Ash­ f-iuns to send the Ashland high Blue Cross a hospital m ust show land at the 1947 Rose Festival in school quintet to the Slate Lions a record of com m unity service, Portland June 9 to 15. ciuo convention m Eugene on non-profit operation, a board Misses W etterau and Streitz June 22 to the 24th, were dis­ composed of representative com ­ will in original Elizabethan cos­ cussed Tuesday evening. Wayne m unity citizens, m ust show ade­ tumes, and will be stationed in Alynck, Fred Haynes, und Ralph quate reserves, and must guaran­ a tent booth, to answ er any ques­ Leach have form ed a trum pet Plan* Made Tuesday For Clem W hite, Bend, Oregon, be­ tee tlie service benefits offered tions and give out inform ation trio with George Hull as then gan operating the City Bus line the subscribers," said Lugar. Eight Week* Program concerning the Festival that will accompanist, also plan to attend in Ashland this week. White Roland Parks was elected be staged in Ashland during the me convention. bought the line from Arnolu chairm an of the city recreational m onth of August. They will also Kay Hui man was welcomeu Lockhart who has been part ow n­ commission, Tuesday noon, at give out booklets and pictures ol hack to the club Tuesday, alie. er and operator since m e incep­ the Lithla Hotel. The Reverend Ashland and surrounding te rri­ being absent lor several months. tion of toe line here last fall. A. J, Edwards was named secre­ tory. Dave M aytield was taken in us a Lockhart is presently in Spo­ tary of the commission. This new member. kane. Ire win retu rn to Ashland Robert Lugar, general chair­ in the near future. No statem ent Ashland Elks town team will commission is composed of H>y 28, at the Con­ have been stienglla neil since gregational cliuich. Mrs Prescott their last home game If Ash­ 23 on Fuller Field. On the week i tery. Minkler, who was one of the presided during the business ses­ land can keep Jack ua.it/. Johnny of June 22 to 29 there will be a original m em bers of the Lithia golf clinic, on the ground beside sion. g j* Gray and several other -.»ut-ol Mrs. George M iller gave a re ­ town boys, who .ire attending the high school tennis court. A Springs commission which devel­ port on the Congregational con- college they will have an o ut­ putting green will be fixed there. oped the Lithia Park, had been Red Cross swim school, June retired for several years. P rev ­ lerence which was held a t C or­ standing team. Mr. and Mrs. C). D. Sheldor ious to his retirem ent he haij vallis recently. Miss G ertrude E ither Darrel Copeland or Jack 16 to June 28 at Twin Plunges. were surprised on their twenty been active in civic affairs an i Plans were also discussed to Cox was in charge of the social Lutz w ill draw tne stard n g pitch­ in addition to his interest in th filth wedding anniversary, Mon get the Ju n io r high school field hour. ing assignm ent this Sunday on in shape for paddle tennis und developm ent of the park ha< day evening, June 2, by a num Mrs. R. T. Jester, Mrs. C. H. the Ashland diamond. handball, softball, volley ball served on m any other civic com her of friends who brought Vaupel, Mrs. W. Hilt, Mrs. T. | mjttees. He had operated both a plants and shrubs for the Shel­ and other games, Wiliam Peterson, Mrs. Max Wop- It was announced earlier that grocery store and a ladies ready don's newly planted dawn. schall, Mrs, Lila C, Bat«s, Mrs. An anniversary cake with ice Al Simpson would supervise this ' to w ear store in Ashland. E. P. Borden, Mrs. S, S, D aven­ cream, was served and coffee wa« I He came to Ashland with his program, but Simpson advised port, Mrs. Rhoda Durfee, Mrs. poured from the new silver cof­ Sadie S tratton, Mrs. C, Biegel, Doyle Seely will be in charge the commission that he would be • family from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, fee set given Mrs. Sheldon by Mrs. J, F, Jeter, Miss G ertrude of the program for Monday ev< n unable to take over these duties, • in 1888. He had been born in her husband, on their anniver­ Cox, and the hostesses were pres­ ing’s meeting of the local Toast­ as he will be employed at S outh­ Oshkosh, July 3, 1865. His first wife, Emma Vining, sary. ent for the afternoon meeting, m asters club, June 8, at the Lith- ern Oregon College. A director Mrs. Charles A. White, and Mr. [w hom he m arried June 3, 1891. has not been secured, according ia Hotel, and Mrs. W illiam Reed, of Med­ preceeded him in death. February Ed Singm aster was chairm an to Roland Parks, chairm an of the Mrs, Ken Peabody and Mrs. ford; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Aird, 1, 1912. He later m arried Mrs. F rank Peabody, wife and m oth­ for Monday’s meeting of the club. commission. Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Borden, Carryl Ada Bennett in 1922. She died Clarence Williams was toast­ er of Ken Peabody, new’ owner Wines, Mrs. Almeda Allen. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Russell H erbert January 28 of this year. of K en’s Jew elry .arrived in Ash­ m aster; E nunett Whit ham assign­ and Mrs. Ken Peabody, Mrs. Mrs. Norma M inkler W ar I. a land this week from Elgin, Illi­ ed topics and Lyndell Newbry returned last week from a trip to daughter; Wilfred T. Ward. Don­ M arjorie Barker, Mrs. Sadie Portland. was critic. Dave W hittle spoke on nois, Mr. and Mrs. Peabody will S tratton, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. ald H. Ward, and Charles H. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lawrence, live at 1250 Iowa. Mrs. Frank 'Ju st gripes,'* and John Collins W ard, all grandsons; and DeWitt Green, and son, Sheldon, were a- Peabody left S aturday for Cal­ told ol "m anufactured w eriher." and Ron Don, Boise. Idaho, are Bennett, a stepson, W ashington, mong the friends that surprised visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wendell I Roger Rath spoke of a fishing ifornia and will retu rn to Illi­ the Sheldons. D. C., survive him. Lawrence. I trip in Wyoming nois from thej-e. Ritter Flans To Go In Wholesale Trade R Softball Season To Open Tuesday Evening, June 10 19 New Members Taken In Junior Tri-Hi-Y Club Ben T. Lombard To Head Lions Club 47-48 Term Ashland Hospital Joins Blue Cross Ashland To Have Booth at Fiesta R. Parks To Head- City Commission Clem White Buys City Bus Company Elks To Meet Cavemen June 8th xMrs. George Miller Reports Conference Minkler Services Will Be Friday J. Sheldons Are Surprised Monday Seely to Present Program Monday 40.000 Good Job* a Month U. S. Army NEWS REVIEW Jr. League Team to Play Medford June 8 lib ra ry . Vol. 14, No. 13 Queen Candidates Will Guest Star At Tuesday Lunch Murphy Will Report On the Celebration’s Present Progress Guests a t next Tuesday’s meet lng of the Cham ber of Com­ merce will he the seven candi fiâtes for Queen of the July 4 celebration in Ashland. The seven, B arbara Mess.-nger, Ann Pirtle, M arilyn Millet, L or­ raine Converse, Barbara Reed, Rena Russell, and G loiian How­ ard, will he presented to tie- m em bers of the Cham ber by Dr George Hull, chairm an of the com m ittee in charge of the queen contest. At present ballots are available ut all retail establishm ents in the city for voting fin the candidates Each $1.00 purchase entitles tne purchaser to 10 votes for any one contestant. •John M urphy, chairm an of »he July 4th celebration will make a report on Ihe progress of the celebration. At last w eek’s m eeting of tne Cham ber of Commerce, V» illiam Healy, sec re t a r / of the cbamlter, reviewed tin- events which had taken place in ’lie city during the past year. Healy who came to Ashland last Jim «. pointed out that the grow th in tourist busi­ ness could be < ne of the majoi factors in a continued prosperitv for Ashland. Healy desci ibed the work that had been done during the ye.".' on the Shakespearian festival, the Pear B »wl, the Southern O re­ gon D eve'cpm ent Association, and the god course. He also s ta t­ ed th at the cooperation of tin- city ha«i been very helpful and »hat this was appreciated Rogers Resigns As Principal Earl Rogers, principal of the Ashland high school, announced his resignation from the local school system, Saturday evening, at the alum ni banquet. Rogers will be affiliated w ith the Leever H ardw are company of Medford as a partner. He and his family will move to Medford in the near future. Rogers started teaching in th • Ashland junior high school nine­ teen years ago, after his gradua tion from the Oregon college of Education at Monmouth. He ha- been with the Ashland school system ever since, being prin cipal of junior high, and then being promoted to principal of senior high school Superintendent Leland P Lin i talked S aturday evening to th alum ni group, and told of Roi. ers’ record of teaching ninetet « years and only missing one da th at being to attend his father funeral. Turzenbach Wins Top Scoring Honors Mon. Max Turzenbach again walked off w ith t«’p scoring honors at the Monday night's gun shoot in the Ashland Armory. M artv w .i; second with a ccore of 27S; A 1 G ehhard, 275; J >hn Nosier 274 and O. R. Richards, 272. Tennis Tourney Starts Next Week Play in the city-w ide Tennt; Tournam ent is scheduled to start the second week in June, ac­ cording to Dr. William E. B rack­ et-, president of the Young Men# Club of the Y. M. C. A., which is sponsoring the tournam ent. Local tennis players have, been slow in signing applications to enter this tournam ent, and there is room for additional players in all of the classifications in Che tournam ent. Period for entering the to u rn a­ m ent has been extended until Monday, June 9th. All local ten ­ nis players are urged to enter. Entrance blanks can be secured by calling Dr. Bracker, 21501. Persons that have already made application for the tennis to u rn a­ m ent include (men's senioi divl s io n \: Phillip Lee Burns, Dr. El­ mo Stevenson, Tom E. Metcalf, E rvin Lesser, Tony Shiveley, Rev. G. M. Shum an, Dr. E. E Brown. Bill Cate, Gordon Miller, Tod N. Tibbutt, ■iTren's junior: Bob Phillips, H arry Kannasto, Fred E. W hitel, Jr., John Lance. W omen’s Junior: Mary Lou Hahn, Ruth Marie Seitz, Shirley Balfour, Betty Wahl. Women’s Senior: Mary E. Met­ calf.