Library. Sl<4$4 FROM THE HELL BOX By Tin- P u nici » Devil in i- u liu 'ii d in in g *7h» Souilt&iH, Gfotaan Formerly Tho Southern Oregon Minor $3 por Year 2 Yearn for $5 NEWS REVIEW post u tn c rim e w ave unit p i(ip m hivtl so m uch th e lute war scorns to have s tru c k A sh lu n d w ith a ven- c. Tlic prophet» seem to 1.00 PER YEAR n .i\e hi ix flie d u bit though with th e ir s u ile iiie n l» Hint the re tu rn Illg \ d e r a i l would I n ' so hopped up w ith e xc ite m e n t th tit iie w o u ld tu rn re a d ily to crim e . T in g ro u p that seem» to I n * hopp d up and ill heed ot excitement an scarcely old enough to be in tin w a r ve te ru n class. V eterans are n e ttlin g dow n, b u ild in g houses, e sta b lish in g bus­ inesses, co m p le tin g th e ir educa­ tio n. In the m e a n w h ile Home m em bers ot the yo un ge r g ro u p seem to be s e ttlin g d o w n w ith a lo t o t p e tty larceny habit». GARY C H R IS T L E I B and ASMI A M ), |A( K M )\ ( O U N TY . OREGON Enrollment To Be Increased at S. 0. C. Mayor Proclaims May 18-25 Naval Reserve Week Com. Mewwnger and Lts. Woodell, H ilda and Bowman in Charge Voting Beginning Mrs. Mabel Winston, Registrar at Southern Oregon College, has For Selection of again issued a warning that an- j plications lor entrance to SOC next full are coining in rapidly | July 4th Queen All those who hope to attend col-'i legi next year, she stated, should make application now. Tlie col­ lege's facilities are going to be taxed to the limit next y eafl Three new buildings are going up on the SOC campus now, and while they will he of great help added Mrs. Winston, there will still be some crowding. More old SOC students are coming back than ever before in the sch o o li history, und new students are ap­ plying at the rate of fifteen a day. Some college officials have estim ated an enrollment of 800 for next year. Thursday, May 15, 1947 40.000 Good Job* a Month U. S. Army Volume 14, Number 10 Seventy-Four Seniors To Graduate May 27 Ballot« Are Available To All Purclia*erH of •SI.(Ml or More In Stores MRS. LOWTHER SPEAKS TO TEMPERANCE GROUPS Baccalaureate Services To Be May 25; Alumni Banquet Sat., May 31 Mrs. Mabel Lowther, bi-county ) president of the Women’s C hrist­ Mayor Thornton S. Wiley has Seventy-four seniors and eight Voting on Ashland’s Fourth of ian Temperance union, spoke to GLENN KEttlt, two of the group pioclumied the week ot May 18 July queen began this week a temperance group T h u rsd ay ,• ex-service men also will re- ot six adolescents who were hal­ io 25 u Naval Reserve week in when abbots were distributed by May 8, at the Methodist church !ceive diplomas from the Ashland senior high school, Tuesday, May ed into corn t last week had met Ashland in connection with thi when ballots from the Chamber in Medford. Mrs. Lowther spoke on "Nar- >*n *he junior high auditorium, the Judge before. Last tall they national observance of Naval Re­ of Commerce to business estab­ puid $25.(10 and costs for tam per­ serve week. Wiley has accepted lishments in the city. Each bal­ cotics’’ and told of the petitions i S uperintendent Frank B. Ben- ing with a motor vehicle and lift­ the honorary chairm anship of a lot entitles the voter to 10 votes that are to be sent to the state’s n ett of Salem will give the com­ ing a set of beauty rims for said local civilian committee to pro for the contestant of his choice. representatives for support of the m encement address for the grad­ mote membership in the United uating class. He will speak on motor vehicle. One ballot is given to a custom ­ Capper bill. "You and Your World.’’ The R e v -, GLENN NELSON, another of States Naval Reserve. er with each $1.00 purchase. erend Gordon Lindsay and the On active duty in Ashland ti the group, is presently under The seven contestants in th< . -----------Q----------- . Reverend Earl Downing will give Ixmd to the grand jury on assist the civilian committee is rac« for queen were selected by the invocation and benediction (barges ot negligible homicide Lt. Coinmandei L. E. Messenger, the students of Ashland high for the graduation services. Mus­ which were filed alter the wreck USNR, who is recruiting team school in elections held last Curtis Vail, Bud Kincaid, El­ ic will be furnished by the music a few months ago in which JOHN captain. Assisting Commande i week. Ann Pirtle and Lorraine m er Biegel and Bill W alters were ents of the high school SCHMALTZ and W I L L I A M Messenger are USNR Lt. M. E. Mis. Floyd Dickey Mrs. Alice Converse, represent the seniors inducted into the Senior Hi Y ; departm under the direction of O. C. Woodell, Otto J. Wilda, and Eu­ MONTGOMERY were killed. (low land, Mrs. Lola Damcrofl, Glorian Howard, Barbara Reed, club, Monday evening, May 12, Bjorlie and Ervin Lesser. The Bellview unschluss which gene Bowman of Ashland; Lt, and Mrs. Louise Pcrrozi are a- and Marilyn Miller were chosen at the high school building. Baccalaureate services will be has been set hack to June 20 will Don Barnes, USNR, Phoenix and niong members of the Rebekah by the juniors, Itena Russell and George Fullerton, president of include the SAMFORI) property. Petty officer Lewis Lindstrom, lodge No. 14 .that plan to attend Barbara Messenger were selected the club, presided at the candle held in the M ethodist church at eight o’clock Sunday, May 25. T h is w ill p re clu d e the necessity USNR Talent. the grand lodge of the Oddfel­ by the sophomores. light induction ceremony. Fuller­ The Reverend A. J.. Edwards of o f h a v in g tw o elections Civilian chairm an in charge of lows and Rpbekahs of Oregon at The contest will conclude jusl ton was assisted by Bill Bissell, the Church of the Nazarene will DR ELMO STEV E N S O N, mem bership promotion is Will­ The Dalles May 18 to 23. before July 4th and the girl who Lewis Langer and club advisor. deliver the sermon, and music WALTER LEVERETT E, a n d iam Healy, secretary of the Ash­ Mrs. Perrozl Is a past presl* has received the greatest num ­ R. W. Gardner. will be by the United Choirs. W I L L IA M H E A L Y ure keeping land Chamber of Commerc e. dent of this assembly. ber of votes will be the queen Ashland high school alumni then fingers crossed on the Pear Roger Rath, president of Toast­ who will reign over the Fourth banquet will climax the week of Bowl situation. The Oregon state m asters heads the Civic and Ser­ of July festivities. May 26, w ith their annual ban­ board of higher education hus vice groups committee; Ph i 1 The other six girls will be the quet to be held May 31, at the offered fullest cooperation on the Stanbury, American Legion com­ queen’s attendants. Crowning of Elks temple. project when w ritten support of m ander, C ar| Halt, VFW com­ the queen will take place T hurs­ Abbott, Joyce; Adamek, B ar­ the exact figures which will be mander, and Ruyul Gardner, Am­ day evening, July 3rd In Lithia bara; Ager, Ruth; Amberg, Wil­ ruiacd locally is in their hands. erican Veteran's committee chair­ Park. ma; Ashcraft, Melba; Balfour, The Lions and Kotarians have man, are members of the Veter­ Nita; Balfour, Shirley; Bean, signified their support, as lias an's organization's committee; Dr Beverly; Church, Louise; Baugh­ the city and the Chamber of Elmo Stevenson and Leland Linn man, M aryetta; Childers, Clara; Commerce The slight question are members of the schools com­ Membership Drive To Converse, Lorraine; Crows o n . One Candidate Left • mark is in the $20,000 which mittee. Mrs. Elmo Stevenson Begin With Kickoff Charlotte; El hart, Dorothy; Elli­ LEVERETTE is to raise from the heads the women’s organizations Junior high school students, To Fill Commander’s ott, Ruth; Gertson, Barbara; G il­ Banquet at Lithia industries in Southern Oregon | committee; Ken Miller is the and all grade pupils are making liam, Lena; Grossman, Kathrine: Shoes in Post No. 14 JOHN DAUGHERTY and his Trade Union's committee chair- Poppv posters that will be dis­ Directors and officers of the „ Hahn, Mary Lou; Hale, Darlene: cohorts In the Riding association | man; Ralph Koozer represents played in m erchants windows, M arietta; H am d e n. Chester Thompson, Ash Ian d next we Jt. May 23 and 24 will be Oregon Shakespearean F e stiv a l1 are putting in lots of time and the industrial firms. association will be hosts to 80' w ulette; Hays, Lois; Hoi ngs- plenty of work in blasting out groceryman, announced his with* celebrated as Poppy days in Ash­ The Reverend G. W. Bruce of postholes and raising a fence for the First M ethodist church is in druwol from the candidacy for land. Hope and help .is the m ean­ fesidents of Ashland and th e ! ?iorth- Margie; Lowe, Jacquie: radbirds to sit on come rodeo charge of the church committee; comm ander at this weeks meet­ ing of the American Legion mem­ surrounding area at a dinner Maxwell, Matilene; Messenger. Monday night at the Lithia Hotel M arjorie; Miller, Doris; Morris, time tills July 4. Kay Fletcher, YMCA secretary, ing of the Am erican Legion held orial poppy. The dinner will m ark the be­ Elouise; Owens, Allene; Pirtle, will ix* be soin sold on tne the heads the youth group; Hugh M e-1 . *L t . - t v »♦ I Poppies win Ann; Platko, Bernice; Powell. Kecver is in charge of the Retail Tuesday night at the Legion hall i streets of Ashland both May 23 ginning of the d’ wa^ lncrease ; Initiates w er e: Charles White, Tuesday, May 6, William Briggs. productions ert; Gwinn, Gordon; Kerr. Glenn which will b. ibe m em bership at the usual 1 this unit to 200 members. 1 Ai thur Poehiman, Wayne Sikes, May 12, and Eugene Ritzinger, August 1Ö" A sponsoring mem b e " r ^ 7 " ° ™ £ ? rrnan;D ? tw l11 e L Monday night meeting. i J. W. Carter, Basil Craig, Elliot Sunday, May 11. The new ship ¡ S t f  ' M Ï > s r,: Æ Speeches, which will be heard MacCracken, Marcus B. Woods, that the local flying club purchas­ lor five minutes each morning * , ucxets a con Darby O Toolle, Charles Besondy, ed about a month ago, has al- -------- - to o e , 6.n , l " - p e r s o n . , . k Monday through Friday a t 8:46 i^ u ? c.kenbli^h’. Ronal d l R a p p Valhe L. Squire, Vernon E. Meir, ready accumulated a hundred tributing membership to anv a.m, will be on the ’ Who, What, Wade, time by ------- " ’ less than ’ * y a-J • r Chester; A rthur Casand, Eddie Randle, hours „ flight - . members. ____ jers. mount $io7oo Lifetime ™ V Tucker, / T eS¡ f Zane; an« ; W ade’ and How of the Naval Reserve.' H arry Morris, owner of Oak memberships, which entitle the 6 i a W«r^id- Fred; WiIkins°n. i and A lbert Peterm an. c.,.,llu e i n e Arnold: Wilkinson, Erwin- W il­ Ed Singm aster will speak Mon produc- Colonel Mickle M attis was a 1 Officiating were: Commander, Street Tank and Steel Co., is the, member to tickets for all clay morning; John von Kuhlm an guest of the Elks lodge last Wed- Karnes; A djutant, Guy Ap- most recent m em ber to be taken Hons throughout the rem ainder o f liams, W alter; will speak Tuesday; Harold New­ nesday evening. Ex-G. I’ s who have taken gen­ Howard Oden, (s* Vice _ ---------- — ...... .. pK'tthite; „ — commander, --------------- - m to-4he club, which brings t h e s i s life are available for $500 00 eral education tests and will re- ton, Wednesday; Clarence Will­ Ralph McCulloch, Guy A p p l e - 1-11'1'* * reem an; 2nd. vice co m -1 membership up to fifteen. Art ~ ------------------ iams, Thursday, and Wendell white, Kenton Robbins, and Sid 1 m ander, Emil Kroeger; Chaplain, p <*hlman and Elmer Ayres, own (iU 11 C l u b S t h n n f 6 M ceive diplomas: Davis, Keith; E Lawrence, Friday. Foster Wolfe; Chas. A. Calhoun Reed entertained Colonel M uttis,! H arry Pinkerton; and Sgt. a t ! ers of flying field, will speak — w t o Ml ° I to the Ashland Rotary club mem- T lI llG o f O r c h e s t r a Next weeks meeting of Toast­ who was making an inspection Arms, Jake Lahr. Benjam in A. De Haven; Garland masters will have Ed Singmaster tour of the recruiting office in John Holbrook; Richard Long: The Legion voted to sell SODA I Thursday, lilay 15, to tell of Ashland gun H..H m u July 4 4th! ; « ! « ■>■•”• « » "«M a n i shot , „ X g j , as toastm aster; Harold Thomas, Medford. Sgt. Southerland, and m em berships for the July Robert S. Richardson; Victor K th ' 5 iuture Wine. topiemaster; and speeches by M/Sgt. W. W. Morrison of the re­ celebration and Plym outh auto club I xvru-kzl’o _J •-'»•vi Howard Wiley, and John Nosier. cruiting office in Medford were aw ard after Wm. Healy, secretary „ Mr?- Olenna Mitchell soloed 'V.’° d f .? rcbe8t.r a Monday even- W alter J. K errigan and Mrs. John M urphy was a guest of also present. of the Ashland Cham ber of Com­ Kerrigan have returned to their Bob Hardy at last Monday’s Colonel Mattis congratulated merce spoke to the group and _ _ — _ ¡ Ä ’ä b Ä meeting. home on Beach street after visit­ >the local Elks lodge oq the re- explained that 20% of the pro­ ing Riddle, Sutherland, Roseburg, tcruiting campaign that they had ceeds from the tickets sold by - i 4 John Nosier, Ashland, 259- Reedsport and Eugene. Kerrigan recently sponsored, and plans to Legion members could be re­ ■ ns 239arneS 241 : and Arf Hask- reports meeting a num ber of return to Ashland in the near tained by the Legion. Ashland people in the various future to be taken into the Elks T his 20% will be used for the . N?.xt meeting of the club will locations. Am erican Legion Jr. Baseball Mrs. D 1J. Sheldon, Mrs. L ar­ lodge as a member. be Monday, May 19. league which had tryouts last kin Grubb, and Dr. and Mrs. E. Five teams have signed for the Saturday under direction of Ken P. Borden will attend the State 1947 summ er softball season ac­ Miller. Congregational Church confer­ cording to Howard Wiley, presi­ Emil Kroeger and Bert Free­ ence in Corvallis, from May 20- man were appointed co-chairman dent of the Ashland Softball as­ 22. the Meeting will be held in Ashland high scho d girl’s ten of the Memorial day committee. sociation. A deadline of June 1 the Federated church. Mrs. Martel Peters was host Dr. Borden, m inister of the nis team met the Grants Pass O ther mem bers include Ken Mil­ has been set for team entries, ess to *he W esleyan service guild Gerald Gastineau signe d a team on the Ashland courts, Tues ler, Shirley Berninghausen, Chic Wiley stated. Congregational church In Ash­ day, group Tuesday evening, May 13 three year contract as director of May 13. Miss Dorothy Und- Sponsors and team captains of land, is vice-moderator for the erkofler is coach for the girls Farlow, Jake Lahr .and John *he,.Fellow ship room of th< all athletics for the Silverton the five entries are: Oak Street Methodist church. Members met Oregon schools, this week. G ast­ Freem an. • conference this year. team. Scores were ns follows: Tank and Steel, Lee Flink: Steve in the fellowship room at 7 30 ineau will select his own staff of For the singles. Dorothy Elhmt Zarka’s Associate d s e r v i c e . for a dessert. assistants, and will act as head lost her match: Ruth Seitz, S h ir­ Chuck DeAutremont, Newb r y Alice Willits presided at the coach of basketball and baseball, ley Skinner. Venita Roberson Orchards, Earl Schilling; Nosef- business meeting, and a panel and assist in other sports. Silver- and Darlene Hale won their cats. Tiny Jones; and the Old discussion on India was made. ton is a class A school twelve single matches. Oscar Bush .will be in charge Timers, John Nosier. miles from Salem, and is in an In the doubles .Elhart and of fire control work in the A sh -1 Milo O ’H arra will head a hoard Mrs. Larry Basey and young athletic league with plenty of Jerry Mitchell, Lewis Langer, Skinner lost their match, while land area this season and will is - ' of commissioners who will settle daughter are confined to their competition. Coach Gastine a u Seitz and Roberson won sue all burning permits. Bush all disputes arising from the Hob LeBlanc, George Fullerton home on Granite street with tht had been reelected to teach in lives at 373 Vista, and can be play. Each team will post an and Glen Nelson will represent¡r* .. T- ? ~ the Ashland schools but is ac­ contacted by calling 21091. entry fee of $10.00 at the beginn­ Ashland high school in the State O O F O ptllY llST S r iC llF cepting the advancem ent which Bush was appointed as State ing of the season. This will be track meet at Corvallis, Friday z .. l the new position affords. and Saturday, May 16. 17. Pre- M a r y W a t e r b u r y P h l V lire warden for this area, accord- forfeited if the team drops out Gastineau was prom inent In limaries will take place at 1:30 Mary W aterbury played two mg to an announcem ent made by during the season. The entry fee athletics at W illamette U niver­ l'! a 7tk district Warden wijl be refunded at the close of p.m. Friday, with the finals a t, num bers and an encore on the sity, as he played both basketball I he Southwest. Oregon state the season to all teams which I 30 Saturday, according to Coach piano, before Soroptlm ist mem- of and baseball. He gained a rep u ta ­ protection district at Med- complete the year’s plav tion as a baseball pitcher and ,* rarik O’Neil. , bers, Wednesday noon, May 14 forest ford. ’ r • i June 11 thc season begins. Lea­ Earl T. Newbry, state senator played professional ball. As a Mitchell will compete in the at the Lithia Hotel. Her mother gue games will be played on from Jackson county, was elect­ high school plaver he was select­ state meet by throwing the jave- Mrs. Preston W aterbury was a Tuesday and Thursday nights. ed president of the board of pov - ed on the All-State basketball lin; Langer will throw thc d isc;'g u est of the club. Exhibitions will be held on Fri­ ernors of the Ashland Golf Club team in Missouri. Boh LeBlanc will partifipate in Miss Jeanette Sm ith advisor day’s. at a meeting held at the Elk* Prior to coming to Ashland the 440 dash and pole v a u ltin g ;1 for the Camp Fire organization. —o- club Thursday noon. Committee Gastineau was in charge of a th ­ George Fullerton will run the i which the Soroptimlst club spon- H. S. Hester, 79 High street, members are: ereens. Dr. George letics at Chemawo. In 1940 he mile; and Glen Nelson will en terjso rs, told the club about the hai kt o . „ """ bought ■'''“ »*■*' a « restaurant ira w u ia in and ana gro- gro- B. Hull. Dr. Harvev Woods, and came to Ashland to coach b asket­ the pole vaulting contest. There “Heifers for re lie f’ campaign c S w e n s o n Pres.- eery store in Eagle Point. He Jean Eberhart: membership Ber ball and other sports. The war will not be prelim inaries for the I which is being made in the Unit- opened for business last Monday. Lombard, Robert Hardy, and Ed interrupted his work here and he pole vaulting, 880 dash, mile, and ed States. The local camp fire h ,= ..£ i ^ O£ltht4r? ? n C