U. ot FROM THE HELL BOX By Un I ' i . iik i a D ev il MR and Mttb. OWEN GRAGG, now o p erate t w i n Plunges bought it in 1944 lrom WM. i i ii i u b S , it huu been in the hands oi tin* B iu G G h tuinily tor several years. IH&ODOHK n OK- BY, lot 1111*1 supei irilenoeiil ot sc I uni I s in A shland, wus m a n u r­ ing inv pool, p n viop a to tut* p u i- eiiuse by thv b ltA u G b , Ant. unu wiilb. U ilrth G cam e to ivshiunu from LaCresceniu, C u liio i 111 u , w here tie hint been u supervisoi in the Lockneed ex p e rim en tal d e ­ p artm en t. th e tw in pool* ul ttie plunges tiuvu a luuu person u day tsip a elly . F R A N K O N E IL is to join the stall ut ttie conclusion ot school. 1‘ie se n t stall m em bers In ­ clude JO E KA n DLEK , G U Y l.U N C E E O ftD , JU A rt VAN DE W ALKER and VIRGINIA LUTZ. And u fence hus been udded to m e fixtures. It tu n s com pletely about th e pools and is in com pli­ ance w ith city ordinance lu46, section 72. JA CK EATON, who is m oving Ids bow ling alley up to the Litti- ta G arage building is planning on placing two S nooker tublcs and tw o pocket billiard tables in the e n tertain m e n t em porium . In o rd ­ er to get approvul lor this the city council approved a chunge m a city o rdinance w hich banned m inors from shinning pool on tublcs which w ere o p erated for a profit. The o rdinance was am en d ­ ed to bun m inors from snixiker- ing in joints w hich sold beer und operated curd tables. In addition to the e n tertain m e n t ungle EA T­ ON is installing a lountam . He p u t thum bs dow n on adding u sm all dunce floor, suid the kids would be OK, coking and d i n t ­ ing, but lie co uldn't keep his eye on the ad ults who would w ant to use the dunce floor, too. C ity council m eeting lust T u es­ day had 12 spectators in a tte n d ­ ance. Among the business con­ ducted wus the g ran tin g of a two w eeks vucution w ith pay to MRS DOROTHY MURPHY, u form er city em ployee who served for 14 years, skipping lots of vacations und w orking a lot of overtim e lm m s. MRS. M URPHY, who h i t th e city several fortnights ago, w rote a letter to th e city coun­ cil to get action on the m atter. Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner S3 per Year 2 Years for $5 who 5.00 PER Y EA R Music Festival To Be Friday, May 9 ,1:30 p.m. Ç. Library 40.000 NEWS REVIEW ASUI A N D , JACKSON C O U N T Y , O R E G O N Junior High Defeats Medford in Meet 1 A shland’s ju n io r high school > track team defeated M edford's team Tuesday, May 8, on the A shland field, by a score of 85 to 52. L anger and Hanscom ot Asjiland, tied for high point h o n ­ ors by getting seventeen point* each. A shland received five firsts: eleven seconds; eight th ird s; and eleven fourths. T he five firsts w ent to L anger w ith the shot put: and broad jum p; Bill Allen in the 330 y ard run; and S tanley Hanscom , Jav elin and 080 yard run. State Board of Education Plans Pear Bowl Vote IH U K S D A Y , M A Y 8, i 947 1 Activians Go To (»rants Pass May 2 Good Jobs a Month U. S. Army Volume 14, No. 9 Murphy Announces Complete Program For July Fourth K enton Robbins, A rnie L ock­ h art, and R obert L ugar atten d ed ' an Active club council m eeting in G ra n ts Pass last F riday evening, May 2. O fficers of the A shland, M edford, and G rants Pass clubs MUSICAL PROGRAM TO MEETS MONDAY TO VOTE m et to discuss program plans foi TEN DIFFERENT EVENTS BE PRESENTED ON LAWN ON P R O P O SE D $117,000 the year. TO TAKE PLACE DURING OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL SOC ATHLETIC PLANT A shland A ctive club m em bers PATRIOTIC HOLIDAY are sponsoring Bobby Sherw ood's In com m em orulion of Music Southern Oregon college’s P ear dance o rchestra next M onday C om plete program plans for the Week, W ashington school will Bowl athletic plan t will be voted evening. May 12, at the A shland A shland Ju ly 4 celeb ratio n which hold un outdoor Music Festival on yiy the State board of higher A rm ory. D ancing will begin at on the fro n t lawn, Friday, May education when it m eets M onday 8:30 p.m. and resum e until 12:30 is being sponsored by th e A sh­ 9th, 1:30 p.m. land C ham ber of C om m erce w ere a t Salem. Dr. C harles Byrne, e x ­ Following the outdoor e x e r­ ecutive secretary, who has stu d ­ announced today by J o h n M ur­ cises, p aren ts are invited to visit ied the project, will m ake a re ­ phy,general ch airm an of th e af­ (be various loom s und see the p ort to the board, previous to the fair. children's work. voting. The recently purchased pro ject­ The th ree day celeb ratio n will C hurch of C hrist m em bers held Cost of the land is ex p ected to or, and Public address system , services at th e S eventh Day Ad­ begin T hursday evening, Ju ly 3, be $8000 and the initial co n stru c­ O. N. W ray was elected p re si­ will be used to coordinate the ventist b uilding Sunday, May 4, activ ities during the program d en t of the R otary club, M onday tion costs are estim ated at $117,- and from th ere w ent to th e site w ith th e coronation of th e queen 000. A portion of th e cost of con­ evening, May 5, w hen the R otary in L ith ia P ark. The stu d en ts purchased this pro struction is to be raised in Jack - w here th eir church burned last F riday, the day of th e F o urth, jector and public address system assem bly m et a t the hom e of son, Josephine and K lam ath Falls, year, and broke ground for th eir w ith m oney derived from thi H enry E nders on N orth Main will begin w ith a su n rise salute. •lew building. and the rem ainder Is to be borne street. W illiam Dodge will be th e paper drive. F ire chief C lint B aughm an is in by the state. E xcavating for th e new church re tirin g president, Ju ly 1st. P rogram will he as follows: Elm er Biege] was elected vice W alter W. Leverette, president will begin th e latter p a rt of this charge of th e shooting of th e e x ­ W ashington sejiool band, Ervin according to th e R everend plosives w hich will c reate th e sal­ Lesser conducting. "Long. Long president, and Dr. G eorge B ruce of th e P ear bowl com m ittee is in week, Earl Downing. ute. was reelected se c retary -trea su rer. charge of a cam paign to raise Ago", 'Tw inkle, T w inkle Litfle E vents w ill follow one upon S teve Z arka was also re-elected $20,000 from the fru it and lum ber S tar." an o th er du rin g the day w itn a May Pole Dunce - Mrs. W illits. sergeant-at-arm s. O. N. W ray was industry for the Bowl. The City p arad e beginning th e m orning P rim ary C horus - Miss M itchell elected to rep resen t the local club of Ashland is slated to add $5000 events, Jo h n D augherty is P a r­ "The O rgan M an,’’ "The Boy and at the Ju n e In tern atio n al R otary to the total needed. The Ashland ade M arshall. This will be fo l­ C ham ber of Com m erce is pledg­ the Frog", “To M arket," and convention in San Francisco. low ed by a beauty co n test w hich ing $2500, Civic and service o r­ "B unny Bun." is being handled by th e A ctive ganizations such as L ions^R otary, Physical Education Drills A t the last jo in t m eeting of club. Elks, A m erican Legion, AAUW. the P a re n t Teachers Association, Joseph Fader. A barbecue, w hich is u n d er the Soroptim ists, and A ctive club luncheon was serv ed to the four P rim ary R hythm s - Miss Car- from the various com m unities organizations a t the Ju n io r high personal d irectio n of B ert M iller son. "S hoem aker D ance" "Yellow concerned will add $6800 to swell school cafeteria, Tuesday, May 6. will precede the an nual m eeting C anary", R hythm M edley.” th e total. In term ed iate Folk D ancing - Mrs. C. M. F razier, p ast county of m em bers of th e S o u th ern O re­ Mrs. Veda Z upan was elected Mrs. Bond .Mrs. Bohn, and Miss Ashland Lions have already and city officer in th e P. T. A., gon D evelopm ent association at Linlnger: “Come L et's Be J o y ­ p resident of the A m erican L eg­ pledged $350.00 and 25% of the installed th e follow ing officers 1:00 p.m. in L ith ia P ark . SODA Member to Get Car fu l’’ "Lady Round the L ady" and ion au x iliary at the May 5 m eet­ profits on the Ju ly 4 celebration for the n e x t school year: Some m em ber ol SODA will ing held a t the Legion hall. Mrs. concessions. Local Lions are also "V irginia Reel" Mrs. Jack Ziteercob, p resid en t In term ed iate singing - Mis.- H elen K arnes was elected 1st vice visiting o ther dens in th e region of the Ju n io r-S en io r P. T. A., receive a new P lym outh au to m o ­ president; Mrs. C oral S harp, 2nd. H ager; G lee Club: "W elcome to interest Lions of other S o u th ­ Mrs. W illiam E. H ealy .vice pres- bile, free, du rin g th e an nual S w eet S pringtim e" "Lord o f the vice president; Mrs. S hirley B ern- ern Oregon com m unities in aid ­ , ident; Mrs. C arry l W ines, secre- m eeting. O th er m em bers w ill re ­ ceive gifts including a com p lete­ Lund and S ea” and "P ale Moon." inghausen, secretary; Mrs. C aro l­ ing the proposition. ary ; and M rs. L. R. H unt, tre a s­ ly equipped cedar Hope chest ine W illiam s, trea su rer, Mrs. Mass C horus: "S pring F ev er”, The Ashland R otary club has urer. fu rn ish ed by the S oroptim ist club "H arp of the Woods", and “Robin J e a n e tte W illiam s C haplain, Mrs. w ritten a letter to th e state board W ashington school P. T. A. of­ of A shland, and various prizes A nn K roeger, H istorian; and Mrs. Hood’’, W agon W heels" of education pledging aid to the ficers installed were: Mrs. W ill­ such as radios and tab le lam ps. Assem bly Singing: Hom e on S hirley Roderick, serg ean t at am ount of $500.00 o th er Ashland iam W right, p resident; Mrs. Rob­ D uring th e m eeting a sp eak er Arm». the R ange" and A m erica clubs are also offering e r t Dodge, vice-president; Mrs. w ill talk to the group. Roger Mrs. S h arp and Mrs. K roeger service S upervisors and special com ­ m onetary assistance. Rodney K eating, secretary ; and R ath, p resid en t of th e A shland m ittees, Mrs. L u ctcrhand and are W orld W ar I a u x iliary mem- When com pleted th e P ear Bowl Mrs. W. D. M organ, secretary. club of T oastm aster's In te rn a tio n ­ hers, the rem ain d er of the o ffic­ Miss Prescott. ers are W orld W ar II m em bers. will be a com plete ath letic plant. Lincoln school officers include: al is attem p tin g to get S enator Mrs. Z upan, Mrs. K arnes. Mrs. The grandstand will have 2500 Mrs. H arold K. Thom as, p resi­ Guy C ondon for the sp eaker. Mrs. F rancis W orth was elected Im m ediately follow ing th e SO- S h arp , and Mrs. B crnlnghausen capacity w hich can be doubled to den t; Mrs. W illiam Beagle, vice- p resident of the A shland club of wit, l»e delegates to ffie D e p art­ 5000 at, a later date. T hree tennis president; Mrs. L ) H. H uat, soc- P A m eeting a rodeo, w hich is be- b o ro p tln u st's In tern atio n al, W ed­ m tui-v iLi. j c! i 'fpm i C a rte r,' '* ffllf- n o r t e r H by v the- Awhtamri rn8 s sponsored th e A shland ta iy ; and M m ent convention In P o rtland courts and o ther sp o rt areas will re nesday noon, d u rin g the re g u lar be included in the project. ■*’ ’ R iding Association, will be held May 26. 27. and 28. treasurer. m eeting held at the Lilhia hotel. G old s ta r m others of A shland City council officers are: Mrs. at the V alleyview Rodeo grounds. Mrs. Velna W eitzel is the outgo­ w ere honored by th e m em bers of Elm o Stevenson, p resident; Mrs. J . W alter K errig an is m aking a r ­ ing president. the A shland A m erican Legion C liftord W illiams, vice-president; ran g em en ts to h av e a n Indian O th er officers eleeted were: post No. 14 au x iliary . T hu rsd ay Mrs. H arold Thom as, secretary ; village set up at th e rodeo vice president, M ary R ath; R e­ aftern o o n a t a tea held at (h and AAs. H arvey Woods, tre a s u r­ grounds w ith In dians from the cording secretary, A daline W eber; MARGERY NEWTON OF K lam ath reserv atio n atten d in g . hom e of Mrs R L. B urdic. er. corresponding secretary, R u t h ASHLAND IS GENERAL A t five o’clock on th e aftern o o n Wilson; and trea su rer, M arie Mc­ Mrs. W illiam E. Healy, M s. of the F o u rth the House ot D avid CHAIRMAN OF AFFAIR Keever. H arold Thom as, and Mrs. W illiam and the H arlem G lobe T ro tters Mrs. Jea n R eagan and Mrs. 4 L tiU llU iv a Vv O i l l V s i O l l l U V I l l ù Ui W right, delegates to the S tate P. will play an ex h ib itio n baseball M ary Healy are new m em bers of û U u u u i n u i e ^ u l l v o l i e r e w in T. A. convention in P o rtlan d last gam e a at l W „ ajlc alter P hillips field. TRACK TEAM FINISHED the organization. H o n o r u ie i n o m e r à 01 a n o o t » iu - week, gave rep o rts to th e joint | H arry C hipm an is in ch arge of P are n ts of the J u n io r Hi Y THIRD IN THREE-WAY u t i f tb u i u b p v t i u i b u h iU la m eeting T uesday afternoon, May this event. m em bers w ere en tertain ed Tucs MEET SATURDAY. MAY 3 fe J u lU lU tQ A U U l. I t U b l O G i t U U i l day evening to a covered dish D uring th e evening of the 1 ui m o u n t s u ui ia»»e pruee m m t luncheon, served by Hi Y mem- F o u rth F ire C hief B aughm an will S ou th ern Oregon college will tu iin n is u a u o ii o u iio iu g ui tu.uu bers. Bill W ines, president of the be rep resen ted at the All Far supervise the settin g off of a M em bers of Elks lodge No. 944 a.ui. to ue lonowt-u o> an n w im club, ex tended a w elcom e to the W estern C onference m eet at D av­ gian t firew orks display, and this will honor th eir m others, Sun- j rvaseu.uiy in tne u y m a i lu:ou a. p aren ts present. G aylord Vestal, is, C alifornia, this F rid ay and ; w ill be follow ed by a dance at day, May 11, at 2 p.m. at the Elks ’ >»• advisor for the group, acted as S aturday, May 9th and 10th. R obert Dodge atten d ed a m eet­ the A shland A rm ory, sponsored Tem ple. Roland P ark s, "Esteemed O* K. N. Stevenson, SOC Pre- to astm aster for the evening. Track team m em bers, sw im m ers, ing of the "K eep Oregon G re en ” by the fta ta ry club. Leading K night, Is general chair- siuvin, w in speak, an a tne A n a Don Robeson was taken in as and golfers from S.O.C. w ill en All du rin g th e F o u rth sports m an of the M other’s Day pro- o in cers lor tne next scnooi yeai a new m em ber of th e Ju n io r Hi ter th e m eet, according to Al county com m itte last F riday e v ­ events w ill be tak in g place in gram . w m ue installed oy ivirs. lvraoei Y club, T uesday evening. ening, at th e M edford C h am ber of L ith ia p ark u n d er supervision of Sim pson, trac k coach. Ralph M cCulloch, new ly elect-j Wins.oil, Lieuu ol Women, ivirs, C om m erce building. E. H. Sing- J e a n E b erh art. T rade Tad Gandee, 100 and 220; ed ex alted ruler, w ill open the J u » u n a n u in , ot tile M edloro BABY SON OF BULLIS S atu rd ay evening the R otary m aster, o th er com m ittee m em ­ A rdie W arren, 440; F red S tarnes service. H arliiee W ilson will play H igh Scnooi laculty w in speak FAMILY DIES MAY 7 w ill again sponsor a dance at the ber from A shland, was u n able to and R ichard Woodcock, tw o m ile; a vioin solo; S en ato r Earl New- oil "Atom ic T houghts on an S pencer Seth Bullis. habv son Dick H arrison, 120 high hurdles; attend. A rm ory. This is the only event hry w ill give a trib u te to "M oth- a to m ic A g e .' Honors, aw ards, re ­ of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bullis of F ran k Hull, Jr. is ch airm an of scheduled for Ju ly 5. e l" ; W illiam Alves will sing a cognitions and pieaging to h o n o r-» M edford, died W ednesday, May 7 B artlett, 220 low hurdles; Dick the county organization, and re­ M em bers of th e A shland Lions solo; und th e follow ing ch air of­ aries will be announced. | at the S acred H eart hospital. The E ath erto n and Don W adley, high po rts th at th e o rg anization will club are in ch arg e of th e conces­ jum p; B a rtle tt and E atherton, R epresentatives lrom w om en’s baby was • born S - unday, May 4. ficers will pay trib u te: Esquire, broad jum p; Jack K em nitzer, p rts e n t sh o rt plays te any civic sions. SODA m em berships, which D elbert Jones; E steem ed L ec tu r­ organizations * interested in the shot p u t and discus; Bob Hoefs, organization who w ants to coop­ are av ailab le from any C ham ber Mr. and Mrs. E. J. L a M a re ing K night, W alter H am by; E st­ euucation ot wom en wju> win pole v au lt; B artlett, H artw ig, K. e ra te w ith th e "K eep O regon of C om m erce m em ber, are being and Mrs. H. A. Soule w ere at eem ed Loyal K night, G ordon speak briefly on aw ards and loan sold in M edford by the M edford Husen, and W adley, m ile relay. G re en ’’ cam paign. Pickcll; E deem ed L e a d i n g tunds will include: Mrs. B. B. C ra te r L ake Sunday. Previous to Jr. C h am ber of Com m erce. The Golf Team will consist of K ing of the P.E.O., Miss Edith the C ra te r lake trip, Mrs. La- K night, Roland P arks. Mr. and Mrs. O scar Bjoi lie will B ork of D elta K appa G am m a, M arre and Mrs. Soule had re tu rn ­ G ale Jones, Adam s an d Vern play a m usical selection. E xalted Miss N eva W est ol A.A.U.W., ed from S eattle w h e re they had Zim m erm an. In tennis Bill Cate ru le r McCulloch and chaplain, Mrs. C harles W orth of the S orop­ visited S uzanne L aM arre who is ' wil1 . PlaY singles, w hile G lenn Doctor R. L. Burdic, Dr. M ar­ H arold M errill, will colse the s e r­ tim ists, an d Mrs. A. C. P ierce of atten d in g C ornish school and Lt. Bortis and Jo h n Locke play _ Di c k cus Woods, and Dr. W illiam E. the Rogue R iver V alley College JG A llen W. L aM arre who is sta ­ doubles. In sw im m ing, vices. tioned at the W hidbv Island Nav­ Hicks wiil dive and sw im the 100 B acker atten d ed a den tal clinic W om en’s Club. free style, Holly Hill will swim on bridge w ork, T uesday evening, al A ir base. L uncheon w ill be serv ed at P erry C asteel, LeRoy S tu b b le ­ ^ the 50 free style, and Rodney May 6, at the Holland hotel in noon in th e college au d ito riu m field, D avid Stem ple, Bob My- Bortis will com pete in the back- M edford, u n d er the direction of the F u tu re rick. Jac k Edw ards, Sid n e y stroke. The track team is coached Doctors H. Davis and John Knox, R ichard Booth, Bob Basev T eachers of A m erica. A t 2:30 p. by Al Sim pson; golf and swim- K u ratli of P o rtlan d conducted the m. th ere will be a short program and R aym ond Shaw are now full ■ m ing directed by Hal Bishop, and the clinic. presented in the gym w hich will pledged scouts. They received Douglas M artin C ullm an’s bod) ,include a style show and the p e r­ . tennis directed by Russ Elliott. th eir W ebelos badges last T u es­ was lukeu t o ‘ K lam ath ra ils lo r. form ance of Folk Dances. At 7:00 S.O.C. m ade eleven points on day evening, A pril 29, b u n al M onday, M ay o. The child \ p.m., the W om en’s C am pus H on­ May 3, w hen the track team w ent Jo h n A nderson was nam ed wus found dead in E arl S. New- orary Group, Sigm a Epsilon Pi, to Chico for a th ree-w ay confer­ cu b m aster to tak e the place of b ry ’s sw im m ing pool at 120 High will in itiate new m em bers, and ence w ith Chico S tate and H um ­ L ark in G rubb, p resident of the Joe Fader, re tirin g cubm aster, street, l:aa p.m. S unday, May 4, the m others of m em bers and in i­ boldt college. Chico scored 88 local gun club, did some trick the sam e night. F ad er will work by L yndell N ew bry. 1 points to w in the m eet, w ith shooting M onday evening. May 5. as assistan t cubm aster, and M er­ tiates are invited. A t 8:15 p.m. the Douglas had been living w ith S outhern Oregon College P layers H um boldt ru n ning second w ith at th e A shland A rm ory, w ith an rick Thornton, was nam ed com ­ his gran d m o th er, Mrs. Ella S te p ­ u n d er the direction of A ngus L. 59 points. Tad G andee won first autom atic. He illu strated ten shot m ittee chairm an. henson, 137 C hurch street, for tne B ow m er will p resen t Eugene O ’­ in the o ne-hundred y ard dash; rapid fire m achine gun style T hornton presented certificates past m onth. He had gone ou t to N eill’s “Ah W ilderness” in the and cam e in second in th e two- N ext m eeting of the club will be of m erit to den m others: Mrs. A. play in his wagon betw een nine Gym. tw en ty y ard dash. Jack K em n it­ May 12, 6:30 p.m. E. P eters, Mrs. L. E. G ran t, Mrs. und ten o'clock S unday m orning, zer , w on th ird in the shot put, The d a y ’s activities are under Ray B anta of M edford led in W. P. W right, and Mrs. W. J. My- und it w asn't u ntil his parents, the general chairm anship of M ar­ and Dick H arrison was fourth in scoring for M onday evening with rick. Mr. and Mrs. Obil S. C ollm an, of gery N ew ton of A shland. the high hurdles, A chievem ent w ards w ere given 283; Max T urzenbaeh, Phoenix. K lam ath Falls had come to gel o to David A nderson, R alph A nd­ 279; Al G abhard, Medford. 268: th eir child, th a t he was missed. NORMAN PORRITT GETS BILLINGS ELECTED M arty, A shland, 264: Art Haskins, erson, Joey W irth, Jim m ie S u th ­ A shland’s police d e p a rtm e n t was INJURIES IN SAWMILL PREXY OF CHURCH GROUP erlin, Jim m ie W alrus, Louis M or­ A shland, 261. notified a t 11:40 a.m. th a t the Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n B illings re- . H .. igh .. sco res for the m onth of gan, Leo W haley, M elvin P eters N orm an P o rritt was Injured child was missing. At 1:55 p.in. he w hile w orking in a saw m ill n ear tu rn ed recently from a trip to A p rif'w en t to. O. Z. Howard. Ash- R ichard Booth, R aym ond Shaw, was found in the N ew bry sw im ­ R oseburg last F rid ay m orning. „ Salem Dallas. Eugene and Port- land, 975; A rt Haskins. 964: Joe and L eroy S tu b n lefie'd . m ing pool, and Dr. H arvey Woods P o rritt was hit in the back of the T < Daniel Haynie« «on of Mr. land w h rre th ey visited relatives. Mason 062’ Lerov G uilev 937 R ichard T rites, d istrict com m it­ was called to give artificial res­ head w ith a log on the loading and Mrs. Lawson Haynie, of 156 Mr. B illings atten d ed a confer- a nd Red E dw ards 921 tee ch airm an for Ashland, was piration, b u t at 2:1.) p.m. he was dock and tw enty stiches had to 5th street, Ashland, is assistant ence of M ethodist Youth Leader"- p rincipal sp ea k er for the ev en ­ pronounced dead. Vern Johnston, who recentlv ing, w ith H arold Ilvasaker, as­ be taken in his head. He also re-! supervisor for the new switch in P ortlan d , and was elected sub- Douglas was bo in A ugust 14, [ cejved several broken ribs board^ located In the signal build- d istrict Young A dult P resident re tu rn ed from a trip East, has sista n t ex ecu tiv e secretary for the 1942, and is survived by his p ar-) ing. Bad Nauheim, Germany. w ith responsibilities f o r t h e accepted a position w ith the C ra te r L ake area council, and ents, and a b ro th er and sister, | Dr. G. W. B ruce atten d e d a H aynie is show n helping to cut young ad u lt church w ork in th( S n id er coffee com pany Johnston Hugh M cKeever, advancem ent Ronald and R onella; and his M ethodist youth planning c o n -! in th e new sw itch board on open- so u th ern p a rt of the state. They was form erly connected w ith the ch airm an for scouting in A sh­ grandmother. 1 ference in Grants Pa««, Monday. I Ing night. , re tu rn e d hom e last week end. 1 Top Hat drive in. land, both giving brief talks. Work Started on New Church of Christ 0. N. Wray Elected President of Rotary P. T. A. Has Last Meeting of Year Mrs. Zupan Heads Legion Auxiliary Mrs. Worth Heads Soroptomist Club Mothers To Be Honored Saturday May 19 at SOC Junior Hi-Y Members Entertain Parents Elks Will Observe Mother’s Day Sunday S. 0. C. Will Go To Conference Meet May 9 and 10 R. Dodge Attends Committee Meeting Dentists Attend Dental Clinic Tues. Ms ■ A■ ■■ ■ Buried in K. F. Haynie is Supervisor Larkin Grubb Does Rapid Fire Shooting .tine Boys Are .’ ledged Scouts