Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, May 01, 1947, Image 1

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    v - of O- Library.
*Z4« SouthviH. ôna&n
Formerly The
Soulharn Oregon
S3 par Yaar
2 Years for $5
School District
Patrons Vote Yes
In Budget Excess
Tentative Football
Schedule Released
Ashland Senior and
Tentative football schedule for
fall of 1947 has been released by Jr. High Vocal
Coach Al Simpson, of the S o u th -1
ern Oregon Red Raiders. This will | Group Rated High
be SOC’s first full year of comp«. I
tition in the far western confer­
ence. All conference games are
m arked with an asterisk.
Putron'a from Ashland school
Ashland senior and junior filgh
district num ber 5 voted to exceed College at Ashland. October 4,
vocal groups, u n d er, the
the (I per cent lim itation on school
budgets by $35,956 85 at an elect­ College (•) at Klamath Kails. Oct­ direction of Oscar C. BjoTlie,,
ion held Wednesday. The vote ober 18, Oregon College of Edu­ were given high rating and «pm-
cation at Ashland. October 25.
was 265 in fuvor to 47 against.
mended for outstanding results at
This perm its the school dis­ Linfield College at Ashland. Nov­ the music festival held last Vi 1-
trict to (ollow the proposed bud­ ember 1, open. November 8, San
get of $227,985 which was con Francisco State College (*, at i day and Saturday at Southern
sidered necessary in view of th< San Francisco. November 15 Oregon College. Conrad Sandvig
using cost of operating a growing Chioo State College (•) at Ash­ of Montana State College, Boze­
school system in the face of mon land. November 21, California man, Montana, was critic for .the
Aggies (*) ut Davis, California.
choral groups.
etnry inflation.
. Superintendent of schools Le
The senior high school a fiup-
land P. Linn, stated today that
ella choir was com plim ented on
he appreciated the fine support
its general blend, balance, and
given the measure by the Lions
over-all effect with outstanding
the Soroptimists and other civi<
Leland Linn, Superintendent of strong points ruted A’s in rhytnm ,
groups which aided in publicising the Ashiund schools, announced accuracy, tone, sincerity, presen­
the need for larger salares to help last week that Frank O’Neil tation, appearance, tempo, inter­
in holding a good teaching staff would be head of the Physical pretation, and artistic effect.
in Ashland.
The Boys Quartet was given all
Education departm ent of the
Linn pointed out that the' new Ashiund schools next year.
A ratings on the critic's comment
budget will permit Ashland tr
O'Neil will coordinate all ath- sheet.
hold strong teachers he-e and to ctic activities of the Junior high
The Girls Sextet received A
compete against other schools In school and Senior high school. Hi ratings in interpretation, accur­
the state for the better class of will also still have charge of the acy, presentation, and uppear-
Senior high football squad and ance. They were given B's In in­
"This was one of the largest track team.
tonation and tone in one number,
election turnouts in the historv
O’Neil will lie in charge of but A's for the same division in
of the school,’’ he said. "From swimming activities at Tw i n their other song.
the num ber of ballots cast it is Plunges this summer.
The junior high school chorus
evident that the people of the
was given A’s in all the divisions
community are tremendously in­
on the comment sheet with sug­
terested in the schools and the
gestion for slight Improvem ent in
staff is determined to give the
tone and intonation in their first
city the liest possible instruction
and service.”
Master Sergeant Glen Ransom
The Triple Trio from the ju n ­
- ■-
— n
of Wtaukegan, Illinois, began duty ior high school was said to have
at the Medford Recruiting ser­ very good tone for their age, and
vice, Medford, April 28.
they were given A ratings in all
Sergeant Ransom was Sgt. ma­ divisions except for suggestion
jor at the San Bernadino Arm for intonation improvement in
fo rm
e d the
’ hv
^ inf A T * A ir F l«ld d u r in * W o rld W ar
one phrase.
Miss Jove,, t h h i i / ' i ? 8 !
and was later promoted to
Carleton n a m .
Lieutenant a in u-17
the 8th
?! \ •‘ r l <-,or> n . A b lw .tt, C h u rch o f F orces
m in t He v
B u r ie d in M t V ie w
I hursday, May i, 1947
George Fullerton Runs 4.28 Mile at Meet
Good Job« a Month
U. S. Army
Voi 14, No. 8
Fullerton Turns
In 4.-2« In Mile
Run At Carnival
More than 1000 spectators w at­
ched loping George Fullerton run
mile race in 4:28, his best time to
date, in the first annual Lions
club track and field carnival, held
in Ashland Wednesday afternoon.
As the tape was broken, John
Sutton, Hood River miler, was
65 yards behind the red headed
Ashland runner, who holds the
national high school mile record.
Don Wolfe, Ashland, was third,
placing second in points as Sut­
ton was not entered in the offi­
cial meet.
The track and field carnival
took the form of a dual m eet be­
tween Medford and Ashland with
exhibitions by University of Ore­
gon track stars. M edford g arn er­
ed 91 points to win the meet.
Ashland had 31 points at the
Ashland miler who Is training to beat his own 4.20 and 9 10 time close. Glenn Nelson, Ashland
made last year. According to Coach Flank O’Neil, Fullerton is run polevaulted 11 feet 6 inches and
ning the mile, four seconds faster now than he was at this time last Bob LeBlanc, Ashland ran the
440 in 53.4 to win. O ther out­
standing events W ednesday were
the half mile, won by W erner of
Medford, whose time was 2.1.
Holmes of Medford tossed the
shotput fortysix feet ten inches.
Spectators saw Hinthorne, Uni­
versity of Oregon sprinter run
May 12. the state board of
the 220 in twenty two seconds
higher education, will vote
and four tenths, time th at would
win any Pacific coast intercolle­
give financial aid to the Pear
giate track meet.
Bowl project according to
The Ashland tracksters will go
Nomination for American Leg­
to Medford for the district meet,
of the State Board, who
ion officers will be accepted from
Saturday, May 10. Individual
in Ashland, Wednesday, April
the floor a t the May 13th m eet­
winners at this meet will go on to
30, to inspect the Bowl site.
the state meet. Coach F rank O’­
ing of the Post. Election of Leg­
Byrne met with Dr. Elmo
Neil said today that in addition
Stevenson, Mayor Thornton
ion officers will be on May 27th,
to Fullerton, Mitchell, Randles,
Wiley, William E. Healy, and
with installation July 8.
LeBlanc, and Nelson had a good
Don O’Blenness, Wednesday,
Legion members nominated the
chance of going on to the state
and discussed plans lor this
i meet.
following persons at the April 22
Howard Wiley was general
meeting of the post:
an for the Lions track and
home Of Ralph pC’tman ^ L n d
’ PS“ n
i Mrs. Susan Mabel Ramsey was
H. R. Jordan and Chester
buried in Mountain View ceme­
field carnival. Roland Parks and
Union street,
tery. Monday, April 28, after fun­
Frank O’Neil were also on the
The bride, who wore a grey
eral services were held for her G arrett and Ken Miller were
Lion’s committee whic h h a d
travelling _ suit with
blue and
at the Litw iller funeral chapel nom inated for 1st vice command-
— -----
charge of the affair.
Bud Silver and Orville Mai-
white accessories, was attended
the same afternoon. The Rever­
by Miss Jean Doyle. Best man
end George Bruce of the Metho­ feld, 2nd vice; Dr. George Hull
was Gilbert Russell.
dist church conducted fi ,al rites. and Jeff Carter, adjutant; Ralph
Next Thursday, May 8, A sh­
The newlyweds will return
Mrs. Ramsey died at t'’-> Ash­ Reed of Talent, Chaplain; Guy
lady Elks will be hostess to
Monday from a short honeymoon
land Community hospital, April
Mrs. Henry Dooms of Ashland
National Music week will be 24, after being a patient for onlv . service officer; Edward Berning- Medford and G rants Pass lady
m Portland. They will he at home
April 2,, ¡hausen, Sergeant-at-arm s; Jake Elks for a luncheon and card p ar­ was chairm an of the registration
nt 110 Pine street. Mr. LeBlnnc
A in Ashand,
■ ■ May
. - 8th. on five days. She was born Apr
committee at the Homemakers
in employee at Beach and R e tte r! T . daY ‘■venin8. when differ- 1813 at Linn County, Missouri. Lahr, executive committeemhn; ty, at the Elks Temple.
ent musical organizations will She had spent the last forty years and Dr. A rthur Taylor.
Mrs. Jack Zittercob is chairman Festival in Medford, Wednesday
Mobiloil service station.
present a program at the South of her life in Ashland. Her hus­
of the decoration committee tor April 30. Ashland and Phoenix
ern Oregon college gymnasium. band, Sherman, preceded her in
I the party, with Mrs. Hoy V. Nied- ladies of the extension units as
Wallace Sapp, of the Southern death, May 21, 1932 in Ashland.
• ever, Mrs. Carl G. Harris, Mrs. suited Mrs. Dooms in the registra­
Oregon college, is general direc-
Phillip F. Bryant, and Mrs. Gerry tion which began at 10:30 Wed
Mrs. Ramsey Is survived by
nesday morning at the courthouse
tor of the program.
Jones, as her assistants.
her children, Virgil Ramsey of
Persons from Ashland who a t­
Mrs. Coral Sabo and Mrs.
Ervin Lesser, band instructor Portland; Mrs. Roy Sm ith of Ash­
Mrs. William H. Parker, Miss auditorium
Luncheon was served to over
Lamm of Klamath Falls were of the Ashland schools, will be in land; Wayne Ramsey of Sacra­ tended the dedication of Dun­ Yvonne Parker, and Mrs. Earl
guests of the Soroptimist club charge of the instrum ental part mento, California; and Mrs. I,a- bar air field in Roseville, Cali­ Jones are in charge of the card two hundred persons at the M eth­
odist church, which was followed
fornia, Sunday, April 27, receiv- table decorations.
Wednesday noon, at the Lithia • the program, and O. C. Bjorlie Vern Mortez of Portland. She
in the afternoon with a program
hotel. Mrs. Sabo helped the local vocal instructor of the Ashland also survived by tw o ~ brother^ ed top honors for coming the
Mrs. Ralph McCullouch, Mrs. at the Medford senior high school
jongest distance to attend the de­
club organize about a year ago schools, will direct the choral Thomas P hrr of ■ Talent, Drotners.
and Roy dication. The Ashland delegation Robert M. Kent, Mrs. Harker, auditorium . Dr. Jam es M illar
from that date. Mis. Fitzgerald of part of the program. Glen Mat­ P arr of Ashland.
left the Ashland flying field Mrs. George Rose, and Mrs. Nate director of the Good Citizenship
the Lakeview. Oregon club was
around 5 a.m. Sunday morning Bates will act as hostesses for the foundation, was the principal
also a guest.
SOC, will help direct the program
and arrived in Roseville foi day.
Miss Jeanette Smith, of South­ also.
breakfast, which was served by
ern Oregon college, spoke to the
the Camp fire girls in a hangar
members on the "World Student
Relief association.”
Mrs. Marcus Woods, p resident1 °n D unbar field,
William E. Healy, secretary of
Mrs. A W. Woodward and Mrs.
of the local AC chapter of P.E.O.,
William Yates were taken in as
presided at the bi-annual lunch­ the Ashland Chamber of Com­
Ashland’s Active club members
Southern Oregon college lost all
A rthur H. Thompson, for sev­ eon of the Southern Oregon coun­ merce, Elmer Ayres and Art
new members of the club.
will sponsor Bobby Sherwood’s of their tennis matches with
Articles that will be included
Saturday afternoon, April 26, Poehlman, owners of the flying band Monday evening, May 12. at Humboldt State college, S a tu r­
opened the Thompson Real cil,
field in Ashland; Richard Finnell
in the "hope chest” to be given has
day, April 26 on the high school
company at 532 North Pass. Redwoods hotel in Grants and Ewing Mitchell, members of the Ashland Armory.
away, by the club, at the 4th of Estate
and Lithia park courts. Four sin ­
O ther P.E.O. members attend­ the Ashland flying club; and A. ing at Tom Brennamans breakfast gle matches were played in the
July celebration in Ashland, were ployed by Thompson as a real
ing the luncheon from Ashland W enker, flying, enthusiast of Ash club restaurant in Hollywood, morning and two doubles in the
on display at the Wednesday lun­ estate salesman.
include: Miss G ertrude Engle. land, attended the dedication.
and has attracted record breaking afternoon.
Thompson ,who was formerly Mrs. Al Simpson, Mrs. H G. En­
Members of the S.O.C. team
crowds there. His only two Ore
employed by the Medford corpor­ ders, Mrs. M arguerite Mills, Mrs.
gon appearances will be in Ash- i ®re:
Cate of Ashland, Glenn
ation as a lum ber grader, is R. L. Burdic, Mrs. W. E. Bartelt,
land and Jantzen Beach in Port­ Bortin of Klam ath Falls, John
handling all types of real estate Mrs. B. B. King, Mrs. Lloyd Sel
Locke of Ione, W ashington, Rol­
by, Mrs. Frank Van Dvke, Mrs.
His band consists of fifteen and Pope of Medford, Kenneth
Frisbee, who received his lic­ Will Dodge, Mrs. H. C. Galey,
Doctor William E. Bracker was
ense Saturday m ornine made a Mrs. S. B. McNair, Mrs. A E. elected president of the recently members, two vocalists, a n d Ray of Chiloquin, Bob Beach ol
of a house just one hour after Kinney, Mrs. J. M. Wagner, Mrs. organized Young Men’s Club of Sherwood, himself is a featured Jacksonville. Chuck Jandreau of
Ed Beare, president of the ju n ­ sale
Ashland and Jim Jandreau of
trum pet player.
of the license.
ior class, will crown Miss Eloise
F. D. Wagner, Mrs. G. M. Frost, the Ashland Y. M. C. A., Tues­
and Mrs. Fred Engle.
Morris queen of the junior-senior
Methodist church. Other officers
prom, Friday evening, May 2, in
elected were vice president, W. C.
the Senior hjgh school gym na­
Bushnell; secretary and treasur­
sium. Earline Morgan, Virginia
Sheldon Green.
Lutz, and Beatrice Wines will
Funeral services were held
Miss Edna Daugherty, organist
Gordon Miller, Sheldon Green Monday, April 28, for a long-
serve Miss Morris as princesses.
for the grand chapter of the East­
Bob LeBlhnc, Barbara Mc­ ern Star, played several select­
time resident of Ashland, Mrs.
» 'u T . ! ? . ! 6 i h a t. w i11 p r°- Julia Ella Rice. S h e'd ied at her
Twenty-one members of the
Cleary, and Beatrice Wines have ions, among which was her own
Leonard Pennario will present mote a city wide tennis tourna­ home in Medford, April 23. M”s "Ah W ilderness” cast, of South­
been in charge of decorating the composition, "C rater Lake," at
gymnasium as a spring garden. the formal reception in Central a piano recital next Monday ment, the last of this month. Fi­ Tfice was born Septem ber 13, ern Oregon college, including
Edith Turbull, Micky McKeever Point in honor of Mrs. Everett A. evening, May 5th, at the Medford nal matches are to be played in 1861, in Painesville, Kentucky. electricians, property and ward-
and Louise Fliniau have planned Faber, grand representative of high school auditorium , under the conection w ith the Fourth of and spent twenty two years of robe managers, went to G rants
her life in Ashland. Forty one Pass Tuesday. April 29, and pre-
the buffet supper that will be the grand Jurisdiction of M anito­ sponsorship of the Jackson Coun­ July celebration.
May 13th, will be the next years were spent in Oregon, and sented their performance, under
served preceding the prom. Vir­ ba, Canada, for the grand chapter ty Civic Music association.
This is Pennario’s first coast to meeting of the organization.
ginia Lutz and Bob Phillips are in of Oregon.
she had lived in Medford for the
sponsorship of the wom en’s
past year.
c’ubs of that city.
charge of entertainm ent, which
Mrs. Lorena McNair, worthy coast tour in civilian clothes, hav­
Services were held for her at i From Grants Pass the cast went
will be highlighted by the dance. grand matron for Oregon; Mrs. ing just recently been discharged
the Litw iller Funeral chapel and i ’° Roseburg and put on their pro-
Ray Clary, grand representative from the United States Army
Charlie Werley has been visit­ of Missouri: Mrs. A rthur Peters
conducted by the R evere n d | duction at the Junior high school.
served in the India, Burma,
ing in Ashland the past week and Cliff Maust, m atron and pat- and China theaters as a staff ser-
There were 47 ladles at the city George Bruce of the Methodist j
and has returned Io his home in ron of the Ashland chapter were 8eant, and gave numerous con- hall Friday evening, April 25. for, Church. Interm ent was in M oun-,
Oakland, California. He expects also among the two hundred per- cer,s throughout his Army career, a bridal shower for Mrs. G lo ria: tain View cemetery.
to return to Ashland with Mrs. sons present for the receptioa.
Pennario has appeared with the Taylor. The bride received, many! Mrs. Rices husband, Elliott M
Werley and children.
Mrs. A rthur Peters and Mr* i Los Angeles Philharmonic orches- gifts. Refreshments were served ' preceded her in death. She is sur-
Toastm aster members will hear
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Kerrigan Andv Stevens presented all of
New Xork Philharmonic, consistlng of pink, green, yellow I vlved bv a daughter. Mrs. Charles the question, “Is our system of
have returned to their home on the honored guests with corsages Chicago, Indianapolis, Mmneapo- cakes, sandwiches, pickles and j A. W hjtejaf ^Medford, G. W^ Rice education adequate?" discussed
Beach street after spending a few from their gardens.
lis, Denver, and San Francisco.
and M. B. Rice, sons of ' ” Engle
at th eir next M onday’s meeting
days in Lake and Klan<ith coun­
He started his career at an eftr-
Tables were decorated with j wood ond Los Angeles: and two at the Lithia Hotel. Doyle Seeley
Mrs. G W. Bruce, who has been ly age of twelve, by appearing as i flowers and the ladies ate by granddaughters, Lois Reed and will be the m aster of ceremonies
Mrs. Leo J'ammerthnl who lias visiting her children In Salem f- ,• guest soloist In Edward G rieg’s candle light. Hostesses were E ' t Agnes White of Medford. Mi«« for that night.
been confined in the North Main the last two week* grturned te Concerto for piano and orchestra and Bonnie Taylor Frances G ra ' e White is attending W illamette
William E. Healy and Robert
street convalescent home, retu rn ­ her home last Monday evening
at the Dallas Centennial Exposi- Micki Fenton. Josephine Coopei college.
Hardy will debate for the subject,
ed to her home In Bellview last
M”s. Ida Mnffp of Chiloquin i tion,
Ruth Straus, Merrilou Stephens.
and John Collins and Earl Schil­
week, and will be happy to h a v e ; visited nt the Kerrigan home y e s-,
! Alice Thoreson, and Claire Wlth-
ling will debate against it. Price
her friends call on her.
New« Review $3.00 per year row.
recovering from a recent Tllnesss. Hennan will criticize the debate.
O’Neil Is Named
Head of Department
Sgt. Ransom Joins
Recruiting Office
Legion Officers
To Be Installed
State to Vote On
Pear Bowl Project
Wedding Ceremony
Performed By Father
Mrs. Susan Ramsey
Lady Elks Will
tnrenain m ty o.
Musi« Week Te Be
Observed May 8
Mrs. Dooms Heads
Festival Committee
Ashland Delegation
Go To Roseville
Mrs. Coral Sabo
Is Guest of Club
Mrs. Woods Presides
Thompson Opens Real at P. E. O Meeting
Estate Office Here
Bobby Sherwood to
Play in Ashland
SOC Loses Tennis
Matches Saturday
Mrs. Julia Rice
Dies April 23
“ Ah, Wilderness”
Cast Goes On Tour
Dr. Bracker Will
Head Men’s Club
Miss Morris To
Be Crowned Queen
Miss Edna Daugherty
Plays for Reception
Leonard Pennario
To Give Concert
Mrs. Gloria Taylor
Receives Many Gifts
Toastmasters Will
Hear Debate Monday