(V. ot O. Library <7«6« Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner *3 per Year 2 Year* lor SS NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PEH YEAR A S K IA N I), JACKSON (.O U N T Y . O R |( .< > \ Thursday, April Fullerton To Star in Lions Track Carnival UNIVERSITY AND S.O.C. WILL GIVE TRACK EXHIBITION 40.000 Good Job« a Month U. S. Army S.O.C. LEADS STATE IN ENROLLMENT INCREASES A table ill i nrollrnent figures lor all Institutions of the S tab' .System ot Ifighei Education just released by the Office of the ; huncelloi i« veals that Southern Oregon College leads the system in the percentage of jtM enroll " " n t increase for the term s of 1346-1947 over 1945-104«. SOC increases lor the Fall, W inter anil •Spring term s respectively were «10%. 239', an,I 129% as com p aled to increases for the entire s y . i e m ot 127',, II«',;, and 0 4 ,;. I h is u p s in g e is e t p e c t e d t o con­ tin u e for Ihe 1947-1948 school Federated Store Will Open Friday Morning at 10 00 STEVENSON READ HENRY METZ IS OWNER OF NEWEST DEPARTMENT STORE ON MAIN STREET TO P T A. STUDY GROUP Mrs. R ichard C; uiphell was noste.ss to the p arent teachers a s­ sociation study group, W ednesday M ,s- Elm ° Stevenson I w ti'k t T k f a.P er tO the grouP th u ; w«en. th e topic was "social ad- jtMUiien as influenced by an un- ae rstan Jm g of sex ,” w ritten by teiJr ' i here.r - d irector of the div- liijon ot social hygiene education o rtg o n tuberculosis association. '947- Vol I 4. ,\n KWIN Manager KWIN Planning Open House This Sunday Afternoon PUBLIC IS INVITED TO H enry Metz, ow ner of Ash ATTEND REOPENING OF F ran k O'Neil, couch of the A sh­ land's new est m ajor store, tin. ROGUE VALLEY STATION land high school is in charge of F ederated d ep a rtm en t store, a n ­ th e Lions club track and y eld Raoio S tation KW IN will he nounced today, th at th e stor« carn iv al w hich will take place located at 250 East Main, A shland, host to the residents of the Rogue A pril 30, on the A shland high would open for business, F riday, Valley at its official opening at school truck, sta rtin g at 2 p in year. , Vr ' E N Stevenson, P resident A pril 25, at 10:00 a.m. T ickets for this ev e n t can be se­ the station studios on Helm an The store, which is located in or Southern Oregon College, will cured from any m em ber of the road S unday afternoon, it was spj ak to the com bined A m erican the form er Safew ay location, has Lions club. G eorge F ullerton announced today by Bob R ein­ been u n d er construction since Association of U niversity W omen A shland high school's ace m iler, groups of K lam ath and Laki Ja n u a ry 1. it has a green c a rra ra holdt, m anager. w i’l Compete ag ainst a freshm an S o u th e rn Oregon people will glass front m atched by a green counties at Lakeview. S aturday. m iler from the U niversity of have Open house festivities will be A pril 26. I)r. Stevenson will re- an opportunity to hear Bob­ sidew alk. The in te rio r has a floor Oregon, lo r the m ain attra ctio n by S herw held from 2 to 5 o’clock in the vit'w recent scientific advances ood’s fifteen piece orch­ "i asp h alt tile in red and black. of tlie day. afki discuss the possibilities which afternoon, w ith a special 90 m in ­ estra the evening of May 12, at Store fix tu res are of blond m aple M edford high school track sters A shland A rm ory. Sherw ood wood and the lighting is indirect the future holds. u te program to be broadcast will com pete w ith the A shland the will A shland his only stop flourescent. startin g a t 2 p.m. high school team , thut sam e day. w hile m ake is en ro u te to Janaen Tile floor space of 50 x 96 feet Bob Reinholdt. manager of la d G andee of S outhern Oregon Beach he F inishing touches on the new in P o rtlan d from ulaving is filled w ith various m erch an ­ Ashland Radio Station KWIN. station w ere com pleted th is week, college, will ru n the 100 and 220 un engagem ent it Tom m y Dor- dise d ep artm en ts including L ad ­ y ard dashes. who came here after spending erasing the last traces of dam age sey ’s casino gardens in Los A nge­ ies ready to w ear; Jr. Miss, ch ild ­ five years with KWIL in Albany. from the fire which destroyed the Bill H ayw ard .track coach at les. rens, and infants ready to w ear; Reinholdt, as well as other staff form er KWIN building D ecem ber the U niversity of Oregon, will Active club m em bers Mens and Boys dress and w oik bring G eorge R asm ussen, wh« are A shland of A«hland school members, will be on hand Sunday 20, 1946 Im m ediately follow ing sponsoring thi d am e, and clothing; fam ily shoe d ep artm en t; d istrict No. 5 will vote in a school afternoon when KWIN holds open was on Ixiok m agazine's all- A m ­ Earl Schilling, p resident of the election next W ednesday, A pril house at the studios at 1160 Hel- the fire last w inter, construction erican team last year, and soars club, rep o rts th at the evening will piece goods; and notions. on the new building was started . John M urphy, form er m anager 30 on a $35,956.85 budget which man Road, from 2 to 5 o'clock. some 14 feet o v er the pole vault s ta rt at 8:30 p ni. and dancing The station resum ed b ro ad cast­ of the B ellview lum ber com pany, is being placed before the voters bar; Robinson, javelin throw er will resum e until i2:'t0 ing on M arch 9, and has since is the m anager of the hom e o w n ­ at this time with an aim of rais- who has m ade a throw of 205 continued w ith an 18-hour daily ed and hom e operated store. feet this year, and then th ere will , salaries of teachers in schedule. M urphy pointed ou t th a t the A shland to the state level. T h t tie Byfua, top high ju m p er of the The new building is one of store would have a chance to buy university, who has leaped 6 feet budgct wil1 8*ve teach- the m ost m odern radio statio n s and sell qu ality m erchandise at a inches Jack Doyle, s ta te ch am ­ «u m ore in 1947-48 in the state, and has tw o studios, a cheaper ra te through th eir b u y ­ th an they received last year. pion high h u rd ler of last years one control room, a tran scrip tio n ing tie up w ith B u tler brothers H illsh,,rough team will com pete R eopening of the new ly m od­ and record library, th ree offices, . ^ / ac UP tdc budget com m it­ distributors. in a special ex h ibition against W tee, which was headed by Dr R ernized L ithia th eate r som etim e a new s room, and a large lobby. The store will have five to eig h t W right, negro star, and num bei L. Burdic, is a com m ittee from n e x t week, will find m any of The sta tio n has 24-hour A ssociat­ em ployees, and will operate on a ite L k one h u rd le r of the U niversity of cl,u.b coniPost‘d of Bob daily schedule from 9 00 a.rn. to iw th e sam e people in the audience ed Press News service. O regon. H entliorne will give an inholdt, « x iu H iu arold ----------------« w e r r M n i errill, , and .Southern Oregon college will 5:00 p.m. Bob R einholdt. KWIN m anager, exhibition in the 100 yard dash M eU, ow ner of the store, be-1 i n ^ b e l t i n g 'k in d s ° fro m ^varteus w ho atten d ed the original open- cam e to A shland on D ecem ber 10 he hosts to the S outhern Oregon in ? f o î i ? ' i h eatT ,r ’ ? " May from KW IL in A lban A shland's track team w / „ m usic festival, to be held at the f a n o perating the Metz variety civic bodies to be spent ¿n a nuh ------------ V, w h ere he 14, 1914. Jam eson Selleck, city Coach F rank O'N eil will go to college auditorium and g y m n a­ •to re 10 years ago in A shland. had been for five years. P rio r to | Ik ity cam paign to aWU h T p a s s a ^ m an ag er of R obert L ip p ert th e a t­ th a t h e atten d ed Oregon S tate K lam ath Falls S atu rd ay A pril 26 sium , A pril 25 and 26 .G lenn Mat ers, stated th a t su rv iv in g m em ­ college and W ilam ette univ ersity to e n te r in th<- S outhern Oregon,' thew s, m usic instructor at S.O.C. bers of th e box p arties of th at R einholdt rem ained in A shland N orthern C alifornia meet P re li­ is in charge of all arran g em en ts night, 33 years ago, w ere being all du rin g the construction of the m inary events will s ta rt at 1.30 — for this affair. Schools entered invited to atten d the show ing of new station, supervising its re ­ p m o n the K lam ath high sch o o l! «rt> M edford. A shland, G rants “The Jolson S tory,” which will tu rn to the air. H. S in g m aster and R obert Held and final events will b e g in ' Bass. R oseburg, G lendale, N orth open at th e m odernized th eater. at « 4.1 p.m. on the lighted field. I Bend, M yrtle Point, Coos R iver Dodge, of A shland have been a p ­ h O th er staff m em bers at KWIN kPlans- S?r lhb A shland pointed to serve on a p erm an en t At th e first opening, “F au st,” include: Ed B arn ett, com m ercial o .K u e riie H n o obart, o a rt, w as m ana county K eep O regon G reen com ­ are Ix-inu n' j unlo,j st'n *or prom , starrin g ra M arg arguerite was anager: Lee Bullis, program dir- T b e .th eai f r was th e n ' m ector:’ m ittee, by G overnor Snell. F rank ion of*Ed Floyd Rush, engine e r: Hull, Jr., of M edford wa.s ap p o in t­ ed acting ch airm an of the com- mi tt.ee. Hull will call an o rg a n i­ aUvaier .«gainst C ottage G rove who wax u u * r i g r o u p s 1 0 nwt- part in zation m eeting som etim e in the lu s t w ith 4!. T here w ere tw enty- this non-com petitive festival. C'ommittees th at h ave been ‘ "O A shland's ju n io r high and sen n ea r future, at w hich tim e a chosen for the prom in clu d e- dec- two schools en tered in the B d iv ­ Radio S tatio n KW IN is ow ned ision. W inners in the event w e re - ¡or high school m usical students chairm an will be elected for this «¡aBon; Bob LeBlanc, B arbara ™eater' .Wl11 .bp guest of honor 1st place, jav elin ; 159' 9" by J e r ­ will ap p e ar at the follow ing tim es season, and plans m ade for an M cCleary, B eatrice Wines; oro- W ednesday n ig h t hy the Rogue V aliev B roadcast­ H. B. H urst, also of A shland ing com pany of which M. S. Ham- ry M itchell. This establi.siied a during th;:- festival; J u n io r high intensive program to stop m an- Vir« inia Lutz and Bob operated caused forest fires, the th e a te r from 1922 ak e r is president. O th er officers new record in the H ayw ard m eet school band; nine o'clock Friday O regon’s most in ten siv e forest Phillips; food, Edith T urnbull, to 1944, w hen it was sold to W al­ are records. 4th place, pole vault; 10 m orning; A shland high school Harold M errill, vice-p resi­ Flim au McKeever> and Louis« ? , G len Nelson. 4th place, discus boys q u a rte t 4:50 p.m. F riday fire p revention cam paign in h is­ te r L ev erette and ren am ed the dent; and Jo h n Billings, sec ret­ tory will get u n d e r w ay in Jack H a , J e rry Randles. 1st place, afternoon; high school mix«*, T entative plans now include an Lithia. The L ippert th e a te r chain ary. th ree m ile relay, Ray G raber, chorus, 7:50 p.m. F riday evening son C ounty w ithin a few days ac­ orchestra for dancing d uring the bought the th eate r a few month* P ersons atten d in g th e «men K enneth M ickle, D„n Wolfe, and A shland senior high school band cording to Dean P aul M. Dunn, evening, and a buffet luncheon. ago and since th en it has b e e n . house S un d ay will have th e od - C orvallis, sla te com m ittee c h a ir­ Georg«- F u llerton. They ran the 9:30 p.m., F riday evening; girls A royal co u rt will also be chosen com pletely rem odeled and r e d e - , n o rtu n itv of inspecting th«' sta- «¡on .. three m ile relay in 13 m inutes, 52 sextet, 10:20 a.m. S atu rd ay ; Ju n m an of K eep O regon G reen. An Delore th e prom to reign over the corated in a C o lo n ia l m o t i f tion. m eeting th e staff, and early, d ry sp rin g w ith a grave A ccording to M att F r e e d, j w atching production of the sp ec- seconds, an d fo u r-tenths. This ior high school m ixed chorus, 4:10 tn n T 'fh ThCre WiU bv a queen tim e also se t a record for the p.m. S atu rd ay ; J u n io r high school shortage of rain fall throughout irom the senior class, w ith three S o u th ern O regon m an ag er of the! ¡al program , as well as others H ayw ard m eet, by seventeen and trip le trio, 3:40 p.m. S atu rd ay th e state, m arks 1947 as potential princesses from t h T ju n io r cîkss w u i * ^ theate.rs; u the new L ithia that are to follow d u rin g the ‘i 1 be ° " e of the m ost m odern 1 afternoon. E rvin L esser and O. J. B jorlie are ly the m ost dangerous fire season and th ree from the sen o r e l « « tw o tenths seconds. in m any years. n o m m t senior class. ! and up to date th eate rs in th e, I ied for 5th place, high jum p m usic in stru cto rs in the A shland Pacific northw est. » l a y ; Glen Nelson, Roger Hall, schools. MRS MABEL WINSTON TO C lim ax ol the two «lay festival R obert LeBlanc, 6th place, shot SPEAK TO A.A.U.S. GROUP put; J e rry Lunger, J e rry M itchell, w ill be a concert S a tu rd a y night Mrs. Mabel W inston. D ean of J e ir y R andles. 2nd plac«1, sprint in the college gym nasium hv ; C b n sto p h er M organ was U C , , , W I ■ W omen at S ou th ern O regon C ol­ . C hristopher M organ was m edley relay. G ordon G w inn m ixed band, orchestra, m ixed lege. will ad d ress th e G ra n ts Pass 1 w l ed i " Mili Vallcy. C alifornia, Rex M organ, Boh LaB lanc and chorus, an d a girls chorus. S tu d ­ branch of A.A.II.S. Satu^dav. W ednesday .A pril ¿J. 23, i in the fam fam -; G len Nelson. ents from the various schools will L' 1---- . . n tne Anril 26. Mrs. W inston \ 'i l l re ­ Mis. C. M. k ra zier, p a st county 'b ' plot. M organ died a t the home tak e p art in this concert. C hester view th . --- e ' events of the tilt 1 national in LI t Hitt l P a re n t ol h *s son, W. D. M organ, S u nday.! Miss V irginia H am m ond assist-1 Am Duncan, form erly supervisor of rnd h lty . oU lcer. ,n lhe a s s w is i l t-1 A » m erican Association of U niver- e?Cn?r association, w ill ac t as April 20. He had lived in A shland 1 ed by Miss Florence P rv b il l e m usic in the P ortland schools, annual for the p ast seven years ’ I direct the play "H ouse o wV« _?onvention which will direct the m ass hand. George installing officer for th e j o i n t in siallatio n ol P .i.A . o ttic -1 M organ was born in H enrv S trangeness ” which was setert«J 'k S i?e d " Texas- from which B oughton, professor of m usic at ers, May 6, a t the ju n io r high I C ounty Illinois, Ja n u a ry 25, 186«.!(by Bob G riffith and C h a rle n e ! ” ° as JOs^ J ^ tu rn e d - the university of Oregon, will sfh,...i «•/. . jum ui iiign ■ aa n u ary zo, i860, school cafeteria. In stallatio n w m F u . n eral services w ere conducted ■ Roberson, to be th e A shland high . SGT. BUTLER HAS BEEN din-et the orchestra, and Conrad ............. be a luncheon. oe preceded by noon luncheon I for him a t thp L itivili», «,.«,....i school senior play to be produced i TRANSFERRED TO MEDFORD foi the itw iller funeral P ointing o u t th a t A shland’s Sandiv, of the M ontana S tate O tficers th a t will be installeu chapel .Tuesday afternoon, with at the ju n io r high school au d ito r­ fu tu re an,* Present in retail busi­ college will direct the choral F irst Sgt. Jo h n E. B u tler of include: Mrs. Ja c k Z ittercob, p re ­ the R everend J. C. W hitsett In ium , May 9. ness largely d< trended on proper 1 «roups P o rtlan d has been assigned Jack- sident of the Ju n io r-S en io r P.T.A charge. m erchant! i-.. ng and salesm anship, C h aracter p arts in the play will Son, Josep h in e and K la m a th unit, M is. W illiam E. H ealy, vice- He is su rv iv ed by four sons be tak en by the following seniors: H arold N ew ton, m e m b e r o f counties, as his area to w ork as president; Mrs. C arry l W ine’s, sec­ *ia Ph E. M organ, the Dalles T o astm aster’s in tern atio n al s ta t­ S andra P em bleton, M argie H ol­ u n it in stru cto r for the organized re ta ry ; Mrs. L. R. H unt, tre a su re r W ilbur D. M organ and Jo h n C. ed at the M onday night m eeting lingsw orth. F rancine A shm ore, reserve. B u tler will have tem por- Uiese otficers will replace Mrs. C.’ o f the g roup th a t people would W ednesday was guest day for M. Bailey as p resid en t; Mrs. jack M organ of A shland; B ernard E M arlys Wilcox. W inetta B ullitt' . ary offices in the A rm y R ecru it­ M organ of Mill Valley, C alifor­ shop and buy a t establishm ents the Soroptim ist club. Mrs. Ray Zittercob, vice-president; Mrs. nia; one dau g h ter, Mrs. Viola D arlene Hale. Ju n e W interbot- ing office. Room 1, Postoffice th a t offered them the best facili­ Wilson, friend of Mrs. Giles I C arry! W ines was .......... . ties and the m ost courteous ser- Steinke, Mairo, N ebraska anc tom, W illette H arnden. W ayne building, M edford, Oregon. < vice. Guy M organ of Wayne, N ebrask; M errin, C het Rapp. Tobias B u llitt E" ” e ' and a sister, Mrs. Viola Rubeek, F red W hited. R andolph W inter- He recom m ended th at ail stores in A shland in v en to ry th eir per Wayne, N ebraska. T here are also bottom , Ronald Q uackenbush. sonnel and th eir stocks and get dell Law rence, w ere guests of p resid en t Mrs. W illiam W rie h t- six gran d ch ild ren th at survive Abby Pierce, M arietta lfanscom him. rid of dead w o rd in both d ep art differen m em bers. Shug, Bob G riffith. M aria, C h a r­ vice-president, M r s R o b e rt’ m ents. lene Roberson. P aul Carson, Wes- S oioptim ists w ent on record as Dodge; sec retary Mrs Rodnec O th er speeches M onday night being in favor of the increased K eating, and tre a s u re r' lVhs W ey M cKenzie. A shland, P hoenix and M edford w ere m eue by Roger R ath who school tax levy th at will be voted i O. M organ Mrs A F n 1 The story begins on a rain y N eighbor of W oodcraft lodge sta te d that th e A m erican govern­ i ” “ ’ ,1 A pril 30. and ! last T A I night afte r a bus accident and the m einbers will be hostess to the m en tal ag tn c ie r should clean voted to donate $25.00 for publi- president; Mrs W iliian Wrie'ht M. P. D unn was appointed Em ­ district convention A pril 28 and th eir ow n sk irts of C om m unists S “ nced f" r l" « h w « • « • ' m , J. ' i i 1; inent G rand C aptain of the G u a’t Arrival of the p assenger’s at a 29, in M edford. All arran g em en ts before attem p tin g to îe in o v c rundow n farm house occupied by G rand C om m anderv K. T. of O re­ C om m unism lrorn Greece. E n tertain m en t was furnished M organ ^was ^ e ^ l e c t e d te her gon, a t the grand session of the I suspicious ch aracter. Shug for the program for these tw o days have been com pleted. R obert Dodge, m e nbe. ef the Masonic York rite held in Port From th ere num erous events l s * .h *fh sch°ol boys qu artet, position as tre a su re r M onday afternoon, April 28, A shland P a th board, told the w tak e place, all centered around land last week. R obert E. Dodgi Lincoln school P T A nffirors in itiatio n will be held w ith the group ab out his recent trip to w hich includes: Bill Bissell, Har-1 was elected to the position of R P o rtlan d and ex p lained (hat he i v L annasti) J e rry M itchell, and Include; Mrs. H arold R Th m is Excellent G rand Scrihe. of the the cap tu re of G entlem an Jo h n ritual to be said by a gu ard team r W l,klr>son. The q u arte t pi sidvnt: Mrs W illiam Beaele and his moll w ho are in disguise. of 16 w om en from the Ashland, had found m any ideas on com ­ 2 g fa u r n u ,n b ers, and one o f : v ice-president; Mrs. L R Hune G lan d C h ap ter RAM of Oregon Phoenix and M edford lodges. m u n ity recreatio n th ere that th The R everend A. H. M acD on' the m em bers, J e rrv M itchell, {secretary ; and Mrs. Tom C arter Tuesday evening, A pril 29, the w ould be applicable to the com ­ played tw o piano solos. public is invited to atten d the treasurer. Mrs. Elm o Stevenson,' nell was appointed to serve the m u n ity recreation program in rand C h ap ter as G rand C han session, a t which tim e m em bers A shland. was the outgoing p resident ,,t G DORIS RENzEMA ACCEPTS lain. A. J. M cCallen who holds Lincoln P LA.; Mrs. G or d o n of the Phoenix lodge will tell of Don H in th o rn e was toastm ast­ NEW TEACHING POSITION P irkon " 11 ’ m em bership j in n the th e local lodge T uesday ev en in g ’s spring con­ tne ju v en ile work of th eir ju v e n ­ er, W endell L aw rence was topic Doris R enzeina of A shland, a D E hnr« Mrs c .I but . lives in - P ortland - .........- . was elect­ cert, presented by A sh la n d ile lodge, w hich is one of the la r­ m aster, L ynn N ew bry, critic, and g rad u ate of S outhern Oregon Col­ D. E lh art .secretary; and Mrs. ed , to the position of I. G rand school’s m usic students, was cli­ gest in this district. Mrs. Florence g a rte r, in the sam e position that E m m ett W hitham m ade a five lege .has accepted a teaching posi­ C aptain of th e G uard In the m ax ed by both the ju n i„ r high Drake, Phoenix, will act as g u a r­ m in u te ex tem p o ran eo us speech. tion in the p rim ary grades r»t she was elected to G rand council R & S M asters of school and senior high choir sin g ­ dian neighbor, d u rin g the con­ Mrs F ran k Van Dyke was re- Oregon. E arl Schilling will preside at Jacksonville. Miss Renzem a, who ing. “Along th e N avajo T ra il?’ vention; Mrs. D orothy Loffer, n ex t M onday s m eeting of the taught on an em ergency ce rtifi­ «Tmted pros,dent of city council and “This Is my co u n try .” The Phoenix, will be the m usician P.T.A.; w ith Mrs. W illiam Rea­ T o astm asters club ..if the L ith ’a cate last y e a r nt G riffin Creek Mr. and Mrs, V erne Johnson concert was undei hotel. Edw in If. S in g m aster will is a diplom a g ra d u ate of SOC gan nam ed again fls v jce . p resj. w eek?6? - S ? tu ; day from a ” six ' n f ' o . ' c . 'i^ o rH e? vocm '’ instimetm Miss Enid C aster, Phoenix, will be senior g u ard ian ; and Alma dent; Mrs. H arvey Woods re-elect be th e to piem aster for the Mon- She will s ta rt teaching in Tael • uk j u P to Iowa w bere thev in the A shland schools ten n ett, A shland, will serve as cd as trea su rer; and Mrs. II. A day evening m eeting. Em m ett sonville at a salary ef $2.700. l" ? P ^ n t s . Mr. and Mrs. The girls t-ip le trio, bovs S flag bearer. I nomas was form erly s- cretai \ W hitham will give a t?n m inute I «it S h ie ld s , Jr. E nroute h«