Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, April 17, 1947, Image 1

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y . ot Q. Ubrary.
Form erly The
Southern Oregon
Good Jobs a M onth
S3 per Year
2 Year* (or $5
Construction On
Plaza Project Is
Finally Underway
Actual construction w ork on
the Plaza roadw ay project be­
gun tluu wi ek w hen a crew ot
w orkm en moved into the uieu
and begun cleaning it up p re p a ra ­
tory to actual c o n stitu tio n of the
A lb eit W. D enton, p io p n cto i
of the D enton C onstruction com
puny ot Vancouver, W ashington,
who was aw arded the hid, has
stated th at rero u tin g ol ira lm
should not be necessary except
lor sh o rt periods and th at the
pian ol co n struction lie was lot
lowing would perm it use ol lilt
o ld highw ay until the new one
was ready tor use.
Denton s co n tract culls foi com ­
pletion ot the project by Ju ly 31.
Mothers Will Be
Honored May 10th
M others will be honored at
S o u th ern Oregon college on May
10th. In v itations arc being sent to
m others of both wom en and men
students, according to M argery
N ew ton and her program co m m it­
tee for th a t day.
An "H onor A ssem bly" will be
held in th e afternoon. T he "Ah
W ildernesss" production, which
bus ju st com pleted a tli ee week
end run at the L ithia hotel bull-
hooin, will be presented on S a tu r­
day evening. A luncheon and
spring fashion show are also be­
ing arran g ed for the afternoon
program .
T h u rsd ay A pril 17, ld H
A S K IA N I). JA( KSON ( O U N T Y , O K I U
R obert K. D o d g e, M P. D im
R everend A II M c D o n n e ll, W ill
is W W illia m s , M o r io n E. Ne»,
to n , a n d H a ro ld E. N e w to n re
p re s e n te d th e lo c a l lo d g e, th e
f ir s t o l th is w eek, at th e G ra n o
session o f Y o rk R ite M a s o n ry in
I'm H and.
Hit and Run Car
Driven By Baker
W ilson C. B aker, 311 B S tr e e t
A shland has been charged w ith
hit and run driving and reckless
driving by state police as a re ­
This session was held from sult of an accident £wo m iles
M onday through W e d n e s d a y ,
east of T alent, in whirl) a m o to r­
A pril 14 to Hi.
cycle being ridden by Thom as
Mi Ison, 39, of Bridge street,
Armitage and Block Neely
Ashland, H erbert Irw in Taylor,
Opening in Ifellview and W ilbur Taylor, was forced
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. A rm itari off the road by an autom obile
and Mr. B. Block will open a cafe driven by Baker.
and service station som etim e this
Milson and H erbert T aylor are
week at Bellview. A rm itage and in a M edford hospital as a re ­
Block will operate the service s ta ­ sult of the accident. P revious to
tion w hile Mrs. A rm itage and her the accident which occurred at
son. Leon, will o p eiate thé cafe.
The cafe will have a seating c a ­ <1:15 p.m. W ednesday Milson had
ridden to T alent w ith oak er. Mil-
pacity of about tw elve.
Mr. and Mrs. A rm itage will son decided to re tu rn to A shland
move from T alent to their apart on the m otorcycle w ith th e T ay ­
nient w hich is above the garage lors, and it was on the re tu rn
They huve tw o sons, Leroy and trip th a t the accident happened.
Leon, both of which w ere ju st Baker, was unable to raise $250.00
recently discharged from v a 1 j bond on the reckless driving
vice. Leroy is w orking at Becks
1 charge or $1500 on the hit and
bakery in Medford.
j run ch aij^ and is being held in
Dr. W illiam B racket, Dr M ar­ ) the county jail.
cus B. Woods, and Dr. R. L. B u r­
dic w ere in M edford T uesday Tommy Newton Nam­
evening, A pril 15, to atten d ¡>
m onthly dental m eeting.
ed Lettermen’s V-Pres
. —
-.—l i —
Walker Beverage
Planning to Move
Plans to move the W alker
B everage com pany from its p re­
sen t locution in the A shland
cream ery to a new plant at the
c o in er of H etm an and C entral
avenue, behind the present N ew ­
bry o rchards plant, w ere a n ­
nounced this week by W. W.
W alker, who w ith C athe W alker,
own and operate the business.
The new plant will be 50 x 20
1 feet and will com prise
I sq u are feet of floor space. Bottl-
I ing m achinery will be moved in
I April and the plant will reopen at
E ntrance blanks will he d is tri­ 1 the new location in May.
buted w ithin a week or ten days
The W alker p la n t served Jack-
to all persons Interested in p a rti­ Ison and Josephine county w ith
cipating in a city wide tennis Royal C row n cola, Nehi bev er­
to u rnam ent, according to it. N. ages, and P ar-T -P ak beverages. It
Fletcher, Y. M. C A. secretary. has been in operation since Aug
This to u rn am ent will be sponsor­ list 1946. W alker, who was form ­
ed by the A shland Y.M.C.A. erly from K lam ath Falls ta m e to
young m en's club. This group me A shland a fte r serving a hitch in
Tuesday evening, A pril 15, at the the Senbees during the war.
city library.
A ccording to O rsen W ray of the
T here will be a junior and sen ­
the space
ior division in the tournam ent, A shland cream ery
d by tin
and all persons fifteen years ol
beverage com pany will be utiliz
age and over will h e eligible.
ed for storage and supplies at
To Head Celebration
U. S. Army
Voi. 14, No. G
Murphy Will Head ’47
July 4th Celebration
John Murphy, m anager of the
local Federated Store w ho w ill
be general chairm an of the 1947
Fourth of July celebration in i
Softball League
Starts Saturday
S aturday afternoon, April 19.
the Y.M.C.A. church softball lea­
Tom m y Newton. A shland, was gue will s ta rt th eir p relim inary
elected vice pre ¡dent of the S o u ­ playoffs, on the Ju n io r hign
diam ond.
th ern O regon college letterm en 's school
Churches particip atin g in this
club, at th eir first m eeting of the league are: C hurch of C hrist,
year, A pril 9. This is the first First M ethodist, C ongregational,
m eeting of this club since 1939.
Nazarene, F irst B aptist, Presby-
M onthly m eetings are planned 1 terian,
and the F riends church of
to be held in the recreation room, Talent.
w ith D arrell Copeland, "N ails"
fever one-hundred boys wil
G orm an, and G ordon Peterson, I take p art in this softball league,
appointed to plan the next m e e t­ and gam es will be played every
ing. S ixteen m em bers w e r e p r e ­ ' S aturday afternoon d uring the
sent for the first session.
next seven weeks, according to
------ --- -<>•—■ ■
i R. N Fletcher, secretary of the
I Y.M.C.A.
Scouts to Jump Gun
On Swimming Season
Bov Scouts of the A shland
and R ogue R iver V alley area
w ill have a chance to open
the sw im m ing season at Tw in
P lunges, Friday, April 25. one
day before the official op en ­
ing of the season, according
to Don M cW hirter, cam ping
chairm an of Troop 12. who
has m ade arrangem ents w ith
O w en Gragg, proprietor of
the P lunges for the Scout
sw im .
A ccording
to McWhirter.
Gragg w as glad to cooperate
w ith the scout program and
offered the pool free on that
scout com m ittee chairm an,
slated today that m ore than
lik e ly all troops in the .area
w ill be invited to attend the
sw im day.
P. T A. To Elect
Officers Thursday
Heading the 1947 Ju ly 4th cele­
bration in A shland will be Jo h n
M urphy, general m an ag er oi the
F ederated Store, W illiam Healy,
secretary of th e C ham ber of
Com m erce, announced T uesday at
the w eekly m eeting of the cham ­
ber of com m erce.
M urphy will have charge of
th e d a y ’s events w inch wifi in ­
clude a parad e, w hich will be
presented un d er the direction of
Jo h n D augherty, C. P. T alen t and
Jac k Young; a F o u rth of Ju ly
speech in L ithia P ark , R oger
R ath, p resid en t of Toastm asters,
is fu rnishing a sp eak er; a beauty
contest, Dr. G eorge H ull c h a ir­
m an of this ev en t; C oronation of
the Queen, direction of th e Soi -
optim ist club; a rodeo w hich is
un d er the auspices of th e riding
association; a barbecue w ith B ert
M iller as head chef; various lield
sports un d er the d irection of Jea n
E b erh art, and firew orks, co n tro ll­
ed by C lint B aughm an.
The celebration w hich will tak e
place F riday, Ju ly 4 is tra d itio n ­
al w ith A shland. L ast y e a r 12000
out of tow n cars registered for
th e day and th is y ear double th at
n u m b er are expected.
Tickets on Sale
Mrs. A. E. P eters, Mrs. R. B.
H ighlights of the Ju ly 4th cele­
C am pbell and Mrs. C arl Gross- b ratio n this year, as in previous
m an, nom inating com m ittee for years, will be the aw ard in g of a
officers of th e Ju n io r S enior P a r­ new autom obile to some lucky
en t Teachers association, will m em b er of th e S o u th ern O regon
give th e ir re p o rt T hu rsd ay even- I D evelopm ent Association at the
ing w hen P.T.A. m em bers m eet an n u al m eeting of SODA m em ­
at th e J u n io r high school. A fter bers in L ith ia P ark . T he au to is
th e ir re p o rt i§ given m e m b e rs' a P lym outh 1947 4-door d elu x e
p resen t w ill vote on a new p r e s i- ; sedan and was secured from C a­
dent, vice president, s e c re ta r y 1 to n ’s Garage.
and tre a su re r of th e J u n io r high '
: .James Y ituig and Joyce M att- P.T.A. Mrs. C. M. B ailey will be I M em bership in SODA costs Si
’ s«r, both s*1.dents
it S outhern th e retirin g p resident; Mrs. J a c k | and is open to anyone who resides
New T estam ents w era given tc ( i-gnu cull, -1 who recently at- Zittercob, vice p resident; Mrs. in this area w ho is in tere ste d in
the m em bers of the A shland high i t'T.ded the D'.e fi? Nortl:w?«t col- C arryl W ines, secretary ; and Mrs. aiding S o u th ern Oregon grow and
schoi 1 stu d e n t body at an assem ­ J ( j e conf ren • •, at Reed college Elm er Biegel treasu rer.
H enry Metz is ch airm an of th e
bly M onday by the Gideon socie­ ;
Portland, have been lecturing
H arold Bishop, ath letic d irector SODA“ fund ra c in g cam paign. He
ty. : presented b\ E. J. N eum an. i. different • iv:e organizations in at S outhern Oregon college, will
M edford, m em ber of the Gideons A. hland, on the resoluti ms d raw n talk on the "recreatio n al pro­ has charge of all sales. All mem -
bers of th e A shland C h am ber of
G eorge High, and N eum iw, " at this conic nee.
g ram ” a t th e P.T.A. m eeting
spoke to th e stu d en t body on ffl7- ‘ Miss-Matte >n ip
• ov er KW1N T hursday ev e n in g « Mrs. R obert C om m erce are selling m em ber-
“ *
value of the New testam en ts and j A; ril 15, a \ d f.i the 'A shland high v t o v g r t - s i r s r
te r ‘s ch airm an of th e m em her-
both expressed th e wish th at tile school assem bly. Young spoke b e­ th p n rn u ra m
meni hers of the stu d en t bodv fore the M edford Ju n io r cham ­
Mrs. C. X- F
F razier
razier and
and Mrs.
Mis. *h iP. sa‘e,S' J " hn S ' ^ a to n Ivor
stu d v ihe testam ents.
ber of com m erce, A pril 1.
H u n t will be in charge of the re ­ Erw in, Hans Lassen, Boh Lugar.
. and Kelcy S m ith are sales cap
freshm ents for th a t evening.
j D istrict sales leaders are Rob
i c it H ardy, IL S. Ingle, Don O'
M ary Lou H ahn and M argaret L-Ieness, H ugh M cKeever. E. J.
. W agner of A shland served as i L aM arre and R ichard Trites.
! pages for the state conference o f ' Block leaders are: O. E. Sabii
C harles Grove, A rch B arksdab
“Lessors L ittle L ad s” will p r e - 'e d lianti will he conducted by its j th e D aughters of the A m e ric a n , B ax ter K avanaugh, P aul F innel
Oregon’s Stat» System of High-
sent a program F riday, April 18. ow n m em bers, w ith Lesser fur- i M edford. M em bers of th e Mt. | C. O. Sears. H. C. Galev, Bob Van
i i E ducation has announced to- ;
t the Ju n io r High School A u d i-I!'? 'h in ' *he accom panim ent on , A shland C h ap ter assisted in d e­ Vleet, and Jim Busch.
eight m em bers of the faculty at , Don H inthorne will be the Toast- . i
r j ..
I th e piano.
Indu strial sales are in charg
C lim axing the program , Ash- corating the luncheon tables.
S o u th ern O regon College will be I m aster for n ext M onday’s meet torium . L ittle Lads , arc mem-
of a com m ittee including Clyd
av ailab le to interested h i g li
bers ol the Lincoln and Washing- la n d ’s Ju n io r High School band,
principal speakers for th e confer- C aton and H a rry M orris.
schools as com m encem ent sp ea k ­ j at the L ithia hotel dining room, ton school bands. This com bine ;l j w ill perform . They will present: i ence.
Scott Reed is in ch arg e of sail
ers this Spring. Those listed were: I j W endell L aw rence will assign school band, m ade up of all be- • a m arch; th e “P ray e r" from Han-
in auto courts and motels.
A rth u r K reisinan. In stru c to r in topics to R obert Dodge, who will ginners, will be u n d er the direc-j sel and G retel"; a tru m p et solo by PLA N N IN G COM M ISSION
English ano L anguages; Roy Me- I 1 m ake a ten m inute speech, and ti< n of Ervin Lesser.
i R uth Taylor, a seventh g rade stu- STU D IES OPEN HIGHW AY
B eauty C ontest
V arious m em bers of the band j den t; a novelty, "The T hree
Neal, Associate P ro tesso r of Geo-1 1 H arold N ew ton and Roger Rati
ty co n test w hich wi '
graphy; Loren M essenger, Assist-1 will give five m inute speeches. have w orked out solos to play; j T rees"; and will close w ith an ning com m ission will stu d y a be a p a rt of this y ears Ju ly 41
an t Professor of Psychology; Leon | Harold M artin will criticise the one group form ed a “H ungryj
ingry , o overtu
v ertu re.
This group has grow n proposal th a t all the Pacific high- celebration is ty select a M r
d u llin g , in stru c to r in E nglish;, 1 talks.
Five"; and th ere will be d u e ls ., this y ear from 38 to 62 m einbei
way he opened to business. The I Ashland who will re p resen t th
Limo S tevenson, P ic sid en t; Ar*!i-1 C larence W illiam s presided at trios, etc. Each of these group
The concert will begin at 7:30 com m ission m et Tuesday ev en ­ ! citv in tiie Miss O regon contes'
ur Taylor, A ssociate P rofessor of last M onday’s m eeting. Lyndell selected them selves the num ber P. M. T here will he no adm ission ing and did not tak e action on a at Seaside, Oregon, late in Ju l;
Social S c ic n c t; M: bel W in sto n ,1 N ew bry gave a ten m inute speech they w ished to play. The combin- charge.
petition p resented by p roperty to select a girl to re p resen t Ore
Dean of W omen and R egistrar; on the "Sales T ax ” law. Dave
ow ners in th e 600 and 700 blocks gon in the Miss A m erica contei
¡inn M a:si.all W oorr il, D ean rf W hittle talk ed on "the U. S. h elp ­
i on N orth M ain req u estin g that at A tlantic City.
ing the re st of the world out."
these blocks be opened to T n isi-
The contest will he operated o
Hign • i in Is interested in eo- P rice H ennan also gave a five
i ness.
a basis of beauty and talen t an
taining .1 ci m nirncem ent spend m inute speech. Jo h n Collins was
The p lan n in g com m ission d e­ brains. E n tran ts will be judge
11 slim ii ,1 o.iacl Di. Elmo S »v- the critic.
The old clock in the tow n m e e t ferred action on this petitio n to by a c o m n rtte e who will pass u j
en so r. P resid ent of S outhern ('«••e-
ing hall m ay become a reality if consider opening of th e highw ay on th e ir relativ e m erits on th
1 on College, tor fu rth e r infotm a-
Mis. G. W. Bruce is in Salem
to business.
above basis.
T w enty tw o m em bers of Job's plans, p resently u n d er consider
1 on ar.ri scheduling.
this w eek visiting hei children.
ation by ihe city, are followed.
I D aughters, A shland B ethel No. M ayor T hornton Wiley, at coun­
J 22, and several of th e ir p atro n ­ cil m eeting Tuesday, requested
e s s e s are presen tly in Portland th a t Biegel check into the possi
atten d in g th e G rand Sessidn oi bilities of obtaining th e clock
I J o b ’s D aughters w hich is being Which was form erly used hv the
held th ere this T hursday, Friday F rist N ational Bank, or a ie
one, and also the feasibility oi
1 and S aturday.
Mrs. L orena M cNair, w o rth y
Im m ediately follow ing the d in ­
W ith th e sale of 24 head of I the h erd in 1929 and took 9 first ’ F rid ay the m em bers of Ashland in stalling it at the City Hall.
ner a stated met ting of A lpha
purebred jersey dairy stock to | ribbons in statew ide contests One ! B ethel No. 22 will present a flag th e T uesday night session in-
ter, o rd er of the Oregon E astern ch a p te r was Held at the Masonic
Cole- ■ cereniony to the o th er Job's
tem ple. Mrs. Louise D aughterty,
Fred C olem an and son of Eaglet rnernh er of the herd which
S tar, was honored T uesday ev e n ­
. ¡m an bought, W ilm a's Lucy of D aughters from the o th er Bethels for citv hall
Point, th e Billings dairy nera, | A shland is producing 72 lbs of th ro u g h o u t the state which a re I • —
— — - P roperties at a sal ing at the an n u al district m eeting Dorothy M urphy, B eryl K ram er,
Olive B urdic w ere m em bers of
I ary of $100 a m onth. A request
Ilie oldest d airy herd in the b u tte r fat per m onth
of th e O.E.S., held at th e W om ­ the decorating com m itttee for the
Listed am ong the m em bers who! by the niay-'r th at Biegel. cit. e n ’s civic c l/b h o u se and the M as­ Tem ple m eeting. R efreshm e n t
Rogue riv er valley, passed out o f : The m ilking herd has never ex-
the hands of the one fa m ily 1 ceeded 35, w hich was the num ber are p resen t are: M ary
- Ann
___ R o b -' ’? ,1orn^ ’ l Vl" ; ani Bri«Ks' n.!em onic tem ple. A delaide Cla r y. com m ittee included: P auline R ob­
-- hirlee
- - N e w b ry ,, ' bers of the finance com m ittee,
which had ow ned it for 70 years. I m ilked d u rin g the war. The herd e ‘ tsi S ally Yates, S
get together
ith offtetals
officials of the grand rep resen ta tiv e of th e Stati ison, Erm a Woods. Louise M cNair
The sale was consum ated Wed-1 has n ea rly alw nvs been n pi-oditc- s h ;' ley Damon, Jack ie Wolcott. | ; ®,
t0£e th e r w
of M issouri, p resented Mrs. Mc- and Louise Oden. G eneral com
I tion herd, rareiy entering the re- S hirley E dw ards, D orothy E lh a rt,' , a ■''■^Pi'uitan testival associatioi , N air w ith several pieces of glass- m ittce m em bers for the district
O w ned by
R alph and Jo h n
tail m ark e t w ith m ilk. M arbeth M cKeever, Ja n e Simp- . coordinate plans for rebuild
w are 'of th e selected p attern of m eeting w ere Mrs. Sara P eters.
Billings the herd was founded in
L ast fall 13 cows wi re sold te son- M argaret W agner, Chloe S te -! in ®
sla gp in th e old Chant
Mrs. McNair.
C lifton M aust, Susie M aust, Andy
1870 by W. C. Myer, g r a n d fa th e r, begin the break u p of the herd, Phens, M ildred Zittercob, Darlene I qua sn< ■ w;is also m ade.
M em bers of A lpha ch a p te r of Stevens, Dollie S tevens and V erla
of R alph Billings. M yer was an buyers included: Joe Schafer. Dale, M ary Lou Hahn, Carla TRACK TEAM TAKES
the O.E.S., headed by Mrs. S ara Lutz.
im porter and breeder of P e rc h ­ V alleyview ,
G eorge Angusich, ^ears, R uth Sites, M arilyn Miller, 10 FIRSTS TO WIN
P eters, as W orthy M atron: A darel
Officers of the A shland Adarc I
eron horses and jersey cattle and Nell C reek, George A ndrew s. S h irley W eitzel. Je a n Clary, v i"-i A shland high school traclcsters ' Chapters of Jacksonville: R eam e s.' ch ap ter who w ere host s i■; in
he b ro ught th e sires of the p re ­ Bellview , and Earl Bostwick, Ap- Kinia Lutz, Joan Van D eW alker,! starred T uesday w hen they took M edford; and Nevita ch a p te r of eluded: W orthy m atron, S a r a P e t ­
sent herd into O regon From the plegate.
, an d B arb a ra W illiams.
ten firsts out of 14 ev en ts in a i C entral P oint w ere hostesses for ers; w orthy patron, C lifton M au­
original strain im ported by My
A ccording to John Billings,
Included am ong the patron- dual m eet w ith G ran ts Pass. G"ien this annual affair. Six o'clock st; Associate m atron, V erla L u t-:
er the m ajority of the d airy herds ju n io r p a rtn e r in the dairv, »i.o: esses w ho are present are Mrs. Nelson was high Tor the m eet d in n er was served to officers and associate patron, R everend A. H.
in this valley and m any th ro u g h ­ m ain reason for selling a t this M arvin M iller, Mrs. M. P. Dunn, w ith 13*2 points.
courtesy girls at the W omens McDonnell; secretary, II ' d Led­
tim e was the low m argin of pro-1 Mrs. Jack Z ittercob, Mrs. G. N. I The next hom e appearan ce of civic clubhouse. Clifford W illiam s ford; treasu rer. W inifred Caton;
out the state w ere founded.
Myer used to trail drive the fit av ailab le to owners. Billings I Bohn. Mrs. C arlton E lhart, and th e track team will he April 3 » sang several solos before th^ dir, conductress, Dollie S tevens; as-
first m em bers of the herd to S al­ pointed out th at the high cost o f , Mrs. Earl N ew bry. Mrs. Lorena w hen th e Lion's track and fie1 ner. Mrs. Jo sephine L an g t r y. soclate conductress. E liz a b e th
em for the first state lairs and j buying feed, and the cost of labor McNair, G rand M atron of the carnival tak es place on W aite M arie Freem an. Sue Thom pson. S pencer; chaplain, Susie Maust
various cattle from the herd have , at present m ade it v irtu ally im- rand C h ap ter of the O rder of Ihe P hillips field.
C arm el B arnthouse. Anna J hn- m arshall, D orothy M urphy: oi
been show n at practically every 1 possible for them to operate and Eastern S ta r of Oregon is also a t ­
son, and Mabel Mapes w ere it. ganist. L illyan G ragg; Ada, Joan
state fair and all the Jackson realize a n et gain. P resent prices tending.
Mr. and Mrs H arry D udley of charge of d in n er nrram ipnient
H eard; R uth, M uriel K ram er;
county fairs w hich have been for w holesale m ilk do not p e r­
T aylor stree t made" a to u r or' D ecoration com m ittee for the E sther, Cora B ruce; M artha. M ar
m it pro fitable operation, Billings I Mr. and Mrs. B ert M ottner and S o u th ern Oregon S unday w ith clubhouse d in n er included: B lan­ 1 garet M iller; Electa, Luci 1 1 e
held in Oregon.
John Billings, great grandson said, w hen feed and labor are s o ' children left this w eek to spend a th e ir nephew , H. R. D udley of che M urphy, Elsie Doyle, H ester M ackay; W arden, K ath erin e Van
of Myer, exhibited cattle from high.
I vacation in the Eastern states.
P hoenix.
Carter and Elizabeth Spencer.
Vleet; sentinel, Juanita Harris.
City Wide Tennis
Tourney Scheduled
Faculty Members
Eligible to Speak
Don Hinthorne to
Act as Toastmaster
Students Receive
New Testaments
Job’s Daughters
Now In Portland
Billings Family Sells Dairy
Herd Founded 70 Years Ago
Wiley Recommends
Clock for City Hall
Lorena McNair Honored at
Eastern Star District Meeting