4 I Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* (or »5 V/te ¿ m m Ì I ì V u i ô+eço+i ». • • • 40.000 NEWS REVIEW ASUI A M ,, JACKSON C O U N T Y , O R IG O N 3.00 PEH YEAR School Patrons Will Vote April 30 on $35,956.85 j U. of O- Library. E. J. KHUGS HAVE BABY EASTER DAY. APRIL 6 Mi and Mrs. B ernard J Krug are the p aren ts of u baby g in born Easter Sunday, April 6, at at thi* C om m unity hospital in Ashland. Miss Teresa B ernadetti weighed seven pounds. II e i grandm other, Mrs. Nolle B urns, says she will call her "B unny", since she was born on Easter. Tourist Week To Be Theme of Next C. of C. Meeting Regatta To Be Held AI Emigrant Lake Good Jobs a Month U. S. Army T h u rsd ay , A pril 10, 1947 CHRISTENSEN JAILED ON ASSAULT CHAHGE Lions Track and Field Carnival April 30,2 p.m. T alent, A piil 10— Raym ond E Em igrant lake v\ 111 be the scene C hristensen, T alent, i. spending of a regatta. May 4, featu rin g in­ i 10 days In jail on a sentence board craft and more water ski­ , brought ab out by a fam ily fight. ers, according to H. U. M itchell. C hristensen, was charged with as Several thousand persons w it­ i sau lt and b attery by Francis nessed the first boat races of the I C hristensen, his wife, and was ai - S atu rd ay by Jackson coun season held at the lake, A pril 6. I i rested Im re use Will ICaiM* Newbry and Furlong “America’s Fastest Willa W orthington, national ty sh eriff’s officers. The charges W ages by 27'- to Meet Speak at Last Tuesday champion w ater skier, e n te rta in ­ w ere filed in ju stice court. High School Miler’’ ed the crowd. State Standard» M eeting at Lithia Will Be Starred Results: Aahlund school boaul jja tio n s 10 lap m ain ev en t—Howdy Them e of n ext weeks m eeting S o u th ern Oregon spectat o r s will go to the polls , .p ill 30 to H B 257 which gives pedes of the C ham ber of C om m erce will M urray first, Howard Nelson, see- G lenn F Nelson, 17 year old will have an op p o rtu n ity to w atch vote on u budget which in ((«■.sign­ trians right of way over motoi la.- T ourist week, according to in ­ cond, H arry Eyrely third. ed to raise the salaries of local vehicles on mai ked cross walks, form ation released by C ham ber C racing ru n ab o u t— R o c k y A shland high school student, was "A m erica’s fastest high school teachers to a point com parable was passed by the 44th legisla officials. Govei nor Snell has p ro ­ Stone first, Howard Nelson sec­ released last week on $250iTfli, m iler,” George F ullerton, of the w ith the pay of the rest of the tore. R epresentative F rank J claim ed the week of A pril 14 to ond, H arry Eyrely th ird , Dick bond, after being charged with n eg ligent hom icide. The com ­ A shland high school, com pete sta te teachers. Van Dyke, who was one of the 29 as T ourist week and tlx; C b^u. Hulen fourth. p lain t was filed by S tate police ag ain st a F resh m an m iler from The m em bers of the budget proponents of the bill pointed out her will follow the p lo w Ian C hydro boats— Howdy M urray S ergeant Lyle H arrell. com m ittee who m ade a detailed that the form er law diet not state down by the Oregon A dvertising the U niversity of Oregon, A pril frlst, Rocky Stone second, W ilbui N elson was tak en into justice 30, at 2 p.m. on the A shland high study of salary schedules ovei th at a vehicle should stop for a clubs concerning T ourist policy. McDonald third. co u rt w ith a com plaint charging school track. This fe atu re will be the stutv included Ur. H. L. Bur- pedestrian in a crossw alk but At the m eeting held Tuesday, C service boats—H ow ard N el­ him as the d riv e r of th e car that the m ain attra c tio n at the “Lions die, who was chairm an of the that it m erely stated that a ped two speakers, Col. C. W. F urlong son first, Dick Hulen second. crashed into a telephone pole group; Mrs C. L. Wolff, secre estrian had the right of way. and S enator Earl T. N ew bry, a p ­ Rock Stone third, H. A. Moore- ab out one m ile south of the in ­ track and field carn iv al" held tary; O. N. Wray, H arry Morris, th a t day. E rank O'Neil, coach of The law now states, Van Dyke peared before the group. fourth. tersection of Crowson road and th e A shland high school, is c h a ir­ and K. W McNeal. pointed out, th at a m otor vehicle F urlong spoke briefly on the M em bers of School board d is­ m ust stop w hen a p edestrian is Utility craft — H arry Eyre-B highw ay 66 early last Monday- m an of the Lions com m ittee in trict No. 5 who w orked with tlx within th at portion of the cross­ present international policy of the first, Bill Vohlesieck second, H. m orning, M arch 31, at which time charge of this meet. Roland P ark s W illiam A lan M ontgom ery and anti How ard Wiley w ere ap p o in t­ budget com m ittee are; F rank J walk which is being approached S tate d ep artm en t, p articu larly A Moore third. w ith respect to our settin g up a Jo h n V alentine Schm altz lost ed by Lions president, H erb H u s­ Van Dyke, chairm an, G. H. Wen by the m otor vehicle. Bull weight guessing contest— ner, Lloyd Selby, Paul Finnell, The law becomes effective w ith ­ wall against to talita rian e x p a n ­ W. 11. Woodford and Bill M inger, th eir lives. Don M ontgom ery, ton to assist him. sion. • b ro th er of one of boys killed, Mil- and Mrs. M ein Provost. Colonel Bill H ayw ard and Jo h n both of Medford, tied for first. in 90 days of sig n atu re which ton M orrison, and the driver, all W arren, freshm an football coach, Furlong suggested th at in ordei A sh lan d ’s teachers have long would m ean th at enforcem ent of escaped injury. been in the lower w age bracket.' the law would probably become to stop the w estw ard m ovem ent 41 the U niversity of Oregon, will Nelson w aived p r e lim in a r y bring a contingent of track stars oj Russia it would be necessary am ong the state's teachers tin effective on or about Ju ly I. hearin g and will be called before from the U niversity who wilj add budget com m ittee and the mem to follow the A tlantic ch a rter. He th e grand ju ry at a later date. tiers of the school board disclosed. pointed out th at the national poli­ events to this track an d field e x ­ The proposed budget will perm it cies of a naion do not change and Mrs. W. W. W illiam s will bt hibition. R asm ussen, form er Bend teachers who have a th ree yeai th at Russia has been and ev er hostess to the F ortnightly study high school stu d en t, now a fre sh ­ ce rtificate to begin at a wage ol will be expanding so u th w ard to ­ club Monday afternoon, A pril 21, m an at U niversity of Oregon, will $2400. Those w ith a college d e ­ ward absolute control of f e free at her home on Nob Hill. Mrs. G. be am ong the stars from the U ni­ gree will s ta rt w ith $2520. In w aterw ays. C ontrol of th e m outh P. King will give the sh o rt topic, versity. R asm ussen was on the structors who have a masters d e ­ of the D anube would be th<- first and Mrs. C arrol P ra tt will pre all-A m erican high school team gree will sta rt w ith a wage ot step tow rad control of th e Dar- sent the book review-. last year along w ith G eorge F u l­ >2040 denelles, the Suez canal an d thus, lerton. He was also state pole- Mrs. C. H. P utney reveiw ed, The percentage increase will control of Asia, Europe, and A fri­ "Mr. B landing builds his dream vau lt cham pion. J a k e Leicht, all- Thirty-five Permittee» m ean th at teachers In the Ash ca, A m erican half-back of the college house," at last M onday afternoons land schools will get 27'i more will also come to A shland. S o u th ­ To Graze 3000 Cows College No Longer to N ew bry, who nas ju st re tu rn e d m eeting of the study club. Mrs. m oney n ex t y ear th an they re ­ ern Oregon, will also have track E. O. Sm ith gave the sh o rt topic from an 83 day session in th e I and 1000 Sheep in *47 ceived in 1046-47 Be Considered a Small stars on th e field. 44th legislature, spoke largely o n ' on- B erm uda." The club m et at T he am ount which patrons will the bills handled by bis commit-1 l " e home of Mrs. Ralph Billings, Sectional School A shland high sctiool trac k ste rs T hirty-five perm ittees are p re ­ vote on in excess of the 6% lim i­ will com pete w ith the M edford tation is $.15,050.85 Board m em ­ sently ranging 3,000 cattle and tee, the L abor and In d u stry com-1 S o u th ern O regon college, which high school tracksters, th at sam e bers and m em bers of tin budget 1,000 sheep in the A shland dis­ m ittee. form erly was considered ju st a day. He did m ention at the b e g in -1 com m ittee pointed out that all trict ol the Rogue R iver forest, M em bers of the Lions club will sm all sectional school, has ta k ­ the school d istricts in Oregon but Harold Thom as, district ranger, ning of his talk th a t the govern- ! en on a cosm opolitan air, a s u r­ have tickets for sale next week. o r’s veto of the bill to p erm it the on«- a re holding elections to e x ­ announced this week. ■ ■ - ■ - — o--------- — vey com piled’ by the- R egistrar's ceed the 6% lim itation. The D al­ Thom as pointed out th a t there state to take over C am p W hite office at SOC and released to day was to him a great disap p o in t-) les is th e only district which it had been no reduction in the to t­ John Quincy Adam s and his reveals. The su rvey is in the not voting. al num ber of cattle or sheep p er­ ment. B oard m em bers and m em bers m itted on the forest grazing area N ew bry claim ed th at the slow son, John Q uincy Adams, Jr., a f° rm ° f a tab u latio n of the geo­ distrib u tio n of the o t the budget com m ittee stated in the A shland district T hrough­ ness of the legislature was caused m inor, are being sued for $10,000 graphical general and $394.00 special dam- hom es of SOC students. that in th eir opinion the people of out the Pacific N orthw est, how ­ by the tax atio n problem . , s by Em m ett J. Davy, who! SOC stu dents enrolled re p re­ the com m unity w ould w an t to ever, there have been some a d ­ N ew bry's com m ittee handled 5C ^'.¡ie sses th a t, y o ung .Adams was s e n t ten states and the Dominion Basil C raig and C. A. Irw in pay th e ir teachers wages consist­ ju stm en ts m ade, but these w ere bills; am ong them wiTre SB' 323 guilty of negligent operation anti of" C anada. ’ S tu d en ts hail from opened th e “College C leaners", " en t w ith the fine service which sm all, and d id n 't apply to the Ash which outlaw s secondary boy­ m anagem ent of an autom obile P ennsylvania, W ashington, llli- at 509 Siskiyou boulevard, M un­ th e y i l l " g iv i n g . T h e r is e in s a la i . land district. cotts. SB 314 which provides that last D ecem ber 27. nois, C alifornia, South Dakota, day, April 7. They have erected schedules will enable the Ash "The average livestock ownei labor disputes be settled by sec­ Davy was a passenger in the O klahom a, M innesota, Iowa, Ohio, a new building 75 x 30. w ith land schools to retain their best who has a national forest graz­ re t ballot. autom obile, which is ow ned by J. A lberta, and O ntario as well as m odern dressing room s available teachers and will place D istrict 5 ing perm it will m ore than likeiy He also m entioned HB 159 Q. Adams, and was riding in it Oregon. Most of th e large coast for “pressing w hile y o u «¿’ait." officials in a position w hereby continue to use the reserve area which decreases in terest on in­ from Ashland to M edford w hen cities are rep resen ted in th e s tu ­ T here is also p len ty of p ark in g they can bid with other first indefinitely for w hatever nu m b ­ dustrial accident com nii s s i o n an accident occured n ear th e u n ­ d en t body—P o rtland, S eattle. T a­ space in th at locality. class d istricts in the sta te for the er of livestock the range will funds, and Basil Craig, was p reviously e n ­ increases the total derpass north of A shland. Davy- coma, Spokane, Los Angeles, and best help in the stale . carry w ithout d eterio rat i o n," sum s payable as com pensation gaged in the cleaning busines O akland. O ther large cities re p ­ received a fractu red shoulder Thom as stated. blade and fractu red collarbone resented are Chicago, M in n eap o ­ w ith his fa th e r at 823 Siskiyou boulevard, across from the B oul­ and facial cuts w hen the auto lis, Toledo, and O ttaw a. ev ard m arket. C raig en listed and collided w ith an ap proaching car. H ere in Oregon stu d en ts have served in W orld W ar II, w hich Van Dyke and Lom bard re p re­ come from forty-six cities and caused the fo rm er estab lish m en t sen t Davy. Briggs and B-iggs are tw elve different counties. Besides to close. Talent, April 10—T alent's high atto rn ey s for the defendent. The the usual strong contingent of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Irw in o w r R alph M cCullouch was install school baseball team will play su it was filed In circu it court stu dents from A shland, M edford th e property on w hich the nev. P roblem s of the m igrant w ork­ K lam ath Falls, G rants Pass and cleaning estab lish m en t is c o n ­ M onday. ed as ex alted ru le r of the local the C entral Point t e.tp* .Friday. er w ere p resen ted to the Sorop­ Lakeview , stu dents have come structed. Mrs. Irw in is a siste r ol Elks lodge, No 944, W i’ilniM i.n A pril 11, at C entral P o in t tim ists at th e reg u lar m eeting I from points as diverse as P o rt­ Craig. T alent played Phoenix high's evening, A pril 2, in the Elks tem ­ land, Roseburg. Redm ond, N orth ple. H ow ard Oden is the retiring team last Friday, A pril 4, and lost W ednesday, w hen M i s s J e a n ! Bend, Coos Bay, Bend, Eugene, ex alted ruler. O ther oflicers in ­ by a score of 7 to 1J. L ineup for T h u rb er, a m igrant cam p s o c ia l’ A storia and Salem. C ounties b e­ stalled incude: Roland Parks, the gam e included: Gorman* Mc­ w orker, spoke to the group. “R ush W eek" began for Alpha Miss T h u rb er, who was in tro ­ sides Jackson include K lam ath j leading K night; G ordon Pickell, C ulley, Cox, Fenton. M ilhoan, K appa ch ap ter of Epsilon Sigma C o o s , M ultnom ah loyal k n ight; ‘ Buzz" Hamby, Sanders, Gordon, W illiams, and duced by Miss Je a n e tte Sm ith, A lpha m em bers, th is,w eek . They Josephine, A play titled, L ittle Blaci; Deschutes. U m a tilla ! lecturing k n ight; Sid Reed, sec­ Jam es. M ilhoan pitched all seven has been establishing nursery m et a t the civic club house M on­ Douglas, schools and teen age clubs in m i­ j j Sam bo" will be presen ted by Lane, C urrv. C latsop and Linn. re ta ry ; H. H. G illette, treasurer: innings. g ra n t cam ps throughout the west. day evening, and discussed plans B ellview school m em bers, S atu r- Ed S pencer, ty ler; I F. Andres, Her m ain d u ty is to im prove the for a h am b u rg er feed to be held | day evening, A pril 12, at the tru stee; and ‘’D utch’’ P arker, a l­ social stan d ard of m ig ran t w o rk ­ A pril 21, at th e club house for I G range hall. C u rtain will go up tern a te to the grand lodge. ers, and she explained how- this prospective m em ber. P lans were ! at eight o’clock p.m. Mrs. Norm; H. N B utler of the Medford condition th a t existed in m any also m ade for a jew el cerem ony W alterm ire, p rim ary teacher, wil Elks lodge, acted as installing of­ was done in spite of the pitiful ’ ar>d in itiatio n for new m em bers d irect the play. ficer. I in May. m igrant camps. C h aracter parts are played by- R eopinigg of the m odernized , F ran k lin M ahar. as "Black Sam - Miss T h u rb er, who w orks u n d -i A t the close of the M onday "This Am azing A m erica," a Lithia T heatre will take place on j bo” ; R oberta Wilson, "Bla c 1: film which is d istributed by the er the auspices of the Home N a t- ! evening m eeting, Miss P auline pril 25, M att Freed, d istrict M um bo” ; the "T hree Tigers” will G reyhound bus com pany will be ions C ouncil of N orth A m erica, U lstad was honored w ith a pre A will speak a t th e hom e of D r .1 w edding shower* Miss U lstad will m anager for the W alter Lippe t be played by Dennis Bounds. show n at next w eek's m eeting of M em bers of the U nited Choirs Loren M essenger, 91 G resham , I be m arried A pril 20. at eight o' th eatres stated today. I Tom m y Lee C onnor, F l o y d of th e A shland C hurches plan to the Ashland Lion's club. F riday evening at 7:30 The p u b - 1 clock in th e evening, to Donald The Lithia is being com pletely Grim es, R alph Ricks. All of the The film Is in technicolor and p resen t an o th er program next lie is invited to attend. W adley. redecorated and rem odeled. The grades will p articip ate in d an c­ year according to officials of the is the story of a bus ride th ro u g h ­ m otif is colonial. Santocono d ec­ ing and singing betw een acts of out the beauty spots of Am erica. choir. Miss M argaret Ram say was orators are in charge of the re ­ the play. ch airm an of the group. Miss Eu C layton Cullen, form er G rey ­ m odeling. All new seats are be*- Mrs. T w ila Block will accom p­ hound em ployee, has been assist­ nice H ager is the new ly elected ing placed in the th eatre, new any m usical num bers at the ing in m aking arrangem ents to I chairm an. floors are being laid, and new piano. W illiam V erver, new re si­ The concert held S unday even­ have the film shown here. v entilating equipm ent is being in­ dent of Bellview , will re n d er sev- At last T uesday’s m eeting t h e , ing at the F irst M ethodist church stalled. i eral violin solos. Mrs. W ade W al­ m em bers of the Lions w itnessed I was a success judged by all s ta n ­ G ordon Gat-tlv is local m a n ­ lace will give tw o readings, and a dem onstration on the operation 1 T alent, A pril 10—W ater will be really no way of determ in in g how dards. A capacity crow d heard a g e r of the L ithia. M arsh all Bes Edwin D unn will act as an n o u n c­ the songs. More th an $100.00 was of the B raille typew riter by H. B .) tu rn ed into all the T alent Irriga- l m uch w a te r would be stored ir. sonette and W alter G ra ff are do­ er for th e program . received w hich w ill be used next H uist. Hurst, who was proprietor tion D istrict laterals this week- I H y a tt this y ear once the runofl ing the reconstruction work. Tickets are on sale for the play of L ithia T heater from 1932 u n - | i begins. H eavy continuous spring y ear for m usic and equipm ent. at Metz five and ten cent store in til 1944, w rote several sentences en t except the East lateral, R. M. ra in s w ould m ake a change in Ashland, and A rn o ld ’s store in on the ty p ew riter and passed K ent, m anager of the T alen t Ir­ any estim ates. Bellview. them am ong the m em bers for in­ rigation D istrict, stated today. The T alen t Irrig atio n D istrict H ow ever, K en t pointed out, th at supplies 10,300 acres of the uppei spection. MRS. A. H. DUDLEY WILL A report was made by the com-, the D istrict was p u ttin g concrete end of w h a t is know n as the Beat Talent, April 10—T alen t teac h ­ ENTERTAIN THURSDAY and lining into a ditch on the Ham by Mr. and Mrs. C. E. D alkenburg, m ittee on the Lion’s Track creek valley. ers have been offered th e ir con­ Phoenix, A pril 10—Mrs. A. H. Mrs. Floyd Dickey, Mrs. Tom field carnival which will be held ranch and th a t rainy w eather D itches have been cleaned anc tracts for ano th er y ear by the D udley will e n te rta in m em bers of could hold up the concrete work rep aired and are ready- for the T a le n t school board. M inim um th e Phoenix T hu rsd ay club, at C allahan, and Mrs. Francis D ar­ here, W ednesday, April 30. and delay the opening of the flow of w ater through the system . salary for grade teachers for the her hom e T hu rsd ay evening at by will be hostesses at the next gates. At p resen t 7000 acre feet m eeting of the R ebekah lodge. TALENT SCHOOL TO HAVE O th er irrig atio n d istricts in the ensuing y ear will be $2700. w ith eight p.m. Mrs. G uy Cobleigh w ill of water is being held in Enii- Rogue valley range from good to m inim um for high school teachers assist Mrs. Dudley. Mrs. Ethel M itchell will be p ro ­ OPEN HOUSE. APRIL 8 Talent, April 10— Plans are be-1 g ra n t lake and it is expected th at bad in th eir 1947 w ater prospects. to be $3,000. gram chairm an. T hursday club m em bers will a t ­ Mrs. C. E. H uffm an won first ing m ade by the T alent high the lake will fill to its capacity of T he M edford irrigation district G rade teachers thal have been tend the show ing of a social h y g ­ prize T uesday evening, at a m eet­ school faculty to have open house, 8200 acre feet. w ill pro b ab ly have ju st enough offered contracts include: Mrs. iene m otion pictu re at 7:30 p.m. . _ 9:30 ... j “W ater has not as y et really- w a te r to get by according to aI Alfelda W heeler. Flo--a Stokoe. at the high school, th at sam e ing of Hope R ebekah lodge F riday, A pril 8, from 7:30 » to m em bers, at the IOO F hall, f o r ! p.m., according to S uperintendent started ru n n in g into H yatt lake." rep o rt m ade by J. M. Spencer. I Nancy Fiegulh, Doris Corrv, Noll evening. toy Parr. K ent pointed out. The last mea- su p erin ten d en t, at a m eeting held Young. Cecelia Fifleld, leaving m aking the m ost original Easter Ri su rem ent w hich was taken March in K lam ath Falls Tuesday. bonnet. M any of the bonnets two vacancies in the grade school K enton R obbins w en t to San CpI. John O verand, 468 Hel- 28, show ed 3300 acre feet. The w orn displayed spring garden A pplegate and Illinois riv er faculty. Francisco by plane M onday e v e n ­ vegetables, baskets, kitchen u te n ­ m an street, is home visiting his elevation of the lake causes a w a te r users will be sh o rter this High school teachers w ith con­ ing, A pril 7, to visit his parents. sils, and fancy ribbons. Dorothy parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O ver­ late runoff. W arm w eath er now y e a r th an norm al. The A pplegate tracts are: Mrs. H ar’ iet H arper. Mr. and Mrs. S tan ley Robbins Dickey, Noble G rand, presided at and. CpI O verand is w ith the 11th and spring rains would cause the is ru n n in g at present less than >«-. • v, ,.,-, P t ,-,-. C harles Coffin, He will re tu rn to th is city W ed­ A irborne and has been in tra in ­ reservoir to begin filling. C apa­ h alf of w hat was 1946's flow-. and S up ein ten d en t Rov P arr. the m eeting. nesday evening, A pril 9. Mrs. R efreshm ents w ere served by ing at Fort Lewis. A fter his fu r­ city of H yatt is 16,000 acre feet Poorest w a te r prospects in the ------------o------------ K enton Robbins and d aughter. but it has been filled only three Idaho C randall, Mrs. Crowson, lough here he expects to ship out valley are in sight for the Ju m p Mrs. M ildred K lum retu rn ed Nola Sue. are sp en d in g the first tim es since it was built. Ina C arter, Mrs. D eShazer at l a s t 1 to Japan. off Joe, Evans C reek, and G rave from San Francisco the first part of this w eek in Medforci w ith PedestriaiiH Assured Safe Street Passage i Voi 14, No. 5 (Ben Nelson Faces Homicide Charges Mrs. Carrol Pratt Will Give Review Ashland Forest District Grazes 4000 Head of Stock SOC Students Come From Ten States and Canada Adams Defendant In $10,00 Lawsuit Elks Install New Officers Talent Team Will Go To Central Point College Cleaners Open April 7 Soroptimists Hear Migrants Problems Club Members Honor Miss Pauline Llstad “Black Sambo” To Be On Stage Saturday Lithia Theatre Re-Opens April 25 Lions Will Make Vicarious Tour Plans Already Being Laid For Concert WATER WILL BE TURNED INTO TALENT DITCH THIS WEEK END Talent Schoo, Board Offers Contracts Four Hostesses at Rebekah Meeting Tuesday's meeting. K ent indicated that there was creek area«. of this week. her parents.