Vili* f o r m e r ly T he S o u th e rn Oregon M in e r S3 per Y e a r 2 Year» for $5 S o u iltV u t ôïeÿost, 40.000 NEWS REVIEW ASIII A M ). |Ai KSON (O U N T Y , OKI GON 3.00 P E R Y E A R Methodist Church Scene of Easter Choir Concert uw»»/ a/ Parking Meters To Make Appearance Plans for Church OKed By Members Construction Begins 1 on SOC Dorm Good Job» a M o n th U . S. A rm y I horsday, A p ril j , 1947 Voi. SELBY CHEVROLET CO. HAS NEW SHOP MANAGER W. E H ulshof of A lbany, O re­ gon sta rte d his new duties as shop m anager of Selby C hevro­ let com pany, April 1. Hul.shot cam e to A shland from A lbany w here he has been em ­ ployed as shop m anager. Mr. Hul- shof’s wife and tw o children, a boy and girl, will join him in A shland as soon as the children's school is out in A lbany. N o. 4 “ Soda” Organized To Dispense Auto Anu Information The first load o f lum ber was unloaded this week on the site M otorist» in A shland w ill for the new girls dorm itory at the A rchitect's plans for the new Oregon college cam pus, soon beqin d ig g in g fo r n ic k ­ C hurch ol C hrist, w hich were Southern els and pennies w h en they presented to the congregation lust by the B. &. K. construction com of San Francisco. S unday m orning by the building pany seek p a rk in g spaces alonq This itory w hen com plet- O. J. B JO R LIE WILL com m ittee, were accepted by the I ed will dorm D e v e lo p m e n t of S outhern M a in street. T h e C ity C o u n ­ house eig h ty -fo u r girls, DIRECT CHOIR CONCERT m em bers of the church. The new O regon Is O b ject of J and will have a dining room. cil Tuesday n ig h t directed building will be erected on th e This dining room will also be us­ F o u rth O f J u ly F ete F ifteen musicul num bers prv- C ity su p e rin te n d e n t E lm e r site of the old at Second and B ed by the boys in th e veterans i iiteii uiulei tu<' dirccu o n <>1 O. O rganization ol the S outhern Bieqel to study the various streets. J. U joiiie, vocal n u iru c io i nl the dorm itory. It will be built so that Rev. Earl Downing O regon D evelopm ent Association E. II. McGee is ch a irm an of th< types of m eters and m ake a Ahiuund schools, will be heura th e housing capacity can be in­ ano a planned scientific program building com m ittee and the o th er .Sunday evening a I <:4a p.m. at Says Final Rites reco m m en d ation at the c o un ­ to 160. to induce industries into this m em bers include: J. A. P utm an. creased uie F irst M ethodist churcn ut the Buildings purchased by the cil m eetin g A p r il 15 a> to The R everend Earl D owning of area w ere announced by William Kelcy Sm ith, G eorge C h e w, college from the W ar Assets a d ­ annual E aster conceit ot m e A sh­ the C hurch of C h rist delivered Healy, ex ecutive secretary of the w h ich typ e is most satisfac­ George Andrew s, Royal G ard n er, land churches U nited Choirs o r­ inistration at Cam p W hite art the serm on for the final rites of C ham ber ol Com m erce, ut the and Earl Downing. The plans m to ry. ganization. being moved to the cam pus thi W illiam Jackson Stockum , W ed­ 1uesday noon luncheon ot the which were accepted w ere d raw n S ixty-one voices, the pick ol T w o h un d red m eters w ill week also. These buildings w il1 nesday, A pril 2, at th e L itw iller L nam oer a t the L ith ia coltee by W alter E. Kelly, P ortlan d be the vunous choirs in the city w i l l be in stalled w ith in six weeks used for classroom s, m usic funr ral chap I. Stockum died at shop. architect. lie heard in six A C appella nu m ­ a fte r the council takes action room, and m any o th er uses. his hom e at 131 F ourth street, at m em bership fees for SODA," The p relim inary plans are for bers and seven accom pan 1 e u on the s u perin ten d ent's re c ­ 4:30 a.m. Sunday, M arch 30, afte r I as the S o u th e rn O regon Develop- a building 120 by 45 feet. H ow ­ songs. G len M atthew s will pre- o m m en d atio n . The m eter a long illness. ; m in t association is called, arc ^1. ever, the educational p art of the sent an oboe solo, “Jesu, Joy ol com pany installs them w it h ­ Mi Stockum was a retired ra il­ th e association is plan n in g a building will not be erected now. M an’s. D esiring." C lifford Will out cost. road em ployee, having lived in nuge F o u rth of Ju ly picnic in T he sanctuary part, w hich will iiinis will amg "llo san n a ,” as a T h e council also agreed to A shland for several years. He is L itrua P a rk a t w hich tim e a new be built first, will be 45 by 90 leiioi solo. F eatu red soloist in thi erect a new stage fo r the survived by a son, Willis of B ell­ 1941, P ly m o u tn deluxe, four door feet. It will be erected to join t\ Cape I la num ber, "L isten to S hakesp earian fe s tiv a l in the wood, Illinois; and a sister, Mrs. sed an will be given aw ay by the w hat is now left of the old e d u ­ The R everend George M. Shu the L am bs'' will be Mrs. llom ei C h a u ta q u a shell, and to aid Rose H enderson, of Taco m a. association to one of th e m em b­ cational unit. S eating capacity of m an of the P resb y terian church Bissell. A nnabelle Davis will play the A shland a irp o rt in im ­ ers. Each m em bership en titles the the sanctuary will be 240, and of conducted final rites for W illiam W ashington. the organ prelude. p ro v in g the la n d in g strip. m em ber to one chance on the a u ­ the choir, 40. A balcony will seat A lan M ontgom ery, W ednesday 1'he Rev. G. W. Bruce, F irst tom obile, and any one individual an o th er 65 and rooms opening afternoon, A pril 2, at 1:30 p.m., M ethodist church, will give the can have as m any m em berships off the rear of the san ctu ary in the P resbyterian church. M ont­ Invocation. The Rev. E. 1'. B ord­ in SODA" as he desires. an o th er 80. gom ery lost his life early Mon en ol the C ongregational church The F o u rth of Ju ly picnic and T here will be a full basem ent day morning, M arch 31, in an will m ake announcem ents and tiie autom obile are all p a rt of w hich will be largely used for autom obile accident which oc­ the o llerlo ry p ra y er The B ene­ the F o u rth of Ju ly p ag ean t w hich S unday school rooms and re cre a­ curred about one m ile south ol diction will be given by the Rev. Dr. W. E. B racker, Leon M ull­ tion. the intersection of Crowson road ing, M ark B alfour, and C harles are being produced in A shland Leland 1 W ilkinson, First B aptist this y ear by th e m em bers of the and highw ay 66. church. E. Sm ith, w ere appointed T u es­ C h am ber of Com merce. Leland Linn, S u p erin ten d e n t ol G R A N T S P A S S C O U P L E M ontgomery was born A u g u st Soprano m em bers o f the choii A shland public schools, Joseph day n ig h t by a group of young 11, 1929 in Yountville, C alifornia. men, to d ra ft a co n stitution and IND USTRIAL DEVELOPM ENT are Eve Bissell, H attie L itw iller, Fader, principal of the W ashing­ W E D IN J A C K S O N V IL L E Jacksonville, A pril 3 — H elen He has been living, w ith th e rest m ake recom m endations tow ard Eunice Hager, M arion Wines, ton school. Miss Edna K ennedy Proceeds from m em bership fees Lucille M uckay, D orothea B ush­ of the Ju n io r high school, Earl O ver and F rank B urdell, G ran ts of his family, In A shland for the the organizational procedure re ­ nell, E d ith Bork, C01 a Mason. Rogers, principal of the high Pass, w ere m arried in the M anse p ast ten years. He is survived by q u ired to form a Y’s M en’s club for "SODA" are to be used in a scien titic su rv ey to d eterm in e Kula Sapp, Velma Beck, Zo P e t­ school, Mrs. C laru Fader and in Jacksonville, M arch 24. The his m other, Mrs. Loura M ontgo­ in A shland. ers, M arjorie Fliniau, Carol B en­ Miss. B ertha S tephens of Lincoln cerem ony was conducted by the m ery three brothers: Don, Bob, The group of young m en in ­ w hat in d u stries can function best oit, M argaret Lytle, Millie Sm ith, school, will all atten d the S tate Rev. L. H. M itchelm ore. F rien d s and K ennetn, anci two sister-'; terested in th e Y’s m en ’s club in this area and to induce in d u s­ Lucy T alb ert, Zoe Ann Coflee, teachers convention in P ortland, and relatives of the bride and M arynell, and Mrs. Helen C rider. m et T uesday evening in th e P u b ­ tries into th e S o u th ern O regon re ­ In term en t was in th e M ountain lic lib ra ry a t a m eeting sponsor- gion. Doris Renzem a, M arjorie M essen­ M onday and T uesday of next groom w itnessed the w edding H ealy pointed out th a t the in ­ View cem etery. ger, G eorgia T aylor, R uth Seitz, week, A pril 8 and 9. I ed by th e A shland Y.M.C.A. in B arbara W illiams, V irginia Alley, j connection w ith its program to d u strial d ev elopm ent of th e area Public schools in A shland will Ja n e t F reitag, V cm la Roberson, be closed n ext week for spring ! provide organized activ ity group- h ad been of the type which p ro ­ duced a slack season du rin g the Jea n Nichols, M ary C orthell, and vacation. Classes will resum e 1 i for young adults. w in ter m onths an d th a t the u n ­ Dina Powell, The Y's M en’s C lub is the se r­ M unday, A pril 14. A week a t. Altos are: F lorence Al I e n, C hristm as time, and New Years I F. E. DeWees and Leonard vice club of th e Y.M.C.A. and is em ploym ent cu rve rose sh arp ly M ane Bjorlie, M argaret Ram say, day w ere taken off during the | B onner opened the A shland cof­ in tern atio n al in its w ork artd each w inter. in o rd er to find in d u stries M arjorie B arker, Della W eber, holiday season, in o rd er th at a 1 F uneral services w ere held for fee shop this week. The re s ta u r­ scope. O rganized some 25 years G race Reedy, L ottie McGee, Cora full w eek of spring vacation John V alentine Schm altz, W orld a n t will be open from 6:00 a.m. to ago it now has over 240 active w hich w ould not be seasonal in W ar II veteran, at the L itw iller 8:00 p.m. each day. Bruce, Ora Duffield, E vangeline would be possible. clubs functioning in 17'd iffe re n t scope, a four m onth su rv ey by funeral home today, A pril 3. in d u strial developm ent sp ecial­ Frost, Doris C arry, A nne F u lle r­ DeWees. w ho is a baker, has countries over the world. A shland high school com m enti F ath er Plus B. B aur of the C a th ­ ton, Kay Beck, C lara Dennison, m ent has been set for Tuesday A new ly ch artered Y's Men's ists has been plan n ed for this been em ployed by the M yron Alice Beare, B arbara M essengei, May 27. T he last day of school olic church presided at the fu n ­ Root packing plan t as a receiver ’ Club in K lam ath Falls has al- area an d th e resu lts of tnis s u r­ w ill be u tilized in selling in- eral services. Beverly Ulatad, Shirlee Newbry, will In- T hursday, May 29. ^ r - t/ i e past tw o years. He i$ o ri­ : ready w ritten to the A shland vey u aun.y concerns on die v aiqe <»i Schm altz was born F e b ru a ry ginally an«i Shirley Damon. from O klahom a, and has club offering to m ake th e 'tr ip to d placing p lan ts in the S o u th ern 14, 1926 in G allup, New Mexico, lived in C alifornia since 1922 and i A shland for th e c h a rte r cere- Tenors include: C lifford W ill­ and spent one y ear and a h alf in in Oregon since 1941. He is m ar­ 1 m ony w hen the A shland group is O regon area. iams. G lenn M atthew s, George L um ber w hich is p resen tly the the last war. W hile in th e s e r­ ried and has a son. Shum an, Paul Byers, G. S. G reen, , organized. P lans w ere also dis­ ary in d u stry is o p eratin g on vice he spent som e tim e in Okin- John Billings A rden Hall, Milton B onner, who is a butcher, has cussed at th e first m eeting con­ p w rim hat will be sub m arginal c u t­ Renzema, Jo h n B eare , Carrol Safew ay Stores will re tu rn to awa. He is su rv iv ed by his par-1 been living in Exeter, California. cerning selection of som e service Powell, and W inified Schuster. A shland as soon as rem odeling ot ents, Mr. and Mrs. A n d re w ! O riginally from Tennessee has project by w hich th e club can ting areas in th e n ex t 10 years. Basses are: A llen McGee, V. D. the low er floor of L ithia Springs Schm altz, w ho w ere born in Rus- been in C alifornia for the past 17 best co n trib u te to the w elfare of H ow ever, H ealy stated , tn a t mill ow ners w ere cognizant of th at S afew ay .j sia, th ree brothers, C harles J. years. He Is also m arried and has the youth of the com m unity. M i l l e r , R o b e r t Lytle. G. iVI F r o s t . I garage is com pleted. factor and th a t they realized tha J. W. McCoy, W allace Sapp. Wil- I Robeson, left the city last Di ” and Tony C. of A shland. G eorge three children. diversion of by p ro d u cts and re bur Sim m ons, Bill Bissell, Lee . cem ber. They have "since sig n ­ C. of G allup, five sisters; Mrs. m an u factu rin g w e ie p o te n tia l C ollingsw orth, Willnit B ushnell,' ed a lease w ith 11. J. Leveque, A m elia H ausner, G allup, Mrs. w ays of continuing operations. Law rence Powell and R obert ow ner of the L ithia Springs g a­ Ann Lisac, M edford; Mrs. A nn M ayor T ho rn to n W iley als Staley, A shland; Mrs. M arjorie Brack. rage building. spoke Tuesday- ; he told of th . This concert will be broadcast The store will have a 55x60 P artalley and Mrs. B arbara Plesc plans of the city council towaiv. over KWIN, A shland's rad i o parking lot and will be across of G allup. _ ______ i M arlys Wilcox and Bob G rif- broadcasting station. Schm altz was killed early Mon- f>th will have th eir nam es e n ­ the stree t from the city's p a rk ­ M. L. Wells, who has sp en t the im proving th e av a ila b ility tu ing lot on F’irst street. Ralph day m orning, M arch 31, in an graved on a plaque as being the p ast y ear in A shland, bought w ater in the in d u strial a rea to th A nderson's used autom otive m ar­ autom obile accident w hich occur­ most o utstanding Senior boy and H ershey’s A uction y ard at 1180 east of th e city. W iley also toln ket will occupy the second floor re d ab o u t one m ile south of the girl in the A shland high school Oak street, last T hursday, M arch th e group about th e w ar su rp lu s of the building and Oleson b ro th ­ intersection of C row son road and this year. Names of the v aledic­ 27 .front Mr. B. H ershey. . eq u ip . m en , t w hich , , . th , e city , ha . i . cam e ♦ to A a ui j 1 purchased and which w as bein torian, salu tato rian , and th e s tu ­ ers will have a ra d ia to r repair highw ay 66. Wells who shland Q„ Mrs. H arry Travis, retirin g shop on the first floor. dent body treasu rer, A dele S h el­ from Kings Valley, Oregon, o p e r -; utilized in sew er p lacem ent an I queen of the Nile daughters, don, w ill also have th eir nam es ated a service statio n a t 800 N o r - ‘ stre e t flushing. opened the session for the annua G uests introduced included A. en g rav ed on this plaque. th M ain until last A ugust. Since in stallatio n of officers, in G rants G ordon G w inn and Fred W hit­ then he has been buying and s e l l - 1 A. Hull, C hehalis, W ashington, L Pass, S atu rd ay , M arch 22. Mrs. ed w ere also candidates for the ing cattle, hogs, and o th er stock, j L. M ayfield and Wm. Daly, p a r t­ H. W. Oden was Installed as lady n ers in the new F ireto n e store An O regon H istory C lub has m ost ou tstan d in g Senior boy, and Mr. and Mrs. H ershey bought I w hich is to be opened here, an. of the keys; and Mrs. R B. Lin- been form ed at S outhern Oregon Lois Hays, and K ath erin e Gross- inger and Mrs. G ordon Piekell College, u n d er the direction of m an w ere th e o th er candidates a tw enty-one acre orch ard tw o j Mrs. M arjorie B arker. miles west of T alent in J a n u a ry , | were both atten d a n ts to the new Dr. A rth u r S. T aylor, adviser. At for th e m ost ou tstan d in g girl. Roger R ath will be installed us and will move th ere the la tte r 1 queen. the first m eeting a program for These std u en ts are selected by This cerem ony was atten d e d by president of the T oastm asters the y e a r was discussed and out-1 «1 com bined faculty and student part of this m onth. The H ershey 1 350 m em bers and guests from in tern atio n al next M onday even­ lined, and officers w ere e le c te d .1 com m ittee of six m em bers, e lec t­ orchard has peach and p ear trees K lam ath Palls, Bend, Medford, ing, A pril 7, in .th e Lithia hotel Those who w ere installed are J ed by th e stu d en ts. The faculty on it. room. Dave W hittle is the Roseburg, M yrtle Creek, Coos dining C lifford W illiam s of Colorado m em bers are appointed by the Bay, E h i n . and Ashland. The retiring president. Ed Singm asier Springs, Colorado, pres i d e n t; principal. will take Jo h n von K u h lm an n ’s cerem ony was followed by d an c­ Bob Wlls and his Texas play- place as vice-president, and Don Rachel P a rk h u rst of Roseburg, ing and a m idnight supper. j boys are to ap p ear in A shland a. vice-president: Lois K ornberg of H inthorne will be installed as H arold Thom as, w ho was con Mr. and Mrs. C. M. B ailey and the A rm ory next T hursday nigh: secretary and tre a su re r to replace Jacksonville, secretary : and Jean fined to his hom e w ith the Dyer of T ulelake, C alifornia, tre a ­ m um ps re tu rn e d to w ork Mon daughter. P atricia, and Mr. and u n d er the auspices of the A sh ­ Lyndell N ew bry. surer. Mrs. Lorin Bailey, all of A shland, land A ctivian club, Earl Schilling day of this week. Elwood H edberg of Medforo attended a St. P a tric k ’s day p arly p resid en t of the club announced will be the installing officer at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Dale today. fledberg is a form er lesident 01 Wills who m ade th e song "San Newton, on the South Pacific A shland, and a past president ot A ntone" fam ous, will play only highway. V ein Sm ith, county chairm an the M edford toastm asters d u 1'. M em bers of the Jackson county in G ran t's T’ass, K lam ath Falls, lor the M arch of Dimes cam paign Annabelle Davis Price Hen lan presided at last ORGAN MUSIC model railroad association w ere and A shland, d u rin g this to u r of in Jackson C ounty, reports a net Monday evening s toastm aster PROCESSIONAL S o u th ern Oregon. His cowboy "H o ly , H oly, H o ly ” present for the party. oi $14,090.15 donated in this m eeting a t the L ithia hotel. Hen- band played th ree nights in M ed­ INVOCATION Dr. G. W Bruce, First Methodist Church county. nan assigned the topics to Harold ford last y ear and each n ig h t was Sm ith received the following Thom as, who spoke on f'A F01 HALLELUJAH TO THE LOKI) a sellout according to K enton AL Christiansen letter this week, from Basil O '­ est R angers Job," and Harold Robbins, who is handling p u b li­ LAMB OF GOD arr. by / AL Christiansen Connor, p resid en t of the N ation N ew ton w ho told the story ol city for the band. al F oundation for in fan tile p a r­ "P iloting the P anam a C anal," ano OBOE SO IO — JESU, JOY O l M AN'S DESIRING D ancing w ill begin at 9:30 p.m. I. S. Bur/ V. D. “B ert” M iller opened hi: alysis: Roger R ath spoke on the "C igar­ Glenn Matthews new real estate office this week Tickets are $1.50 for adults and "Because of the good work of ette H abit." W endell Law rence at 138 East M ain street. The $1.00 for students. THOU ART TH E WAY the citizens of your com m unity was critic for the evening. C. /•'. Mueller building is 12 feet by 33 feet long and the efforts of m illions of peo­ GOD SO I..OVI D TH E WORI D John Stainer and was constructed by Clifford ple all over the country, the fight Wilson, contractor. TENOR SOLO HOSANNA ag ain st infan tile paralysis will Griener Mr. and Mrs. M iller cam e to continue on every front." Clifford Williams Colonel F. L. TouV elle of J a c k ­ Ashland in 1933. M iller was m an ­ "This M arch of Dimes cam ­ HE IS BLESSED A. SoJerman ager of S tan d ard Oil Co. at th at sonville has given a parcel of paign is a notable exam ple of the time. In 1940 he w ent into the land to be used for ex p erim en ts A m erican way of doing things. LISTEN TO THI I. A MBS K. N , D eft real estate business. w ith the O regon nativ e w ild The A m erican people are unified, Solo, Mrs. Homer Bissell plum , w hich will be conducted through th e N ational Foundation, F ifty m em bers of the Young by B. A. Finch ol' M edford. to strik e at polio and to battle O regonians club of P ortland will ANNOUNCEMENTS AND OFFERTORY PRAYER, TouV elle is pulling out an a c re ­ against the disease will be wage- appear In 20 acts of free v au d e­ Rev. E. P. Borden, The Congregational Church age of pears for this ex p erim en t. ed until final victory is won." ville at th e J u n io r high gy m n a­ I -VENSONG East hope Martin "We are proud of the fine cam ­ sium S atu rd ay afternoon at 2:30, Oi EERTORY Mrs. H arold Jo rd a n 's m other, Finch's favorite fancy fru its will later be recom m ended for com ­ paign you have conducted O ur according to an announcem ent HOSANNA AE Christiansen Elizabeth S arah M eilbohn, died at m ercial and hom e grow ing for national h ead q u arters w orkers m ade today by Roland P arks, her hom e M arch 25. F u n eral s e r­ arr. by Burleigh vices w ere held for her at the hom e ow ners and producers in salute you for thi- good job." m em bers of A shland Lodge No. WERE YOU THERE ----------- o - ---- 944, B.P.O.E. w hich is sponsoring BREAK FORTH IN TO JOY I. B arnhy1 L itw iller funeral home at 3 o’- the N orthw est. W infield Roberson, stu d en t at the group. March 27. Mrs. M eilbohn C a rd of T h a n k s Rev, I eland I. W ilk i n son. Baptist ( horch I clock, SOC is confined to his home w ith P arks stated th at th ere would BENEDICTION was born in London, E ngland, in We w ant to th an k o ur m any ; be music, magic, acrobatics, band RESPONSE — SEVEN - FOLD AMEN the m easles. 1853. lohn Stainer friends for th eir kindness and Ray C lark, form er A shland r e ­ and varied perform ances by this In term en t of her body was th o u g h tfu l deeds d u rin g o u r c o n ­ POST! UDE — EASTER DAY I ore! sident, was a visitor at the F. S. talented group of children who m ade in the fam ily plot in A sto r­ valescence. are touring the state. H in d i home, Sunday. M rs , F rank . D avis , Accompanist ia, Oregon, March 27, Maude and Sharon Lee Bergren Bill Montgomery Killed Monday Committee Plans Y’s Men’s Club Teachers To Go To Convention Veteran Loses Life In Accident DeWees and Bonner Open Coffee Shop Safeway Returning At Lithia Location Outstanding Seniors Are Selected M. L. Wells Buys Auction Yard Mrs. Travis Reigns At Installation Toastmasters To Install Officers. Oregon History Club Formed at SOC Baileys Attend St. Pat Party Jackson County Nets $14,090.15 Bob Wills Plays For Dance Thurs. I rograni of Easter Concert Sunday Evening Miller Opens New Real Estate Office Experiments On Native Plum Begun Young Oregonians Vodvil Saturday Mrs.’ Jordan’s Mother Dies