Uni’ otf 0< Formerly The Southern O r e g o n Miner $3 per Year 2 Year* tor SS <7<4e Southeast 40.000 NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR 1947 Spring Band Soncert Features Several Soloists Oteaa+i ASMI A M ) , JA ( KSO.N C O U N T Y . O R I GON Chamber Members Have A Busy Week I hursday, March 27, 1947 Post Commanders Honored By Ashland Legion Post I NEW COURSES IN TEACHER T R A IN IN G Good Jobs a Month U. S. Army Voi. 14, N i Plaza Project Is Let For Figure Of $49,843.00 Miss Florence B eardsley, as- j .ian t supei m ien ilen t of the | Sl.it> d ep artm en t ol education, I Two events this week. ■ I .1 m is s e d till- teacher education! talk Tuesday by Bruce ' stu d en ts at S o u th ern Oregon i.ui Davidson, manager ol the I lege, M arch 13, 7:30 p.nt. Southwest Oregon Dairy I ast com m anders w ere hunt» - M artin, F red Slere, A lb e r t Free ! This m eeting was 1 hi- firs’ of ;• ■ Coop, anu a breaktast ed by the m em bers ol A shlah 1 man, Emil B Kriwger, B eechii I series of m eetings in itiate ! bv D- l Wednesday with a good "S13KIYOUS" O R IG IN A L A m erican Legion Post No. |4, Danford, and Ja k e Lahr Elmo S tevenson, president of t ><• | IF OKED BY BUREAU w ill party from M cM inn­ COM POSTION BY LESSER i Tuesday evening al the Civic d ie Past com m anders from o th er college .that will co n stitu te a n e ' ! OF PU B LIC ROADS WORK ville. kept members of the TO BE HEARD F R ID A Y house w hen the Legion held h posts who w ere present included course in the teach ers education W IL L BEGIN IN A P R IL Ashland Chamber of Com­ P resen tatio n <>I the uiinual annual S tag and Past C om m and A nthony K arnes, A nchorage. A l­ curriculum . All t acher c a n d l-' merce busy. Work on the Plaza p roject will aska; and C hester Thom pson, La- 'd a te s will autom atically become e i's night. Davidson pointed out sp ring concert of the Ashland begin as soon as an OK has been bixty nu m bers and guests w en I m em bers of this class, and will | Grande. Oregon, f hil S ta n sb u ry that 60% of the Grade A high school hand will take plat« present at the affair w hich t< a i ­ is the present post com m ander. receive th ree or four hours o f , placed on the letting of the bid to milk which was used by F riday evening at the Junioi A lb ert W. Denton, P o rtland, by m ed chop suey and rice prepared Chairs at the business m eeting cred it for attending. the dairy co-op came from the B ureau of P u b lic Roads, M a­ high school uuditorium . The pro and served by W illiam Brigg were filled by past com m anders the Ashland area. The Me yor Thorrtton Wiley, stated. D en­ Paul Byej's and o th er inem ixi with C harles Delsm an, acting as Minnville visitors w e r e grain will begin at 8:00 p in., and to n ’s bid of $49,848 was satisfac­ ‘ ol the refresh m en t com m ittee. com m ander; Dr. Lynn C ranoali. I greeted by Ivor Erwin a will he under the direction ol tory to the S ta te H ighw ay com ­ Dr. A rth u r S. T aylo r read thi firs t vice com m ander; G lenn S im ­ former resident of the city, Irw in Lesser, hand director at m ission w hich m et T uesday in m il eall of past com m anders, pson, second vice com m ander; O. who acted as toastmaster George F ullerton, senior ini the high school. They include: Di M acCracken. G. B arnthouse, past com m ander: A shland high school, received the ! Salem and aw ard ed th e conn at the Wednesday break­ One ut the leu tu ied num bers W illiam Briggs, G lenn Sim pson, A nthony K arnes, ad ju ta n t: Ose; , C harles A. W hite aw ard S atu rd ay j The bid will undoubtedly be fast. of the concert will he a M arch G. E. Dunn, U. M Spencer. D r Silverton, chaplain: Ebe Dunn, evening, at th e annual G rizzly! satisfactory to th e B ureau ot P u b ­ According to Ed Sing- Siskiyous" com pose!1 by Lesser. Lynn C randall, C. A. M alone, J. treasurer; Emil K rueger and Jak e G rfn ad e banquet, held at the Civ- lic roads and w ork will probably master, the Clean-up drive begin w ith in the n e x t m onth. 'i'h is is thi second com position ol E. Enders. M. W. G rubb. R alph E. Lahr, sgts at arm s. which comes to a conclu­ ic club house. The late C harles A. | his to be heard by an A shland Bowen, C harles E. D elsm an. J. A Fred Taylor was head of the W hile, form er jew eler in A s h -: T hree new buldings being b u ilt sion next week is func­ audience, and liki his o th er work, McGee. H erb ert B entley, G uy A p­ com m ittee that was responsible land, gave this piacque to the • by H. L. C laycom b and one by tioning very well with all L itlu a P ark," it complement.'. plew hite, W illiam G re n b c m e i, lor the affair. W illiam Briggs was m ost o utstanding senior football I G eorge Knox, are being erected the city's residents co-op­ the beauties of S o u th ern Oregon P erry A shcraft, Dr. A. S. Tayloi, head of the refresh m en t com m it­ p layer in the A shland schools in I in the Plaza area on th e line erating fully. Miss K ath arin e G rossm an ,alto Oseai F. S ilver, O. G. B arnthouse, tee, and Guy A pplew hite war 1940. Each y ear the o u tstan d in g ' w hich was set up for the new sax ap h o n e solist will he heard in Fred T ayloi, F red S chuerinan. r head of the e n tertain m e n t com ­ football p layer is aw arded the highw ay. O lder buildings w ere razed last y ear to m ake right-of- P estalozza’s “C irlb irih in ." P. W h itm o r e , H e rb M o o re, Ed J. mittee. honor of having his nam e engrav- w ay space. *•-*— ---------------------------------------• ed "Bolero,” the lilting S outh A on this piacque. The letting of th e co n tract sig­ in e n c a n dance of Forest B uchtel's The b an q u et S atu rd ay evening, nifies a m idsum m er com pletion Jam eson Selleck, 35, Richmond, will b<- h eard by the audience. It M arch 23, clim axed "color w eek,” , will lx* presented in the form ol C alifornia, arrived in A shland at the A shland senior high sch o o l.! of the project. a b arito ne horn solo w ith Bill Tuesday lo assum e m anagership E very day last week all stu d en ts 1 of the V arsity theater. Selleck Bissell as the soloist. Plans to add a m arquee to the had to w ear som ething red and | has been w ith the L ippert th eati 1 ¡front of The Steakhouse, the a d ­ white, u n d er a p en alty of ap p e ar­ Miss M aryen R oberts, pianist chain for the past five years. He will ap p e ar as a featured soloist was d istrict m anager of the th e a t­ Free flow er seeds will be iqpide dition of a w aiting room to the ance in kangaroo court. Follow ­ in a n u m b er titled "R epartee," er« in the East Bay area before available to anyone who vyialu s [Trailw ay’s ticket office, w hich is ing the ban q u et the stu d en ts ano which is an A m erican rhapsodic his tran sfer to A shland. to use them to help b eautify A sh­ located at the Steakhouse, and faculty m em bers danced in the com position in concert form for land, S oroptim ist In tern atio n al other im provem ents including ad club nouse. Mrs. Edith Good is D uring W orld War II Selleck Mrs. Lloyd Selby heads th e hand and piano. W ednesday ditional restroom s and a freshly faculty advisor of the grizzly- com m ittee of the local B.N. C h ap ­ was in an in fan try o u tfit at Cam p m em bers decided S ev eral other com positions will R oberts, C alifornia. P revious to noon at th eir regular m eeting at painted front w ere announced grenade cl'ub. ter of the P.E.O. th at will stage a lie heard including. "D rum nas- the w ar he lived 10 years in New j the L ithia Coffee Shop. Seeds are this week by Tex H arris, o p era­ rum m age sale S atu rd ay , M arch tics,” which features the percus­ York. He atten d ed kchool at San available at W eitzel's and Irw in tor of the A shland T railw ay ’s 29, at the J. P. Dodge F u rn itu re term inal, 397 East Main. sion section, and com positions by ¡Jose state, S an Jose, C alifornia, • Insurance . store. Mrs. W. E. B artelt, and Mrs. P e rc y G r a in g e r , M. Moussoi gskv. 1 m ajoring According to H a r r i s t h e in journalism . He is This is p a rt of Soroptimists* G erald W enner are w orking w ith King Stacy. Jaim e Texidor. I m arried, Mrs. S elleck’s form er contribution to C lean-L p, P aun changes are in line w ith th e in- Mrs. Selby on the rum m age sale, The spring hand concert thi hom e was Independence, Iowa reased service which th e bus Up week, which is presen tly 11. com pany has been offering O r e - 1 com m ittee. This sale is an a n n ir y ear serves a dual purpose w ith a C harles M inehart, who has swing. T he m em bers are also gon patrons since the 15th of this i lr> keeping w ith the cleanup cam- affair for the local ch ap ter, it portion of the pioceeds going in ­ been tem p o rarily m anaging t h i full to buy plants w hich will month. Extra schedules of four paign of the C ham ber of Corn- being practictally th e only sour e to the band fund and the rem ain ­ V arsity re tu rn ed to O akland, planning be used on the C om m unity ho additional buses a day to serve m erce this w eek, the Y.M.C.A. th a t they have for raising fun is d er to be used for playground e (T hursday afternoon B ert Mott- in tra-state passengers w ere add- m em bers and executives are put- th ro u g h o u t th e year. Dishes, d re s ­ ifuipinent for the various city ner, was m anager of the th eater I pital grounds. In line w ith a suggestion made ed last week. Ten additional new j ting th e P ioneer building, w hich ses, m en’s clothing, and various schools. The R otary club is help­ during the period of tim e they ing sponsor the concert and the w ere operated by W alter Level - by W illiam Healy, execu tiv e sec­ buses will be p u t in service t o ; was recently leased to them by o ther item s w ill be on sale S a t­ retary of the C ham b er of Com ­ serve Oregon passengers in A p ril.'th e city of A shland, in shape. urday. R otary recreational com m ittee ette. m erce, the S oroptim ists are p lan ­ according to Harris. Funds deriv ed from this sale go They have cleaned ou t t n e will help w ith the purchase and ning to furnish a filled cfcdar ground floor of th e building, and to help su p p o rt the C ottney Col­ placem ent of playground eq u ip ­ chest w hich will be second prize plastering, p ainting and repairing lege in M issouri th a t is sup p o rted ment. in th e an n u al F o u rth of July iw ill s ta rt soon. This building will en tirely by th e N ational P.E.O. celebration, w hich is sponsoivo be used by all youth organTza- chapter. The local ch a p te r has by th e C h am b er of C om m erce* Eons 0o«i sevuing*’he buy* and also -ad o p ted ., a ..fjx ja tiu _ g irL . and girls of Ashland. m oney is given to the' Red Cross Miss E laine S u th e rlan d sang Jo h n B illings was elected pre- 'd riv e , and various o th e r o rg a n i­ Mrs. G eorge M iller, form er op- several po p u lar songs, she was ac­ F uneral services for Donald sid en t of the Y.M.C.A. last T hurs- zations. ir a to r of the D andy lunch, will com panied by Mrs. Scott Reed. G uests included Mrs. William Joseph Phillips, 7, son of Mr. anu [ day night, M arch 20, in Leland open M iller's cafe, 337 East Main, A new C essn a-140 plane was som etim e in the next lew days. Healy and Mrs. Reed. Sheridan. Mrs. Victor Phillips, 700 Indiana L inn's office in the bank build- A venue, who was drow ned Tue ing. O ther officers elected were d eliv ered to A shland’s new fly ­ E xact opening date has not been Wyoming. day in a w ater filled excavation Roland Parks, vice president. Al­ ing club Sunday, M arch 23. El­ set because ol the present in ab ili­ on S outhern Oregon college cam ­ len O. McGee, recording secret­ m er Ayers, ow ner of the A shland ty to com plete Installation of all Jo h n B illings is c h a ’ of ; pus will be held at 3 o’clock p.m. ary, and Eric W eren, treasu rer. airp o rt, is Instructor for the new equipm ent. S atu rd ay , a rep resen tativ e of the Y.M.C.A. officials also voted to R otary club com m ittee th a t i club. th e cate, which was erected by L itw iller funeral hom e said to­ p articip ate in the proposed com ­ sponsoring the S p ring B and cor C lub m em bers will m eet T h u rs­ E. L. McNeil, has an overall flooi C. C. W illiam s and LeRoy G il­ day. m u n ity chest, and reports corn- cert, F rid ay evening. M arch 28, r ‘ day evening, M arch 27. in the space of 1000 square feet. A F<> - ley w ith 223 points each tied for The child, whose body was re ­ m em bership, program , finance, th e Ju n io r high school auditoi city hall a t 7:30 p.nt., this will be mica surfaced counter will serve high score in the M onday night ium, u n d er th e directo rsh ip c their, re g u lar w eekly in citin g 12 patrons; lo u r booths, also F o r­ shoot sponsored by the Ashland covered from the pool, W a s first w orld service and building com E rvin Lesser. F ra n k Davis, Li m ittees w ere given. A special m issed by his father, Victor Phil time. mica surfaced, will serve 16 more. G un club at the A shland Armory. lips, w hen the boy failed to ar fund of $100.00 was set aside by land Lynn, P hil S tan sb u ry , an E. Y. M itchell, of Oak S treet The back bar and o ther wood T w enty tw o m en com peted. rive hon • from school. N eighbors Board action to serve as the start Jo h n D augherty w ere also appoint T ank and Steel office, was elect­ fix tu res a-e built of A frican m a­ The four next high were R. ed on the com m ittee headed b ed tem p o rary president of the hogany. Stools and booth seats are Folks, 207, W illiam Johnson. 199; stated th at the boy had been see: of an endow m ent fund for the Billings to prom ote this concer A shland Y.M.C.A.. playing around the pool a t 3:001 flying club M arch 13 in the city of leather. Jo h n Nosier. 197, and Charles Each R otarían was given fiv hall. O th er officers elected w ere K itchen equipm ent includes a G ettling, 194. The next shoot will p.m. b u t th at he was not «round concert tickets at last T hursday Dorothy M orris, se c re ta ry -tre a ­ a T h u rm ad u k e dry heat food be held M onday. M arch 31. L ark­ in e -r two hours later w hich in­ R otary rrfeeting to sell before Fr c j „ i ___ 0 j su rer, and Dick F innell, m em ber­ w arm er w ith six com partm ents, in G rubb, president of the organi­ dicates th at he drow ned late ! ¡ day evening. M arch 28. ship ch airm an. O ther c h a r te r 1 an electric dishw asher, a m odern zation, invited non-m em bers of Proceeds from th is co ncert w il m em bers include W illiam Briggs, cafe type stove and fry plate the club to com e and shoot. The fath er in stitu ted a search Miss Cora Mason .lib rarian ’ be spent for playground equij Earl L ininger, B ert W right, Bob w hich is overhead equipped w ith T he G un club will meet this early in the afternoon and check- the A shland Public library, at- m en t for th e school ground . Jensen, Vic Sanders, Mrs. E. Y. an Elkhead v en tilato r to filter all F rid ay night at the city hall |t d the pool. A city wide search i tended the ex ecutive board ses- M itchell, E. J. R itzinger, R ichard sm oke and grease. A w alk in re ­ 1 was in stitu ted and at 9:30 p.m. ¡sion of the Oregon lib rary asso- band m usic and in stru m en ts. the pool was dragged by police ciation held a i th e S tate Libra T'V W esterberg, Dick F innell and Mrs. frig e rato r is also part of the k it­ officers E dw ard M itchell, Elton in Salem last week. I E. Y. M itchell. chen equipm ent. K erby, W illiam Johnson and W il­ Miss Mason, who is secretary of P ersonnel will include Mrs. MRS. WILLARD SPEAKS liam Badger, and the body recov- the O regon L ib rary association, M iller, Mrs. Thelm a M orrow, Mrs. ON RACE RELATIONS 1 ered. retu rn ed Sunday. She is at p re s­ Alice King, Mrs. Mabel P atton, Mrs. B en W illard, 160 C hurch Mrs. Edith Metz, Mrs. L. C. Miles, j The boy was born in S h erm an en t hoping to lie able to atten d street, A shland, spoke on “Race and Mrs. G riffin. Miss D orothy M orris was elect- Texas, F eb ru ary 26, 1940. He wat the A m erican L ib rary association S tudents of the W ashingtoi R elatio n ." a» a m eeting of the the first grade at Lincoln m eeting which will be held in Lincoln, and J u n io r high schoi i Mr. and Mrs. M iller carm? ¿0 ed p resident of Alpha Kappa W esleyan .*• 1 vice guild h e l d A shland in 1930. Mr. M iller has c h a p te r of Epsilon Sigma Ylpha”, ¡ school. He is su rv iv e d by his par- San Francisco. Ju n e 2 9to Ju lv 5 will bring' to a close T h u rsd a y . M arch 13 at the home of Mrs. been w ith the state forestry d e­ M onday, M arch 25. Rosalee Stauf ents and a sister, Doreen I M arch 27, a p aper drive, held in Louis C. K irby, N orth O range, p artm e n t the m ajority of the tim e fer is the outgoing president. 'co n n ectio n w ith th e city wide M edford. since then. In 1939 Mrs. M iller Miss M orris and o ther officers HAROLD WRIGHT LOSES I clean up cam paign. ----------- o----------- began operation of the Dandy who w ere elected M onday will be LIFE IN BURNING HOUSE J Joseph Fader, p rin cip a 1 o Rose M. K errigan, of Ashland. W ashington school, rep o rts tha lunch in the sm all annex n ext to installed in M af. Miss G ayle Mor­ the boy and girl of W ashington the W hite House grocery. It was ris was elected vice president; ¡was in .K lam ath C ounty this week school bringing in the m ost p ap er later m oved to the location w here Mrs. C larice Latim er, recording I w hen she atten d ed the funera Two hundred guests, including will receive a cash prize of $2.50: the S potlite cafe is now situated. secretary ; Mrs. P hyliss Leigh, .o f her son, H arold W right. W ed­ m any from the faculty, and s tu ­ | th e boy in each room of W ash­ W right w: In F eb ru ary 1946 she sold the corresponding secretary. M is s n e s d a y , M arch 26. D andy lunch and since then has Leah B onham , treasurer, and Miss cau g h t in a b u rning house, an dents of SOC, w ere p resen t when ington school bringing the most This com ing S unday the m em ­ been building the new cafe on B etty S m ith, historian. [lost his life along w ith his fa th ­ Miss A rnita Louise Black and p ap er will receive a plastic pistol Wesley M P eters w ere wed S a t­ and a spy glass, and th e girl from bers of th e congregation of the the corner w here V. D. (B ert) M em bers present in c lu d e d : er. A shland C hurch of C hrist will I M iller’s real estate office and Miss S tauffer, Miss G ayle Morris, W right leaves two brothers. Or urday in a double ring cerem ony each room th at donates the most decide on the subm itted arch i­ M ac's Shoe R epair w ere located. Mrs. L atim er, Mrs. Leigh. Miss ville and H arry Jr., and a sister held at the F irst P resb y teriai p ap e r will receive a jum p in g tectu ral plans for th e new church E. L. McNeil was contractor Bonham , Miss Sm ith. Miss Doro­ Ju n e Poitras. He also leaves hi« church. The Rev. G eorge M. S h u ­ rope, and a m agic slate. The room man. officiated. which is to be b u ilt at the corner for the building. Elm er M orrison th y M orris, Miss G ladys Mack. 1 w ife and four children. th a t collects the m ost pounds of ------------ o------------ of Second and B streets, on the did the electrical installation. W Miss Doris B ergstrom , and Miss ' The bride, d au g h ter of Mrs. p ap er will receive a plastic a n i­ Dora Black, was given in m arri site of th e previous church w hich F. Speece installed the plum bing. G ladys Mack. r Mr. and Mrs. E. J. L a M a r n mal prize, and m etal noise m a k ­ bu rn ed last year. w ere P o rtland visitors S unday age by her b rother, R ay Black ers. Each student, th at b rings in W illiam Woolven painted the ------------ o-------- The p relim in ary draw ings have building. F red Van K u rle r did the She was gow ned in trained tw en ty -fiv e pounds of p ap er will Mrs. J u n e P ortrais, secretary o f 1 D octor W. E. B racker accom pan been accepted bv the building plasterin g A shland cabinet works the K lam ath Loan Board, has re-1 w hite satin and carried a bouquet receive a pass to a one hour m em . com m ittee, E. H. McGee c h a ir­ built the kitchen cabinets and ice­ tu rn ed to K lam ath Agency from of red roses. She w ore a beade ' com edy lh at will be show n at the m an, J . A. P utm an, K elcy Sm ith, box. W ick's H ardw are and P ro ­ W ashington, D. C. after a p p e a l­ ju liet cap and finger tip net v ,i. school. Air«. Ray Black, m atro n of George Chew, G eorge Andrew s, vost's fu rn itu re laid (he linoleum. ing before the hearings on Indian Roland P arks, principal of J u n ­ Royal G ardner, and Earl Down- Electrical fixtures w ere from A ffairs. J u n e is a daughter of honor, wore yellow and cat:' ior high school, announced that pink carnations; bride's atten ’ the home room in Ju n io r high W alter and Rose Kenrigan of W alter E. Kelly, P o rtlan d a rc h ­ S e a r’s Electric. a n t’s w ere Ju a n ita P eters, sistet school th at collects the m ost p a p ­ A shland. itect, who designed the new of the groom .who wore pink ; t : e r will be treated to ic ' ere 11 Rush season for Alpha Kappa church has created a 90 x 45 foot rried w hite carnations. Yvonne and cake. Each stu d en t bringing b uilding w hich is so constructed I c h a p te r of Epsilon Sigm a A lpha T ruax, who wore blue, and c a r­ 25 pounds of p ap er to schi I will th at additional units can he a d d ­ w ill begin April 7, Rush C hai'' ried p ink carnations. be given a free ticket to a movie R. N. Fletcher, secretary of the ed as increased space is needed. 'm a n Phyliss Leigh announced this C harles D’A itrem ont was best to be show n a t th e Ju n io r high The ex terio r will be o f,b u ild in g Y.M.C.A., presented Dale D ieck­ Mrs. M arian F arrell, Jackson I week. Mrs. Leigh requested that m an. U shers w ere R obert Hoefs, school April 3. E v ery individual block construcRon. The building m an, captain of the C hurch of county hom e dem onstration a- each m em ber of the locad chap- Dean Jones, and J a k e S h rffe ■■ th a t gets one h u ndred pounds ol will h ave a basem ent. S eating C hrist basketball team , w ith a gent. becam e Mrs. Nile C h riste -> te r h ave two nam es ready to sub- A fter the cerem ony a reception p ap e r to th e ir cred it will get one trophy S undav m orning, M arch son, F riday, M arch 21, at Z io n lm it as prospective pledges a t the capacity of the m ain san ctu ary was held in the C hurch rotunda aftern o o n off from classes. ■ will be 240. This can he increas­ 23, at the Bible school in the English L u th era n church In M ed -> n ex t m eeting which will also be Mrs. A rth u r H einrichs, sister c r MiSs E dith Bork, principal of • held on th at date. ed by 100 by u tilization of the C hurch of C hrist. The C hurch of ford. tbo •’room, com pleted the cutti*'’ Lincoln school, says the boy and foyer w hich will be separated C hrist team was undefeated this T he bride is the dau g h ter of | P rese n t plans for R nshin" m- of the w edding cake afte r the girl in each room in the Lincoln from th e san ctu ary bv m oveable y ea r in the recent Y.M.C.A. Mr. and Mrs. How ard G. Farrell elude a coke date betw een A p ril new ly wed couple had cut th I school th at brings the most paper of P ortland, and the groom is the T and 21, and an m for >1 b doors. The choir will seat an ad ­ church basketball I' ague. first slicP. will receive a ticket to the V ar­ Low ell Hall coached the team son of Mr. and Mrs. William (' b u rg e r feed. April 21 at th e Civic ditional 40, and a balcony, if Mr. and Mrs. P eters will be at sity theater. She also stated there through the undefeated season, C hristeson of St. Louis, M aryland. clubhouse. C om m ittees will be home next week at 587 O ranpp will also be prize* for the boy utilized will seat 100. Eestimated cost of the first and also teaches the boys class in H e Is on th e staff of the Califor- nam ed to R ushing activities at They are p resently on a short and girl th a t collects th e m ost the church Bible school , nia-Oregon power.com pany. the next meeting. major unit is $39,000. honeymoon. p ap e r in the en tire school. | .-l George Fullertcn s Honored Saturday »Selleck Takes Over At Varsity Theatre Soroptimists To Give Flower Seed Harris Redecorating Steakhouse Front P. L. 0. To Have Rummage Sale Pioneer Building Being Remodeled Flying Club Gets /lew Airplane 3. Millers Cafe Will Open Soon Phillips Funeral Set For Saturday J. Billings Leads Concert Committee Williams and Gilley Tie For High Score fuesday afternoon. Miss Mason Returns * tom »Salem Sunday Dorothy Morris Heads Sorority Prizes Will Be Given Students Two Hundred at Saturday Wedding Members To Study Architect’s Plans Dieckman Receives Cup For Church Team Demonstration Agent Becomes Bride Sorority Planning April Rush Season