Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, March 20, 1947, Image 1

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    Ô ïo g o h .
Formerly The
Southern Oregon
S3 per Year
2 Year* for SS
R. Dodge Elected
To Presidency of
Festival Ass’n
KWIN To Broadcast
Oregon State Games
Hadio station K W IN will
broadcast the Oregon state
University of Oklahoma N C ­
Friday. March 21.
at 7: IS p.m. according to
Robert Hsinholdi. stai i o n
manager. This is being pre­
sented a* a public feature.
If Oregon state win* or
lose* the station w ill broad­
cast the Saturday game, ii
a loss ii w ill be broadcast at
5:30p.m., If a win at 7:15.
Should the Oregon state eag­
er* win Friday they will go
on to Madison square garden
no matter what the outcome
of the Saturday game, and
the station w ill broadcast the
Oregon State qame* from the
Garden, the following week.
March 25.
Hubert E. Dodge, wa* elected
president of (be A shland Shake*
peureun festival association, ut a I
m eeting of the board of directors |
held W ednesday n ignt ut tin i
Lithia hotel ballroom . Dodge re
places Dr. W alter R edford, who ]
has held the chair since 1939.
O ther officer* elected were; I
vice president, W alter L everette; I
treasu rer, M arshall W ooded; and
executive secretary, W illiam E.
Producing director ts Angus L.
Bowm er, who will p resen t two
com edies and tw o tragedies d in ­
ing the period A ugust 8 to 16.
A replica of the F ortune th e a t­
er, one of the m ost fam ous of
E lizabethan theaters, is being con
sidered for erection w ithin th< Rath Places Third
old ch au laq ua shell in l.ithia
P ark, and the plays will be p re ­ In Speech Contest
Roger R ath, who represented
sented there. The P ark board and
Jackson county garden clubs will the A shland Toustm astei s Club,
be requested by the association in »he d istrict speaking contests
to aid in landscaping the area
ab out the th e a te r and w ithin the at K lam ath Falls. W ednesday
shell in the form of a S h ak es­ evening, placed third w ith his
p earian garden.
speech, "The Sun N ever Sets on
M em bers of ihe bourd of d ir­ th e B ritish E m p ire .”
ector* Include: Mrs. Hose Kobin-
O scar Ewoldson, Medford, wa>
ett, Ashlund, Mrs. Ethel Putney,
A shland; Mrs. Roy Ix?e. M edford: aw arded first place w ith his
tile Rev. A. H. M acDonnell, A sh­ speech "Stum bling " •
land; Mrs. M arguerite Mills, A sh­
The affair was attended by 100
lund; P o rter Neff, M edford; Mrs T oastm asters and then guests
L. C arp en ter, M edford; and Seth
from A shland, K lam ath Fall* and
Builis, Medford.
in addition to Rath,
Dave W hittle. Lyndell
, ___ ______
N ew bry
H aiold NewtSn, and John Collins
In order th at the A shland a ir­ attended the contests.
p o rt can qualify as a Class II
landing field, o perators of the
field, A rt S chneider was re q u e st­
ed th at the City of A shland grade
and g ranite surface the si'-ip
w hich lies at th - ioot of Oak
F uneral services for Dewey
The city council discussed the
m atter at th e T uesday m eeting, M anning, 49, who was killed on
and referred it to the s tr-e t com ­ T uesday evening, on H ighw ay 99,
m ittee which is headed by John eight m iles soutli ui A shland,
w hen the car he was in, collided
w ith an o th er autom obile, have
not been set ior any specific d a te ;
aw uiting the arriv al of his b ro th - '
er, C harles M anning, S anta Ana, j
C aliiornia. and a daughter, Mi-s. i
Lucille Short. San Bruno.
T he'
Manning Funeral
Date Not Yet Set
Good Job* a Month
U. S. Army
TH U R SD A Y , M ARCH jo , i 947
VOLUME i 4 , NO. i
Council Members
the F ed eral W orks A d m in istra­
tion out of S eattle, is on the curn-
a t S o u th ern Oregon Collegi Vote To Have
' A Hollund Festival S atu rd ay . Knight, S hirley W imer, D elores, this week to d irec t the dism antl-
M arch 22, in the Ju n io r high Miller, P atricia A ustin, K athleen ing, tran sp o rta tio n , and re-erect-
1011 of g o v ernm ent buildings from Water Meters
gym nasium .will clim ax a week Corcoran, Luelia Steele, Barba
C am p W hite w hich are to serve
long celeb ratio n of the 37th bit th
J. W. C a v a n a u g h , su p e rv iso r of
duy of the C am pfire o rg an iza­ Van Vleet, B arb ara Bugbce, and as cafeteria and physical science
tion of the nation, by the iota. Vovonna Stinson; Wood G ather- building at SOC.^Both buildings
club. This festival is being held *-*rs: Norm a Yorton, Norm a Davis,* W*B be set up on the site of tm
in o rd er to raise funds to p u r- M arion Thornbei ’y and Peggy «tw o . Bmnis co u rts behind the ad-
chase a heifer to send to Hoi- Taylor.
I m u)*stration building.
C am pfire girls will hi
n o lan d P ark s .president of t h e ! z , • ■ >
dressed S atu rd ay in long, fub C am pfire organization, with A n>.! UITlS League 10
sk irts .aprons and D utch caps Bert Davis, secretary , accepter.
Q . . ____„
W ashington school girls will pry- form ally from Mr. and Mrs Vern ,
sen t a play; Lincoln m em ber* Decker, the deed of th e property
The an nual High School Pep
will furnish m usic, and Rogue donated to the organization b S upper, in honor of this seaso n ’s
R iver C am pfire girls will also ■ them, Monday evening
footoall and basketball team s will
p artic ip a te in the festival. Flow-
Wednesday aftern o o n , M arch be held in "pot lu ck ” m anner
ers .novelties, needlew ork, ang ' 19, at the J u n io r high gym naiso.
F riday n ig h t 6:30 p.m. at the Civ­
o th er bazaar item s will be soln Mrs. H enry DeYoung, who wa, ic C lub House. This h ig h lig h t ol
at the H olland Festival.
born and reared in H olland, spoki the school y ear w inds up the fall
M onday, M arch 17, sta rte d th t to the cam pfire girls Mrs. Youn
and w in ter sports in the tra d i­
celebration of C am pfire week , live* in Valleyview.
tional m an n er and is sponsored
w ith a potluck d in n er in th e Ju-1 T hursday, M arch 20, has beei by the G irls’ League, headed by
nlor high school gym nasium , with set aside for th e day the cam p- Shirley B alfour w ith Mrs Edith
one hundred and tw en ty -fiv e pa- fire girls may do as they wish
Good as faculty advisor.
ren ts and children present, hoi-
Friday. M arch 21, the girls wi!
A short program will follow the
lowing the d in n er a C a m p fire ; help th eir m others p rep are lb. dinner, th e highlight of w h ich ,
Council was held w ith the fol- j evening meal, and arran g e foi will be th e K angaroo C o u rt fo r '
lowing gills receiving aw ard s;
their fam ilies e n tertain m e n t th.
those violating the rules of the
T rail S eekers aw ards: N ancy • evening.
past "C olor W eek". A p re lim in ­
G ra b e r P auline Davis, B etty Da
The Holland F estival will clo
ary su rv ey indicates th a t ap p ro ­
vis, C ollette P errine, G aynol the National C am pfire Week.
xim ately 100 stu d en ts and faculty
m em bers will tak e p art in this
To . Operate
Automobile Agency
Rulph A nderson, form erly p a rt
ow ner of the T alent Feed and
Seed store, announced this w eeS
th at he had taken over the second
floor of the L ithia S prings garage,
located on South Fi?*t s V e t and
th at he would op erate an au to m o ­
bile sales and service agency in
th a t location.
A nderson, who lives a t 295
years in M ontrose, C alifornia pre-
v.ous to com ing to S o u th ern O re
gon. He is originally from Jeffei
son, Iowa, and lived for several
years in Sioux Falls, South D a k ­
ota. He is m arrie d and has tw o
children, S haron, and C onnie who
atten d Lincoln school.
_____ . the Tai-
He has been operating
e n * Feed and Seed w ith M. R.
B arnett, who will continue to ru n
Hie T alen t business.
TELLS r o t a r y
Wendell Law rence, editor of M E T H O D IS T YOUNG PEOPLE
t'lew^^sDido' ”» O{h8°A
Several au to load; of young
tJi v e f f T h u r t d ^ v ^
a K °"
F u tu re In ^ h /’ f " ^ 7 ' - ' people i r o n th e M ethodist Youth
1 t aw ren n . u/h<.
Ya r ^ a s t' Fellow ship of Ashland, w ith G ay ­
m Ynd?» L n d ^ h P
? years lord Vestal actin g a i sponsor, and
Dr. and M i-. G. W. B ruce accom ­
th at the conditions in Asia w ere p an y in g them , atten d ed the two
chaotic a t present, but th at the day Me-iiochst Y outh F ellow ship
in ____
region offers A m erica one of the S u b , -d istrict C onference —
largest m arkets for A m erican 1 M eth,,d,st C hurch a t M edford last
S ii
d“ v
traife w ith As"a
Valleyview Farmer
Claims Miss Leeper
__ . c
Sid Reed Elected
BPOE Secretary
A shland w ater users will be
m etered som etinie in the n ex t
year, m em bers of the city co u n ­
cil decided at council m eeting
T uesday night.
The council, in
deciding to install w ater m eters,
is following th rough with a p ro ­
posal m ade last sum m er by A.
D. H aryey, consulting engineer,
who m ade a com plete su rvey and
1 (com m endations to the city of
A shland concerning the w ater
problem .
A total of 1800 m eters is re ­
quired to adequately serve the
city They will be installed as
they are av ailab le from the m an ­
ufacturers. At presen t 50 a m onth
can be bought but this will be
increased to 100 by Ju ly. F irst
installations will be m ade on new
connections, b u t no m. tei ing nor
m eter charges will he m ade u n ­
til all in stallatio n s h ave been
m ade.
M em bers of th e city council
are plan n in g a su rv ey trip F riday
to study w ater needs if th e re si­
den ts who live in the fringe area
ju s t outside the cilv lim its
In ­
d u s t r y users, su a is mill-’, are
to be J u rn ish e l v a le - for d rin k ­
ing and fire prevention.
A lthough the
Dresent d ry
’l-n n g indicates tn at th ere will
be a need for m uch w a te r con-
set vation in th e city this year,
it will be iioprfi.dble to depend
on the m etering in 1947 to alle-
d,<’ ai’ti-ui.jn, m em bers of
tile co u n t I ( ci-iie 1 out. The m an ­
u fa c tu re r s lim it of so m any me-
l.r s p er 1r.01.L1 v. ill p rev en t m e­
terin g this year.
C harles M inehart, V arsity T he­
ate r m anager, flevT to O akland,
W ednesday to see his fam ily
SOC Graduate
Leland M.
Writes Operetta
bride, Sunday, « u n v u m, m-j m r - ( 044
B-P-O. Elks, in an election
m er Miss Edith P h arin e L ee rer
H arry M eyers, fo rm er g rad u ate
dau g h ter of Mr and Mrs. I. A. held W ednesday n ig h t a t the ol S o u th e rn O regon college, will
Leeper, B raw ley, C alifornia. The
utch operetta, "K ath-
K en p y re , sen in t a th D
cerem ony was perform ed a t the Reed,
.„ „ " b /L
'G w as opposed by «.t-n-
e C en tral P o in t high
C hapel of the Rocks and Roses 1?“ Robbins, th e p resen t secre- school, F riday, M arch 21.
— - — ----------
- ’- ^a r y . JFiU asSHtqe h is-d u ties A pril
VV It Innnc
M eyers w ro te th e storjT and
Q lo z .l,
" *
JOIleS D ied
Black and w hite accessories a*,
1 m u sic for the o p eretta him self He
cen tu ated the b rid e s blue suit, tn Rhi=b r » m ade. no statem en t as is at p resen t m usic in stru cto r at
Serai ¿aHSorte at lhe Litwi,,er Friday, March 14
O. J. Bjorlle, vocal supervisor of
which was decorated w ith a co r­ to his fu tu re plans, previous to the C entral P o in t T alent and
M anning, w ho was em ployed at u / j ltn io d s e rv *ces w ere held for sage of gardenias and pink roses. serving as secretary of the Elks P hoenix high schools
A shland schools, Ervin Lesser,
lit* was w ith Irvin-H odson com-
instru m en tal m usic supervisor, the S teakhouse, was trav ellin g JY1 ey B eechham Jones, M onday, H er m atron of honor, Mrs. George pany
of P o rtlan d
s t° ry of th e o p eretta con-
and the high school boy's q u art- tow ard A shland in a Model A M ar£" 17, who died a t his honie Metz wore a navy blue suit, blue
u L k u OIy a n d -
| cerns C aptain Van Dorn, a gov-
H erb H uston, a form er s e c r e - ' e rn m e n t agent w ho is
; h 1 u n tin g for
let, com posed of W illiam Bissell, Ford w ith V ernon Thom as, a ls o 1 'Y1 P o u le I, A shland, M arch 14. and p ink accessories, an«t a cor­
R everend A. J. Edw ards, of sage of w hite carnations.
tary ,
Elks, w ith d rew h i s ! spies th a t have secretly been
Hurry K annasto. A rnold W ilkin­ a S teakhouse em ployee, w hen
Metz, w ho has been in t i o ^ Both H oltnn
s,el?d m g in form ation of H olland s
son, and J e rry M itchell, w ent to th eir autom obile collided w ith a t fle N azarene church, officiated at a
S eattle, W ashington, Tuesday, southbound 1940 M ercury con- t l c services, w hich w ere held at A shland for the past y ear was been s e c r o t i r ^ nf A c h t ^ l
dykes and w aterw ay s to a foreign
M arch 18. to atten d the b i-an ­ v ertih le which was being driven 1 , L itw iller fu n eral home,
ecently an em ployee at tile Soot- j 94Y n re^kius
* A shland lodge p ow er-
Jo n es was born in S alt Lake lite cafe. ” tie benedic- who is i ’ ’ ’ p rev io u sly -
n u a l m eeting of the northw est by A lbert D. P eterm an. 196 Cen-
m usic educators' conference. Tilts tral A venue, A shland. Both Pet- ?\lty ,and cam e to Jacksonville, farm in g in V alleyview .spent lo u r I u o tP e r officers elected include:
C A s is I a m I «
group will atten d the conference erm an and his passenger, G eorge y rcgon ,in 1906. He m arried Ly- years m the N avy ,18 m onths of S a p h . iVl cC,uH% h ’ t x a R ed ru ler;
Tuesday, W ednesday, T hursday Sloan. Copco. C alifornia, w ere dia K m ghten of Jacksonville, w hich w ere in the Pacific th e a te r S olal?d P a rk s- E steem ed L eaning '
relatively uninjured, each receiv M arch 8, 1908.
and Friday.
‘| hsurvAved
his widow, Mrs. G eorge L M etT H‘ 7 ' ' a T i - ad *»oyal K night; Buzz H am by ’
The high school q u a rte tte will ing lacerations and cuts. Thom as .
received only m inor cuts agd , h 's m other, Mrs. S arah Jones of I land. The couple will reside .n Esteem ed L ectu rin g K n ig h t H
ap p ear on th e program for this S also
X g ’ed B" ,h lL " " " " " lldly i M?.dk4
‘, X deCa,,n « < 4 »
End ,8& „ ? : |
ed u cato rs' conference, at the
Ju n io r high school stu d en ts an c
‘ M!id ï<d E?,stl? nd oi Nampa, Ida.. 1 ifornia honeym oon
O lym pic hotel.
w ill e n te rta in p a re n t
M anning, who is also know n as and ^ , s r C. A.
A W illiam
----- s --- of Ash-
< .u I l
A shland's Lions club. R otary
, and D utch P a rk e r altern ate.
teacher association m em o e r s ,
F o n d K z -c
club. Elks lodge. High school s tu ­ W illiam Hanes, was fatally in ­ land .and five grandchild ren j F|Lc
Ih u rs d a y , M arch 20 ,in th e Ju n -
<Uiu r HIT11116S
d en t body, and school district, all ju red and died w ithin a few m o­ F our sisters, Mrs. I> a rl T errell o f '
, ior high gym nasium .
1 S pokane; Mrs. M ildred R abideau (Vlpbriltp BirtliHnv'
co n trib u ted to muke it possible m ents a fte r the accident.
j Ju n io r high's girls trip le tri»
alif ; Mrs. Ethel
7 . . .
D lfin a ^
T he w reck occurred n ea r t h e J , o „ t
L akland. - C
- ................-
for the boys q u a rte tte to appear
w ill sing; L enore b ro w n will do
at this m eeting.
a m ilitary tap dance; m usic will
accidents have occurred this win-1 ^ ara C herry of Arco .Idaho, a s ; Se ie '’ra ‘ed
f°*'ty-second b irth-
be fu rn ish ed by th e J u n io r high
well as th ree brothers. W H. da>' of lodge No. 944, S atu rd ay
boys octet; and D ale D eikm ai.
, Jones and J. A. Jones of Moore, I ^'vening, M arch 15, at the Elks
M em bers of the News R eview ’s will play a violin solo, accom pan­
Donald L. Basey and G erald
j Idaho and H. L. Jones of Dari- t^ rnPle. The lodge was founded
ington, Ida
M arch 16, 1905. N early five hun- victorious C ity L eague b ask etb all ied oy Doris L itw iller at th t
N ew ton will face th e Jackson
gran d ju ry on charges of larceny.
| d ied persons atten d ed the birth- team are plan n in g to e n te r a piano. The hom e econom ics de
team in the C ity L eague softball p a rtm e n t will show a m ovie,
They w aived p relim inary h e a r­
Study Group To Meet day p arty .
play w hich will begin soon at "W ay to a M an's H e art” .
ing in ji . in e co urt M onday. They
I Bill A llen was in charge of the S
ou th ern Oregon college acco rd ­
Follow ing the program the P. T
w ere a m t*,l last w eek end and
iWth Mrs. Bailey
I e n tertain m e n t com m ittee, which ing
to Bill R obertson, m an ag er of A. m em bers w ill have th eir b u si­
charged v.uli th e th eft of a cam ­
Ju n io r-S en io r P.T.A. st u d v I consisted of the accordion band, th e club.
A shland Lions will ro ar in
ness m eeting, followed by a social
era, light m eter, and flashlight T alen t next Tuesday at a special group will m eet at the home of d irected by Eve P rentice. The
The News Review club, w hich h o u r and relresh m en ts.
from the autom obile of K enneth m eeting which will featu re a Mrs. C. M. B ailey, n e x t W ednes­ Elks orch estra played for d anc­
was m anaged by R obertson, won
W illiams, C entral Point.
roast tu rk ey d in n er and the p re­ day afternoon, M arch 26, at 1:45 ing a fte r th e dinner.
the City League series w ith seven Basketball Fans
sence of the wive* and lady p.m. Mrs. M abel W inston, dean of
H erb H uston headed the food wins
and no losses in league play.
friends of the m em bers. Dancing wom en a t S o u th e rn O ’egon col­ com m ittee; D utch P a rk e r was in
of the club included Attend Tourney
will follow the dinner.
lege, w ill read a them e prepared charge of tab le decorations; Del- F red K annasto,
A shland, g u ard
R epublican wom en of A shland
Ed B eare, S k ip Rush, C huck
The ....................
affair w ill be held at the by G ladys C ham bers on "Social
will elect officers som etim e n ext I T alent City hall. The ladies "of D evelopm ent” over A shland’s ra ­
Adams, G ordon G w inn, George
m onth, according to Mrs. H enry the T alen t G range are preparing dio statio n KW IN at 2:00 p in.
F ullerto n , and coaches F ra n k O ’­
Galey, p resid en t of the local club. and serving the dinner.
Neil, J e rry G astineau, Les G ran t
Dr. Elmo S tevenson read the
g u a r ’; F ris t, cen ter; M arcus S al- and A1 Sim pson, atten d ed the
Mrs. G eorge T. G erlinger, p res­
H erb H uston, president ol the them e, "Sound a d ju stm en t in and
of O regon
R epublican group, requested th a t m em bers out of the hom e", last W ednes­
Joe King, cab d riv er lo r Cul- tour, A shland, gu ard ; and Rob state b ask etb all to u rn am e n t in
Women, and state com m ittee- who are planning to attend, con­ day afternoon over KWIN. The m e r’s cab, has been ill w ith the ertson, forw ard.
Eugene last week. T hey w ent to
wom an, of P o rtland, spoke to the tact Doyle Seely, telephone 3251, P.T.A. g ru p m et at the home of flu for several days.
The M art club, coached by Don Eugene T h u rsd ay and re tu rn e d to
A shland ladles, T uesday a fte r­ before noon S atu rd ay and inform Mrs. R obert Van Vleet.
A rant, placed second, losing b u t A shland S unday .
noon, March 18, in the Lithia him th a t they will be am ong the
one gam e d u rin g th e season, ano
th at one to the News R eview
group. This is essential, Huston YMCA To Sponsor
O th er clubs in the series included
pointed ou t in o rd er th a t the p ro ­
Fortm illers, and O regon Land.
per d in n er arrangem ents can be Soft Ball League
The City league at SOC cor
R. N. F letch er secretary of the
responds to an in tram u ra l setu p
Y.M.C.A., reports th a t - the
— Y.M.C,
-------- . T hree reh earsals rem ain for the with non varsity play ers p a rtic i­
SOC Students
A. and churches of the citv, will m em bers of the U nited choirs p ating in supervised games.
D am ages am ounting to $11,746.-
sponsor a soft ball league for bovs w ho are p resen tin g an E aster
-------- — o------------
A pplegate, M arch 20 — Ben j
00 are being ask ed by A lvin E.
betw een the ages of nine to fif- program , S unday, A pril 6, Miss
Dawson, A shland, was elected To Wed Sunday
M arvin Wines, son of Mr. and M ansfield, S o u th ern Pacific ra il­
teen. The league will start. Sat- ! M arg aret Ram say .. .chairm
an of
. -----------
„ Mrs. C arry I W ines, re tu rn ed from road em ployee, in a su it w hich
p resid en t of the U pper Big A p­
A rn ita Black and Weslev urday.
the choir, rem inded m em bers this a trip to Council. Idaho. S u n d ay was filed M onday ag ain st J. M.
plegate Stock association at a M. P eters, both stu d i nts at South
Jos. C. B urns, M urphy Oregon W agner and K. A. W agner. V alley
m eeting held at the S ta r ranger ern Oregon college, will be m a r­ S atu rd ay afternoon on the J u n ­ week. Miss R am say stated th at a
finished program could not b e ' was in A shland Monday',
statio n last T hursday. C. W. Culy, ried S unday evening, M arch 23, ior high school play field.
view ran ch ers and G. C. S m ith,
The league will be com posed of given E aster unless all m em bers
Jacksonville, vice president; Ed­ at 8 o’clock in the F irst P resb y ­
who has been an em ployee at
of the choir w ere presen t during
the W agner ranch.
w ard H. Finley, Jacksonville, sec­ teria n church in A shland. The
re ta ry -tre a su re r;
G erald R everend George M. S hum an bovs 12 to 15 years of age, and these rem ain in g th ree rehearsals,
The su it charges th e W agners
"B ” division, for boys 9 to I? and urged th a t all m em bers a t­
In line w ith C lean-U p, P aint- w ith co n trib u to ry negligence in
Buck, A lbert Collings, Ja c k so n ­ will perform the cerem ony.
Up Week, Bob B row n of Bob’s p erm ittin g S m ith to d riv e an
ville; and Dawson to the advisory
Miss Black is the d au g h ter of
C hurches that have already en ­
P ractices are held each T h u rs­ L unch had th e fro n t of the build- autom obile .statin g th at they
Mrs. Dora Black, Ashland, and rolled
team s include. C hurch of day a t th e M ethodist church at , ing p ainted . . W alter H erbert. k new he would, d riv e th e car in
Jo h n O’Brien, Jacksonville, was grad u ated from A shland high
1 p ro p rieto r of H e rb e rt’s grocery i* a reckless fashion. S m ith was the
selected as president of the Low er school in 1944. P eters is a v e te r­ C hrist. N azarene, M ethodist, Con­ 8:00 p.m.
the Friends
The finished program w it' ’’ having a m arq u ee added to his d riv er of a car th a t stru ck M ans­
A pplegate slock association. O th ­ an of W orld W ar II, and played gregational. ’ and
presen ted at the M etho d i s t store . . The in terio r of th e Lith- field w hile he w as crossing an
er officers, all of Jacksonville, center on S o u th ern Oregon col­ church of Talent.
R efprees for the league will he ' C hurch E aster .under the direc- >a T h eatre is being rem odeled
are: C larence Buck, vice p re si­ lege’s basketball team this year.
A shland street, O ctober 20. Mans
Hon of O. J. B jorlie, vocal in- an d Jak e W elttel, H enry Metz field is asking lor $10,090 g en e r­
dent; Lewis Buckley, secretary- The en tire stu d en t body of South- , furnished hv the Hi-Y club.
„ , , • ,
i,t,riicto r in ,h e A shland school*-- G eorge Knox, S teve Z arka H. L. al dam ages and $1,746 special
treasu rer, and Lewis S trauhc, L e­ ern Oregon college have been in- *
on O ffenbacher, and O’B rien e re vlted to atten d the w edding cer- 1 Mr ; a Pd Mrs.. R alph Jenm n cs , The program will be in the form Claycom b are busy erectin g or dam ages, listed as loss of wages,
are visiting relatives in Los Ange- of a co ncert w ith several A Cap- have com pleted erecting new b u s­ dam ages to a w atqh, glasses, and
m em bers of Ute advisory board.
em ony.
ies, C alifornia.
pella n u m b ers being featu red .
iness houses on the m ain drag.
Quartette To Be
Guest Artists
Is* ||l»k
Ml. 111211 QllluGIltS
T * FnlPflillll
Softball Next On
News Review List
Lions Will Roar
At Talent Dinner
Dawson & O’Brien
Head Stock Ass’ns.
Singers Urged To
Attend Rehearsal
A. E. Mansfield
Sues Ranchers