4 Unlv or Or<‘S'0B Library Formerly The Southern Oregon Miner S3 per Year 2 Years (or *5 40.000 NEWS REVIEW 3.00 PER YEAR City of Ashland Clean Up Week Begins March 21 Good Jobs a Month ASMI AND. JA( KSON COUNTY. OREGON Jim BuHch Buys Culp Motor Co. Jim H. Busch of Eugene, O re ­ gon has purchased the C ulp M ot­ or com pany at 550 N orth Main from the F rank C ulp estate. Culp, form er ow ner of the m otor com ­ pany, died D ecem ber 8. B usch will change the nam e to tiie B us­ ch Motor com pany, hut will retain the present staff. He also unnoun eed th a t the sam e list of nam es for new cars would be in effect. Jim Busch g rad u ated from the Salem high school, and w ent to Oregon state college following his g raduation from high school. He was associated w ith the Pacific F inance of C alifornia in K lam ath Falls p rio r to being w ith the F irst N ational B ank in Eugene YMCA Directors Honor Fletchers U. S. Army Thursday, March 13, 1947 legion Seeking Jr. Baseball Sponsors K enneth A. Mill« r, ch airm an of the A m erican Legion Ju n io r Base hall com m ittee, announced this week th at business firm s and in ­ dividuals who w ere in terested in sponsoring suits for boys who will com pete in the program , could m ake arran g em en ts to obtain the suits by contacting him, telephone 3687. Boys from th e ages of 7 to 17 are included in tiie age group which plavs Jr. League baseball. A Southern Oregon and N o rth ­ ern California league is being set up for gam es and playoffs. Ashland A m erican Legion post No. 14 is sponsoring the local lea­ gue. ------------ o------------ Voi. 14, No. 1 Dr. Weller Re-Elected President of Chamber M A r* C ham ber of Com m erce, W ednes- rin g m a ste r, g eneral ch airm an oi nold L ockhart, R obert A rm strong, w heelbarrow s filled w ith w hite uie iM4i C lean -up cam paign, F ri­ K enton Robbins, and C layton ddy noon; M arch 12, in the Cham - m ints, on the tables. day is the tirst uay 01 tne can C ullen, m em bers of th e club, plan *>er oi Com m erce office, by the paign. Mrs. F letcher was p resen ted to a tten d a jo in t business and B oard of D irectors. This will be r a tu id a y , M arch 22, will be with a corsage by Mrs. Jo h n BiU- d in n er m eeting a t th e Rogue Val- W eller’s second one-year term in clean up lor vucant lots. ings and Mr F letcher w ith a c a r­ ley co u n try club, T hursday even- t hw d ,«.....,., Sunday, March 23, all churchc nation. ing, M arch 13, as g u e s ts of the n P .,, ' will call attention to the clean Jo h n Billings, ch airm an of tl»< M edford A ctive C lub m em bers. L>r" We*ler and fam ily cam e to up campaign. board acted as to astm aster, Ml M em bers of th e A shland A ctive A shland five years ago this spring M onday, M arch 24, re p air and Parks, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Good, and clu b en tertain ed th eir wives S at- from G ran ts Pass. He is a v eter- m odernization day. Mr. Fletcher, spoke briefly. F ol­ O pening of the L ithia Coffee “ T uesday, M arch 25, C lean up M embers of the F o rtm -h tly S f 2 5 « f J 5 K S L « ; shop, u n d er the m anagem ent of lowing the din n er th e evening study lix -u p for yards. club will be hostesses to , . . ------------, uk was spent playing gam es and vis­ on the tfpnAral phuirm on »»•, _ hospital W ednesday, M arch 20, pickup Tex H arris .ow ner of the S te a k ­ iting. house, took place this week. H ar­ duy for ull ru b b ish in alleys. Those present lor the occasion Thursday, March 27, Clean-up ris will operate the hotel coffee were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe F ad er, M l. shop w ith the assistance of A. J. lor gardens. and Mrs. Leslie G ra n t; Mr. and F riday, M arch 28, P ain tin g day G u th ard t, Ju d y W ickers h a m, Mrs. Don Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. M arch 24, M onday afternoon, K enton R obbins’ was o T t h e “V S p r S i d e n / C h h M ary C onnelly ,and Mrs. Al N or­ S atu rd ay , M arch 20. Health the club will m eet for th e ir re ­ fresh m en ts com m ittee. ™ d ™ a th u ch am b er of « « » - Cluude F razier, Mrs. Edith Good, ris. day. Mr. and Mrs. A llen McGee, Mr g u lar m eeting at the hom e of T w enty couples atten d ed the T / S a c e M ^ b The re sta u ra n t will sw ing into S unday, M arch 30, C hurch duy and Mrs. G eorge S hum an, Dr. Mrs. Johp Billings. Mrs. C arroll Six d irectors w ere selected M onday, M arch 31, ln d u stria full operation M onday, n a n is and Mrs. W alter R edford, Mr. and P ra tt will give the sh o rt topic, A ctivian p arty . Dancing a n d a ted, aitnougn it nas been used C leanup day, lo r all stores, hotels Mrs. Roland Parks, Mr. and Mrf. and Mrs. G. W. Bruce will p re­ gam es were the en tertain m e n t for T uesday noon, M arch 11, w hen th e evening, w ith sandw iches and cham ber of com m erce m em bers T uesday, A pril 1, will be in lor banquets during the p ast few C harles Eliason, Mr. -and Mrs sent the book review. weeks. C om plete re sta u ra n t s e r­ spection day lo r the cleanup com ­ Mrs. E. E Vail was hostess to coffee being served at the close m ark ed ballots, a t th e L ith ia H o­ F rank Davis; Dr. and Mrs. George vice will be offered, including of the p arty . m ittee. tel dining room. The d irecto rs are Bruce: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Werep; the study club M onday, March W ednesday, A pril 2, will lx catering to special p arties an a Mr. and Mrs. Leland Linn; Mr. 10, Mrs. W. W. W illiams gave a G. R. Trites, E dw in H. Singm as- banquets. S p rin g opening lor all of the ter, H. S. Ingle, Dr. G eorge B and Mrs. John B illings; Mr. and short talk on “The Soong F am ­ stores fn A shland. H ull an d R obert V .H ardy. Dr. Mrs. C. H. Wines and the honored ily of C hina”. Mrs. Elmo S tev en ­ S inginuster said th a t the A sh­ son review ed, “T hunder Out of W alter W. W eller who w as e lec t­ guests Mr. and Mrs. F letcher. C hina." by White. land schools, Roy Scouts, m inis­ ed a directo r Tuesday, W ednes­ The d in n er and the program terial association, and all oilier day noon was elected p resident w ere arran g ed by a com m ittee service o rg an iatio n s had been , E lem entary principals of the S n X ? 5“ ” * " ’ 603 °f headed by Mrs. G. W. B ruce, Mrs. asked to p artic ip a te in clean-up Eric W eren, Mrs. Leland L inn «kd S o u th ern O regon regional confer- ._______ 0________ week Roger Rath, new ly elected pre a group of the wives of the board In Oregon, ^020 veterans bor­ ence will m eet for the ten th tim e MRS. NED MARS ASSUM ES sid en t of the A shland T oastm ast of directors. ro w e d $5,216,970.41 in GI loans to in the au d ito riu m of S o u th ern NEW PO SITIO N AT COLLEGE s club will re p resen t the local ■ buy homes, farm s and businesses O regon college, S atu rd ay , M arch! Mrs. New M ars has been em- sp e a k e r’s group in the area I during th e first two m onths of 15. The conference is u n d er th e ployed by S o u th ern Oregon col- speech contests w hich will be Mrs. Ja n e Hullock's body was held W ednesday, M arch 19, at : this year, W illiam B ender, V eter­ jo in t auspices o f the D ep artm en t • lege to w ork in th e office to fill * ler" e n ta ry School principals 1 the vacancy of Mrs. Jam es Young, tak en to Salem , O regon, M onday, 6:30 p.m. at the W illard hotel in ans A ilm lnistration rep resen tativ e of th e O regon education asaocia- H er husband, Ned Mars, is asso- S o u th ern Oregon college s soc-I for this area, reported today M arch 10, for burial beside her K lam ath Falls. lal dancing class m em bers h a d , Four out of five GI , flre tion, and the S tate D epartm ent o f . ciated w ith S. C. Jo n es & Sons, husband in th e C ity View cem e­ S peakers from K lam ath Falls, 1 real estate agency in A shland. tery. S he d ied at h er hom e at M edford, and A shland will com ­ th eir final exam ination in th e on homes. In the past tw o m onths Education. “The elem en tary p rincipal and! Mrs. Jam es Young is visiting 065 Siskiyou boulevard Friday. p ete Jo c jth e honor of rep resen tin g form of a form al dance, W ednes- 847 hom e loans totaling $4 621 M arch 7. the S o u th ern O regon area in the day evening M arch 12, in th e 145.05 gained VA com m itm ents.’ com m unity relatio n s,” will be the I her p aren ts in St. Louis, M issouri, Mrs. B ullock was born N ovem ­ district tourney w hich will be S. O. C. auditorium . Mis« Violet Business loans am ounted to 119 th em e of th e conference this year. ar*d will re tu rn to A shland. — —----------------- -— ber 8, 1865, at M cM innville, O re ­ held at a later date in Salem or Stockham , in stru cto r in girls phy- for $387,719.54, while those on Dr. Elmo S tevenson, p resid en t o f ! T I sical education at S o u th e rn Ore farm s added up to 54 loans S o u th ern O regon college, Dr. Rex | H o m e E x t e n s i o n U n i t gon, and has lived In A shland for P ortland. P u tn a m , state su p erin ten d e n t o f f ™ ~ the p ast eig h teen years. She was , R ath will speak on the subject gon college, was in charge of th e $208.105.82. •- a m em b er o f the C hurch of T he S un N ever Sets on the B ri­ dance. P riv a te lending agr W fcs ac tu a l­ p ublic in struction, and M elvin i 1 l a i l S I? Ol* F e s t i v a l T he p arty was in honor of St. ly m ake th e C l loan. The VA Moore, p resid en t of the d e p a rt­ C hrist. H er h usband, Jam es Leo tish E m pire’’. S everal m em bers of M ary Hash, extension unit Bullock, died in A shland in 1838. th e A shland club are planning to P a tric k ’s day and decorations of guarantees up to half the loan b u t m en t of elem en tary school p rin ci­ ch airm an of th e B ellview G range pals of the O.E.A., will be the green sham rocks w ere used. She is su rv iv ed by Floyd F ow ­ atten d the affair. not over $4000 on real p roperty a n d Mrs. S. C. C hurch, Home ler, a nephew , ol A ustralia, and a P auline H offard, V yvyan F ree­ or $2000 on non-real business p ro­ p rincipal speakers for the co n fer­ F estival and P u b licity ch airm an The next m eeting of the group m an, Jam es Meek and R obert p erty. On this y e a r’s loans the ence, cousin, Mrs. Edna M. Ham ilton, , ! m aking plans for p articip a- of P o rtlan d who has been a I her will be held M onday. R ath w in Colley gave a dem o n stratio n of VA nSs guaran teed or insured a n ' Jotieph F ader, of A shland, i? jtio n in th e H om em akers Festival act as T oastm aster. Doyle Seely secretary _____ bedside since her illness. w altzing. J e a n H ickm an and Le- av erag e of 47 per cent on each, cretary of th e S o u __________ th e rn O re ___ gon; w hich will be held at th e Jack so n The R everend Earl F. D ow n­ will be topic m aster, Don H in th ­ Rene H em m erling sang voca 1 ■o- elem en tary p rincipals group. Oth- ’ county courthouse in M edford ing conducted funeral services orne will be critic, t i l Sing m as it i num bers. e r officers are F enton M cA llister A pril 30. S un d ay afternoon, M arch 8. at the will give a 10 m inute speech. of G rants Pass, vice p resident; T w enty ex tension u n its w ill en ­ Every p erson in the class serv ­ H arold Thom as .E m m ett W hit- L itw iller F u n eral chapel for Mrs an d Cecil R oberts of G ran ts Pass, te r th e Festival. The B ellview and ed on one of the com m ittees for ham , and D ave W hittle will each Bullock. president. H ow ard u n its w ill do th e table tne evening affair, J e a n D yer and , give five m inute speeches. Mrs. H arry Travis, queen of decorations for th e luncheon Kay H artig w ere g en eral ch air­ | ------------ o------------ Zulelm a Tem ple No, 13 D aught­ which will be held in conjunction m en; G ale S m ith, m aster of cere­ ers of the Nile, presided at the w ith th e festival. m onies; Don DcLisle, V irginia Al­ last m eeting of the fiscal year O th er m em bers of th e com m it­ ley, finance; Lloyd G eorge, decor­ last S atu rd ay afternoon, in the tee include: Mrs. T w ila Block. ations; V iiginie C raw ford, p ro ­ M asonic hall at M edford. Miss M ary Lou L ayton .d au g h ­ Mrs. D orothy Owen, and Mrs 1 B usiness men, p aren ts, or a n y ­ gram ; K eith Raines, refresh ­ Mrs. E lm er S paulding of G rants te r of Mr. and Mrs. W alter Lay- Violet Harndon. one in terested in a G irl Scout m ents; D elores L ockhart, R obert A sh lan d ’s ju n io r high school Pass was elected queen of the ton, becam e the bride of S am uel has added an o th er class to its organization in 4 sh la *id, are in ­ G uderian, m usic; P au lin e Hof­ d au g h ters of the Nile for n ex t A lb ert McKeen, S atu rd ay even- i schedule every W edesday m orn- vited to a m eeting F riday ev e n ­ fard, en te rta in m e n t; and Ole Ol­ y ear .Officers will be installed ing, M arch 8, in th e M ethodist ' S atu rd ay evening, M arch 22, in church. The R everend G. W. m g for all stu d en ts eligible for ing, M arch 14 ,at the W ashington son, publicity. G ran ts Pass. driv ers licenses and perm its in school house. B ruce officiated at th e eig h t o’­ R epresentatives from Jacks« n, the y ear 1947. Roland P arks, p rin ­ Mrs. N ate B ates and Mrs M. clock cerem ony. Miss G eraldine cipal of the ju n io r high school, is Josephine ,and Siskiyou county P. D unn presided a t the tea table Layton, s is fe r of the bride, and d u rin g th e social hour. in stru cto r for th is class. Due to C alifornia, have been discussing 1 Ben A nderson, a b ro th er-in -law , O pen house will be held a t the the large dem and for this course plans to have a G irl Scout coun­ Mrs. H a rry Travis, Mrs. N ate 'w e re th e bride and groom s a t­ Dr. E dw ard E. B row n opened A shland public lib rary , S atu rd ay , only those boys and girls who are cil, like th e Boy Scout council in his oflice at the T ayler building, B ates, Mrs. Phil S tansbury, Mrs. tendants. M arch 15, from th e hours th re e p. eligible for d riv ers licenses and this area. Mrs. R obert D 6< \e is 25 N. M ain street, last S aturday, M arcus Woods, Miss V ictoria T av ­ The bride wore a gray su it w ith ener, Mrs. Jo h n D augherty, Mrs. black acessories and carried a m. to five p.m. Miss Cora Mason p erm its in this y e a r will be p e r­ in charge of plans for the o rg an i­ M arch 8. lib raria n announced today. zation of a girl scout troop in m itted to tak e th e course. Dr. an d Mrs. B row n and dau g h ­ Tony Franco, Mrs. Wm. Wallace, corsage of lav en d er orchids. The M em bers of the F ortnightly These lessons will fe atu re study A shland. Mrs. Wm. P eterson, Mrs, M. P. groom w ore a g ray su it w ith a stu d y club and th e A shland stud} ter, Lenore, have been living in of d riv in g i ■ gulations, rules of the Dunn, Mrs. H ow ard Oden, Mrs. w h ite carn atio n in his coat lapel. A shland since last sum m er a t 985 club w ill be hostesses d u rin g the road, sign.il., i.a ffie lights, speed FINAL EXAMS AT SOC Siskiyou boulevard. They cam e to R aym ond L ininger, Mrs, Ed Hahn The groom is a tte n d in g S o u th ­ open house hours. Mrs. Fred re g u latio n ;, basic rule, right of TO BEGIN MARCH 17 and Mrs. B ert W right w ere am ong A shland from P o rtlan d w here Dr. e rn Oregon college and th e couple way, passing rules, rights of p ed ­ F inal exam inations for the w in ­ B row n had sp en t tw o years in .th e A shland persons attending. will m ake th eir hom e in A shland. Engle, p resid en t of th e lib ra rj board, will speak inform ally, g iv ­ estrians, highw ay signs, parking, ter term a t S o u th ern O regon col­ the m edical corps of th e United T he following persons w ere ing facts ab out th e operation and lights, accidents, traffic at tires, lege will begin M onday .M arch 17, S tates A rm y. p resen t for the S atu rd ay evening m ain ten an ce of th e lib rary . Mrs. bicycle rules, m ountain trav el and and last through M arch 19. P rior to en listm en t in the Arm y w edding: Ben A nderson, W arren H enry G aley will display several m iscellaneous inform ation. E xam inations will s ta rt at eight i Dr. B row n practiced in E lm hurst P ritch ard , Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard item s th a t are of historical in te r­ a.m. each m orning and last until | Long Island. New York for 14 Mrs. H attie R itter Owings, fo r­ B row n Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard est. five p.m. , years. m er resid en t of A shland, died at Glasspoole, Mrs. P o rtia A nderson, The A shland public lib rary is The B row ns have a daugh ter N ew port, W ashington, F eb ru ary Mrs. H. M cKeen, m o th er of the sup p o rted by tax es from the City studying a t the School of Am eri- 22. Mrs. Owings was born on a groom , Mrs. W alter Layton, m o th ­ of A shland, and a sm all rev en u e F irst in a series of m ajor im ­ near Jncskonville, Ju n e 13. er of th e bride, Mrs. C. H. Mc­ from th e so u th ern portion of ¡can B allet in New York City, farm provem ents being planned for the Jack so n county. A board of tru s t­ Keen, and G eraldine L ayton . Ì L enore is enrolled in J u n io r high 1865. A shland steam lau n d ry was a n ­ She was the d au g h ter of the ees com posed of fiv e 'm e m b e r a d ­ school. o nounced this w eek by B ax ter R everend and Mrs. Joseph R itte r, m in ister th e funds and building, K avanaugh, o w ner of the W ater of A shland. Mrs. Owings attended 1 they are: Mrs. F. S. Engle, p re si­ A sh lan d ’s Radio study group stre e t concern. A C layton steam the old college at Ashland, w here dent: Mrs. G race Dickey, sec ret­ will m eet a t the hom e of Mrs. g en erato r was in stalled this w eek she m et G eorge W. Owings, ary; W. M. Poley, vice-president; to relieve th e soot in the Plaza R obert Van F leet n ex t W ednes­ w hom she m arried March 16, D. M. S pencer and R alph Billings. The body of Mrs. Helen Thelm a 1884. Mrs. O w ing's fath er org an ­ day afternoon, M arch 19, to listen district. en to Los Angeles — _ _ _ __ _________ __ e first B aptist church in MERLYN GENE WOOD IS For sev eral years the soot to the them e prepared by Dr. H. Reed was tak __ ized th L ithia Motors, ow ned and o p e r­ ADVANCED TO RADARMAN w hich was th ro w n out bv the old R. L aslett .professor of education- j ¡*'*s w eek for in term en t in F o re s t! A shland, by W alt DeBoer, opened for M erlyn G ene Wood. 19, U nited g en erato r was a nuisance to the al psychology a t Oregon sta te , aw n cem etery. Mrs. Reed d ied ' In term en t of her body wns ated business this w eek in th e ir new area about th e laundry. K avan­ college, read over KW1N fr o m 1 a‘ 5:45 a.m. in the C om m unity m ade in P endleton. Oregon, be­ location at the co rn er of W ater S tates Navy, son of W illiam L Wood of 520 M ountain ave., A sh­ augh who bought the lau n d ry 2:15p.m. to 2:45 p.m. The upper hospital, M arch 11. Mrs. Reed was side h er husband and a son. Wil- stree t and N orth Main, in the land, Ore., has been advanced to D ecem ber 1, 1946 sta te d th a t the grade m others of Lincoln school J em ployed as a secretary for Van ¡lard, C laycoinb building. They are dis­ rad arm an , th ird class, aboard the soot was th e first factor he w ished pupils are invited to be present. Dyke and L om bard law firm , and trib u to rs in this area for C hrysler d estro y er USS H older, which is This stu d y group m et last Wed wns 91 for only a week. to change a fte r his a rriv al here. and P lym outh. She was born D ecem ber 6 1901 w ith th e 12th F leet in the Medi K avanaugh, who w as form erly nesday, M arch 12, at the hom e of F o rm erly located in the L ithia terran ean . in the lau n d ry business in O ak­ Mrs. Elmo Stevenson. The group in K ansas C ity, M issouri ’ Her S prings garage building on First Wood en tered the —N aval s e r­ land, C alifornia pointed ou t th a t listened to Mrs. Mabel W inston, ■ survivors include, her husband B idders from A shland who th e g en erato r w ill fu rn ish hot dean of W om en at S outhern O re -IG reig S. Reed, one son, Jac k G. w ere aw ard ed buildings from stree t the move was m ade in vice J u ly 26, 1945, and received w a te r for th e lau n d ry a t th e rate g? n. C0V ® r e a d a report prepar- Reed, H erm osa Beach, C alifo rn ia’ C am p W hite n ear M edford by the o rd er to en ab le th e garage to of­ his re c ru it train in g at th e N aval fer service station facilities in a d ­ T rain in g C enter, S an Diego, C alif ed by Dr. V era H. B randon, p ro - ,a d aughter, Mrs. Bonny M ailheau, W ar Assets ad m in istratio n ’s of­ dition of 25 gallons p er m inute. to th eir garage and a u to ­ ------------ o------------ lessor of child psychology at O re- Avalon, C alifornia. Mrs G T fice, include: Carl C. Husen, b a r­ m otive service. ARMSTRONGS NAME BOY Dr. Elm o Stevenson, president gon state college. Since KW IN has Reed; Mr. and Mrs, F. O. Reed racks, $450; A usland and Dodson . ----------------------------- DeBjjer stated th a t th ey plan of S o u th ern Oregon college, a n ­ CRAIG STEVEN been off the air the group has Mr. and Mrs. J. E R eed’ Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R obert A rm strong been reading the reports to th eir Mrs. G eorge S. Reed all of Ash- b arrack s, $603. $487, and officers’ , to install two gas pum ps and will nounced this w eek th a t persons ’n n t . ' S S T X o K e .^ B h ave nam ed th e ir in fan t son, ow n group, hut will broadcast t land; Mrs. G eorge S k in n er of rqa c k ‘erS$f4'7227p r ? e « C raig S teven. He w as born at the over KW IN every W ednesday P hoenix, Mr. and Mrs R* C b arracks. $ 4 ,1: ^ ^ ^ h n - a re ^ e o ir^ s e ov?r A shland C om m unity hospital S a t­ from 2:15 to 2:45 p m. M others of Reed of S heridan, W yom ing; Mr u rd ay and w eighed 7 lbs 2 ounces ± X Clifford F J’"st’aH ng plans to re tu rn school w ere p resen t for this m eet- que. New Mexico’’ 7 n d M m K b y Ross’ 'tw o 'h a r m c V ^ l lohn‘ Doi*?« 1 r ii- O,sTon’ ¡eik h t-h u n d red for 1947-48. and Mrs. A rm strong to th eir hom e at 493 S iskiyou this ing. M rs Stevenson served tea , T u rren tin e, B akersfield, Cal ¡for-¡G eorge r J e w e n A r r a c k s $ 5 5 3 Roy H d S ? ’ J ^ B d l ' B ilT 's te r’ I v U.ild ,n g andJ facultv faci1iti^ are weekend. . fofiowtaf the broadcut. I nie. v « rn & B. Me™. S a m i . $490 ’) r S t . ’ O m e n ’S m eet theS* Tex Harris Opens Lithia Coffee Shop Husbands To Be Guests of Wives R. Rath To Speak At Klamath Falls Mrs. Bullock Is Buried In Salem Activians Will Go To Medford Thursday V.A. Grants Over Thousand Loans Principals To Meet At SOC Saturday Dancing Class Has Formal Dance Mrs. Travis Reigns At Last Meeting^,, Junior High Adds Driving Class Miss Layton Bride Of SOC Student ¡Girl Scout Troop May Be Organized Open House Will Be Held Saturday Dr. E. E. Brown Begins Practice Daughter of Church Founder Dies Laundry Stops Soot With New Generator Study Group On Air How Lithia Motors In M. Main Location Mrs Thelma Reed Dies Suddenly Ashland Bidders Get Buildings 4